Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 10-1453f

[40 Pa.B. 4465]
[Saturday, August 7, 2010]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

Statements of Policy

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 67, Sections 67.41—67.45 and Appendix A, Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law, Subchapter D. Adopted 05/19/1989.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 89, Sections 89.451—89.474, Approval of Life, Accident and Health Insurance. Subchapter H. Statements of Policy. Adopted 02/05/1982.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90c, Sections 90c.1—90c.25, Individual Applications. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90d, Sections 90d.1—90d.9, Individual Accidental Death Benefits; Provided by Riders or Built into Policies. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90e, Sections 90e.1—90e.13, Individual IRA Endorsements for Life Insurance and Annuities. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90f, Sections 90f.1—90f.16, Individual Imminent Death/Lifetime Health Care Facility Confinement Benefits Provided as Accelerated Death Benefit or Settlements of Death Benefit; Provided by Riders or Built into Policies. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90g, Sections 90g.1—90g.16, Individual Health Care Facility Benefits Provided as Accelerated Death Benefit or Settlement of Death Benefit; Provided by Riders or Built into Policies. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90h, Sections 90h.1—90h.11, Individual Waiver of Surrender Charges for Life and Annuity Contracts Resulting From Health Care Facility Usage; Provided by Riders or Built into Policies. Adopted 01/18/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 90i, Sections 90i.1—90i.3, Certificates of Assumption. Adopted 03/05/1993.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 119, Sections 119.1—119.26, Anti-Fraud. Adopted 08/27/1993.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 120, Sections 120.1—120.5, Loss Cost Adjustment Filing. Adopted 08/27/1993.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 150, Sections 150.1—150.5, Uniform Health Insurance Claim Form. Adopted 07/02/1993.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 152, Sections 152.101—152.105, Preferred Provider Organizations, Primary Care Gatekeeper PPO Products. Adopted 09/27/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 153, Section 153.2, Permission to file accident and health, life and annuity insert pages. Adopted 10/19/1990.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 153, Section 153.3, Simplified review of company merger, assumption or name change form and rate filing. Adopted 06/28/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 301, Sections 301.201—301.204, Health Maintenance Organization, Subchapter H. Point-of-Service Products Group Specific Community Rating. Adopted 09/27/1991.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 301, Sections 301.301—301.321, Health Maintenance Organization, Subchapter I. Contractual Arrangements Between HMOs and IDSs. Adopted 04/05/1996.

31 Pa. Code, Chapter 303, Section 303.1, Out-of-State Health Maintenance Organization Investments. Adopted 03/25/1988.
Contact: Peter J. Salvatore, Bureau of Administration, 7l7-787-4429; fax 7l7-705-3873


Administrative Hearings Office

Digest of Automobile Policy Terminations (Act 68 and 78)
Insurance Commissioner Decisions on Automobile Insurance Administrative Hearings

Digest of CAT Fund Adjudications
Insurance Commissioner Decisions on Automobile CAT Fund Administrative Hearings

Digest of Homeowners Policy Terminations (Act 205)
Insurance Commissioner Decisions on Homeowners Insurance Administrative Hearings

Digest of Agency Terminations (Act 143)
Administrative Hearing Officer Decisions on Insurance Agency Administrative Hearings

Practice and Procedure Digest
Describes the Administrative Hearing Process
Contact: Dolores Martin, Administrative Hearings Office, 7l7-783-2126; fax 7l7-787-8781

Office of Insurance Product Regulation and Administration

Public Documents Room Procedures
Procedures to review public documents at the Insurance Department

Regulatory Procedures Manual
Internal procedures regarding drafting of regulations
Contact: Peter Salvatore, Bureau of Administration, 7l7-787-4429; fax 7l7-705-3873



Labor & Industry Secretary
• Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
• Labor and Industry Contract Compliance Policy Statement
• Weapons Policy Statement
• Disability—Related Employment Policy Statement
• Commonwealth's Policy of Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Distribution
• Health Policy Statement
• Security Policy Statement
• Free Posters Announcement
• Workplace Violence Statement

Office of Equal Opportunity
• Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
Contact: Mitchell Khan (717-787-1767)

Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety
• Universal Accessibility Interpretation
1) November 8, 1999
2) March 15, 2002
Contact: Jerry Seville (717-787-3329)

Bureau of Workers' Compensation
• Occupational Disease under the Workers' Compensation Act/Guidelines for Employment Screening Programs under Act 115 of 2001
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Health Care under the Workers' Compensation Act
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Uninsured Employer Guaranty Fund
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• General Provisions of Act 57 of 1996
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Healthcare Under the Workers' Compensation Act
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
• OVR Numbered Memoranda
• 09-200.01 Ticket to Work Program
• 10-100.01 Records Retention
• 10-100.02 Driver Services for OVR Employees
• 10-100.03 OVR Case Sharing
• 10-100.04 OVR Case Filing System
• 10-200.01 Psychological Services—Qualifications, Approval, and Use of Psychological Providers and Services
• 10-200.02 Psychological Services—Guideline: Psycho- diagnostic and Vocational Assessment
• Updated IL/SS Handbook
• 10-300.01 Independent Living/Specialized Services Program Handbook
Contact: Denise Verchimak (717-772-3511) Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
• Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services Independent Living/Specialized Services Program Handbook
Contact: David DeNotaris (717-783-3784) Director, BBVS

Bureau of Workers' Compensation
• WC Forms/Petitions Filing Tutorial
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Calculating 21-Day Compliance
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Return-to-Work Model
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• LIBC-507 Form Tutorial
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• LIBC-9 Form Tutorial
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• PA Workers' Compensation Employer Information Pamphlet (Workers' Compensation Guidelines for Employers.)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Workers' Compensation and the Injured Worker Pamphlet (Workers' Compensation Guidelines for Injured Workers.)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Workers' Compensation and the Injured Worker Pamphlet-Spanish Edition (Workers' Compensation Guideline for Spanish-speaking Injured Workers.)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Failure to Insure Prosecutions
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Procedures for Completing an Application for Fee Review
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Requirements for Excess Insurance
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-Insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Employer's Guide to Self-Insuring Workers' Compensation
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Application and Summary of Requirements for Self Insurance
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Instructions Accompanying Application to have a Letter of Credit or Surety Bond Executed
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Guidelines for Individual Self-Insurance Actuarial Evaluations
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-Insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Guidelines for Group Self-Insurance Actuarial Evaluations
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Loss Portfolio Transfer Guidelines
Contact: George W. Knehr, Chief, Self-insurance Division, BWC (717-783-4476)
• Certified Employer Network Overview
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)
• Accident and Illness Prevention Service Provider Qualifications Guide
Contact: Bill Keefer, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1636)
• Insurer, Individual Self-Insured Employer and Group Self-Insurance Fund Accident and Illness Prevention Service/Program Audit Overviews
Contact: Bill Keefer, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1636)
• Contact Sheet
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)
• Division Overview
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)
• Hands Flyers
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)
• Iceburg-Hidden Costs of Accidents
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)
• State Certified Workplace Safety Committee Program
Contact: Bob Pierce, Health and Safety Division, BWC (717-772-1917)


Center for Workforce Information and Analysis
• New Hire Program booklet guidelines and form for businesses to use to report new hires—found at

Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 12-03 dated June 22, 2004 regarding Rapid Response/Trade Adjustment (TA) Program Policy—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 7-03 dated July 7, 2004 regarding Trade Act and NAFTA-TAA job search—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 6-03 dated December 12, 2003 regarding Trade Act and TAA Reform Act waiver policy and procedure—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 5-03 dated December 12, 2003 to furnish local staff with State's Trade Act certification and petition processes found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 4-03 dated July 29, 2004 regarding Trade Act reemployment benefit-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-03 dated September 12, 2003 regarding Distance learning under TAA—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 14-02 dated June 10, 2003 regarding Seamless integration and coordination of services under Trade Act programs with Workforce Investment Act—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 7-01 dated December 11, 2001 regarding Reasonable Cost of Training and Transportation Payments for the TAA/NAFTA-TAA programs—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 6-99 Change 1 dated August 6, 2002 regarding WIA Dislocated Worker Rapid Response Additional Assistance and Critical Job Training Grant Questions and Answers-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-05 dated September 27, 2005 regarding Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIAs)-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 12-02 dated April 10, 2003 regarding Workforce Investment Act certification of training and course/programs and developing ITA policies and procedures-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-99 Change 4 dated June 4, 2004 regarding ongoing information and guidance regarding program/provider eligibility, school licensing requirements and appeal procedures-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-00 Change 3 dated March 17, 2003 regarding information to Local Workforce Investment Board, training providers and other Team Pennsylvania CareerLink partners-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-02 dated January 8, 2003 regarding Guidelines to moving Pa CareerLink and Partners-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 2-02 dated January 8, 2003 regarding Guidelines to moving Pa CareerLink and Partners-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 10-01 dated July 17, 2002 regarding Career Resource Area Technology Policy-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-05 dated June 20, 2006 regarding Competitive procurement of Youth Services for LWIA Program Operators, LWIBS and their Local Youth Councils—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 2-04 dated April 27, 2005 regarding policies and procedures for grants awarded to Local Workforce Investment Areas, non-profit organizations, private-for-profit businesses and Local Education Agencies—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 8-02 Change 1 dated December 12, 2003 regarding development and operation of Project Gate-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 8-02 Change 2 dated June 7, 2004 regarding development and operation of Self-Assistance Program and Project Gate-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 4-99 Change 1 dated November 4, 2002 regarding core intensive training, optional and youth services by program charts-found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-99 Change 2 dated November 4, 2002 regarding guidance information on Title I WIA eligibility criteria for registration and WIA acceptable eligibility verification—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-98 Change 2 dated January 30, 2004 regarding WIA participant questions and answers—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 9-02 dated January 8, 2003 regarding WIA performance measures—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 11-02 dated January 22, 2003 regarding Labor Exchange and Veterans Employment Training Service Performance Measures—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-01, Change 2 dated May 23, 2003 regarding Revised Team Pa CareerLink Employment Services Policies and Procedures—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 1-01 dated August 9, 2001 regarding definitions of levels of Pa CareerLink registration Services Policies and Procedures—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 2-01 Change 1 dated July 21, 2003 regarding revisions of WIIN 2-01 for Staff-Assisted Registration for Employment Services—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 6-01 dated May 15, 2002 regarding combined business plan/agreement process—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 5-01 Change 1 dated May 7, 2002 regarding government agreement revisions and cost allocation and resource agreement changes—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-00 Change 1 dated November 2, 2004 regarding guidance to local Workforce Investment Boards and their Youth Councils on the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, federal regulations and state policies found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 2-00 Change 2 dated March 2, 2004 regarding—Financial Management Technical Assistance Guide—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 3-03 dated July 13, 2004 regarding guidance to Local Workforce investment Boards on membership, certification and compliance with the Workforce Investment Act and state policies—found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 2-03 Change 1 dated October 8, 2003 regarding Commonwealth's revised Local Workforce investment Board staffing policy found on the PA workforce web site:
• Workforce Investment Information Notice 4-00 dated July 27, 2001 regarding LWIA designations in prescribed formats-found on the PA workforce web site:

Minimum Wage Advisory Board
• Analysis of the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Increases in 2009.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
• The OVR Annual Report—Sam Cost (717-772-1658)
• OVR Combined Agency State Plan Update—Sam Cost (717-787-1658)
• OVR Program Brochure—Nesta Livingston (717-783-6382)
• Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities—David Baum (717-787-5518)
• The OVR Rehabilitation Services Handbook—Nesta Livingston (717-783-6382)
• OVR Transition Pamphlet—Wendy Patterson (717-787-6695)
• Disability Management (OVR Ability Management) Nesta Livingston (717-783-6382)
• OVR—Transition From Substance Abuse to Recovery and Work (A Guide for Vocational Rehabilitation) Dana Baccanti (717-772-1656)
• Getting Your Business Ready for ADA—ADA Questions—David Baum (717-787-5518)

State Workers' Insurance Fund
• Injury Hotline Reporting Sticker
• Employee Information for reporting of Work Related Injuries
• Workers' Compensation Employee Notice
• SWIF District Office Map and Directory
• Notice of Employer W/C coverage with SWIF (English and Spanish)
• SWIF Information Pamphlet
• ''You as a Witness'' in a Workers' Comp. Proceeding
• Benefits of Early Reporting of Injuries
• State Workers' Insurance Fund ''Checklist''
• SWIF's Early Return to Work Program
• Telephonic Reporting Questionnaire
• ''21 day rule'' Reporting guideline letter
• SWIF Safety Policy and Program Outline
• Certified Safety Committee Addendum
• Governor's Initiative on Workplace Safety, Pennsafe
• Drug Free Pennsylvania Packet
• Claimant Authorization for Direct Deposit of SWIF Benefits Notice of subrogation lien against a third-party recovery under Section 319 of the Workers' Compensation Act

Bureau of Workers' Compensation
• Workers' Compensation Rate Schedules
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Independent Review Examination Physician's Listing
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• 2008 Medical Access Study Executive overview
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Claim Petition for Additional Compensation from the Subsequent Injury Fund Pursuant to Section 306.1 of the Workers' Compensation Act
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• News and Notes (A Bureau of Workers' Compensation Public Newsletter)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Employer's Guide to Workers' Compensation Insurance in Pennsylvania (A folder which includes: An Employer's Overview, A Guide to Loss Cost Multipliers, A Guide to Classification Codes and other workers' compensation information of interest to employers.)
Contact: Information Services Helpline (717-772-3702)
• Workers' Compensation and Workplace Safety Annual Report
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Report of Insurer/Self-Insured Employer Performance
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Work Injuries and Illnesses Report (Annual Statistical Publication)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Frequently Asked Questions Workers' Compensation
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Frequently Asked Questions Health Care Services Review
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Frequently Asked Questions Workplace Safety Committee Certification Program
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Office of Adjudication Petition Count
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Obtaining WC Hearing Transcripts
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Medicare Policy: Evaluation and Approval of WC Lump Sum Settlements
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Accommodation Requests
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Lawyer Referral Service Information (Web guideline)
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Appeal Forms and Their Instructions
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Compromise & Release Form
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Informal Conference Request Form
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Subpoena Form
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')
• Alternative Dispute Resolution Pamphlet
BWC Web site: (''Workers' Compensation'')

Workers' Compensation Appeals Board
(Contact: William Trusky 717-783-7838)
• LICB-25/26, Appeal From Judge's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Interpreter Law, Act 172 of 2006
(Contact: Richard Lengler 717-783-9276)
• Model Voir Dire for Qualifying a Non-Certified Sign Language Interpreter or Transliterator
• Model Voir Dire for Qualifying a Non-Certified Foreign Language Interpreter
• Suggested Oath
• Pennsylvania Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Interpreters
• Presiding Officer Checklist
• Interpreter Checklist
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Interpreter's Law Guide

Office of Unemployment Compensation Benefits

(Contact: Terri Smith 717-772-1478)
• DUA-5 Disaster Unemployment Assistance
• UC-33 UC Services, Unemployment Compensation Service Centers
• UC-98 A Quick Reference Guide for UC
• UC-98(ESP) A Quick Reference Guide for UC (Spanish)
• UC-700 UC Claims Poster (Private Employers)
• UC-700(ESP) UC Claims Poster (Spanish)
• UC-700A UC Claims Poster (State Employers)
• UC-701 UC Reduction of Benefits poster
• UC-701 ESP UC Reduction of Benefits poster (Spanish)
• UC-704 Poster Filing for Unemployment Benefits Online
• UC-704(ESP) Poster Filing for Unemployment Benefits Online (Spanish)
• UC-725 UC Bookmark (English-Spanish)
• UC-1609 How to Apply for UC benefits (State Employers)
• UC-1609P How to Apply for UC benefits (Private Employers)
• UCP-1 PA UC Handbook
• UCP-1 (ESP) PA UC Handbook (Spanish)
• UCP-8 State Unemployment Compensation and Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans
• UCP-9 Unemployment Compensation Extended Benefits (EB) Period Beginning February 2009
• UCP-9 (ESP) Unemployment Compensation Extended Benefits (EB) Period Beginning February 2009 (Spanish)
• UCP-11A Trade Act of 2004
• UCP-11A (ESP) Trade Act of 2004 (Spanish)
• UCP-11B Trade and Globilization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009
• UCP-16 UC for Reimbursable Employers
• UCP-18 UC Appeals Information
• UCP-18 (ESP)-UC Appeals Information (Spanish)
• UCP-22 RFC for Contributory Employers
• UCP-24 Support Witholding from UC
• UCP-25 Employee Unemployment Compensation Witholdings
• UCP-26 Emergency EUC Program
• UCP-26 (ESP) Emergency EUC Program (Spanish)
• UCP-36 Employers' Reference Guide to Unemployment Compensation
• UCP-37 Your Unemployment Benefit Guide
• UCP-37 Your Unemployment Benefit Guide (Spanish)
• UCP-39 UC Services for Employers
• UCP-41 UC Eligibility Issues*UCP-41 (ESP) UC Eligibility Issues (Spanish)
• UCP-42 (ES-2762) UC Employer Rights

Office of Unemployment Compensation Benefits—Discontinued Non-Regulatory Documents
• UCP-28 Services Provided by Pennsylvania Teleclaims
• UCP-11 Assistance for Workers under Trade Act of 1974
• UCP-11(ESP) Assistance for Workers under Trade Act of 1974

Office of Unemployment Compensation Tax Services
• PA-100 Pennsylvania Enterprise Registration Form and Instructions
• UCP-1: Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook
• UCP-1 (ESP): Manual De CompensaciÍlocalized'' Employment
• UCP-16: UC for Reimbursable Employers
• UCP-18: UC Appeals Information
• UCP-18 (ESP): CompensaciÍd Answers
• UCP-25: PA Employee UC Witholdings
• UCP-30: PA UC—Preparing for your UC Audit
• UCP-32: Employee or Independent Contractor?
• UCP-34: PA UC Tax Clearance Program
• UCP-35: Family Employment
• UCP-36: Employer's Reference Guide to UC
• UCP-36 (Insert): PA UC Solvency Tax Information
• UCP-38: Internet Filing of Quarterly Returns for UC (Forms UC-2/2A) and Electronic Payment of Contributions via Electronic Funds Transfer
• UCP-39: Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Services for Employers
• UCP-40: Controlling UC Costs for Contributory Employers
• UCP-41: Unemployment Compensation Eligibility Issues
• UCP-41 (ESP): Compensacion de Desempleo Puntos de Derecho
• UC Issues Update Newsletter

Unemployment Compensation Board of Review
• UC-53 Notice of Hearing
• UC-53BR Notice of Board Hearing
• UC-53C Notice of Continuance of Hearing
• UC-59 Referee's Decision/Order
• UC-59RFC Referee's Decision/Order—Relief from Charges
• UC-46 Petition for Appeal
• UC-46A Petition for Appeal
• UC-46B Petition for Appeal
• BD-58 Board Decision/Order
• BD-242 Board Order
• BD-242A Board Order
• BD-251 Board Order

Bureau of Labor Law Compliance
Contact: A. Robert Risaliti, Director (717-787-3681)
• Updated procedures for workers' protests of prevailing wage settlements
• Apprenticeship and Training Act
• Apprenticeship and Training Program Overview
• Child Labor Law
• Child Labor Complaint Form
• Application for Permit for Employment of a Minor in Theatrical and Other Performances
• Newspaper Carriers
• Equal Pay Law
• Industrial Homework Law
• Medical Fee Act
• Minimum Wage Act
• Overtime Rules in Pennsylvania
• Wage Payment and Collection Law
• Personnel File Inspection Act
• Prevailing Wage Act
• Wage Rate Submittal Form
• Seasonal Farm Labor Act
• Underground Utility Line Protection Act
• Prevailing Wage Statistics and Collections
• Labor Standards Statistics and Collections
• Prevailing Wage Rate Determination Search
• Prevailing Wage Determination Request
• Prevailing Wage Act
• Prevailing Wage Regulations
• Current Labor and Industry debarment list
• Certified Payroll Certificate
• Apprenticeship and Training Act
• Apprenticeship and Training Regulations
• Apprenticeship and Training Program Overview
• Wage Rate Submittal Form
• Prevailing Wage Complaint Form
 ◦ Electronic Online Version
 ◦ Printer Friendly (PDF Download)
 ◦ Spanish Version (PDF Download)
• Labor and Industry Road Construction Interpretation
• Definitions for 29 County Building Construction Laborers
• Definitions for 29 County Heavy, Highway Construction Laborers
• Definitions for 7 County Building Construction Operators
• Definitions for 22 County Building Construction Operators
• Definitions for 29 County Heavy Equipment Operators
• Definitions for 29 County Highway Construction Operators
• Definitions for 33 County Building Laborers
• Definitions for 33 County Heavy and Highway Laborers
• Definitions for 33 County Building Operators
• Definitions for 33 County Heavy and Highway Operators
• Definitions for 5 County Building Laborers
• Definitions for 5 County Heavy and Highway Laborers
• Definitions for 5 County Building, Heavy, Highway Operators
• Asbestos Removal—Asbestos Worker/Laborer
• Truck Driver (Building, Heavy, Highway)
• Painters (Building, Heavy, Highway)
• Mandatory Workplace Postings for Minimum Wage and Prevailing Wage
• Updated minimum wage notification
• Updated minimum wage frequently asked questions
• Updated minimum wage statement of policy
• Act 102 Prohibition of Excessive Overtime in Health Care Act Frequently Asked Questions
• Act 102 Prohibition of Excessive Overtime in Health Care Act PowerPoint
• Act 102 Prohibition of Excessive Overtime in Health Care Act Complaint Form
• Act 102 Prohibition of Excessive Overtime in Health Care Act General Overview
• Regulations Governing the Employment of Minors in Performances
• Engineering, Testing or Inspection Services

Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety
Technical International Building Code 2003 Advisories
Contact: Edward L. Leister, Director, BOIS (717-783-6304)
• Advisory on Sections 302.1.1 and 302.2—Incidental use areas and accessory use areas. Issued March 3, 2005.
• Advisory on Sections 310.1 and 310.2—Residential care facilities with 6-16 occupants. Issued April 1, 2005.
• Advisory on Section 404.8—Travel distance. Issued October 29, 2004.
• Advisory on Section 707.2—Shaft enclosure required (Exception 7). Issued March 3, 2005.
• Advisory on Section 1014.1—Exit or exit access doorways required. Issued October 29, 2004.
• Advisory on Section 1016.5—Corridor Continuity. Issued October 29, 2004.
• Advisory on Section 1019.1—Enclosures required (Exceptions 8 and 9). Issued March 3, 2005.
• Advisory on Sections 3409.3 and 3409.6 (and IEBC sections 812.5 and 506.2)—Accessibility requirements applicable to changes of group or occupancy and alterations. Issued March 3, 2005. Revised and re-issued January 8, 2007.
• Advisory ''S'' (Storage) versus ''U'' (Utility and Miscellaneous Use) classification and use. Issued June 30, 2005. Revised January 1, 2008.
• Technical International Building Code 2006 Advisories
Contact: Edward L. Leister, Director, BOIS (717-783-6304)
• Advisory on Section 310.1 and 310.2—Residential care facilities with 6-16 occupants. Issued April 1, 2005. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 404.8—Travel Distance. Issued October 29, 2004. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 707.2—Shaft enclosure required (Exception 7)-Issued March 3, 2005. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 1015.1—Exit and exit access doorways required. Issued October 29, 2004. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 1017.5—Corridor continuity. Issued October 29, 2004. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 1020.1—Enclosures required. Issued March 3, 2005. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 1020.1—Enclosures required (Exceptions 8 and 9). Issued March 3, 2005. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory on Section 1020.1.5—Discharge identification barrier. Issued January 30, 2008.
• Advisory on Sections 3409.4 and 3409.7 (and IEBC sections 912.8 and 605.2)—Accessibility requirements applicable to changes of group or occupancy and alterations. Issued March 3, 2005. Revised January 26, 2007.
• Advisory ''S'' (Storage) versus ''U'' (Utility and Miscellaneous Use) classification and use. Issued June 30, 2005. Revised January 27, 2008.
• Uniform Construction Code Advisories
Contact Jon Balson, Chief, UCC division (717-346-2729)
• Accessibility Requirements in Certain Townhouses. Revised June 8, 2007.
• Accessibility Requirements When Adding Non-Grade Level Floors. Revised June 28, 2007
• Building Code Official (BCO) Certification. Revised November 14, 2007.
• Certain Electrical Requirements with an Effective Date of 1/1/08.
• Ground Snow Loads. Revised June 28, 2007.
• Health Care Facilities Act
• Measuring Kitchen Base Cabinets for an ''Obstructed High Side Reach''
• Manufactured Housing
• Manufactured Housing and Sprinkler Requirements
• Public Pools and Accessibility
• Recreational Cabin Exclusion
• Residential Care Facilities. Revised on January 1, 2010.
• Residential Sprinkler Installation
• Sprinkler System Shop Drawings
• ''State-Owned Buildings''
• Temporary Certificates of Occupancy and Accessibility
• Temporary Structures. Revised on March 31, 2008.
• Utility Service Connections
• Vending and Lottery Machine Reach Ranges

Contact: Thomas J. Ward, Director, (717-783-2071)
Right to Know Publications:
• PSF-4 Employee Workplace Notice
• PSF-5 What It's All About: PA Worker & Community RTK Act
• PSF-7 Employer Right to Know Information Packet— Hazardous Substance Survey Form (booklet)
• PSF-8 Compliance Materials for Public Sector Employers Hazardous Substance Survey Form (booklet)
• PSF-9 Occupational Exposure to Lead
• PSF-13 You Have a RTK: Public Sector Employees
• PSF-22 Environmental Hazardous survey Form
• PSF-23 Compliance Checklist for Public Sector Employers
• PSF-25 You Have A RTK About Hazardous Chemicals In Your Community
• PSF-28 Safety First (Tri-fold)
• PSF-29 RTK Request for Information/Complaint Form
• PSF-30 RTK After The Inspection: What Happens Next?
• PSF-31 RTK Training Program For Public Sector Employers (Leaders Guide)
• PSF-32 RTK Training Workbook For Public Sector Employees
• PSF-33 RTK Steps to Processing an Inquiry
• PSF-34 RTK Training Guidelines for Public Sector Employers Workplace Safety Publications:
• PSF-11 WSC Technical Assistance Manual
• PSF-16A WSC Course Evaluation Form
• PSF-37-1 Safety Committee Training: Module 1 Safety Committee Dynamics
• PSF-37-2 Safety Committee Training: Module 2 Hazard Identification
• PSF-37-3 Safety Committee Training: Module 3 Accident Investigation
• PSF-37-4 Safety Committee Training: Module 4 Additional Resources, Certified Safety Committee Resources
• Guidance Manual PennSafe web site: www.dli. (Keywords: PATTS,HSSF)
• SARA Title III and PA ACT 165: PATTS Online Tier II Chemical Inventory Reporting Requirements and Fee




• ADA Policy Statement
• HIV/AIDS Policy
• Sexual Harassment Policy
• Substance Abuse in the Workplace Policy
• Workplace Violence Policy
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• Equal Opportunity Statement
 ◦ Contact: Kristi Smith (717) 861-8796
• Operation of Clubs within National Guard Facilities
• Privately Owned Weapons on National Guard Facilities
• Smoking Policy
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• Public Affairs Airlift Policy
 ◦ Contact: Colonel Latchford (717) 861-8825 Army
 ◦ Joe Black (717) 861-8675 Air
 ◦ Lt Col Cleaver (717) 861-8468
• Military Aircraft Flyovers
 ◦ Contact: Colonel Latchford (717) 861-8825 Army
 ◦ Joe Black (717) 861-8675 Air
• Use of Military Equipment for Civilian Organizations
 ◦ John Maietta (717)-861-8648
• Recreational Access to Fort Indiantown Gap
 ◦ Joe Hovis (717)-861-2806
• Resident Abuse Policy and Procedures
• Staff/Resident Fraternization Policy, Veterans' Homes
• Handbook of Accounting Manual for State Veterans' Homes
• HIPAA Policies and Forms for State Veterans' Homes
• Scotland School for Veterans' Children Administrative Procedures and Policy Memoranda, including Student Disciplinary and Discharge Process
 ◦ Contact: Cecil Hengeveld (717) 861-8903
• Standard Operating Procedure for Armory Rentals
• Policy for State-Owned Family Housing and Conestoga Mobile Home Court
 ◦ Contact: Duke Munford (717) 861-8580

• Adherence to Work Hours/Wear of Military Uniform
• Bomb Threat Plan—DMVA contains classified information
• Curtailment of Activities at FTIG Due to Inclement Weather
• Discipline Manual
• Photo ID Cards for State Civilian Employees at FTIG
• Political Activity
• Reporting Procedures for Workplace Violence
• Retired Guardsmen Involvement
• Notification of VIP Visits for FTIG and DMVA Organizations
• Overtime/Compensatory Leave Policy
• Work Schedule
• Pennsylvania National Guard Military Regulations and Directives (PMR/PaANGR)
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• Discrimination Complaint Process
 ◦ Contact: Kristi Smith (717) 861-8796
• Employee Orientation Checklist
• Review of Procedures for Responding to PHRC/EEOC Complaints
• Sexual Harassment: Your rights and responsibilities
• DMVA Work Rules/Standards of Conduct
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• IT Policies and Procedures
 ◦ Contact: James Nelson (717) 861-8639

• Military Family Relief Assistance Program Guidelines
 ◦ Contact: Mrs. Patrice Jacoby (717) 861-8268
• Personnel Manual
• DMVA Guide to Classification
• Employee Handbook
• Guide to Managing the Official Personnel Folder
• Leave Manual for the DMVA
• Employee Safety Handbook
• DMVA Guide for Controlling Sick Leave Abuse and Time and Attendance Problems
• PA Worker and Community Right to Know Training Booklet
• Partial and Full-Day Closings for State Employees at Ft. Indiantown Gap
• Training Guidelines Manual
• Work-Related Disability Leave and Modified Light Duty Manual
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• Equal Opportunity Plan
• Contract Compliance Plan for DMVA
• DMVA Workforce Profile
• Training Plan and Report
 ◦ Contact: Kristi Smith (717) 861-8796
• Organizational and Functional Statement for the DMVA
• Index of Administrative Publications (contains classified information) Pamphlet 310
• Military Publications Index of Blank Forms (contains classified information) Pamphlet 25-32
 ◦ Contact: Jeff Thomas (717) 861-8849
• Patient Care Policy Manual, Veterans' Homes
• State Home Construction Grant Program
• Veterans Administration Guidelines for State Veterans' Homes
 ◦ Contact: Cecil Hengeveld (717) 861-8903
• Adjutant General's Biennial Report
 ◦ Contact: Lt Col Cleaver (717) 861-8468
• Directory of Agencies Providing Information to Veterans
• PA Veterans' Memorial
• Telephone Directory for Veterans Organizations
• Scotland School's Admission Packet
 ◦ Contact: Cecil Hengeveld (717) 861-8903
• Digest and Explanation—Act 22 of 2006: Pennsylvania Merchant Marine World War II Veterans Bonus Act.
 ◦ Contact: David Heiland (717) 861-2856


Publications available through the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole
Parolee Manual
Parolee Manual (Spanish Version)
Parole 101 (2009)
Towards Safer Communities (2010)
The Release Plan: For Inmates and Families
Contact: Sherry Tate (717) 787-6208


Office of Criminal Justice System Improvements
• U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, ''Byrne Formula Grant Program Guidance''
• U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Fact Sheets
• Minimum Standards for Criminal Justice Advisory Boards (CJABs)
• 2009/2010 School Resource Officer Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 County Criminal Justice Advisory Board Initiatives Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 County Intermediate Punishment (IP) Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 Drug and Alcohol/Restrictive Intermediate Punishment (D&A/RIP) Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 NCHIP Funding Announcement
• 2010 Paul Coverdell National Forensic Science Improvement Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 Project Safe Neighborhood-Western District Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Funding Announcement
• 2009/2010 Substance Abuse Education and Demand Reduction Fund (SAEDRF) Funding Announcement
• 2010 Regional Policing Funding Announcement
• 2010 Under 10K Better Automation and Sharing by Law Enforcement Funding Announcement
• 2010 Mental Health Courts Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Under 10K, Law Enforcement, Technology and Equipment Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Justice Practitioner Job Creation and Retention Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Technology Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Reentry Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Alternatives to Incarceration Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Problem Solving Courts Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Adult Probation Officers and Common Pleas Court Personnel Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Local Law Enforcement Hiring/Overtime Initiatives Funding Announcement
• 2010 (ARRA) Statewide Forensic Peer Support Funding Announcement

Bureau of Training Services
• Constables' Training Bulletins, August 1994 to present
• Deputy Sheriffs' Training Bulletins, April 1990 to present
• Criteria for instructors as listed on constables' certification application
• Constables' Education and Training Board (CETB) instructor information produced solely for contractor schools.—Updated (NOV 07) and adopted by the CETB as an official policy
• CETB/PCCD policy on Act 233 payments
• Code of Conduct for deputy sheriffs training, distributed by training contractor to trainees in each basic training and waiver class
• Deputy Sheriffs' Education and Training Board (DSETB) Policy, approved December 2005
• DSETB instructor criteria
• DSETB Physical Training Standards

Office of Financial Management and Administration
• PCCD Applicant's Manual on PCCD web site, revised April 2010
• U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of the Comptroller, Financial Guide
• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor's Office, Management Directive 305.20, Grant Administration
• Funding guidelines disseminated as needed by various divisions
• PCCD Grant Procedures Manual, June 2001
• External Quick Start Guides for Egrants
• PCCD Egrants Help Center Documents
• PCCD Policy for Addressing Complaints Regarding Inherently Religious Activities
• Memo from the Federal Office of Management and Budget regarding ACORN
• Agreement Addendum for Implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
• ARRA Special Conditions for JAG
• Certification as to Recovery Act Funding/Reporting Requirements (JAG)
• ARRA Special Conditions for VOCA
• Certification as to Recovery Act Funding/Reporting Requirements (VOCA)
• STOP Recovery Act Implementation Plan
• ARRA Special Conditions for STOP
• Certification as to Recovery Act Funding/Reporting Requirements (STOP)
• Certification of Compliance with Statutory Eligibility Requirements of VAWA
• Revised Standard Subgrant Conditions

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Funding announcements that provide guidelines and requirements for applicants:
• Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG), October 2009
• Evidence-Based Programs Initiative May 2010
• Competency Development, March 2010
• ARRA Day/Evening Reporting Centers April 2010
• Evidence-based Programs, May 2010
• ARRA Juvenile Prosecution/Defense Capacity Building July 2009

Office of Victims' Services

Victims Compensation
• Victims Compensation Claim Form. (Standard) (Updated 12/09)
• Victims Compensation Claim Form. (One Page) (Updated 6/10)
• Spanish Signature Page
• Financial Assistance for Victims of Crime pamphlet (English, Spanish and Braille). (Updated 3/09)
• Compensation Resource Guide for Victim Service and Allied Professionals brochure (English and Spanish). (Updated 1/10)
• Rights and Services Available to Victims of Crime in PA—Notification Booklet (revised—9/08)
• Victim Advocate Manual—rewritten 2010 and merged with Standard Operating Guidelines)
• Victims Compensation Assistance Program Standard Operating Guidelines. (merged with Victim Advocate Manual)
• Annual Report for FY 2007/08
• Compensation Fact Sheet—Information for Law Enforcement
• Compensation Instruction Sheets: Counseling Claims; Crime-Scene Cleanup Claims; Death Claims and Funeral Expenses; Loss of Earnings Claims; Loss of Support Claims; Motor Vehicle Related Claims; Personal Injury Claims; Relocation Expense Claims; and Stolen Benefit Cash Claims
• Compensation Update Sheets, 9/06, 11/06, 2 documents 1/07
• DAVE Brochure for online access of compensation claims, updated 10/07
• Brochure of victim resources/materials request form, current 2007
• Restitution/Compensation Brochure (new 5/08)
• Stolen Benefit Cash Claim form (updated 5/07)
• Vehicular Claim Addendum Form (updated 3/07)
• Large Print VCAP Short form (updated 4/06)
• VCAP Survey Comment Cards (Updated 11/09)
• Emergency Compensation Award Application
• Forensic Rape Examination Claim Form (updated 11/07)
• Protocols and Billing Procedures for Forensic Rape Examinations
• Handout Pads (English and Spanish) and Braille (updated 12/07)
• Law Enforcement Poster (updated 7/05)
• Public Awareness Posters

Victims Services
• Local Policy Board Requirements, revised June 2009
• STOP Violence Against Women Funding Announcement, 2010-2012
• ARRA STOP Violence Against Women Funding Announcement 2010-2011
• Rights and Services Act (RASA) Funding Announcement, revised June 2006
• VOJO Funding Announcement, 2009-2010
• ARRA JAG VOJO Victims of Juvenile Offenders Funding Announcemnt
• VOCA Funding Announcement, 2009-2011
• VOCA Funding Guideline Amendment: Mass Violence, 2000
• Project STRONG Funding Announcement 2010
• Consolidated Victim Service Program Standards, effective 2009
• ARRA Training for Direct Victim Services and Allied Professionals Funding Announcement, 2010
• Elder Victim Advocates Funding Announcement, 2010
• Address Confidentiality Program Funding Announcement 2009
• ARRA STOP Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training Funding Announcement
• ARRA STOP Virtual Training Academy Project Funding Announcement
• ARRA Victims of Crime Act Funding Announcement 2009-2011
• ARRA STOP Prosecution of Sexual Assault Forensic Support Project Funding Announcement
• Certification of Victim Advocates Funding Announcement 2010
• Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Funding Announcement 2010-2011
• STOP Violence Against Women Judicial Grant Funding Announcement 2010-2011
• Training and Technical Assistance Initiative Funding Announcement 2010
• STOP PCAR/PCADV Training and Technical Assistance Initiative Funding Announcement 2010-2012

Pennsylvania Weed and Seed Program
• 2010/2011 Technical Assistance and Training Supporting Funding Announcement
• 2010/2011 ARRA Weed and Seed Funding Announcement
• 2010/2011 JAG Weed and Seed Funding Announcement
• 2006 Operations Manual

Office of Research Evaluation and Strategic Planning (formerly Center for Research, Evaluation and Statistical Analysis.
No Non-Regulatory documents to report



Rental Housing Program 12 Pa. Code, Sections 31.11—31.25 Contact: Holly Glauser-Abel (717.780.3876)
Owner-Occupied Residential Housing Program 12 Pa. Code, Sections 31.101—31.105 Contact: Kate Newton (717.780.3891)
Mortgage Loan Program 12 Pa. Code, Sections 31.111—31.117 Contact: Kate Newton (717.780.3891)
Policy Statement on Homeowners' Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (including Program Guidelines,
Act 91 Notice, and list of counseling agencies) 12 Pa. Code, Section 31.201 et seq. Contact: Daryl Rotz (717.780.3940)
Privacy Policy
Contact: Tony Julian (717.780.3824)


Development Division
PHFA Multifamily Housing Application and Guidelines (contains PennHOMES, Taxable and Tax-Exempt Financing and Low Income Housing Tax Credit Guidelines)
PHFA Preprocessing Manual for Projects with Agency Federal HOME Funds

PHFA Preprocessing Manual for Projects with Agency Reserve Funds
Contact: Lisa Lutz (717.780.3876)

Technical Services Division
Architectural Submission Guide
Submission Guide for Small Projects
PHFA Preconstruction Meeting Guide
General Payout Procedures for Mortgagors and Contractors
Contact: Kristy Provost (717.780.1846)

Housing Management Division
PHFA Property Operations Manual
PHFA Section 8 Non-Performance Based Property Operations Manual
PHFA Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance Manual
Contact: Barbara Huntsinger (717.780.3818)

PHFA Financial Reporting Manual for Agency Finance Properties and Tax Credit Only Properties (No Agency Financing)
Contact: Kathy Hughes (717.780.3819)

Housing Services Department
Senior Supportive Services Program Manual with PennHOMES/Low Income Tax Credit Requirements
Supportive Services Program Manual with Section 8 Requirements
Family Supportive Services Program Manual with PennHOMES/Low Income Tax Credit Requirements
Family Supportive Services Program Manual with Philadelphia Family Resource Center Initiative Requirements
Family Supportive Services Program Manual with Pennsylvania Family Resource Center Program Requirements
Family Supportive Services Program Manual with Philadelphia Escrow/Waiver Requirements
Quick Connections (supportive services newsletter)
Contact: Crystal Baker (717.780.1808)

Single Family Housing Division
PHFA Seller's Guide
HOMESTEAD Program Guidelines
Contact: Kate Newton (717.780.3891)
Individual On-Lot Sewage Disposal System Loan Program Guidelines
Contact: Gary Zimmerman (717.780.1899)


Homeowners' Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program Policies and Procedures
Contact: Daryl Rotz (717.780.3940)
PHFA Board Agenda, Minutes and Resolutions
Bylaws of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
PHFA Right To Know Act Policy
Contact: Carrie Barnes (717.780.3911)
PHFA Employee Manual
Contact: Susan Heilig (717.780.4335)


Anti-Predatory Lending
Anti-Predatory Lending Workbook
Anti-Predatory Lending and Foreclosure Prevention Presentation—CD-Rom
Anti-Predatory Lending and Foreclosure Prevention—Trainer's Guide
Contact: Andrea Cunningham (717.780.3839)
PHFA Annual Report
Pennsylvania Housing Study (available only on web site at
PHFA Homebuyer Workbook
Doable Renewable Home (Accessibility Workbook)
Report on the Economic Benefits of Affordable Housing Development in Pennsylvania
Report on the Use of Act 137—Implementation of Pennsylvania's County Housing Trust Fund Legislation
Answers to Common Questions about the Homeowners' Emergency Mortgage Assistance Loan Program (fact sheet)
Employer Assisted Housing Initiative (EAH)—Handout
Contact: Paula Brightbill (717.780.3915)

PHFA Brochures
Keystone Home Loan Program (English and Spanish)
Keystone Home Loan PLUS Program (English and Spanish)
Homeownership Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Homeowners' Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (English and Spanish)
Homebuyer Tips (English and Spanish)
Housing Services
PennHOMES Multifamily Rental Development Funding Program
Business Opportunities with the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
Tax Credit Program
Mortgage Programs Guide
Visitability in PA
Renovate and Repair Loan Program (R&R)
Comprehensive Homeownership Counseling Initiative
Don't Get Hooked by Predatory Lending
Mortgage Refinance Opportunities, the REAL Program, the HERO Program
Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) Initiative
Contact: Paula Brightbill (717.780.3915)

 Additional information is available on PHFA's web site ( from time to time (including funding notices, Requests for Proposals, and news and public notices)


• PENNVEST: Financing Clean Water for Pennsylvania, 2008
• On-Lot Sewage Disposal System for the Individual Homeowner Funding Program, 2009
• General Information Brochure 2008
• PENNVEST Annual Report, 2008-2009
• Liquid Assets/Newsletter
• Brownfield Redevelopment Guidelines and Forms
• Handbook for PENNVEST Waste Water Projects
• Handbook for PENNVEST Drinking Water Projects
• PENNVEST Nutrient Credit Clearinghouse Rulebook
 • Mission
 • Publications
  ◦ Growing Greener Notification
  ◦ On Lot Sewage Disposal System Funding Program Brochure
  ◦ PENNVEST General Information Brochure
 • Webcasts
  ◦ Buy America Webcasts—Substantially Made in America
  ◦ Reserve Webinar
  ◦ How to: Funds Disbursement
  ◦ PENNVEST New Application
  ◦ How to Implement: DBE Requirement
  ◦ How to Implement: Davis Bacon Requirement
 • Regulations
  ◦ State Regulations for PENNVEST Guidelines
  ◦ State Regulations for PENNVEST Funded Projects
 • Finanical Assistance
  • Available Funding
   ◦ Drinking Water, Wastewater and Storm water Loans and Non-Point Source Financing
   ◦ On-Lot Sewage Disposal Loans
   ◦ Brownfield Redevelopment Loans
   ◦ Growing Greener Grants
   ◦ ARRA
 • Subsidy Calculator
 • Financial Assistance Simulator (FAS)
 • County Cap Rate
 • FAQs
• Documents and Forms
 • Process Guidelines and Flowcharts
 • Application Planning Documents
 • Legal Conditions and Guidance
 • Brownfield Development Loans
 • ARRA Requirements
• Programs
 • Approved Projects
 • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
 • Clean Water State Revolving Fund
 • Commonwealth Funding
 • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 Funding
 • Green Initiatives
 • Non-Point Source
 • Performance Measures
• Loan Servicing
 • Payment Tracking
 • Continuing Education
 • Annual Financial Reporting
Contact: Lou Ann Buffington (717) 787-8138.

Public Procedure:
• PENNVEST Right to Know Policy
Contact: Kathlyn Domitrovich (717) 783-4493.

Internet Policy:
• PENNVEST Privacy Policy
• PENNVEST Site Security
Contact: Laura A. Lewis (717) 783-4491.


Public School Employees' Retirement System


• Paying of Benefits when PSERS has been Notified of Pending or Completed Divorce Action
• Purchase of Service Waiving of Payroll Deductions
• Paying Death Benefits when Ex-Spouse is Last Named Beneficiary
• Maternity Leave of Absence
• Elimination of Frozen Present Value
• Crediting Service For Lockouts
• Method of Payment For Purchase of Service
• Inactive Interest
• Employment and Income Restrictions for Disability Annuitants
• Multiple Service Election
• Leaving Service Before Age 62 With Less Than Ten Years of Service
• Converting Hours to Days
• Crediting Purchases of Service during a Non-Qualifying Year
• Definition of ''School Year''
• Rate of Contribution
• Paying Death Benefits and Collecting Overpayments from Deceased Members' Accounts
• Activated Military Leave (Approved Military Leave of Absence)
• Paying Death Benefits and Collecting Overpayments from Deceased Members' Accounts
• Cadet Nurse Service
• Birthday Rule for Determining Eligibility for Retirement Benefits
• Designation of Primary and Contingent Alternate Payees in an Approved Domestic Relations Order
• Processing Faxed Documents
• Purchase of Service Payment Plan
• Worker's Compensation Offset Under Act 57
• Multiple Service Purchases—Payment Plans
Contact: Evelyn Tatkovski (717) 720-4734


• PSERS Active Member Handbook (Current Ed. 4/2007)
• PSERS Retired Member Handbook (Current Ed. 5/2007)
• PSERS Update—Annually (January)
• PSERS Pamphlets:
 Let's Talk About: Leaving PSERS and Your Employ ment Benefits (5/2007)
 Let's Talk About: Taxes on Your Retirement Benefits  (02/2009)
 Let's Talk About: Disability Retirement Benefits
 Let's Talk About: Being Retired (02/2009)
 Let's Talk About: Your Retirement Benefit and Divorce  (6/2007)
 Let's Talk About: Death Benefits During Employment  (11/2003)
 Let's Talk About: Death Benefits During Retirement  (4/2001)
 Let's Talk About: Purchasing Credit for Service
 Let's Talk About: Returning To Service After Retire ment (07/2008)
• Sample Domestic Relations Order and Instruction Memo
• PSERS Retirement Chalkboard (Active Members Newsletter)
• PSERS Benefits Hotline (Retired Members Newsletter)
• The Employer Bulletin
• PSERS Employer Reference Manual
Contact: Evelyn Tatkovski (717) 720-4734


• PSERS Board of Trustees Adjudications Topics:
Accelerated Option
Act 1991-23 (''Mellow Bill'')
Beneficiary Change
Change Employment Status
Change of Option
Change Retirement Date
Class T-D Election
Cost of Living Increase
Credited Years of Service
Death Benefit
Effective Date of Retirement
Emergency Return To Service
Final Average Salary
Frozen Present Value
Forced Maternity Leave
Full-Year Service
Health Care Premium Assistance
Mandatory Membership
Membership Eligibility
Merchant Marine
Military Service (purchase of)
Multiple Service Credit
Non Qualifying Part-Time Service
Payment of Interest
Pension Forfeiture
Purchase of Service
Recalculation of Benefit
Retirement-Covered Compensation
Return To Public School Service
Service Adjustment
Tax Collector
Contact: Evelyn Tatkovski (717) 720-4734


• PSERS Board Automation Policy
• PSERS Bylaws
• PSERS Election Procedures and Guidelines
• PSERS Public Market Emerging Investment Manager Program Policy
• PSERS External Board Appointment and Attendance Policy
• PSERS Domestic Proxy Voting Guidelines
• PSERS International Proxy Voting Guidelines
• PSERS Investment Policy Guidelines
• PSERS Public Information Policy
• PSERS Securities Litigation Policy
• PSERS Travel and Education Policy
Contact: Evelyn Tatkovski (717) 720-4734


• PSERS Web site:
• PSERS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Includes Mission Statement)
• PSERS Board Minutes and Resolutions
• PSERS Asset Allocation Plan
• Actuarial Report (annual and 5 year)
• Actuarial Tables and Computational Procedures, Pa. Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 14, pp. 1930-1945, April 7, 2001
• Health Options Program Enrollment Package
Contact: Evelyn Tatkovski (717) 720-4734


Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System

POLICY STATEMENTS (Contact: James B. Allen) (717) 787-2065:

• Actuarial Tables
• Allocation of Excess Interest to Municipal Account, Member's Accounts, and Retired
• Business and Educational Travel Policy
• Calculation of Withdrawing Plan's Portion of Retired Member's Reserve
• Contractor Insurance
• Contract and Purchasing Procedures
• Designating Signatories
• Disability Reserve Funding
• Excess Interest Process
• Indemnification Policy
• Investment Guidelines
• Member Contribution Receipts
• Overpayment Policy
• Permanent Employee
• Plan Withdrawal Procedures
• Portability: Individual Member
• Portability: Plan Spin-offs
• Proxy Voting Guidelines
• Return to Work Policy Statement
• Right To Know Policy

GUIDANCE MANUALS (Contact: James B. Allen) (717) 787-2065

• PMRS Notes and News
• PMRS Pamphlets:
Plan Benefit Summary (individualized for each municipality)
 Evaluating Your Pension Plan
 Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
• Individual Municipality Plan Benefit Agreements
• PMRS Web Site:

(Contact: James B. Allen) (717) 787-2065

• PMRS Board of Trustees Adjudications Topics:
Death Benefit
Pension Forfeitures
Purchase of Service

(Contact: James B. Allen) (717) 787-2065

• Actuarial Reports (Annual Evaluation and 5 year Experience Study Report)
• Actuarial Tables
• Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
• Investment Consultant Quarterly Reports
• PMRS Board Minutes and Resolutions
• Sample Domestic Relations Order and Instruction Memo

[Continued on next Web Page]

No part of the information on this site may be reproduced for profit or sold for profit.

This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Bulletin full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.