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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 09-2397c

[39 Pa.B. 7279]
[Saturday, December 26, 2009]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

§ 109.1205. Grandfathering Previously Collected Data.

 A system may comply with the initial source water monitoring requirements of § 109.1202 (relating to monitoring requirements) by grandfathering previously collected data. The system shall meet the grandfathering requirements established by EPA under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations in 40 CFR 141.707 (relating to grandfathering previously collected data) which are incorporated by reference.

§ 109.1206. Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

 (a) Source water reporting time frame. Systems shall report results from the source water monitoring required under § 109.1202 (relating to monitoring requirements) no later than 10 days after the end of the first month following the month when the sample is collected.

 (b) Methods for reporting initial source water monitoring results to EPA. Systems serving at least 10,000 people shall report as follows:

 (1) All systems serving at least 10,000 people shall report the results from the initial source water monitoring required under § 109.1202(a) to the EPA electronically at

 (2) If a system is unable to report monitoring results electronically, the system may use an alternative approach for reporting monitoring results the EPA approves.

 (c) Methods for reporting initial source water monitoring results to the Department. Systems serving less than 10,000 people shall report results from the initial source water monitoring required under § 109.1202(a) to the Department using a method approved by the Department.

 (d) Methods for reporting second round of source water monitoring results to the Department. All systems shall report results from the second round of source water monitoring required under § 109.1202(b) to the Department using a method approved by the Department.

 (e) Source water reporting data elements. Systems shall report the applicable information in paragraphs (1) and (2) for the source water monitoring required under § 109.1202.

 (1) Cryptosporidium data elements. Systems shall report data elements in subparagraphs (i)—(vii) for each Cryptosporidium analysis. Systems shall report, in a form acceptable to the Department, data elements in subparagraphs (viii)—(x) as applicable.

 (i) PWS ID.

 (ii) Source ID.

 (iii) Sample collection date.

 (iv) Sample type (field or matrix spike).

 (v) Sample volume filtered (L), to nearest 1/4 L.

 (vi) Indicate whether 100% of filtered volume was examined.

 (vii) Number of oocysts counted.

 (viii) For matrix spike samples, systems shall also report the sample volume spiked and estimated number of oocysts spiked. These data are not required for field samples.

 (ix) For samples in which less than 10 L is filtered or less than 100% of the sample volume is examined, systems shall also report the number of filters used and the packed pellet volume.

 (x) For samples in which less than 100% of sample volume is examined, systems shall also report the volume of resuspended concentrate and volume of this resuspension processed through immunomagnetic separation.

 (2) E. coli data elements. Systems shall report, in a form acceptable to the Department, the following data elements for each E. coli analysis:

 (i) PWS ID.

 (ii) Source ID.

 (iii) Sample collection date.

 (iv) Analytical method number.

 (v) Method type.

 (vi) Source type (flowing stream, lake/reservoir, GUDI).

 (vii) E. coli/100 mL.

 (viii) Turbidity, if monitoring is required under § 109.1202.

 (f)  Sampling schedule reporting. Systems shall report sampling schedules under § 109.1202 (h)—(j) and source water monitoring results under subsections (a)—(e) unless they notify the Department that they will not conduct source water monitoring due to meeting the criteria of § 109.1202(d).

 (g) Bin classification reporting. Systems shall report their Cryptosporidium bin classification as follows:

 (1) Systems shall report their initial bin classification under § 109.1203(c) (relating to bin classification and treatment technique requirements) to the Department for approval no later than 6 months after the system is required to complete initial source water monitoring based on the schedule in § 109.1202(c).

 (2) Systems shall report their bin classification under § 109.1203(c) to the Department for approval no later than 6 months after the system is required to complete the second round of source water monitoring based on the schedule in § 109.1202(c).

 (3) The bin classification report to the Department will include a summary of source water monitoring data and the calculation procedure used to determine bin classification.

 (4) Failure to comply with the conditions of this subsection is a violation of the treatment technique requirement.

 (h) Microbial toolbox reporting requirements. Systems are required to report items specified § 109.1204 (relating to requirements for microbial toolbox components) for all toolbox components for which they are requesting treatment credit. Systems must report to the State in accordance with Appendix C to Subchapter L. Microbial Toolbox Reporting Requirements in a form acceptable to the Department. Systems using treatment options other than conventional, direct, slow sand or diatomaceous earth filtration for bin 1 sources shall also report, in a form acceptable to the Department, the items specified in § 109.1204 for the treatment options used.

 (i) Reporting significant change in disinfection practices. Prior to making a significant change in disinfection practice, systems shall report disinfection profiles and benchmarks to the Department as established by the EPA under the National Primary Drinking Water regulations in 40 CFR 141.708 and 141.709 (relating to requirements when making a significant change in disinfection practice; and developing the disinfection profile and benchmark), which are incorporated by reference in § 109.204 (relating to disinfection profiling and benchmarking).

 (j) Source water monitoring recordkeeping requirements. Systems shall keep results from the initial round of source water monitoring under § 109.1202(a) and the second round of source water monitoring under § 109.1202(b) until 3 years after bin classification under § 109.1203 (b) and (c).

 (k) Notification retention. Systems shall keep any notification to the Department that they will not conduct source water monitoring due to meeting the criteria of § 109.1202(d) for 3 years.

 (l) Results retention. Systems shall keep the results of treatment monitoring associated with microbial toolbox options under § 109.1204, as applicable, for 3 years.



109.1302.Treatment technique requirements.
109.1303.Triggered monitoring requirements for groundwater sources.
109.1304.Assessment source water monitoring.
109.1305.Compliance monitoring.
109.1306.Information describing 4-log treatment and compliance
109.1307.System management responsibilities.

§ 109.1301. Scope.

 Beginning December 1, 2009, this subchapter applies to all public water systems that use groundwater excluding those systems that combine all of their groundwater with either surface water or with groundwater under the direct influence of surface water prior to treatment under § 109.202(c)(1) (relating to State MCLs, MRDLs, and treatment technique requirements). For the purpose of this subchapter, ''groundwater system'' is defined as any public water system meeting this applicability statement including systems obtaining finished groundwater from another supplier.

§ 109.1302. Treatment technique requirements.

 (a) Community groundwater systems. Community groundwater systems are required to provide continuous disinfection under § 109.202(c)(2) (relating to state MCLs, MRDLs and treatment technique requirements) and in addition shall:

 (1) Comply with triggered monitoring requirements under § 109.1303 (relating to triggered monitoring requirements for groundwater sources) until beginning compliance monitoring under paragraph (5).

 (2) Maintain at each groundwater entry point a residual disinfectant concentration no less than 0.40 mg/L expressed as free chlorine or its equivalent as approved by the Department, or other minimum residual approved by the Department as demonstrated under § 109.1306 (relating to information describing 4-log treatment and compliance monitoring) to provide 4-log treatment of viruses.

 (3) Demonstrate how at least 4-log treatment of viruses will be provided by submitting information as required under § 109.1306 (relating to information describing 4-log treatment and compliance monitoring) when directed by the Department or no later than:

 (i) October 1, 2010, for systems serving more than 500 persons.

 (ii) October 1, 2011, for systems serving 100 to 500 persons.

 (iii) October 1, 2012, for systems serving less than 100 persons.

 (4) Provide at least 4-log treatment of viruses prior to the first customer when directed by the Department or no later than:

 (i) April 1, 2011, for systems serving more than 500 persons.

 (ii) April 1, 2012, for systems serving 100 to 500 persons.

 (iii) April 1, 2013, for systems serving less than 100 persons.

 (iv) A Department-approved alternative compliance schedule.

 (5) Conduct compliance monitoring as described in § 109.1305 (relating to compliance monitoring) when directed by the Department following notification of approval by the Department that at least 4-log treatment of viruses has been demonstrated for a groundwater source or sources.

 (6) Provide at least 4-log treatment of viruses for new sources permitted after December 1, 2009, and conduct compliance monitoring as described in § 109.1305 beginning the first day the source is put into service.

 (b) Noncommunity groundwater systems including bottled water and vended water systems, retail water facilities and bulk water hauling systems.

 (1) Noncommunity groundwater systems may demonstrate at least 4-log treatment of viruses is provided prior to the first customer by submitting information as required under § 109.1306. Systems demonstrating at least 4-log treatment of viruses under this paragraph shall:

 (i) Comply with compliance monitoring requirements under § 109.1305 when directed by the Department following notification of approval by the Department that at least 4-log treatment of viruses has been demonstrated for a groundwater source or sources.

 (ii) Comply with triggered monitoring requirements under § 109.1303 until beginning compliance monitoring under subparagraph (i).

 (2) Noncommunity groundwater systems not demonstrating at least 4-log treatment to the Department shall:

 (i) Comply with triggered monitoring requirements under § 109.1303.

 (ii) Comply with the requirements of assessment source water monitoring as described in § 109.1304 (relating to assessment source water monitoring) if the Department determines a groundwater source is at risk to fecal contamination. The Department will consider any factors that identify sources at risk to fecal contamination, including one or more of the following:

 (A) Sensitivity of the source aquifer to fecal contamination.

 (B) Proximity to sources of fecal contamination.

 (C) Microbiological sampling history.

 (c) Groundwater systems with significant deficiencies or source water E. coli contamination.

 (1) A groundwater system with a significant deficiency or an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample collected under § 109.505(a)(3), § 109.1303(a) or § 109.1304(a) (relating to requirements for noncommunity water systems; triggered monitoring requirements for groundwater sources; and assessment source water monitoring) shall correct all significant deficiencies and, if directed by the Department, shall implement one or more of the following corrective actions:

 (i) Provide an alternative source of water.

 (ii) Eliminate the source of contamination.

 (iii) Submit information required under § 109.1306 and provide treatment that reliably achieves at least 4-log treatment of viruses before the first customer for the groundwater source or sources and comply with compliance monitoring requirements under § 109.1305.

 (2) A groundwater system with a significant deficiency or an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample collected under § 109.1303(a) or § 109.1304(a) will receive one of the following forms of notification:

 (i) Written notice from the Department of a significant deficiency.

 (ii) Notification from a laboratory under § 109.810(b) (relating to reporting and notification requirements) that a groundwater source sample collected under § 109.1303(a) or § 109.1304(a) was found to be E. coli-positive.

 (iii) Direction from the Department that an E. coli positive sample collected under § 109.1303(a) requires corrective action.

 (3) Within 30 days of receiving initial notification under paragraph (2), the groundwater system shall consult with the Department regarding the appropriate corrective action unless the Department directs the groundwater system to implement a specific corrective action.

 (4) Within 120 days of receiving initial notification under paragraph (2), or earlier if directed by the Department, the groundwater system shall correct all significant deficiencies if applicable and shall either:

 (i) Have completed corrective action in accordance with applicable Department plan review processes or other Department guidance or direction, if any, including Department-specified interim measures.

 (ii) Be in compliance with a Department-approved corrective action plan and schedule subject to the following conditions:

 (A) The groundwater system shall request and obtain approval from the Department for any subsequent modifications to a Department-approved corrective action plan and schedule.

 (B) If the Department specifies interim measures for protection of the public health pending Department approval of the corrective action plan and schedule or pending completion of the corrective action plan, the system shall comply with these interim measures as well as with any schedule specified by the Department.

§ 109.1303. Triggered monitoring requirements for groundwater sources.

 (a) Groundwater systems not required to conduct compliance monitoring under § 109.1302 (relating treatment technique requirements), of one or more groundwater sources shall collect a source water sample within 24 hours of notification of a total coliform-positive routine sample collected under § 109.301(3)(i) (relating to general monitoring requirements) and have it analyzed for the presence of E. coli. The system shall collect a sample from each groundwater source that is not provided with Department-approved 4-log treatment of viruses and is connected to the distribution system from which the total coliform-positive sample was collected.

 (b) The Department may extend the 24-hour time limit under subsection (a) to a maximum of 72 hours if the system adequately demonstrates a logistical problem outside the system's control in having the source sample or samples analyzed within 30 hours of collection. A logistical problem outside the system's control may include a coliform-positive sample result received over a holiday or weekend in which the services of a Department-accredited laboratory are not available within the prescribed sample holding time.

 (c) Systems that obtain written approval from the Department prior to receiving notification of a total coliform-positive routine sample collected under § 109.301(3)(i) may conduct monitoring under subsection (a) at one or more sources within the groundwater system that are representative of multiple sources used by that system. The Department will consider any factors that identify sources as representative of multiple sources including one or more of the following:

 (1) The sources draw water from the same hydrogeologic setting.

 (2) Multiple distribution systems where no interconnection exists are supplied by separate sources.

 (d) A groundwater source sample required under subsection (a) shall be collected at a location prior to any treatment.

 (e) A public water system obtaining finished groundwater from another public water system shall notify the supplying system or systems within 24 hours of being notified of a total coliform-positive sample collected under § 109.301(3)(i).

 (f) Prior to expiration of the 24-hour deadline under subsection (a), source water monitoring requirements are not required when one of the following apply:

 (1) The Department determines and notifies the public water system that a total coliform-positive routine sample collected under § 109.301(3)(i) is caused by a distribution system deficiency.

 (2) The total coliform-positive result has been invalidated by the Department under § 109.301(3)(iii).

 (g) The following apply to an invalidation of an E. coli sample for groundwater source sampling:

 (1) The Department may invalidate an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample collected under this section if:

 (i) The system provides the Department with written notice from the laboratory that improper sample analysis occurred.

 (ii) The Department determines and documents in writing that there is substantial evidence that the E. coli-positive groundwater source sample is not related to source water quality.

 (2) If the Department invalidates an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample, the groundwater system shall collect a replacement source water sample under subsection (a) within 24 hours of being notified by the Department of its invalidation decision and have the replacement sample analyzed for E. coli. The Department may extend the 24-hour time limit on a case-by-case basis to 72 hours.

 (h) For an E. coli-positive source water sample collected under subsection (a) that is not invalidated under subsection (g):

 (1) The Department may require a groundwater system to perform a corrective action as described under § 109.1302(c) (relating to treatment technique requirements).

 (2) If the Department does not require corrective action under § 109.1302(c), the system shall collect five additional source water samples from the same source within 24 hours of being notified of the E. coli-positive sample. If one of the additional samples collected under this paragraph is E. coli-positive, the groundwater system shall perform a corrective action as described under § 109.1302(c).

 (3) The system shall comply with Tier 1 public notification requirements under § 109.408 (relating to Tier 1 category, timing and delivery of notice).

 (i) Systems providing water to another public water system receiving notification under subsection (e) shall comply with subsection (a).

§ 109.1304. Assessment source water monitoring.

 (a) To enable the Department to determine if a groundwater system is using a groundwater source with fecal contamination, the Department may require a groundwater system to conduct monitoring for E. coli. If directed by the Department to conduct monitoring under this section, a water supplier shall:

 (1) Collect a total of 12 samples from each groundwater source.

 (i) The system may obtain written approval from the Department to conduct monitoring at one or more sources within the groundwater system that are representative of multiple sources used by the system. The Department will consider any factors that identify sources as representative of multiple sources drawing water from the same hydrogeologic setting.

 (ii) For sources providing water to the public 12 months out of the year, groundwater systems shall collect one sample during each month.

 (iii) For sources providing water to the public for less than 12 months out of the year, groundwater systems shall collect 12 samples evenly distributed over the operational period.

 (iv) Samples collected under § 109.1303(a) (relating to triggered monitoring requirement for groundwater sources) may be used to satisfy the requirements of this subsection, if approved by the Department.

 (v) If a groundwater system obtains an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample, the groundwater system shall perform a corrective action as described under § 109.1302(c) (relating to treatment technique requirements).

 (vi) The groundwater system may discontinue assessment source water monitoring if the system demonstrates they provide at least 4-log treatment of viruses under § 109.1302(b)(1) or if directed by the Department.

 (2) Collect groundwater source samples at a location prior to any treatment of the groundwater source.

 (b) The following apply to an invalidation of an E. coli sample for groundwater source sampling:

 (1) A groundwater system may obtain a Department invalidation of an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample collected under this section as follows:

 (i) The system provides the Department with written notice from the laboratory that improper sample analysis occurred.

 (ii) The Department determines and documents in writing that there is substantial evidence that the E. coli- positive groundwater source sample is not related to source water quality.

 (2) If the Department invalidates an E. coli-positive groundwater source sample, the groundwater system shall collect a replacement source water sample under subsection (a) within 24 hours of being notified by the Department of its invalidation decision and have the replacement sample analyzed for E. coli. The Department may extend the 24-hour time limit on a case-by-case basis to 72 hours.

§ 109.1305. Compliance monitoring.

 (a) Chemical disinfection. Groundwater systems demonstrating at least 4-log treatment of viruses using chemical disinfection shall monitor for and maintain the Department-approved residual disinfection concentration every day the system serves the public from the groundwater source.

 (1) A groundwater system serving greater than 3,300 people shall:

 (i) Continuously monitor the residual disinfectant concentration at the entry point or other location approved by the Department and record the results at least every 15 minutes each day that water from the groundwater source is served to the public.

 (ii) Maintain the Department-approved minimum residual disinfectant concentration every day the public water system serves water from the groundwater source to the public.

 (iii) Conduct grab sampling every 4 hours until the continuous monitoring equipment is returned to service if there is a failure in the continuous monitoring equipment. The system shall resume continuous residual disinfectant monitoring within 14 days.

 (2) A groundwater system serving 3,300 or fewer people shall comply with one of the following subparagraphs:

 (i) The groundwater system shall maintain the Department-approved minimum residual disinfectant concentration every day the public water system serves water from the groundwater source to the public. The groundwater system shall take a daily grab sample at the entry point or other location approved by the Department during the hour of peak flow or at any other time specified by the Department. If any daily grab sample measurement falls below the Department-approved minimum residual disinfectant concentration, the groundwater system shall take follow up samples every 4 hours until the residual disinfectant concentration is restored to the Department-approved minimum level.

 (ii) Monitor the disinfectant residual concentration continuously and meet the requirements of paragraph (1).

 (b) Alternative treatment. Groundwater systems demonstrating at least 4-log treatment of viruses using a Department-approved alternative treatment method, including a combination of treatment methods shall:

 (1) Monitor the alternative treatment in accordance with all Department-approved monitoring requirements.

 (2) Operate the alternative treatment in accordance with all compliance requirements that the Department determines to be necessary to achieve at least 4-log treatment of viruses.

§ 109.1306. Information describing 4-log treatment and compliance monitoring.

 (a) Community water systems, noncommunity water systems which hold a valid operation permit under § 109.504 (relating to public water system operation permits) and bottled water and vended water systems, retail water facilities and bulk water hauling systems which hold a valid permit under § 109.1005 (relating to permit requirements) demonstrating at least 4-log treatment of viruses under § 109.1302 (relating to treatment technique requirements) shall submit information in writing on forms provided by the Department and may include plans, specifications, engineer's report, water quality analyses and other data, information or documentation reasonably necessary to enable the Department to evaluate:

 (1) Treatment effectiveness.

 (2) The methodology the system will use to comply with § 109.1305 (relating to compliance monitoring).

 (b) A noncommunity water system not covered under subsection (a) demonstrating at least 4-log treatment of viruses under § 109.1302 (relating to treatment technique requirements) shall:

 (1) File an amendment to the system description as described under § 109.505(a)(2)(ii) (relating to requirements for noncommunity water systems).

 (2) Submit an application for a noncommunity water system 4-log treatment of groundwater sources permit. The application shall be submitted in writing on forms provided by the Department.

 (3) Submit plans, specifications, engineer's report, water quality analyses and other data, information or documentation reasonably necessary to enable the Department to determine compliance with the act and this chapter. The Department will make available to the applicant the Public Water Supply Manual, available from the Bureau of Water Standards and Facility Regulation, Post Office Box 8774, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 which contains acceptable design standards and technical guidance. Water quality analyses shall be conducted by a laboratory accredited under this chapter.

 (c)  Plans, specifications and engineer's reports must comply with the following:

 (1) The drawings, specifications and engineer's report shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a professional engineer registered to practice in this Commonwealth or in the state in which the public water system is located.

 (2) The front cover or flyleaf of each set of drawings, of each copy of the engineer's report, and of each copy of specifications must bear the signature and imprint of the seal of the registered engineer. Drawings must bear an imprint or a legible facsimile of the seal.

§ 109.1307. System management responsibilities.

 (a) Reporting. Groundwater systems shall comply with the following requirements and otherwise comply with § 109.701 (relating to reporting and recordkeeping):

 (1) A groundwater system conducting compliance monitoring under § 109.1305 (relating to compliance monitoring):

 (i) Shall report to the Department, for each entry point or other Department-approved monitoring location:

 (A) The date, time and lowest value each day the residual disinfectant concentration remains equal to or greater than the Department-required minimum value established under § 109.1306 (relating to information describing 4-log treatment and compliance monitoring).

 (B) The initial date, time and value for each occurrence that the residual disinfectant concentration is less than the Department-required minimum, and the subsequent date, time and value that the residual disinfectant concentration is equal to or greater than the required minimum.

 (C) Each date the entry point is not in operation.

 (ii) That experiences a breakdown in treatment shall notify the Department within 1 hour after the water system learns of the violation or the situation and provide public notice in accordance with § 109.408 (relating to Tier 1 public notice—categories, timing and delivery). A breakdown in treatment occurs whenever the system fails to meet, for greater than 4 continuous hours, any Department-specified requirements relating to:

 (A) Minimum residual disinfectant concentration.

 (B)  Alternative treatment operating criteria, if operation in accordance with the criteria or requirements is not restored within 4 hours.

 (2) After completing any corrective action under § 109.1302(c) (relating to treatment technique requirements), a groundwater system shall notify the Department within 30 days of completion of the corrective action.

 (b) Recordkeeping. Groundwater systems shall comply with § 109.701 and maintain the following information in its records:

 (1) Corrective actions. Documentation shall be kept for at least 10 years.

 (2) Notice to the public as required under Subchapter D (relating to public notification). Documentation shall be kept for at least 3 years.

 (3) Records of invalidation of E. coli-positive groundwater source samples under §§ 109.1303 (g) and 109.1304 (b). Documentation shall be kept for at least 5 years.

 (4) Records of notification to other public water systems. For a public water system obtaining groundwater from another public water system, documentation of notification to the supplier of total-coliform positive samples that are not invalidated under § 109.301(3)(iii) (relating to general monitoring requirements). Documentation shall be kept for at least 5 years.

 (5) Compliance monitoring. For systems, including suppliers providing water to another public water system, that are required to perform compliance monitoring under § 109.1305 (relating to compliance monitoring):

 (i) Documentation of the records of the Department-specified minimum disinfectant residual shall be kept for at least 10 years.

 (ii) Documentation of the records of the lowest daily residual disinfectant concentration and records of the date and duration of any failure to maintain the Department-prescribed minimum residual disinfectant concentration for more than 4 hours, shall be kept for at least 5 years.

 (iii) Documentation of the records of the Department-specified compliance requirements specified by the Department for Department-approved alternative treatment and records of the date and duration of any failure to meet alternative treatment operating requirements for more than 4 hours, shall be kept for at least 5 years.

Appendix A to Subchapter L. Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.


Log Credit Water Temperature, ° C
<=0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30
(i) 0.25 159 153 140 128 107 90 69 45 29 19 12
(ii) 0.5 319 305 279 256 214 180 138 89 58 38 24
(iii) 1.0 637 610 558 511 429 360 277 179 116 75 49
(iv) 1.5 956 915 838 767 643 539 415 268 174 113 73
(v) 2.0 1275 1220 1117 1023 858 719 553 357 232 150 98
(vi) 2.5 1594 1525 1396 1278 1072 899 691 447 289 188 122
(vii) 3.0 1912 1830 1675 1534 1286 1079 830 536 347 226 147
1 Systems may use the equation to determine log credit between the indicated values: Log credit = (0.001506 ×
(1.09116)Temp) × CT.


Log Credit Water Temperature, ° C
<=0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30
(i) 0.25 6.0 5.8 5.2 4.8 4.0 3.3 2.5 1.6 1.0 0.6 0.39
(ii) 0.5 12 12 10 9.5 7.9 6.5 4.9 3.1 2.0 1.2 0.78
(iii) 1.0 24 23 21 19 16 13 9.9 6.2 3.9 2.5 1.6
(iv) 1.5 36 35 31 29 24 20 15 9.3 5.9 3.7 2.4
(v) 2.0 48 46 42 38 32 26 20 12 7.8 4.9 3.1
(vi) 2.5 60 58 52 48 40 33 25 16 9.8 6.2 3.9
(vii) 3.0 72 69 63 57 47 39 30 19 12 7.4 4.7
1 Systems may use the equation to determine log credit between the indicated values: Log credit = (0.0397 ×
(1.09757)Temp) × CT.

Table 3. UV DOSE TABLE FOR Cryptosporidium, Giardia lambia, AND VIRUS INACTIVATION CREDIT

Log Credit Cryptosporidium
UV dose (mJ/cm2)
Giardia lambia
UV dose (mJ/cm2)
UV dose (mJ/cm2)
(i) 0.5 1.6 1.5 39
(ii) 1.0 2.5 2.1 58
(iii) 1.5 3.9 3.0 79
(iv) 2.0 5.8 5.2 100
(v) 2.5 8.5 7.7 121
(vi) 3.0 12 11 143
(vii) 3.5 15 15 163
(viii) 4.0 22 22 186

Appendix B to Subchapter L. Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.


Toolbox Option Cryptosporidium treatment credit with design and implementation criteria
Source Protection and Management Toolbox Options
(1) Watershed control program 0.5-log credit for State-approved program comprising required elements, annual program status report to State, and regular watershed survey. Unfiltered systems are not eligible for credit. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(b).
(2) Alternative source/intake management No prescribed credit. Systems may conduct simultaneous monitoring for treatment bin classification at alternative intake locations or under alternative intake management strategies. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(c).
Pre Filtration Toolbox Options
(3) Presedimentation basin with coagulation 0.5-log credit during any month that presedimentation basins achieve a monthly mean reduction of 0.5-log or greater in turbidity or alternative State-approved performance criteria. To be eligible, basins must be operated continuously with coagulant addition and all plant flow must pass through basins. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(d).
(4) Two-stage lime softening 0.5-log credit for two-stage softening where chemical addition and hardness precipitation occur in both stages. All plant flow must pass through both stages. Single-stage softening is credited as equivalent to conventional treatment. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(e).
(5) Bank filtration 0.5-log credit for 25-foot setback; 1.0-log credit for 50-foot setback; aquifer must be unconsolidated sand containing at least 10 percent fines; average turbidity in wells must be less than 1 NTU. Systems using wells followed by filtration when conducting source water monitoring must sample the well to determine bin classification and are not eligible for additional credit. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(f).
Treatment Performance Toolbox Options
(6) Combined filter performance 0.5-log credit for combined filter effluent turbidity less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95 percent of measurements each month. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(g).
(7) Individual filter performance 0.5-log credit (in addition to 0.5-log combined filter performance credit) if individual filter effluent turbidity is less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95 percent of samples each month in each filter and is never greater than 0.3 NTU in two consecutive measurements in any filter. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(h).
(8) Demonstration of performance Credit awarded to unit process or treatment train based on a demonstration to the State with a State-approved protocol. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(i).
Additional Filtration Toolbox Options
(9) Bag or cartridge filters (individual filters) Up to 2-log credit based on the removal efficiency demonstrated during challenge testing with a 1.0-log factor of safety. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(j).
(10) Bag or cartridge filters (in series) Up to 2.5-log credit based on the removal efficiency demonstrated during challenge testing with a 0.5-log factor of safety. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(j).
(11) Membrane filtration Log credit equivalent to removal efficiency demonstrated in challenge test for device if supported by direct integrity testing. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(k).
(12) Second stage filtration 0.5-log credit for second separate granular media filtration stage if treatment train includes coagulation prior to first filter. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(l).
(13) Slow sand filters 2.5-log credit as a secondary filtration step; 3.0-log credit as a primary filtration process. No prior chlorination for either option. Specific criteria are in § 109.1204(m).
Inactivation Toolbox Options
(14) Chlorine dioxide Log credit based on measured CT in relation to CT table. Specific criteria in § 109.1204(o).
(15) Ozone Log credit based on measured CT in relation to CT table. Specific criteria in § 109.1204(p).
(16) UV Log credit based on validated UV dose in relation to UV dose table; reactor validation testing required to establish UV dose and associated operating conditions. Specific criteria in § 109.1204(q).

Appendix C to Subchapter L. Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.


Toolbox option Systems must submit the following information On the following schedule
(1) Watershed control program (WCP). (i) Notice of intention to develop a new or continue an existing watershed control program. No later than two years before the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203
(ii) Watershed control plan No later than one year before the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203
(iii) Annual watershed control program status report Every 12 months, beginning one year after the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203
(iv) Watershed sanitary survey report For community water systems, every three years beginning three years after the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203. For noncommunity water systems, every five years beginning five years after the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(2) Alternative source/intake management. Verification that system has relocated the intake or adopted the intake withdrawal procedure reflected in monitoring results. No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(3) Presedimentation Monthly verification of the following: (i) Continuous basin operation (ii) Treatment of 100% of the flow (iii) Continuous addition of a coagulant (iv) At least 0.5-log mean reduction of influent turbidity or compliance with alternative State-approved performance criteria. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(4) Two-stage lime softening Monthly verification of the following: (i) Chemical addition and hardness precipitation occurred in two separate and sequential softening stages prior to filtration (ii) Both stages treated 100% of the plant flow. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(5) Bank filtration (i) Initial demonstration of the following: (A) Unconsolidated, predominantly sandy aquifer (B) Setback distance of at least 25 ft. (0.5-log credit) or 50 ft. (1.0-log credit). No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(ii) If monthly average of daily max turbidity is greater than 1 NTU then system must report result and submit an assessment of the cause. Report within 30 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(6) Combined filter performance. Monthly verification of combined filter effluent (CFE) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95 percent of the 4 hour CFE measurements taken each month. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(7) Individual filter performance. Monthly verification of the following: (i) Individual filter effluent (IFE ) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95 percent of samples each month in each filter (ii) No individual filter greater than 0.3 NTU in two consecutive readings 15 minutes apart. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(8) Demonstration of performance. (i) Results from testing following a State approved protocol. No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(ii) As required by the State, monthly verification of operation within conditions of State approval for demonstration of performance credit. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(9) Bag filters and cartridge filters. (i) Demonstration that the following criteria are met: (A) Process meets the definition of bag or cartridge filtration; (B) Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in this subpart. No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(ii) Monthly verification that 100% of plant flow was filtered. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(10) Membrane filtration (i) Results of verification testing demonstrating the following: (A) Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in this subpart; (B) Integrity test method and parameters, including resolution, sensitivity, test frequency, control limits, and associated baseline. No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(ii) Monthly report summarizing the following: (A) All direct integrity tests above the control limit; (B) If applicable, any turbidity or alternative state-approved indirect integrity monitoring results triggering direct integrity testing and the corrective action that was taken. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(11) Second stage
Monthly verification that 100% of flow was filtered through both stages and that first stage was preceded by coagulation step. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(12) Slow sand filtration (as secondary filter). Monthly verification that both a slow sand filter and a preceding separate stage of filtration treated 100% of flow from subpart H sources. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(13) Chlorine dioxide Summary of CT values for each day as described in § 141.720. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(14) Ozone Summary of CT values for each day as described in § 141.720. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(15) UV (i) Validation test results demonstrating operating conditions that achieve required UV dose. No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
(ii) Monthly report summarizing the percentage of water entering the distribution system that was not treated by UV reactors operating within validated conditions for the required dose as specified in 141.720(d). Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in § 109.1203.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-2397. Filed for public inspection December 24, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]

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