[35 Pa.B. 859]
[Continued from previous Web Page] Fenner Betty J, R #3, Easton, Pa, 18040
Fenner John S, 176 Firehouse Dr, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fenner Lulu E, %Mrs Ethel Haas 727 Hamilton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fenner Shirley A, 624 Seventh St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000
Fennick Nicholas, 104 Spruce, Georgetown, Pa, 00000
Fenninger Hollice, 11 C Rd B Hilldale, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Fenster William, Pa,
Fenstermacher A D, 1735 Markham Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fenstermacher Blan, Tennis Ave, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000
Fenstermacher Dorothy A, 1735 Markham Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fenstermacher Earl, Station Ave, Center Valley, Pa, 00000
Fenstermacher Jean Ann, Espy, Pa, 00000
Fenstermacher Miles Jr, 850 Susq, Sunbury, Pa, 00000
Fenstermacher Ruth, Lancaster, Pa, 00000
Fenstermacher Tod O, Bowers, Pa, 00000
Fenstermaker Caroline, 220 W 16, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fenstermaker Dorothy M, 474 Rear Apt 2 Main St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017
Fenstermaker E, 312 1st Ave, West Catasaugua, Pa, 00000
Fenstermaker K, 312 1st Ave, West Catasauqua, Pa, 00000
Fenstermaker Kay Anne, 62 Hickory Hills Dr, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fenstermaker Mabel, Allentown W, Pa,
Fenstermaker Matthew, 269 Pine Cone Court, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fensterrmacher Kathryn, Unionville, Pa, 00000
Fenton George, 168 N Bennett, Kingston, Pa, 00000
Fenton Gertrude A, Kirkland Rd, W Chester, Pa, 00000
Fenton Gertrude A, Kirkland Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Fenton Leona M, General Devery, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Fenton Margaret, Pa,
Feola Sabia, 1728 Pierce St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Feraci Patrick M, Lewis Run, Pa, 00000
Ferderchak Mary, Jermyn, Pa, 00000
Ferdl Edward, 30 Goverbeck N S, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Ferdock Edward, 200 W Park St, Centralia, Pa, 17927
Ference Mary, 1302 South Main, Portage, Pa, 00000
Ference Olga E, Point Pleasant, Pa, 00000
Ferenchak Edith, Flinthill Rd, Swedeland, Pa, 00000
Ferencin Rebecca A, Rr 1 Box 141, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fereney W, 2305 Vistor St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fergel Richard, Pa,
Fergus Blanche, 7122 Radbourne, Stonehurst, Pa, 00000
Fergus Blanche, 7122 Rasbourne, Stonehurst, Pa, 00000
Fergus Mildred C, 431 Walnut St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fergus Mildred H, 431 Walnut St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Agnes M, 2036 Susque Hanna Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Andrew, Balawybwid, Pa,
Ferguson Barbara A, 744 Clover Ave, Elmwood, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Barbara L, Rr 2 Box 151, Emlenton, Pa,
Ferguson David, 116 Gladstone Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15217
Ferguson Elaine L, 133 Bredinville St, Butler, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Evere, Glen Moore, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Harriet, 138 W 1st, Bloomesburgh, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Jacqueline D, Phila, Pa, 0
Ferguson James E, Pa,
Ferguson Jeanne T, C/O Am Greenfield & Co Inc B S Bldg, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferguson John P, 1065 Sherwin, Erie, Pa, 00000
Ferguson John W, 1634 Brownsville Rd, Trevose, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Leroy J, 1004 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Ferguson Leroy W, 8141 1 Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Linda A, Robert Rd, Media, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Lorraine, Bristol, Pa, 0
Ferguson M C, 5 Brookside Rd, Wesconville, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Martha N, Route 2, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Mary P, 900 Chestnut, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Michael T, Pa,
Ferguson Mildred, 431 Walnut St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Myrtle, 91 Lincoln St, Chester, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Nathaniel, 1000 S. 4th St, Phila, Pa,
Ferguson Norman, 1176 Villa Grove, Rutledge, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Robert, 5555 Wisahickon Ave, Phila, Pa,
Ferguson Rommaine, 1245 Luckawanna Ave, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Sandra, Linwood, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Susan L, Tioga, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Vearl, Liberty St, California, Pa, 00000
Ferguson Wilford L, 1218 Kirkpatrick St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000
Ferguson William, Pa,
Fergusson Alex C, Frazer, Pa,
Ferienti Gaetano, Dunkirk, Pa,
Ferk Lawrence, 170 Hanna, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Ferketic Edna, Sumneytown, Pa, 00000
Ferkins Andrew, Pa,
Ferlitch Christine, Madera, Pa, 00000
Fermato Francis, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Fern Dale, 158 N 7th St, Tatamy, Pa, 18085
Fern Mary C, 1007 Misk, Scranton, Pa, 00000
Fern Verden A, 724 7 Ave Jct, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fernandes Orvenor, 423 Nazareth Pike, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fernandez Alex, 621 North Front St Apt 2, Allentown, Pa,
Fernau Harry C, 1420 Walnut St, Phila, Pa,
Fernbaugh William J, Rd 2, Mechanicsburgh, Pa,
Ferncey Anthony, Burnham, Pa, 00000
Ferncez James F, 135 E Myrtyle, Youngstown, Pa, 00000
Fero Ruth, Main St, Jacksonville, Pa, 00000
Feroce Dennis J, M R 1, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Ferra Bonita J, Pa,
Ferraina Antonella, 1114 Wood Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ferraioli Mary, Elm St, Conshohocken, Pa, 00000
Ferraira Bonita L, 224 Crest Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Ferrani Goldie I, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Ferrani Nancy B, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Ferrani Nicholas M, 131 Crest Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Ferrante Angelina, 219 N 66th St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferrante Pietro, 1236 S Warrick, Phila, Pa,
Ferrante Victoria, 1236 Warrick, Phila, Pa,
Ferrara Tina T, 5449 Hale Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Ferraras House Of Gifts, Pa,
Ferrari Alfred, Fredericktown, Pa, 00000
Ferrari Isador, 7425 Andrews Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferrari William, Millsboro, Pa, 00000
Ferraro Janet, 1618 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Ferree Arthur, Rout #1, York, Pa, 00000
Ferree C B, Coraopolis, Pa,
Ferree Winifred, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000
Ferrel Donna L, 2608 Farmersville Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020
Ferrell Christine Bet, 513 Spruce St, West Mifflin, Pa, 00000
Ferrell Robert P, 59 Lettia Ln, Media, Pa, 00000
Ferrence John, 2422 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Ferrence Marry, Po Box 1, Collier, Pa, 00000
Ferrence Steve, Rr 1, Collier, Pa, 00000
Ferrer Daniel J, 375 Stone Church Rd, Finleyville, Pa,
Ferretti Bruce N, Lehigh Ave, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091
Ferretti Lena, E Broad St, Ackermanville, Pa, 00000
Ferretti Lena, Heller Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Ferretti Richard W, 688 S Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Ferretti Vincent J, 69 Half, Mercer, Pa, 00000
Ferri Giovanna, 11118 Swede St, Norristown, Pa, 00000
Ferri Guy, Bolivar, Pa, 00000
Ferri James, Bolivar, Pa, 00000
Ferri Karen Joanne, Bolivar, Pa, 00000
Ferri Patricia J, Bolivar, Pa, 00000
Ferrick Charles A, W Leechburg St, Leechburg, Pa, 00000
Ferrier Bernice, 4 Hutchinson, Holmes, Pa, 00000
Ferrieri Carmela, 1224 Pasture St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Ferrilli Antimo, A77 E Conestoga Rd, Wayne, Pa, 00000
Ferris 3r Bernard J, 2718 Crestmont St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ferris Bernard, 2718 Crestmont Ave, Pa, 18042
Ferris Bernard J, 2718 Crestmont St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ferris Clara, 210 Seymour Rd, Port Chester, Pa, 10573
Ferris George, 5930 6th Ave Box 672, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Ferris Louis J, 2718 Crestmont St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ferris Margaret Mrs., 9681 1/2 Water St, Meadville, Pa,
Ferris Mary V, 713 Chestnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Ferris William A, Rr 2 Box 173, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Ferro Clementine, 113 North River, Sayre, Pa, 00000
Ferro Lillian, 3990 Berton Rd, Huntingdon Valley, Pa,
Ferro Natalie, 210 Lemon St, Reading, Pa, 00000
Ferrucci Mark A, 1514 N 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Ferry Amy, 2779 Red Oak Circle, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Ferry Bonnie L, Rd # 1, East Freedom, Pa, 16637
Ferry Cath, Rr 1, Lattimer Mines, Pa, 00000
Ferry Catherine, Scranton, Pa, 00000
Ferry Corneilous, 242 Leralda St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ferry Grover, 19 Coihuse St, Indiana, Pa, 00000
Ferry Helen E, 4th Ave, Croydon, Pa, 00000
Ferry James M, 1821 Greenleaf St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Ferry John, 1300 Filmore Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Ferry Karen M, 1320 E 7th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Ferry Larry W, 318 N Nicodemus St, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662
Ferry Mary, 629 Hellener St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Ferry Mary E, 119 Brentwood Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Ferry Stella C, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Ferry Walter C Custodian, C/O A A Ferry Rd 1 Box 314 18466, Tobyhanna, Pa,
Ferster Karen L, Richfield, Pa, 00000
Fertsch Joseph B, 2210 Aspen, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fesko Louise J, 828 17th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fessenden C Jr, Waverly Rd, Waverly, Pa, 00000
Fessler Louis, 39 Slattery Wilkes, Barre, Pa, 00000
Fessler Paul E, & Verna M Fessler Jt Ten, Reading, Pa,
Fessler Suzanne, 3870 Brandeis Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020
Festa Mary A, Wells Ave, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Fester Diane J, 102 Klien Dr, Zeliedople, Pa, 00000
Fetchko Jonetta L, Belle Vernon, Pa, 00000
Fetchko Margaret, 193 2nd St, Drifton, Pa, 00000
Feterman Evelyn, Sumneytown Park, Kulpsville, Pa, 00000
Fether Thomas L, 1648 Pleasant Valley Blvd, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fetherman Charles, 533 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fetherman Elizabeth M, 611 Aryn, Stroudsburg, Pa, 00000
Fetherman Marie T, 1130 Broadway, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015
Fetherston William, S Kingapple Ln, Levittown, Pa, 00000
Fetrick Peter, Minersville, Pa, 00000
Fetrow Arthur G, 1131 Market, York, Pa, 00000
Fetrow Beverly, 64 Tremont, York, Pa, 00000
Fetrow Charlotte V, 1626 W Pila St, York, Pa, 00000
Fetrow Judith A, 4700 Swanson St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fetrow Judy A, 64 Tremont St, York, Pa, 00000
Fetsko Geroge, Eastman St, Terrace, Pa, 00000
Fetsko Nellie, R 134 J St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Fetter Diane E, Newmanstown, Pa, 00000
Fetter Florence, 557 Wire, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fetter Florence, Rd 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fetter George M, Rr 1, Birchrunville, Pa, 00000
Fetter Jr Harry R, Pa,
Fetter Olive C, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000
Fetter Roy, 1213 Broad St, So Greensburg, Pa, 00000
Fetter Ruth Ann, Us Route 230 Rd 1, Middletown, Pa, 00000
Fetterman Betty E, 364 Berwick Rd, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000
Fetterman Elizabeth, 821 Bushkill St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fetterman Joyce M, 364 Berwick Rd, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000
Fetterman Mary C, 38 2nd St, Heilwood, Pa, 00000
Fetterman Wanda J, 364 Berwick Rd, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000
Fettermon Rosie M, 409 So Whitehall Ave, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fetternan David H, Irvona, Pa, 00000
Fetteroff Elizabeth L, 649 Cherry Apt 16 3rd Floor, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fetterolf David, 704 Atkinson Lane, Langhorne, Pa,
Fetterolf Horace, 300 Paddock Rd Havertown Pa 19083-1030, Havertown, Pa,
Fetty Harold L, Middle St, West Brownsville, Pa, 00000
Feulner Vera A, Bustleton Pk, Somerton, Pa, 00000
Feutou Ethel N, Wilson St, Glenside, Pa, 00000
Fevens Elizabeth A, Rd #1, West Newton, Pa, 00000
Fey Charles J, 3140 Wick Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fey Georgina, 140 Farlamb, West Gate Hills, Pa, 00000
Fey Wilda C, 246 Leder, Tamaqua, Pa, 00000
Feydo Anna, Box 53 Hollow Rd, Pittock, Pa, 00000
Fhlmc, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fhlmc Part, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fiasco George, Hastings, Pa, 00000
Fichter Ella N, De Kalb Pike, Norristown, Pa, 00000
Fichtner Arden D, Rd #1, Hyndman, Pa, 00000
Fichtner Harold E, Cor Brush Ave & Duwell, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Fick Carol, Rd #2, Sinking Spring, Pa, 00000
Fick Ella, Reading, Pa,
Ficken Gladys, 208 Mt Spring, Hawley, Pa, 00000
Fickes Evelyn Z, Greason, Pa, 00000
Fickes Sandra J, Claysburg, Pa, 00000
Fickes Sondra J, Rr 1, Claysburg, Pa, 16625
Fickkdatharine A, 531 Nill, Reading, Pa, 00000
Ficther Charles J, 112 Waverly Ave, Fullerton, Pa, 00000
Fidelcar Financial Ct Cor, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fidelity Bank, Broad & Walnut Sts, Phildelphia, Pa, 00000
Fidelity Deposit & Disc B, Dunmore, Pa, 00000
Fidler Alice E, Colebrook, Pa, 00000
Fidler Doris J, 63rd & Oxford Sts Monte Vis Apt C5, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fidler Fern A, Taft Ave Stoney Crk, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fidler Ronald N, 576 Balt St, Hanover, Pa, 00000
Fidmareck Anna, 37 Nwood, Shamokin, Pa, 00000
Fidyk Nicholas, 9113 Ashwood, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fie Clarence, 112 Roxboro, Manayunk, Pa, 00000
Fie Forrest R, 112 Roxboro St, Manayunk, Pa, 00000
Fie James, 156 Windove St, Manayunk, Pa, 00000
Fie Martha J, 408 Sycamore Rd, West Reading, Pa, 00000
Fiebig Catherine A, 601 N 2nd St, Shomokin, Pa, 00000
Fiebig Emily, Pa,
Fiedler John, Avis, Pa, 00000
Fiedler Laura, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fiedler Stella G, 509a Garetta St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fiedler Stella G, C/O Riverview Apt 509 Garetta St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fiegel June F, 845 E Player St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Field David K, Green Hill Rd, Collegeville, Pa, 00000
Field Dorothy, 1049 Queen, Polktown, Pa, 00000
Field Harold H, Laurel St, Boothwyn, Pa, 00000
Field Harold S, Rd #1, Duwensville, Pa, 00000
Field Henry, Pen Rose Ferry Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Field John, 906 Welsh Dr, Homestead, Pa, 00000
Field Maybella, 1049 Queen, Polktown, Pa, 00000
Field Ruth F, Pa,
Fielder E, 1502 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Fields Camille M, Pa,
Fields Edward, 3813 Burgoon Rd, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fields Eleanor, 1534 Hillside Village, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Fields Elizabeth, 6475 Chew St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fields Fay L, Dln 88459896 Rev Inf Div 2029 Westgate Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fields Gus, Pa,
Fields Joann, 2054 W Master St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fields Miles, 1134 Yeadon Ave, Yeadon, Pa,
Fields Suzanne, 128 E Broad St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fierst Distriburting Co, Pa,
Fierstone Alberta M, Broadway East, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000
Fieseler Anna M, 846 Township Line, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fiester May, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Fifflick Kathry, 319 Lexington Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fifth Ward Democratic Club, 1126 Lynhurst Cir, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fig Edith M, Erie St, Wireton, Pa, 00000
Figart Hubert, 2402 Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Figart Hubert R, 2400 Landon Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Figart Naomi M, 2101 18th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Figge J, Po Box 2167, Colon F Zone, Pa,
Figlioli Beverly A, 2 Pine Dr, Spring Lake Heights, Pa, 18343
Figlioli Elinda Hermina, Chestnut St, Roseto, Pa, 18013
Figliuolo Gerardo, Pottstown, Pa,
Fignar Joseph, Greensburg, Pa,
Figore Carol J, Rt 28, Cheswick, Pa, 00000
Figueroa Kathryn L, 311 W 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Figueroa M, Pa,
Figueroa Ramon, 823 Hess St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Figueroa Yazmin, 702 Wyandotte St Apt 18, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Figuli Stephen J Jr, Sandbrks Apts #C10 Rd 7, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Figurelli Cindra K, 425 N 8th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fike Catherine S, 2004 Riddle Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fike Elaine B Mrs, 501 Morgantown St, Pt Marion, Pa,
Fike James Isaih, Masontown, Pa, 00000
Filapose John A Jr, Lumber, Pa, 00000
Filbert Anna, Portchester, Pa, 0
Filbert Naomi, 547 Ceader St, Reading, Pa, 00000
Filchner Bernarden, 11 E Babbitt Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Filchner Lorraine G, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
File Howard, 23 Rd Reading, Harrisburg, Pa,
File Howard, 23rd St Reading, Harrisburg, Pa,
Filer Charles H, 102 Jaggard St, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Filer Dailsy, 2428 Chadrorch, Phila, Pa, 00000
Filer Jodi L, 1531 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Filer Linda R, 1531 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Filer Pamela R, 1531 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Filer Todd A, 1531 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Filer William B, 2428 Chadsford, Phila, Pa, 00000
Filewich Michael D, Elrama, Pa, 00000
Filicky Mary L, Hunker, Pa, 00000
Filigno Anna S, 549 Division St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Filip Charlotte, 807 Valley Glen Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Filkoski Lawrence, 3237 Central A St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fillar Florence, 3107 Boyd St, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000
Filler Agnes V, Penn Run, Pa, 00000
Filler Cathy, 15 Jefferson St, Clymer, Pa,
Fillion Karen L, Pa,
Fillipp Joyce, 3249 Gransback St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fillman Betty, 12 Yeakelia Court, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fillman Joan, C/O Florence S Mill Rd Point Rd, Gardenville, Pa, 00000
Fillman Pauline B, Main St, Jennerstown, Pa, 00000
Fillman Virginia L, Route 20, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Fillmore Joanne, 1448 N Edgewood St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Filman Leroy A, Rout 20, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Filo Anna, 320 Mechanic St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Filone Claire M, 3312 Swede Rd, Norristown, Pa,
Filone Nicholas J, 3312 Swede Rd, Norristown, Pa,
Filonge John, Floor 1 Apt 1 East Lawn, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Filonge Renee, 1925 Jefferson St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Filt Charles, Duke Center, Pa, 00000
Filtosh A, 252 53rd St, Saint Clair, Pa, 00000
Filtosh Dorothy, 252 53rd St, Saint Clair, Pa, 00000
Fin Plan Inc, Pa,
Fina Emmaline E, 324 N Follow St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fina Patrick, Rock St, Pittston, Pa, 00000
Finan Ethel M, Hawley, Pa, 00000
Financial Cor Springhous, 1111 Bethlehem Pike, Springhouse, Pa,
Financial Estate Planning, 7201 Saltsburg Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15235
Finch Elizabeth, 2610 Hutchison, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finch Justin, Pa,
Finch Laura, 411 Bedford St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Finch Marjory, New Albany, Pa, 00000
Finch Mildred, Waynesburg, Pa, 00000
Finch Myrna Ruth, New Albany, Pa, 00000
Finch Ruth, 8 Locust Ct, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Finch Spencer W, Nelson, Pa, 00000
Findlay Park V, Rd 1, Kennerdell, Pa,
Findley John, Phila, Pa, 99999
Findley Mary, Twin Rocks, Pa, 00000
Findley Zona Mae, Rae King House, Pa, 00000
Fine Fair Supermkt, 6012 Cedar Ave, Phila, Pa, 31134
Fine I Edward, Su Cor 10th & Spruce St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finefood Catering, R D 2, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Finefrck Wesley A, 335 E Phila St, York, Pa, 00000
Finefrock Ruth B, 335 E Phila St, York, Pa, 00000
Finefrock Wesley A, 3356 E Philadelphia St, York, Pa, 00000
Finegan Joseph, 1237 Erie Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finegan Margaret L, 515 Cottage St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finelli Daniel, Po Box 173, Tatamy, Pa, 18085
Finelli John, State Hospital, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Finerty Mary M, 1205 No 4th, Terre Hill, Pa, 00000
Fink Adam, Rl 3, Hamburg, Pa, 00000
Fink Charles, 510 Boyerton Ave, Lakemont, Pa, 00000
Fink Charles, 709 Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fink Dale W, Fallentimber, Pa, 00000
Fink Donald L, Saegersville, Pa, 00000
Fink Ellis, Schwenksville, Pa, 00000
Fink Elsie, Hellam, Pa, 00000
Fink John, 977 Wyonlotte, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fink Joseph L, 513 W 14th St, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fink Leonard, 4504 York Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fink Martha L, New Hanover, Pa, 00000
Fink Nancy C, 956 Chew, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fink Norma G, Hopewell, Pa, 00000
Fink Patricia L, 101 Teaberry St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fink Ruth, Butler, Pa, 00000
Fink Stella I, 130 23rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fink Stewart E, Emigsville, Pa, 00000
Fink Thomas, 344 W Market, York, Pa,
Fink Thomas, 45 Claystone Rd, York, Pa,
Fink Todd P, Granville, Pa, 00000
Fink William J Jr, 932 Itaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Finkbeiner Arlene, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Finkbeiner Cinda L, 1340 Green Trl, Easton, Pa, 18040
Finkbeiner Cinda L, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Finkbeiner Joanne M, Po Box 113a, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343
Finkbeiner Kerlyn, 4 Louise Lane Kenlyn Manor, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Finkbeiner Madeline, 286 S Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Finkbeiner William, Po Box 27, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016
Finkbinder Haines H Jr, East Petersburg, Pa, 00000
Finken Lucy A, 418 E Kleinhans St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Finlan Mary, E Preston Ave, Girardville, Pa, 00000
Finley Barry A, 1413 Oreily Rd, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Finley Dorothy, 2850 South Sinfoam, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finley Frances B, Georgetown, Pa, 00000
Finley Jessie, 6625 Lincoln, Oak Glen, Pa, 00000
Finley Mae A, West Main St, Tremont, Pa, 00000
Finley Rozanne M, 1413 Oreily Rd, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Finn Anna, 67 Coulter St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finn J, 67 E Collis, Germantown, Pa, 00000
Finn Patricia, Gardner Rd, Elmhurst, Pa, 00000
Finnefrock Evelyn, Rd Peach, Balsam, Pa, 00000
Finnegan Anna, Main St, Sproul, Pa, 16682
Finnegan Betty L, Main St, Sproul, Pa, 16682
Finnegan Dorothy L, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Finnegan Harry, Main St, Sproul, Pa, 16682
Finnegan Margt, 26535 Mole St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finnegan Mona J, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Finnegan Norman, 112 Barr Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Finnegan Robert, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Finnegan Shannon, 4535 Penacook Dr, Easton, Pa, 18045
Finnell Lillian D, 527 S 46th St, Phila, Pa,
Finnell Or James R., Peggie C. Finnell P.O. Box 1505 Macquarie Ctr, Pa,
Finnerty Helen, #5230, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finnerty John F, 84 Oakwood Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Finney Andrew W Jr, 751 Rivermont, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Finney Diane, 2635 Clover Dr, Easton, Pa, 18045
Finney Donald C, Woodland St, Glenshaw, Pa, 00000
Finney Edna T, Bydrucky Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finney Gloria E, 925 Van Kirk Rd, Levittown, Pa, 00000
Finney Harry, Tioga St, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Janet L, 109 Woodland St, Glenshaw, Pa, 00000
Finney Kathleen M, 3504 Pleasant St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Finney Leo R, 1648 E P I V Blvd, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Finney Mary, Pa,
Finney Mary E, Route 100, Lionville, Pa, 00000
Finney Nina F, 56 Tiago, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Nina F, Tioga St, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Patricia A, 653 Alaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Finney Rose Marie, Tioga St, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Ruth, Tioqa St, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Ruth Ann, Rutherford Heights, Pa, 00000
Finney Ruth M, 653 Alaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Finney Vaughn W, Oakdale, Pa, 00000
Finnin Robert C, 233 Sacob Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Finnin William L, 252 Spring Garden St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Finstein Nathan, Pa,
Fintz F, 225 Rear Spruce St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Finucane Edmund O, 695 Fairfield Dr, Sharon, Pa, 00000
Fioravante Steven, Pa,
Fiore Alvetta, Mechacelksville Rd, Tornesdale, Pa, 00000
Fiore Anthony C, 22 S 2nd St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fiore Brack, 566 Watson, Hays, Pa, 00000
Fiore Lewis, Madison St, Greensburg, Pa, 00000
Fiore Maria, Rr 1, Devault, Pa, 00000
Fiore Nicola, Rr 1, Devault, Pa, 00000
Fiorentin Secondo, Dean, Pa, 00000
Fiorenzo James V, 3210 W 39th St, Erie, Pa,
Fioriglia Edna, 613 S Bishopthorpe St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fiorini Walter J, Pruss Hill Rd, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Firestine Bessie, 118 Washington, W Pittston, Pa,
Firestown Galan, 1 Kyle Lane, Fairchance, Pa,
Firlein Franklin L, Willowroad, Chester, Pa, 00000
Firmbach Michelle L, Durham, Pa, 18029
Firnhaber Amelia, 10505 B Airchuck Vlg Ne, Phila, Pa, 00000
Firnhaber David, 10505 B Shore Lane, Phila, Pa, 00000
Firsdon Nancy I, 4633 Fescot Pl, Annandale, Pa, 00000
First, 408 Vinbe St Ste 2a, Phila, Pa, 00001
First Agricultural B, Pa,
First Bank Systems, Po Box 9487, Minneapolis, Pa, 55440
First Blair County *, National Bank Ac James George Strong 3rd, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
First Brandywine Corpora, 2 Aldwyn Ln, Villanova, Pa,
First Communicorp Inc, Pa,
First Fidelity, Po Box 25499, Lehigh Valley, Pa, 18002
First Financial Mortgage, 03852626000 Premium Refun 900 East 8th Ave Ste 300, King Of Prussia, Pa, 9406
First National Bank, Stoyestown, Pa,
First National Bank, Zelienople, Pa,
First Natl Bank Of Chica, Pa,
First Peoples Premiu, Po Box 1268, Kingston, Pa, 11763
First Union Mortgage Corp, Pa,
Firster Harry A, Stoneboro, Pa, 00000
Firth Joyce, 155 Hemmitage St, Phil, Pa,
Fiscardo Jason, 200 S. 4th St, Phila, Pa,
Fisch Patricia A, Pa, 00000
Fischer Alfred James, Library, Pa, 00000
Fischer Charlene S, Box 846, Russellton, Pa, 00000
Fischer Darryl T, 637 N Jessup St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fischer David R, 2016 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fischer Dorothy, Mill Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fischer Edith E, 248 James, Hazleton, Pa, 00000
Fischer Edward, Mill Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fischer Ella, 225 Maple, Washington, Pa, 00000
Fischer Frdrick G, & Anthony J Fischer Jt Ten, Phila, Pa,
Fischer G C, 602 Moontone Dr, Allison Park, Pa, 15105
Fischer George, 1334 E Cardeza St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fischer George S, 79 Manton St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fischer Hattie M, 812 Radclyffe St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fischer Helen, 2847 Darieu, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fischer Helen K, Rr 2, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fischer Irena, Mill Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fischer Irma, 2125 Etioga St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fischer Joyce A, Fertigs, Pa, 00000
Fischer Kenard, 1315 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fischer Lillian, 916 Rear St, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fischer Lois Mae, 7102baker St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fischer Martha, Mill Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fischer Nicole, 103 Weidman St, Lebanon, Pa, 12042
Fischer Norma J, Mary Ann Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fischer Paul B, 2908 Rosby St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fischer Peter Y, 8 Rue Adolphe Weis L 7260 Bereldange, Luxembourg, Pa,
Fischer Robert B, 137 S 17th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fischer Rose, Rr 2 Box 231, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fischer Warre, Phila, Pa, 0
Fischer William, 1334 E Cardeza St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fischl Margaret T, Wessinning Hall Mount Airy 19, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fiscler Rita, 1314 Seitz St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fish Earl, Shawnee St, Delaware, Pa, 00000
Fish Harold, 1023 N 2nd St, Russellto, Pa, 00000
Fish Joseph H, 2660 Nazareth Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fish Marguerit, Spartansburg, Pa, 00000
Fish Merriel A, 235 W Haines St, Phila, Pa,
Fish Norma V, 1023 Puissellton, Puissellton, Pa, 00000
Fish Russell, 1023 N 2nd St, Piussellton, Pa, 00000
Fish Sharon, 1207 Blue Valley Dr, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Fish Thelma, 411 Lincoln Ave, N Vandergrift, Pa, 00000
Fishbock Ruth Esthe, 1262 N 10 St Apt 5, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fishcher Elizabeth J, Andover House B-001 Summit Dr, Bryn Mawr, Pa,
Fishcle Carl, 3537 Jook Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fishell Margaret J, 216 Green Ave Tower, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fishell Norma J, 418 E Southey Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fisher Agnes R, 3118 Noodrow, Liberty, Pa, 00000
Fisher Anna H, 433 W 16th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fisher Arthur, Ridge Rd, Nuremberg, Pa, 00000
Fisher Barbara C, Upper Black Eddy, Pa, 00000
Fisher Bertha, Body Of Mercy Convent, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Fisher Betty E, 2210 Union Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fisher Beulah, 4321 Jefferson, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fisher Blanche, Pottsville, Pa, 0
Fisher Bonita, Rear 459 N9, Sunbury, Pa, 00000
Fisher Bonnie J, Pottsgrove, Pa, 00000
Fisher Clarence R, 821 Messiah Village Po Box 2015, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 17055
Fisher Curtis L, 121 E Main, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000
Fisher Curtis R, Rohrsburg, Pa, 00000
Fisher Dorothy E, Rd 2 Sinking, Springs, Pa, 00000
Fisher Earl F, 35 Maple View Dr, Bushkill, Pa, 00000
Fisher Edith E, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000
Fisher Edna B, 1413 First St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fisher Edward Jr, Beaverdale, Pa, 00000
Fisher Edwin H, 3 Latimer, York, Pa, 00000
Fisher Ella M, 208 Brobst St, Shillington, Pa, 00000
Fisher Elsie, Beaver Dam Rd, Pa, 00000
Fisher Enneth G, Pa,
Fisher Ernest H, Rd 1, Renfrew, Pa,
Fisher Eugene L, Stoneboro, Pa, 00000
Fisher Eva B, Dublin, Pa, 00000
Fisher Frances, 18 Cochise Lane, Royerford, Pa,
Fisher Francis, 19 Tunnel, Crafton, Pa, 00000
Fisher Francis R, 4207 Hodge Ave, East Foles, Pa, 00000
Fisher Frank W, 904 Penn Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fisher Frederick H, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343
Fisher Gail M, Pottsgrove, Pa, 00000
Fisher Geraldine M, Re 37, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fisher Glenn, New Cumberland, Pa, 00000
Fisher Harry, Rfd, Barto, Pa, 00000
Fisher Helen C, 229 Country Club Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fisher Helen E, 408 Sowell St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fisher Hilda E, Pottsville, Pa, 00000
Fisher James W, Jefferson, Pa, 00000
Fisher Janet, 866 Nantucket Cir, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fisher Joanna, Rr 3, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fisher John, 513 Hays Ave, Mt Olive, Pa, 00000
Fisher John, 832 Pardee St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fisher John L, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fisher Joseph L, 816 Edgmont, Chester, Pa, 00000
Fisher Karen S, 718a S Broadway St, Windgap, Pa, 18091
Fisher Kathy E, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343
Fisher Kay H, Granville, Pa, 00000
Fisher Larry F, Chester St, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000
Fisher Lee W, 355 Copley Rd, Stonehurst, Pa, 00000
Fisher Leila M, Apt F6 135 S 4th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fisher Leo, Rr 422, Belsano, Pa, 00000
Fisher Leon, 124 Marvin Rd, Phila, Pa, 19117
Fisher Lester A, Germantown Allegheny Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fisher Linda C, Pa,
Fisher Lucy E, 3 Latimer, York, Pa, 00000
Fisher Lucy I, Ridge Rd, Nor New Cumberland, Pa, 00000
Fisher Madge, 244 Ruraltion St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fisher Margaret, 4853 N Bouvier St, Germantown, Pa, 00000
Fisher Margaret E, Rr 1 Box 4, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fisher Marian, Stoneboro, Pa, 00000
Fisher Marie J, 400 Lafayette Ave, Collindale, Pa, 00000
Fisher Mary, 2835 East, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fisher Pauline, 916 Chicago St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Fisher Raymond M, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fisher Rita, Pocono Pines, Pa, 00000
Fisher Robert, 14 Mulberry Ln, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fisher Robert, 24 Potta St, Chester, Pa, 00000
Fisher Robert A, 1 Shirley Cir, Narberth, Pa, 19072
Fisher Robert R, Rt 2 Box 118, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693
Fisher Robin E, Rr 1 Box 190, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693
Fisher Russell Franklin, 11 Y St, Indiana, Pa, 00000
Fisher Ruth, Rr 2, Walnutport, Pa, 18088
Fisher Ruth B, 729 Redfern Ln, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fisher Samuel, Furnace Rd, Pa, 00000
Fisher Sandra L, Imperial, Pa, 00000
Fisher Scott R, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343
Fisher Sharon, C/O Malera Fisher 3513 Stoners Ave, Esterly, Pa, 00000
Fisher Steven J, Rr 1 Box 226, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662
Fisher Susan R, Rr 1 Box 190, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693
Fisher Teddy L, 2024 Livingston, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fisher Terry L, 1732 Johnston Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fisher Thomas E, 920 West Ave, Bristol, Pa, 00000
Fisher William Dale, Wingate, Pa, 00000
Fisher William L, 7712 W Firth, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fisher Winifred M, 719 Woodbine Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fishfeld Todd, 135 William Penn Dr, Jeffersonville, Pa,
Fishinger Harry Jr, 318 Blackcherry St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Fishman And Tobin, Pa,
Fishman M, 3518 Walton St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fisk Clarence A, 3560 Baldwin Dr, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fisk Katie, 633 N Franklin St, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 18072
Fisker Scientific, , Pa,
Fisket Towey, 112 Whorty St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fisler Catherine M, Rr 2, Chambensburg, Pa, 00000
Fisler Ruth W, 703 Southview Dr %West, Tandesville, Pa,
Fissel Dale G, 8 Seminole Ave, Fox Chase, Pa, 00000
Fister Ardell, Rd, Jersey Shore, Pa, 00000
Fistner Franklin A Jr., 930 Bushkill Center Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fitch Delores D, 726 Race, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Fitch Glenn Hartman, Po Box 214, E Freedom, Pa, 16637
Fitch Gloria, 907 Reynolds St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fitch Virginia, 215 W Pierce St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fitterling Betty J, Centerport, Pa, 00000
Fitteroff Florence, Oak St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fitts Robert, 2410 N 26th, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fitzer Doris, 1635 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fitzgeald Thomas, 207 W Sloyget Ave, Shendavel, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Alice, Franklin St, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Douglas W, 280 Vandermark St, Wanamie, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Eleanor, 206 Paoli Pike, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Enos, Norristown, Pa, 0
Fitzgerald Evelyn C, Po Box 215, Clarks Summit, Pa, 00001
Fitzgerald J, Onhill St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald James, 178 E Pleasant St, Philapelphia, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald John Jr, 280 Vandermark Rd, Wanamie, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald M D, Star Route 1, Vonwinckel, Pa,
Fitzgerald Rose D, 6436 Lawnton, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Sarah M, Newburg Rd, Shippensburg, Pa, 00000
Fitzgerald Theresa, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Fitzgerald Theresa, 605 Union Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Fitzgerald William, 5002 Comly St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fitzgibbon Robert V, 120 N 13th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fitzgibbons William, 215 S West St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fitzimmons Barbara L, Brookville, Pa, 00000
Fitzmartin Mary C, 30 Stevens St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fitzmaurice Brain, Pa,
Fitzmire Mary, 216 Hupont St, Manayunk, Pa, 00000
Fitzmorris Judith D, 4246 West Ave L 4, Lancaster, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatri John T, 308 W 18th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fitzpatrick Anna, 3128 N 35th St, East Falls, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick B V, 308 W 18th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fitzpatrick Deborah, 204 W Boyd Ave, Berlin, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick F, Pa, 0
Fitzpatrick M N, 692 Meuller Rd, Warmister, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick Mary, 415 Tolland St, Burnside, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick Mary F, 1015 Fraple St, Conshohocken, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick Ralph, Bainbridge, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick Robert, 730 Lawrence St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fitzpatrick Susan C, East Butler, Pa, 00000
Fitzsimmons Bruce, 924 S 9th St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Fitzsimmons Joseph, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Fitzsimmons Robert, 4308 Perrysville Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fitzwater Dolores M, 527 Fairmount Ave, Trafforo, Pa, 00000
Fiutak Jon C, 39 Park View Ave, Bangor, Pa,
Fix Esther H, 553 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fixel Mary A, 1313 Newport Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Fixx Josephine M, 1017 Sherman St, Media, Pa, 00000
Fiyut Sophia, 100 Prospect Hill, Alden, Pa, 00000
Flacco Elizabeth, Glenside Ave, Wyncote, Pa, 00000
Flack Constance E, Laughlintown, Pa, 00000
Flack Helen J, 8 Pelham Rd, Mount Airy, Pa, 00000
Flack Henry, 235 Stewart St, Swedisburg, Pa, 00000
Flack Raymond, 8 Pelham Rd, Mount Airy, Pa, 00000
Flad Irvin D, Trout Run, Pa, 00000
Flad Kurt S, 1609 Arndt Rd, Easton, Pa, 18040
Flad Sara F, 2338 Forest St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Flaharty Minnie H, R D #1, Dover, Pa, 00000
Flaharty Robert E, R D #1, Dover, Pa, 00000
Flaherty Gerald, 1142 Railroad, Duquesne, Pa, 00000
Flaherty Mary, Pa,
Flaherty Patrick J, Apt F 13 Golf Club Apts, W Chester, Pa, 00000
Flaherty Robert M, 23 Victoria Rd, Dunoon, Pa,
Flaherty Robert M, Hunters Quay 23 Victoria Rd, Dundon, Pa,
Flaherty Rose M, 1142 Railroad, Duquesne, Pa, 00000
Flaig Ruth A, Williamsburg, Pa, 00000
Flaim Victoria, , Tire Hill, Pa, 00000
Flak Annie, 75 Co House, Continental, Pa, 00000
Flak John, 75 Co House, Continental, Pa, 00000
Flak Mary, 75 Co House, Continental, Pa, 00000
Flame Hardware And Supply, 8110 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Flamisch Miriam E, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Flamisch Nancy L, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Flamisch William F, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Flammer Florence, Po Box 199 D, Raubsville, Pa, 00000
Flammer G Allan, 181 E Moorestown Rd, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091
Flammer Shirley E, West St, Hamburg, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Ardell, Kaylor, Pa, 00000
Flanagan C, 819 Ford St, Cohnshoken, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Denise A, 2533 E Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Edith M, 5508 M Gergs, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Edward, 223 S Hawthorne Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Flanagan Elizabeth, 1231 Th Butler, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Faith, 2533 E Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Francis, 2531 E Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Gerald, 2533 Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Gerald Jr, 2533 E Clearfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flanagan John D, 131 N Shippen St, Lancaster, Pa,
Flanagan Joseph, Pa,
Flanagan Joseph, 135 Lankenau Medical, Phila, Pa,
Flanagan Louise M, 108 Village Of Pennbrooks, Levittown, Pa, 00000
Flanagan Raymond J, Rd 2 Box 496, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Flanagan Stephen M, Liberty Bell Trailer Pk, Trevose, Pa, 00000
Flanagen Veronica, 845 La Salle Rd, Pgh, Pa, 00000
Flandorffer D F, 2370 Huntington St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Flandum Martin, Kaylor, Pa, 00000
Flango Margaret J, Ramey, Pa, 00000
Flanhofer Marie, Allegheny, Pa,
Flanigan Hugh Jr, 224 Wayne, Warberth, Pa, 00000
Flank Metro, 501 Northampton St Po Box 343, Portland, Pa, 18351
Flannelly John A, Po Box 231, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Flannelly Lurena E, Po Box, Portland, Pa, 00000
Flannelly Rita C, 1422 Heather Ln, Chester, Pa, 00000
Flannery Catherine, 362 Chilthenbine, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flannery Dennis M, 568 Kulp Rd, Perkiomenville, Pa,
Flannery Esther, Main St, Mahanoy Plane, Pa, 00000
Flannery James, Pa,
Flannery James L, Meyers St, Centralia, Pa, 17927
Flannery John, 701 Scranton, Scranton, Pa, 00000
Flannery Stella, 541 N Ailsen Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Flannery Thomas, Pa,
Flannigan Lavaughn, 647 Merchant St, Ambridge, Pa,
Flanygan Todd, Pa,
Flaquer Miguel, 2113 Row Ave, Phila, Pa,
Flarkey Barbara M, Rr 2 Box 52, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Flaro Eve M, Pa,
Flasher Jeffrey, Pa,
Flatau Helen, Fair Acres Geriatric Center, Pa,
Flatley Thomas E Jr, 214 Warren Sq, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Flaugh Joan, 777 Grove Meadville, Meadville, Pa, 00000
Flaville Micheal, 2259 North Zithgow, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flavro Dorothea, 284 Howard St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Flax Irwing, Pa,
Fleagle Jeremiah, Ft London St, London, Pa, 00000
Flebbe Edward, 1500 Clayden Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fleck Catherine M, E Walnut St, North Wales, Pa, 00000
Fleck Edward H, 1705 S Broad St, S Greensburg, Pa, 00000
Fleck Fay V, 1426 Blair Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fleck Frank A, Kintnersville, Pa, 00000
Fleck Harold S, 117 Crawford Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fleck Janet D, 2709 Fairway Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fleck Julia M, 1705 Broad, S Greensburg, Pa, 00000
Fleck Kathleen, Smithmill, Pa, 00000
Fleck Nancy L, 1991 Miller Ave, Emmaus, Pa, 00000
Fleck Thomas F, Po Box 169, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fleckenstein Anna, 3286 Catoctin St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleckenstein Thomas, Pa,
Fleckenstine Elizabeth, 707 Foreland, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleckenstine Fred, 707 Forlang St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleeger Charles J, Chicora, Pa, 00000
Fleeger Dale, Chicora, Pa, 00000
Fleeger Ruth Ann, Petrolia, Pa, 00000
Fleeman Ruth, 121 Krugger St, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fleetwood Frank Mollie O, 5643 Appletree St, Phila, Pa, 19100
Fleichel Marie, 1120 Progress, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleisch John Jr, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Fleischer Fred, Phila, Pa,
Fleischlacker Julia, North Coplay, Pa, 00000
Fleischmajer Sabina, Pa,
Fleischmann Diane M, Mt R#4, Oil City, Pa, 00000
Fleischut Anna M, 361 2 St Pike, Southamton, Pa, 00000
Fleish Billie Ruth, 30 Sycamore, Chester, Pa, 00000
Fleisher David H, 343 Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, Pa, 01935
Fleming Bernard, 7538 Melrose, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Fleming Bonnie L, Burke Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Fleming Carolyn, Penns Park Rd, Rushland, Pa, 00000
Fleming Companies, Pa,
Fleming David L, 7005 Oneida, Huntingdon, Pa, 00000
Fleming Edward, Pa,
Fleming Gary L, Geigertown, Pa, 00000
Fleming Genevieve Catherine, 248 Guilford Rd, Lansdale, Pa, 00000
Fleming Grace E, 1929 N 25th St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fleming Grace E, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fleming Harold, 5039 Volt Way, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleming Harry A, Railroad St, Foxburg, Pa, 00000
Fleming Helen B, Apt 729 5457 Wayne Ave, Phila, Pa,
Fleming Hilda A, 2148 Elmore Savair, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleming Huett M, 1585 Lincoln Line, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fleming Isabelle, 111 Brilliant Ave, Aspinnall, Pa, 00000
Fleming Isaiah, 5442 Girard Ave, Phila, Pa,
Fleming James, 14 E 12th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fleming Jennie, 3616 Agate, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fleming Kathryn M, Allensville, Pa, 00000
Fleming Lawrence, 219 S Francis, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fleming Loy D, 4 Front St, Chester, Pa, 00000
Fleming Lysle J, Commodore, Pa, 00000
Fleming Margaret L, 58 Lawrence St, Albany, Pa, 12207
Fleming Margaret V, 215 Sprucetree Rd, Radnor, Pa, 23219
Fleming Mary R, 272 S 20th St, Southampton, Pa, 00000
Fleming Michael J, 622 North Front St, Reading, Pa,
Fleming N, 80 Berger Rd, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fleming Nancy, 703 Devonshire Dr, State College, Pa,
Fleming Ronald L, Railroad St, Foxburg, Pa, 00000
Fleming S M, & David D Fleming Jt Ten 2509 W Chestnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fleming Sonja Margeri, Sonja Margerite Fleming 208 Ridge Ave Apt 6, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fleming Viola P, 516 Allegheny St Fl 2, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Flemmens David, Pa,
Flemming Charlotte, 439 Hamilton St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Flemming Judith A, 2904 North Hampton St, Easton, Pa, 18045
Flemming Lee C, 532 Graham Belle, Vernon, Pa, 00000
Flemming Mary, 2522 Naudain St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flemming Minni, 126 Jeff, Brookville, Pa, 00000
Flemming Ruth, 608 Davis St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Flenner Emma M, Rr 1, New Sheifield, Pa, 00000
Fletcher Doris A, 111 Vista Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fletcher Edward, Pa,
Fletcher Irene A, Rt 1 Meadowbrook Terrace, Bedford, Pa,
Fletcher James, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fletcher Janice A, 5860 Ford Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fletcher Lovella, 2831 Amber St, Phila, Pa,
Fletcher Ralph, 645 Terry, Easton, Pa, 00000
Flexer Elizabeth R, 613 R Rd, Tamaqua, Pa, 00000
Flexer Harold A, Eastman St, Emmaus, Pa, 00000
Flexer Myron W, Emmaus, Pa, 00000
Flick George A, Tionesta, Pa, 00000
Flick Harriett M, 723 5th Ave Jun, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Flick Rachel K, Worthington, Pa, 00000
Flickener Martha R, 1800 N 98th St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flicker Fern M, Barto, Pa, 00000
Flicker Irene Alice, Breinigsville, Pa, 00000
Flickinger Gregory A, Rr 2 Box 2717, Spring Grove, Pa, 17300
Flickinger Shirley, Proctor Star Route, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Fliegel Helen E, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fling Daniel A, 338 Porter St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fling Ernest R, 1426 St Ragsburg Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Fling Vacations, 999 Postal Rd, Allentown, Pa, 81803
Flinn George H, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Flinn Robert J, 512 Stanley Way, Sharon, Pa, 00000
Flinner Larry W, 404 Stone Church Rd, Prospect, Pa,
Flint Assoc, 417 Craig St, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Flint Bettymay, Washington St, Greenland, Pa, 00000
Flint Elaine I, 5916 Warmack, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flint Evelyn, 667 N 37th St, Phila, Pa,
Flipse Barbara J, Boalsburg St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Flite Charles, 151 Eltwell, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Flitter Valerie R, Cust Abagail Lee Flitter Unif Gift Min Act Pa, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Floccos Inc, Pa,
Flock Della B, 2069 South John Russell Circle, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Flocker Irma C, Watson St, Hays, Pa, 00000
Flockerzi Mildred R, Rd #5, Oil City, Pa, 00000
Flon Henry D, Ernest, Pa, 00000
Flood Alice, 2820 N Front St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flood Catherine H, 460 N Penna Ave, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Flood Elizabeth A, 578 Catasauqua Ave, Fullerton, Pa, 00000
Flood Ellison D, Hawley, Pa, 00000
Flood John, 336 Rand St, Phila, Pa,
Flood Ruth P, 3266 Sansom, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flood Sarah E, 9th & Westuiorelued St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flood Sophia J, 802 Poplar Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Flood Thomas, 37 Addison, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flook Harold L, 1826 Lyc Rd, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Florance Joan, 2545 Nottingham Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Florczik Victoria, 4620 Stiles, Frankford, Pa, 00000
Flore Franklin, 36 Albert, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Florek Henry, 4 E Firth St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Florek Ruth V, 543 S Church St, Waynesboro, Pa,
Florence George S Jr, 2718 Brookmere Rd, Charlottesville, Pa,
Florence Herman, Rd 7, Claysburg, Pa, 16625
Florence Wiemann, 434 Cheltemham Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flores Flora, Pa,
Flores Gustavo, 2431 N. Lawrence St, Phila, Pa,
Flores Leslie, 1255 Livingston St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Flores Wilfredo, 2942 N. 3rd St, Phila, Pa,
Florey Sadie V Ms., 1220 Tatamy Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045
Floriani Rinaldo, Pine Manor Heights Rd Apt 3, Sewickley, Pa, 00000
Florida Marine Insurance Agency, Pa,
Florwick Donald J, 722 7th St, Vernon, Pa, 00000
Flory Jean, 320 N 5th St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Flournoy Danny, Po Box 3067, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Flower Harhman, Rouseville, Pa, 00000
Flower Jeffery A, 902 Dietrichm St, Middletown, Pa, 00000
Flowers Craig L, 5141 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Flowers Danny E, Bunola, Pa, 00000
Flowers James M, Fairview St, Mount Pocono, Pa, 00000
Flowers Malcolm, 1843 S. 55th St, Phila, Pa,
Flowers Michael D, 928 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Flowers Michelle, Pa,
Flowers Pervelia L, Oxford Valley Rd, Levittown, Pa, 00000
Flowers Walter E, Bunola, Pa, 00000
Flowers Wilda F, 928 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Floyd Laura, 951 Walnut, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Floyd Lucy, Mineral Owner, Pa,
Floyd Mary A, 3311 S Market, Elizabethtown, Pa, 00000
Fluck Anna E, 337 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fluck Catherine E, 816 Miller St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fluck Catherine M, R 20 School Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Fluck Charles N, Rr 1, Pleasant Valley, Pa, 00000
Fluck Darwin, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fluck Donna L, 518 E Geoff St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Fluck Harvey R, 918 Seneca St, Fountain Hill, Pa, 18015
Fluck James M, 502 Reynolds St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fluck Leroy A, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fluck Marvin, Rr 1, Butztown, Pa, 18017
Fluck Pauling T, 742 Lawrence, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fluck Sara, Bedminster, Pa, 00000
Flugga Flora E, 1005 E Aven, Freedom, Pa, 00000
Fluke Janet B, Rd 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 00000
Fluke Robert V Ii, 1530 Hudson Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Flynn Ann Marie, 1100 11th St, Chester, Pa, 00000
Flynn Anna T, 2 Bennetts Ct, Easton, Pa, 18042
Flynn Anthony R, Pa,
Flynn Elizabeth, 2655 E Bouvier, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flynn Irene, Fair Acres Geriatric Center, Pa,
Flynn James, Wood St, Morrisville, Pa, 00000
Flynn John, 8835 Lind Ave, Holmesburg, Pa, 00000
Flynn John L, 1202-B Drift Court, Bethlehem T, Pa, 18017
Flynn John P, Helen T Flynn Jt Ten Incompetents, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Flynn Lorraine, 2112 Dauphin, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flynn Marie, 8835 Lind Ave, Holmesburg, Pa, 00000
Flynn Mary A, 909 California Ave Apt 103, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Flynn Patricia, 2655 E Bouvier, Phila, Pa, 00000
Flynn Thomas S, Bethlehem Pike, Whitemarsh, Pa, 00000
Flynn William, 1100 E 11th St, Eddystone, Pa, 00000
Flynns Tire & Auto, Attn: Joe Flynn, Sharon, Pa,
Flyte Dennis C, 830 Nazereth Pk, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Flyte Joanne M, Rr 1, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091
Flyte Linda A, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Flyte Thomas, Weatherley, Pa, 0
Flyte William S, Rr 1, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fmc Mtge Corp, Pa,
Fnma, 507 Walnut Sts, Phila, Pa,
Fnma, C/O Gmac Mortgage 8360 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fnrl Hm Daniel Myers, 1600 8th Ave Apt 602, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Foamex, 1000 Columbia Ave, Linwood, Pa,
Fobas Daniel, 119 Hilldale Dr, Perrysville, Pa, 00000
Focer Isabelle, 2010 Union Bank Bldg, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fochetta Feggetto, 111 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Focht Ada, & Wallace M Focht Jt Ten, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Focht Dolores C, 121 N 3rd, Reading, Pa, 00000
Focht Jonathan, 316 7th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Focht Jt Ten Ada & Wallace M, Rd 7, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Focht Peter J, 1390 Stewart St, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Focht Roy Wayne, 607 W 15th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Focht Walter, Pa, 0
Foder Elizabeth Maria, 2658 Howard, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fodero Angeline, 210 Summit St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fodo Ella, 130 1/2 South 1st, South Dequesn, Pa, 00000
Fodor Helen, 133 Linden St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000
Fodor Julia, 133 Linden St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000
Fodoro Angeline, Rr 1 Box 163, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Fody David, 532 E 5th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Foehl Helga D, 2876 Lovell Ln, Larchmont, Pa, 00000
Foehl Richard E, Se Co 2nd St Mc Keen, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foeht Thomas L, 622 6th, Hamburg, Pa, 00000
Foelker Anna M, 1137 2nd St, North Catasauqua, Pa, 00000
Foernsler Kath, 224 29 Prospect Court, Rich Hill, Pa, 00000
Foertsch Frances, Pa,
Fogarty John P, 43 Exeter Ct, Langhorne, Pa,
Fogarty Ronald H, Valley Furnace, Pa, 00000
Fogash Andrew, 115 Main, Drifton, Pa, 00000
Fogel Carol A, 330 Cattell St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fogel Carol A, 518 B Fredereck, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fogel Gerald B, 305 S Esreen, Nazareth, Pa, 00000
Fogel Joyce M, 21 Pen Argyl St, Penn, Pa, 00000
Fogel Pearl J, Rr No 2, Bath, Pa, 00000
Fogel Rose, 2520 2520 Cedar St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fogelman Beatrice E, 1655 Main St, Siegfried, Pa, 00000
Fogle Deborah A, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fogle Mary E, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fogleman Helen E, Mcalisterville, Pa, 00000
Foglietta Carmen, Phila, Pa,
Foglio Helene, 1328 Hollywood, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fognano John, 411 11th St, Hammonton, Pa, 08037
Fokrney Mary L, 334 N Y, Wilson, Pa, 00000
Folan Marian M, 52 Bates St, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Folan Mary, 24 5th St, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Folcarelli M A, 2401 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Folenta Paul, 213 Dixon St, Homestead, Pa, 00000
Foley Agnes, 3086 Aravigo, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foley Anna May, 34 W Abington Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foley Ellen G, 1804 Wynhur St Ns, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Foley Irene D, 4022 Penn St, Conshohockon, Pa, 00000
Foley James, 794 Oakville St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Foley James, 8114 Germantown Ave, Phila, Pa,
Foley Jermiah, 34 W Abington Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foley John J, Key St, Conshohocken, Pa, 00000
Foley Lionel R Jr, 6080 Weaversville Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Foley Margaret M, Pa, 23219
Foley Mary, 6119 Musgave W, Philidelphia, Pa, 00000
Foley Nettie, Pa,
Foley Patrick, 1770 Arden Ln, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Foley Pauline, Star Rout, Waverly, Pa, 00000
Foley Richard A, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Foley Rose, 3431 G St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foley Sally A, Saxonburg, Pa, 00000
Foley Timothy, 2115b Midday Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foley Ward, 318 W Spruce St, Tutusville, Pa, 00000
Folge Mabel H, 2705 Hazel Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Folk Bessie I, Macungie, Pa, 00000
Folk Daniel W, 2424 Auburn Rd, Youngsville, Pa,
Folk Jessie M, Virginville, Pa, 00000
Folkman Mary, 611 Thompson St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Folkomer Vera M, Mounted Route 42, York, Pa, 00000
Follari Giuseppina, , Pa,
Follett Corp, Po Box D 801 Church Lane, Easton, Pa, 18044
Follett Margaret, R 7, Ellwood City, Pa, 00000
Follitt Arthur, 1108 W Narvingan St, Pottsville, Pa, 00000
Follweiler Archie L, Stony Run, Pa, 00000
Follweiler Florence El, Stony Run, Pa, 00000
Follweiler H D, 4384 High View Dr, Nazareth, Pa,
Follweiler William J, Ashfield, Pa, 00000
Folmar Dennis Lee, Morrisdale, Pa, 00000
Folmer Mary, Rr 1, Dunlo, Pa, 00000
Folmer Richard A, 360 N 10th, Lebanon, Pa, 00000
Folscheid Ervin, 207 E My Airy, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foltigavage Annie, Rr 1, Shenandohan, Pa, 00000
Foltz Jacqueline, Granville, Pa, 00000
Folweiler Ludy, 48 Patch Ave, Delano, Pa, 00000
Fondarves Joseph, 512 Martin Lane, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Fonders, Rr 1, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fonnelly Mary, 2822 N Banbey St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fonrose Adele, Dln 87477799 Rev Rebate Leader Nrsng & Rhbtn Ct, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fontana William, Po Box 5843, Oxnard, Pa, 00000
Fontanazza Barbara, Pa,
Fontanese Francis, 836 Catherine St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000
Fontanez Olga, 1205 G Livingston St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fonte Joseph, Po Box 55, Roseto, Pa, 18013
Fonte Lizzi, Po Box 55, Roseto, Pa, 18013
Fonte Nancy Jane, 125 Front St, Roseto, Pa, 18013
Fonzone Glenna M, 2130 Livingston St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Foody John E, 3046 Rollins Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foong Helen, San Jose, Pa, 95120
Foor Gail E, 23 Paltsgood Rd, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Foor Joseph, Six Mile Run, Pa, 00000
Foor Steven J, 23 Paltsgrove, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Foose Charles, 59 Clover Dr, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Foose Ethel M, Grier City, Barnesville, Pa, 00000
Foose Ethl M, Grier City, Barnesville, Pa, 00000
Foose Francis I, 17 North Whitehall, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Foose Gloria M, 217 6th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Foose Kathryn E, Stanton St, York, Pa, 00000
Foose Ronald W, 243chestnu St, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Foose Victor E, Nuremberg, Pa, 00000
Foot Stop Str 6, Pa,
Foote James M, Boiling Springs, Pa, 00000
Foote Willie, Pa,
Forbes Allison S, Pa,
Forbes Caroline J, 766 Garfield St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Forbes Douglas E, 1st St, Summerdale, Pa, 00000
Forbes Eric A, West Point, Pa, 19
Forbes Gregory, 1st St, Summerdale, Pa, 00000
Forbes Margaret, P O Box 1229, Altoona, Pa, 16603
Forbes, Beneficiary Glenn, Cheltenham Bank, Custodian
Thomas Gannon, Pa,
Force Elsie, Grassflat, Pa, 00000
Force Industries Div American, Po Box 1029, Paoli, Pa,
Force Linda, 2449 Coral St, Phila, Pa, 99999
Force Ralph, 204 Browning Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Forcey Margaret, 1341 E Mechanic St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Forcht Clyde, 31 Freeport Rd, Butler, Pa, 00000
Ford Allen Iii, 3215 Condie St, Richmond, Pa, 00000
Ford Arthur N, 640w Wilkes Barre St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ford Catherine, 114 Morgan Pl, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Ford Catherine, Box 184 Central Ave, East Bangor, Pa, 18013
Ford Charles H, Pa,
Ford Charlotte, 116 Kathleen, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Ford Darlene, Cooperstown, Pa, 00000
Ford Deborah A, R D, Fayette City, Pa, 00000
Ford Delores, 3412 Spring Garden St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Doris L, Pa,
Ford Edward, 524 S Conestoga St, Phila, Pa,
Ford Edward Carl, Chatham, Pa, 00000
Ford Elizabeth, Pa,
Ford George E, Eagle Farms, Eagleville, Pa, 00000
Ford George M Jr, Centeral Ave, Paoli, Pa, 00000
Ford Gertrude, 114 Morgan Pl, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Ford Grace L, Wells Tannery, Pa, 00000
Ford Helen, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Hilda, Albion, Pa, 00000
Ford Irene T, R1 West, Grover, Pa, 00000
Ford Janice L, Potshop Rd, Norristown, Pa, 00000
Ford Leslie R, 117 N 13th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Ford Margaret, 1013 Taly St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Margaret R, Old Lancaster, Berwyn, Pa, 00000
Ford Marguerite T, 1240 Marlyn Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Marylou, Madison Apt Madison, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Ford Motor Credit, Pa,
Ford Norma E, 1703 Metropoliton St Floor 2, N S Pittsburg, Pa, 00000
Ford Norman V, 7921 Botonie, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Paul M, Honey Brook Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Ford Raymond, 5303 Wicklitte, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Ford Robert, Rr 2 Box 12, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Ford Ronald P, 1530 Mechanic St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Ford Samual Jr, 201 Mount Bristol, Phila, Pa, 00000
Ford Sara A, 213 Sansom St, U D, Pa, 00000
Ford Thomas H, Crozer Ave, Chester, Pa, 00000
Ford William, Pa,
Ford William N, Chatham, Pa, 00000
Fordion Packaging, Pa,
Fordock Thomas, W Park St, Centralia, Pa, 17927
Fordyce Barbara J, 1258 Irma Rd, Warminster, Pa, 16974
Foreman Arthur, 1107 3rd, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Foreman Bonnie A, Barrington Place, Lansdale, Pa,
Foreman Delores, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Foreman Emma, Guthriesville, Pa, 00000
Foreman Gorden K, Floor 2, Gibraltar, Pa, 00000
Foreman Harry A, 1014 Lilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Foreman Helen L, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343
Foreman John J, 1820 Ferriou, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foreman John W, Cresson, Pa, 00000
Foreman Robert S, Rr 3 Box 40, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Foreman Russell E, Cust Russell Dean Foreman U/Pa Unif Gift Min Act, Lancaster, Pa,
Forest May, 606 Pennsylvania Ave, Rainelle, Pa, 25962
Forester Denise, Hci Box 8 Cemetary Rd, Cooksburg, Pa, 16217
Forever Trust, 489 Devon Part Dr Suite 316, Wayne, Pa,
Forgas Steve, Arrow St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Forgash Elizabeth, 5261 Atlantic, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000
Forgie Vera, 509 Osborn, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000
Forginito Mary, Barnesville, Pa, 0
Forgy Alma L, Taylorsville Rd, Newtown, Pa, 00000
Forington Howard D, Pa,
Forish Elmer, Simpore Rd, Pechville, Pa, 00000
Forkash Elizabeth, Home St, Terrace, Pa, 00000
Forker Thomas, Pa,
Forkos Margaret E, Rr 1 Box 300, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Forlai Donald, Victory Hl, Monongalleea, Pa, 00000
Formal Dimensions Inc, Pa,
Forman Hattie, 617 Main St, Cresson, Pa, 00000
Forman Rosanne, 5109 Roosevelt Blvd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Forman Sheldon, Pa,
Forman Theodore W, 1012 Lasalle Ln, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Formeck Frances, Barnesboro, Pa, 00000
Formhals Maxine, 3221 1/2 East St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Formica Dolores C, 213 Acorn Dr, Farmington, Pa, 00000
Fornari Judith F, 415 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fornesi Rita L, 2704 Auburn Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Forness Frederick, Rr 1 Box 367, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Forney Paul R, 112 2nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Forney Robert P, 546 Gates Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fornwals Ralph E, Wheeler, Pa, 00000
Fornwalt Martha Pearl, Rr 1, Claysburg, Pa, 16625
Forquer Frances, Chapman St, Terrace, Pa, 00000
Forquer Mary A, 701 Sterner St Apt 4, Confluence, Pa,
Forr Ralph T, 2715 3rd St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forr Ralph T Jr, 2715 3rd St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forrest George W, 1339 E Phila St, York, Pa, 00000
Forrest Ingeborg, 1058 Richmond Circle, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Forrest John, Pittsburgh, Pa, 0
Forrest John, Pa,
Forrest Kay A, 623 Parsons St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Forrest Phyllis J, 217 Smithfield, Mount Pleasant, Pa, 00000
Forrest Theatre, 1114 Walnut St, Phila, Pa,
Forrest Thelma J, Rd 2 Convent Rd, Media, Pa, 00000
Forrest Thelma M, Torrance, Pa, 00000
Forrest Tina, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Forry Lloyd E, Mount Joy, Pa,
Forry Norman L, Robesonia, Pa, 00000
Forry Sylvia Ann, Florin, Pa, 00000
Forsblom Ellen, 234 Dewey Ave, Siegfried, Pa, 00000
Forshen Edna M, 420 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Forshey Kenneth R, 128 E 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Forshey Richard, 201 Main St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617
Forshey Sally Ann, 916 N 4th St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617
Forsht Bonnie K, Rr 1 Box 489, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forsht Diane L, Rr 1 Box 489, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forsht John R 3rd, Rr 1 Box 489, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forsht William D, Rr 1 Box 489, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Forston Melvin S, 7239 Somerset St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Forsyth Michele D, 1626 Eldridge Dr, W Chester, Pa,
Forsyth Robert K, Cashtown, Pa, 00000
Forsyth Thomas, 601 E Sedgwick St, Phila, Pa,
Forsythe Charlotte, 114 N Walnut St, New Castle, Pa, 00001
Forsythe Eileen D, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Forsythe Eileen D, Rr 5, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Forsythe June, 1316 Howard, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Forsythe Russell, Hook Rd, Manor, Pa, 00000
Forsythe T G Jr, 104 Ruth, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fort Marion, 1 Pivlina Rd, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000
Fort Myra D, 812 Capitol St, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Forti John, , Pa,
Fortis Benefits, 100 Brodhead Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fortner Donnaann, Main St, Keffers, Pa, 00000
Fortney Ambrose L, Fallentimber, Pa,
Fortney Lester N, Grantham, Pa, 00000
Fortney Virginia W, Curryville, Pa, 00000
Fortress Church, Pa,
Fortsch Laura C, 4748 W 20 St, Erie, Pa, 00000
Fortunato Agoshna, 837 Imagine, Southwark, Pa, 00000
Fortunato J J, 1030 Greenlawn Tr, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Fortunato Susan J, Pa,
Fortunato Vivian, 1724 Elm St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fortune Darryl, 4810 Knox St, Phila, Pa,
Fortune Mary, Pa,
Forve Celia, 35 Mallery Pl, W Barre, Pa, 00000
Forwood Martha F, Florin, Pa, 00000
Fosbrink Janis E, Hopwood, Pa, 00000
Fosha Paul, 336 Fifth, Indiana, Pa, 00000
Fosnaught Candace H, 4306 Main St, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Fosney Richard, Pa,
Foss Arlene M, 501 Nesquehoming, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fossel Mary L, Pa,
Foster Adda, Biglerville, Pa, 00000
Foster Alice, Rr 1, Monterse, Pa, 00000
Foster Barbara M, 721 Penn St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Foster Cheryl, Levittown, Pa,
Foster Dorothy, 3302 N Harnerds, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foster Dorothy J, 590 N Hampton St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Foster Earl, Pa,
Foster Eleanor M, 1241 Ridge, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Foster Ella L, Rr 1 Box 305b, 1 Murrysville, Pa, 00000
Foster Ethel M, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foster Floyd A, 212 Main St, Towanda, Pa,
Foster Freder Nerbas, A Heinz Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Foster George J, 605 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Foster Hannah, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Foster Jack T, Phila, Pa,
Foster Jamelle, Pa,
Foster James R, 1025 Rd Inglewood Manor, Penndel, Pa, 00000
Foster Joan D, Rural Delivery 1 Sharps, Sharon, Pa, 00000
Foster Joni J, East Mill St, Port Allegany, Pa,
Foster Joseph F, Woodburne Ellis Rd, Langhorne, Pa, 00000
Foster Joyetta W, Harrisburg, Pa,
Foster Lawrence, Phila, Pa, 91040
Foster Margaret, 928 Evans St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Foster Marie W Jr, 1516 5030 St, W Philadelphi, Pa, 00000
Foster Medical, Bob Creedon Accts Taya, Pa,
Foster Medical Corporation, 1000 Conshohocken Rd, Conshohocken, Pa,
Foster Michael E, Woodbourne & Ellis Rd Apt 301, Langhorne, Pa, 00000
Foster Mildred, Tracey Apartment, Monterse, Pa, 00000
Foster Mildred Y, Normandy Farms Estates Apt, Blue Bell, Pa, 00000
Foster Plushia, S 20 St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foster Rebecca, 1856 Toth Dr, Woodlyn, Pa, 18893
Foster Ruth E, 11902 Peach Tree Rd, Yucai, Pa, 15000
Foster Ruth I, #108, Renton, Pa, 00000
Foster Samuel R, Bolivar, Pa, 00000
Foster Virginia K, 435 Winton, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Foster William, Rd 1, State College, Pa, 00000
Foster William, Rr 1, Unity, Pa, 00000
Foster William V, 557 Park Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fostir Anna, 15 Mellon Ct, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Fotta William F, N Church St, Marshall, Pa, 00000
Foulds Suzanne C, Valley Park Rd, Valley Forge, Pa, 00000
Foulk Barbara L, 1635 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Foulk Dale R, Morgan St 1st Floor, Meadville, Pa, 00000
Foulke Mary J, 206 N Main, Trumbaversville, Pa, 00000
Foundation Of The St Andr Ews Society O, Montgomery Mccracken Walker & Rhoads, Phila, Pa,
Foundries Lehigh, 1500 Lehigh Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fountain David J C, 311 Berks St, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fountain Hill Emergency, Po Box 5336, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fountain Hill Medical Services, Po Box 5386, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fountain Leo &, Elizabeth Dougherty Comm G Fountain, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Fountain Melissa Ma, 311 Berks St, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fource Petroeum, Pa,
Fournier Anna, Rr 5, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fournier Pamela A, 37 Belvidere St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fouse Gladys I, Aitch, Pa, 00000
Foust Alfred, Slack Pile, Mifflintshp, Pa, 00000
Foust Brenda L, 420 N 6th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Foust Brian K, 371 Carbon St, N Huntington, Pa, 15642
Foust Donald C, Rd #1, Conneaut Lake, Pa, 00000
Foust Doreen, 11 Wyrick Ave, Shippensburg, Pa,
Foust Grace E, 420 N 6th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Foust Joan, 17 John St, Sheatown, Pa, 00000
Foust Ronald P, 420 N 6th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Foust Susan, Bradford, Pa, 00000
Foust William E, 420 N 6th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fouts Vivian R, Edmon, Pa, 15630
Foutz Marion C, 415 Canel, St Petersburg, Pa, 00000
Fowkes Anna G, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fowler Bernice M, Dunbar, Pa, 00000
Fowler Della, 229 Caltergi, Waterloe, Pa, 00000
Fowler Helen, 516 East Main, Union, Pa, 00000
Fowler Janet L, Wells Tannery, Pa, 00000
Fowler Kathi A, 5405 Colclesser Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fowler Kathleen, Wilcox, Pa, 00000
Fowler Lawson P, 511 E Queen Ln, Germantown, Pa, 00000
Fowler Margaret, Rd #1, Coraopolis, Pa, 00000
Fowler Mary J, Wilcox, Pa, 00000
Fowler Robert T, 715 Nroth Dekalt St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fowler Russell P, 208 Lantwyn Lane, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fowler Sharif H, Pa,
Fowler Vivian M, 502 Nesqueboning, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Betty B, 1414 E Hamilton Ln, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fox Betty J, Florin, Pa, 00000
Fox Brian D, 309 Fourth St East, Greenville, Pa, 00000
Fox Carl R, Pa,
Fox Catherine J, 447 Adams St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fox Chapel H S, Pa,
Fox Charles, 407 S Union, Kenneth, Pa, 00000
Fox D Edgar, 723 Edgar Fox, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Fox Dawn M, Watson St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Deborah L, Parker, Pa, 00000
Fox Dolly, 1003 W Berwick St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fox Dorothy M, Duke Center, Pa, 00000
Fox Dwight D, Templeton, Pa, 00000
Fox Edna, Madison Ave, Warminster, Pa, 00000
Fox Edna M, 307 Hanover, Hanover, Pa, 00000
Fox Edward L, 1318 16th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fox Elizabeth, Foxwood Mnr Apt 1205, Levittown, Pa, 00000
Fox Elizabeth L, 450 Pulaski St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fox Ellen, 5547 Hramingo, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Emma M, 1347 E Day St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Esther B, Main St, Loretto, Pa, 00000
Fox Flora E, Watson St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Florence G, 2250 Morgan Hill Rd, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fox Francis, 18 Parker Ave, Fullerton, Pa, 00000
Fox George R, 613 7 Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000
Fox Iii Robert M, Rd 2, Walnut Park, Pa, 18088
Fox Jacob L, Mill Hall, Pa, 00000
Fox James, Keith E Fox, Pa,
Fox Lawrence R, 216 Sunbrook Mnr Apt 216, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fox Leo P, Riegelsville, Pa, 00000
Fox Lois C, 2433 Euker 8, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fox Lois Riddle, 318 Walnut St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Fox Madi Jan, Watson St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Mae I, Pa,
Fox Margaret W, 6537 Elmwood Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Mary G, 513 27th Ave Apt 7, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fox Mary J, 5547 Aramingo, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Marylou, Lebanon, Pa, 00000
Fox Mildred P, 429 Spencer, Lebanon, Pa, 00000
Fox Miss Anna M, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fox Miss Helen Ma, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fox Nora, Pa, 0
Fox Richard, 619 E Madison St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Richard A, E End Blvd, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Fox Robert, 18 Packer Ave, Fullerton, Pa, 00000
Fox Robert, 5547 Aramingo, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Robert, 9226 Delaware Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Rosemary T, Penfield, Pa, 00000
Fox Rothschild Obrien, Pa,
Fox Run Apartments, Pa,
Fox Scott A, 3874 Northwood Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fox Sheila J, Parker, Pa, 00000
Fox Teresa S, 6821 Farlole, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Thelma J, 1136 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fox Thelma J, 24 Massey, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fox Thelma J, 925 Ridge St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fox Thomas, 65 0 Chester Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fox Viola M, Summit Station, Pa, 00000
Fox Violet Y, Leesport, Pa, 00000
Fox Walter H, Tinicum, Pa, 00000
Fox William, Floor 1, Montrose, Pa, 00000
Fox William R, 6161 Columbus Ave, Overbrook, Pa, 00000
Foxmeyer Corp, 601 Meadowlands Blvd, Washington, Pa,
Foy Anna M, 1720 W Stiles St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Foy Donna L, C/O Henry Fox Rte 422 Rd 3, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Foy Elizabeth M, E Lancaster St, Downingtown, Pa, 00000
Foy Janet, 225 No Hanpton St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Foy Thomas M, 128 Wallingford Ave, Wallingford, Pa,
Foyle Judith A, 1614 Mazette Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Foyne Robert, Pa,
Fozart Chrystal L, 304 Lex Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000
Fr Elizabeth, Bushkill Dr, Easton, Pa, 00000
Frable Avis A, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Frable Hearst H, Rr 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020
Frable Marion M, Rr 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020
Frable Olive, Bangor, Pa, 00000
Frable Robert R, 169 S Whitfield St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Frace Chester R, 20 Messinger St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Frace Donald F, 721 North Hampton, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frace Edwin W, 721 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frace Harold, South Holland, Summit Hill, Pa, 00000
Frachetta Francis, , Norristown, Pa, 00000
Frack Kathleen, Rr 1, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frack Mary, 104 First, Drifton, Pa, 00000
Frack Nancy J, Country Club Ct Rr 2 Box 366, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frader Doris J, Ford Ave, Hulmeville, Pa, 00000
Fradeuburg Ernest, Slippery Rock, Pa, 00000
Fradeuburgh Mary, Slippery Rock, Pa, 00000
Fraelich Donald A, 618 Moffee, Wildinsburg, Pa, 00000
Fragassi Janet M, 4509 Knon St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fragassi Sylvia, 1309 Wayne St, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fragnito Ann M, 424 Lehigh St, Cementon, Pa, 00000
Frain Bernadette A, Laura Ave, Terrace, Pa, 00000
Fraind Anthony J, 679 Washington, Easton, Pa, 00000
Fraley Greg, Pa,
Fralick Vickie L, 304 Broad, Terre Hill, Pa, 00000
Frame Patsy, Elverson, Pa, 00000
Frame Walter A, 5012 W Minister St, Piladelphia, Pa, 00000
Framingham Med, Pa,
Frana Anthony J, 2137 Main, Northampton, Pa, 00000
Franc Frank R, 127 Greek St, N S Pittsburg, Pa, 00000
Franc Lorraine C, #230 42, Port, Pa, 00000
France A Ward, 8105 Heacock Ln, Wyncote, Pa, 10105
France Luetta E, Warne St, Monongahela, Pa, 00000
France Morgan C, Fourth St, Monongahela, Pa, 00000
Frances Abraham S, East Mall Apts Apt 610 5805 Penn Mall, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15206
Frances Burrows Inc, 718 Main St, Stroudsburg, Pa,
Frances Colline V, #3615, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frances Fryer R, 51 Staton, Schuylkill, Pa, 00000
Frances Mary, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frances Tyler C, Byrnedale, Pa, 00000
Francesco Anna M, 13 Chancellor St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Franch Frances, 2110 Sycamore Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Francis Allan G, 379 Shawnee Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042
Francis Angela M, 1328 Susquehanna Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Francis Betty Louis, Rd 3, Leviston, Pa, 00000
Francis Buckley J, 200 E 26th St, Chester, Pa, 00000
Francis Doyle, 230 Hornaday Rd #10, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Francis Frances V, Rd 2, Glenshaw, Pa, 00000
Francis Genevieve, 706 Scranton, Scranton, Pa, 00000
Francis J Fochler Md, 501 Howard Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Francis Javorsky, 307 4th Rural Heights St, Easton, Pa, 00000
Francis John, 4726 Smick St, Manayunk, Pa, 00000
Francis Lawrence, Washington & Cedar, Pa, 00000
Francis Licil M, 1606 Roney St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Francis Linda, Gifford, Pa, 00000
Francis Mary A, 7926 Erdrick, Frankford, Pa, 00000
Francis Mary O, 1328 Susquehanna Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Francis Mcguigan H, Pomeroy, Pa, 00000
Francis Michael T, 7409 Miller Ave, Upper Darby, Pa, 19082
Francis Natale, 839 Crestwood Dr, North Huntingdon, Pa,
Francis Rental And Leasing, Pa,
Francis Richard, 724 1 2 4th Ave, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Francis Sandra, Hibbs, Pa, 00000
Francis Shields, Bridge St, Tonawanda, Pa, 00000
Francis V & Dorothy E K *, Dln 54680676 1044 Wiley St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Francisca Bernardine, Pa,
Francisco Mabel, 3rd, Wind Gap, Pa, 00000
Franco Joseph M, 2706 Oak Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Franco Laura, 122 N 3rd St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Franco Mariam, 308 S 24th St, Phila, Pa,
Franco Susan M, 1201 Walton Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Franczak Margaret, 1913 9th St, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Franczak Margaret E, 116 S Pine St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Franey James P, Murrysville Rd Fl 1, Westmoreland, Pa, 00000
Franey Mary, 1449 Etting, Phila, Pa, 00000
Franey Phillip J Cpa, Pa,
Franges Orpha, 3 St Miller Hts, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Franges Orpha L, Applebuter Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Frank & Drake Inc, Pa,
Frank Alice B, Rr 2 Box 101, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frank Allen, 7953 Gillis St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frank Arjanna G, 34 S Raspberry St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frank Barbera, 1647 N 56th, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frank Benjamin, 6605 Akron St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frank Benny, 225 Royal Rd, Lebanon, Pa, 17042
Frank Bernice, Cust For Steven Frank Ugma Pa, Sharon, Pa, 16147
Frank Bessie, Rr 1, Byers, Pa, 00000
Frank Catherine M, 2502 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frank Gazella M, 413 Linden St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frank George H Jr, 612 Carlton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frank George Jr, Giestown St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000
Frank Helen, 1209 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frank Hetrick H, Rr 1, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693
Frank Joseph, 13 Manchester Dr Rd Apt 2, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Frank Joseph, Mgkee Pit St, Homer, Pa, 00000
Frank Joyce C, 330 Gaul St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frank Judith L, 459 York Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Frank Kapr Funeral Home, Star Route, Scottdale, Pa, 00000
Frank Karen A, Pa,
Frank Marilyn, 589 Old Concord Rd Aston Township, Chester, Pa, 00000
Frank Rosanne, 322 Wayne St, Baden, Pa,
Frank Stanley, Flemington, Pa, 00000
Frank Stella G, Chatham, Pa, 00000
Frank William, 1933 Logan Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frank William, 906 Smith Ln, Munhall, Pa, 00000
Franke Joanne E, Lundys Lane, Pa, 00000
Frankeenstein Grace, 3129 Custer St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frankel Charles W, 606 Law & Finance Building, Pittsburg, Pa,
Frankel Sarah, Dln 87238777 Rev Inf Div Lynnewood Gardens, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Frankenberger Marie, 2035 North Leittigoro, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frankenfield Arlen L, Rf 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Frankenfield Beverly, Rr 2, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020
Frankenfield Edith, 2653 Woodlawn Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Frankenfield Harold, 60 N 7th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frankenfield Helen L, 149 Main St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Frankenfield James S, 1924 Main Blvd, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frankenfield Josephine, 205 W St Josephene, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frankenfield Paul, 442 Willow 1st Floor, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frankenfield Richard, Pa,
Frankenfield Robert, 713 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frankenfield Robert E, 6th & Lehigh, Cementon, Pa, 00000
Frankenfield Sharon L, Rr 3, Easton, Pa, 18040
Frankenfield Thomas, 43 N 18th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frankenstein Josep, 7 Market, Port Carbon, Pa, 00000
Frankfort Evelyn J, 1051 W Berwick St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frankhouser David C, Po Box 105, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673
Frankievitz William, 26 Mine 3, Mollenauer, Pa, 00000
Frankiewicz Frances, 776 N Penna Ave, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Frankiewicz Lanerne, 172 Pine St, Alden Station, Pa, 00000
Frankli Tiasha M, Pa,
Franklin Book Co Inc, 7804 Montgomery Ave, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Franklin Carla A, Pa,
Franklin Connie M, 17 Main, Grover, Pa, 00000
Franklin Ethel, 4 Marcella St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Franklin Helen R, 1350 E High, Phila, Pa, 00000
Franklin Henry C, Pa,
Franklin Joseph, Pa,
Franklin Mach Inc, Pa,
Franklin Mary Eliza, 1437 1 2 Fourth Save, York, Pa, 00000
Franklin Mint, Media, Pa,
Franklin Mortgage Capital Corp Its Successor, Po Box 19160, Jacksonville, Pa, 32245
Franklin N, Lancaster, Pa, 17600
Franklin Regional Hospital, Pa,
Franklin Susie F, State Rd, Irvine, Pa, 00000
Franklin Thomas M, Rr 1, Smithdale, Pa, 00000
Franklin Valveless Engine Co, Franklin, Pa,
Franklyn First Savings, And Linda M Young 434 Clearfield St 4, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017
Franko Lillie, 49 Valley St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frankovich F R, Morann, Pa, 00000
Frankowitz Po, 67 West Magnolia, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Franks Alison, 31 Armour Ct, Allentown, Pa,
Franks Daniel T, 113 7th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Franks Dorothy V, C/O Gertrude Franks 120 Jefferson Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Franks Janet M, 7174 Glenlock St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Franks Joseph D, 906 Jenny, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000
Franks Kenneth, 48 S Dickerson, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Franks Mary P, 4918 Cotton St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frantz, Pa,
Frantz Allen H, 2033 Montgomery St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Frantz Amy E, 485 Bauer Rd, Bath, Pa, 18014
Frantz Bernard, 1015 Meadow, E Harlerol, Pa, 00000
Frantz Bessie E, Rd 1, Big Run, Pa, 00000
Frantz Charles H, Pa,
Frantz Elizabeth E, 127 N Northampton St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Frantz Ellen, South Main, Nazareth, Pa, 00000
Frantz Henry, Hillsdale, Pa, 00000
Frantz Jacqueline L, Bigler, Pa, 00000
Frantz Janice Joan, Troutville, Pa, 00000
Frantz Leo I, Pleasant Valley, Pa, 00000
Frantz Mae E, Rose Inn Ave, Mazareth, Pa, 18064
Frantz Mary L, 516 Church St, Morristown, Pa, 00000
Frantz Nancy L, Frout St, Mohnton, Pa, 00000
Frantz Richard L, 1260 Bald Eagle Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Frantz Robert, 929 Pine, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frantz Robert L, 1260 Bald Eagle Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Frantz Robert Newton, Box 148, Greenock, Pa, 00000
Frantz Roy, 1431 Harrison Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frantz Samuel J, Emerald, Pa, 00000
Frantz Samuel T, Star Route, Franklin, Pa, 00000
Frantz Virgina, 238 S Broad St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Franusiszin Frances, 239 N 11th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Franz Adolph, Line St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617
Franz Charles, 1521 Durand Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Franz Mary E, 644 Main St, Bressler Steelton, Pa, 00000
Franza Bessie, 1338 Herman St, N Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Franzen Mark A, 345 Krams Ave, Phila, Pa,
Franzino Adelina, 756 Merrine, Phila, Pa, 00000
Franzoni Charleen A, 709 Sarah, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Frasca Vera M, Rr 1 Box 378, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fraschetta Easter, 106 Flint Hill Rd, Swediland, Pa, 00000
Fraser Agnes, 1224 Kirkland Village Cir, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fraser Bruce B, Po Box 1552, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016
Fraser Denis, Pa,
Fraser James H, Pa,
Frasier Laurice A, 1329 Lombard #107, Phila, Pa, 08618
Fraternal Order Of Police, Pa,
Fratipietro Lena R, 153 Spring St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fratrik Bernard T, Rd 1, New Hope, Pa, 00000
Frattali Ann M, Keishequa Ave, Mount Jewett, Pa, 00000
Frattali Rudol, Kushegan Ave, Mount Jewett, Pa, 00000
Fratter Dorothy A, 3315 Deveraux, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fraundorf Helen, 214 N Albanus, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fraundorfer Helen, 1419 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fraundorfer Joseph, 1825 Crawford Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fraundorfer Joseph, 5801 Pontiac St, Berwyn Height, Pa, 00000
Fraundorfer Kristine A, 3800 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fraunfelder Anne, 140 S Broad St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fraunfelder Richar, 75 N West St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fraunfelder Richard, 75 N West St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fraunfelter Floyd S, Baus Mans Dr, Lancaster, Pa, 00000
Fraunfelter S L, Parkhill Rd, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Frawley Judith E, 1358 Butler St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fray Leonard, 4707 Mihox St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frayno Clatilda N, 823 3rd Ave, New Kensington, Pa, 00000
Fraze Kathryn, 213 Oakview St, Edgewood, Pa, 00000
Frazee Wayne, 508 E Gib, Pleasant, Pa, 00000
Frazer Hazel C, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frazier Anna E, Franklin Floor 1 Front Right, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Frazier Barbara, 66 William St, Lincoln, Pa, 00000
Frazier Eleanor, 32 Wood St, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000
Frazier Elva A, 559 Vivian Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Frazier Jerome, 142 N Selford St, Phila, Pa,
Frazier Joyce Arlene, 107 E 10th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Frazier Randolph, Pa,
Frazier Rebecca, 335 Rivermoor Dr, Marietta, Pa,
Freadling Margaret M, 1604 4th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Freadling Margeret, 1604 4th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frear Doris M, 3205 Bridlepath, Easton, Pa, 18042
Freas Anita S, 309 3rd St, Huntingdon, Pa, 00000
Freas Doris M, 659 Fulton St, Conshohsckew, Pa, 00000
Freas Evelyn, 1173 Ellwood Ave, Andalosia, Pa, 00000
Freas Jean B, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Freas John A, 710 S 22nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Freas Marion C, C/O Veron Freas So Broad, North Wales, Pa, 00000
Freas Phyllis M, 120 E Walnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frease Hazel, Alba, Pa, 00000
Fred Bell, 131 Sunpond, Kittanning, Pa, 00000
Fred Christine, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fred Irons, 1206 Srocote, Norristown, Pa, 00000
Fred Williams, 4 Gordon Pl, Franklintown, Pa, 00000
Freddie L S, 130 Lewis Farm Rd Trlr 6 Fpo, , Pa, 96697
Frede Regina A, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045
Frederick Anna G, West Main, Center Valley, Pa, 00000
Frederick Anna M, Rd #2 Box 255, Ducansville, Pa, 00000
Frederick Bernard J, 23 Duff Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frederick Brogham, West Barre, Pa, 0
Frederick Connie L, 102 N Market St, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662
Frederick Dorthy R, 702 Howard Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frederick Florence, 1530 Grandview, North Braddock, Pa, 00000
Frederick Harriet M, Spring City Rd, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000
Frederick Helen, 3023 Cottage Lane, Norristown, Pa,
Frederick Helen M, Rr 2 Box 24, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frederick James, House D 8, Norvelt, Pa, 00000
Frederick John, So Main St Rd 1, Phoenixville, Pa, 00000
Frederick Judith A, C/O D Frederick 1625 Easton Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Frederick K Weiss Inc, 710 Martin Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Frederick Linda N, Rr 1, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673
Frederick Lisa A, 3861 Cedar Dr, Walnutport, Pa, 18088
Frederick Louise, Rr 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frederick Margaret T, 1531 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Frederick Marian E, Richland, Pa, 00000
Frederick Mildred G, 219 Garber St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Frederick Miriam, 79 Carroll, Pittson, Pa, 00000
Frederick Moore W, 90 Lloyds Coopertow Rd, Haverford, Pa, 00000
Frederick Ranee, Fairmount Ave, Telford, Pa, 00000
Frederick Ruth A, 324 Crawford Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frederick Susan C, 2119 W Mosey, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fredericks Christin, Rr 2 Box 256, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fredericks Herman, 1619 Summer St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fredericks Regina, Rr 2 Box 256, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fredo Rose M, 3rd, Bovard, Pa, 00000
Fredrick David E, Saegersville, Pa, 00000
Freds Army & Navy, 4013 Lancaster Ave, Phila, Pa,
Free Hazel A, Rd, Mapleton, Pa, 00000
Free Zelma M, 919 S 9th, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000
Freeburn Robert L Jr, 614 Ruskin Dr, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Freed Cynthia L, Ewing St, Meadow Lands, Pa, 00000
Freed Cynthia L, Rd 1, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Freed Dorothy, 231 High St, Phila, Pa,
Freed Earl D, Spinnerstown, Pa, 00000
Freed H, New Galilee Rd, Koppel, Pa, 00000
Freed Harold Melvin, 2220 Hill Rd, Sellsville, Pa, 00000
Freed Mary Hieber, Mary H Mccoy 20 Park Ave, Millbourne`, Pa,
Freed Melvin, 527 N Main St, Selersville, Pa, 00000
Freed Raymond J, Sharps Trailer Ct, York, Pa, 00000
Freedman Albert, 77th And Brewster Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freedman Frances F, 251 Iron Wood Cir, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Freedman Katherine P, Pine Rd, Huntington, Pa, 00000
Freedman Rose, 77th And Brewster Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freedman Sande, 644 Foxcroft Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Freedman Sidney, 77th And Brewster Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freedman Sophie F, 1612 Barriner St, Phila, Pa, 19100
Freedom River Inc, T-A Budget Rent-A-Car Phila Int'l Airport, Phila, Pa,
Freeman Carolyn, Dienners Hill, Saint Clair, Pa, 00000
Freeman Charles B, 1153 E Dorset St, Phila, Pa,
Freeman Elizabeth, 518 Linden, Reading, Pa, 00000
Freeman Folz And Valicenti Realty, 1695 Mcfarland, Pittsburg, Pa,
Freeman George, 51 Granat, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000
Freeman Glenn H, Coalport, Pa, 00000
Freeman Jennie V, South Ave, Canton, Pa, 00000
Freeman Joseph T Md, 8302 York Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Freeman Josephine, 2308 N Lambert St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freeman Juanita, And Dr Ronald Leopold 100 N 17th St, Phila, Pa, 00019
Freeman Karen A, 110 1/2 Jefferson, Butler, Pa, 00000
Freeman Lillian, 2028 Natronia, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freeman Lillian, Fair Acres Geriatric Center, Pa,
Freeman Marlene, Pa,
Freeman Mary, 2027 Washington Blvd, Easton, Pa, 18042
Freeman Michael G, 255 W Olive, Hatboro, Pa, 00000
Freeman Paula, 206 S 13th St, Phila, Pa, 19100
Freeman Richard L, Coalport, Pa, 00000
Freeman Ruth E, 4 Main, North Warren, Pa, 00000
Freemont Frank Holderbaum Jr, Penn, Erwinna, Pa, 00000
Frees Leo A, 715 W Water, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Freet Frank Linn, & Helen Constance Freet Jt Ten Box 11 Julia St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648
Freezman Morton A, Laverock, Pa, 19038
Frehl Kate R, 1525 Seller, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frei Adam, Livington St, Enhaut, Pa, 00000
Frei Helen, Livington St, Enhaut, Pa, 00000
Freidhoff William, 848 22nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Freier Frances I, Perklomen Ave, Spring Mount, Pa, 00000
Freight Yellow, P O Box 7777-W6430, Phila, Pa,
Freil Daniel G, 5444 Broad St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Freimann John K, Bally, Pa, 00000
Freiorick William H, 111 E Dune, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freirmuth Arthur, Beach Lake, Pa, 00000
Freiter Sophia H, Torresdale, Pa, 00000
French Daniel B, 515 Gesser Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
French Dennis L, Pa,
French Gloria M, 2234 N Delhi, Phila, Pa, 00000
French Kathleen, 5325 N 16th St, Phila, Pa, 00000
French Margaret L, 122 Parkway, Phila, Pa, 00000
French Mildred, 428 Main, Hallstead, Pa, 00000
French Milta M, 1009 Arrott St, Phila, Pa,
French Teresa R, W High St, New Oxford, Pa, 00000
French Tjr, Pa,
Frenchko Rose L, 1832 Freemansburg Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frenchko Rose L, 482 Romaneve Dr, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Frendenberger Lewis, 89 West, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Frengel Lewis, Morania St Ex, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Frengel Margaret M, Morania St Extension, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Frenkiel Lisa, 435 Grant Ave, Downingtown, Pa, 19335
Frenshko Myrtle C, 29 S 7th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frensky Margaret M, 919 Gordon St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frenz Roxanne S, 315 Jackson St, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000
Frere Allen F, 1435 2nd Campton, Tarentum, Pa, 00000
Freshley Ethel M, 430 Church, Lebanon, Pa, 00000
Fresoli Angeline, 840 Seneca St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Freter Susan H, Pa,
Fretter Lois L, James St, Bentleyville, Pa, 00000
Fretz Bruce R, Butler Ave, Chalfont, Pa, 00000
Fretz Gordon, 202 Lucy Cross, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fretz Herbert, 124 W Grant St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fretz Joseph, 1 Oakwood, North Avalon, Pa, 00000
Fretz Laverne K, Skippack Pike, Skippack, Pa, 00000
Fretz Ruth, Earlville, Pa, 00000
Fretz Thomas E, 1617 Barbara St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Freudenreich Leo B, 21 Fitil Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Freudig Randolph A, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Freudig Robert A, 565 Division St, Bangor, Pa, 18013
Frexler A, 959 Spring Gdn, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Amos R, Rd 2 Box 3055, Felton, Pa,
Frey Anna, 240 Hamilton, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Anna M, 3305 Hanover Acres, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Arline E, 412 Sobb Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Frey Barbara M, Walton House Apt 7f 215 60 West St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frey Betty M, Main St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Frey C O American Olpaul, 1000 Cannon Ave, Lansdale, Pa, 19466
Frey Daniel W, 12 Mon Blvd, Monessen, Pa, 00000
Frey Diane M, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frey Donald A, 926 Falls St, York, Pa, 00000
Frey Doris J, 35 Randall Circle, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Frey Douglas A, 1655 Cloverleaf St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Frey Garry O, 479 Railroad Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Frey Harry E, Felton, Pa, 00000
Frey Harry V, Orvilla Rd Rd 1, Hatfield, Pa, 00000
Frey Hunter F, 358 Mauch Chunk St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Frey James A, 3305 Hanover Acres, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Linda, Dln 88466623 Rev Inf Div Hickory Hill, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frey Linda J, 3305 Hanover Acres, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Luella L, Rr 1, Neffs, Pa, 00000
Frey Magory E, Dryville, Pa, 00000
Frey May, 838 S Aubrey St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frey Mildred, Frederick, Pa, 00000
Frey Nancy, Glasgow, Pa, 00000
Frey Paula R, Wrightsville, Pa, 00000
Frey Peggy L, 719a Main St, Tatamy, Pa, 18085
Frey Robert, 925 Parkview Dr, Phoenixville, Pa,
Frey Robert D, S Charlotte St, Manheim, Pa, 00000
Frey Zoe, 302 N Neir St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000
Freyberger Sarah, Phila, Pa, 00000
Freyer Martyne L, Star Route, Boyertown, Pa, 00000
Freyman Marion L, 1410 Gordon, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Freytag David, 95 Jeffrey St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frick Arthur B, 1854 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frick Florence, 1103 Wayne St, Easton, Pa, 18045
Frick Katie E, 2262 Bristol Rd, Warminster, Pa, 00000
Frick Wilbert S, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fricke Anna M, 5022 Jackson St, Frankford, Pa, 00000
Fricker Eliz, 1842 Folson, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fricker Fred H, 3629 Stafore Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fricker Irene M, 2120 A Midday Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frickert Barbara K, 6057 Snyders Church Rd, Bath, Pa, 18014
Frickert Ruth L, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Frickert Tiffany K, 6057 Snyders Church Rd, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fridae Edward J, Jerome, Pa, 00000
Friday Adam, Tyler, Pa, 00000
Friday Charles, P O Box 119, Uniontown, Pa,
Friday Donald L, Rr 4 Box 29b, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fridinge William R, R129 Baltimore St, Hanover, Pa, 00000
Fridley Shirley, #1008, Marianna, Pa, 00000
Fried Michael G, H171 Hershey Hospital, Hershey, Pa,
Friedel Marcella M, 19 Allen, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Friedel Robert, Meadow Ave, Newportville, Pa, 00000
Friedenberger Edward Jr, 1000 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frieder Jane, 1335 Pepper Rd, Rydal, Pa, 01904
Friediwald William, West Oak Lane, Pa, 0
Friedland Isabella, 8110 Coveland Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Friedman Y Sidney, 6832 Eastwood St, Phila, Pa, 19149
Friedman Ann, 202 St Regis, 2301 Tremont St Phil, Pa, 00000
Friedman Bernard, 10 Bar 298, Allentown, Pa, 18902
Friedman Herman, & Gussie Friedman Ten Ent 115 East Third St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Friedman Holly J, 7945 Park Ave, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Friedman Isabella Custodian, 401 Cooper Landing Rd Apt 506, Cherry Hill, Pa, 08002
Friedman Marc H, 319 Dogwood Ter, Easton, Pa, 18040
Friedman Rosemary, 319 Dogwood Ter, Easton, Pa, 18040
Friedman Shirley, R 421 Clay Ave, Scranton, Pa,
Friedman Sidney, 6832 Eastwood St, Philadelph, Pa, 19149
Friedman Viola, Box 79, Bushkill, Pa,
Friedrick Emileen C, Bristol Rd, Oakford, Pa, 00000
Friel Charles W, 181 Th St Apt 46, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Friel Edward J Jr., 115 Webster Ave, Wyncote, Pa,
Friel Francis A, 210 E Allegheny Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Friel Regina, 11034 Kelvin Ave, Phila, Pa,
Friel Sarah, 2548 S Miller, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frieman Larisa D, 143 B Charleston Rd, Malvern, Pa,
Friend Beatrice, W Brandywine St, Paperville, Pa, 00000
Friend Jennie, Po Box 1, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Friend Mary, Dunbar, Pa, 0
Friend William, 1500 Grandview, North Braddock, Pa, 00000
Friend William J, 3424 Sheffield Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000
Friends Hospital, 4641 Roosevelt Blvd, Phila., Pa,
Friends Investors Club, C/O Dr Bernard P Adelman 907 B Elkins Park House, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Friends Of Ned Blake St, Pa,
Fries Barbara L, 2703 Furnace Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fries Francis J, Mt Nebo Rd Rd 2, Sewickley, Pa, 00000
Fries Irene A, Rr 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Fries Loraine F, Rr 1, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fries Lorranie G, Rr 2, Bath, Pa, 18014
Fries Richard L, 6307 Ocont St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frieter V, Glendale, Pa, 00000
Frigo Aldo M, 417 Montclair Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Frill Of It All, Pa,
Frinak Joe, R F D # 3, Dunlevy, Pa, 00000
Frink Harry B, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 W 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404
Frinzi Barbara Jean, C/O Bridge Path Woods Apt E-21 Bridle Path Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Frinzi Barbara Jean, C-O Bridge Path Woods Apt E-21 Bridle Path Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Frinzi James M, 909 Pine St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frinzi James M Custodian, 909 Pine St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fripps Anna, Elkins Park, Pa, 0
Frisbee Lauren S, Rigby Post Office, New Castle, Pa, 00000
Frisby Earl E, 2749 Carter Rd, Trevose, Pa, 00000
Frisch Aganis, 520 E 12th St, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frisch Charles, 520 East Twelve, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frisch Joseph, 520 East Twelve, Northampton, Pa, 00000
Frisch Lena P, 712 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frischkorn Therese, Rr 4 Box 470, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Frish Gizzella, 826 Main, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Frishkorn Edward, 1600 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frisina Marlyn, 957 Olater, Meadville, Pa, 00000
Frisko Josephine, 2 Front Row, Lebanon, Pa, 00000
Frisoli Barbara C, 1555 Patford Ave, Allenton, Pa, 32149
Fritch Barry L, Rr 1 Box C269, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fritch Barry Lee, Rr 1 Box 269, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fritch Carol A, Rr 1 Box C, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fritchie Nancy G, Pence Ave, Allen, Pa, 00000
Fritchman Barry R J, 132 Cherry Hill Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fritchman Gary D, 1558 Livingston St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fritchman Myrtle, 1090 Detweiler Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fritchman Myrtle I, 1090 Detweiler Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fritchman Viola, 76 Clearfield St, Freemansburg, Pa, 00000
Frits Paul R, Maine St, Adamsdale, Pa, 00000
Fritsch Alice Mae, 6601 Lince Keln Pike, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fritsch Dolfina, Herminie, Pa, 00000
Fritsch Frank J, 705 Front St, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fritski Andrew, 98 N Sherman Apt 1, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Fritski Andrew Jr, 50 S Hancock St, Wikes Barre, Pa, 00000
Fritski John, 98 N Sherman Apt 1, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Fritski Rosella, 98 N Sherman, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000
Fritts Evelyn M, 723 Hickory Ln, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fritz Alice, 247 St Somerset St, Saint Paul, Pa, 00000
Fritz Anna M, 2068 A S John Russell C Ir, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117
Fritz Archie E, 5 Pinoak Dr, Oil City, Pa, 16302
Fritz Arnold O, Andreas, Pa, 00000
Fritz Bruce L, Public St, Danielsville, Pa, 18038
Fritz Christine, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fritz Clara G, Ackermanville, Pa, 00000
Fritz Clara G, Ackermanville, Pa, 18010
Fritz Daniel S, 3144 Manor Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fritz Deborah L, Rd 2, Everson, Pa, 00000
Fritz Edith E, 22 Judith Lane, Thonrton, Pa, 00000
Fritz Elizabeth, 247 S Somerset St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fritz Florence M, Shoemakersville, Pa, 00000
Fritz Helen, Maine St, Adamsdale, Pa, 00000
Fritz Irene M, Rd 1, New Baltimore, Pa, 00000
Fritz Isa, Edge Hill Rd, Huntington Va, Pa, 00000
Fritz Jessie E, 2nd & Chestnut, Mount Wolf, Pa, 00000
Fritz Jessie L, 1272 Birchwood Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Fritz Joyce E, Benton, Pa, 00000
Fritz Lena, 12 Midland Rd, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fritz Lena M, 12 Midland Rd, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fritz Mark K, Pa,
Fritz Martha, 347 Delmar St, Roxborough, Pa, 00000
Fritz Melvin C, Elk Grove, Pa, 00000
Fritz Patricia A, Rd 3 Penn Farm Estates, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Fritz Pauline, Sexfert, Pa,
Fritz Robert G, Rolling Hills Dr, Zelinople, Pa, 00000
Fritz Robert R, 308a Ayars Pl, Chester, Pa, 00000
Fritz Robert W, Box #81, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fritz Roy S, West Maine St, New Holland, Pa, 00000
Fritz Stacy L, 183 Hummels Hill Rd, Kutztown, Pa,
Fritz Tacy D, 4949 Pulaski Ave, Germantown, Pa, 00000
Fritz Theodore E, 3502 Nazareth Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fritz Thomas S, 637 Alaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fritz Walter P, 765 River Rd Lincoln Hts, Hanover Green, Pa, 00000
Fritz William C, W Main St, New Holland, Pa, 00000
Fritz Yvonne H, 154 N Grevie, Waynesboro, Pa, 00000
Fritzges Bessie D, 57 6th Ave, Laurel Gardens, Pa, 00000
Fritzo Eugene, 219 W Nesquehoning St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Froberg Sandra S, 2308 Wagonwheel Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frochlich May, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frockt Rebecca C, 1537 Fleming St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017
Froding Ferol A, Green Lane Greefields, Reading, Pa, 00000
Froelich Viola E, 1695 Lenape Rd Pocop, West Chester, Pa, 18681
Froello Genivieve L, 210 Power St, Mahonington, Pa, 00000
Froggatt Maureen, Pa,
Fromel Nellie, 361 Main Rd Buttonwood, Hanover, Pa, 00000
Fromm Albert, 120 Madison Hydepark, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fromm Donald, Valley View Trailer Park Apt 4, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fromm Jane E, 164 Spruce, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Frone Maggie, Pa,
Fronheiser Barbara, Bechtelsville, Pa, 00000
Fronheiser Helen M, Olds Woods Rd, Telford, Pa, 01896
Fronheiser Janet L, Bally, Pa, 00000
Fronheiser Nancy A, Bally, Pa, 00000
Fronheiser Ruth, 1109 Lehigh, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fronheiser Vernon K, Main St, Bechtelsville, Pa, 00000
Fronza Robert L, 418 W Bacon St, Paloalto Pottsville, Pa, 00000
Frost Alvira J, 1665 Coul, Wilksburg, Pa, 00000
Frost Erica B, Po Box 411, Willow Street, Pa, 17584
Froum Esther, Glen Campbell, Pa, 00000
Froum Gussie, Glen Campbell, Pa, 00000
Frowen Leo, Saltsburg, Pa, 00000
Fruck David, 770 Johnston Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18107
Fruehstorfer Elsie A, # 1 Lick Run Rd, Broughton, Pa, 00000
Frumer Ruth G, 5212 Mill St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frutchey Shirley E, S Broad St, East Bangor, Pa, 18013
Fruth J, Po Box 261, Duncansville, Pa, 16635
Frx Of Pennsylvania, 1810 Lincoln Hwy, North Versailles, Pa,
Fry Barbara, York New Salem, Pa, 00000
Fry Darsie G, Union St, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000
Fry Dolores, Elwyn, Pa, 00000
Fry Doris M, Kutztown, Pa, 00000
Fry Dotte Ann, 123 John, Emmaus, Pa, 00000
Fry Edna G, 6312 P St, Coral Hills, Pa, 00000
Fry Edward A, 281 5 Pt Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000
Fry Ellaine, 123 John, Emmaus, Pa, 00000
Fry Ethel, 621 Alaska St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fry Helen E, Rr 1, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fry Janet M, 210 New York St, Pottstown, Pa, 00000
Fry Janet R, Westover, Pa, 00000
Fry Jean L, 311 Jefferson St, Middletown, Pa, 00000
Fry June E, Beaver Springs, Pa, 00000
Fry Leora Audine, Rouseville, Pa, 00000
Fry Margaret F, Mahaffey, Pa, 00000
Fry Marion I, 2500 Freemansburg Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fry Ralph D, Conestoga, Pa, 00000
Fryberger Ilene, Refton St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000
Frydlewicz Helen, 813 Randolph, Phila, Pa, 00000
Frye Eleanor V, 509 21st St, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Frye Filmore, 42 W Blaine St, Mcadoo, Pa, 19042
Frye June, Mcclure, Pa, 00000
Frye Kathleen M, 1613 Liberty St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Frye Mary, Ligonier, Pa, 00000
Frye Ruth, Ralston, Pa, 00000
Frye William, Rt 2 Box 59a, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662
Fryer Helen C, New Berlinville, Pa, 00000
Fryer Mary, 111 M12 St, Reading, Pa, 00000
Fryer Robert J, 824 Orchard Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fryers Edwin D, Pa,
Frymire Thomas L, 5920 Learpenter St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fryner-Kensky Tikva, 28 Henly Rd, Wynnewood, Pa,
Frys Metals Inc, 6th Ave 41st St, Altoona, Pa, 16602
Fryze Stephen, 173 Marbel, Wissachickson, Pa, 00000
Fship House Of Prayer, Pa,
Ft Washington Rediological, Po Box 10848, Ft Washington, Pa,
Ftveffler Irene, Mt Carmel, Glenside, Pa, 00000
Fuchs Anna, 507 M4, Allentown, Pa, 00000
Fuchs Bernard, Biane Wills Fuchs Jt Ten 1915 Le High St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fuchs Donald E, 101 Holzer St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fuchs Laverne, 101 Holzer St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fucic Mary F, Houtzdale Rd, Parsonsville, Pa, 00000
Fucic Mary Frances, Rr, Houtzdale, Pa, 00000
Fudge Thelma V, 5 W 2nd Ave, Litity, Pa, 00000
Fuegel Agnes A, 2039 Luttigora, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuehr Robert P, 127 Center St Apt 37, Glenfield, Pa, 00000
Fuentes A, 420 Walnut St Apt 17, Reading, Pa,
Fuerst Katherine, 823 Madison Ave, No Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fuertes Dolores, 425 W 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015
Fuezleten Mary, 1162 Voskamp St, Ns Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fufus Silver, Pa,
Fugate Charles, Pa, 0000
Fugate Florence, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuge Arlene R, 2419 Freemansburg Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fuge J Frank, 1603 Hillside Ct, Tyrone, Pa, 16686
Fuge Russell, 529 Pen Argyl St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072
Fuge Stephen E, 1231 Merion Ave, Easton, Pa, 18045
Fuge Warren G, Main St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 00000
Fugh Ethel L, 58 Sandusky, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fuglio James D, 6935 Clinton Rd, Upper Darby, Pa, 00001
Fuglistaller Susanne, Rr 2 Box 130, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fugures Martin S, 151 Burfo St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuhrer David A, 148 Woods Ln, Altoona, Pa, 16601
Fuhrer Robert, Stoneboro, Pa, 00000
Fuhrman Donna, 1710 Maple, Cumberland, Pa, 00000
Fuhrman Richard, Newtown Square, Pa, 00000
Fuhrmann Maria, 1719 Syden House, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuhrmeister Anna T, 1007 Stevens Terrace, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuhs Gertrude, 4552 Griendship Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000
Fujitsu Compound Sem, Pa,
Fulkroad Gerald E, Mcalisterville, Pa, 00000
Fulkrod William A, Main Rd, Point Township, Pa, 00000
Fullam James, Continental Dr, Valley Forge, Pa, 00000
Fullem Charles A Jr, 140 Buttington, New Salem, Pa, 00000
Fuller Alice F, 3331 N Roose St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuller Annette, 2518 W Diamond, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuller Charles, 813 Cedar Ave, Drexel, Pa,
Fuller Gary B, Pa,
Fuller George T, 207 E Mountain Rd, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091
Fuller Henrietta S, 2436 20th, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuller Jean Kay, Jerome, Pa, 00000
Fuller Kath, 2635n 2nd, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuller Kyle, Pa,
Fuller Lorraine, Newell, Pa, 00000
Fuller Marion V, 58th St & Reenwam, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fuller Ralph, South St, Mcgrann, Pa, 00000
Fuller Ruth L, Mills Rd, Blairsville, Pa, 00000
Fuller Teresa L, 5020 N Sherman St Extd, York, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Ethelean, 5725 Dunlap, Phila, Pa,
Fullerton Helen A, 216 Hamilton, Vandergrift, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Larry D, Cloe, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Marla R, Juneau, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Rodney E, Cloe, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Rosalie D, Cloe, Pa, 00000
Fullerton Ruth L, Cloe, Pa, 00000
Fullis Charles, R R, Grantville, Pa, 00000
Fullmer Flossie A, 128 Lincoln Ave S, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Fullmer Lois Jeanne, Petrolia, Pa, 00000
Fullmer Ray R, 128 Lincoln Ave S, Williamsport, Pa, 00000
Fullmer Robert, Karns City, Pa, 00000
Fullmoon Ent Inc, Pa,
Fulmer Arthur, 2180 Washington Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067
Fulmer Berton H, 3 Rfd Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064
Fulmer Charles E, 703 Woodland, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Chester, 37 S 12th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fulmer Eliz, 7113 Keystone St, Tacony, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Evelyn, 7113 Keystone St, Tacony, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Frank S, Rose Hill, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Henry P, Longshore St, Phila, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Martha, Spring Mount, Pa, 00000
Fulmer Raymond L Mr., 106 N 10th St, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fulmer Verna M, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055
Fulmor Miller G F Jr, Cold Spring Creamery Rd, Doylestown, Pa, 00000
Fulper Thomas E, 125 S Delaware Dr, Easton, Pa, 18042
Fuls Doris, Stone Church, Pa, 00000
[Continued on next Web Page]
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