Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 13-1741d

[43 Pa.B. 4437]
[Saturday, August 3, 2013]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

• Provider Handbook 01—Physician
• Provider Handbook 03—Dentist
• Provider Handbook 04—Podiatrist
• Provider Handbook 05—Medical Supplier
• Provider Handbook 06/08—Short Procedure Unit/Ambulatory Surgical Center
• Provider Handbook 07—Chiropractor
• Provider Handbook 09—Birth Centers
• Provider Handbook 10-I—Independent Medical/Surgical Clinic
• Provider Handbook 11-I—Inpatient Hospital (Encompasses provider types General Hospital, Rehabilitation Hospital, Private Mental Hospital, State Mental Hospital and Extended Acute Psychiatric Care
• Provider Handbook ll-O—Outpatient Hospital (Encompasses provider types General Hospital, and Rehabilitation Hospital
• Provider Handbook 15—Optometrist
• Provider Handbook 16—Independent Laboratory
• Provider Handbook 18—Ambulance Company
• Provider Handbook 19—Pharmacy
• Provider Handbook 20—Portable X-Ray Provider
• Provider Handbook 21—Renal Dialysis Center
• Provider Handbook 22—Funeral Director
• Provider Handbook 23—Home Health Agency
• Provider Handbook 26—Rural Health Clinic
• Provider Handbook 28—Drug and Alcohol Clinic
• Provider Handbook 29—Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic
• Provider Handbook 30—Family Planning Clinic
• Provider Handbook 31—Midwives
• Provider Handbook 33—Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Facility
• Provider Handbook 36-L—Nursing Facility Services only applies to County Nursing Facilities and Private Nursing Facilities. Nursing facility case mix regulations implemented in 1996 (Pa. Code Chapter 1187) do not encompass provider types State Mental Retardation Center, Private ICF/MR, or State Restoration Center (update effective 04/09)
• Provider Handbook 37—Hospice
• Provider Handbook 41—Psychologist
• Provider Handbook 42—Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
• Provider Handbook 43—Physical Therapist
• Provider Handbook 44—Certified RN Anesthetist
• Provider Handbook 49—Certified RN Practitioner
• Provider Handbook 50—Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Provider (update effective 12/24/08)
• Provider Handbook 54—Nutritionist
• Provider Handbook 55—PA Department of Aging (PDA) Waiver
• Provider Handbook 59—COMMCARE Waiver (update effective 09/22/08)
• Medical Assistance Transportation Program—Instructions and Requirements (Note: Revised/Reissued Annually)

Office of Long Term Living—Contact: Elaine Smith (717) 346-9168

Year Code
Subject Date
2013 CH 52 Providing for Absence Policies in the Enhanced Adult Daily Living Centers 03/22/13 03-13-03
CH 52 Billing Instructions-Home and Community Based Waiver Provider's Billing of Procedure Codes Based on Authorized Service Plans through PROMISeTM 02/07/13 05-13-02
CH 52 OLTL Enrollment Fee Increase 01/26/13
CH 52 OLTL Service Coordination Rate Increase 01-26-13
CH 52 Maintaining Waiver Eligibility While in an Institution 01/24/13 05-13-01
2012 CH 52 Procedures and Timeframes Related to Performance of Level of Care Assessments and Independent Enrollment Broker Responsibilities (This bulletin supersedes and replaces 55-12-02) 12/31/12 55-12-03
CH 52 Procedures and Timeframes Related to Performance of Level of Care Assessments and Independent Enrollment Broker Responsibilities (Superseded by 55-12-03) 11/21/12 55-12-02
CH. 1187 Nursing Facility Participation Review Process and Guidelines-statement of policy 06/30/12 42 Pa.B. 3748
CH 52 Billing Instructions-Home and Community Based Waiver Provider's Billing of Procedure Codes 5 Based on Authorized Service Plans through PROMISe 06/05/12 05-12-01
CH 52 Procedures and Timeframes Related to Performance of Level of Care Assessments and Independent Enrollment Broker Responsibilities (Superseded by 55-12-03) 11/21/2012 55-12-02
CH 52 OLTL Service Coordination Rate in Effect 07/14/12
CH 52 OLTL Rate for Enrollment 06/30/12
CH 52 OLTL Fee Schedule Rates established 06/09/12
2011 Critical Incident Management Policy for Office of Long Term Living Home and Community Based Services Programs 10-14-11 05-11-06
2011 Accessibility Adaptations and Assistive Technology 10/11/11 05-11-07
2011 Community Integration Changes provided in 09/29/11 05-11-05
2011 Program Fraud & Financial Abuse in Office Of Long Term Living MA Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Programs08/08/11 05-11-04
2011 Revised Pennsylvania Preadmission Screening Resident Review Evaluation (PA-PASRR-EV) Form (MA 376.2) 7/06/11 01-11-02
2011 Recession of OLTL Bulletin 05-10-07, 51-10-07. 52-10-07, 5-10-075, 59-10-07 06/30/11 05-11-03
2011 Billing Procedure Codes for Fiscal/Employer Agents (F/EAs)01/21/11 54-11-01
2010 Financial Management Services Rate 12/23/10 05-10-09
Office of Long Term Living Home and Community Based Program Policy Clarification Update (Omnibus Bulletin)12/23/10 05-10-08
Individual Service Plan Development, Review and Implementation Procedures For OLTL Home and Community Based Services10/20/10 05-10-06
Nursing Home Transition Outreach Form 10/08/10 05-10-05
Department of Aging/Office of Long Term Living Home and Community Based Services program Policy Clarifications07/06/10 05-10-04
Fiscal/Employer Agency Standards 06/01/10 54-10-03
Standards and Reimbursement Rates for the Enhanced Older Adult Daily Living Center Program for Medicaid Aging Waiver Participants 04/20/10 03-10-02
Incident Management Policy for Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) Home and Community Based Services Programs 04/09/10 05-10-01
Electronic Submission of the Cost Report (MA-11) Form for Reporting Periods Ending 12/31/09 and Thereafter 12/22/10 03-10-01
2009 Statewide Waiting List Protocols for Office Of Long Term Living Medicaid Waivers And the Act 150 Attendant Care Program11/25/09 05-09-01
Provider Rates for Services Funded Through The OBRA, Independence and COMMCARE Waivers06/25/09 05-09-02
Revised Pennsylvania Preadmission Screening And Resident Review Identification Form (MA 376) 02/08/09 01-09-01
2007 Nursing Facility Documentation Requirements For Movable Equipment that is Rented or Leased 12/07/07 03-07-10


Bureau of Home and Community Based Services
• AIDS Medicaid Waiver #192
• Aging Medicaid Waiver #279
• Attendant Care Waiver #277
• COMMCARE Waiver #0386
• OBRA Medicaid Waiver #0235
• Independence Medicaid Waiver #0319

Nursing Facility
• Interpretive Guidelines—interpretations of the 1187 Nursing Facility regulations used during audits of the MA-11 Cost Reports

Office of Children, Youth & Families—Contact: Cathy Utz (717) 705-2912


Year Code
Subject Date
1980 Ch. 3140 Funding of Basic Ed. Components of Private Day Treatment Center Programs 10/29/80 99-80-22
1982 Ch. 3130 Notice of Right to Appeal for Spanish-Speaking Clients 12/30/82 3130-82-01
1983 Ch. 3130 Clarification of the Definition of ''Accept for Service'' 02/04/83 3130-83-03
Ch. 3700 Waiver for Foster Family Homes by Foster Family Care Agencies 02/04/83 3700-83-01
Ch. 3130 Clarification of County C & Y Agency Requirements with Respect to Fee Setting 02/04/83 3130-83-04
Ch. 3130 Clarif. on Caseworker-to-Family Case Load Ratio & Case Management Functions 02/04/83 3130-83-07
Ch. 3140 Clarif. of Adoption Asst. to Relatives in Adoption Cases 05/02/83 3140-83-07
Ch. 3140 3130.64(b)(2), 3130.67(9), 3140.131(7), 3700.35(b)(1) 3140-83-13 Reimbursement to Parents for the 3700-83-03 Cost of Child Visits 08/15/83 3130-83-11
1984 Ch. 3001 Transmittal of Interdpt. Memo. on Nonimmunized Students Excluded from Attending School 07/08/84 99-84-13
Ch. 3490 Release of Child Abuse Info. to the Media 08/15/84 99-84-20
Ch. 3130 Interstate Compact on Juveniles 09/30/85 99-85-27
Ch. 3490 Providing Copies of Child Abuse Reports to Subjects 11/20/85 99-85-28
1986 Ch. 3490 Law Enforcement Officials as Perpetrators of Suspected Child Abuse 07/15/86 3490-86-04
Ch. 3490 Policy Clarifications Regarding Child Protective Services Law and Regulations as Related to Act 33 04/01/86 3490-86-02
Ch. 3490 Policy Clarifications Regarding Child Protective Services Law and Regulations as Related to Act 33—Part II 06/16/86 3490-86-05
Ch. 3490 Policy Clarifications Regarding Child Protective Services Law and Regulations as Related to Act 33—Part III 11/01/86 3490-86-08
1987 Ch. 3490 Implementation of Child Protective Service Policies Relating to Alleged Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants 05/01/87 3490-87-01
Ch. 3490 Sharing Child Abuse Info Among DPW Offices 09/01/87 3490-87-03
Ch. 3490 Policy Clarification of the Child Protective Services Law and Regulations 06/01/87 3490-87-02
Ch. 3140 Personal Incident Costs 10/01/87 3140-87-05
Ch. 3140 OCYF Financial Participation in Costs of County Human Service Departments 08/31/87 3140-87-02
1988 Special Medical Assistance—Healthy Beginnings—for Pregnant Women and Qualified Children 11/02/88 99-88-08
Ch. 3490 Screening Student Interns 05/88 3490-88-01
1989 Ch. 3350 Adoption Record Disclosure 07/01/89 3350-89-01
1991 Ch. 3130 Regulatory Interpretation Guidelines for Revisions to Chapter 3130 09/20/91 3130-91-03
1992 Ch. 3140 Title XX Invoicing Procedures for the Youth Development Centers and Youth Forestry Camps (YDCs/YFCs) 09/25/92 99-92-02
1994 Site Visits and Access to Records by PA Protection and Advocacy, Inc. 08/22/94 00-94-19
1995 Ch. 3490 Amendments to the Child Protective Services Law that Become Effective July 1, 1995 09/05 3490-95-02
1996 Ch. 3490 Certification and Training for Children and Youth Workers 06/20/96 3490-96-03
00 Update of Policies and Procedures for Juveniles in Detention 04/30/96 00-96-03
00 Surveying and Evaluating Child Welfare Agencies Implementation and Compliance with MEPA 08/15/96 00-96-06
1997 Ch. 3140 Availability of Federal Financial Participation For Profit Residential Child Care Facilities 01/17/97 3140-97-02
Access to Pennsylvania State Police Records 10/01/97 00-97-09
Priority Placement Request Procedures for the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children 12/01/97 00-97-12
1998 Ch. 3140 MEPA 1994—Small Business 02/07/98 3140-98-03
1997 Association of Juvenile Compact Administrators Rules and Regulations Amended Travel Permit 06/01/98 00-98-06
1999 Ch. 3140 Adoption Assistance Questions and Answers 03/17/99 3140-99-01
Ch. 3490 Drug Convictions Prohibiting Hiring and Approving Foster/Adoptive Parent Applications 02/03/99 3490-99-01
Ch. 3490 Implementation of Revisions to the Child Protective Services Law as Amended by Act 127 of 1998 10/01/99 3490-99-02
2000 Ch. 3140 Invoicing Procedures—Child Welfare TANF 04/15/00 3140-00-03
Ch. 3140 AFCARS Planning, Budgeting and Invoicing Procedures 08/15/00 3140-00-02
Ch. 3490 Child Death Review and Report Protocols 10/10/00 3490-00-01
2001 Ch. 3130 The Second Revised Interim Guidelines for the Adoption and and Safe Families Act of 1997 01/02/01 3130-01-01
Ch. 3140 Revised Policies and Procedures: Title IV-E Placement Maintenance Eligibility and Reimbursability, Title IV-E Adoption Assistance Eligibility and Title XX Medicaid Eligibility 04/09/01 3140-01-01
Ch. 3490 Revised Certification and Training Requirements for Children and Youth Supervisors 09/25/01 3490-01-02
2003 Kinship Care Policy 06/30/03 00-03-03
Megan's Law 04/13/03 00-03-02
Ch. 3140 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance 01/01/04 3140-03-02
Ch. 3350 Statewide Adoption Network Policies and Procedures 01/01/03 3350-03-01
Ch. 3490 A.Y. v. DPW/Allegheny County 03/10/03 3490-03-01
Ch. 3490 Federal Criminal History Clearances for PA Residents 04/25/03 3490-03-02
2004 Annual Bulletin Update 07/01/04 00-04-01
MH/MR Services for Children Placed Out-of-County In Pre-Adoptive or Foster Homes 07/19/04 00-04-02
Ch. 3140 Child Welfare TANF Services Policies and Procedures 05/17/04 3140-04-06
Ch. 3140 Approval/Licensing of Foster Family Homes 04/01/04 3140-04-02
Ch. 3140
Ch. 3490
Child Placements with Emergency Caregivers 07/01/04 3140-04-05/
Ch. 3700 Medical Foster Care Services for Children Served by County Children and Youth Agencies 07/01/04 Special
2005 Ch. 3490 Implementation of Act 160 of 2004 Amending the Child Protective Services Law 09/01/05 3490-05-01
2006 Federal Financial Participation Rate Change for Title IV-E Placement Maintenance and Adoption Assistance Costs 10/18/06 00-06-05
Ch. 3140 Random Moment Time Study Policy and Procedures—Juvenile Probation Offices 07/28/06 3140-06-03
Ch. 3140 Federal Title IV-E and Medicaid Administrative Invoicing Procedures 09/12/06 3140-06-05
Ch. 3140 Random Moment Time Study Requirements Family Service Plan Documentation 10/11/06 Special
Ch. 3800 Strategies and Practices to Eliminate Unnecessary Use of Restraint 01/30/06 Special
Ch. 3490 Safety Assessment and Planning Process 03/15/06 3490-06-01
2007 FFP Rate Change for Title IV-E Placement Maintenance and Adoption Assistance Costs 04/16/07 00-07-01
Ch. 3490 Protocol to Address Domestic Violence in Families with Child Welfare Involvement08/03/07 Special
2008 Ch. 3350 Expanded Ground for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights 04/03/08 Special
Ch. 3490 Frequency and Tracking of Caseworker Visits to Children in Federally Defined Foster Care 05/01/08 3490-08-05
Ch. 3140 Title IV-E Foster Case Maintenance and Adoption Assistance Program Costs Allowable for Federal Financial Participation (FFP) 05/12/08 3140-08-01
Ch. 3350
Ch. 3490
Ch. 3700
Implementation of Safe and Timely Placement of Foster Children Act (P. L. 109-239) 05/12/08 99-08-01
Ch. 3490 Implementation of Act 126 of 2006 Amending the Child Protective Services Law 03/24/08 3490-08-02
Ch. 3490 Implementation of Act 179 of 2008 And Act 72 of 2007 Amending the Child Protective Services Law 06/27/08 3490-08-03
Ch. 3490 Implementation of New Reporting Requirements As Required by Act 146 of 2006 and Act 179 of 2006 10/01/08 3490-08-04
Ch. 3700 Implementation of Act 68 of 2005 (The Resource Family and Adoption Process Act), Act 73 of 2005 (The Resource Family Care Act), and Act 78 of 2007 10/01/08 3700-08-01
Ch. 3130
Ch. 3350
Ch. 3700
Impact of Act 109 on Agency Operations 12/29/08 Special
2009 Act 76 of 2007 01/07/09 Special
Ch. 3130
Ch. 3140
Ch. 3700
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 02/24/09 Special
Ch. 3130 Implementation of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 03/09/09 3130-09-01
Ch. 3170 Out of Home Placement Services—Contract Documentation 04/07/09 3170-09-01
Ch. 3170 Out of Home Placement Services—Contract Documentation 08/25/09 3170-09-02
Ch. 3700
Ch. 3800
Disaster Planning 10/09/09 Letter from Deputy Secretary
Ch. 3800 Strategies and Practices to Eliminate the Use of Unnecessary Restraints 12/19/09 3800-09-01
Ch. 3800 Prone Restraints in Children's Facilities 12/19/09 3800-09-02
Ch. 3140 Implementation of Child Care Funding Policy Beginning State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2010-2011 07/01/09 3140-09-03
Ch. 3130
Ch. 3140
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008—Adoption Program Requirements 12/30/09 Special Transmittal
2010 Ch. 3130 Shared Case Responsibility and Procedures 05/03/10 3130/10/01
Permanent Legal Custodian 3130/10/02
Educational Portions of ''Non- Educational'' Residential Treatment 02 01/04/10 OMHSAS-10
Ch. 3130 Termination of Parental Rights and Compelling Reasons 01/05/10 Special
Ch. 3140 Needs-Based Plan/Budget Amendment 04/20/10 3140-10-01
Ch. 3130 Shared Case Responsibility Policy and Procedures 05/03/10 3130-10-01
YDC/YFC Interim Per Diem Rates Effective July 1, 2010 07/01/10 00-10-01
Ch. 3130 Permanent Legal Custodian Policy 07/30/10 3130-10-02
Ch. 3130 Change in Process for Verifying Paternity08/04/10 Special
Ch. 3800 Act 45 of 2010 Regarding Restraint Use and Reporting Requirements of Pregnant Females 08/04/10 3800-10-01
Ch. 3130 Implementation of 45 CFR Part 1356 Chafee Nation Youth in Transition Database Part 1 08/09/10 3130-10-03
Ch. 3130 Educational Stability & Continuity of Children Receiving Services from the County Children & Youth Agency (CCYA) Including the Use of an Education Screen 09/17/10 3130-10-04
Ch. 3130 Clean Indoor Air Act Compliance Guidance 09/17/10 3130-10-05
Ch. 3170 Out of Home Placement Services—Contract Documentation 12/23/10 3170-10-02
Complex Case Planning 12/28/10 00-10-02
2011 Ch. 3130 Basic Health Information Form (CY980) 04/01/11 3130-11-01
Ch. 3350 Implementation of Act 101 of 2010 04/25/10 3350-11-01
Ch. 3490 Developmental Evaluation and Early Intervention Referral Policy Issued
Master Client Index (MCI) Service Expansion 06/07/11 00-11-01
Ch. 3140 Fiscal Year 2012-13 Children, Youth and Families Needs-Based Plan and Fiscal Year 2011-12 Implementation Plan InstructionsIssued
Ch. 3140 Act 148 Invoicing Procedures for County Child Welfare Services 07/06/11 3140-11-02
YDC/YFC Interim Per Diem Rates Effective 7/1/11 09/15/11 00-11-02
2012 Master Client Index (MCI) Service Expansion 02/15/12 00-12-01
3490 Statewide General Protective Services (GPS) Response Times 04/13/12 3490-12-01
3130, 3680
Children in Foster Care Act (Act 119 of 2010) 02/10/12 3130-12-02
3140 Random Moment Time Study Policies and Procedures County Children and Youth Agencies 05/07/12 3140-12-02

• Planning Permanent Families for Children Residing in Mental Retardation Residential Facilities
• Audit Clause Language for Use in All County Child Welfare Service Provider Contracts
• Indirect Costs Under the County Cost Allocation Plan Guidelines
• Reporting of Indirect Costs—County Children and Youth Services
• Local Management Agency Policy and Procedures Manual
• PA Standards for Child Welfare Practice
• Model Petitions and Court Orders
• Foster Care Visitation Manual
• Safety Assessment and Management Process Reference Manual (last updated 06/09)
• Special Transmittal on Safe Sleep Environment Recommendations for Infants One Year of Age and Under (10/28/08)

• Youth Development Center/Youth Forestry Camp Policy Manual
• Report on Recommended Best Practices for IV-E & TANF Programs

Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services/Mental Retardation—Contact: Ginny Mastrine (717) 772-7926


Year Code
Subject Date
1982 Ch. 4000 Respon. for Collection of Tuition Exp. Under Act 199 of 1980 for Out-of-State Residents 03/17/82 199-82-01
Ch. 4000 Notice of Assessments (Joint MH/MR Bulletin) 04/16/82 99-82-15
1983 Ch. 5001 Expiration of 4th Provisional Cert. of Compliance 12/15/83 99-83-49
1984 Ch. 5250 Guidelines for Delivery of MH Forensic Svs. To Persons in Co. Jails & Persons on Prob. Or Parole 08/27/84 99-84-38
1985 Ch. 4000 County Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Guideline Update—Maintenance In Lieu of Rent as a Direct Cost (Joint MH/MR Bulletin) 08/22/85 99-85-17
1985 Ch. 4210 Readmission from Community Placement Within 30 Days of Discharge 05/03/85 99-85-21
Ch. 5001 Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Protesting Patients 03/11/85 99-85-10
1986 Ch. 6000 Procedures for Review of Service Eligibility and Termination Decisions 01/17/86 99-86-01
Ch. 5001Implementation of Act 33 of 1985 03/19/86 99-86-11
Ch. 5000 Involuntary Outpatient Commitment 05/08/86 99-86-14
1987 Ch. 4305 Community MH/MR Liability 05/21/87 4305-87-2
Ch. 4210 Dis. Plan Response For SMH Child/Adolescent Program & County MH/MR Program 01/16/87 99-87-10
Ch. 5100 Guidelines for Assessing & Documenting the Dangerousness Of Mentally Ill Adults 01/16/87 99-87-07
Ch. 5100 Notice of Grievance & Appeal Proc. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment 09/08/87 99-87-23
1993 Ch. 5221 Intensive Case Management Record Requirement 09/21/93 5221-93-01
1998 Reporting Requirements for Services Funded Through County Base and CHIPP Funds 02/17/98 OMH-98-01
Ch. 5310 Licensing Compliance Prediction Instrument Application in the Licensing of Community Residential Rehabilitation Services 08/01/98 OMH-98-02
1999 Ch. 4300 Revised Procedure for Waiver of Office of mental Health andSubstance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) Program Regulations 10/01/99 OMHSAS- 99-08
Emerich v. Philadelphia Center for Human Development 720 A.2d 1032 (Pa. 1998) (Duty to Ward Third Parties—Tarasoff in Pennsylvania)09/15/99 OMHSAS- 99-09
2000 Guidelines for Identifying Persons with Mental Retardation and Mental Illness for State Mental Health Hospital Discharge 05/15/00 00-00-04
Ch. 4300 The Roles and Responsibilities of County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Programs in the Development of a Child's Individual Education Program 10/04/00 OMHSAS- 00-04
2001 Nursing Home Reform Implementation 02/01/01 OMHSAS- 01-01
Ch. 5100 Age of Consent for Voluntary Outpatient Mental Health Treatment 06/18/01 OMHSAS- 01/04
Accessibility of Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services For Persons Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened, or Deaf-Blind 10/01/01 OMHSAS- 01-06
Ch. 5100 Procedures for Client Rights Grievances and Appeals 08/10/01 SMH-01-03
Accessibility of State Mental Health Facilities for Persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind 06/18/01 SMH-01/01
2002 Coordination of treatment and support for people with a diagnosis of serious mental illness who also have a diagnosis of mental retardation 00-02-16
Ch. 5100 Interpretation of Pennsylvania Law Related to 402(b) Commitment 09/12/02 OMHSAS 02-04
The Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Mental Health Facilities and Programs 04/08/02 OMHSAS 02-01
Performance Expectations and Recommended Guidelines for the County Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) 06/06/02 OMHSAS- 02-02
Generic Drugs 04/01/02 SMH-02-01
2005 Ch. 5100 Unscheduled Use of Medication in the State Hospital System PRN & STAT Medication Orders 02/28/05 SMH-05-1
Ch. 5100 Transporting Patients 02/28/05 SMH-05-02
Ch. 5100 Administrative Transfers between State Mental Hospitals Civil Sections 04/29/05 SMH-05-04
Ch. 4300 Cost Settlement Policy and Procedures for Community-Based Medicaid Initiatives 08/15/05 OMHSAS- 05-01
Integrated Children's Services Initiative 06/09/05 00-05-05
Quality at the End of Life for Consumers and Residents 09/16/05 SMH-05-05
2006 Memorandum of Understanding Between the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging 02/01/06 OMHSAS- 06-01
Service Priority For: Older Adult Population 02/01/06 OMHSAS- 06-02
2006 Co-Occurring Disorder Competency Approval Criteria for All Facilities Licensed by the Department of Health Division of Drug and Alcohol Program, License or the Department of Public Welfare, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 02/10/06 OMHSAS- 06-03
Writing of Orders by Administrators 02/13/06 SMH-06-01
Ch. 5200 Mobile Mental Health Treatment 11/30/06 08-06-18
Ch. 5100 Community Incident Management & Reporting System 07/18/06 OHMSAS- 06-04
Ch. 1151
Ch. 1153
Ch. 1223
BH-FFS Transfer from OMAP to OMHSAS08/15/06 OMHSAS- 06-07
2007 Ch. 5100 Clarification on the Authorization of Restraints and Seclusion in the Forensic Units 07/13/07 SMH-07-01
Ch. 5100 Clarification of Act 169, also known as the Older Adult Protective Services Act (OAPSA), in regards to hiring practices for inpatient and residential facilities. 08/02/07 OMHSAS- 07-01
2008 Ch. 5310
Ch. 5320
Guidelines for Interagency Planning for Children in Need of Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services or Partial Hospitalization on Services during the School Day 01/04/08 OMHSAS- 08-01
Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program Mental Health component will transition from Office of Medical Assistance Program to Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 04/22/08 OMHSAS- 08-02
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) 09/02/08 OMHSAS- 08-03
Ch. 63 Implementation of Act 179 of 2006 & Act 73 of 2007 Amending The Child Protective Services Law 06/27/08 3490-08-03
2009 Guidance for Conducting Functional Behavioral Assessment in the Development of Treatment Plans for Services Delivered to Children with Behavioral Health Needs Compounded by Developmental Disorders 01/09/09 OMHSAS- 09-01
Ch. 1223 Requirements for Clinics Supervisory Physician Reviews and Reevaluations of Diagnoses, Treatment Plans and Updates 04/18/09 OMHSAS- 09-03
Ch. 31 Best Practice for Family Involvement with Youth who are in Residential Treatment Facilities (RTFs) 06/15/09 OMHSAS- 09-04
Ch. 5100 Use of Restraints, Seclusion and Exclusion in State Mental Hospitals and Restoration Center 11/30/09 OMHSAS- 09-06
Ch. 1101
Ch. 1150
Ch. 1153
Peer Support Services (Revised) 01/01/10 OMHSAS- 09-07
2010 Ch. 1153
Ch. 2380
Ch. 5200
Ch. 5210
Ch. 6400
Ch. 6500
Medication Prescribing Practices of CRNP's in Mental Health Programs and Mental Retardation Programs 03/27/10 OMHSAS- 10-01
Educational Portions of ''Non-Educational'' Residential Placement 01/04/10 OMHASA- 10-02
Strategies and Practices to Eliminate the Use of Unnecessary Restraints 12/19/09 3800-09-01
Ch. 5221 Blended Case Management (BCM) (Revised) 06/14/10 OMHSAS- 10-03
Psychological/Psychiatric/Clinical Re-Evaluation and Re-Authorization For Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services 07/09/10 OMHSAS- 10-04
2011 Non-Discrimination Toward Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning And Intersex People 01/07/11 OMHSAS- 11-01
Guidelines to Ensure Affirmative Environments and Clinically Appropriate Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning And Intersex Consumers and Their Family Members 01/07/11 OMHSAS-11-02
Ch. 41 Clarification of Permissible Arrangements for Psychologists Who are Associated with the Provision Of Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (BHRS) 03/08/11 OMHSAS-11-05
Ch. 15 Administrative Investigations 10/20/11 OMHSAS- 11-08
2011 OMHSAS Guidelines for the Approval of Telepsychiatry 12/20/11 OMHSAS-11-09
2012 Summer Therapeutic Activities Program (STAP) 03/01/12 OMHSAS-12-01
Cost Centers for County Based Mental Health Services 03/26/12 OMHSAS-12-02
Ch. 5100 Unsupervised Leave of Patients Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity 04/04/12 SMH-P-12-01
Ch. 5100 Security Guidelines For Regional Forensic Psychiatric Centers 04/04/12 SMH-P-12-02
Ch. 5100 Proper Implementation of Discharge or Transfer Procedures For Certain Person in the Category ''Acquitted Because of Lack of Criminal Responsibility.'' (Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity) 04/04/12 SMH-P-12-03
Information Sharing Between Regional Forensic Psychiatric Centers and State or County Correctional Facilities Upon Admission and Discharge 04/04/12 SMH-P-12-04
Admission, Transfers, Level of Care and Service Area Designation For the Regional Forensic Psychiatric Centers 04/11/12 SMH-P-12/05
2012 Mental Health Targeted Case Management (TCM) Documentation Requirements 06-14-2012 OMHSAS-12-03
2013 Targeted Case Management (TCM) Travel and Transportation Guidelines 01-18-2013 OMHSAS-13-01

• Community Mental Health Services Block Grant

Office of Developmental Programs—Contact: Jeanine Zlockie (570) 443-4312


Year Code
Subject Date
1980 PCIS Instructions for Discharged Patients 10/6/80 99-80-13
1981 Procedures for Charging and Collecting of Tuition Expenses for School-Age Residents in Mental Retardation and Mental Health Residential Facilities 9/2/81 199-81-01
Maintenance of Resident Abuse Files 1/2/81 99-81-02
Redefining ''Transfer''—PCIS 2/27/81 99-81-14
Search of Visitors and Residents at State Centers and Mental Retardation Units 9/19/81 99-81-40
Policies and Procedures Governing Admissions, Commitment, Transfers, and Discharges at State-Operated Mental Retardation Facilities 12/01/81 99-81-51
1982 Guidelines for State Center Boards of Trustees 2/17/02 99-82-02
Responsibility for Collection of Tuition Expenses Under Act 199 for Out-of-State Residents 3/17/82 199-82-01
Notice of Assessments 4/16/82 99-82-15
New Vecchione Petition Forms 8/20/82 99-82-39
Monitoring the Guardianship Petitioning Process at State Centers and State Mental Hospitals 9/24/82 99-82-47
Memorandum #44—Personnel Action Plan 10/4/82 99-82-52
Patient Services Accountability System County MH/MR Memorandum No. 9 10/18/82 99-82-55
State Supplemental Security Income Supplement for Licensed Personal Care Boarding Home Residents 297-82-73
Personal Care Boarding Home Resident Assessment Summary 12/31/82 II-30-82-02
1983 Creation of Base Service Units and catchment Areas 1/26/03 99-83-03
Guardianship Petitioning Process at State Centers 2/11/83 99-83-05
Payment of Residential Placement Costs for Mentally Retarded or Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children in Residential Facilities 3/8/83 99-83-10
Guidelines for State Center Board of Trustees—Revision 8/18/83 99-83-21
DPW Policy on Support Service for Persons with Mental Retardation and Their Families 10/14/83 99-83-24
1984 Therapeutic Leave Guidelines for 2176 Waiver Facilities and State and Non-State Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICFs/MR) 8/1/84 99-84-08
Licensing Inspection Instrument—Vocational Rehabilitation Facilities 8/1/84 00-84-09
Community Residential Program Slot and Funding Adjustments 12/27/84 99-84-20
Supplement & Amendment to the DPW Policy on Support Services for Persons with Mental Retardation & Their Families 12/27/84 99-84-21
County Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Guidelines 6/13/84 99-84-22
Reporting of Early Intervention Services 9/3/84 99-84-40
Elimination of the PA 162-D Form and Replacing it with the PA/FS 162 Form 6/27/84 297-84-42
Personal Care Boarding Home Supplement 6/27/84 297-84-43
1985 Fair Hearing Procedure Related to Services under 2176 Waiver Program 5/1/85 00-85-05
Investigative Manual for Use in Client Abuse Investigations at State Centers and MR Units 5/17/85 99-85-09
County Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Guideline Update—Maintenance in Lieu of rent as a Direct Cost 8/22/85 99-85-17
Tobacco Products Purchase (with State Funds) for Client use in MR Facilities 10/15/85 99-85-19
Classification and Reimbursement Policy for Administrative/Fiscal Positions in Program Funded Agencies 12/5/85 99-85-43
1986 Revised Definition of Developmentally Disabled Persons who Receive Services in Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICRs/MR) 12/31/86 42-435-86-01
Choking Prevention and Management 12/4/86 00-86-14
1987 Clarification of Definition of Developmentally Disabled Persons Receiving Services in Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 12/9/87 4398-87-01
CH. 4305 Client Liability—Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services 5/21/87 4305-87-02
Changes in the Reimbursement Method for Hospital Reserved Bed Days 7/21/87 00-87-10
Documentation Requirements—Waiver Requests for Increases for Workers' Compensation Costs 9/25/8799-87-15
Submission of Cost Reports (MA-11s) to the Office of Mental Retardation 10/9/87 99-87-16
Conversion of Comm. Res. MR Facilities to ICF/MR 10/23/87 99-87-17
Case Management Services 11/19/87 99-87-18
State Employees Acting in Voluntary Capacity to Control Client Funds 11/19/87 00-87-18
1988 Work Incentives for SSI and 2176 Waiver Recipients 6/15/88 00-88-02
Prevocational and Supported Employment Component Under the Community Based Services Waiver Program 6/15/88 99-88-4
Ch. 6000 Change in Zoning Requirements for Licensing Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 10/3/88 6000-88-07
Obtaining Criminal Clearances On Prospective Employees 6/24/88 00-88-07
Ch. 1181 OBRA-87—Nursing Home Reform 12/28/88 1181-88-08
Ch. 6000 Administration and Management of Client Funds 10/05/88 6000-88-08
Applicability of Appropriate Life Safety Codes 8/9/88 00-88-09
P. L. 99-457, Part H, State Interagency Coordinating Council Mission Statement 11/10/88 00-88-14
1989 Ch. 6000 Guidelines for Enhancing and Conducting Direct and Independent Assessment 10/16/89 6000-89-01
Ch. 1101 Copayment Exemption for Targeted Case Management Services 11/4/88 1101-89-01
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Relief of Upper Airway Obstruction 3/1/89 SC-89-01
Care and Services Policy for State Centers and MR Units 8/25/89 SC-89-02
New Federal ICF/MR Regulations 2/7/89 00-89-03
Account Code Structure—Offices of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Cost Center Definitions 7/28/89 00-89-05
Abatement of Liability for Psychological Evaluations 09/14/89 00-89-17
LEKOTEK 11/1/89 00-89-18
1990 Ch. 4300 Account Structure Manual for County Mental Health and Mental Retardation 7/1/90 4300-90-01
Ch. 6000 Family-Driven Family Support Services 12/12/90 6000-90-01
Children's Cardiac Program 1/31/90 00-90-03
Adult Day Service Performance Guidelines for Counties 2/27/90 00-90-05
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 4/9/90 00-90-12
Department of Health Programs for Young Children 4/9/90 00-90-14
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability Benefits for Children 9/27/90 00-90-24
Residential Data System Instruction Manual 7/1/90 00-90-25
Correction to Residential Data System Instruction Manual 11/14/90 00-90-36
1991 Positive Approaches 2/8/91 00-91-05
Resources for Children with Sensory Impairments 1/31/91 00-91-06
Licensing Policies and Procedures for Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICFs/MR) 4/22/91 00-91-12
Mental Health/Mental Retardation Annual Income and Expenditure Reports 10/21/91 OMH-91-13
Licensing Policies and Procedures for Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 5/13/91 00-91-14
Approved 2176 Waiver Amendment 6/18/91 00-91-15
Opportunities and Supports for Older Persons with Mental Retardation 11/1/91 00-91-17
Joint Statement by the Department of Public Welfare and The Department of Aging 7/31/91 00-91-18
Applicability of OMB Circular A-133 for Non-State Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICFs/MR) 10/31/91 00-91-26
1992 Special Innovative Services Expenditures Under Family Support Services 1/16/92 00-92-03
Information on Public Law 102-119: Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 4/20/92 00-92-10
Issuance of Audit Guide for Non-State Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 8/31/92 00-92-22
County Responsibilities for Waiver Case Management 11/23/92 00-92-23
1993 Supporting People in the Community 2/24/93 00-93-02
Tuberculosis Surveillance and Management 9/21/93SMH-93-03
Immunization of Patients/Residents and Employees 7/9/93 SMH-93-04
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—Selinsgrove Center 2/17/93 00-93-05
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—Polk Center 2/17/93 00-93-06
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—White Haven Center 2/17/93 00-93-07
At-Risk Definition for Infants and Toddlers 6/23/93 00-93-12
Individualized Family Service Plan 6/25/93 00-93-14
Screening, Evaluation, and Eligibility for Infants and Toddlers 6/25/93 00-93-15
Conflict Resolution and Mediation for Infants, Toddlers and Their Families 6/25/93 00-93-17
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—Polk Center 8/25/93 00-93-19
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—Embreeville Center 8/25/93 00-93-20
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—White Haven Center 8/25/93 00-93-21
Announcement—Medications Administration Training—Western Center 8/25/93 00-93-22
Medical Assistance for Children 9/15/93 00-93-23
1994 FTA Section 16 Capital Assistance Program 8/26/93 00-93-24
Family Support Services Subcommittee Observations and Recommendations 8/31/93 00-93-25
Licensing Report 9/13/93 00-93-26
Amendments to Licensing Policy and Procedure Manual 10/27/93 00-93-27
Western Center Settlement Agreement 11/1/93 00-93-28
Providing Services to Persons with Autism/ Pervasive Developmental Disorder 11/9/93 00-93-29
OBRA Procedures for Individuals with Mental Retardation 12/30/93 00-93-30
1994 Closure of Admissions of Children to State-Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 12/14/94 SC-94-01
Federal Regulations on Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens 2/1/94 00-94-02
Early Intervention Program Issues for Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 2/22/94 00-94-04
Account Structure Manual—Revised Cost Centers for County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Programs 6/24/10 OMH-94-10
Facilitated Communication 3/1/94 00-94-11
Community Resource Development in Family Support Services Projects 3/10/94 00-94-12
Targeted Service Management and Third Party Liability 4/20/94 00-94-14
Targeted Service Management Assistance Packet 4/20/94 00-94-15
Movement of funds in Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 5/16/94 00-94-16
Additional Interpretive Guidelines for Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 6/7/94 00-94-17
Definition and Procedures for Infants and Toddlers with Developmental Delays 6/27/94 00-94-18
Early Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers 8/2/94 00-94-21
Early Intervention Medical Assistance Eligible Service Coordination 8/12/94 00-94-22
Targeted Service Management and 180-Day Invoice Exceptions 8/15/94 00-94-23
Early Intervention Reporting System Roles and Responsibilities 10/5/94 00-94-29
Assessments: Lifetime Medical History 12/6/94 00-94-32
Targeted Service Management Handbook 12/12/94 00-94-33
Facilitated Communication—Best Practices and Guidelines 12/30/94 00-94-34
1995 Educational and Vocational Training in Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 3/28/95 00-95-04
Early Intervention Principles 6/15/95 00-95-08
Medicaid 2176 Waiver Services Amendment 5/25/95 00-95-09
Part H/PA Act 212-1990 Non-Compliance Resolution Process 6/15/95 00-95-10
Conflict Resolution and Mediation Options for Infants, Toddlers and Their Families 6/15/95 00-95-11
State Match Verification and Targeted Service Management 6/20/95 00-95-12
Individualized Family Service Plan 6/15/95 00-95-14
Medical Assistance Funded Services for Children 9/20/95 00-95-19
Approved 2176 Waiver Renewal 12/1/95 00-95-21
Coordination of Vocational Training and Supporting Employment Under the 2176 Waiver
Act 28 of 1995
11/28/95 00-95-23

1996 Ch. 6000 Criteria for Approval of New Intermediate Care Facilities for People with Mental Retardation 04/06/96 6000-96-01
Tuberculosis Infection Control Program 8/9/96 SMH-96-01
Screening, Evaluation and Assessment or Infants and Toddlers 1/5/96 00-96-03
Social Security Administration Alternate Vocational Rehabilitation Provider Initiative 3/19/96 00-96-05
Resources for Children with Sensory Impairment 1/31/96 00-96-06
Revised Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) Guidelines 4/12/96 00-96-07
2176 Waiver Supplement Grant agreement for 1996-2000 7/12/96 00-96-08
Announcement—Medications Administration Training 7/8/96 00-96-10
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Memorandum of Understanding with the Offices of Mental Health and Mental Retardation 7/31/96 00-96-11
State Match Verification Signatures 8/21/96 00-96-12
Claiming Federal Reimbursement for Targeted Service Management Administration Costs 9/18/96 00-96-13
Signature Requirements for Medical Assistance Case Management Services 10/16/96 00-96-15
Consolidated Community Reporting System (CCRS) 10/9/96 00-96-17
Additions To TSM Handbook and Technical Assistance Packet 10/30/96 00-96-18
Regulation Interpretation Unobstruction Egress 11/8/96 00-96-19
Survey Guidelines and Procedures Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mental Retarded (ICFs/MR) 11/18/96 00-96-20
Regulation Interpretation—Family Living Medication Administration Training 11/19/96 00-96-21
Revised Listing of Participation Targeted Service Management Providers 12/31/96 00-96-22
Guidelines Concerning Sexuality 12/31/96 00-96-23
1997 1995-96 Annual Report 4/7/97 00-97-03
OMR Statewide Peer Review Committee 3/17/97 00-97-04
Announcement—Medications Administration Training 7/1/97 00-97-05
Act 26 of 1997 (Amending Act 28 of 1995) 8/29/97 00-97-06
Annual Report from Family Living Subcommittee Fiscal Year 1996/97 10/14/97 00-97-09
1998 Guidelines To Supporting People Moving From State Centers Into The Community 03/27/98 00-98-03
Waiver Funding for Prevocational, Supported Employment and Educational Services 4/7/98 00-98-04
Supplemental Grant Agreement Medicaid Waiver for Infants, Toddlers and Families 5/7/98 00-98-05
Eligibility and Freedom of Choice in Medicaid Waiver for Infants, Toddlers and Families 7/1/98 00-98-07
1999 Maximum Rates of State Participation for the County Mental Health Programs/Mental Retardation Programs 6/18/99 OMHSAS-99-05
Individualized Family Service Plan 8/2/99 00-99-06
Definition and County Responsibility for Surrogates for Infants and Toddlers 8/2/99 00-99-07
Natural Environment 8/2/99 00-99-08
Early Intervention Due Process System 8/2/99 00-99-09
Sanctions Policy for Noncompliance with Mental Health & Mental Retardation Income & Expenditure, Consolidated Waiver, and Cost Settlement Reporting Requirements 11/2/99 OMHSAS-99-10
Person/Family Directed Support Waiver 7/30/99 00-99-11
Acceptable Signers of the Beneficiary Choice Form for the Infant/ Toddler/ Family Waiver 9/15/99 00-99-13
2000 Listing of Current Mental Retardation Bulletins 3/13/00 00-00-01
Medicaid Waiver for Infants, Toddlers and Families 1/14/00 00-00-02
Person Family Directed Supported Waiver Supplemental Grant Agreement for 1999-2002 4/6/00 00-00-03
The Roles and Responsibilities of County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Programs in the Development of a Child's Individual Education Program 10/4/00 OMHSAS-00-04
Guidelines for Identifying Persons with Mental Retardation and Mental Illness for State Mental Health Hospital Discharge 5/15/00 00-00-04
Domiciliary Care for Persons with Mental Retardation 5/23/00 00-00-05
2001 FTA Section 5310 Capital Assistance Program 10/2/00 00-00-08
Reorganization of the Office of Mental Retardation 8/11/00 00-00-10
2001 Person/Family Directed Support Waiver Renewal 8/21/01 00-01-04
Announcement: Step-By-Step Guide to Ready Providers for the Reporting of Incidents through HCSIS 12/17/01 00-01-07
2002 Medicaid Waiver for Infants, Toddlers and Families Renewal 1/29/02 00-02-01
Performance Expectations and Recommended Guidelines for the County Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) 6/6/02 OMHSAS-02-02
Office of Mental Retardation's Monitoring of Counties 3/5/02 00-02-03
Ch. 4210 Clarifying Eligibility for Mental Retardation Services and Supports 05/31/02 4210-02-05
Revision of Definition of Conflict Free Providers for Targeted Service Management 4/12/02 00-02-06
Accessing Public Transportation for Individuals Enrolled in the Consolidated or Person/Family Directed Support Waivers 4/15/02 00-02-07
Pro Re Nata Medication Usage For Psychiatric Treatment—Clarification Of Interpretation 7/11/02 00-02-09
Foster Care Tax Reform as it relates to the Lifesharing/Family Living program 5/20/02 00-02-10
Need for ICF/MR Level of Care 08/07/02 00-02-13
Coordination of Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness who also have a Diagnosis of Mental Retardation 12/17/02 00-02-16
2003 Passage of Act 171 relating to the Older Adults Protective Services Act (OAPSA) 2/11/03 00-03-01
Clarifying Waiver Funding and Domiciliary Care Payments 3/4/03 00-03-03
OBRA Time-Limited Determinations 5/13/03 00-03-04
Principles for the Mental Retardation System 6/13/03 00-03-05
FY 2001/2002 Utilization, Statistical and Financial Report 7/28/03 00-03-06
Medication Administration Training Program 8/12/03 00-03-07
Payments for Psychological Testing to Diagnose Mental Retardation in Children and Adults 10/21/03 00-03-10
Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities In the Community Mental Retardation Program 11/25/03 00-03-11
2004 Ch. 6000 Incident Management 02/18/04 6000-04-01
MH/MR Services for Children Placed Out-of-County in Pre-Adoptive or Foster Homes 7/19/04 00-04-02
Positive Approaches 1/9/04 00-04-05
Home and Community Based Waiver Provider's Billing of HIPAA Compliant National Codes Based on Authorized Plans of Care Through the Home and Community Services Information System and PROMISe 3/10/04 99-04-06
Determining Medical Assistance Eligibility for Individuals Age Three and Older Who Apply for Supports and Services Authorized by a County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program 5/10/04 00-04-08
Certified Investigations 9/16/04 00-04-11
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 1/20/05 00-04-13
Determining Medical Assistance Eligibility for Families of Infants and Toddlers Who Apply for Supports and Services Authorized by a County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program 1/28/05 00-04-14
Alternative Sanction Guidelines for ICF/MR Medical Assistance Certification 1/28/05 00-04-15
2005 Cost Settlement Policy and Procedures for Community-Based Medicaid Initiatives 8/15/05 OMHSAS-05-01
Issuance of Audit Guide for Non-State Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 11/30/04 00-05-01
P/FDS Waiver Amendment to Allow for the Provision of Respite Services in Contiguous States 5/31/05 00-05-02
Services Requiring Third Party Insurance Review Prior To Consideration For Waiver Payment 7/5/05 00-05-03
Lifesharing through Family Living 8/8/05 00-05-04
Office of Mental Retardation Policy on Employment 12/20/05 00-05-07
2006 Home & Community Based Service Eligibility/Ineligibility/Change Form 1/3/06 00-06-01
County to County Relocations 2/24/06 00-06-05
Interim Rate Setting Procedures For FY 2006/2007 3/8/06 00-06-06
Provider Qualification Pilot Program 4/5/06 00-06-07
Employment for Individuals in ICFs/MR 4/5/06 00-06-08
Elimination of Restraints through Positive Practices 5/1/06 00-06-09
Payment for Sign Language Interpreters and/or Transliterators 5/10/06 00-06-10
Provider and County Incident Management Analysis Report 6/23/06 00-06-11
Service Review Protocol for Individuals in the Consolidated and Person Family Directed Support Waivers 9/7/06 00-06-13
Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) Manual 12/22/06 00-06-15
2007 Provider Billing Documentation Requirements for Waiver Services 4/26/07 00-07-01
Overview of Supports Intensity Scale|Pc (SIS|Pc and the PA Plus (Attachment) 4/26/07 00-07-02
Microboards|Pc 7/2/07 00-07-04
Ch. 4300 Administrative Entity and Provider Contracts (Statement of Policy) 8/17/07 4300-07-05
2008 Process for Qualification and Disqualification of Waiver Providers 12/27/07 00-08-01
Provider Profiles for Mental Retardation Providers 12/26/07 00-08-02
Implementation of Act 179 of 2006 and Act 73 of 2007 Amending the Child Protective Services Law 06/27/08 3490-08-03
Procedures for Service Delivery Preference 1/30/08 00-08-03
Individual Eligibility for Medicaid Waiver Services 3/5/08 00-08-04
Due Process and Fair Hearing Procedures for Individuals with Mental Retardation 4/10/08 00-08-05
Agency with Choice Financial Management Services (AWC FMS) 4/28/08 00-08-08
Licensing Protocols and Procedures 6/17/08 00-08-10
Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) and PA Plus Manual 7/28/08 00-08-11
Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Financial Management Services 8/13/08 00-08-14
Disability Rights Network Access to Records and Joint Investigations 2/13/09 00-08-15
Clarification of Payment Source for Representative Payee Function 1/20/09 00-08-16
Communication Supports and Services 1/20/09 00-08-18
2009 Ch. 3800 Strategies and Practices to Eliminate the Use of Unnecessary Restraints 12/19/09 3800-09-01
Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers Provider Appeals Process 4/30/09 00-09-01
Ch. 3800 Prone Restraints in Children's Facilities 12/19/09 3800-09-02
Ch. 6200 Social Security Economic Recovery One—Time Payment 07/10/09 6200-09-05
Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Financial Management Services Wage Ranges 11/20/09 00-09-09
2010 Medication Prescribing Practices of CRNPs in Mental Health Programs and Mental Retardation Programs 3/27/10 OMHSAS-10-01
Educational Portions of ''Non-Educational'' Residential Placement 1/4/10 OMHSAS-10-02
Complex Case Planning 12/28/10 00-10-02
Quality Management Strategy of the Office Of Developmental Programs 3/22/10 00-10-02
Planning and Managing Unanticipated Emergencies 7/1/10 00-10-03
Recording Information on the Target of an Individual to Individual Abuse Incident Report In HCSIS 07/01/10 00-10-04
Approved Program Capacity in Residential Service Locations Licensed Under 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6400 6/22/05 00-10-05
Supports Coordination Services 05/26/10 00-10-06
Referral to the Early Intervention Program for Children Under Three Years of Age Placed in ICFs/MR 05/26/10 00-10-08
Prior Authorization for Supplemental Habilitation and Additional Individualized Staffing 05/26/10 00-10-09
Waiver Capacity Commitment for the Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Supports Waivers 06/16/10 00-10-10
Obsolete Licensing Indictor System, Licensing Inspection Instruments and Licensing Weighting Systems Applicable To 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6400 and 6500 08/16/10 00-10-11
Supports Coordinator Training Waiver Requirements 12/30/10 00-10-13
Provider Monitoring 12/30/10 00-10-14
2011 Ch. 6000 Procedures for Surrogate Health Care Decision Making 01/27/11 6000-11-01
Cost Centers for County Mental Retardation Programs Effective July 1, 2010 04/01/11 00-11-03
Consolidated Waiver Amendment Effective July 1, 2009 5/9/11 00-11-04
Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waiver Amendment Effective July 1, 2009 5/9/11 00-11-05
2012 Adult Autism Waiver Services and Procedure Code Changes and Rates 9/7/12 00-12-01
Rate-Setting Methodology and Rates for Department—Established Fees for Ineligible Residential Habilitation Services 9/7/12 00-12-02
Medical Assistance Program Fee Schedule for Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver-funded Select Services, Targeted Service Management and Community Mental Retardation Base-Funded Program 10/16/12 00-12-03
Rate-Setting Methodology for Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver-and Base-funded Services for Individuals Participating in the Office of Developmental Programs Service System 10/16/12 00-12-04
Individual Support Plans (ISPs) 10/19/12 00-12-05
2013 Ch. 6400 Clarifying the Applicability of Chapter 6400 to Private Homes—Statement of Policy 1/14/13 6400-13-01
Ch. 6400 Participant Rights—Statement of Policy 2/11/13 6400-13-02
Ch. 6000 Rescission of Class 3 Intellectual Disability Bulletins 4/5/13 6000-13-03

• Pennsylvania's Guide to Participant-Directed Services
• Individual Support Plan (ISP) Manual
• The Electronic Resource Guide for Supports Coordinators and SC Supervisors
• The Office of Developmental Programs' ID Provider Handbook
• Provider Manual—Bureau of Autism Services
• Practice Guidelines—Bureau of Autism Services
• Supports Coordinator Manual—Bureau of Autism Services
• Behavioral Specialist Manual—Bureau of Autism Services
• Participant Handbook—Bureau of Autism Services

• Provision of Vendor Services Informational Packet (#003-09)
• Waiver Service Requests Informational Packet (#004-09)
• SISTM and PA Plus Assessment Informational Packet (#006-09)
• Accessing and Printing ISP for Providers Informational Packet (#013-09)
• PROMISe Billing Quick Reference Error Status Codes Informational Packet (#014-09)
• PROMISe Billing Quick Reference for Residential Services Information Packet (#015-09)
• PROMISe Billing Quick Reference for FMS ESC Listing Informational Packet (#016-09)
• Summary of Procedure Codes and Service Descriptions Included and Excluded from Revenue Reconciliation (Info Packet 007-10)
• Annual AE Quality Mgmt. Plan Implementation and Evaluation Process Documents Now Available in AE Information Center (Info Packet 009-10)
• Billing Unanticipated Emergencies Using the ET Modifier (Info Packet 026-10)
• Impact of Provider Qualification in HCSIS on Fiscal year Renewal ISPs
• Supplemental Habilitation and Additional Individualized Staffing Services During the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Renewal Period (Info Packet 063-10)
• Referral to the Early Intervention Program for Children Under Three of Age Placed in ICFs/MR (Info Packet 069-10)
• Regional ISP Review Process and Form Informational Packet (#074-10)
• Prior Authorization for Supplemental Habilitation and Additional Individualized Staffing Serves 2010-2011 (Info Packet 077-10)
• Waiver Provider Monitoring—Interim Process for FY 2010-2011 (Info Packet #093-10)
• Agency with Choice Financial Management Service Provider Listing for FY 2010-2011 (#099-10)
• Protocol for Gross Adjustments for Providers of Waiver Services with Cash Flow Concerns Informational Packet (#102-10)
• Annual Provider Qualification Process Informational Packet (#152-10)
• Two HIPAA Upgrades: Version 5010 and ICD-10 Informational Packet (#170-10)
• Monitoring Frequency Deviation Request Informational Packet (#048-11)
• Fiscal Year 2011-2012 ISP Renewal Guidance and Prior Authorization Process Enhancement for Supplemental Habilitation (SH) and Additional Individualized Staffing (AIS) Service (Info Packet #050-11)
• Preparations for the FY 2011-2012 ISP Renewal Period: Action Required (Info Packet #055-11)
• Vendor Administrative Fee Services Informational Packet (#060-11)
• Prudent Pay of Claims Policy Enforcement Informational Packet (#075-11)
• Commonwealth of PA Shared Living RFI (Info Packet 093-11)
• Medication Administration Brochures (Info packet 098-11)
• Compliance to ISP Regulations and Individuals who Reside in Non-State ICF/MR Informational Packet (#136-11)
• Remaining Final Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-2012 Rate Load Date and Impact Areas (Info Packet 151-11)
• Billing with the Diagnosis Code Informational Packet (#154-11)
• Clarification for the v5010 CMS Mandate (Info Packet 159-11)
• 2012 PA Community on Transition Conference (Info packet 165-11)
• Peer Review Process and Training (Info Packet 176-11)
• ODP PROMISe Provider Enrollment Integrity Process Informational Packet (#009-12)
• Use of SNAP for Individuals Residing in GLAs Informational Packet (#015-12)
• Certified Investigation Summary Informational Packet (#020-12)
• Reprocessing Schedule for SC & TSM Waiver Claims That Were Denied Due to CIS Interface Issues (Info packet 021-12)
• Preparations for FY2012-2013 ISP Renewal Informational Packet (#025-12)
• FY 2012-2013 ISP Renewal Guidelines for SH and AIS Informational Packet (#039-12)
• Right to be Free from Abuse Notification Form Informational Packet (#053-12)
• Approval of Residential Services Locations and Program Capacity Informational Packet (#055-12)
• Request for Exception to Service Limits or Units Informational Packet (#067-12)
• Emergency Respite Procedure Informational Packet (#066-12)
• Residential Vacancy Management Procedure Informational Packet (#098-12)
• ISP Manual Replacement Page Informational Packet (#099-12)
• Clarification and Changes to Provider Qualification Requirements Informational Packet (#104-12)
• Request for Waiver of Provision of Chapter 51 Informational Packet (#002-13)
• ISP Review Checklist Informational Packet (#020-13)
• HCSIS Verification Form Informational Packet (#022-13)
• Provider Qualification and Noncompliance Process Informational Packet (#025-13)
• Unlicensed Residential Habilitation Homes Survey Informational Packet (#035-13)
• Preparations for FY 2013-2014 ISP Renewal Period Informational Packet (#041-13)
• Agency With Choice (AWC) Financial Management Services (FMS) Wage and Benefit Ranges and Corresponding Rates for Specific Participant Directed Services (PDS) Effective July 1, 2013
• Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Financial Management Services Wage and Benefit Ranges for Specific Participant Directed Services Effective July 1, 2013

• Is a ''New'' Team Meeting Necessary to Prepare FY 2009-2010 Renewal ISP Informational Memo (#003-09)
• Viewing Service Utilization in HCSIS for AEs Informational Memo (#005-09)
• Electronic Funds Transfer Option Informational Memo (#006-09)
• ODP Provider Resources (Billing Guides) Now Available Informational Memo (#010-09)
• Incident Management Clarification of Roles for SCOs Informational Memo (#012-10)
• Place of Service Matrix Informational Memo (#013-09)
• Remittance Advice Quicktip #7 Informational Memo (#015-09)
• Respite Camp Will Remain Vendor Service After June 30, 2010 Informational Memo (#017-09)
• Base Funded Respite Services Informational Memo (#038-10)
• FMS Administrative Fee Services on ISP Informational Memo (#043-10)
• Individual Purchases and Item Storage Informational Memo (#049-10)
• Interim Process for Timely Filing Edits ESC 545 Informational Memo (#064-10)
• IRS Correspondence Regarding Difficulty of Care Payments Informational Memo (#095-10)
• ODP Travel Policy Change Informational Memo (#121-10)
• Requests to Re-open On-line ODP Required SC Curriculum Training Informational Memo (#009-11)
• ISP Signature Page (DP1032) Informational Memo (#022-11)
• Annual Review Update Date for the ISP Informational Memo (#051-11)
• Voter Registration Responsibilities Informational Memo (#063-11)
• FY 2011-2012 Updates to Consolidated and Person Family/Directed Support (P/FDS) Waiver and Base Services (#074-11)
• Changes to the Emergency Management Protocols (#087-11)
• Rate Load Information for the FY 2011-2012 Revised Interim Rates (#088-11)
• Urgent Reminder Certify Now For the V5010, PES Users Upgrade to Version 3.57 (#096-11)
• Responses to Questions and Minor Change to the Checklist for ISP Review and Approval of ISPs (#105-11)
• Incident Management Reporting Informational Memo (#115-11)
• How to Request a Reissue or Copy of Cashed Check Informational Memo (#138-11)
• Revised PROMISe Provider Enrollment Application Informational Memo (#149-11)
• Billing Bed Reservation Days Informational Memo (#153-11)
• ODP 5 Year Waiver Renewal (#156-11)
• Requirement for Supplemental Habilitation and Additional Individualized Staffing Appeal Requests (#164-11)
• Claims Processing Issue for SC Waiver Claims Informational Memo (#171-11)
• Billing Adjustments, Voids and Resubmissions Informational Memo (#177-11)
• Uniform Construction Code Clarification for Licensed Providers Informational Memo (#180-11)
• Provider Readiness Activities Checklist to Ensure Transition to Certification and Licensing System (CLS) (011-12)
• Certification and Licensing System Readiness Checklist Informational Memo (#011-12)
• Reprocessing Scheduled for SC Waiver Claims. AE and SCO Action Requested (#016-12)
• DRN Review Informational Memo (#019-12)
• Provider Handbook Updated Informational Memo (#023-12)
• Enhancements to HCSIS Incident Report Screens Informational Memo (#028-12)
• Billing Changes FY 2012-2013 Informational Memo (#034-12)
• FY 2012-2013 Budget Update Informational Memo (#040-12)
• FY 2012-2013 Fee Schedule Services Informational Memo (#041-12)
• FY 2012-2013 Cost-based Services Informational Memo (#042-12)
• Admissions to State Operated ICFs/ID Informational Memo (#045-12)
• Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Updates Informational Memo (#048-12)
• 6.16 HCSIS Enhancements—Incident Management Informational Memo (#050-12)
• Appeal Rights, Rates, and Rate Methodology Informational Memo (#051-12)
• ISP Development Process Informational Memo (#056-12)
• Provider Qualification Revisions Informational Memo (#068-12)
• Geographical Area Development Methodology Informational Memo (#075-12)
• Reporting Unauthorized Restrictive Interventions Informational Memo (#080-12)
• Clarification to ODP Communication #098-12 Residential Vacancy Management Informational Memo (#103-12).
• Qualifications of Vendors Informational Memo (#106-12)
• Implementation Instructions on QM Plans Informational Memo (#107-12)
• Incident Investigation Determination Informational Memo (#110-12)
• VF/EA SSW Qualifications Informational Memo (#111-12)
• NPI Number Required on All Claim Types Informational Memo (#001-13)
• Vacancy Factor and Vacancy Exception Process Informational Memo (#003-13)
• ISP Manual Replacement Page Informational Memo (#005-13)
• Clarifying Applicability of Chapter 6400 to Private Homes Informational Memo (#007-13)
• HCSIS Incident Report Deletion Requests Informational Memo (#024-13)
• FY 2013-2014 Waiver Cost-based Services Informational Memo (#027-13)
• FY 2013-2014 Waiver Established Fees Informational Memo (#028-13)
• Background Check Requirements Informational Memo (#030-13)
• ISP Meeting Attendance Informational Memo (#037-13)
• Lifesharing Directory Added to Website Informational Memo (#038-13)
• FY 2013-2014 Established Fees Informational Memo #043-13

• Providing Services to Persons with Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder
• Therapeutic Services & the AAW—7/8/12
• Annual Review Plan Process Timelines—8/20/12
• AAW Service Delivery Documentation—9/27/2012
• Additional info about Monthly Progress Notes for SCs- 10/03/2012
• Adult Autism Waiver Provider Information Table—10/25/2012
• Timelines for Completing ISP Revisions—12/17/2012
• Quarterly Summary Reports: Which months to include?—1/18/2013
• New PROMISe Applications—2/20/2013
• Service Utilization Calculator for SCs—4/19/2013
• Provider Reporting: Encounter Forms, Monthly Progress Notes & Quarterly Summary Report—4/23/13
• Excluded Parties List System database migrated to System for Award Management—4/23/2013
• General Updates and BSP/CIP Changes—4/30/2013
• Fiscal Year End Activities—5/30/2013

[Continued on next Web Page]

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Bulletin full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.