Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 05-272aa

[35 Pa.B. 859]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

Sporio Lawrence C, 502 8th, Wilson, Pa, 00000

Sport Service Corp, Scranton, Pa,

Sports, 235 S 33rd St Weightman Hall, Phila, Pa, 00001

Spott Joseph D, Gouldsboro, Pa, 00000

Spott Judith A, 1025 Cherokee St, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015

Spotts Gregory, Wingate, Pa, 00000

Spotts Julia L, Brandamore, Pa, 00000

Spotts Kenneth L, Lanse, Pa, 00000

Spotts Sherylann, Rd 2, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Spoulding Michael R, Rd 2 Box 8, Dillsburg, Pa, 17079

Spragg Bayard Jr, Wilkinsburg, Pa, 00000

Spragg Melvin, 1201 E 22nd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Spragins Karen, Prospect Ave, North Wales, Pa, 00000

Sprague Beverly Drake, 17 Delaware St, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Sprague Carol, Center, Stockertown, Pa, 18083

Sprague Eleanor R, Tyrone, Pa, 00000

Sprague Gertrude, 7381 Elmwood Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sprague John B, 652 E Lornwall, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sprague Mark A, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sprandel Marie J, Gouldsboro, Pa, 00000

Sprankle James H, Apt 1 Fl 2 1807 5th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sprankle Michael, 1710 5th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sprankle Michael D, 606 3 Rd St, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Sprankle Ruth P, 424 Main St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Sprecher Gle, Pa,

Sprecher Marian L, R #2, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Sprecherr Grace S, 228 N 14th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sprengel William J, 2536 Lurves, Phila, Pa, 00000

Spreta Andrea, Pa,

Spreull Reginald, 224 Abbotsford Rd, Phila, Pa,

Spring Arthur, C/O Catherine Spring 1530 East St, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Spring Darline J, Pa,

Springborn May R, East Canal St, Labaron, Pa, 00000

Springer Charles Jr, 5th Ave, Croydon, Pa, 00000

Springer Craig A, 67 Rd 4, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Springer Darrell E, Pa,

Springer Irene L, 7143 F Rd Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Springer Vernie E, 703 State St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Springer William H, Pottsville St, Cressona, Pa, 00000

Springhouse Book Co, Po Box 7858, Philad, Pa,

Springman Rose R, Rr 4 Box 59, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sprinkle Valerie L, 1718 Simpson Ferry, New Cumberland, Pa, 00000

Sprint Conference Li, Pa,

Sprogale Stephen, 1833 Howard St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Spross Mary J, 5625 No 30 St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sprosser Stanley C, York Springs, Pa, 00000

Sproul Helen, 107 3rd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Sprout Nancy A, Rd4, Lititz, Pa, 00000

Sprowles Irma E, 1953 Charles, Phila, Pa, 00000

Spruill Edward, P O Box 3165, Harrisburg, Pa, 10015

Spruill Lavinia, 2615 Colorado, Phila, Pa, 00000

Spurlin E E, 711 Neshaminy Ave, Neshaminy, Pa, 00000

Spurling Michael Alan, 2302 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Spurlock John Md, 2043 Carolann Way, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Spyker Jon L, 310 Park Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Squarcia Fannie, 247 W Kleinhans St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Squarer Ron, Corex House, Herzlia, Pa, 46733

Squires Loretta H, 238 W Main St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Squires Travel, Pa,

Squrak Anna, Dundee Rd, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Sr Deputy Attny General, Pa,

Sracic Barbara, C/O Andro Sracic 28 Main St Franklin Borou, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sracic Danica, 28 Rear Main St, Franklin Boro, Pa, 00000

Sracic Paulina, 28 Main St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sray Judy M, 12 Mapleswood Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Srednicki Betty J, Rr 1, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Srednsky Edward, Rr 1, Nemoclon, Pa, 00000

Sretti Linda A, 1467 Fleming, Pittock, Pa, 00000

Srewart Nancy L, 1316 14th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Srock Rodger B, Coalport, Pa, 00000

Sroka Anna, 233 Haws St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sroka Patricia, 86 Highfield St, Canonsburg, Pa, 00000

Sromovski Ethel I, 825 Summit St, West Barre, Pa, 00000

Sromovski Joan, 89 Howard St, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Ssm Partnership *, 1045 American Twr 401 Market St, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Ssteinmetz Adee A, 343 Market St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Sswedersky Sarah J, Altoona, Pa, 00000

St Clair Agnes W, 229 W Mulberry St, Danville, Pa, 00000

St Clair Anna, 1464 Blair Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

St Clair Anna E, 1129 Pennsylvania Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

St Clair Area, C/O Berkheimer As 50 N Seventh St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

St Clair Audrey J, 123 Maple St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

St Clair Raymon C, Rr 1, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

St Elmo Club, C/O Philip Cook Jr 1604 Girard Tr Bldg, Phila, Pa, 19100

St Francis Xavier Mausoleum, 1250 L And A Rd, Matalie, Pa, 70001

St John Agnes, Mt Bristol St Apt 164, Phila, Pa, 00000

St John Baptist Church, 924 N Front St, Allentown, Pa,

St Johns Lutheran Church, Rd 1 Box 335, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

St Johns Restoration, Pa,

St Josephs Hospital, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

St Jude Medical S C Inc, Po Box 1450, Minneapolis, Pa, 55485

St Ledger Bruce G, King Of Prussia, Pa, 00000

St Lukes Allentown Emer, Po Box 5386, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

St Lukes Family Practice, Po Box 5386, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

St Lukes Health Service, 153 Brodhead Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

St Marks Cemetery Association, C/O Gladys Barnett Star Route 11, Knox, Pa, 16232

St Marys Villa, Po Box 388, Ambler, Pa,

St. Lukes Physician Group Inc, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Staab Helen, Melrose Ave, Reading, Pa, 00000

Staats Harriet A, 1011 Ridge St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Staats Nancy, 1011 Ridge St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stable Nick, #104, Salemville, Pa, 00000

Stabler David R Jr, Peters Creek, Wilson, Pa, 00000

Stabley Dean B, Felton, Pa, 00000

Stabley Lizzie G, Mc Elhattan, Pa, 00000

Stabley S Elwood, Felton, Pa, 00000

Stabryla Verona, Ellwood City, Pa, 00000

Stacey April E, 903 N 5th Ave Apt 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stacey Gertrude, 2920 Maple Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stacey Gertrude, 3012 Broad Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stacey Gertrude H, 501 W 14th, Duncousville, Pa, 00000

Stachowiak Mary, 17 Mcgeux Patch, Nanticoke, Pa, 00000

Stachowiak Sandra L, Pa,

Stack Francis E, Centerville, Pa, 00000

Stack Henry, 30 N Emerald, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stack Mary E, 18 Branch St, West Hazleton, Pa, 00000

Stack Maude K, 622 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stackewich Dorothy, 1963 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stackhouse Helen, Ackermanville, Pa, 00000

Stackhouse Jean, Po Box 1132, Rd 1 Mohnton, Pa, 00000

Stacknick Emelia, 532 Frat St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stackpole Marjorie J, 17 Woburn Abbey Ave, Camp Hill, Pa, 17011

Stacovia Michael F, House 179, Maxwell, Pa, 00000

Stacy Ann M, 1413 Delaware St, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stacy Grace, Beaver Fall, Pa,

Stacy Rose M, 1413 Delaware, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stader Wilma L, 1408 N 43rd Ct, Stone, Pa, 00000

Stadtfeid Carol R, 4604 St Anthony Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stadtfeld Elizabeth, 824 Elgin Ave, Forest, Pa, 00000

Stadwicki Mary, 218 Rock Glen Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Staeger Jack D, 811 Center Ave, Butler, Pa, 00000

Staehle Christine, 5023 Hazel Ave, Phila, Pa,

Staffiere Dom, 3655 Queen Ln, Manayunk, Pa, 00000

Stafford Clara A, 128 Syi Ter, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Stafford Donna A, Fair Acrs, York, Pa, 00000

Stafford Frances, Church St, Reamstown, Pa, 00000

Stafford George, Rr 1, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stafford James H, 413 Markle, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Stafford John Davis, 400 Pv Blvd, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stafford Paul, 333 1/2 S 6th, Reading, Pa, 00000

Stag Janet K, 5753 Seonard St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stag Robert Jr, 5753 Seonard St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stage Leslie, 3621 Old Orch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stager Robert P, Rr 5 Box 50, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stagg Station Church, Pa,

Staggart Bright L, High St, West Milton, Pa, 00000

Stagwillo Anna, Clinton, Pa, 00000

Stahl Charles J, 146 Poplar St, Ridgefield, Pa, 00000

Stahl Dorothy I, 614 1/2 Arch St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Stahl Earl, Rd 1, Greensburg, Pa,

Stahl Emil P Jr, Welsh Rd, Bethayres, Pa, 00000

Stahl Florence K, 19 Reynolds, Hughestown, Pa, 00000

Stahl James L, Hersey Plaza Apt 9-P 215 W Chocolate St, Hersey, Pa,

Stahl John W, Pa,

Stahl Mark, Rr 1, New Berlinville, Pa, 00000

Stahl Mary, Water, Mahanoy City, Pa, 00000

Stahl Michael A, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stahl Raymond E, Petrolia, Pa, 00000

Stahl Richard R, Somerset, Pa,

Stahl Robert A, 2901 Maple Ave Apt 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stahl Robert J, Pa,

Stahl Ruth A, Arona, Pa, 00000

Stahle Gail A, Amaranth, Pa, 00000

Stahler Daniel N, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stahler Emerson, 109 S Main, Mahoney City, Pa, 00000

Stahler Grace Alma, 553 Washington East, Greenville, Pa, 00000

Stahler Grace N, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stahler Joan, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stahlheber Mary, 183 Tree Top Circle, Nanuet, Pa, 10954

Stahli Marilyn E, 125 Pace St, Westfield, Pa, 00000

Stahli Paul C, Klondyke, Johnsburg, Pa, 00000

Stahlman Grover, Chambersville, Pa, 00000

Stahlman Joyce E, C/O Edna B Stahlman Star Route, New Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stahlman Paul M, 905 South Ave, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stahovec C R, 1014 Spring Grand, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stahovec L E, 1014 Spring Gdn, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stahovec Martha, 848 Lovett, N S Pittsburth, Pa, 00000

Stahovec R J, 1014 Spring Gdn, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stahoviak Thomas, 48, Smock, Pa, 00000

Stahovic Theresa, 102 4th Ave, Laurel Gardens, Pa, 00000

Stahovie Mary P, S 3rd St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Staiger Lisa, Pa, 23219

Stainbrook Patricia Ann, 287 Water, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Staines James E, 1512 10th St Apt 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Staino Eugenio, 5453 Pentridge St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stairs James E, Whitney, Pa, 00000

Staizesky Hilda, Rd 4 Box 166, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stake Gerald J, 568 L W E St, Chambersling, Pa, 00000

Staley Dorothy, 201 Hobart St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Staley Walter O, Valencia, Pa, 00000

Stalker Connie J, Box 221, Wolfdale, Pa, 00000

Stalker Jeffrey L, Rd 8 Lane Wood Dr, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Stall, Pa,

Stallard Clara L, Guys Mills, Pa, 00000

Stallowell Irving, Rr, Gap, Pa, 00000

Stallsmith Cassandra, Weigelstown, Pa, 00000

Stallworth Mary, 315 Diamond, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stalschnable Regina, 1784 Rock Rd, Chambersburg, Pa,

Stalsitz Valeria M, 948 Norht 5 St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stamatacos Eleni, Pa,

Stambaugh Anna M, Rr 1, York, Pa, 00000

Stambaugh Irma, 138 N Queen, Larre, Pa, 00000

Stambaugh Leola, Rr 1, York New Salem, Pa, 00000

Stambaugh Marian L, 313 1/2 High St, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Stamblesky Vicki L, South Union St, Uniontown, Pa, 00000

Stamets Dorothy, 117 N 4th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stamets Lillian E, C/O Connie Moseley Rr 1 Box 1203, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Stamford Elizabeth, Shady, Mount Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stamford Helen, Shady, Mount Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stamm James, 538 Hamilton, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stamm Malcolm, 1413 11th St, Eddystone, Pa, 00000

Stamm May A, Mount Aetna, Pa, 00000

Stamm Rita M, Mount Aetna, Pa, 00000

Stampbaugh Ethel, Linden Ave, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Stampehar William, 114 Penn St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stampfel Nellie, Beadling, Pa, 00000

Stampler Michael, Willets Rd North Asht, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stampler William M, Willets Rd Nr Ashton, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stampone Alda, 409 Martino Ave, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stancato Keith L, 1054 Morgan, Monessen, Pa, 00000

Stanchus Casimer, #57, Helvetia, Pa, 00000

Stancliff Kathleen, Pa,

Stanczak Lillian, 3955 Forbes St 216 B, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanczak Ralph F, Summit St, Glassport, Pa, 00000

Stanczak Regina C, Summk St, Glassport, Pa, 00000

Standard Lynda S, 244 Spruce St, Franklin, Pa, 00000

Standard Martina A, 244 Main St, Franklin, Pa, 00000

Standefer Violet, Pa,

Standish Eli, Po Box 33, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Standish Frank, 239 Taft St, Wilkes Barre, Pa,

Stanesic Frank, 210 Myers, Steelton, Pa, 00000

Stanford Lee, Linesville, Pa, 00000

Stanford Maxwell C, 725 W Seveth St, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stanford Raymond E, Apollo, Pa, 00000

Stange Annabelle C, 708 High St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stange Margaret, 314 6th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stangel William A, 6230 Carmine, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanger Mary R, Rd 2 Upper Monroeville Rd, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000

Stanger Rose M, 1817 Faunce St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stangl Agnes, 417 Front St, Hokendauqua, Pa, 00000

Stango Josephine, 114 E Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stango Josephine, 617 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stango Philamena, 2404 Garnet St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanik Peter, California, Pa, 00000

Staniszeweka Florence, 4352 Thompson St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Staniszeyka Wm, 4101 Brighton Rd, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanitis Anthony A, Biddle St, Gordon, Pa, 00000

Stankan Rose, Box 447 House 164, Jerome, Pa, 00000

Stankavicic J L, St Marys, Pa,

Stanke Charlotte M, Pa,

Stankiewicz Chester, 1167 Cauor St, Reading, Pa, 00000

Stanko Alma, Rd 10, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanko Anna M, E Butler Rd, Butler, Pa, 00000

Stanko Elma M, Horning, Pa, 00000

Stanko Julia, 118 Delaware, East Mckeesport, Pa, 00000

Stanko Paula Marie, 1115 Sechrist St, Warren, Pa, 00000

Stanko Thomas J, 124 L Rd 2, Latrobe, Pa, 00000

Stankunas Brenda, Apt 1 Floor 1 813 Brandywine, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanle Guest E, 22 Loccust, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanley Darryl, 8243 Beech Tree Dr, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Stanley Drloris L, 19 Overlook St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanley E Marshall Inc, 999 Bushkill Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stanley Edward, 3860 Berkley Ave, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stanley Elizabeth Ann, East Brady, Pa, 00000

Stanley Hazel, 224 Walnut St, Zelienople, Pa, 00000

Stanley J Krish Fun Hom, 513 22nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stanley Jeffrey A, Rr 2 Box 2090, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stanley John, 4 Hill, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stanley John R, 97 E Baltimore Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanley Malardie, H 32, Ellsworth, Pa, 00000

Stanley Niziol J, 3471 Brukcley St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stanley Patricia W, 2 Tc Dr, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Stanley Robert B, 53 Stewart, Swedesburg, Pa, 00000

Stanley Stanley, Schwenksville, Pa, 00000

Stanley Thomas, 717, Portage, Pa, 00000

Stannard Richard L, Rr 1, Easton, Pa, 18040

Stano Hilda, 4389 Allen, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stano Joseph, 628 White Aly, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stano Joseph, Main, Dunlo, Pa, 00000

Stansbury James S, 719 Saville Ave, Eddystone, Pa, 00000

Stansfield Charles, 1617 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stansfield Gary P, 80 Westridge Ave, Daly City, Pa, 00000

Stanton Albert, 58 N Judson, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanton Barbara Ann, Wabash Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stanton Edward, 183 Tree Top Circle, Nanuet, Pa, 10954

Stanton Grace, 7544 North Marshall St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanton Julia, 201 E Park St, Centralia, Pa, 17927

Stanton Margaret, Center St, Franklin, Pa, 00000

Stanton Paul E, Walton Rd, Jefferson, Pa, 00000

Stanton Raymond T, 880 Rt 522, Fumilsgrove, Pa, 00000

Stanton Robert, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stanulonis Annie, 625 E South, Sheppton, Pa, 00000

Stanurskey John, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Stanz Charles J, 603 E 9th St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stapchuck Debra L, Russellton, Pa, 00000

Stapchuck Mary L, Russellton, Pa, 00000

Staph Eleanor C, 500 Folk St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stapleford Daniel, 710 Reinoeho St, Lebanon, Pa,

Staples B M Ms., 440 W St Joseph St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Staples Elizabeth, Butler, Pa, 00000

Staples Eva, 7928 Tacoma, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Staples Robert T, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Staples Ruth E, Rr 4, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Staples Violet A, 312 S 17th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stapleton Florence A, 62 Union St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stapleton Michael P, 311 Pine Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Star Pontiac Inc, 2555 Nazareth Rd Ste 105, Easton, Pa, 18045

Star Rise Inc, Pa,

Star Upholstering & Mfg C, 934 Brad Dock Ave, West Hills, Pa, 00000

Starace Theresa M, Pa,

Staranowicz Matthew J, 1431 St David St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Starburst Homes Inc, Po Box 3099, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Starchvill Marjorie, 3517 6 Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Starcich Mary, 836 Vista, N Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stargensky Marie, 22 Parway, Pittock, Pa, 00000

Starinieri Robert L, 139 N 7th St # Apt1, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stark Dorothy, 206 E Hseldon St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stark Evelyn, Gilbertsville, Pa, 00000

Stark Marjorie, 241 North Ave Easr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stark Thomas Irvin, Dawson, Pa, 00000

Starka Jonas, 461 Hazel, Phila, Pa, 00000

Starke Jacquelyn A, 937 Penn, Reading, Pa, 00000

Starkes Karleen, 2432 N 56th St, Phila, Pa, 19131

Starkey Laird C, 410 Runnemede Ave, Jenkintown, Pa,

Starkey Milford, Rd 1, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Starkman Aaron, Eva Starkman 1549 Stevens St, Phila, Pa,

Starks Maggie, 53 Vocum St, Phila, Pa,

Starkweather Robert, Lewis Run, Pa, 00000

Starner Clarence, 977 E Main St, Palmyra, Pa, 18999

Starner Gladys, Rr 1, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Starner Grace T, 15 Moyer Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 00000

Starner J R A, Easton, Pa, 18042

Starner Jean M, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000

Starner Sarah L, Hampton, Pa, 00000

Starner Stephen, 906 Zucksville Rd, Easton, Pa, 18040

Starner Wayne A, 50 Easton Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Starnks Michael, Osceola Mills, Pa, 00000

Starook Ellen, C/O Miriam J Starook Island Park, Sunbury, Pa, 00000

Starosielec Alice, 36 Glenn Ave, Glendale, Pa, 00000

Starosielec Sophie, 2624 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Starr Ann M, Duke Center, Pa, 00000

Starr Ardith J, 1109 Pennsylvania Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Starr Cindy M, 301 W Mulberry St, Danville, Pa, 00000

Starr Dolores E, Rd 1 No Coplay, North Coplay, Pa, 00000

Starr Eva M, Rr 1 Box 74, Easton, Pa, 18040

Starr Florence M, 17 Central Dr, Valencia Rd 1, Pa, 00000

Starr Helen M, Willow Street, Pa, 00000

Starr John, Country, Mt Joy, Pa, 00000

Starr Leslie, 2227 Gironde, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Starr Mary, 2832 N Oakdale, Phila, Pa, 00000

Starr Mary K, 7355 Chewynde Ave, Clifton Heights, Pa, 00000

Starr Roger M, 4362 Buckfield Ter, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Starrett Anna M, Rr 1 Box 582, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Starritt Maurine M, Starritt Farm, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000

Starry Agnes E, 3705 No Palmetto St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Staruch Elizabeth, 1506 Beech St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Starz Walter E, Ross Mountain Club R D 1, New Florence, Pa,

Stash Ronald E, 3021 Memory Lane Ext, Liberty Boro, Pa, 00000

Stasik Ruth, 365 Roosevelt Ave, Mekees Rocks, Pa, 00000

Stasiuk Darlene, 207 Oak, Coverdale, Pa, 00000

Stasko Helen, 205 Cambridge So Dr, Monroeville, Pa, 15141

Stasko John Jr, 302 1/2 W Conaugy, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Staso David A, Fredericktown, Pa, 00000

Staso Denise A, Fredericktown, Pa, 00000

Staso Estelle, 1716 Terrace, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Staso Estelle, 1716 Terrace St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Staso Michelle, Pa,

Staszewski Dolores R, 9 H E 22, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stata Charles, R288 Decker Ave, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

State Distributor In C, 123 S Broad St, Phila, Pa,

State Line Auto Aucti, Po Box 351, Waverly, Pa, 14892

State Optical Co Inc, 3400 Aramingo Ave Attn Terrence T Mahler Preside, Phila, Pa, 19134

Staten James T, 2541 N Colorado St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Staten Karl, 321 N. 61st St, Phila, Pa,

Staten Leroye, 2541 N Colorado St, Phila, Pa, 00000

States Clara E, 174 Sopine, York, Pa, 00000

States Helen L, 4021 Ridge Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

States Kathi D, 310 South Main St, Punxsutawney, Pa, 00000

States Margaret K, 7001 Lulip, Phila, Pa, 00000

States Murrel A, Rochester Mills, Pa, 00000

Statesbeatricel, Creekside, Pa,

Stathower Phyllis J, Thomasville, Pa, 00000

Statler James O, State Line, Pa, 00000

Staton Itf Naomi & Jeffery Lunn, B-6 Kennedy Gdns, Easton, Pa, 18042

Statuzla Dorthy, Perryopolis, Pa, 00000

Staub Anita, Rr 1, Devault, Pa, 00000

Staub Beth A, 7840 Carlise Rd., Wellsville, Pa, 73650

Staub Dorothy M, Po Box 144, Spartanburg, Pa, 00000

Staub Edward A, 342 Walnut, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Staub Emma, 5 Rd, Gettysburg, Pa, 00000

Staub Evelyn L, Pa,

Staub Linda J, Camp Hill Rd 1, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Staub Margaret R, Church, Mcsherrystown, Pa, 00000

Staub Patricia A, 721 Melrose Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Staub Philip, 412 Paul St, York, Pa, 00000

Staud Aloysius J, 126 Wycombe Ave, Langhorne, Pa, 00000

Staudenmavis Marie, 1840 Darien, Phila, Pa, 00000

Staudinger Ellen C, 2311 St Rd, Neshaminy, Pa, 00000

Staudt Curtis, Wernersville, Pa, 00000

Staudt Joan M, 127 Weber St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Staudt Katherine, C/O Katharine Steffy Rfd 4, West Leesport, Pa, 00000

Staudt Sally A, Rr 1 Box 1140, Orangeburg, Pa, 00000

Staudt Sarah G, Weaversville, Pa, 00000

Stauer Emma J, Oakville, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Alfred J, Denver, Pa,

Stauffer Catherine, 629 Wyandotte St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stauffer Earl, 2506 Oakdale St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Eleanor, Fredericks Farm, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Elmer A, 1001 Liberty Court, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stauffer Eva, Vanport, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Gary K, 306 S Green St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Stauffer Gloria L, 2725 Mary St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Stauffer Grace M, Frederick, Pa, 00000

Stauffer J Luke Jr, Brownstown, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Jackie, Layton, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Jacob L, Brownstown, Pa, 00000

Stauffer James L, Holtwood, Pa, 00000

Stauffer John E, Sassamansville, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Michael, Pa,

Stauffer Regenia M, Rr 7 Box 139, Easton, Pa, 18040

Stauffer Ronald M, 4433 N 10th St, S Temple, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Sharon L, Holtwood, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Stanley C, Limeport Rd, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Starr E, North Main St, Richlandtown, Pa, 00000

Stauffer Uri H, Academy And South Ave, Holmes, Pa, 00000

Staunert Patty A, 2407 W 7th, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Staup Marie, Mill Run, Pa, 00000

Staver Brenda K, Star Rt # 1, Shippensburg, Pa, 00000

Stavinsky Stephen A, Brick St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stavisky Florence M, Lopez, Pa, 00000

Stavrindoudis Popy, Po Box 4, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stavrinos Anthony M, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Middletown, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Stavrou Janice, A 1 Charles Dr Rd Apt 1, Danielsville, Pa, 18038

Stawecki Jean, 113 Fountain St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stay John F, 3026 Roben St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stayer Brett R, 1630 20th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stayer Michael A, 1630 20th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stayer Nancy S, 1213 1st St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stayer Ralph P, 1630 20th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stayman Charles H, Highlandtown Rd Apt 11, York, Pa, 00000

Stayman Samuel O, Highlandtown Rd Apt 11, York, Pa, 00000

Stayonovich Amel P, 222 E Kibby, Lima, Pa, 00000

Stclair Anna, 1464 Blair Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stclair Charmaine L, 916 Walnut St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stclair Jacaline, 1538 Grant Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stclair Kenneth D, 12th St Ext, Ellwood City, Pa, 00000

Ste Drs N, E Cheltenham Ave Ste 14, Phila, Pa, 19117

Steadman Dennis F, Pa,

Steadman James Eugene, 1334 Morse Ave Floor 1, Erie, Pa, 00000

Steadman James R, 2227 Turk Rd, Edison, Pa, 00000

Steadman Larry G, Extension St, Westfield, Pa, 00000

Steadman Luard H, Elk Park, N Girard, Pa, 00000

Steadman Marjorie R, New Eagle, Pa, 00000

Steadman Sandra A, Knoxville, Pa, 00000

Steager James A, 505 Monroe St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Steager Mary, 1150 Garfield St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Steager Pamela, 505 Monroe St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Stealey Charles Ray, 1304 Esplanade, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stearns Carol Z, Pa,

Stearns Warren A, 8245 New Second St, Elkins, Pa, 19117

Steban Lawrence, 78 6 Th Ext, Herminie, Pa, 18988

Stebbins Janet J, 5 Country Club Dr, Walpole, Pa, 02081

Stebbins Wayne R, 293 S Stanbridge Ct, Bethlem, Pa, 00000

Steberson Linda, 638 Ramblewood Ln Apt A, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stebick Alfred, Rfd, Saint Marys, Pa, 00000

Stech Joseph J, 1722 Columbia St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stech Laurence, 321 Woodland, Charlesboro, Pa, 00000

Stechenfinger, 649 Wheulley St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Stecher Charles H, R 20, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Steck Margaret A, N S S Rt, Oil City, Pa, 00000

Steck Raymond, 13d Rd A Hilldall, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Steck Walter J, 13 D Rd A Hilldale, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Steckel Ida R, Egypt, Pa, 00000

Steckel Jan P, N Main St Po Box 238, Martins Creek, Pa, 18063

Steckel Kerry L, 2646 Community Dr, Bath, Pa, 18014

Steckel William J, 206 E Moorestown Rd, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091

Stecker Mary L, 131 E Madison St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stecker Terry M, 1008 Mine Lane Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Steckman Troy, 7901 Henry Ave #F208, Phila, Pa, 19128

Steckman Vicki D, Quentin, Pa, 00000

Stedman Byron D, Park Towne Apts E 1204 2200 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stednitz Mary, 2133 Huron St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Steeber Anita Loui, Rd 1, Pitcairn, Pa, 00000

Steed Jeffrey B, 124 Pine Dr, Annandale, Pa, 00000

Steel City Volunteer Fire, 400 Cherry Ln, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Steel Eileen R, Rd1 Box 370, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Steel Ned, 14 Hilltop Rd R D 3, Bethlehem, Pa,

Steele Alberta, Matamoras, Pa, 00000

Steele Bernard, East Brady, Pa, 00000

Steele Byron, 1112 Railroad, Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Steele Gary R, Rr 1 Box 552, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Steele Hayward B, 411 Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steele James, 1309 Carson St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steele Julius D, 1346 Stat Stth St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Steele Kathryn, Hyndman St, South Connellsville, Pa, 00000

Steele Lucille K, 47 Cinderella St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Steele Marion W, C/O Our Home Inc 333 W Saint Joseph St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Steele Mary J, Rd, New Enterprise, Pa, 00000

Steele Norman P Mr, Allegheny County, Pa,

Steele Sandra, 309 Beech Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Steele Sandra K, 4050 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steele Sondra K, 4011 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steele Stanley, The Electrical Materials Co Washington Clay St Box 3, North East, Pa, 16428

Steele Warren, Rd 5, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Steele Wilbert J, Rd 3, Bellvue, Pa, 00000

Steele William J, C/O Wm Artis, Oliphant Furn, Pa, 15471

Steele William M, 1203 S 27th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steelman Sara, 50 Hawk Dr, Indiana, Pa, 15701

Steely Gerald E, Rothsville, Pa, 00000

Steen Idella L, Wildlife Lodge Rd, New Kensington, Pa, 00000

Steen Katryn L, 2006 Monroe St, Swissvale, Pa, 00000

Stefancin Michael, 03396319932 0001 Commrcl 465 Williams St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stefanelli Donald W, 1401 Pine St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stefanide James H, 19 Broad, Oxford, Pa, 00000

Stefanini Jean L, 45 Boax, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stefanini John, 2610 Oak Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stefanini Joseph A, Rd4 Box 45, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stefano Christopher D, 945 Village Lane, Sanatoga, Pa,

Steffan Beverly, 101 Oak Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steffee Paul E, No Main, Seneca, Pa, 00000

Steffen Lee S, University Hts, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Steffner Jane, 2 Knight, Lacey Park, Pa, 00000

Steffy Richard S, Brownstown, Pa, 00000

Steffy Virginia E, 934 Niith, Reading, Pa, 00000

Stefko Elaine, 7101 Bigh St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stefula Helen, 521 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stegmaier Rita Y, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stegmeier Alfaretta M, 216 Willow Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stegner Wilhelm, 2130 W Clearffield, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stegon Robert J, 526 Ridge Ave E, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stehle Joseph V, 5 Oakhill Manor, Butler, Pa, 00000

Stehle Naomi S, 105 Maple Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stehley Margaret L, 96 Shaft, Cresson, Pa, 00000

Stehman David W, 238 E 11th St, Conshohocken, Pa,

Steible David L, 2451 Birch St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Steidle June, 501 Strathmore Rd, Brookline, Pa, 00000

Steidle Loretta, 2302 Beachead Rd Apt B, Phila, Pa, 00000

Steidle Robert R, Pa,

Steidman & Abrams Attorney, Phila, Pa,

Steier Francis J, 718 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Steier Marie Anna, 718 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Steier Robert, 1012 Stone Ave, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Steifel Edward L, 411 Allen, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Steiff Alice M, R721 S Webster Ave, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Steigerwald Anita L, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Steigerwald Linda, Rd 1, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Steimer James W, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stein Adelaide R, 14 Tennent St, Lacey Park, Pa, 00000

Stein Admiral G, 508 Sioux St, South Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stein Albert, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stein Alfred C, 557 Frable St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Stein Alma W, 316 Holme Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stein Bella, 103 Dunker St, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Stein Betty J, Whitney, Pa, 00000

Stein Clara, 1403 Rossevelt Blvd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stein Clarence B, 3rd & Main Sts, Emmaus, Pa, 00000

Stein David, 142 Crawford, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stein Earl D, 1911 E Sergeant, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stein Earl E, 1231 Nelson Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stein Erma, 820 Erie Ave, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Stein Harley Shipman, 277 S 4th St, Phila, Pa, 19100

Stein Harold, 735 Jefferson Ave, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Stein Henry, Rr 1, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stein Henry Food Co, Pa,

Stein Hermine, 3000 Valley Forge Cir 552 Apt Number, King Of, Pa,

Stein Irene F, Rr 2, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Stein Janice, 78f Rd2, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stein Jeanette, Apt 4 4183 Del Haven Rd, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stein Judy, 2146 E Cumberland St, Phila, Pa,

Stein Lester M, 3205 Lord Byron Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stein Margaret A, Apt 10 1711 S Albert St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stein Nancy J, Overlook Dr Apt 130g, Rd 2 Coatesville, Pa, 00000

Stein Paul E, #3, York, Pa, 00000

Stein Randall G, 1947 Riverview Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stein Shirley M, Virginville, Pa, 00000

Stein Thelma, Imperial, Pa, 00000

Stein William M, 7230 Tobon Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Steinbach Diane Knight, Neshoba County Dhs Po Box 177, Phila, Pa, 29350

Steinbach G C, 909 Hilton St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Steinbacher Monica, Cust For Raymond J Steinbacher Jr Ugma Pa, North East, Pa,

Steinback Frances, Red Lion & Decatur St, Philidelphia, Pa, 00000

Steinbauer Peter, 1215 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steinbaugh Raymond, 2105 East St Apt 2 Flr 1, Erie, Pa, 00000

Steinbecher Jo Ann, 3601 Forth South, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Steinbeiser Donelly, 1341 Pennbrook Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Steinbeiser Rondney L, 1401 4th Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Steinberg & Ahmed Pc, Attn Trustee 3700 5th Ave, Pa, 00000

Steinberg Lester, 2948 Washington St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Steinberg Marvin E Trustee, 221 Winding Way, Merion, Pa, 19066

Steinberger Ja, 1420 1/2 Gordon, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Steinberger Rudi, Cust For Michael Steinberger Ugma Pa, Pa,

Steinberger Susan K, R D 6, Butler, Pa, 00000

Steinbrunner Rita L, 1922 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steinbugl Alois M, 1020 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steinbugl Elaine M, 1205 Monroe Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steinbugle Elsie, 1825 Walton Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Steiner Dirk D, 303 G Vario Blvd, State College, Pa, 61801

Steiner Donna G, East Brady, Pa, 00000

Steiner George Jr, 714 Marsha Ave, Williamstown, Pa, 08094

Steiner J A, Pa,

Steiner Joseph S, 7215 States Locory, Phila, Pa, 00000

Steiner Katherine, 3023 N Fairhill, Phila, Pa, 00000

Steiner Marion L, 665 Jacobsburg Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Steiner Rouse & Co Inc, Pa,

Steinfelt Rebecca A, Wilson Court, York, Pa, 00000

Steinford Frank, Rd 3, Erie, Pa,

Steinhart David R, 127 N Chestnut, Mt Camel, Pa, 00000

Steinhauer Eleanor, 828 Tombler St, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015

Steinhauser Sally L, Custer City, Pa, 00000

Steinhilber Ma, Pa, 0

Steinig Sylvia K, 707 B Elkins Pk Hse, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Steinitz Mildred, John St, Braddock, Pa, 00000

Steinmann Bruce B, Road 1, Box 1520, Mt Bethel, Pa, 18343

Steinme Margaret E, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmet Lillian I, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz Adee A, 343 Market St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz David W, 95 N Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz Jeanette, 1133 Rush N S, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steinmetz Judy F, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz Nadine A, Kleinfeltersville, Pa, 00000

Steinmetz Ronald D, 95 N Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz Rosanne, 216 Fairview Ave, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091

Steinmetz Susan J, Po Box 376, Roseto, Pa, 18013

Steinmetz Viola M, 402 Tabor, Phila, Pa, 00000

Steinmiller Janet L, Box 139 Rr 1, Mckees Rocks, Pa, 00000

Steinmiller M, 1354 Smith St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steinmiller Sarah W, 621 Idlewood St, East Carnegie, Pa, 00000

Steinour Karen K, Mounted Route, Carlisle, Pa, 00000

Steinruck Barbara E, Roaring Branch, Pa, 00000

Steitz John N, Main St, Slatedale, Pa, 00000

Stekervets Milred M, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Doris Ann, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Dorothy M, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Edith M, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Edith Marie, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Mildred M, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Sara J, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stekervetz Sara J, Rd 1, Conestoga, Pa, 00000

Stele Gertrude W, 2035 Lodges, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stelko Annie, Main, Browndale, Pa, 00000

Stella Ermond, 1412 Hopkins, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stella Yurgatis, Rr 1, Southwark, Pa, 00000

Stellabott Anita E, 614 Cheltenham Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stellabott Thomas A, 813 Blvd, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Stellabotte Cynthia, 1501 Tyler Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stellabotte Irma M, 1400 Van Buren Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stellabotte William F Jr, 230 E Lee Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stellar Annie, 327 W 14th St, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stellar Frank W, 373 N 10th, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stellar Grace E, 873 Fifth St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Stellar Susan J, 373 N 10th, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stellato Carol L, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Stelm Joseph, Prospect St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stelmach A, Milbery St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Steltz Ira S, Old Zionsville, Pa, 00000

Steltz James W, 2530 8th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Steltz Lynne Eliz, 13 19 Swamp Rd, Doylestown, Pa, 00000

Steltz Patricia A, East Texas, Pa, 00000

Steltz Robert H, R P # 2, Bangor, Pa, 00000

Steltz Tammy L, 4115 Bayard St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Steltzman Miss Stella A, & Frances Steltzman Jt Ten, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Stelz Harold D, 146 Pine Grove Circle, Wescosville, Pa, 18090

Stem Carol, Arndts Church Rd Rd 2, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stem Floyd E, 2418 Sycamore, Easton, Pa, 00000

Stem Helen M, 1500 Dickinson Ln, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stem Helen M, 213 N 12th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stem Margaret L, 1108 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stem Michael W, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Stem Raymond E Jr, 605 Carlton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stemmler William C, 9 Bennett, Jeannette, Pa, 00000

Stempler Mark A, Hufnagel Rd, Harmony, Pa,

Stempo Hope M, 1823 Hokendauqua Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stencyak Mary K, 607 Mckinley, East Vandergrift, Pa, 00000

Stenderowicz Ronald, Knights Rd & Mills St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stengel Alphonus, 2742 Pratt, Bridesburg, Pa, 00000

Stengel Geoffrey, 238 Curwen Rd, Rosemont, Pa, 15000

Stengel John G, 20 Vista Rd, Wyommissing, Pa, 00000

Stenger Adam H, 11 Nittany St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stenger Harold, 4237 Songshore, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stengle David, 520 W 3rd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stenlake Larry, Po Box 69, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stenton Drugs, Stenton Ave & Washington Ln, Phila, Pa,

Stepano Kathleen M, 333 Freeport Rd, Glassmere, Pa, 00000

Stepanovic Hilda I, 224 Main, Steelton, Pa, 00000

Stepanski Emma, 97 Main St, Eckley, Pa, 00000

Stephan Donald E, 504 Grant Ave, Pittsburgh 9, Pa, 00000

Stephan Nickolas, 1015 Alquin St, Rossville, Pa, 00000

Stephani Carol L, 5404 N Nottingham, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stephanick Richard, Scott Haven, Pa, 00000

Stephanie W Todd, 185 Hawkbury Close Nw No, Calgary Ab, Pa, N4790

Stephen Babirak Md, Po Box 3305, Erie, Pa,

Stephen Frank F, 3115, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stephen Jean M, 18 W 4, Emmaus, Pa, 00000

Stephen Paul J, Wescosville, Pa, 00000

Stephen Randall, Hollsopple, Pa, 00000

Stephen Steve, 463 4 Ave, Homestead, Pa, 00000

Stephens Christine, 703 Ashburne Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Stephens Edith, Belsano, Pa, 00000

Stephens Elsie, 2414 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stephens Fay, 837 Walnut, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stephens Florence, 619 Spring, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stephens Gertrude, Rd 1, Bechtelsville, Pa, 00000

Stephens Gregory L, Alverda, Pa, 00000

Stephens Joseph S, 8 Vulcau, Mahanoy City, Pa, 00000

Stephens Lisa, 410 Old Forge Dr, Bath, Pa, 18014

Stephens Lorraine, Ginter, Pa, 00000

Stephens Marie H, 76 Payne, Clarion, Pa, 00000

Stephens Mary, 1320 Brinton, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Stephens Norvin, West Mountain, Ransom, Pa, 00000

Stephens Richard, 3238 Rorer St, Phila, Pa,

Stephens Robert, 626 Calera St, Hays, Pa, 00000

Stephens Shirley I, New Ringgold, Pa, 00000

Stephens Thomas Sco, 2310 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stephenson A J, Rr 1 Box 390, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000

Stephenson Beverly, 141 1/2 E South, T Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stephenson Blanche, 160 Race, Butler, Pa, 00000

Stephenson L J, C/O Ruth Brooks 8425 Grovers Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stephenson M A, C/O Ruth Brooks 8425 Grovers Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stephey E, Rouzerville St, Rouzerville, Pa, 00000

Stepp Gary E, 122 Highridge Cir, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Stepp Warren A, 153 Main, Oberlin, Pa, 00000

Steptoe Luella C, Upland, Pa, 0

Sterbo Steve, 230 Shear St, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Stercho Memorial Fund Fo, 32nd & Market Sts, Phila, Pa,

Stercula Phyllis A, 1929 Kulp Rd, Pottstown, Pa,

Stere Linda Kay, Rr 1 Box 216, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stere Sally L, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stere Virginia L, 102 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Sterling Admin Services, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Phila, Pa,

Sterling Adminastrative Serv, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Phila, Pa,

Sterling Administrative Serv, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Phila, Pa,

Sterling Catherine, 209 Agyle Rd, Ardmore, Pa,

Sterling Charles E, Packerton, Pa, 00000

Sterling Donald C, 2065 Euclid, Lincoln, Pa, 00000

Sterling Edna M, Lock No 4, Packerton, Pa, 00000

Sterling Isador, 1723 Abderdeen St, Phila, Pa,

Sterling John, 221 Co Row 41, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Sterling Raymond G, Lock No 4, Packerton, Pa, 00000

Stern Agnes, 1402 E Ohio, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stern Edgar N, 1515 19th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stern George, Pa,

Stern Kenneth H, Rd, Roaring Spring, Pa, 16673

Stern Mae A, Po Box 97, Que Creek, Pa, 00000

Stern R S Mr, 110 W Taboe Rd 2nd Floor, Phila, Pa,

Stern Roy E, Martinsburg, Pa, 00000

Stern Vera M, Rr 2, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Sterne Catherine R, 839 British Pike, Cornwall, Pa, 00000

Sterneman Ronald W, & Marjorie S Sterneman Jt Ten, Etters, Pa,

Sterner Annabelle R, 23 Baltimore St, Codorus, Pa, 00000

Sterner Betty L, 150 La Crosse Ave, Kenhorst, Pa, 00000

Sterner David G, Steel City Rr 5, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sterner Frances, Rr 2, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Sterner Helen B, 322 Ecollece St, York, Pa, 00000

Sterner Leonard P, Star Rout, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Sterner Leonard P, Star Rt, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Sterner Lois L, Rr 2, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Sterner Lucretia, 463 Chester Place, York, Pa, 00000

Sterner Marsha M, C/O Fogel Commercial 5400 Eadom St, Phila, Pa, 18137

Sterner Maudie A, 373 E King St, York, Pa, 47403

Sterner Minnie M, Allentown W, Pa, 0

Sterner Paul J, East Rock Rd, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Sterner Richard, 825taxvill Rd, York, Pa, 00000

Sterner Sarah E, R 60, Allentown, Pa, 18100

Sterner Twila A, Emerson, Vanderbilt, Pa, 00000

Sterner Verna, 1607 Burkhardt St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Sterner Wayne D, 424 Hazle St Apt 3, Tamaqua, Pa, 18200

Sternosky Ronald R, 106 William St, Chinchilla, Pa, 00000

Sternosky Walter, 106 William St, Chinchilla, Pa, 00000

Sterrett Georgann, New Alexandria, Pa, 00000

Sterrettania Family Practice, 1591 West 54th St Patient Accounts, Erie, Pa, 45429

Sterver Dorothy M, 226 Saint John St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sterzel Frank W, Island Park, Pa, 00000

Steskel Gerald, Jamesmanor Rd, Doylestown, Pa, 00000

Stetler Fredrick, Woodland Ave, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stetler Kathleen C, 512 W 2nd St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Stets William, 1844 Campbell St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stetson Dorothy L, 1127 W 26th, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stetter Janet L, 1204 S 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stetter Joseph, 2637 18th St E, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stettler John, 419 Hamilton St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stettler Miriam E, Rr 3, Easton, Pa, 18040

Stettler Morgan, Rr 2, Orifield, Pa, 00000

Stetts Deborah, 500 Main St, Morea Colliery, Pa, 00000

Stetz Michael, Allentown, Pa,

Stetzer Anna M, 1534 Rutledge St, So Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Steuart Edith, Red Black, Hastings, Pa, 00000

Steuber Bettylou, 1413 11th, Eddystone, Pa, 00000

Steubler Lou Betty Lou, 1413 11th, Eddystone, Pa, 00000

Steuer Michelle L, 153 N Northampton St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stevanah William, Perryopolis, Pa, 00000

Stevancsecz Rosalie E, 3610 Browning Ln, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Steve Manry Steve Mr., Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Steven Diana Sue, Rr 1, Quincy, Pa, 00000

Steven Diane, Linesville, Pa, 00000

Steven Michael Gould, 3360 Nazareth Rd, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stevens Anna M, 117 Canterbury Dr, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stevens Clare, Pa,

Stevens Dale I, Linesville, Pa, 00000

Stevens Deanna Darlene, Mounted Rte Box 66, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Stevens Delmar, 1310 Kimbell, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stevens Elizabeth, Commodore, Pa, 00000

Stevens Ella P, 404 E Pleasant St, Phila, Pa, 19119

Stevens Ellenbernadet, 4505 Henry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stevens Florence, Pa,

Stevens Frank W, 437 Carnegie, Wilson, Pa, 00000

Stevens G, 515 Primrose Path, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stevens Gertrud, 108 5th Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Stevens Issac, Pa, 23219

Stevens James, 138 E. Sharpnack St, Phila, Pa,

Stevens James H, Shady Grove, Pa, 00000

Stevens James H, 118 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stevens Jean, Somneytown Pike, Kulpsville, Pa, 00000

Stevens John, 3650 Percy St, Phila, Pa,

Stevens John M, 819 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stevens Joseph E, 209 Willow Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevens Karen A, 90 Frances B Garfield R, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Stevens Karen S, 111 Hall, Girard, Pa, 00000

Stevens Kevi, New Kensington, Pa,

Stevens Lawrence H, Linesville, Pa, 00000

Stevens Lola C, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevens Lorna, 619 S. Yewdall St, Phila, Pa,

Stevens Lucinda A, Pa,

Stevens Mary B, Pa, 23219

Stevens Mary M, 210 Cummin St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stevens Plank Stitt, 1002 Church St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stevens Richard P, 12 Terminal Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stevens Richard W, #9, Lucernemines, Pa, 00000

Stevens Robert E, Rr 1, Lemont, Pa, 00000

Stevens Roger, Pa,

Stevens S, 8020 Walker St, Frankford, Pa, 00000

Stevens Sarah C, 211 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stevens Sarah D, 119 Lloyd St Apt 2, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stevens Scott B, 1800 8th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevens Sherida A, 1502 17th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevens Shirley A, 1502 Nave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stevens Shirley M, Pa,

Stevens Stanley R, 1300 Yarmouth Rd, Wynnewood, Pa,

Stevens William H, Rr 1, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stevens William L J, Rr 1 Box 566, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Stevenson Anna M, Dixonville, Pa, 00000

Stevenson Bertha, Monogahela Rd, Pa, 00000

Stevenson Darla J, 102 Howard Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevenson John G, R 604 Center Ave, Butler, Pa, 00000

Stevenson Lorraine, 614 Carlton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stevenson Mildred, Weirton St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stevenson Richard A, 2326 10th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stevenson Ruby, First St, Mill Hall, Pa, 00000

Stevenson Trudi A, 1115 Lombard Rd, Rising Sun, Pa, 21911

Stevenson Viola, 2123 South Buneriff, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stevenson William Ranki, 100 Floral Hill Dr, Washington, Pa,

Stever Sharon A, Cassville, Pa, 00000

Stevick Patricia L, 4817 Jordan, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stewar Phyllis E, 314a Harcourt Dr, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Steward Daivd J B, Rr 2 Mitman Rd, Easton, Pa, 18040

Steward Marie, 4887 Hanville Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Steward Roy, Farm, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stewart, 1926 Hartman St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Alfred K, 2317 Gaulet St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Alma L, 578 Rodgers, Lincoln Place, Pa, 00000

Stewart Arthur L, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Barry, 6229 Addison St, Phila, Pa,

Stewart Bernard Lee, 380 Stamerset, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Betty M, 1316 Riverside Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stewart Bruce A, 2068 W Glenwood Ave, Phiila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Catherine, North Bessemer, Pa, 00000

Stewart Charles, Judith Stewart Jt Ten 2455 Front St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stewart Charles T, 145 Woodland Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Stewart Charlotte B, North St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Stewart D Bruce, Cust For Paul W Stewart Ugma Pa 38 Walker Ave, Bradford, Pa,

Stewart David, 19308 Jacob Ave, Cerritos, Pa,

Stewart David A, 1142 Upland St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stewart Donald C, 317 Orchard Lane, Feasterville, Pa, 00000

Stewart Donald H, R D, Sergeant, Pa, 00000

Stewart Dorothy, 1306 Hamilton Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stewart Dorothy Jean, Mifflin, Pa, 00000

Stewart Dorothy R, Rimersburg, Pa, 00000

Stewart Dougherty L, Oakville, Pa, 00000

Stewart Eliz, 3462 N Philadelphia St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Elizabeth, Rr 1, Concordville, Pa, 00000

Stewart Erma, 238 Ann St., Middletown, Pa,

Stewart George, 700 Ford St, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Gillmore L, 6016 Summer St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Glenn C, 2123 Spencer St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Harry J, 600 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stewart Helen, Iowan St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stewart Henry J, 1226 15th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stewart Iii William J, Pa,

Stewart Jane P, 1120 E Haines St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Janet D, 1407 Jefferson St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stewart Jessie O, R D 2 Box 623 Lot 119, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stewart Joan Arlene, 575 Rogers, Lincoln Place, Pa, 00000

Stewart John W, 18 St, Herbert, Pa, 00000

Stewart Joyce M, Pa,

Stewart June B, 508 Lighthouse St, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stewart June F, 1510 Wickenson, Brookline, Pa, 00000

Stewart Justin M, 2208 Orchard Rd, Camp Hill, Pa,

Stewart Larry E Iii, Po Box 164, Loysville, Pa,

Stewart Leda G, Sunbrook Manor Apt #124, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stewart Leonard M, New Rodgers Rd, Bristol, Pa, 00000

Stewart Leroy, Pa,

Stewart Linda, Coupon, Pa, 00000

Stewart Linda M, Coupon, Pa, 00000

Stewart Lorraine W, 703 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stewart Louis D, Rr 2, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stewart Martha Scott, The Baptist Home, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Mary M Estate Of, 4615 Woodland Ave, Phila, Pa,

Stewart Michelle, 1336 N 15th St, Phila, Pa,

Stewart Nancy L, 4009 Hillside Dr, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Stewart Pearl, 247 Armat St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Ralph &, Archie Stewart Jt Ten Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Stewart Randy, Pa,

Stewart Robert S, 3228 N Goupp Blvd, Lester, Pa, 00000

Stewart Robert W, Grove St Ext, Sewickley, Pa, 00000

Stewart Samuel, Eadon And Kennedy St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stewart Sandra, 80 Mildred Ln, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stewart Sharon L, 2108 4th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stewart Sheldon F, 505 24th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stewart Shirley, 198 High, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Stewart Stephanie R, Pa,

Stewart Susan C, 409 Nashville Court, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stewart Virginia, 155 Deer Run Rd, Germanstown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Virginia, 155 Deer Run Rd, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Stewart Willis B, 216 27th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stewartson Thelma, 307 Prominade St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stibbs John C Jr, 2800 Walnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stiber Michael, 434 Etront, Lansford, Pa, 00000

Stibick Theodore S, Rfd, Saint Marys, Pa, 00000

Stichelbaut Vilma, R 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stichter John M Jr, Macungie, Pa, 00000

Stickel Henry, 541 Havelull Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sticker June R, 120 Market, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Stickler Dwayne, 1130 School St, Indiana, Pa, 15707

Stickler Karen, Main St, Benedict, Pa, 00000

Stickler Paul, 4th, Emans, Pa, 00000

Stickney Mildred N, 675 Long Acre, Yeadon, Pa, 00000

Stidham Alan L, 601 Lower State Rd, Chalfront, Pa, 00000

Stidinger Jamie A, Rohrerstown, Pa, 00000

Stie9 Elizabeth B, 902 Evans St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stief Carol L, Wyandotte, Lester, Pa, 00000

Stief James M, 238 Seminole St, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stiefel Chastina M, Derrick City, Pa, 00000

Stiefel Edna, 57 Grand Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stiefel Rsymond H, 811 East Hector St, Cocshohocken, Pa, 00000

Stieff Evelyn A, Huffs Church&Harlem Rds Rd 1, Macungie, Pa, 00000

Stiefler Richard E, 1055 Church St, Johntown, Pa, 00000

Stiegel Construction, Pa,

Stiehl Grace, 8728 Eastwick, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stiener Harry Holden, 1201 Logan Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stier Gabriel V, 902 Evans St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stier Gayle A, Rr 4, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stier Helen M, 625 Ontario St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stier John F, Rd #1, Raubsville, Pa, 00000

Stier John F, Rr 4, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stiers Laura B, Rr 1, Carmichels, Pa, 00000

Stiffle Hary, Elk Run St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Bonnie, 5119 Kissell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stiffler Carl F, 12 Shamrock Ct, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stiffler Carl F Jr, Rd 5 Box 299, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stiffler Chester E, East Freedom, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Dianne M, 529 Poplar St, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Stiffler Edward C, 229 Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stiffler Eleanor, 89 R D 5, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Frances, Rr 2, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stiffler Gloria J, 5110 Kissler Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stiffler Irvin J, Imler, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Irvin John, 809 Main, Scalp Level, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Julius M, 3908 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stiffler Lance E, 102 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stiffler Lance E, 201 E Walton Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stiffler Linda M, Mahaffey, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Lois D, 1960 Maple Hollow Rd, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stiffler Mary A, Rd 1, East Freedom, Pa, 16637

Stiffler Melvin L, Imler, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Quay H, Rr 1, Belsano, Pa, 00000

Stiffler Sherry L, Rd 5 Box 299, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stiffler William H, Rd 6 Box 17, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stigers Donald, De Lancey, Pa, 00000

Stigers Herman A, Lloyd, Pa, 00000

Stigers James W, Rd1 Box21, Hallton, Pa, 00000

Stigers Martha W, Rd1 Box 21, Hallton, Pa, 00000

Stigers Rush, Box 185, Lloyd, Pa, 00000

Stigerts Thelma K, Rosebud, Pa, 00000

Stiglitz Darla Kay, Strattanville, Pa, 00000

Stigura Fay M, 434 High, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Stiles Gary N, Armagh, Pa, 00000

Stiles Larry M, Belsano, Pa, 00000

Stiles Larue, Homer City, Pa, 00000

Stiles Lucille, 833 Chew St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stilesjr Albert B, 137 Walnut Ave, Craydon, Pa, 00000

Still Agnes, 5224 Piearemont, Phila, Pa, 00000

Still Carol A, Palm Ave, Warren, Pa, 00000

Still Olive, 2423 Carpenter St, Phila, Pa,

Still Powell A, 132 N 58th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Still Ramon, 305 N Grant St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 16206

Stiller Anthony F, 526 Josephins St, Pgh, Pa, 00000

Stillman Ruth, 1429 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stillwagner Dot, Front St, Mary D, Pa, 00000

Stillwagon Elizabeth, 118 E Hippo Ave, Butler, Pa, 00000

Stillwell Elaine, 4714 Stiles, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stillwell Wesley, 411 Manchester, Moycan, Pa, 00000

Stilts Catherine, 2942 Old Banksville Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stilwell Nellie, 544 6th St, Piteairn, Pa, 00000

Stimer Ralph, 106 Lanners St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stimmel Morris, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045

Stimson Sharon L, Anselma, Pa, 00000

Stine Ada M, Po Box 28, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stine Dorothy Marie, 402 12th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stine Emily, Bartram, Pa, 0

Stine George V, Pine St, Branchdale, Pa, 00000

Stine John, 2719 F St, Liberty Boro, Pa, 00000

Stine John C, Victory Hill, Monongahela, Pa, 00000

Stine Mae E, Center, Wiconisco, Pa, 00000

Stine Margaret E, 80 Ave E, Sch Haven, Pa, 00000

Stine Maureen, 510 Wood Ave, Bath, Pa, 18014

Stine Merle Jr, Rr 1, Marion, Pa, 00000

Stine Phillip J, Meadow, Zerbe, Pa, 00000

Stine Robert, University Hts, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stine Rodney D, University Hts, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stine Shirley M, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stine Verna E, Star Route, Trout Run, Pa, 00000

Stinger Ethel M, 2418, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stinger Harry, 33 And Moore, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stinger Joseph A, Pa,

Stinger Marjorie A, 4546 Newportville, Cornwells Heights, Pa, 00000

Stinger Robert B, 4546 Newportville Rd, Cornwells Heights, Pa, 00000

Stinger William, 852 N Woodstock St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stinger William J, 4546 Newportville Rd, Cornwells Heights, Pa, 00000

Stinner Carol A, 631 Green St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stinner Christine, 632 Myth St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stinpfl Alice, 216 Third Ave, West Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Stinson Bertha Small, Life Ten U-W John Wesley Stinson, Dec'd 5645 Darlington Rd, Pgh, Pa,

Stinson Catherine, 225 Sheridan Ave, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Stinson William, 24 W Market St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stipa Philip Jr, 8123 Terry St, Phila, Pa,

Stipe Lillie F &, Edwin Stipe Jt Ten 807 Wood Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stipetic Louise A, 945 Pearce Dr, Pgh, Pa, 00000

Stiros Louis Mr., 1474 Colgate Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stiteler Elmer R, Pleasant Hill, Pa, 0

Stiteler M Anna, Country St, Vandergrift, Pa, 00000

Stiteler Terry L, Smicksburg, Pa, 00000

Stites Bernice, Newmanstown, Pa, 00000

Stites Susanne M, 227 Stewart, Easton, Pa, 00000

Stitt Daniel G, Po Box 70, Altoona, Pa, 16603

Stitt Donna L, 720 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stitt Mary C, 301 Plum St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Stitt Richard D, 631 W 3rd St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Stitt Roy, North Mckean St, Kittanning, Pa, 00000

Stittle Virginia K, 65 W Deloson Ave, Youngstown, Pa, 00000

Stitzer Charles G, 35 4th St, Strandsburg, Pa, 00000

Stivale Barbara A, 3206 Gerley Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stivanson Hubert, R D 1, Kittatinny, Pa, 00000

Stivason Elizabeth, Ford Cliff, Pa, 00000

Stiver Aaron, Glen Campbell, Pa, 00000

Stiver Barbara L, Glen St, Campbell, Pa, 00000

Stiver Donald B, Glen Campbell, Pa, 00000

Stiver Mona P, 507 7th Ave R Jun, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stiver Mona P, Dln 87482354 Rev Rebate 503 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stlaurent Carolina, 26 Ridge St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stlukes Health Services Inc, Po Box 5386 801 Ostrum St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stnd Cof, Pa,

Stoch Albinia, Rhoad St, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000

Stock 166, Pa,

Stock Ethel, 372 Inepehucken, Reading, Pa, 00000

Stock Harry, Grand St, Lincoln, Pa, 00000

Stock Ollie, 2432 18 St Ext, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stock Ralph Jr. Mr., Rr 1 Box 131, Liberty, Pa,

Stock Robert J, 141 Hindman Rd, Butler, Pa,

Stockebrand William G, North Engewood, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stocken Leah J, 723 Jackson St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stocker Christine, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045

Stocker James M, Main St, Tatamy, Pa, 18085

Stocker Kenneth, 2421 Lennox St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stocker Marion, 2433 E Elm, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stocker Paulina, 2710 N Orkney St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stocker Stephen E, 743 Pen Argyl St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Stockinder Paula, 720 Grove, Irving, Pa, 00000

Stockley Laura E, Burnside, Pa, 00000

Stockman Ruth A, 343 Howell St, Chester, Pa, 00000

Stockslager Anita, Main St, Hulmeville, Pa, 00000

Stockton Florence, Hillcrest Apts Rising Sun And Adams Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stockton John R, Lansing St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stockton Suzanne, Wallingford, Pa, 19086

Stodart Robert, Madera, Pa, 00000

Stoddard Evelyn M, Patterson, Linhart, Pa, 00000

Stoddard Mabel, Brookfield Ave, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Stoddard Tregertha, Rr 1, Fleetville, Pa, 00000

Stoebe Margaret S, 388 Ivy Glenn, Overbrook Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stoeckel Dellam, Saylorsburg, Pa, 00000

Stoehr Mary F, 2209 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoessel Elizabeth, 2210 Lehman, Lehman, Pa, 00000

Stoessel Harold S, 427 Lemon St, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stoffel Chelsea H, 455 Fourth St, Monongahela, Pa,

Stoffel Donald, Munhall, Pa,

Stoffel Martha E, 234 Elizabeth St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stoffer William M, Wilpen, Pa, 00000

Stoffiere Maria, 3655 Queen Ln, Manayunk, Pa, 00000

Stoffiere Pasq, 3655 Queen Ln, Manatune, Pa, 00000

Stofflet Ellen, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stofflet Lillian, Rr 1 Box 414, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stofflet Walston W, Boyertown, Pa, 00000

Stofki Mary A, Estate Of Mary A Stofki C O Robert Rudas Esq, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stohler Verlina M, & Violet M Stohler Jt Ten, Wilkes Barre, Pa,

Stohler Vinnie, 426 6th St, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stoker Marion, 2433 E Elm, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokes Charles, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Stokes Estelle, 1442 S Chadwick St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokes Gracie, Derrick City, Pa, 00000

Stokes Lucille, 3508 N 24 Th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokes Mary, 909 N Charlotte St, Polktown, Pa, 00000

Stokes Richard, 207 Haverford Rd Penn Wynne, Phila, Pa,

Stokes Ruth A, 4127 Kingsessing St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokes Sarah, 1819 Bayugast, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokes Sheila, 1442 S Chadwick St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokey Jennie, Eastern Bapt Seminary City Line & Lancstr Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stokus Joseph, 59 Main St, Pt Carbon, Pa, 00000

Stoler Anna, Forty Four Rd, Lansdale, Pa, 00000

Stoll Edna, 7802 Loneta St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stoll Ralph, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000

Stolte Mary, 195 Wash Blvd, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Stoltz Eugene F, 112 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoltz Joseph F, 2029 18th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoltz Kenneth W, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoltz Mary A, Dob 2-4-1907/ Died 10-12-96, Pa,

Stoltz Mary Rita, Rr 2 Box 460, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stoltz Nancy J, Defiance, Pa, 00000

Stoltzfus Helen, Bareville, Pa, 00000

Stoltzfus Stevie S, 3850 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville, Pa,

Stoltzsus Aniel F, Rt 3 Box 347, Mill Hall, Pa, 17757

Stolz Blair, Hastings, Pa, 00000

Stolz John Lynott, Mary Ann Stolz Cust 1625 Clay Ave, Dunmore, Pa,

Stolz Nancy M, 115 16th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stomer Flora, 850 Laurence St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stompf Ronald J, Bally, Pa, 00000

Stompone Mabel, Welsh Rd, Holmesburg, Pa, 00000

Stone Ada B, 6108 California Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stone Cecil, Rr 1, South Montrose, Pa, 00000

Stone Clifford, Rr 1, South Montrose, Pa, 00000

Stone Donna J, 722 Jones St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stone Dorothy J, Rr 2 Box 399 S, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stone Dorothy M, James & 10th, Milford, Pa, 00000

Stone Elizabeth, 2656 Milford Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stone Ella C, Edgely Ave, Levittown, Pa, 00000

Stone Ellen A, 224 E Limeleiln Rd, New Mumberland, Pa, 00000

Stone Florence, 625 Summit St, Glassport, Pa,

Stone Franklin G, R D 2, Williamsburg, Pa, 00000

Stone Gaylord C, 533 Violet, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Stone Hugh J, 1020 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stone Jacqueline O, Red Lion Verree Rds, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stone Janice, 438 N 50th St, Phila, Pa,

Stone John E, 2907 D St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stone Jr V L, 3342 Lynwood Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stone Kenneth, Pa,

Stone Leah C, 2nd St Pike, Southampton, Pa, 00000

Stone Lorraine A, 922 Evans St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stone Marie E, 2064 B Mather Way, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Stone Mary L, Pa,

Stone Mildred, Rr 1, South Montrose, Pa, 00000

Stone Steven, 3000 Valley Forge Cir, King Of Prussia, Pa, 19406

Stone Velma M, 2022 Woodson St, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stone William, Rr 1, Sylvania, Pa, 00000

Stone Wolfe, 127 S Main St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Stonebach Dorotohy E, 537 Hickory, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stoneback Bernice R, Rr 1, Easton, Pa, 18040

Stoneback Harry, 1228 West Stiles, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stoneback Mildred F, 17 Sitgreaves St, Phillipsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stoneberg Edith, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoneking Janie S, 221 1/2 S Mian, Erie, Pa, 00000

Stonelake Patricia, 542 Rose, Delaware, Pa, 00000

Stoneman Margaret, R D 2 Belle, Vernon, Pa, 00000

Stoner Betty J, 2724 Broad Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoner Carl R, 26 S Spruce St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Stoner Carol J, 300 Pine Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoner John H, Rr 2, Quarryele, Pa, 00000

Stoner Joseph P, R D 3, Lewistown, Pa, 00000

Stoner Lewis, Brookvale & Trotter Rd, Connellsville, Pa, 00000

Stoner Margaret, 2619 Quail Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoner Mark R, 122 E Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoner Mark R, 132 E Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoner Russell A, 700 N 5th St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Stonewall Dale K, 448 W 2 St, Stperie, Pa, 00000

Stonewall Harold L, 322 E Kleinhans St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stonewall Harold R, 322 E Kleinhans St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stonewall Joann, 448 W 2 St, Stperie, Pa, 00000

Stonewall Leon, 448 W 2 St, Stperie, Pa, 00000

Stonezewski Susan M, #917, Logans Ferry Heights, Pa, 00000

Stong Edward H, 1673 Skippack Park, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stong Terence, 1673 Skippack Pike Rd Apt 3, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stonogle I, 106 9th St, Monongehela, Pa, 00000

Stony Truckstops Of, Santee, Sc 29142, Phila, Pa, 29142

Stoops Robert M Custodian, Rd 3 Box 3415, Seven Valleys, Pa, 17360

Stoops Stella, 6908 Kedron St, Pttsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stoops Walter T, Mcgrann, Pa, 00000

Stopford Stephen P, Feasterville, Pa, 00000

Stopp Joyce E, Route 1, Wescasville, Pa, 00000

Stopyra Lorraine J, 4557 Mcirove St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Storch Catherine E, 3723 Crooked Ran Rd, Mc Keesport, Pa, 00000

Storch Frank J, 3723 Crooked Run Rd, Mc Keesport, Pa, 00000

Storch Margaret M, Croored Run Rd, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000

Storey James D, Bruin, Pa, 00000

Stork William C, 242 1/2 Main St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Storm Guy E, E Middle St, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Storm Jason J, Rr 1 Box 1790, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Storm Lisa L, Rr 1 Box 1071, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Storme Suzanne C, 200 College Heights Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stormer Bonnie A, Rr 1, Reynoldsvill, Pa, 00000

Stormer Jane L, 125 Stewart St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stormer John, Pa,

Storms Ceryal, Rr 1, Frankford, Pa, 00000

Storti Catherine, 342 Prospect Ave, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Storti Louis Sr, 1455 W Main St, Norristown, Pa,

Story Richard, Groveton, Pa, 00000

Storz Anna, 4157 Gollby St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stos Helen, 1709 Tacoma, Port Vue, Pa, 00000

Stoss Evelyn, 211 Hamilton, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Stotier May M, 2807 Ford Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stotler Charles R, 147 E 2nd St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Stotler Harriet, 918 5th Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Stotler Nicole D, 518 N 2nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stott Elizabeth A, 1528 Linden Ave, North Willow, Pa, 00000

Stottlemire Valerie A, Palm, Pa, 00000

Stouccker Gertrude, Jimtown St, Dawson, Pa, 00000

Stouch Frances P, 1025 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stoudenour Scott L, 400 E Julian St, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Stoudnour Darryl R, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stoudnour Phyllis B, Box 240, Warren, Pa, 00000

Stoudnour Raymond, Rr 2 Box 416, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Stoudt Barbara S, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Stoudt Elsie M, 229 Grappe, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Stoudt Erma, Tylersport, Pa, 00000

Stoudt Grace M, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Stoudt Renee E, 12 Edgehill Rd, Huntington Valley, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Denise K, 419 Sand Hill, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Elizabeth, Lurgan, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Elsie E, Newburg, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Ethel P, Fairview, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Lester E, Fairview, Pa, 00000

Stouffer Martha B, Rr 1 Box 104, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Stouffer Verniebelle, Cowansville, Pa, 00000

Stough Donna K, & James A Stough Jt Ten Rd 2, Box 64a, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stout Arthur H, 25 High St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stout Bertram T, 429 Thompson St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stout Bradley L, Po Box 204b, Easton, Pa, 18044

Stout Charles, Philadelphia Rd & S Ave, Easton, Pa, 00000

Stout Earl W, Po Box 455, Audubon, Pa, 00000

Stout Edith, 4013 Crescent Ave, La Fayette Hill, Pa, 00000

Stout Edith M, 1952 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stout George T, Germantown Pike Swede Rd, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stout Harold F, 323 W Eight, Dover, Pa, 00000

Stout Harvey, Fairview, Mount Pocono, Pa, 00000

Stout Jane M, 50 Vanadian Rd Room 230, Bridgewater, Pa, 15107

Stout Jesse, New Hope, Pa, 00000

Stout Kerry C, 514 March St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stout Richard, 873 25th St Apt 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stout Robert, 2049 Tioga St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stout Robert L, Summit, Langhorne, Pa, 00000

Stout Susan Ms., Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stout Thomas M, 911 Allegheny St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stout Wellope A, 2716 Division St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Stout William L, 317 Locust, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Stoutenger Reva, 315 Cherry Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stoutenger Vera E, 315 Cjerru Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Stover Anna L, 513 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stover Audrey A, Hickory, Pa, 00000

Stover Helen R, Avonmore, Pa, 00000

Stover Lloyd I, Brownstown, Pa, 00000

Stover Mary E, Rd 4, Gettysburg, Pa, 00000

Stowe George L H, 230 North Prince St, Shippensburg, Pa,

Stowell Dawn L, 405 Trumbull Ave, Bridgeport, Pa, 00000

Stoy Charles R, Carmichaels, Pa, 00000

Stoyer Elizabeth M, 139 Olmsted, Middletown, Pa, 00000

Stoyer Virginia L, 65 Maple Ave, Greenville, Pa, 00000

Stozefer Beatrice P, Fairview, Pa, 00000

Strachan Marjorie, 143 Sale Pl, Huntingdon, Pa, 00000

Strackbein Lily L, Cortez, Pa, 00000

Stracko Jill, 773 Lahr Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Straid Joyce M, Lot 46 Buttonwood Ln, Carlisle, Pa, 00000

Straiges Ronald, Pa, 23219

Strain John, 1230 Johnston Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strait Lewis Jr, 115 Shady Rd, Newburg, Pa, 17240

Straitiff Leroy, Rr 1, Wynn, Pa, 00000

Straiw Jean, Littlestown, Pa, 00000

Straka Margaret, Lucy Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Straka Mary L, 726 Seneca St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Straley Thoedore G, Holtwood, Pa, 00000

Stralo Lorraine G, 1762 Broadway St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strand Theodore L, Lanse, Pa, 00000

Straney Minnie S, 317 Cherry St, W Homestead, Pa, 00000

Strang Clifford, Bellwood, Pa, 00000

Strang Hilda, Zieglersville, Pa, 00000

Strang Marjorie, 6103 Loetta Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Strange Eileen, 2071 Somerset St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Strange Rose, 316 Grandview, Pattontown, Pa, 00000

Stranner Margaret, 532 S Clewell St, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015

Strara Mary, 4 E 4th St Apt 1211, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strasheine Arthur, Pa,

Strassburger Kurt H, Erwinna, Pa, 00000

Strassburger Mary E, Erwinna, Pa, 00000

Strassburger Mckennapotter, 322 Blvd Of The Allies, Pitsburgh, Pa,

Strassburger Thelma, Jacksonwald, Pa, 00000

Strasser Carol A, 1530 Walton Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strasser Theresa S, 1530 Walton Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strate Edith, 316 Sycamore St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strate Margaret F, Yute Run Rd, Harwick, Pa, 00000

Stratton David M, 1st House Below Bow Creek, West Mifflin, Pa, 00000

Stratton Ellen H, 1518 12 Ave, Beaver Falls, Pa, 00000

Stratton Myrtle, 435 Shamorock Ave, New Kensington, Pa, 00000

Straub Barbara A, 1717 Union St, Reading, Pa, 00000

Straub Bertwin, 286 W Madison St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Straub Eleanor M,

Eleanor S Richardson 6526 Kensington Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Straub Eleanor M, 1008 Butler St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Straub Eva, 754 Duke St, Northumberton, Pa, 00000

Straub Jeanmary, Rr 3, Easton, Pa, 18040

Straub Josephine, 325 Maple Ave, Pgh, Pa,

Straub Kristen A, Pa,

Straub Mary, Dixon Ave, Croydon, Pa, 00000

Straub Nancy, 30 Love Place, Edgewood, Pa, 00000

Straub Ronald L, Millersburg, Pa, 00000

Straub Ruth I, 824 Lantern Ln, Langehorne, Pa, 00000

Straubinger B, 307 Front St, West Easton, Pa, 18042

Strauchbaugh Elma, 117 Rear High, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Straus Mar, Phila, Pa, 0

Strausbaug Alma A, 648 1/2 3rd St, York, Pa, 00000

Strausbaugh Deborah K, Po Box 1145, Altoona, Pa, 16603

Strausbaugh P J, 256 N Main Stj, Spring Grove, Pa, 00000

Strausbaugh Viola E, Rd #4, York, Pa, 00000

Strause Lee V, 1208 N 10 Th St, Reading, Pa, 00000

Strauss Alice J, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strauss Anita, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strauss Beatrice V, 314 North Hampton, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strauss Gary R, 147 Elm St, Claysville, Pa, 00000

Strauss George M, 155 Main St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strauss George M, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strauss Janice E, 1544 Catasauqua Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Strauss Jayne, 219 Third Ave, West Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Strauss Martha E, 827 Washington St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Strauss Patricia A, Fogelsville, Pa, 00000

Strauss Shirley I, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strausser Dorothy J, 672 High, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Strausser Mabel A, Oley, Pa, 00000

Strausser Marilyn, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Stravinsky Isabella, R 1121 Albright Ave, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Straw W R, 707 4th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strawbride Hazel R, Rd 2, Diamond, Pa, 00000

Strawhacker Joann, 1081 Radnor Rd, Wayne, Pa, 00000

Strawmyer Carolyn, 410 6th, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Strawn Carl H, 42 Saucon, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Strawn Harry, 927 Itaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strawn Helen O, 471 Vine St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strawn Ruth M, 621 Walnut St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Strawser Merrill, Richfield, Pa, 00000

Strawsnyder Harvey, Side Rd, Passer, Pa, 00000

Strayer Gina F, Millers Trailer Ct Lot 13, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Strayer Howard N, 824 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strayer James E, Millers Trailor Ct, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Strayer Margaret A, 1414 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Strayer Robert D Jr, 115 High St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Strayer Robert T, Rr 1 Box 391e, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Strayer Verna, 407 N Vuniata St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Straziser Stanley J, Sheffield, Pa, 00000

Streble Margaret, Girard St, Lincoln Place, Pa, 00000

Strednak Marie, 515 Ann St, North Braddoc, Pa, 00000

Street Fletcher D Jr, 430 Delmar, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Streicher Marie, , Pittsburgh, Pa,

Streightiff Todd J, Rr 1, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Streitman Francis, 3102 Kenwick Circle, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stremba Mary, 339 W Maple, Mahanly City, Pa, 00000

Stretavski Margaret, 134 Old Leb Church Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stretch Helen W, Mount Joy, Pa, 00000

Stretch James C, 1115 N Woodbine Ave, Narberth, Pa,

Stribel Charles, Haventown, Pa, 0

Stribrny Olga, 1350 Laurie St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stricker George, 132 Jones St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stricker Pearl L, Reading Schuylkill Ave, Reading, Pa, 00000

Stricker Thompson, , Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Strickhouser Phillip, Rr 2 Box 65, Thomasville, Pa, 19364

Strickland Darren L, Pa,

Strickland Evelyn, 2631 Jessup St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Strickland John L, 110 Fister Ct, Augusta, Pa, 18684

Strickland Marguerite H, 7609 Washington La Apt B, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Strickland Peter A, Rd 100 Box 100, Fogelsville, Pa, 18057

Strickler Lillian M, Richland, Pa, 00000

Strihan Joseph, 36g Daniel St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Strike William J, 522m Brown Ave, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Striker John R, Mcgrann, Pa, 00000

Strim Ida, St Joseph Convent, Columbia, Pa, 00000

Strine Charlotte A, 1628 N 6, Clarsiburg, Pa, 00000

Strine Sarah E, R 4, York, Pa, 00000

Stringer Rose K, 4405 Stringer St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stringhill Julia, Belle Vernon, Pa, 00000

Stringhill Julia, Grant St, Belleview, Pa, 00000

Strobe Marlene, 226 E Market St, Wilkes Bare, Pa, 00000

Strobel Frederick, 412 S Rr, Myerstown, Pa, 00000

Strobel Linda K, , Richland, Pa, 00000

Strobl Anna F, , Stockertown, Pa, 00000

Strobl Eleanor, Center St, Stockertown, Pa, 18083

Strobl Helen, 1825 Center St Apt 106, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Strock John D, , Springtown, Pa, 00000

Strocko Kathryn, , Middleburg, Pa, 00000

Strockoz Donald, Po Box 282, Stockertown, Pa, 18083

Strogen Saga M, R320 Spring, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Stroh Ilene L, Pa, 23219

Stroh Joan P, 511 Wire St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Strohecker Edwin C, 1423 Gordon St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Strohecker Ruth E, 1423 Gordon St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Strohl Blanche G, 738 Lance Place, Reading, Pa, 19600

Strohl Ethel M, Chestnut St, Bath, Pa, 00000

Strohl Helen, Danielsville, Pa,

Strohl Howard E, Rr 1, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Strohl Irene M, 1704 11th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Strohl Mmmildred M, Rr 1, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Strohl Sharon K, 324 Spring Garden St #2, Easton, Pa, 18042

Strohl Terry L, Po Box 754, Cherryville, Pa, 18035

Strohm Margaret, Main St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Strohm Marinetta, Box 15 Highland Dr Rd6, Wagontown Coatesvill, Pa, 00000

Strohman Flora M, 1807 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Strohmeyer Ann L, 1505 Potomac Ave, Erie, Pa, 00000

Strohn Pauline L, 106 Washington St, Fleetwood, Pa, 00000

Strohn William A, , Industry, Pa, 00000

Stroll Antonia, , Barnesboro, Pa, 00000

Stroll Nettie, 2031 N John Russell Cir, Elk Park, Pa,

Strom Charlene M, Floor 1 931 Eqwt 37, Erie, Pa, 00000

Strom Claud, Linicum Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Strom Sandra L, Valleyview Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stroman Cornelia, 1504 E Washington Lane, Phila, Pa,

Strommer I, 317 Cemetary St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Strong James P, R 88, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Strong Loretta J, , Mount Pocono, Pa, 00000

Strong Mary J, Reeders Dr, Mount Pocono, Pa, 00000

Strong Robert, 2832 Pine Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Strong Robert G, 3919 Hinterburn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Strong Vivian, 21 Rhodes Ave, Crafton Pittsburh, Pa, 00000

Strongwater Hildy Od, 441 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stronski Helen, 1000 Morton, Camden, Pa, 00000

Strope Carole A, Brown Town Rd, Avella, Pa, 00000

Strope Karen S, , Burgettstown, Pa, 00000

Stroschein Hazel J, 265 Stroschein Rd, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000

Strother Lori A, Pa,

Strothers Doris M, Pa,

Strotman Ernest, Rr 1, Custer City, Pa, 00000

Strotman Mary E, Rr 1, Custer City, Pa, 00000

Strotman Russel, Rr 1, Custer City, Pa, 00000

Strouble Ida E, , Blossburg, Pa, 00000

Stroud Harriet T, 78 Gklenview Ave, Greensburg, Pa,

Stroudnour Virginia M, 424 Hemlock St., Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stroudsburg Police, Allentown, Pa,

Stroup Betty L, Sunbury Rd, Riverside, Pa, 00000

Stroup Jacqueline J, Marie St Ext, Roaring Spring, Pa, 16673

Stroup Lloyd, 336 North Hope St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Strouse Alma, C/O Mary Strouse 5 Signet St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Strouse B, 702 S Quinn St, York, Pa, 00000

Strouse David, 556 Primrose St, York, Pa, 00000

Strouse Elva, , Bedminster, Pa, 00000

Strouse Florence, C/O Mary Strouse 5 Signet St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Strouse Ida, 556 Primrose St, York, Pa, 00000

Strouse J, 556 Primrose St, York, Pa, 00000

Strouse Jane, 444 E Kleinhans St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Strouse Mabel, Rr 4, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Strouse Margaret, Rfd, Salina, Pa, 00000

Strouse Max, R Main Rd, Salona, Pa, 00000

Strouse Melanie R, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Strouse Reuben I, 500 Folk St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Strouse Verna I, 2133 Rudy Rd, Harrisbur, Pa, 00000

Strouse Walter, 556 Primrose St, York, Pa, 00000

Strout Joanne V, 543 Hillside Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Strovinsky Isabelle, 13 Lower William Penn, Shaft, Pa, 00000

Strow Edward W, 2138 Lambert St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Struble Merla L, Pennsylvania Ave Po Box 133r, Martins Creek, Pa, 18063

Struck Larry, Pa,

Struges Alice, Pa, 99999

Struhar Mary, 801 Lawrence St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Struk Michael, 753 Washington St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Strukan John, Dundoff St, Priceburg, Pa, 00000

Strukan Rose, Dundoff St, Priceburg, Pa, 00000

Strum Edward W, 537 Halson, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Strumsky W, 33 Rd 6, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Strunk Dennis B, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Strunk Harvey, , Minisink Hills, Pa, 00000

Strunk Harvey F, , Minisink Hills, Pa, 00000

Strunk Hilton B Jr, Rr 1 Box 37, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Strunk Ida, Crest Ave, S Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Strunk Ida P, , Minisink Hills, Pa, 00000

Strunk Kenneth D, 577 Courtyard E, Stroudsburg, Pa, 00000

Strunk Leonard, Rr 1, Easton, Pa, 18040

Strunk Mary A, , Cresco, Pa, 00000

Strunk Scott, 118e Cenetr St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Strunk Shirley R, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Strunk Warren Jr, Rr 1, Gratersford, Pa, 00000

Strunk Wilbur K, Perma Ave, Bangor, Pa, 00000

Struntz A, 4821 Liscom St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Struzek Walter J, 3 Pruss Hill Rdrd, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Struzienski Helen E, 7301 Brighton Rd, Benavon, Pa, 00000

Struzynsk Anna, Rr 6, Saltsman, Pa, 00000

Strveve William, Pitcairn, Pa,

Strybric Emilia, 13 Elmwood, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stryker Dolores, 234 Tucker St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Strzelecki Ed, 619 Schapps Pl, Erie, Pa, 00000

Strzempek Bertha, 134 Jawl Hill, West Nanticoke, Pa, 00000

Strzenmpka, Conshocken, Pa, 0

Stuart Alexandria, , Rimersburg, Pa, 00000

Stuart Amanda, Marshall St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stuart Dorothy, 1553 Edgebrook St, Pittsburgh South, Pa, 00000

Stuart Lena L, , East Brady, Pa, 00000

Stuart Wayne, 2053 Majestic Overlook Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Stubblebine Rose, 1608 1/2 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stuber Mazie B, Rr 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Stuber William E, 517 Vine St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Stubits June A, 954 Washington Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stubits Louis, 1613 Cloverleaf St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stubits Louis J, 1613 Cloverleaf St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Stubits Stephen J, 1615 Washington Ave, N Catasuqua, Pa, 00000

Stubits Susann D, 2020 Washington Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stuby Elizabeth M, , Hyndman, Pa, 00000

Stuby Kenneth P, , Tunnelton, Pa, 00000

Stuby Ray C, , Madley, Pa, 00000

Stuchell Henry E, Rr 1, Black Lick, Pa, 00000

Stuchinsky Mary L, 101 North Gerard Ave, Sunbury, Pa, 00000

Stuck Clara C, , Herndon, Pa, 00000

Stuck George W Jr, 321 Penn St, Robesonia, Pa, 00000

Stuck Lynda L, & Margaret M Troutman Jt Ten, Lewistown, Pa,

Stuck Ralph H, , Richfield, Pa, 00000

Stuck Susan C, Fishing Creek Vly, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Stuckeman William, C/O William Stuckman 922 Porter, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stuckert John A, , Phila, Pa, 00000

Stuckey Harold, , Rainsburg, Pa, 00000

Stuckey Terry L, 505 Coleridge Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Studders Helen, R132 Ann, West Pittston, Pa, 00000

Studenroth Donald, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Studenroth Donald E, C/O Donald Studenroth, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Student Cambodian, Pa,

Studt Dorothy, 224 Glenn S St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Studvant Albert, 1725 3rd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Stuebner J, Rr 1, Wymissing, Pa, 00000

Stuer Sophie, 633 Bank St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Stufflet Brendle J, , Blandon, Pa, 00000

Stufflet Brian B, , Blandon, Pa, 00000

Stufflet Melvin L, , Blandon, Pa, 00000

Stufft William S, , New Paris, Pa, 00000

Stugan Mathilda E, 4036 Brandon Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stugart V, Cherry St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Stull Carol L, , Reedsville, Pa, 00000

Stull Charles G, , Cherry Tree, Pa, 00000

Stull Donald, 146 N 7th St, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Stull Elizabeth C, 3 Rd, Gettysburg, Pa, 00000

Stull Elizabeth V, 1524 10th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Stull Kenneth E, Broad St, Tatamy, Pa, 18085

Stull Matthew, Pa,

Stull Rosalie V, Adams Court, Gettysburg, Pa, 00000

Stull Sandra, 109 Sharpsville St, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Stultz James D, 710 19th St Fl 1, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stultz Patricia A, Rd 2, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Stulz Harriet E, 361 N 8th St, Easton, Pa, 00000

Stum Charlotte M, , Stouchsburg, Pa, 00000

Stumberg Ernest G, 402 14th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stumberg George E, 402 14th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Stump Catherine, 72nd &Brant Ave Apt B 26 Unico Village, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stump Catherine, 72nd East Brant Ave Unico Village Apartment #B 26, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stump David C, , Jacobus, Pa, 00000

Stump Edward L, 856 Main St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Stump Gail M, 800 W Grant St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Stump James C, P O Box 511, Belle Vernon, Pa,

Stump John, , Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Stump Lynn A, , Jacobus, Pa, 00000

Stump Mark M, 109 Ave B, Schuylkillhaven, Pa,

Stump Rebecca, 10 Delancey St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Stumpf Dora P, , Cabot, Pa, 00000

Stumpf Joane, 1723 Jumida, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stumpf Joanne, 645 Cherryfield Dr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stumpf Joanne M, 203 Summer Ave, Willow Spring, Pa, 00000

Stumpf Joseph C, 22 Mayflower, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Stumpf Joseph J, 1823 Hokendauqua Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Stumpo Alfred, 175 Springfield Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stunkard Melda C, 915 6th Ave P O Box 539, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Stunkard Russell C.Est, C/O Donna Stunkard Collins Box 253 Coal Spring

Stupi Joan E, Po Box 278, Lloydell, Pa, 00000

Stupi William M, , Lloydell, Pa, 00000

Stupic Raymond, , Heilwood, Pa, 00000

Stupp Helen, Po Box 5, Lake Winola, Pa,

Stupp Janice J, 309 East Main St, Ephrata, Pa, 00000

Stuppv Verna I, Rt 88, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Sturdevant Helen, Rd 3 Box 103, Gillett, Pa, 16925

Sturdevant Richard, Rd3 Box 103, Gillett, Pa, 16925

Sturdy Myrtle I, 3569 N Satritti Ave, Baldwin Park, Pa, 00000

Sturgeon Allen, North St, Josephine, Pa, 00000

Sturgeon George Jr, Route 4, Gettysburg, Pa, 00000

Sturgeon Laura, Lowell St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sturgis Blytha, Harveys Ridge Rd, Embreeville, Pa, 00000

Sturgis Ernest, Mt Pleasant Ave, Wayne, Pa, 00000

Sturgis Marshall B, Rasberry Alley, Lititz, Pa, 00000

Sturgis Robin L, 55-10 Norristown Rd, Warminster, Pa,

Sturm Frederick, Andrea M Sturm Ten Ent 2320 Parrish St, Phila, Pa,

Sturm Patricia A, , Revere, Pa, 00000

Sturm Patricia Ann, , Revere, Pa, 00000

Sturn Jacob, 511 N Dauphin St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sturtevant Ronald G, East State, Albion, Pa, 00000

Stutts Anna Faye, , Thompsontown, Pa, 00000

Stutz Richard, , East Butler, Pa, 00000

Stutzbach Adela, 823 5th St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Stutzman Carol, , Jonestown, Pa, 00000

Stutzman Clarence M, , Middleport, Pa, 00000

Stutzman Gary L, N Green, Shellsville, Pa, 00000

Stutzman Linda J, Rt 20, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Stutzman Ruth A, 16 W Park St, Beaver Dam, Pa, 00000

Stuver Sarah B, 200 E Plank Rd, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Styche Emily M, , Bridgeville, Pa, 00000

Styche Florence D, , Buena Vista, Pa, 00000

Styer Leroy V, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Styer Norman, Rd 1, Mohnton, Pa, 00000

Styfurak Frank, House 14, Clune, Pa, 00000

Styles Clara, 1126 N Rodine, Phila, Pa, 00000

Stynda A, 1541 Mine Lane Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Suarez Lizbeth, 68 Highland Glenn, Lebanon, Pa,

Suber Tyrone, 1522 N Marston St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Suberla Mary, , Cymbria, Pa, 00000

Suberla Mike, , Cymbria, Pa, 00000

Subodos Joe, 325 Mcconanghi St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Suburban Propane, 8 Bank St, Emmaus, Pa, 18048

Sucevie Agnes, 115 Apple Alley, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Sucevie Sophia, 115 Apple Alley, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Sucevie Tony, 115 Apple Alley, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Sucher Stella, 511 2nd St, Lack, Pa, 00000

Suchevits Hilda D, , Russellton, Pa, 00000

Suchma Charles, 1133 Summit, Allegheny, Pa, 00000

Suchock Annie, 134 Footedale, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Suchock Helen, 134 Footedale, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Suchock John, 134 Footedale, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Suchock Mike, 134 Footedale, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Suckling J/T William D & Shirley B, West Loop 267a R D 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sudak D, 313 Cooper St, Aliqwippa, Pa, 00000

Sudak M, 313 Cooper St, Aliqwippa, Pa, 00000

Sudak M, 313 Cooper St, Alliqwippa, Pa, 00000

Sudak S, 313 Cooper St, Alliqwippa, Pa, 00000

Suder Kathleen, 2156 W, Phila, Pa, 00000

Suder Marjorie G, Lemon Way, Koppel, Pa, 00000

Sudetic Rose, 49th, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sudick Joseph, , Saltsburg, Pa, 00000

Sudnik Ronald, 1667 7th St, Newkensington, Pa, 00000

Sudol Nancy N, 245 S Walnut St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Suerken Violet, Route 413 H 2 Madrid Apts, Levitton, Pa, 00000

Suero Mark, 737 S Ninth St, Phila, Pa, 19417

Sueske Dorothy S, 3117 St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Suess Judy, 3 Bala Plaza 7th, Pa,

Suesz Florence, 6921 Oadley, Fairmont, Pa, 00000

Suey Carole L, 4203 Inland, Kennywood Park, Pa, 00000

Suffoletta Anna, Midland Ave, Midland, Pa, 00000

Suffoletta Dan, Midland Ave, Midland, Pa, 00000

Suffoletta Frank, Midland Ave, Midland, Pa, 00000

Suffoletta George, Midland Ave, Midland, Pa, 00000

Sufrin Adolph Inc, 5770 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Suga John, Main St, Eagle Point, Pa, 00000

Sugalski Mary, 7 Coates St, Swedesburg, Pa, 00000

Sugar Grove Twp, 381 Groover Rd, Greenville, Pa,

Sugzolinis J, 651 Constago Rd, Itham, Pa, 00000

Suhajda Elizabeth, 1603 Ream 1st Floor, Pittsburghq, Pa, 00000

Suhayda Elizabeth B, 138 First, Aliquippa, Pa, 00000

Suhy Martha, 2242 Hepner St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Suich Margaret R, 1426 Fleming, Pittock, Pa, 00000

Suick Alex, , Newcomer, Pa, 00000

Suick Julius, Brick House Continental No #3, Newcomer, Pa, 00000

Suick Mike, Brick House Continental No #3, Newcomer, Pa, 00000

Suissa Maurice, 1432 Elbridge St, Phila, Pa,

Sujdak Alfred J, & Mary Sujdak Jt Ten 121 E Main St, Nanticoke, Pa,

Suka J, 313 Cooper St, Aliqwippa, Pa, 00000

Sulak Betty, 167th St, Shoaf, Pa, 00000

Suley Steve, 1174 Wolf Ave, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Sulfare Pauline, 1409 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sulfare Pauline, 508 Moravian Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045

Sulfaro Joseph, 2617 John St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Sulivan Margaret A, 2444 Freemansburg Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sulkowski Martha J, , Riddlesburg, Pa, 00000

Sulkowski Wanda, 2428 Marie Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullender Lee, 6400 Beatty Dr M 204, Irwin, Pa,

Sullinder Albert C, 4638 Olive, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Agnes M, 1306 14th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sullivan Alma, 8 Utica Pl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Anna M, 2555 South Beulah St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Anthony F, 304 E Mesleaisie, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Augustus, 420 Deliegh, Easton, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Barbara C, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Sullivan Catherine, 8 Utica Pl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Charles F, & Rhea C Sullivan Tr Ua Apr 5 76, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sullivan Cheryl, 928 Rex Ave, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Cornelius S, 2512 South Chadworth, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Dana, 221 Iron St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sullivan Daniel J, 1922 Fanshawe St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Delores, 321 5th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sullivan Dorothy, 2105 Gould, W Philadelphia, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Edward, 8112 Pitman St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Ellen, 930 Broadway St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sullivan Esther Mae, 2675 Ocasby, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Francis, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sullivan Francis W, 903 Broadview Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Frank, Glenside St, Downingtown, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Herbert C, Nourytown Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Sullivan James, 4 Marion Place, Pittsburg, Pa, 00000

Sullivan James B, 938 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sullivan James D, Old Eagle School Rd, Wayne, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Jan L, 718 Hickory Ln, Easton, Pa, 18045

Sullivan Jean F, 903 Broadview Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Jill L, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045

Sullivan Jno L, Terrace Dr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan John, 8112 Pitman St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan John, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan John J, 24 Monastary Ave, Pittsburgh South, Pa, 00000

Sullivan John W Ii, 1635 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sullivan Juanitia, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan June M, Box 124c Rd 1, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Sullivan Kendra, 3317 N 15th St, Phila, Pa,

Sullivan Lizzill, 2332 5th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Margaret, 4240 Marianne Dr, Brooklyn, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Margaret, 7 Allecheny Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Margaret, Rear 1518 Pearl, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Margaret L, 221 E Main St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Sullivan Margaret M, 185 Hillside Cir, Villa Nova, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Marion, Bywyn Apt 13 13 Sr And Wayne Ave, Upper Darby, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Mary, 2210c Atoll Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Mary, Nourytown Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Matthew J, 54 W White Horse Pike, Berlin, Pa, 08009

Sullivan Maureen D, 5446 Washington, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Michael, 1306 14th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sullivan Michael D, 304 S Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Sullivan Robert D, 4 Elm St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sullivan Rosemary, 340 Craft Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sullivan Timothy J, 1306 14th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sullivan Virginia, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sullo Julia, 1105 Oak Ridge Dr, Blue Bell, Pa,

Suloman John Jr, Route 422, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Sultzaberger Donald, Tower Rd Mtd Rt, Enola, Pa, 00000

Sulzer Ruth E, 1007 Tomlinson Rd, Lorraine, Pa, 00000

Sumerfield Kenneth, Square Rd, Milford, Pa, 00000

Summa Frank, Po 574, Factoryville, Pa, 00001

Summa Rocco, 183 Tree Top Circle, Nanuet, Pa, 10954

Summer Diane Arlene, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Summers Arthur L, 6216 Hazel Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Summers Blondell, 3341 W Firth St, Phila, Pa,

Summers Ella M, 41 N Braddock Hts, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Summers Estella A, 314 13th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Summers Margaret, 523 Larchwood Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Summers Theodore, 606 Fran, Wrightsville, Pa, 00000

Summers Virgil S, 2524 Beale Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Summerson Leora A, R803 Franklin St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Summerson Robert, 208 10th St, Saltsburg, Pa,

Summerville Marlane, 84 Clarion, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Summerville P H, , Rimersburg, Pa, 00000

Summerville William, 82 Clairon, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Summit Square Assoc, Pa,

Summitt Kenneth E, 1020 Washington, Mc Keesport, Pa, 00000

Summitt Minnie, C/O Levine 106 E Wayne Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sumner Cleo, 36 S 22nd St, Mt Penn Reading, Pa, 00000

Sumner Donald L, Monsey Ave 2nd Fl, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Sumner Elta, Rd. 2, Ellwood City, Pa, 61170

Sumner Rita M, 1112 2nd Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Sumpman Millard, , Larimer, Pa, 00000

Sumpter Elizabeth G, 34 Irwin St, Dusquesne, Pa, 00000

Sumption William J, 43 Barker Lane, Levittown, Pa, 00000

Sumter Anthony, 2248 N 10th St, Phila, Pa,

Sun Co Inc, 1801 Market St Ten Penn Ctr, Phila, Pa,

Sun Company Inc, 501 Fritztown Rd, Sinking Spring, Pa,

Sun Light Spa Inc, Pa,

Sunberg Steven J, B Co 327th Sig Bn Fpo, , Pa, 96612

Sunday Edna M, 461 W Market St, York, Pa, 17400

Sunday Mary A, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Sunderland Roy C, Frankstown Rd Apt 49a, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sunderland Tracie, , Newton Hamilton, Pa, 00000

Sundstrom Jean D, 807 W 10th St, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Sundstrom William E, 37 Overlooke Dro 4, Dybois, Pa, 00000

Sunkala Mike, Box 375, Eleanora, Pa, 00000

Sunnet Byron L, 227 Walnut, York, Pa, 00000

Sunnet Miriam A, , York New Salem, Pa, 00000

Sunoco Entreprises Inc, P O Box 97, Evertt, Pa,

Sunoco Refining & Marketing, 150 Leader Heights Rd, York, Pa,

Sunseri Deborah R, , Rouseville, Pa, 00000

Sunseri Joseph, Westmoreland St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sunseri Louisa, Westmoreland St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sunseri Phillip, Westmoreland St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Sunshine B, 1810 Grant Ave, Phila, Pa, 01911

Suntken Carlyle, Main Rd, Nuangola, Pa, 18637

Supacic Elsie, Main St, Claridge, Pa, 00000

Supan Margaret P, Mill St, Bridgeville, Pa, 00000

Supenis Elenor, 48 N 6th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Super Florence, Box 466 Rd 2, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000

Super Helen Rex, Montrose Apts Edmonds Ave, Drexel Hill, Pa, 00000

Super Sarah, 10 S 5th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Superintendent Of Do, Pa,

Supko Patricia A, Rr 1 Box 449, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Suplee Robert M, 137 Long Lane, Upper Darby, Pa, 19802

Suppan Ger Gerald E, 2122 Westgate Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Suppan John, 315 Wood, Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Supplee Carolyn M, , Uwchland, Pa, 00000

Supplee Janet M, Rr 1, Sadsburyville, Pa, 00000

Suppler Raymond, , Lionville, Pa, 00000

Suprys Judith, Rr 1, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Suranfsky Gloria A, 76 W High St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Suranofsky Frank J, Washington St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Suranofsky Rudolph, 1245 Marvine St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Surasky Jonathan, 203 Sycamore Ave F 2, Merion Sta, Pa, 19066

Surba Steven, , Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Surch Helen B, Rr 1, Easton, Pa, 18040

Surch Helen B, , Stockertown, Pa, 00000

Surch Isabella, Rr 1, Easton, Pa, 18040

Surch Isabella M, Rr 1 Box 702, Easton, Pa, 18040

Surgalla Stephen, 183 Tree Top Circle, Nanuet, Pa, 10954

Surgeon Pearl M, 741 Memory Ln, Liberty Boro, Pa, 00000

Surgical Associate Pennridge, 670 Lawn Po Box 330, Sellersville, Pa,

Surgical Eye Care, 15 Westwood St, Norristown, Pa,

Surgical Supply, 1235 Vine St, Phila, Pa,

Surkovich Nancy M, Rr 1 Box 405, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Surma Barbara, 8 Miller St, Port Blanchard, Pa, 00000

Surmaitis Lucy, 905 Pancourt, Dickson City, Pa, 00000

Surman Doris G, 1533 North Blvd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Surmiak Rose, 1000 Jefferson Dr, Southampton, Pa, 00000

Surplus, 1109w Elm St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Surran Irene A Ms., 4 Old Orchard Dr, Easton, Pa, 18045

Surran Julia K, R660 Old Berwick Rd, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000

Surrena David V, Mrd 4, Oil City, Pa, 00000

Susa Annie, Alley Rd, Beaver Meadows, Pa, 00000

Sushereba Tony E Jr, 1032 Broadview Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Suskalo Olga, Po Box 22, Frank, Pa, 00000

Susko Ann E, , Dunlo, Pa, 00000

Sussin Stanley M, 818 Modina Ter, Phila, Pa, 00000

Susskind L Owner, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sussman Hannah, Dln 88474106 Rev Inf Div Leader Nursing Ctr 104a, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Sussman Helen Meavor, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sussman Karen, 1506 Lincoln St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Suszek Chester R, Wapwallupen St, Dorrance Twp, Pa, 00000

Suszko Paul R, Pa,

Sutcliffe Charles, 106 Coleridge Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Sutcliffe Charles M, 1001 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sutcliffe Wayne, Apt 2 2533 North, Saint Clair, Pa, 00000

Suter Andrew, #1467, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Suter Dennis, 527 Norman Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Suter Esther, #1467, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Suter Robert, Rr 1, Frankford, Pa, 00000

Suter Robert D, 639 Mount Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Suther Mrs Frances E, 1653 Linden St, Allentown, Pa, 18100

Sutherland Barbara, State St, Speers, Pa, 00000

Sutherland Barbara Anne, Speers, Pa, 00000

Sutherly Brenda J, , Fredericksburg, Pa, 00000

Suthern Alice W, Lincoln Rd, University, Pa, 00000

Sutila Anna, Rr 1, Alverda, Pa, 00000

Sutliff Harriet L, , Karns City, Pa, 00000

Sutliff Robert W, 2130 A John Russell Cir, Elkins, Pa, 00000

Sutmuller Max P, 322 Fitzwatertown Rd, Willow Grove, Pa,

Sutor H, Pittsburg St, Scottdale, Pa, 00000

Sutor Peter, Pittsburg St, Scottdale, Pa, 00000

Sutrynowicz Helen, 1345 E Mechanic, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sutsh D J, R D 2 Box 356, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Suttle Verna, 424 W Ruthwood Ave, South Pittsbu, Pa, 00000

Sutton Anthony, Pa,

Sutton Barbara J, 1807 Glenifeo St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sutton Carolyn R, , Fredericktown, Pa, 00000

Sutton Diane M, , Shinglehouse, Pa, 00000

Sutton Earl J, Road To Loretta, Ebensburg, Pa, 00000

Sutton Edna B, Hobart St, Gordon, Pa, 00000

Sutton Elizabeth, 150 Bodini St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sutton Frances J, 1304 21st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sutton Greta B, 323 E Thomas Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Sutton James W, 2339 Avon Height, Easton, Pa, 18045

Sutton Jeanne P, , Black Lick, Pa, 00000

Sutton Marion, Rt 1, Sand Patch, Pa, 00000

Sutton Marry, 437 Ee Walnut St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sutton Mary, 1660 N Edgewood St, Phila, Pa, 19100

Sutton Nancy J, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Sutton Robert R, 147 W Wilkes Barre St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sutton Shirley M, 812 Centre St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sutton Shirley V, Po Box 131, Hopbottom, Pa, 00000

Sutton Terry L, 812 Centre St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Sutton Thelma F, 4573 Penway St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Suwala Joseph, 8719 Lykens Lane, Phila, Pa,

Suwolitch John, , Dixonville, Pa, 00000

Suydam Joan M, 609 W Milton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Svec Louis J, 234 Frederick St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Svehla Jerry, , Loyalhanna, Pa, 00000

Svercheck John, 103 Wilson, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Sverha Mark A, 1759 Acker St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sverken Violet, 2 Nd Ave, Croydon, Pa, 00000

Swab Eldred E, Market St, Elizabeth, Pa, 00000

Swab Eva B, Rr 1 Box 17, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Swab Martha E, , Seneca, Pa, 00000

Swackhamer William, 1906 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Swadba June, 445 Central Blvd, Bethlehem, Pa,

Swaika Nick, 126 Melrose St, Marion Heights, Pa, 00000

Swails Arthur, 28 N Front, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Swails Arthur, 6335 17th St, Reading, Pa, 00000

Swain Francis, 241 Center St, Glenfield, Pa, 00000

Swain Pradie K, & Asha L Dln 55346766 R D 2 Box 61a, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Swalaczik Anna, 123 Fourth, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000

Swalaczik Mary, 123 Fourth, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000

Swallowing Center The, Pa,

Swalm Carol, , Parkerford, Pa, 00000

Swalm Craig B, 2925 Kutztown Rd, Hyde Park, Pa, 00000

Swalm Luella, W Main St, Tremont, Pa, 00000

Swan Dorothy L, Rev Inf Div Dln 86385053 R D 2 Box 142, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Swan James A, 428 S Northampton St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Swan Marion, 4608 St David St, Manajunk, Pa, 00000

Swanger Genevi R, 2502 14th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Swanger Jeffrey, 521 Shuman St, Catawissa, Pa,

Swanger Mary, 12 1/2 Big Titanic, Kenlock, Pa, 00000

Swanglish Mike, , Lamberton, Pa, 00000

Swank James R, , Cramer, Pa, 00000

Swank Sandra L, 6148 Blue Ridge Ave, Dauphin, Pa, 00000

Swankoski John Pac, 1101 Northhampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Swann Galleries, Pa,

Swanson Allen K, 3457 Ridge Pike St, Collegeville, Pa, 00000

Swanson Anna D, Church St, Ludlow, Pa, 00000

Swanson Bernard E, Main St, Benedict, Pa, 00000

Swanson Elizabeth M, , Tionesta, Pa, 00000

Swanson Ferne L, 196 Moselle, Buffalo, Pa, 00000

Swanson Gerald L, , Dagus Mines, Pa, 00000

Swanson Gerri L, , Westmoreland City, Pa, 00000

Swanson Helen, , Grassflat, Pa, 00000

Swanson Isabelle R, Rd 2, Kane, Pa, 00000

Swanson Larry A, , Dagus Mines, Pa, 00000

Swanson Lillie, Barbara St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Swanson Ruth L, Valley Forge Rd, Worcester, Pa, 00000

Swanson Sara M, West Main St, Mount Jewett, Pa, 00000

Swarey John B, Rr 3 Box 414a, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Swarm Harry A, 312 E Trence, Punxsutawney, Pa, 00000

Swarm Mary E, Stoyer Hls, Schullhaven, Pa, 00000

Swarmer Dennis B, 2 Willow Ave, Castle Sheroon, Pa, 00000

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa,

Swartley Annmarie, 316 Main, Steelton, Pa, 00000

Swartley Bros Engineers, Pa,

Swartley James, Pa,

Swartley Kenneth M, 235 Crosshill Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swartz Alton L, 304 60th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Swartz Alton L, Rd 1 Box 367aa2, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Swartz Amandio B, 307 E 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Swartz Annie, 1005 Jerons St, Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Swartz Benjamin, Rr 2, Hemlock Creek, Pa, 00000

Swartz Betty J, Unknow Address, Port Royal, Pa, 00000

Swartz Charles, 717 Vankirk, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swartz David L, 10 Magnolia Ave, Newton, Pa, 02158

Swartz Dona, Unknow Address, Oakville, Pa, 00000

Swartz Dora, 471 Park Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Swartz Ellwood, Vine & Maple, Hatfield, Pa, 00000

Swartz Francis, Unknow Address, Fairbank, Pa, 00000

Swartz Frank, 1005 Front, Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Swartz Gertrude I, 1368 Lincoln Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Swartz Gloria Y, Unknow Address, Linden, Pa, 00000

Swartz John E, 1364 Penna Ave 2nd Floor, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Swartz Judith S, 1431 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Swartz Julia, 14 10 Brook St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Swartz Purififica, 307 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Swartz Richard, 717 Van Kirk, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swartz Sherry L, 115 15th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Swartz Sherry L, 1431 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Swartz Theresa, 27 Lower St, Morea Colliery, Pa, 00000

Swartz Theresa M, 27 Lower Rd, Morea Colliery, Pa, 00000

Swartz Virgie, 26 Kingsesing Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swartz Virginia R, Rd, Mifflin, Pa, 00000

Swartzbaugh Ashley M, Unknow Address, Codorus, Pa, 00000

Swartzlander Thomas, Box 405, Ford City, Pa, 00000

Swartzman Betty G, 20228 Mather Way, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Swasnson Elvir J, Kushequare Ave, Mount Jewett, Pa, 00000

Swatsworth Sherman, Lynwood Trailer Ct, Clearfield, Pa, 00000

Swatt Andrew, 915 West Sprud, Shamokin, Pa, 00000

Swatz Anita, 348 Rigner, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swatz John, Unknow Address, Erwinna, Pa, 00000

Swavely Doris A, 3359 Oley Pike, Esterly, Pa, 00000

Swavely Dorothy R, Unknow Address, Glenmoore, Pa, 00000

Swavely Ivy, Unknow Address, New Berlinville, Pa, 00000

Swaylor Shirley, S Berne, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Swayne Judith A, 503 Park Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Swayne Keith E, Unknow Address, Mendenhall, Pa, 00000

Swearer Dayne R, 31st And Gerard Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swearingen Robert A, 1133 Park Plan, Brownsville, Pa, 00000

Sweatlock Paul, Pa,

Sweatman Dana, 118 S Main St, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Swede Gloria J, 1 Stewart St, Swedesburg, Pa, 00000

Swedenhjelm Caroline, Unknow Address, Wilcox, Pa, 00000

Swedenhjelm Christine A, Unknow Address, Wilcox, Pa, 00000

Sweeda Joan M, 111 W 15th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Sweeney Ambrose, 235 Chestnut St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Sweeney B, 828 Peacock St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Catherine M, 426 Glendale Rd, Stonehurst, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Charles E, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sweeney Edward, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Sweeney Edward W, 4520 Penn Ave Second Floor, Pittsburgh, Pa, 20901

Sweeney Eugene, , Allentown, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Frances J, 213 E Ontario, Frankford, Pa, 00000

Sweeney George L, 128 Washington St, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Helen, 11 Maple St, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Helen, 4430 Deveraux St, River, Pa, 00000

Sweeney John J, 416 Chitlaue St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Katie, 1943 Alleghaney, Phila, Pa,

Sweeney Kenneth Richard, 3400 H St, Philpdelphia, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Louise, , Reading, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Mae J, , Madera, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Margaret G, 1126 S Redfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Margt E, 141 Columbia, Euola, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Marie, 4321 N Elmer St, Conshohocken, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Mary, 535 Godfrey Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Michael A, Delaware Valley Group Inc 8201 Old York Rd Po Box 7182, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Sweeney Patricia, Rd 2 Box 408 Frankstown Rd, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sweeney Penelope, 4354 Freeland Ave, Rox, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Robert F, 2118 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Sweeney Ronald, Tr Uta Dtd 3-21-60 For Elizabeth E Ratchford, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Sweeney Stewart M, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Sweeney Verner, 2803 Nylie Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Sweeney Vincent H, 31 Aberdale Rd Bala, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweeny Patrick, High Rd, Lost Creek, Pa, 00000

Sweesy Hilda M, 228 Main St, W Middlesex, Pa, 00000

Sweet David A, 447 Broadway, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Sweet John, 729 N 67th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Sweet Robert G, R #3, Westfield, Pa, 00000

Sweet Torrance, 99 House, Harwick, Pa, 00000

Sweetra Helen E, 274 Vine St, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Sweetz Victoria E, 731 Pawnee St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Sweetz Victoria El, 900 Broadway, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015

Sweger Donna L, Pa,

Sweigart Cathy, 317 South 3rd, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Sweigart George W, , Paradise, Pa, 00000

Sweigart Hilda M, , Newmanstown, Pa, 00000

Sweigart Margaret S, , Martindale, Pa, 00000

Sweigert Vicki L, , Temple, Pa, 00000

Sweigert William H, 221 Penn St, Highspire, Pa, 00000

Sweimler Dorothy, , Sinking Spring, Pa, 00000

Sweinhart Edmu, , New Berlinville, Pa, 00000

Sweinhart Ida Mae, Hillside Ave, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Sweitzer Charles, , Newell, Pa, 00000

Sweitzer Clayton D, , Jamison, Pa, 00000

Sweitzer Grace, 1232 Bartine, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Swenney Joshua, 5835 Alderson Apt 4, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Sweterlitsch Geraldine E, 134 Endenhern Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Swetland Margaret V, 3041 Marlow St 2nd Fl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Swetonic Mathew, 4020 Wm Pen Hwy, Easton, Pa, 18042

Swetz August Jr, 5309 Front St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

[Continued on next Web Page]

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