Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 05-272w

[35 Pa.B. 859]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

Redline Gloria F, East Lawn Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 00000

Redline Sylvia G, 1912 Union Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Redman Flo, Rr 1, Braznel, Pa, 00000

Redmer Amelia, 142 E Wilboro, Phila, Pa, 00000

Redmerski David J, 11 Sprowl St, Mckeesroeks, Pa, 00000

Redmerski Margaret, 4427 Calvin, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Redmond Irma C, Henderson Ave, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Rednagl Agatha K, 1571 Longfellow Pl, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rednagle Agatha, 1571 Longfellow Pl, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rednagle Agatha K, 1571 Longfellow Pl, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rednagle Jean A, 1571 Longfellow Pl, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Redners Variety, Douglasville, Pa,

Rednile K J Jr, 4913 Granden St, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Redstone James J, 6c Rd B Hilldale, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Redvansky Stanley, West Butler Rd, Lyndora, Pa, 00000

Redvansky Vodick, West Butler Rd, Lyndora, Pa, 00000

Redwood Airport Management Inc, Pa,

Redwood Const, 500 Henderson Ave, Washington, Pa,

Ree Daniel J, 6125 Worcester Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reed Adaline E, Snyder Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Alberta, 1843 Huntingdon, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Alvin, Ramsey, Pa, 00000

Reed Anastisia, 2142 Chevy, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Anita E, 1427 W Tioga St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Anna A, Walnut St, Wiconisco, Pa, 00000

Reed Anna M, 332 E Sector St, Conshohocken, Pa, 00000

Reed Arlene, 2512 Warnock St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Arthur B, 121 E Baruard, West Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Reed Barbara, Dudley, Pa, 00000

Reed Beatrice M, 3106 Oregon St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Reed Beatrice M, Po Box 3166, Palmer, Pa, 18043

Reed Bertha I, West Shore, Pa,

Reed Brenda E, 628 6th St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reed C, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Carl Daniel, Dudley, Pa, 00000

Reed Carol A, 1313 1/2 Ford Ave, Erie, Pa, 00000

Reed Carrie O, Reedsville, Pa, 00000

Reed Catherine, 115 Paxson Ave, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Reed Charity F, Pa,

Reed Claude R, Star Route, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Reed David A, 3730 Southwood Dr, Audubon, Pa,

Reed Dba Lisa G, R R 1 Box 481, Strattanville, Pa,

Reed Donald, 12 Ama Ave, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Reed Dorothy, 12 Beech St, Aloan Clift Hgts, Pa, 00000

Reed Edward, Dudley, Pa, 00000

Reed Elinor L, Spangler, Pa, 00000

Reed Elmer, 1722 Beau, Reading, Pa, 00000

Reed Evelyn C, Knox, Pa, 00000

Reed Frances, 103 Box, Clearfield, Pa, 00000

Reed Franklin, Spring St, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Reed Gary A, 1342 Mickley Rd, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Reed Grace, 744 3rd Ave, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reed Harold M, Pa,

Reed Hazel I, Re Rock, Burnham, Pa, 00000

Reed Inez M, Crobbs Creek Nursing Ctr 6900 Cobbs Creek Pkwy, Phila, Pa,

Reed Jean L, Rr 2box 330, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Reed Joan A, 15 E Liberty St, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Reed John R, 2638 Pittston Ave, Minooka, Pa, 00000

Reed John R, Leonard, North Apollo, Pa, 00000

Reed John W, C/O Mrs Lena Reed, Smiths Ferry, Pa, 00000

Reed Joseph M, 1411 W Ontario, Ohila, Pa, 00000

Reed Kathy A, Bolivar, Pa, 00000

Reed Kenneth E, Scotch Valley Rd, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Reed Latrice M, Pa,

Reed Lena, Midland, Pa, 00000

Reed Lewis, 333 W Jeffersona St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Reed Lynda S, Liberty Bell Trlr Vlg, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Reed Margaret B, 3429 N Philadelphia St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Mary D, 2023 N Hagut, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Mary E, 118 Main St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Reed Michael J, 517 Blair St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Reed Milford H, 1840 Main St, Sharpsburg, Pa, 00000

Reed Minnie B, Easton, Pa, 00000

Reed Miriam B, 1517 10th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Reed Naomi E, 2012 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reed Naomi E, 512 Coleridge Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reed Natasha L, Pa,

Reed Paul E, Pa,

Reed Peggy J, Houtzdale, Pa, 00000

Reed Preston W, 607 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reed Ralph B, Sandy Lake, Pa, 00000

Reed Ralph T, Leetsdale, Pa, 00000

Reed Robert, Dudley, Pa, 00000

Reed Roberta, Rouseville, Pa, 00000

Reed Ruth E, 204 Garber St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Reed Sally A, 225 Cherry Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Reed Scott A, 115 Lloyd Ave, N Versailles, Pa,

Reed Shirley Mae, Main St, Red Hill, Pa, 00000

Reed Soyinka, Pa,

Reed Stella C, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Reed Thomas, 2140 S Chenz, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed Tillie Alberta, Main St, Hegins, Pa, 00000

Reed Violet R, Chestnut St, Cresson, Pa, 00000

Reed Virginia M, 464 N Ave, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Reed Wilber, 2931 N 7th Sst, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reed William, 170 Hamilton, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reeder Bertha, 4659 Dittmoore St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reeder Kathleen F, Willow Grove, Pa, 00000

Reeder Letty, Third St, Cementon, Pa, 00000

Reeder Mildred, Rockhaven East, Clinton, Pa,

Reeder Victor E, Cherry Alley, Huntingdon, Pa, 00000

Reedy Albert, Rr 1, Pottsbville, Pa, 00000

Reedy Pearl, 21 Jackson St Rankin, Pa,

Reedy Rachel A, 358 Addison St, Washington, Pa, 00000

Reep Mary R, Custer City, Pa, 00000

Rees John Charles, 1014 West St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reese Allison, 137 Morris St, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Reese Anna, 32 S 7th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reese Anna, 533 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reese Anna B, 222 N Chestnut St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Reese Bonnie L, 400 A Elm Terrace, York, Pa,

Reese Daniel W, Cust For Barbara Reese Ugma Pa, Pa,

Reese David, 233 South First St #3, Lehighton, Pa, 18253

Reese Delores I, 323 Morse, Erie, Pa, 00000

Reese Doris M, Bustleton Ave, Byberry, Pa, 00000

Reese Edmond, 3349 N Waterlon, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reese Ernest J, 4937 Ljtle St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reese George M, Hill Rd, Colonia, Pa, 00000

Reese Geraldine, 540 Georgian Lane, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reese Helen, 323 Morse, Erie, Pa, 00000

Reese Ina, 709 William St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Reese Jennie, Scranton N, Pa,

Reese Joanne S, 401 Eden Rd I-3, Lancaster, Pa, 17600

Reese June B, 343 Fifth St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Reese Leona, 812 Pirre, Ashland, Pa, 00000

Reese Margaret, 5709 North Cause St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reese Mary A, 812 Pirre, Ashland, Pa, 00000

Reese Mary G, 613 Franklin, Standing Stone, Pa, 00000

Reese Maxine R, Lopez, Pa, 00000

Reese Mildred E, Rd 1, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Reese Randall M, 521 Pen Argyl St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Reese Rodrick, 6809 N Broad St, Phila, Pa,

Reese Ruth Anna, East Freedom, Pa, 00000

Reese William, Fair Acres Geriatric Center, Pa,

Reese William A, 1927 B, Erie, Pa, 00000

Reeser Bruce A, 34 S 4th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reeser Loille E, 2729 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reeser Pauline L, Blandon, Pa, 00000

Reeser Ruelle, Bernville, Pa, 00000

Reeser Willard, El Jani Dr, Doylestown, Pa, 00000

Reeve Thomas P, 232 March Church, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Reeves Carla M, 1424 W Toronto St, Phila, Pa,

Reeves Catherine M, 1032 Hamilton, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reeves Frances C, 616 Waoui St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reeves James, Hodges Trailer Park, 7 Echo Valley, Nottingham, Pa,

Reeves Kenneth I, Main St, Millsboro, Pa, 00000

Reeves Lydia A, 525 Bethlehem Pike, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reeves Nora T, 3317 Kaywood Dr, Easton, Pa, 18045

Reeves Phyllis R, Pa,

Reeves Rita, 44 Couter St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reeves Ruth, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reeves William, 89 Hazle, Dillarn, Pa, 00000

Refarinao Frank, 1103 Sermmit St, Allegheny, Pa, 00000

Refefe Cliford J, 510 Lawnside, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reffner Robert S, 408 W 2nd St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Reffner Timothy N, 405 2nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Refosco Joseph, 26 Hyland, Lawrence, Pa, 00000

Refreshment Systems, See Vendor 438520000, Pa,

Regal Palace, 941 Race St, Phila, Pa,

Regalis Malinda O, 2042 Forest St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Regan Alma, 1117 Edith Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regan Clare J, Carrolltown, Pa, 00000

Regan Dolores, 5921 Pennypack St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regan Marie G, 24th Graysferry Ave, S Philadelphi, Pa, 00000

Regani Libero, Blythedale, Pa, 00000

Regec Marie, 12 Fairview, West Catasauq, Pa, 00000

Regec Stephen P, 12 Fairview St, West Catasauq, Pa, 00000

Reger & Rizzo, 656 East Swedesford Rd Suite 110, Wayne, Pa,

Regetta Helen, 4153 Tower St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Regi Jean A, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Regina Drexler, Lovaland Ave, Erie, Pa, 00000

Regina Sarah J, Kewtown Dr, Claridge, Pa, 00000

Reginald Jones, 246 S 2nd St, Highesville, Pa, 00000

Regis Campbell, Rd 2, Pa,

Regis Virgil, Duke Center, Pa, 00000

Regitz Ruth M, 358 W Lincoln St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Regner Amelia, Franlkyn St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regner Annie, C/O August Regner Franklyn Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regner Ethel, C/O August Regner Franklyn St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regner Roger, C/O August Regner Franklyn St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Regrut Margaret E, 1143 Jackson St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Regula Frank, 717 W Green St, W Hazeltown, Pa, 00000

Regula Mildred, R 90 Monsment, Wyoming, Pa, 00000

Regunt Anna, Santiago, Pa, 00000

Regunt Mary, Santiago, Pa, 00000

Reh Margie, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rehabiliation Nova O, Po Box 8500 6000, Phila, Pa, 17178

Rehak Jaon M, Allen Town Rd, Elroy, Pa, 00000

Rehborn Conrad A, 46 Brookside Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rehder Marx N, 188 Rockford Sq, Mountville, Pa,

Reheard Shirley, Florin, Pa, 00000

Rehm Carrie, 6 N Seventh, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rehm Diane, 1205 Livingston St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rehm Gladys, 836 South St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rehm Joseph, 836 South St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rehm Linda L, 1322 17th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rehm Nunzio J Jr, 1322 17th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rehm Patricia L, 121 E 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rehm Patricia L, 1322 17th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rehnert Carolyn A, 102 W Langhorne Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rehrig Dolores R, 949 Turner St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rehrig Dorothy E, New Tripoli, Pa, 00000

Rehrig Randy R, 3140 Meyers Ln, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rehrig Roger G, 138 N Walnut St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Reiber J M, C/O 600 E Green St Rm 30, Pasadena, Pa, 91101

Reiber Orpha W, Middletown Rd Rd 1, Chester, Pa, 00000

Reiber Tracy L, 2976 Meloin Dr, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Reibert Caroline M, 37 Congress St, Phila, Pa,

Reich George K, 212 6th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reich George K, William Penn Ct Apt 20d, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reich Helen, 2251 St Rd, Neshaminy, Pa, 00000

Reich Lester, Main St, Ringtown, Pa, 00000

Reich Seidelman Janicki, Po Box 8495, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Reichard Althia, Main, Pen Argyl, Pa, 00000

Reichard Anna D, 602 S Bishopthorpe St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reichard Barbara An, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reichard Brenda S, Fairmount City, Pa, 00000

Reichard Carol H, Williams St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Reichard Cononn N, 618 D Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Reichard Ethel, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reichard Nora, 149 Broad, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Reichard Richard L, Railroad, Pa, 00000

Reichard Walter, 134 Washington St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Reichardt Karen, 37 W Manoa Rd, Havertown, Pa,

Reichardt William F, 7625 Hastwok, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reichart Edna, 150 Main St, Harwood Mines, Pa, 00000

Reichart Marie, Petrolia, Pa, 00000

Reichelderfer A F, Rd 1, Emmaus, Pa, 00000

Reichelderfer M A, Rr 1, Catwissa, Pa, 00000

Reichenbach June L, Ave F, Riverside, Pa, 00000

Reichenbach Marga, N Main St, Doylestown, Pa, 00000

Reichert Marjory E, Stonersville, Pa, 00000

Reichert Oleda M, Fredericksburg, Pa, 00000

Reichl Marian J, 609 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reichle Frederick Md, John F. Kennedy Memor Hs Langdon & Cheltenham Ave, Phila, Pa, 01912

Reichold Laverda, 1406 Godgkiss St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reid Charles L, 1730 Tremont St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reid Elmira L, 5734, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reid Florence E, Havertown, Pa, 00000

Reid James H Jr, 322 Amsoland Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reid Mary M, 322 Amsoland Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reid Vera E, Blossburg, Pa, 00000

Reid Virginia May, 542 Kanpdin St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reid William G, Bethel Rd, Twin Lakes, Pa, 00000

Reidenauer Leroy, Lenhartsville, Pa, 00000

Reider James A, R F D 2 Mohnton, Mohnton, Pa, 00000

Reider Lillian E, 1236 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reider Miriam M, 105 St John, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Reidmiller Paul S, Box 224, Pennsylvania, Pa, 00000

Reidnauer Debra J, Earlville, Pa, 00000

Reier Robert, 423 Rochelle St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reif Bernard, Cornwells, Pa, 00000

Reif Bernard A, Cornwells Ave, Bristol, Pa, 00000

Reif Nora, Cochranton, Pa,

Reif Thomas J, 4651 W Minster, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reiff Gladys, Montgomery Ave, E Norristown, Pa, 00000

Reiff Howard, Lahaska, Pa, 00000

Reifinger Carrie, Rr 1, Sumneytown, Pa, 00000

Reifinger James L, Rr 1, Sumneytown, Pa, 00000

Reifinger Lloyd W, 119 High, Tipton, Pa, 00000

Reifinger Richard, Macungie, Pa, 00000

Reifsnyder Edward, Cor Haig & Liberty Ave, S Fairview, Pa, 00000

Reifsnyder Miriam C, Limekiln, Pa, 00000

Reigel Daniel A, 434 Bayard St, Erie, Pa, 00000

Reigel Leroy, Stouchsburg, Pa, 00000

Reigel Marion, 5520 Wyland St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reigh Robert W, 2427 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reigh Robert W, 68 Clover Dr, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Reighard Dora M, 331 Pershing Ave, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Reighard Estate Of, Morrisons Cove Home 429 S Market St, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Reighard Genevieve, Rural Delivery, Roaring Spring, Pa, 16673

Reighard Olive N, 1423 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa,

Reighard Sara E, 318 S Market St, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Reighard Telford E, Rfd, South Park, Pa, 00000

Reigle Alice L, York Rd, Warminster, Pa, 00000

Reigle Gerald, Juniper St, Warminster, Pa, 00000

Reigler Fred, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Westvaco, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Reigner Catherine M, 432 Spiny, Reading, Pa, 00000

Reigner Randy A, Niantic, Pa, 00000

Reihman Clare, Green Lane, Pa, 00000

Reihman Clare A, Green Lane, Pa, 00000

Reihman Evelyn A, Green Lane, Pa, 00000

Reiker Francis, Rr 1, York, Pa, 00000

Reikie John G, 218 Maple Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Reiley Stephanie K, Pa,

Reilley Margaret, Mlton St, Zelienople, Pa, 00000

Reilley Vincent, Milton St, Zelienople, Pa, 00000

Reilly Arlene E, 839 Grant, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reilly Barbara G, 2511 Old Lincoln Hwy, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Reilly Bertha, 2707 Weir Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Reilly Charles, 1415 Hodgkiss, N Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reilly Charles A Jr, 25 Simpson Rd, Admore, Pa, 00000

Reilly Dorothy, S 25th, Easton, Pa, 00000

Reilly Edward, 2819 N Fehigh, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reilly Florence, Rr 5, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reilly Francis X, 223 S Web Ave, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Reilly Frank, 4425 Sausour, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reilly Frank, 4425 Seagreen, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reilly Helen, 1231 Jackson St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reilly Helen, 4425 Sausaw St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reilly Helen C, 1213 Jackson St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reilly Jean E, Rr 1 Box 297, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Reilly John H, 2622 N Mascher, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reilly Margaret, Wyoming St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reilly Regina A, 15 Montrosg Ave, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Reilly S, 147 Gallaoerville Rd, Downingtown, Pa, 19385

Reiman Rosemary E, 1825 Watkins St Apt A1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Reimann Walter, C/O Heather Reimann Tr 21 Flintshire Rd, Pa, 00000

Reimel Ferne I, 419 W Penna Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Reimel Marilyn M, Erwinna, Pa, 00000

Reimer Helen E, Rr 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Reimer Linda L, Danielsville, Pa, 00000

Reimer Nancy J, 136 E Northampton St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Reimer Robert, 1812 Perkiomenirue, Reading, Pa, 00000

Reimer Rohn S, Po Box 334, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Reimer Rohn S, Po Box 34, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Reimers Karen L, Middlecrest Dr, Glenshaw, Pa, 00000

Reimert Helen, 4th St, E Greenville, Pa, 00000

Reimert Kenneth P, 431 Hamilton St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reimert Wilbur N, 431 Hamilton St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinard Frederick, Rfd 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinard Fredrick A, Rfd 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinard Robert, South Heights, Pa, 00000

Reinard Shirley M, Shamokin Dam, Shamokin, Pa, 00000

Reinbold Anna, 33 West Main St, Wanamie, Pa, 00000

Reinbold Florence, 1335 Princeton Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reiner Albert, Cedarbrook Hill Apt 1019, Wyncote, Pa, 13200

Reiner Mae J, Treichlers, Pa, 18086

Reinert Betty C, Limekiln, Pa, 00000

Reinert Cleveland, Tipton, Pa, 00000

Reinert James J, Douglassville, Pa, 00000

Reinert James P, R 1, Macungie, Pa, 00000

Reinert Marie S, Ironton St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Marlene, 923 Tilghman St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Marlene J, 923 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Merrill H, 923 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Nathan R, 923 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Nathan R, 923 Tilghman St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinert Russell, Trenton, Pa, 00000

Reinhard Amos A, 726 Front St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinhard Cathrine, 726 Front St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinhard Edward H, 726 Front St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinhard Vida V, 726 Front St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Arthur J Jr, 61 E Main, My Joy, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Charles, Springboro, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Dorothea J, Wind Gap, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Dorothea J, Broadway, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091

Reinhart Dorothea J, Lower Broadway, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091

Reinhart Edward, Graham Rd, Pittsbrugh, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Erwin T, Washington St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Grant Irwin, Germansville, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Pauline, Lyons, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Richard, 2458 Evanwood Rd, Bath, Pa, 18014

Reinhart Roy R, Refton St, Pennisylvania, Pa, 00000

Reinhart Warne, Rr 1, Big Run, Pa, 00000

Reinheimer Raylene, Rd #1, Lexington, Pa, 00000

Reinisch Eleanor, 1211 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Reinschmidt Frank D, Hellard Court, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Reinschmidt Robert, Hillside Court, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Reinsmith Anna May, 713 Lawrence, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reinsmith Paul, 208 N High St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Reinsmith Shirley M, 1709 3rd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Reip Mary E, Schellsburg, Pa, 00000

Reis Gertrude, 807 Venango St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reis Katherine, Pa, 00000

Reisch Robert C, 366 Freeport, New Kensington, Pa, 00000

Reiseg Rrynold J, R F D Locust Valley, Barnesville, Pa, 00000

Reisenweaver Rita, Weston, Pa, 00000

Reiser Ella, Phila, Pa,

Reiser James L, Stoneboro, Pa, 00000

Reiser Wendel W, Main, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Reisinger Frederick H, Loysville, Pa, 00000

Reisinger Mabel, Craley, Pa, 00000

Reisinger Mary, N Gay St, Marietta, Pa, 00000

Reismier Margaret, 1707 21st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Reiss Chars F, 536 Lawrence, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reiss Gerald A, 164 Schaffer St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Reiss John W, Po Box 5052, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reiss Katherine, 1208 No 13th St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reiss Katherine E, 1208 N 13, Allenton, Pa, 00000

Reiss Lean H, State Rd, Pleasant Valley, Pa, 00000

Reiss Susan M, Center Valley, Pa, 00000

Reiss Thomas, 423 Cedar, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitenauer C, 529 Laurena, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitenauer Edith A, 529 Laurence, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitenauer Robert, 529 Laurence, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitenauer Roy, 510 Lauland, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitenbach Betty June, Reinerton, Pa, 00000

Reiter Jack M, 420 25th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Reiter Margaret S, 1204 N 2nd St, Harrisburg, Pa,

Reiter Mary, 617 Cumberland, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Reith Betty L, Cabot, Pa, 00000

Reith Donna Lee, Bairdford, Pa, 00000

Reith Franklin A, Star Route, Limeport, Pa, 00000

Reither Florence M, Sandy Lake, Pa, 00000

Reitmeyer Catherin, Market St, Sheppton, Pa, 00000

Reitnauer Barbara Ann, Barto, Pa, 00000

Reitter Albert John, 1446 30th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reitz Evelyn, 1607 Brinton, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Reitz Florence, 319 N Orange, Selings Grove, Pa, 00000

Reitz Josephine, 3466 Brystall Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reitz Lillian, 941 Pine, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Reitz Mildred, R D 1 Hamilton St Ext, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Reitz Mildred, Rd 9, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Reitz Samuel, Boston, Pa, 00000

Reitz Sharlen Alma, 1106 Susq, Sunbury, Pa, 00000

Reliable Bank, Po Box 439, Bridgeville, Pa,

Reliance, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Phila, Pa,

Reliance Ins, 4 Penn Center Plza, Phila, Pa,

Relich Mary, 111 Carpenter St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Religa Janet M, Farmers National Bank, Kittanning, Pa, 00000

Remacle Remy, 209 W 8 Ave, Tarentum, Pa,

Remakur Bertha, 115 Lehigh, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Remaley Allan H, 166 W Central Ave, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Remaley Annabell L, Rr 2, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Remaley Denise R, Pa,

Remalia Carl B, 22 W North Diamond St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Remalia Carl B, 22w North Diamond St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Remaly Clara A, 105 N 7th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Remarchuk John, W Leechburg, Leechburg, Pa, 00000

Remarchuk Rosalie, W Leechburg, Leechburg, Pa, 00000

Remash Joseph J, 501 Locust Ave, Centralia, Pa, 17927

Remco Supply Co, Pa,

Remel Mildred, 277 Henry Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Remele Paula G, 178 Kings Hwy, Fairfield, Pa, 00000

Rementer John, Piniminson & Pechin, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Remerowski Leonard, 3025 Polake, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Remeselnik Shirley J, Dutchtown Rd, Houtzdale, Pa, 00000

Remesnik Mary, Rr 1, Cornwall, Pa, 00000

Remic Linda L, Box 151, Export, Pa, 00000

Remick Esther S, Rr 1, Lincoln, Pa, 00000

Remme Agnes L, Rr 2, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Remmel Ethel, 905 Spencer, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Remmel Gloria L, 718 Washington, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Removage Dolores, 335 S Ferguson, Shenandoau, Pa, 00000

Remp Carolyn, 1316 W Chester Pike, West Chester, Pa,

Remp Sadie, R D 7, Reading, Pa,

Remp Sharon, 19 S Wyo Ave, Shillington, Pa, 19607

Remsnyder Walter, Woodland, Pa, 00000

Renaldi Katherine, Pearl St, Acmetonia, Pa, 00000

Renaldo Anthony, 107 Westbrook Ave, Pen Argyi, Pa, 00000

Renaldo Anthony, 522 1/2 S 1st St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Renard James, 508 Cooney, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Renard Joseph, 508 Cooney, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Renard Lizzie, 508 Cooney St, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Renard William, 508 Cooney St, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Rencheck Dorothy M, Jefferson Mine Rd 2, Avella, Pa, 00000

Renda Margaret J, R217 Horner St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rendall Charles, 3121 Alvin St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rendish Donna L, 110 Main St, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Rendt Leona, Reynaldsville, Pa, 00000

Reneker Catharin, 2010 4th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Renfer Bertha, Altoona East, Pa,

Renfrew Anne R, W Hurst Ave R 21, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Renn Frace, 511 Constitution Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Renn Robert R, 615 Spruce, Shamokin, Pa, 00000

Renneberg Harry, 3136 Achor St, Frankford, Pa, 00000

Rennekampe Barbara J, Tionesta, Pa, 00000

Renner Bruce, Green St, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Renner Dorothy, 446 W Saint Joseph St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Renner Harry 4th, 32 River Rd, Miquon, Pa, 19452

Renner Lilly L, Rheems, Pa, 00000

Renner Martha, 1117 Oxford, Phila, Pa, 00000

Renner Rita P, 86 House, Lincoln Hill, Pa, 00000

Renney Marie M, Rr 2 Box 196, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Rennig Cynthia K, 216 S 10th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Renninger Betty, Rr 1, Sassamansville, Pa, 00000

Renninger Florence, Adamsdale, Pa, 00000

Renninger Gene P, Rr 1, Sassamansville, Pa, 00000

Renninger James E, Rd 1, Mifflintown, Pa, 00000

Reno Dorothy, Rr 1, Excelsior, Pa, 17825

Reno Sandra, 365 Winter Spring Dr, Nazareth, Pa, 16064

Renolds Elizabeth, 407 Manor Dr, Media, Pa, 1063

Renolds James, 1330 N 22nd St, Phila, Pa,

Renoll Sandra M, 1453 Blue Mountain Dr, Danielsville, Pa, 18038

Renouf Joseph H, 9069 Satelite Dr, Union Lake, Pa, 00000

Renquest Charles, Worthington, Pa, 00000

Renquest Susan, Worthington, Pa, 00000

Renquist Carolyn Ann, Worthington, Pa, 00000

Rensel Guy G, 357 Center Ave, Butler, Pa, 00000

Renshaw Gladys, 13 W Oakdale, Jeddo, Pa, 00000

Renshaw James, 13 W Oakdale, Jeddo, Pa, 00000

Rensko Barbara Ann, Seward, Pa, 00000

Rensko Carol J, Seward, Pa, 00000

Rensko Judith M, Seward, Pa, 00000

Rensko Mary A, Seward, Pa, 00000

Rental Financial Corp, 329 Church St, Royersford, Pa,

Rentas Luis R, 998 Marshall Rd, Monaca, Pa, 15061

Rentel Mary, Green Ave Towers Apt 1103, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Renter Joseph, 1140 Rising Sun Ln, Phila, Pa, 00000

Renters Rlty Searchinc, 34 S High St., Westchester, Pa,

Renton Geraldine C, Coverdale, Pa, 00000

Renton Johnson Jr, Upper Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rentschler Beatrice, Leesport, Pa, 00000

Rentschler John S, 2977 Starview Lane, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rentschler Rahael E, Main St, Leesport, Pa, 00000

Rentschuler Joan, 66 E Main St, Shenandoah, Pa, 00000

Rentz Carol A, Burgettstown, Pa, 00000

Rentz Frances, 724 Leomby Lane, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Rentzel Penelopy M, High St Ext, Hanover, Pa, 00000

Renwick Knowledge Cjr, 1556 Roosevelt Dr, Sharon Hill, Pa, 19097

Renwick William A, Brockport, Pa, 00000

Renwick William C, Edmon, Pa, 15630

Renz Helen M, 6411 Crescent Ave, Cornmills Holts, Pa, 00000

Renz Robert, 2506 Dauphin, Phila, Pa, 00000

Renzulli Giuvina, Ne Corn 7th And Kimball, Phila, Pa, 00000

Renzulli Rosie, Ne Corn 7th And Kimball, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reolo Jeffrey, 1061 Wyandotte St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reott Marcella, 63 Brown Ave, Butler, Pa, 00000

Repard Diann, Liberty, Pa, 00000

Repas Michael J, 926 Hamilton Ave, Farrel, Pa, 00000

Repash Barbara A, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Repash C, 212 E 5th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Repasky Richard, 79 Allen, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Repasy George W Jr, 2725 S Edgely Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Repeode June M, 918 Hickory St, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Repetto Lynn M, 311 Shady Lane, Rockledge, Pa, 00000

Repfert Mabel C, Home Sheperd, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Repfert William I, Grantville, Pa, 00000

Reph Anna A, Rr 1, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Reph Jeremy, 112 Comfort Ln, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Reph Shirley Ann, 367 Ash Rd, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Reph Sterling, Po Box 108, Danielsville, Pa, 18038

Repho Elizabeth, Ridge St, Freeland, Pa, 00000

Repholz Patricia, 2036 N Atlantic, Phila, Pa, 00000

Repicky Helen, 435 Iowa St, Duguesne, Pa, 00000

Repiscak Frank L, Brockway, Pa, 00000

Replogle Beulah E, 426 Walnut St, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Replogle James R, Rr 1 Box 191, Hatfield, Pa, 00000

Replogle Seana M, 708 20th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Reppard Helen, 814 N 6th, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Reppert Arthur W, 1265 Main, Hampton, Pa, 00000

Reppert Bonnie L, 1145 Tyler St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Reppert Dennis, Bally, Pa, 00000

Reppert Esther, 225 Bird Coleman, Cornwall, Pa, 00000

Reppert Florence, 1038 6th St, North Catasauqua, Pa, 00000

Reppert Lottie, Alburtis, Pa, 00000

Reppert Wendy, Norhampton, Pa,

Reppert Wheaton R, 2027 Northampton Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Reppy Michael H, 38 Bellview Dr, Mc Kees, Pa, 00000

Reppy Rita J, 115 Pottsville St, Cresson, Pa, 00000

Repscher Denise F, 4 Ridgewood Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Repscher Linda L, 4 Ridgewood Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Repscher Sheila A, 4 Ridgewood Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Repsher Albert H, 2120 Birch St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Repsher Dolores, Rr 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Repsher Doris M, Nazereth Park Apt 91, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Repsher Helen, Main St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 00000

Repsher Leslie A, 924 Ridge St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Repsher Mary Ann, 437 Broadway, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Repsher Patricia A, Hawley, Pa, 00000

Repsher Susan, 1471 Church Rd, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Repsher Verne, Rr 1, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Rerka Ellen, Saxton, Pa, 00000

Rerka John, Saxton, Pa, 00000

Resenski Dorothy, 3059 Filton, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reser Anna, Rr 1, North Versailees, Pa, 00000

Reses Samuel, 5400 Williams Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reseta Louis A, Rr 2 Box 210c, Cheswick, Pa, 15024

Reshetar John, Plumsteadville, Pa, 00000

Residents Activities And, 308 Palmer St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Resistive Products Div *, 401 N Broad St, Phila, Pa, 19100

Resnick Dennis J, Herminie, Pa, 00000

Resnick Dianne E, Darragh, Pa, 00000

Resolution Trust, Box 1500, Valley Forge, Pa, 19982

Resort Beverage Company Inc, Box 143 Route 611, Tannersville, Pa, 01872

Respet Barbara J, 1503 Creek Rd Rr 9, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Ressler Brenda J, Brownstown, Pa, 00000

Ressler Charlotte, Dover, Pa, 00000

Ressler Clara A, 20 W Main St, Freemont, Pa, 00000

Ressler Devon L, Cramer, Pa, 00000

Ressler Frances M, Clay, Pa, 00000

Ressler Irene M, Tamaqua, Pa, 00000

Ressler Janice J, Rr 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Ressler Marie, 447 E 11th St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Ressler Ruth V, Wernersville, Pa, 00000

Restaurant Specialties Of Pgh, Pa,

Restauri Gary W, Po Box 41, Export, Pa, 00000

Restivo Cini, 1423 North 18th St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Restivo Jennie, 1423 South 18th St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Restivo Lena, 1423 North 18th St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Resutek Edward S, 451 Bedford St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Resutek Joseph E, 451 Bedford St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Reta Vietmeir, 2728 Library Rd, Overbrook, Pa, 00000

Retail Account, Po Box 2663, Harrisburg, Pa, 99999

Retallick Thomas A, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reteneller Grace, Mt Bristol St Apt B14, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reto Jennie, 323 W Babbit Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rettenmier Earl B, Cranesville, Pa, 00000

Retzko Cecelia A, 2414 E Fluth St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reusch Randy, Po Box 18, Irwin, Pa, 15642

Reuscher Phillip J, Wilcox, Pa, 00000

Reuscher Phillip Jerome, Grant St, New Salem, Pa, 00000

Reuss Elsa, 50 N 7th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reuss Renee A, 2618 Broad St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Reuss Robert A Jr, 50 North St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Reuter Anna, 101 S River St, Maytown, Pa, 00000

Reuter Charles H, 2013b N J Russell Cir, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Reuter W, 4667 Millview Dr, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Reuter William J, 38 East High St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Reuters America Inc, P.O. Box 7777 W1020, Phila, Pa,

Reuther Cynthia J, 116 S 12th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reutlinger Mildred, Cottage, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reutzel Thelma, Pa,

Revak Susanne, 3241 Roger St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Revelle Flora E, Summit, Clifton Heights, Pa, 00000

Revetta Katherine, Main Rd, E Monongahela, Pa, 00000

Revi Linda K, Fredericktown, Pa, 00000

Revie Edna E, Seward, Pa, 00000

Reviewco, 204 A Lincoln Ave, Stockertown, Pa, 18083

Rewis Curtis, 5721 Beechwood St, Phila, Pa,

Rex Adria, 2436 S American, Phil, Pa,

Rex Donna J, York Rd Rd2, Bloomsburg, Pa, 00000

Rex Norene F, 320 Kern, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rex Thomas D Jr, Oak Lane Ave, Aldan, Pa, 00000

Rex Wendell H, S 2 St, Lewistown, Pa, 00000

Rexford Richard W Jr, 632 Race, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rey Clair Suzanne, 983 Paul, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Reybitz Edmund P, 516 Carlton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reyburn Maude, Fair Acres Geriatric Center, Pa,

Reyer John, 123 Hazu Pl, Sharon, Pa, 00000

Reyes Aretha, 1814 S. 7th St, Phila, Pa,

Reyes Beulah K, 730 Coleman St Fl 1, Easton, Pa, 18042

Reyes Jorge L, 728 Broadway St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Reyes Lisa M, 1221 A Woodbine St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Reynak Marjorie A, Ginter, Pa, 00000

Reynaldsville Jackson, Reynaldsville, Pa, 00000

Reynold Securities, Pa,

Reynolds Cindy G, Nicholson, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Dorothy, 507 Midway Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Edward, 249, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reynolds James J, 1014 Spruce St, Phila, Pa,

Reynolds James R, 1320 Villaview Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Judith W, 2960 Glenn Heaven Dr, Gainesville, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Kathryn H, 2119 S 55th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Mary, 514 Alligriffer, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Michael S, 2307 Lane Ave, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Pauline S, Broad St, Windber, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Roger B Sr, 2803 Stanbridge St Timberlake Apts 413b, Norristown, Pa, 19401

Reynolds Thomas, 8 Millends, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Reynolds Wilda J, Little Marsh, Pa, 16931

Reynolds Wilfred L, Stone Rd, Warminster, Pa, 00000

Reynolds William J, Bart, Pa, 00000

Reynoldsjr Harold L, 211 Walnut, Clowyn, Pa, 00000

Reynosa Jose Mr., 1023 Bristol, Bensalem, Pa, 19024

Rez Anna, 2140 So Front, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rezsutek Betty A, Byrnedale, Pa, 00000

Rezsutek John, Byrnedale, Pa, 00000

Rezynski Walter, Scott St, Pennsylvania, Pa, 00000

Rezzi Mildred S, Youngstown, Pa, 00000

Rhann Haskell, 1 Greeve Pl, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rhea Frank D, New Stanton, Pa, 00000

Rheam Harry C, 538 Roxboro Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rheel Lloyd W, 14 Conemaugh #1, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rhein Rita E, Rd #4 Box 4255, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rheins Qulaity Meats And Deli, 400 W Broad St, Shillington, Pa,

Rhh Mtge Service Co, Pa,

Rhine Donald, Richland, Pa, 00000

Rhine Mark A, Chestnut St, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000

Rhineer John M, Laus W St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rhioen Dawn, 103 Keystone, Middletown, Pa, 00000

Rhiver Wanda, 606 8 Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Rhiver Wanda J, 545 3rd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhoade Walter, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Benjamin, 118 South Beech, Mt Carmel, Pa,

Rhoades Bernard D, 918 30th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhoades Claire S, Parkview Plan 3, New Kensington, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Diana Louise, 410 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhoades Dixie L, Jamestown, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Dolores, Atstore, Sand Patch, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Geo L, Back St, Grier City, Pa, 00000

Rhoades James E, R 929 Nathaniel, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rhoades John W, 509 N 1st St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Rhoades Kenneth, #203, Bloomington, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Margaret H, 2201 Fairview Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rhoades Philis, Oak St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Rhoades Phyllis L, 519 Prunell Ave, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Robert, 415 N Main St, Masont0wn, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Robert C, 7045 Filankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rhoades Stella, 850 17, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Rhoades Viola M, Rr 2, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rhoados Lois M, Sand Patch, Pa, 00000

Rhoads And Simon Attorney, 410 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, Pa,

Rhoads Betty L, Germantown Pike, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Brent W, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rhoads Clair, Montello, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Darlene L, 551 Spruce St, Veroray, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Emily C, 2 Logan Sq, Phila, Pa, 01910

Rhoads Geroge Fred, 414 Hickory St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rhoads Helen C, Frankford And Cheltenham Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Jane L, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rhoads John C, Schod Lane, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Mary, 1230 Wyndham Dr, York, Pa, 17403

Rhoads Mary Louse, State Teacher's College, West Chester, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Paul, Gilbertsville, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Philomena, 3 Belvor Ave, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Rita, Jacksonwald, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Robert E, E Petersburg, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Ruth M, School Lanes, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Rhoads Stanley, 7803 Berryhill, Hamburg, Pa, 00000

Rhoch David, 3011 W. Harper St, Phila, Pa,

Rhode Mabel B, Main St, Lyons, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Anthony, Po Box 1002, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhodes Bernadette, 5340 Sylvester St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Beverly, 3528 Walsh Rd, Huntingdon Valley, Pa,

Rhodes Brenda J, 207 Woodlawn Ave, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Rhodes Cathryn E, 132 Shenago, Mercer, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Dorothy J, 3314 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhodes Dorothy T, 211 Browning Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhodes Earl I, Wilcox, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Edwin F, 1265 Foot Of Ten Rd, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Rhodes Elsie M, 322 Brodhead St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rhodes Ethel V, 114 8th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhodes Ethel V, 5215 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhodes Florence, 6328 H St, Laundale, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Geraldine, Po, East, Pa, 16637

Rhodes Harvey, Rr 1, Esterly, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Helen E, Dln 86149928 Rev Rebate Broad Ave Ext, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhodes Joyce, 2733 Whitten Terr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Linda K, 614 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rhodes Linda L, C/O Joe Barley 332 52nd St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Rhodes Margaret, 506 Ann St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Pearl, Rr 1, Esterly, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Rebecca M, Rr 2 Box 174, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhodes Richard E, Seneca, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Thomas J, 1005 27th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rhodes Virgil, 426 S Wood, Gibson, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Vivian M, Rr 2, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Rhodes Weldon E, Troutville, Pa, 00000

Rhodes Wilson, R R 2 Box 206 D, Mcconnellsburg, Pa,

Rhody Mary L, 553 Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rhoman Lawrence, 250 E Ridge St, Manitoke, Pa, 00000

Rhone Harold, 1018 5ahkwa Blvd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Rhubright Warren R Jr, 139 N 7th St Box 284, Tatamy, Pa, 18085

Rhyner Mary, 1121 26 Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riale Ralph J, Kelton, Pa, 00000

Riale Robert L Mr., 792 S. Walnut St., Kennett Square, Pa, 19324

Ribaritsch Thomas, 1 Orcola St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ribble Stella M, 1018 Amity, Reading, Pa, 00000

Ribblet Dorothy, Rd 2, New Birghton, Pa,

Ribblet Dorothy, Rd 3, New Brighton, Pa,

Riber Mary, Barning Holw, Wick Haven, Pa, 00000

Riber Milka, Barning Holw, Wick Haven, Pa, 00000

Ribick Anna, Amelia St, Mount Clare, Pa, 00000

Ribisa Louis A, 1153 Wabash, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ribler William, 16th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ribnek Joe, 815 Water, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Ribveiro Debbie J, Rd #1 Bethel, Boothwyn, Pa, 00000

Ricca Alice C, 23 Salem Ln, Shohoe, Pa, 00000

Ricca John, Po Box 753, Bristow, Pa, 15013

Riccaboni Elizabeth, 83 Juniata, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Riccardi Freddie, 608 Annin St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riccardi John A, c/o F Jnb O, Pa,

Riccardo Peter, 218 Sand St, Dunmon, Pa, 00000

Ricchini Charles J, 1944 E Castle Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ricci Annette, 341 W Berwick St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Ricci Felix, 6704 Mt Vernon, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ricci Kathryn, 341 Berwick, Easton, Pa, 00000

Ricciardi Caesar, 903 Powdermill Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ricciardulli Anna, 79 Frazier St, Mckeesport, Pa, 00000

Riccio F, 1320 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Riccio Joseph, 9959 Clifton Park, Evergreen, Pa, 00000

Riccio Mary A, 512 4th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Riccione Machine Inc S, Pa,

Riccivu Jane L, Rfd Bethel Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Rice Arthur A, 923 E Fifith, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rice Carol A, 409 Logan Blvd, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rice Carol L, Rr 3 Box 100, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rice Catherine, 4711 Nicholas St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rice David P, 443 Myrtle Ave, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Rice David R, C/O Carl F Rice 3635 Mark Twain Cir, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rice Earl W, Atlantic Oil Company North 7th St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rice Ethan B, 313 Vineyard, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rice Frances, Rr 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rice Harold A Jr, Rising Sun Rd, Temple, Pa, 00000

Rice Hazel L, 1226 Mercer Rd, Franklin, Pa, 16323

Rice Janet R, 18 E Depot St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Rice Jean R, R 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rice Laura E, 115 Spring St, W Easton, Pa, 18042

Rice Linda M, Po Box 180, Gillette, Pa, 00000

Rice Malvina R, Scotrun, Pa, 00000

Rice Mary, 1435 Orchard Ln, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rice Mary C, Clarksville, Pa, 00000

Rice Mary H, Creekside, Pa, 00000

Rice Mary M, Lakemont, Pa, 00000

Rice Raymond W, Middletown Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rice Regina, Paradise, Pa, 00000

Rice Robert Estate Of, Pa,

Rice Ronald C, Paradise, Pa, 00000

Rice Rosanna M, 1341 Pembroke Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rice Stephie E, Manorville, Pa, 00000

Rice Tilghman B, 460 Broad St, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Rice William E, 4626 W Minster St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rich Anna, Beneficiary-Rich Joseph F, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rich Comalia, 1540 Wood St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rich Dennis A, 1540 Wood St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rich Joseph, 617 Allen St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rich Lillian, West Chester, Pa, 0

Rich Lois E, Duane Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rich Mary, 108 Lincoln, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rich Mary R, 833 Walnut St Apt 2, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richard Aloysius L, 608 10 St, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Richard Blackford Phd, Pa,

Richard Carrie, High, Bellefonte, Pa, 00000

Richard Catherine, Chunch Rd Rfd, Bridgeport, Pa, 00000

Richard Cecilia, Reiff Rd, Kulpsville, Pa, 00000

Richard Cecilia P, Main St, Wyoming, Pa, 00000

Richard Charles, Liberty Nat Bank 2 3 N Main St, Pittston, Pa,

Richard D Irwin Inc, Po Box 7247 8184, Phila, Pa, 31604

Richard Daryl, General Delivery, Elizabethville, Pa,

Richard Eliz, 4529 Mitchell, Roslyn, Pa, 00000

Richard Fredrick S, 2316 Westmar St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richard Helen, Brookville, Pa, 0

Richard Jay, 506 Dry Valley Rd, Lewistown, Pa, 18646

Richard Judy G, Fredericksburg, Pa, 00000

Richard Kuhn, Mount Holly Springs, Pa, 00000

Richard Paul, 365 E 5th St Rear, Bloomsburg, Pa, 17817

Richard Shavonne, Pa,

Richard Shirley, New Berlinville, Pa, 00000

Richard Smith And Sons, 4906 Old Carriage Rd, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Richard Susan M, Reiff Rd, Kulpsville, Pa, 00000

Richard Tulley Richard, 6382 Willow St, Bath, Pa, 18014

Richard Yahner Admstr, C/O James V Mcgough 332 W Plank Rd, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Richardella Sylvia, 528 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Richardosn Jean, 709 Chestnut St, N Braddock, Pa, 00000

Richards Albert B, 1508 Butler St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richards Ann E, 516 Curtis Ave, Greenfield, Pa, 00000

Richards Annabelle, 922 Spruce St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richards Carl W, 3709 Woodland Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Caroline Anita, 517 W 16th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Richards Charles A, Lane St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Charles R, S Mc Kern St, Kittanning, Pa, 00000

Richards Cyril James, 3821 Manayunk Ave, Manayunk, Pa, 00000

Richards Dana L, 10169 Hill Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richards David Lee, 101 Maberry Hyde Park, Reading, Pa, 00000

Richards Earlene, 1419 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Richards Elizabeth, Pa,

Richards Elizabeth, 1101 Seneca St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Richards Elvere, 1251 Washington St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richards Esther L, 303 Chruch St, S Williansport, Pa, 00000

Richards Florence, Rr 2 Box 53, Brookville, Pa, 15825

Richards Gregory M, 162 S Main St, Shrewsbury, Pa, 19361

Richards Hall Ja, Pa,

Richards Harold, Hiawatha St, Brookville, Pa, 15825

Richards Jacqueline A, 518 N Montgomery St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Richards James F, 12 Mulberry St Apt U, Danville, Pa, 00000

Richards James H, 607 Roman St, Mc Keesport, Pa, 00000

Richards James R, Pa,

Richards Joanne M, Rear 424 Lincoln, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Richards John, 20387 Martha St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Kenneth J, 6608 Limekiln Pike, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Lee W, 1201 Tucker, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Richards Lillian, 633 West Diamond, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Lynn E, 517 W 16th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Richards M, 109 Federal St, N S Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richards Margaret J, 6th Ave, Collegeville, Pa, 00000

Richards Marie A, 122 W 12th St, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Richards Mary H, Madera, Pa, 00000

Richards Mary J, Rr 2 Box 1b39, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Richards Mary Jane, 711 G Ave, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Richards Owen, 62 Milton Terr, Forty Fort, Pa, 18677

Richards Richard, American & York, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richards Robert L, Rr 4, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richards Rosemary, 1558 Logan Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Richards Samuel, 2107 13th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Richards Valrett, 1914 S. Salford St, Phila, Pa,

Richards William, American & York, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richardson And Co, Pa,

Richardson Brenda G, Rr 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Richardson C Elizabeth, 1218 Manor Rd, W Brookline, Pa, 00000

Richardson Chaunce, 11 Conklin St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richardson Eleanor, 1607 W Ind, Shamokin, Pa, 00000

Richardson Elwood, 1732 N 62nd St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richardson Eric, 1419 W Grange Apt C-112, Phila, Pa, 00001

Richardson Gloria, 355 Antown Rd, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Richardson Grace, Rr 1, Riverview, Pa, 00000

Richardson James, Rr 1, Riverview, Pa, 00000

Richardson John B, 1248 S 53rd St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richardson Lisa L, 2123 Linden St Fl 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Richardson Marilyn, Morrisville, Pa, 00000

Richardson Mary A, 325 Bell Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Richardson R A, 355 Antaum Dr, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Richardson Robert, 718 B Shawn St Apt 43, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richardson Sharon, Pa,

Richardson William E, 511 Prospect, Portage, Pa, 00000

Riche Eleanor, 878 Alter St, Hazleton, Pa, 00000

Richebacher J L Jr, 807 Bushkill St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Richeldeer Mary M, 726 Eleenber, Mahanoy City, Pa, 00000

Richelderfer Marion Jean, 115 N West St, Shenedoah, Pa, 00000

Richenbach Charles, 1041 Brownsell Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richet Mary Louise, 1612 17th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Richey Eldred T, 5700 Bunker Hill, Pittsburg, Pa,

Richfield Hotel Mgmt, 16 W 10th St, Erie, Pa,

Richick Isabel, 315 Fourth Ave, Homestead, Pa, 00000

Richie Alma K, 1510 Ridge, Coraopolis, Pa, 00000

Richie Logging & Trucking, Pa,

Richland, 310 Front Ave, Hoseto, Pa, 18013

Richman Phylis Lewisa, 1428 Porterfield 1st Floor, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Richman Sarah C, 1631 Smith St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Richmond George Allen, Po Box 137, Harmonsbrrg, Pa, 00000

Richmond Jane, 1116 Polo Run Dr, Yardley, Pa,

Richmond Raymond M, 3 Church Rd, Cardington, Pa, 00000

Richter Charles, 628 Irwing Dr, Erie, Pa, 00000

Richter Deborah M, M R 1440 2nd, Tarentum, Pa, 00000

Richter Elizabeth, 1205 E 3rd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Richter John P, 413 Water St, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Richtr Betty, Ford Cliff, Pa, 00000

Ricino Ralph, 77 Eagle Ct Cedar Village, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Rick Annie, 37 Purdele St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rickabaugh Audrey R, 2917 W Chestnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rickabaugh Charles, 3940 Maple Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rickabaugh Frances M, 306 N 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rickard Barbara Jean, Mountaindale, Pa, 00000

Rickard Earl, Springer Plan Rd #3, Aliquippa, Pa, 00000

Rickard Gladys M, Mountaindale, Pa, 00000

Rickard Helen M, #422, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rickenbach Jos, West Leesport, Pa, 00000

Rickenbach Josephine, West Leesport, Pa, 00000

Ricker Judith Ann, 922 Northampton St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Ricker Kevin, 8 Foxcrest Dr, Carlisle, Pa, 17013

Ricker Richard, 10 Chandler St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rickert Anna, 1414 Spruce St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rickert Barbara L, 603 E 4th St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Rickert Bertha, Riegelsville, Pa, 00000

Rickert Blanche, Wyncote, Pa, 00000

Rickert Philip A, 1026 Miaalin St, Huntingdon, Pa, 00000

Rickert Shelly L, 98 S 12th St Rear 1st Floor, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Rickert Virginia S, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045

Ricketts Kathryn S, 323 W Packer Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Ricketts Royal Jr, 10 N 17th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rickey Mary L, Box Main St, Pricedale, Pa, 00000

Rickli Charles R, 1014 2 W Pike, Southampton, Pa, 00000

Ricland Anthony, 222 Main, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riddell Hazel L, Robinson, Pa, 00000

Riddell Saml K, Highland Park, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riddick David J, 202 Selina Bldg, Erie, Pa, 00000

Riddile H, 257 9th Ave, N Homestead, Pa, 00000

Riddle Lillie, 107 Broadway Apt 1, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Riddle Marion, C O Gracedale, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Riddle Mary, Rr 5, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riddle Richard L, Windsor, Pa, 00000

Riddle Robert L, House #8, Ernest, Pa, 00000

Riddle Sherly, Rd 1, Diamond, Pa, 00000

Riddle T E, 1311 13th St Apt 3b, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riddlough Dorothy, 8 Plush Hl, Falls Of Schuylkill, Pa, 00000

Rideout George L, 2826 S Medley St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rideout Geraldine, E731 Yoder St Apt 1/3, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rider Ann, 3015 Windsor St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rider Audrey L,

Remaly 2302 Butler St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rider Clyde L, Rr 4, Towarda, Pa, 00000

Rider Dorothy J, 62 Wyoming, Lapark, Pa, 00000

Rider Eleanor G, 1615 Howard St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ridge Bertha V, Corner Oak & Willow, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Ridge Edward M, Old Lincoln Hyway, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Ridge Ellwood M, Hillcrest Ave Rd #3, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Ridgeway Eugene, Crescent Ave Totowaboro, Patterson Heights, Pa, 00000

Ridgway A D, , Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Riding Elizabath G, 478 Cox, Lincoln Place, Pa, 00000

Ridlon Donald F, Pa,

Ridolph Mildred G, 1105 Yardley Commons, Yardley, Pa, 19067

Ridqick Kathleen, 441 Ridge Ave., Allentown, Pa, 81020

Riebel Donna, 16 Wiebeile St, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Riebel Ruth, 131 523rd St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rieber Christine G, 7349 Shelbourne St, North Philade, Pa, 00000

Riedel Elizabeth, 40 Lancaster Ave, Reading, Pa, 00000

Riedel George, Christiana St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rieder Lora, 121 Dutchmouth, Warren, Pa, 00000

Rieder Marilyn J, River Rd, Warren, Pa, 00000

Rieder Mary, 121 Dutchmouth, Warren, Pa, 00000

Riedwood Alice, 2510 Spring Gdn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riedwood Robert, 2510 Spring Gdn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riedy Dale F, Rr 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Riefenstahl Kevin, 735a 67th Ave Sw Calgary Ab T2v0m4, Pa,

Riefsneider Demi, Pa,

Riegel Alice M, Aquashicola, Pa, 00000

Riegel Eleanor M, 48 Semminay Ave, Bernharts, Pa, 00000

Riegel Howard, 56 S Front, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riegel Janice, 30 E William, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Riegel William, Rr 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Riegle Herbert, Route 2, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Riehl Diane E, Newmanstown, Pa, 00000

Riehl Janet I, 244 W Wilkes Barre St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rieling Josephine R, 111 Apsley St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Rielly William H, 519 W Wilkes Barre St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riely Betty R, 935 Maw, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Rieman Stephan, 143 Champlost, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riemann Sara, Woodlawn Ave 1st Floor, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Rieppel Eileen C, Buck Rd, Newton, Pa, 00000

Ries Anna M, 632 Cheltenham Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ries Ruth, Erie, Pa, 00000

Riesdorph Gertrude, Broad Ave Ext Apt 81b, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Rieser Herbert, 714 N 52nd, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Riess Anne M, 2020 Tioga St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rietzen Catherine, 1431 Dover St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riey Hilda A, Beneficiary-Riey Robert, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riffert Michael R, C/O George Riffert 4009 Green Pond Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Riffle Lavina M, 209 N 14 Dr, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Rigby Ronald E, 332 Somerset, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rigby Ronald Roy, Jeannette, Pa, 00000

Rigel Lola M, Rd, Beaver Springs, Pa, 00000

Rigert William, R D 3, Mcdonald, Pa,

Rigg Anna, Barneston, Pa, 00000

Rigg Lillian B, 1009 22 Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Riggan Antenet, Smock, Pa, 00000

Riggan Barbara Gene, Smock, Pa, 00000

Riggin George R, Locke Hts, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Riggin George R, Rr 2, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Riggin Nancy E, 2743 Detall Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Riggins Doris P, Northbrook, Pa, 00000

Riggins Howard E, Northbrook, Pa, 00000

Riggleman Dennis E, 606 N 7th St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Riggs Carla J, 251 Crest St, Washington, Pa, 15301

Riggs Florence, 359 Conarroe St, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Riggs Marie, 30th And Paulowna, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riggs Thelma, , Phila, Pa, 00000

Righi William C, 30 1/2 Clinton St, Northcastle, Pa, 00000

Right Chester, Pa,

Righter Loretta A, 56 Kerper St, Lafayette, Pa, 00000

Rigily H, 158 Spruce St, Franklin Bourough, Pa, 00000

Rigily J, 158 Spruce St, Franklin Borough, Pa, 00000

Rigle Fedora, R 122 Schooley, Exeter, Pa, 00000

Rigler John H, 282 N Berne, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 00000

Rigler Lawrence J, Landenberg, Pa, 00000

Rigler Marie R, 340 River Rd, Manayunk, Pa, 00000

Rigney Charles B, Manor, Pa, 00000

Rigolo Elvira E, 1821 Erd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rigolo Elvira E, 3rd St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rijan Mildred L, Meadow Brook Ave, Ambler, Pa, 00000

Riker Anthony, Gordonville, Pa, 00000

Riker Robert J, Stowe, Pa, 19464

Riley Alice M, 139 16th Ave, Homestead, Pa, 00000

Riley Anna, 2356 Carlisle, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riley Betty M, C/O Rev Henry Hansen 340 Spring Garden St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riley Bridget M, Rd4 Box 831, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riley Don, 2658 S Bonofon, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riley Earl A, 1602 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riley Eleanor E, 21 Boquet St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Riley Elsie E, 557 W Patriot St, Somerset, Pa, 00000

Riley Emma R, 1419 Hunter, Harrisburg, Pa, 17100

Riley Francis J, Rr 1, Holmes, Pa, 00000

Riley Frank, 15th And Market St 1011 A Harrison Building, Phila, Pa, 00000

Riley Freda M, Rr 1, Martinsburg, Pa, 16662

Riley Henry A, 4420 Jefferson St, Homestead Park, Pa, 00000

Riley Herman C, 306 N 11th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riley Jennie K, 424 Delaware, Easton, Pa, 00000

Riley Joan A, Pocono Manor, Pa, 00000

Riley Judith A, Claire Rd, Large, Pa, 00000

Riley Kathleen, Halfway House, Forbes Road, Pa, 00000

Riley Kelly L, 123 5th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riley Lawrence P, 316 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Riley Linda K, 431 W End Blvd, Quakertown, Pa, 00000

Riley Margaret L, 306 N 11th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riley Mark F, 123 5th Ave Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riley Michael G, 806 Church St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Riley Robert, 913 Industrial Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riley Samuel, 1602 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Riling Donald D, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Rilli John J, 1507 N Erie Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rillick Rena, Latrone, Pa, 0

Rillings Gurney, 330 1/2 Hector St, East Liberty, Pa, 00000

Rim Hyung S, 606 S. Atlantic Bl., Monterey Park, Pa, 91734

Rime Elizabeth, E Liberty St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rimel Flora, Whitford, Pa, 00000

Rimel George Calvin, Whitford, Pa, 00000

Rimersburg Presbyterian Church, Po Box 329, Rimersburg, Pa, 16248

Rimmer Barbara E, Neshaming Ave, Neshaminy, Pa, 00000

Rinaldi Carmela M, 20, Baggaley, Pa, 00000

Rinaldi Danile, 107 Second, Aliquippa, Pa, 00000

Rinaldi Joann S, 7 Sycamore Ct, Bath, Pa, 18014

Rinaldi Michael S, East Lansdowne, Pa, 00000

Rinaldi Rosie, State Rd, Portland, Pa, 00000

Rineer Margaret V, Route #1, Safe Harbor, Pa, 00000

Rineer Pauline E, Rothsville, Pa, 00000

Rineer Ruth I, Rohrerstown, Pa, 00000

Rinehar Joann, 2066 Chester Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rinehart Cecil, Rossville, Pa, 00000

Rinehart Jeffrey A, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rinehart Joann, 2066 Chester Rd Apt 7, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rinehart Karen S, Saxton, Pa, 00000

Rinehart L E, 1115 Riverview Dr, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Rinehart Leila M, Pa,

Rinehart Lewis L, Mountainview Mhp Lot B-9, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Rinehart Mildred M, Rossville, Pa, 00000

Rinehart Stanley K, Rd, Marysville, Pa, 00000

Rinehart Thomas D, 334 Water St, Belvidere, Pa, 00000

Rineharts Pharmacy, Ebensburg, Pa,

Rineheimer Charles E, 1087 Capp Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rine's Flower Shop *, 315 17 E Bough St., Sellingsgorve, Pa,

Rinewalt Earl W, 62 W Main St, South Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Ringer Colin L, 3047 Bellview Rd, Scheckville, Pa, 08078

Ringer Michael, P O Box 224, Norton, Pa, 26285

Ringer Patricia, 1027 Tilghman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ringheiser Paul, 160 Richboro Rd, Richboro, Pa, 00000

Ringler Charles E, Hyndman, Pa, 00000

Ringler James, Wellersburg, Pa, 00000

Ringo Elick, Centre St, Frockville, Pa, 00000

Ringo Frank J, 105 N 7th St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Ringo Irene, 1365 Club Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Ringo Mary, 1165 Railroad St, North Catasau, Pa, 00000

Ringo Mary, Water St, Hokendauquh, Pa, 00000

Ringor Rolando C, Pa,

Rinick Melda M, South Main St, Somerset, Pa, 00000

Rinier Anna G, 15 Miller St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rinier Corbi J, 1521 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rinier Dolores, 1638 Broad St, S Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Rinier Harold J, 853 S Prime St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Riniker Clara B, Star Rt, Weisel, Pa, 00000

Rininger Roy K, , Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rink Earl Walter, 413 Huntington Rink, Rockridge, Pa, 00000

Rink Emily, Bunola, Pa, 00000

Rinken William J, 29 Lynch Lane, Wilkes Barre, Pa, 00000

Rinker Joann L, 311 S Broad St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rinker Linda L, 2435 Farmersville Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Rinker Linda L, Main St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rinker Mary A, Reeders, Pa, 00000

Rinker Michael F, 20 S Jefferson, Mount Union, Pa, 00000

Rinker Thomas E, 2117 Lexington Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rinnovatore James, 471 Jill Dr, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rintz David, Rfd Sunnyside, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rios Ellis F, Apt 62 2085 Westgate Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Ripka Ronald, 801 Edgmont Ave, Chester, Pa, 00000

Ripka Rufus R, State College, Pa, 00000

Ripko Betty, Cardale, Pa, 00000

Ripley Carl M, Millerton, Pa, 00000

Ripley Robert W Jr, 14 Northgate Blvd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Ripp Anthony, Pa,

Ripper Dorothy E, 1218 Sioux St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rippert Angela R, R 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ripple Bonnie, Salina, Pa, 00000

Ripple Doris J, Rr 3 Box 104, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rippole Fred, 1403 Fleming Ave, Pittock, Pa, 00000

Risbon Bernice M, 709 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Riscavage Anna, 2629 So Main, Askam, Pa, 00000

Riser Jean A, 129 Ritler St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rishel Sarah L, Pleasant Gap, Pa, 00000

Rishko Anna, 2 Gruver St, Alden Station, Pa, 00000

Risik George, 102 House St, Lamberton, Pa, 00000

Risik Susie, 102 House, Lambert, Pa, 00000

Risk Mgmt & Apprasial Cor, Phila, Pa,

Riskosky John E, Mc Grann, Pa, 00000

Risley Cheryl E, 3908a Weymouth St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Risley Gregory L, 3908a Weymouth, Phila, Pa, 00000

Risoldi Betty, Rfd 5nox 79a 1, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Risoldi Betty A, Rfd 5 Box 79a 1, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Risoldi Charles A, 515 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Risoldi Josephine J, 515 5th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Risoldi Nancy A, 521 Mountain Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rispoli Anita N, Rr 3 Box 56, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Riss Anona, Ralston, Pa, 00000

Rissel Norman W, Christina, Pa,

Rissetto Kim A, Elverson, Pa, 19521

Rissmiller Helen, Rd 1 Box 348 1161 Jacobsburg Rd, Wind Gap, Pa, 18091

Rissmiller Robin L, Centerport, Pa, 00000

Risso Mary Ann, 35 71 Frankford Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rita Mildred, 2655 Ingram, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rita Shirley A, 273 4 Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Ritchey Betty M, 205 S 16th St, Betty M Ritch, Pa,

Ritchey Beulah G, West Decatur, Pa, 00000

Ritchey Catherine M, 514 Rave St, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Ritchey Daniel B, 561 Cedarcrest Dr, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Ritchey Emily L, 3434 Pate Dr, Shellsville, Pa, 00000

Ritchey Michael P, 353 Cross Cove Rd, Roaring Spg, Pa, 16673

Ritchey Myrza W, 212 Whitten Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Ritchey Sherrie L, 2630 Walnut Ave # R, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Ritchey William B, 303 Beaver St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Ritchey William D, Kilbick Rd, Glenfield, Pa, 00000

Ritchie David M, P O Box 153, Suterville, Pa,

Ritchie Geraldine, Wilimington Rd, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Ritchie Henry J, Apt #161 Mount Bristol St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ritchie James H, 12 Maplewood Ave, Pittsburght, Pa, 00000

Ritchie Joe, 110 Prospect, Alden, Pa, 00000

Ritchie Judith L, 210 Bethel Park Dr, Bethel Park, Pa, 00000

Ritchie Michele, 48 Lake Minsi Dr, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rite-Aid Pharmacy #1984, P O Box 8431, Harrisburg, Pa,

Ritenauer Janet I, Jacksonwald, Pa, 00000

Ritenour Violet L, Volant, Pa, 00000

Ritmanich Veronica, 685 Rd, Muse, Pa, 00000

Ritoper Alex, Rd 60, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ritro Eileen R, Spangler, Pa, 00000

Ritschard Catherine H, Saylor Mill Rd, Parker Ford, Pa, 00000

Rittel Shirley M, Wernersville, Pa, 00000

Rittelman Hildagard, Pa,

Rittenhouse Book Sto, 511 Feheley Dr, King Of Prussia, Pa,

Rittenhouse Ellwood, School Lane Trevose Ave, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Rittenhouse Janet, 897 27th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rittenhouse Kimberley K, 5111 W Chestnut Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rittenhouse Richard, School Lane Trevose Ave, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Ritter Alice J, 801 Edgmont Ave, Chester, Pa, 00000

Ritter Carl F, Marie St, Macungie, Pa, 00000

Ritter Carol A, 21 1/2 Tacoby St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Clare I, Rd 1 Box 83 Verona Rd, Verona, Pa, 00000

Ritter Deborah C, 6358 Germantown Ave, Phila, Pa, 19144

Ritter Edna, Main, Freemansburg, Pa, 00000

Ritter Elaine, R 2, New Tripoli, Pa, 00000

Ritter Ella B, Harleysville, Pa, 00000

Ritter Evelyn C, 6021 W 5th St, Lewistown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Frederick R, Main St, Hellertown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Gary D, Rr 1, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Ritter Grace O, 131 N Walnut St, Boyertown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Helen, Vera Cruz, Pa, 00000

Ritter Helen E, Vera Cruz, Pa, 00000

Ritter Helen M, 535 Sixth St, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Ritter Henry L, Airport Rd, Finleyville, Pa,

Ritter Kevin T, Collegeville, Pa,

Ritter Kim M, Route 18, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Luther, Rr 2, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Ritter Margaret M, 3712 N Sydney Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Ritter Martha E, Jacksonwald, Pa, 00000

Ritter Melda, General Delivery, Westville, Pa, 00000

Ritter Olive M, Rr 1 Box 1539, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Ritter Phillis E, 717 1/2 Ness, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Phyllis, 717 New Sr, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Randy, 1073 New Jersey Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Ritter Robert V, Middletown Rd Brook Hvn, Chester, Pa, 00000

Ritter Shirley, 503 Dawes Ave, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Ritter Thomas A, 1510 Chaucer Lane, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rittinger William John, Akron St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rittle Hilda L, Rd 2, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Ritts Eleanor E, Seneca, Pa, 00000

Ritts Jacob E, Rd 6, Butler, Pa,

Ritts Vickie, Rd, Shippenville, Pa, 00000

Ritz Elizabeth, 2523 S 18 Ext, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ritz Emma, R D 3, Boyertown, Pa,

Ritz James A, Box 536 Rr 4, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Ritz Mary, 309 Princeton, Overbrook, Pa, 00000

Ritzel Edward, 4016 Delaware St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Ritzie Frances L, 37 Cobblestone Ln, Chester, Pa, 00000

Ritzo Irma, Millsboro, Pa, 00000

Rivas Evelyn, Rr 5 Box 5610, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivell Marie, 2232 Reese, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rivenbark Evelyn M, Buttonwood St, Norristown, Pa, 00000

River Katie, Barning Holw, Wick Haven, Pa, 00000

Rivera Ada, 1266 E 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Angel M, And First Commonwealth F C U 1862 Oberly St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Edwin, 1151 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Felix C, Pa,

Rivera Francisco, 1126 E 4th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Hector J, Calle 22 A Cd7 Urb Rexville, Bayamon, Pa, 957

Rivera Hector L, 716 East 5th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Jose A, Apt 2nd Flr 1282 3rd Steel Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Juan, 1326 W Silver St, Phila, Pa,

Rivera M V, 1809 E 8th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Marcelina, 803 Argus St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera Miguel, 2957 N 5th St, Phila, Pa,

Rivera Miguel, 4843 N Palethorpe St, Phila, Pa,

Rivera Vidal, 816 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivera-Cruz Ramon Mr., 3901 Conshohocken Ave Apt. 4211, Phila, Pa, 19970

Riveroll John S Estate Of, 4431 Susan Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rivers Alberta, 1494 E 7th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rivers Doreen, 5730 Rex Norrey Dr, Gibsonia, Pa,

Rivers James, 2006 N 56th St, Phila, Pa,

Rivers William C, 6302 Dern St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rivest Henry P Jr, 312 S 176th St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rizk Wafa Md, Medical Pavilion 2613 Eighth Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rizuk Wasil & Mrs T, Rizuk As Tnts By Ent W-R-O-S %Anne L Ronca, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016

Rm Ventures Inc, 305 Second Ave, Collegeville, Pa,

Roach Barbara Ann, Rr 1, Embreeville, Pa, 00000

Roach Edward John, 868 Lockhart St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roach Helen M, Montclair, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roach John M, Harrisburg, Pa,

Roach Kathryn M, 501 Noble, Morristown, Pa, 00000

Roach Robert, 2411 Westmar, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roach William B, 2734 Horvath St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roads Irene L, 1841 Slenifer Sr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roadway Package System, York, Pa,

Roae Arlene, Star Route, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Roae Charles J Jr, Star Route, Meadville, Pa, 00000

Roake John C, 727 38th St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Roan Douglas J, Trout Run, Pa, 00000

Roan John, Espy, Pa, 00000

Roan Nancy F, Frederick, Pa, 00000

Roane Richard J, 5701 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roarabaugh Donald, 800 W 1st St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Roat Lawrence, 5012 North Leithgow St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roats Harry N, 3096 Westmoreland, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roba Edward, 633 Smiley Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Robacker Mate, Erie, Pa, 0

Robart Elva M, Conneautville, Pa, 00000

Robart Gladys V, Conneautville, Pa, 00000

Robart Robert J, Conneautville, Pa, 00000

Robathan Dorothy M, Penn Security Bank & Trust N Washington Ave & Spruce, Scranton, Pa,

Robaugh Robert L, 17 Clover Dr, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Robb Alison, 522 Ridley Cir, Holmes, Pa, 00000

Robb David V, 3003 Gerard St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robb Elizabeth E, Woodland St, Clairton, Pa, 00000

Robb John S, 1709 Uewdell, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robb Timothy, Lock Haven, Pa,

Robbie Carolynn A, 140 Lagrange Ave, Essington, Pa, 00000

Robbins Amanda E, Box 261, Colonial Park, Pa, 00000

Robbins Bessie E, Rr 1, Seelyville, Pa, 00000

Robbins Betty, Main St, Owensdale, Pa, 00000

Robbins Bradey, Benton, Pa, 00000

Robbins Elisabeth S, 588 Charles St, Kingston, Pa,

Robbins Florence, 25 Hess Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Robbins Genevieve G, 9 Harrison St, Port Allegheny, Pa, 00000

Robbins James, 3004 William Penn Hwy, Easton, Pa, 18045

Robbins James H, Seelyville, Pa, 00000

Robbins James H, Rr 1, Seelyville, Pa, 00000

Robbins John A, 912 Bernard St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robbins Richard D, Rr 1, Seelyville, Pa, 00000

Robbins Robert J, Rr 1, Seelyville, Pa, 00000

Robbins Theodore, 25 Hess Ave, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Robbins William A, State Hospital, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Robeck George B Jr, Entry 27 Apt 16b, Universal, Pa, 00000

Robenolt Connie J, 445 Chestnut, Milton, Pa, 00000

Rober Sawerbrauer, 736 Grant, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Roberge Edward J, 24 Auburn, Manchester, Pa, 00000

Roberson Charles, 6010 N 12th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberson Hazel, 28 S 16th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Robert Adams, 710 W York St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robert Allen *, 526 S Second Ave, Phoenixville, Pa,

Robert Banos, 137 4th, Wilson, Pa, 00000

Robert Barton R, 333 Ceaten, Chambersburg, Pa, 00000

Robert D Elias Atty, 395 S Franklin St, Wilkes-Barre, Pa,

Robert Gadomski Trust, Pa,

Robert Huy, 2628 Spring Gdn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robert Koch, 202 W Brant Ave, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Robert Mary M, 550 N 65th St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robert Mauthe, St Lukes Hospital And Medical Ce 153 Brdhead Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18107

Robert Nester, R1400 Dekalb St, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Robert Patrician, Monroeton, Pa, 00000

Robert Still, 475 Markel, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Robert Thorn, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberta Musselman F, 142 W Main, Hartford, Pa, 00000

Roberto Darline, Shand Ave 9th St, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Roberts, Pride St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Agnes, 2nd Tasker, Folsom, Pa, 00000

Roberts Agnes M, Snow Shoe, Pa, 00000

Roberts Ambrose, 113 Industry, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Ann M, Mars, Pa, 00000

Roberts Arthur D, 317 W Applegate Ave, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Roberts Audrey M, Chapmans, Pa, 00000

Roberts Betty, 7 Mallon Ave, Marion, Pa, 00000

Roberts Beverly, 9423 Woodlawn St, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Roberts Beverly M, Rr 2 Box 87, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Roberts Brein S, 1210 North Tryon St, Charlotte, Pa, 28602

Roberts Brenda A, 36 Market St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roberts Calvin, Airport Rd, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Roberts Clarence, 112 Datey Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Claudia A, Pennypack, Pa,

Roberts Darlene Kay, 225 Elk St, Lake City, Pa, 00000

Roberts David J Iii, Mars, Pa, 00000

Roberts Donald G, Rr 2, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Roberts Doris, 926 N. 43rd St, Phila, Pa,

Roberts Doris E, 814 Sycamore, Turtle Creek, Pa, 00000

Roberts Edward, 2915 Mount Carmel, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Florence, Washington, Pa, 00000

Roberts Franklin B, Parkesburg, Pa, 00000

Roberts Gary T, Bristol Rd, Langhorne, Pa, 00000

Roberts Gary T, Sycamore Ave, Croydon, Pa, 00000

Roberts Gustave, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts Harry, Old Schuylkill Rd, Rd 1 Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Roberts Helene A, 407 So Second St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roberts Henry, 112 Datey Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Howard, Stockertown, Pa, 00000

Roberts James, 34 N Hirst St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts John G, 2503 18th, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts Joy J, Stonesthrow Rd R D 3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roberts Kenneth W, 225 Elk St, Lake City, Pa, 00000

Roberts Kevin S, 225 Elk St, Lake City, Pa, 00000

Roberts Leo, 573 E Marin, Roxborough, Pa, 00000

Roberts Leon, 5826 Cedar Hurst St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts Leroy, 1422 Gordon, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Roberts Lorraine, 105 N Main St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roberts Lucy L, 22 Eastside La, Allison, Pa, 00000

Roberts Mae E, , Bath, Pa, 18014

Roberts Margaret, 112 Datey Rd, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roberts Margaret, Rr 1, York, Pa, 00000

Roberts Mary C, Spruce St, Cresson, Pa, 00000

Roberts Merle, Freeport St, Parnassus, Pa, 00000

Roberts Osborne R, 128 South Broad St, Phila, Pa,

Roberts Pamela L, 624 Parsons St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Roberts Reta, 803 Penna, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roberts Richard, 2905 Cherryville Rd, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Roberts Richard A, 848 Seneca St Rear, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roberts Richard W, 848 Seneca St Rear, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roberts Robert J, N 6th St, Bangor, Pa, 00000

Roberts Roshae R, 1018 Church St, Oberlin Steelton, Pa, 00000

Roberts Roy C Sr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts S H, Hill And Park Ave, Langhorne, Pa, 00000

Roberts Shirley H, Rr 1 Box 742, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Roberts Spencer, 604 Harper Ave, Jenkintown, Pa,

Roberts Stanley, Reading, Pa,

Roberts Susan M, 3216 Ash Ave, Huntington, Pa, 00000

Roberts Timothy, Pa,

Roberts Vernon, 128 N 5th St, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roberts Virginia J, 732 Walter St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Roberts Wendy L, 624 Parsons St, College Hill, Pa, 18042

Roberts William, 7920 Oxford Ave, Fox Chase, Pa, 00000

Roberts William L Jr, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roberts Wm, 202 Slocum, Swoyersville, Pa, 00000

Robertson Allen, 9 Land St, Inkerman, Pa, 00000

Robertson Angelo, 2161 N 8th St, Phila, Pa,

Robertson Carisa N, Pa,

Robertson Charles A, 411 N12st, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Robertson Ins Services Inc, Pa,

Robertson Jessie, 29 Delaware St, W Pittston, Pa,

Robertson John R, Salisbury, Pa, 00000

Robertson Leroy K, Rr 1 Box 389, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Robertson M, 1842 S Ceonestage, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robertson Marion, 9 Land, Inkerman, Pa, 00000

Robertson Mary J, 1216 Pennsylvania Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Robertson Nancy J, Bolivar, Pa, 00000

Robertson Robert, 9 Land, Inkerman, Pa, 00000

Robertson Sandra J, 1512 W Woodstock St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robertson Stuart, 9 Land St, Inkerman, Pa, 00000

Robertson Theodore, 9 Land, Inkerman, Pa, 00000

Robertson Wilbur, Rennerdale, Pa, 00000

Robeson Gertrude C, 2706 Maple Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robey Joseph, 3318 Arnold St, Phila, Pa,

Robin Alice, Souderton, Pa, 00000

Robin Philip F, 7924 Hidden Ln, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Robinette Jane B, 735 Hamilton Rd, Bryn Mawr, Pa, 19010

Robinette William A, 500 Academy Place Osborne Pa 99999, Osborne, Pa, 99999

Robinso Demetrius E, Pa,

Robinson & Co Inc, Robinson Bldg 42 S 15th St, Phila, Pa, 19210

Robinson Alice L, 2114 B S John Russell Cir, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Robinson Amy L, 318 Laurel, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robinson Angela, Phila, Pa, 19046

Robinson Anne L, 154 Maple Ave, Danielsville, Pa, 00000

Robinson Anthony, 2835 Marston St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Arthur G, 19 Middeltown Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Robinson Barbara, Crabtree, Pa, 00000

Robinson Benjamin, 1544 N Allison St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Bessie M, 3327 N Gratz St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Beth A, 1011 George St Apt 6f, Easton, Pa, 18040

Robinson Betty, 36 Trebing La, Willingboro, Pa, 08046

Robinson Beverly Joan, Wilcox, Pa, 00000

Robinson Catherine, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Catherine, 4537 Green St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Robinson Charles, 628 Annsbury St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Charmaine, 1617 W Columbia Ave, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Cletus, 3920 Poplar St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Conrad, 592 House St, Crescent Heights, Pa, 00000

Robinson Corey V, Norristown, Pa,

Robinson Dareathea, Pa,

Robinson David Mr., 3650 Chestnut St Apt 301, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Demetrius, Pa,

Robinson Donna Lee, Mcgrann, Pa, 00000

Robinson Dorothy C, Honey Brook, Pa, 00000

Robinson Earl, 524 El Cort St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robinson Edward, 2705 Ruby St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Estelle M, 1101 La Claire Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robinson Eugenia, 414 E. Oak St., Carbondale, Pa,

Robinson Francis, 206 Lexington Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robinson Frank, 6815 Ridge Ave, Roxborough Ph, Pa, 00000

Robinson Freddie, 521 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Robinson Gary, Rd, Wexford, Pa, 00000

Robinson George, Rd, Wexford, Pa, 00000

Robinson Gregory, 7240 Stenton Ave, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Hattie, 521 Ferry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Robinson Helen, Rd #1, North Girard, Pa, 00000

Robinson J S, 607 2nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Robinson Jackie, 4519 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson James, 1009 24th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robinson James T, 4215 Haverford Ave, Phila, Pa, 19100

Robinson Janet, 1608 12th, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robinson Jean Custodian, 7122 Matthias St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson John B, 52 Hickory Hill Dr, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Robinson Karen S, C/O Sue Robinson 1621 Broad St, South Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Robinson Kea V, 2523 Firth St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson L Waldo, 1141 South Ave, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Robinson Lakesha R, 5600-B Marshall Ave, Newport News, Pa, 23601

Robinson Lois A, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Robinson Lucy, 405 Blakely Rd, Chester, Pa, 00000

Robinson Margaret, 209 Main St, Tarentuna, Pa, 00000

Robinson Margaret G, Washington, Pa, 00000

Robinson Marian, 113 E Mayland St, Phila, Pa, 19164

Robinson Marjorie M, 1522 Euclid Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Mark, 1625 Levering Pl, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Robinson Mark, 5152 Hoopes St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Martie, 29 Sumac Lane, Shippensburg, Pa,

Robinson Mary, 140 Williams St, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Robinson Mary, 2247 N Lambert St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Matilda M, 2215 So Larrence, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Matthew T, Pa,

Robinson Medical Assoc, Po Box 90261, Pittsburgh, Pa, 86193

Robinson Michelle, 03051319891 0003 Commrcl 2029 Mather Way Apt A, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Robinson Nancy, 629 Pennn 2nd Floor, Chester, Pa, 00000

Robinson Nellie, 2020 Boston St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robinson Orange, 2944 N Taylor St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Pearl, 1009 24th St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robinson Phillip, 4991 Parkside Ave, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Robert D, 412 Ferdinand, No Versailles, Pa, 00000

Robinson Rod, York Rd And Maplewood, Abington, Pa, 01900

Robinson Sara L, Brown Crossing Rd, Butztown, Pa, 18017

Robinson Shawn, 1919 W. Venango St, Phila, Pa,

Robinson Shelley L, 912 2nd St Juniata, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Robinson Suzanne A, 248 E 8th Ave, Tarenton, Pa, 18042

Robinson Warren P, 1134 Federal, Lebanon, Pa, 00000

Robinson William L, Star Route, Jersey Shore, Pa, 00000

Robinson Willie, 5611 N Marvine, Phila, Pa, 00000

Robison Annie, Rfd, West Chester, Pa, 00000

Robison Doris Rose, 2325 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Robison Evelyn, 347 Manklin, Queenstown, Pa, 00000

Robison Kathryn M, Box 19 Cemetary Rd, East Springfield, Pa, 16418

Robison Thomas F, 1803 Delaware St, Dunmore, Pa, 00000

Robleto Deborash L, 711 Chestnut, Roslyn, Pa, 00000

Robley Robert E, R R 2, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Robosky Walter G, Forbes Rd, Pa, 00000

Robson Beverly J, 921 Tolstoy St, Freemansburg, Pa, 18017

Robson Edith E, Union Deposit, Pa, 00000

Robson Eliz L, Pottsville St, Wiconisca, Pa, 00000

Robson Fred C, 1720 2nd St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Robson Laura E, 619 E Potts Sw, Wiconisco, Pa, 00000

Robson Louise, 407 Mcconnell St, New Castle, Pa, 00000

Robson Wilma, Honstead Park, Pa, 0

Roby Ronald L, C/O Mnb 1840 Main St, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rocalla Kathleen, Rr 2 Box 52, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Roccaro Mary Loive, Easton, Pa, 00000

Rocci Elia, 303 56th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rocco John, 4tj St, Ellwood City, Pa, 00000

Rocco Louis, 717 Watkins St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rocco Tony, 4th St, Ellwood City, Pa, 00000

Roch Theresa A, 8527 Erning Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rocha Thomas D, 880 Corinthian, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roche Ellen M, 2855 North Jordan, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roche Joseph M, C/O Martha Shortlidge Phila Gen Hosp, Phila, Pa, 19100

Rochefahy Alice M, 26 Cobblestone Ln, Chester, Pa, 00000

Rochester Mary, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rochford Annie, 2215 Brosky, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rock Caramel, 1820 Rock, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Rock Chas, 3800 Butler, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rock Elaine M, 535 Lotz Ave #Lakemont, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rock Elwood B, 2006 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rock Mary B, 1105 N 2nd St, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rock Paul, Slovan, Pa, 00000

Rock Pauline, 502 3rd St, Drifton, Pa, 00000

Rock River Girl Scouts *, 2320 Ben Franklin Dr, Pgh, Pa,

Rock Ruth L, 511 Price Ave, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Rock Solid Windows, 627 Seventh Ave, New Brighton, Pa,

Rock Thelma, 302 3rd, Drifton, Pa, 00000

Rock William C, Layton, Pa, 00000

Rockenbachne Helen, Percy And Erie Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rockett George W, 8208 Douglas, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rockett George W, 8208 Douglas Rd, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Rockett George W, 8208 Douglas Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rockey Charles E, 812 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rockey Elizabet M, 812 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rockey Harold J, 812 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rockey Mary V, 2625 Union Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rockeymore Calvin, 213 Webster St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rockeymore Carrie, 213 Webster St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rockeymore Helen, 213 Webster St, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rockeymore Helen, 213 Webster St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rockland, 650 Englesville Rd, Boyertown, Pa, 00001

Rockmaker Beatrice, 136 Rock, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rockovits Helen K, 2212 Washington Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rockovitz Charles, 510 East Robinson, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rockwell Automation Pty Ltd, Pa,

Rockwell Clair C, Saint Charles, Pa, 00000

Rockwell Helen Delano, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Rockwell Martha M, Loysville, Pa, 00000

Rockwell Nelda V, Lower Burrell, Westmoreland, Pa,

Rocosky Andrew, C/O Anna Rocosky, Maple Ridge, Pa, 00000

Rocosky Mary, Maple Ridge, Pa, 00000

Rocovia Andrew, 341 1/2 S 7th, Reading, Pa, 00000

Rocus Michael, W Point Pike, West Point, Pa, 00000

Roda John, Rd 1 Box 45c, Morgantown, Pa, 18967

Roda Lawrence, C/O Mary A Roda 318 Chester St, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rodado Daisy Custodi, Pa,

Rodak Helen, 1st St, Beaverdale, Pa, 00000

Rodamrel Ora E, Middleburg, Pa, 00000

Rodbensek S, Tanyerville St, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rodda Margaret, 2441 Perry St, Homestead Park, Pa, 00000

Rodden Josephine, 1313 E 9th St, Eddystone, Pa, 00000

Roddy Delia, 456 Cedar, Lansdale, Pa, 00000

Roddy Elizabeth J, Washington St, Parkers Landing, Pa, 00000

Roddy Ruth N, West Fairview, Pa, 00000

Rode Chas H, 1641 Mifflin Ave, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Rode Delberta, 34 Deforest Ave, Fairchange, Pa, 00000

Rodebaugh Ruth, 14 Allen, Lacey Park, Pa, 00000

Rodenbach Emma, Rr 2, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rodenbach Gladys A, 2511 Cherryville Rd, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rodenbach Gladys A, 524 Franklin Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rodenbach Grace B, Rd 1, Riegelsville, Pa, 00000

Rodenbaugh Gladys, 524 Franklin Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rodenbough Frank, Arcola Rd, Arcola, Pa, 00000

Rodenhausen Daniel, 1206 Mayfair House, Phila, Pa,

Rodenz Mary, Irwin St, Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Roderick Albert, Point Marion, Pa, 00000

Roderick Lana, Smithfield, Pa, 00000

Roderus Dorothy, 819 Fourth St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Rodes Pauline, 214 Hamilton, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Rodger Edward M, Hooverville, Pa, 00000

Rodger James A, Hooversville, Pa, 00000

Rodger Jan Thomas, Hooversville, Pa, 00000

Rodger Judith, 29 N 17th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rodger William W, Douglas St, Terrace, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Albert E, Endeavor, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Andrew, Rossiter, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Anna S, Hooverville, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Barbara A, 818 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rodgers Barbara J, 522 10 Ave, Juniata, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Barbara J, 818 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rodgers Bruce D, 5 Pleasant Dr, Youngsville, Pa,

Rodgers Cecelia G, 6606 Dichs Ave, W Philadelphi, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Clarence W, Jacobs Creek, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Donald D, Stcamore Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Dorothy, Overlooking Rodgers Milk, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Dorothy C, 721 1/2 S Hall St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Edna M, Main St, Irwin, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Edward, 109 N Railroad St, Annville, Pa,

Rodgers Ester, 2804 Carson St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Ethel, Annville, Pa,

Rodgers Frances S, 5538 Viasta St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Georgia D, Rouzerville, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Henry, 1935 Norwood St, Phila, Pa,

Rodgers Ida F, 1825 Center St Apt C 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rodgers James, Rr 1, Pittsburg So, Pa, 00000

Rodgers James P, 1320 12th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rodgers Jeffry L, Rr 1 Box 92, Lenhartville, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Joe J, 1203 Echo Dr, Fullerton, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Joyce, Tire Hill, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Kenneth B, Rr 5 Box 438-F, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rodgers Kenneth S, 2400 Polk Valley Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Rodgers Margaret, 1518 South 52nd, West Philadel, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Marie, Blue Ball, Lima, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Martha, Rr 1, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Mary, 32 Co Block, Arnold City, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Mary E, 322 Woodland Ave, Grove City, Pa, 16127

Rodgers Mary L, 819 Balmoral Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Miriam H, 146 Henly, Overbrook Hills, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Nancy, 1320 12th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rodgers Patricia A, 5421 Grandview Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rodgers Reba, Pa,

Rodgers Robert, 404 N Uber St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Ruth A, Christiana, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Sandra F, Rimersburg, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Thomas D, 35 Clearview Dr, Glenshaw, Pa, 00000

Rodgers William, State Rd, North Wales, Pa, 00000

Rodgers Wm, Abstract St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rodgurski Judith A, Valley, Manor, Pa, 00000

Rodia Luiga, Rr 1, Southwark, Pa, 00000

Rodichok Anita, 524 East 16, Chester, Pa, 00000

Rodin Lew, Moters Intrntnls Box, Panama Rep Of, Pa, 00000

Rodino Mary, 233 S 6th, Reading, Pa, 00000

Rodka Olga H, Mildred, Pa, 00000

Rodney Conrad, Village Way, Lionville, Pa, 00000

Rodolff Harry J, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 West 33rd St, Harrisburg, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Rodoshirrtz S, Rr 1, Herbert, Pa, 00000

Rodrigo Blanch E, 404 W 7th St, Landsale, Pa, 00000

Rodrigues Carmen, 4916 Ella St, Phila, Pa,

Rodrigues Rosa F, Pa,

Rodriguez Hector L, 1751 Cuentco Rd, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rodriguez Henry, 3309 N 2nd St, Phila, Pa,

Rodriguez Jeanette, 232 W Sulis St, Phila, Pa,

Rodriguez Jesse Mr., Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Rodriguez Jorge, 501 E Ontario St, Phila, Pa,

Rodriguez Jose E, 545 Ontario St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rodriguez L Z De, Pa,

Rodriguez Owner, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rodriguez Rosa, #3, Reading, Pa, 00000

Rodriquez Pamela, 2388 Washington Ave, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rodwilus Helen, 701 E Water, Mahony, Pa, 00000

Roe Teresa L, 752 Washington St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Roebuck Anna L, 2117 7th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Roebuck Carol A, 261 Yatesboro, Tarentum, Pa, 00000

Roebuck Mildred R, Star Rt Box 38, Mount Morris, Pa,

Roebuck Ronald P, A5 Ash Building 5008 Mckean Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roecker Zulah M, 38 N 8th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Roedel Francis J, 619 Prescott Ave, Scranton, Pa, 17510

Roedel Lucy I, Shawnee, Pa, 00000

Roeder Arline, Rr 4, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roeder Martha, Uwchland, Chester, Pa, 00000

Roeder Sarah R, 3018 Broad Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Roeder Susan A, 116 Marengo Ave, Forest, Pa, 00000

Roefaro Cal, 625 Pleasant Valley Blvd, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Roemmelt Harriet J, 19 Bennington Ct, Easton, Pa, 18040

Roepaer D R, York, Pa,

Roesc, Pa,

Roesch Cecelia M, 724 Delaware Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roesch Janet M, 1304 1 St Ave, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Roesch Judy C, 800 Center, Easton, Pa, 18042

Roesch K P, 914 2nd Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Roesch Kathy F, 800 Center, Easton, Pa, 18042

Roesch Norman J, 2401 Allen St, Allenstown, Pa, 00000

Roeschen Roland, 2nd St Pike, Bethayres, Pa, 00000

Roesler Ruth E, Willow & Wilson St, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Roesner Sharon A, 424 Jefferson St, Lansdale, Pa,

Roessler Elizabeth, 146 Monito, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00002

Roessler John E, 138 1st Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Roessler William, C/O Edgar Roessler 6519 Marsden St, Philadephia, Pa, 00000

Roff Patricia, 2635 S 73rd St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogal Mary M, 2926 Preble Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rogel Edward C, Barnesboro, Pa, 00000

Roger Edith, 323 Bradlley, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Roger Randolph M, Lewistown, Pa, 00000

Roger W, Lower Yoder, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Rogers Amy L, 5475 Green Pond Rd, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rogers Auada G, 1845 Watkins St Apt H3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Roger's Auto Body, Pa,

Rogers Avada G, 1845 Watkins St Apt H3, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rogers Carmela, 70 Edgemont Ave, Essington, Pa, 00000

Rogers Carol, Rr 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rogers Courtney, Pa,

Rogers Deborah, 1107 Bushkill Center Rd, Nazarth, Pa, 18064

Rogers Dianne L, 109 Cedar Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Rogers Dorothy M, Rr 1, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rogers Edward J 3rd, 101 Pen Argyl St Apt B, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Rogers Edwood F, 1305 Shelmire, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogers Erwin, 73s, Bango, Pa, 18013

Rogers Gerald F, 112 Langley Rd, Reading, Pa, 00000

Rogers Gertrude, Sheffield, Pa, 00000

Rogers Gladys E, 23 N 9th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rogers Grace, #725, Bryn Mawr, Pa, 00000

Rogers Harry T, Route 18, Pottstown, Pa, 00000

Rogers Helen, Weber Rd, Sewickley, Pa, 00000

Rogers J/T Ten Wros Robin H And Margaret L, Acct 1 854 Huffert St, Fontain Hill, Pa, 18015

Rogers John D, 3610 S P Garden, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogers Joseph, 2836 Manayunk Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogers Kathleen Jea, 211 South 6, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rogers Martha V, Pleasantville, Pa, 00000

Rogers Mary, 1917 Main St Apt 2, Northampton, Pa, 18067

Rogers Mary, 614 East Fites St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rogers Mary L, 819 Balmoral Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rogers Peter, Intercourse, Pa, 00000

Rogers Residential Appraisals Inc, Pa,

Rogers Robert M, 427 East 6th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rogers Thomas J, 5333 L P Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Rogers William, Howard, Pa,

Rogina Elsie M, 512 E Hudson Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Rogol Mary Ann, 85 Navy Walk, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogora Mildred M, 952 S 24th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rogove Isadore, W Alleghany Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rogowsky Edwin, Union St, Highland, Pa, 00000

Rohal Francis A, 10th, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rohal Helen A, Rr 1, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Rohde Minnie A, Midway, Pa, 00000

Rohlic David, 356 Lawall St, Scranton, Pa,

Rohm & Haas Co, Phila, Pa,

Rohm And Haas Company, Po Box 1290, Phila, Pa,

Rohm Harry S, Unavailable, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rohm Patti A, East Lafayette, Muncy, Pa, 00000

Rohn Donald L, 224 Durham St, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Rohn Donald R, 546 School Rd, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rohn Joseph C, Po Box 49, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rohn Joseph C, R D 3, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rohn Lucy, 1155 Anderson St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rohn Mary, 306 S Main St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rohner Martha A, Bushkill, Pa, 00000

Rohr Henry T, 209 Bridge, Egypt, Pa, 00000

Rohr Rosemary, Box 305, Courtney, Pa, 15029

Rohrbach Arlan S, Leisz Bridge Rd, Reading, Pa, 00000

Rohrbach Florence, 509 Wire St, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rohrbach Jane F, 100 Locust St, Williamsburg, Pa, 16693

Rohrbach Roberta A, 6th St Prospect Hgts, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rohrback Wilbur J, 354 S Whitfield St, Nazareth, Pa, 18064

Rohrbaugh Dale K, 1621 W Phila St, York, Pa, 00000

Rohrbaugh Doris E, 1 Main St, Fairfield, Pa, 00000

Rohrbaugh Janice E, Rr 2 Box 299a, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rohrbaugh Kathy, Jacobus, Pa, 00000

Rohrbaugh Kerr L, Brodbecks, Pa, 00000

Rohrbaugh Mary L, 446 Baltimore St., Hanover, Pa, 73310

Rohrbaugh Robert G Jr, Rr 2 Box 2368, Mount Bethel, Pa, 18343

Rohrbeck Annmarie C, Harrisburg, Pa,

Rohrer Margaret E, 513 S Shiffer, Lancaster, Pa, 00000

Rohrman Marie, 122 Windro Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rohs James, Collingville, Pa,

Rohtermel Ethel I, Limekiln, Pa, 00000

Rohulich John J, Bobtown, Pa, 00000

Rokosky Jennie A, 357 Waterman, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Roksandic Persa, 1072 Easton Rd, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Roland Richard, 1293 Wellington Way, Reo Hill, Pa, 0000

Roland Willie B, 1126 Jackson St, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15221

Roldan Alain B, 35 Calhoun Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 63500

Roleck Natalie, 124 Grape St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roles Kathy J, Belsano, Pa, 00000

Roley John, Mary St, Warminster, Pa, 00000

Roley Ruth A, Belle Vernon, Pa, 00000

Rolick Ann J, James City, Pa, 00000

Rolik Anna, 8 6th Ave, Laurel Gardens, Pa, 00000

Rolko John, 219 W Melrose, Keisterville, Pa, 00000

Rolle Walter, 4749 Gardere, Bridesburg, Pa, 00000

Roller Alice S, 8 Carlisle Pl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roller Anna H, 3400 Park Ave, Reading, Pa, 00000

Roller Anne H, 77 State Rd, Upper Darby, Pa, 00000

Roller Bertha M, 113 Bremont St, Ridley Park, Pa, 00000

Roller Carl, 2 Carlisle Pl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roller Edgar, Spruce Creek, Pa, 00000

Roller Linda M, Florin, Pa, 00000

Roller Richard, 4 Carlisle Pl, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rolli Carolyn T, 2811 Hoverfield Rd, Ardmore, Pa, 00000

Rolling Dorothy D, 1051 Geyer Rd Millvale, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Rolling Francis G, 302 Penna Ave, East Warren, Pa, 00000

Rolling Hill Hosp *, 60 Township Line Rd, Phila, Pa, 19117

Rollins Mary E, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co 450 W 33rd St, Middletown, Pa 4040, Pa, 40404

Rollins Ruth Walker, 9 Chestnut Ave, Narberth, Pa,

Rollo Clare, 7821 Lyons Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rollo Clare, 7823 Lyons Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rolph James M, 2122 Freemansburg Ave, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rom Tech Inc, Pa,

Roma Lucy, Central, East Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roma Mary V, 1136 Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Roma Nancy L, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Romac Temporarie, Philad, Pa, 0

Romagnoli Anthony, 1404 8th Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Romain S Rose, Rr 1, Halstead, Pa, 00000

Roman Allen, 95 Wabash Ave, Allegheny, Pa,

Roman Ann G, Pa,

Roman Anna, 7923 Brewster, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roman Elizabeth M, P O Box 6 168 Reliance, Egypt, Pa, 00000

Roman Frances J, Burgettstown, Pa, 00000

Roman Harry R, Burgettstown, Pa, 00000

Roman Helen, 1324 Brynman, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Roman Helen, Gap Rd, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Roman Jean M, #144, Iselin, Pa, 00000

Roman Jose, 5622 N Lane St, Phila, Pa,

Roman Joseph, 11 Pernod St, W S Pittsburg, Pa, 00000

Roman Joseph, 1324 Brynman, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Roman Joseph E, 585 Kuhn Lane, Duncansville, Pa, 16635

Roman Maryann, Rr 1, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Roman Michael, 11132 Oakleaf Dr, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Roman Nellie, 3350 Lawrence St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Romance S J, Oliver Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Romanelli Louise, 586 Carson St, Jezleton, Pa, 00000

Romani Tina M, Creekside, Pa, 00000

Romanick Harry, 1666 Dennis St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18020

Romanishan Mickey, Rr 1, Bath, Pa, 18014

Romanishan Nancy M, 509 Sioux St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Romanishan Peter, Rr 1, Bath, Pa, 18014

Romano Donna, 6550 Toresdale Ave, Phila, Pa,

Romano Marie F, Apt 8f Rolling Green, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Romano Patricia, 939 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Romano Philip M, 611 Broadway, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Romano Richard, 1719 Falcon Dr, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Romano Sam, 2725 Cedar Ave, Minooka, Pa, 00000

Romano Samuel D, 334 1/2 Main St, Bellwood, Pa, 16617

Romanofsky Loretta, Rock Glen, Pa, 00000

Romanowska Hellen, 263 N Spruce, Kulpmont, Pa, 00000

Romanowska Zophia, 263 N Spruce, Kulpmont, Pa, 00000

Romanowski B, 130 E Luzerne, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Romanowski Eva, 19 Wilson, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Romanowski Frank, 263 N Spruce, Kulpmont, Pa, 00000

Romanowski Helen V, 1675 Wagon Wheel Lane, Lansdale, Pa, 19446

Romanowski Stanley, 19 Wilson St, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Romansky Caroline, 708 Highland Ave, Lock Four, Pa, 00000

Romansky William, Rd 3, Pinegrove, Pa,

Romba Sharon M, 1410 Delaware Ave, Erie, Pa, 00000

Romba T, Mc Keen Rd, Erie, Pa, 00000

Romberger Helen, Branchdale, Pa, 00000

Romella Josephine H, 1517 Hartel St, Philadephia, Pa, 00000

Romelli Angelo, Finleyville, Pa, 00000

Romenik Anna, 2 Canal Bank, Phila, Pa, 00000

Romeo Denise, 56 S 12th St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Romeo Rocco, Main St, Gallatin, Pa, 00000

Romero Alicia, 1551 Liberty St. Apt. A, Chambersburg, Pa, 18042

Romero Arlenis, Pa,

Romero Gilberto, 3031 N. Reese St, Phila, Pa,

Romig Dorothy S, Bechtelsville, Pa, 00000

Romig Enrica M, 3141 Clifton Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Romig Gladys, 142 Elm St, South Greensburg, Pa, 00000

Romig Hazel, Rr 1, Pleasant Valley, Pa, 00000

Romig Jeanette, Maine St, Weatherly, Pa, 00000

Romig Rita J, Wescosville, Pa, 00000

Romito L'carl, 30 S Raspberry St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rommel Richard H, 22 Hunt Club Ln, Media, Pa, 00000

Romo A, 594 Leopard Ln, Warminster, Pa, 00001

Ronal Of Chiodo, Floor 1, Endeavor, Pa, 00000

Ronald A Decesare, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Ronald Beals, Wildwood, Pa, 00000

Ronald J, 6645 Chicago St, Erie, Pa, 00000

Ronald Nyce H, Rd, Perkiomenville, Pa, 00000

Ronan Anna, 327 58th St, Altoona, Pa, 16602

Ronayne John T, Eckert Farm Line Rd Rd, West Chester, Pa, 00000

Ronca Alfred P, 1303 Delaware Ave, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Ronca Alfred P, 623 Green Ct, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Ronca Anne L, 1040 Cumberland St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Ronca Anne L, Po Box 1544, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016

Ronca Blaine A, Po Box 477, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016

Ronca Patrice A, Po Box 477, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016

Ronco Bruce R, 35 S Second St Apt B, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Ronco Lucy, Garibald Ave, Ackermanville, Pa, 18010

Ronczka Harry, 112 Ruth, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rondeau Richard J, Pa,

Rondomansk Helen, 1027 Prospect Ave, Scranton, Pa,

Roney Sharon O, Mt Route, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 00000

Rongaus Elizabeth, 85 Bastrill Ave, Donora, Pa, 00000

Ronk Alvin, Honey Brook, Pa, 00000

Ronnie Gerald E, 1049 Tilghman Floor 2nd Front Right, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rontzgon Ada, Club Ave 15th Ward, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Roob Kathryn, 1105 Logan Ave, Tyrone, Pa, 16686

Rook Elizabeth, Spencer Rd, Ivyland, Pa, 00000

Rook Joseph C, 168 Hanover, Nanty Glo, Pa, 00000

Rook Mary, Scott Haven, Pa, 00000

Rook Sara V, Milroy, Pa, 00000

Rooker Jane M, Po Box 154, Sonestown, Pa, 17770

Rooks Albert, 217 Walnut, Chester, Pa, 00000

Rooks Patricia A, Po Box 2505, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rooks Rosa K, Po Box 1404, Bethlehem, Pa, 18016

Rooks Rosa K, Po Box 2505, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rooks Rosa M, Rd 1 W North, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rooks William I, Po Box 2505, Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Roonak Helen, 216 R 5th St, Duquesne, Pa, 00000

Rooney Edward, Byrnesville, Centralia, Pa, 17927

Rooney John E, 16 Beech St, Walnutport, Pa, 18088

Rooney Mary B, 405 16th, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Rooney Ruby, Pa, 23219

Roosevelt Charlton, Pa,

Root Betty J, Apt 222 Box 364, Reading, Pa, 00000

Root Edith B, Froenhein, Montgomery, Pa, 00000

Root Edward, N #10 Crescant Place, Phila, Pa, 00000

Root Ellen L, Birmingham, Pa, 00000

Root Julia Ann, Main St, Lincoln, Pa, 00000

Root Marshall F, 3208 Martin Ln, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00000

Root Rue Donn, Hallstead, Pa, 00000

Ropach Eleanor M, 237 Goss Ave, Girard, Pa, 00000

Ropas Margaret, 424 Fillmore St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Roper E, 1322 W Front St, Berwoik, Pa, 00000

Roper Roger M, Rd 1 Port, Allegheny, Pa, 00000

Ropiecki Frank, Buttonwood St, Larksville, Pa, 00000

Roppe Gertrude, Lapaul Apt Haws Ave Morshall, Norristown, Pa, 00000

Roque Candida, 325 E King St, York, Pa,

Rorabaugh Nellie C, 2215 Broad Ave, Altoona, Pa, 16601

Rorer Angeline, 1310 Allegheny St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rosa A, 2205 Hopkins Lane, Easton, Pa, 18040

Rosa Judith Ms., 901 Parkview Dr #A-602, King Of Prussia, Pa,

Rosa Louis, 7th Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosa Mary, 2555 Old Trevose Rd, Trevose, Pa,

Rosado Carlos A, 6002 Greenway Ave, Phila, Pa,

Rosado Concepcion, 2300 Forest St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rosamilia Thomas J, 10 Mercer St, Waterfall, Pa, 00000

Rosander Dorothy M, 462 Cedar, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Rosander Dorothy M, 462 Cedar Ave, Trevose, Pa, 00000

Rosar Oleda, 720 S Irving Ave, Scraton, Pa, 00000

Rosard Daniel, Pa,

Rosard Steven, 12 Penmorth Rd, Bala Cynwyd, Pa,

Rosario Buenaflor O, 641 N Vine St, Hazelton, Pa,

Rosario Carlos, 725 E 5th St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rosario Luz, 731 W Tioga St, Phila, Pa,

Rosas Dixon, Po Box 2156, Mayaguez, Pa, 00680

Rosati Adelina C, 324 So 14th, Harrisburg, Pa, 17100

Rosati Alberto, 320 S Riv, Harrisburg, Pa, 00000

Rosati Georgetta, Fredericktown, Pa, 00000

Rosati Raymond, Rr 1, Hellertown, Pa, 18055

Rosato Thelma, 3rd Ave, Bangor, Pa, 00000

Roscoe Anthony, 3202 Denfield St, Phila, Pa,

Rose Anna P, Jefferson, Pa, 00000

Rose Bertha, C/O Thomas Reese Snook Addition, Scranton, Pa, 00000

Rose Bertha K, Belleville, Pa, 00000

Rose Cannon, 5740 Knox St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rose Carlton, 3939 Lancaster Ave, Phila, Pa,

Rose Chester, Altoona, Pa, 00000

Rose Christopher, 724 S Freedom, Alliance, Pa, 44460

Rose David J, 2006 Juniata Rd, W Norriton, Pa,

Rose Eleanore, H209 Open Door Est 238 St Rd, Southampton, Pa, 00000

Rose Ellamae C, Rr 2 Box 45, Sch Haven, Pa, 00000

Rose Ellis, 1505 Carlisle, Tarentum, Pa, 00000

Rose Frances, Larrison Rd, Fort Erie, Pa, 00000

Rose Freeman S, 22 W 4th, South Bethlehem, Pa, 00000

Rose James A, Horning, Pa, 00000

Rose John W, Po Box 5, Tannersville, Pa, 24377

Rose June C, 549 Locust Ave & Sta Torresdale Manor, Cornwells, Pa, 00000

Rose Kelly, 739 Lincoln, Dickson, Pa, 00000

Rose Mary A, Summerhill, Pa, 00000

Rose Morris, 1809 Plymouth St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rose Nicholas J, 1320 Howar St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rose Patricia Estate Of, , Pa,

Rose Paukovits, Nazareth, Pa, 00000

Rose Phyllis A, Pa, 23219

Rose Russell S, Rr 1 Box 138, Pen Argyl, Pa, 18072

Roseberry Charles, 2720 Broad St, Easton, Pa, 18045

Roseberry George P, 2146 Osburn Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Roseboro Michael, 2533 N 7th St, Phila, Pa,

Roseck Constance C, Rd 1 Lemont, Furnace, Pa, 00000

Rosella Everett, 1302 Packer St, North Braddock, Pa, 00000

Rosemarie Marr, Rd Ff 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 16648

Rosemary Huey, 1 Main St, Homestead, Pa, 00000

Rosemary Robbins, 2201 Lincoln, Williamsport, Pa, 00000

Rosemoff Hyman, 7258 Rutland St #49, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosemont College *, 6 Vera Lane, Conshohocken, Pa, 17428

Rosen Alex, Presidential Apt/Adams Hous, Philadelhia, Pa,

Rosen Bruce R, Apt 30 2915 Welan Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosen Eva R, E Chelton Ave, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosenau Fay S, 707a Elkins Park House, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Rosenbaum Joseph D, Lionville, Pa, 00000

Rosenbayger Gary, 106 Delaware Ave, N Versailles, Pa,

Rosenberg Carroll A, 703 Kelilworth Bldg Alden Park, Phila, Pa, 10708

Rosenberg Edward, 7808 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, Pa, 19117

Rosenberg Hazel K, Hydetown, Pa, 00000

Rosenberg Richard J, Rd 4 Hillendale, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rosenberg Robert, 4b Erringer Place Ats, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Charlotte, 6648 Olgard St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Doris, 2174 W Nowegiu St, Pottsville, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Margaret, 352 Bordline Ross Rd, King Of Prussia, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Maxin E, 201 Hillcrest Dr, Epinboro, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Richard A, 917 Tilghiman, Allentown, Pa, 00000

Rosenberger Verna, Dln 88462300 Rev Inf Div Leader Nursing & Rehab, Bethlehem, Pa, 18017

Rosenberger Violet, 6345 Marchand St, Pittsburgh 6, Pa, 00000

Rosenbergers Dairies Inc, 2900 Bristol Oxford Valley Rd, Levittown, Pa,

Rosenberry Carolyn, Rr 2, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Rosenberry Katherine, 6634 Agontz Ave, Phildelphia, Pa, 00000

Rosenblatt Edward, Sci Cresson, Cresson, Pa,

Rosenblatt Elizabeth, 10507 Chilter Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosenbluth Travel Ag, Pa,

Rosencrance Anna M, Rd, Hawley, Pa, 00000

Rosencrance Joyce K, Wyalusing, Pa, 00000

Rosencrans Richard, Bayberry Rd, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosenhamer John H, Coalport, Pa, 00000

Rosenkranz John, 4339 Winfield Ter, Easton, Pa, 18045

Rosenkranz Marie M, 1323 Lehigh St, Easton, Pa, 18042

Rosenlund Helen, Germantown Pike, Fairview Village, Pa, 00000

Rosenstein Edward J, 446 Adams St, Bethlehem, Pa, 18015

Rosental Walter, Lackawanna, Pa, 0

Rosenthal Albert, 2nd St, Phila, Pa, 00000

Rosepink Dolores P, 629 Brierly Ln, West Mifflin, Pa, 00000

Roser Edna D, Brush Valley, Pa, 00000

Roser Marlet W, Glen Rock, Pa, 00000

Roses Flower W, Pittsburgh, Pa, 11234

Roses June L, 973, Johnstown, Pa, 00000

Roseto Rod And Gun Club Inc, Rd 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Roshin Michael, Gallitzin, Pa, 00000

Rosiak Martha, 81, Scott Haven, Pa, 00000

Rosko Nic, Larksville, Pa, 0

Roskovsky Michael W, Lynsdale Dr, Butler, Pa, 00000

Rosmondo Lucy, 2918 N Stillman St, Germantown, Pa, 00000

Rosnecck George, 160 Brier Hill, Brownsville, Pa, 00000

Rosneck Margaret, 160 Brier Hill, Brownsville, Pa, 00000

Rosner Bertha, Rr 1, Mc Intyre, Pa, 00000

Rosner Betty, Rr 1, Mc Intyre, Pa, 00000

Rosner Dorthy, Rr 1, Mc Intyre, Pa, 00000

Rosner Erma, Rr 1, Mc Intyre, Pa, 00000

Rosohacy Mary, 45 Dodson St, Mary, Pa, 00000

Ross Agnes, Rr 3, Bangor, Pa, 18013

Ross Anna J, Lewis Run, Pa, 00000

Ross Antoinette, 204 Second, Aliquippa, Pa, 00000

Ross Beatrice M, Rr 3 Box 110, Altoona, Pa, 16601

[Continued on next Web Page]

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