Request for Proposals
[45 Pa.B. 2723]
[Saturday, June 6, 2015]The Commonwealth Financing Authority gives notice of the issuance of a request for proposal (RFP) for solar energy economic modeling advisory services. Information regarding the RFP follows as Annex A. Questions regarding the RFP may be directed to Ryan Emerson at (717) 346-8191. Fifteen copies of all proposals must be submitted to the Commonwealth Financing Authority, at the following address, by close of business on June 19, 2015. Proposals received after June 19, 2015, will not be considered, regardless of the reason.
Further information can be obtained from the Commonwealth Financing Authority, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 4th Floor, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225, (800) 379-7448.
Executive Director
Annex A
Request for Proposals to Provide the Commonwealth Financing Authority with Solar Energy Economic Modeling Advisory Services
Issued by the Commonwealth Financing Authority; RFP 2015-01; May 27, 2015
Part I
General Information for ContractorsA. Purpose. This request for proposals (RFP) provides to those interested in submitting proposals for the subject procurement (''Offerors'') sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for the Commonwealth Financing Authority (''CFA'') to provide the CFA with solar energy economic modeling advisory services. (''Project'').
B. Issuing Office. This RFP is issued for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the CFA (''Issuing Office''). The Issuing Office is the sole point of contact for this RFP. All communications concerning this RFP must be directed in writing to:
Scott D. Dunkelberger, Executive Director
Commonwealth Financing Authority
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street
4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120C. Scope. This RFP contains instructions governing the proposals to be submitted and the material to be included therein, including:
• a description of the deliverables and services to be provided;
• requirements which must be met to be eligible for consideration.
D. Problem Statement. The CFA is soliciting proposals for firms interested in providing solar energy economic modeling advisory services to the CFA for the Solar Energy Program. The Solar Energy Program provides financial assistance in the form of grant and loan funds that will be used by eligible applicants to promote the generation and use of solar energy and the manufacture or assembly of solar equipment in the Commonwealth.
E. Type of Contract. It is proposed that if a contract is entered into as a result of this RFP, it will be a firm, fixed-price contract. Negotiations may be undertaken with contractors whose proposals, price and other factors show them to be qualified, responsible and capable of performing the work. The selected contractor will be expected to enter into a standard contract and the selected contractor will be subject to the specifications and requirements set forth in this package.
F. Rejection of Proposals. The CFA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this request or to negotiate separately with competing contractors.
G. Incurring Costs. The CFA is not liable for any cost incurred by contractors prior to issuance of a contract.
H. Amendment to the RFP. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an amendment will be issued to all contractors who received the basic RFP.
I. Response Date. To be considered, proposals must arrive at the Issuing Office on or before the time and date specified in the cover letter to this RFP. Contractors mailing proposals should allow sufficient mail delivery time to insure timely receipt of the proposal. The proposal shall be enclosed and sealed in an envelope which is clearly marked ''Proposal for CFA Solar Energy Economic Modeling Advisory Services RFP''. It is the responsibility of each contractor to ensure that its proposal is received at the Issuing Office prior to the date and time specified in the cover letter to this RFP, regardless of medium used. In the event that, due to inclement weather, natural disaster, or other cause, the Commonwealth offices are officially closed on the date the proposals are due, the deadline for submission shall be automatically postponed until the next Commonwealth business day, unless the contractors are otherwise notified by the CFA. The time for submission of proposals shall remain the same.
J. Proposals. To be considered, contractors must submit a complete response to this RFP, using the format provided in Part II. Fifteen (15) copies of each proposal must be submitted to the Issuing Office. No other distribution of proposals will be made by the contractor. Proposals must be signed, in ink, by an official authorized to bind the contractor to its provisions. An official authorized to bind the Offeror to its provisions must sign the proposal. If the official signs the Proposal Cover Sheet (Appendix B to this RFP) and the Proposal Cover Sheet is attached to the Offeror's proposal, the requirement will be met. For this RFP, the proposal must remain valid for at least 120 days. Moreover, the contents of the proposal of the successful respondent will become contractual obligations if a contract is entered into.
K. Small Diverse Business Information. The Issuing Office encourages participation by small diverse businesses as prime contractors, and encourages all prime contractors to make a significant commitment to use small diverse businesses as subcontractors and suppliers.
A Small Diverse Business is a DGS-verified minority-owned business, woman-owned business, veteran-owned business or service-disabled veteran-owned business.
A small business is a business in the United States which is independently owned, not dominant in its field of operation, employs no more than 100 full-time or full-time equivalent employees, and earns less than $7 million in gross annual revenues for building design, $20 million in gross annual revenues for sales and services and $25 million in gross annual revenues for those businesses in the information technology sales or service business.
Questions regarding this Program can be directed to:
Department of General Services
Bureau of Small Business Opportunities
Room 611, North Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17125
Phone: (717) 783-3119
Fax: (717) 787-7052
Website: Department's directory of BSBO-verified minority, women, veteran and service disabled veteran-owned businesses can be accessed from: Searching for Small Diverse Businesses.
L. Oral Presentation. Contractors who submit proposals may be required to make an oral presentation of their proposal to the CFA. Such presentations provide an opportunity for the contractor to clarify the proposal to insure thorough mutual understanding. The Issuing Office will schedule these presentations.
M. Economy of Preparation. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the contractor's ability to meet the requirements of this RFP.
N. Contractor Responsibilities. The selected contractor will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal whether or not the selected contractor provides those services or subcontracts them. Further, CFA will consider the selected contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters. CFA reserves the right to approve any and all subcontracts.
O. Proposal Contents.
A. Confidential Information. The Commonwealth is not requesting, and does not require, confidential proprietary information or trade secrets to be included as part of Offerors' submissions in order to evaluate proposals submitted in response to this RFP. Accordingly, except as provided herein, Offerors should not label proposal submissions as confidential or proprietary or trade secret protected. Any Offeror who determines that it must divulge such information as part of its proposal must submit the signed written statement described in subsection c. below and must additionally provide a redacted version of its proposal, which removes only the confidential proprietary information and trade secrets, for required public disclosure purposes.
B. Commonwealth Use. All material submitted with the proposal shall be considered the property of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and may be returned only at the Issuing Office's option. The Commonwealth has the right to use any or all ideas not protected by intellectual property rights that are presented in any proposal regardless of whether the proposal becomes part of a contract. Notwithstanding any Offeror copyright designations contained on proposals, the Commonwealth shall have the right to make copies and distribute proposals internally and to comply with public record or other disclosure requirements under the provisions of any Commonwealth or United States statute or regulation, or rule or order of any court of competent jurisdiction.
C. Public Disclosure. After the award of a contract pursuant to this RFP, all proposal submissions are subject to disclosure in response to a request for public records made under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know-Law, 65 P. S. § 67.101, et seq. If a proposal submission contains confidential proprietary information or trade secrets, a signed written statement to this effect must be provided with the submission in accordance with 65 P. S. § 67.707(b) for the information to be considered exempt under 65 P. S. § 67.708(b)(11) from public records requests. If financial capability information is submitted in response to Part II of this RFP such financial capability information is exempt from public records disclosure under 65 P. S. § 67.708(b)(26).
P. News Releases. News releases pertaining to this project may not be made by the selected contractor without prior CFA approval, and then only in coordination with the Issuing Office.
Q. Debriefing Conference. Contractors whose proposals are not selected will be notified of the name of the selected contractor and will be given the opportunity to be debriefed. The Issuing Office will schedule the time and location of the debriefing.
R. Period of Contract. The contract will be entered into as soon after the final selection as feasible, subject to the availability of funds, and will operate for one year from that date. The CFA retains the right to extend the completion date if necessary for the successful completion of work, without any increase in contract price. Additionally, at the discretion of the CFA, the contract awarded as a result of this RFP may be extended for an additional period or periods of time not to exceed one year, if the services being rendered are judged to be exceptionally effective and of benefit to the Commonwealth. Conversely, the CFA may choose to terminate the contractual arrangement upon 30 days notice if, in the CFA's opinion, the services being provided are not adequate, are not of benefit to the Commonwealth, or are no longer needed.
S. Expenses. The proposed cost of the contractor should include all travel and miscellaneous expenses.
T. Payment. The successful contractor will be permitted to bill the CFA bimonthly for reimbursement under this contract.
U. Questions. In order to allow sufficient time for the Issuing Office to respond to questions concerning the contents of the proposal, such questions must be submitted to the Issuing Office in writing on or before the time and date specified in the cover letter to this RFP.
V. Cost Data. All cost data for the proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope within the sealed proposal and kept separate from the technical proposal. Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic disqualification of the proposal. The successful contractor will be required to provide the specified services at the prices quoted in its proposal.
W. Contractor's Representation and Authorization. Each contractor by submitting its proposal understands, represents and acknowledges that:
1. The contractor understands and acknowledges that all information provided by, and representations made by, the contractor in the proposal are material and important and will be relied upon by the Issuing Office in awardingthe contract(s). Any misstatement shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from the Issuing Office of the true facts relating to the submission of this proposal. A misrepresentation shall be punishable under Section 4904 of Title 18 Pa.C.S.A.
2. The price(s) and amount of this proposal have been arrived at independently and without consultation, communication or agreement with any other contractor or potential contractor.
3. Neither the price(s) nor the amount of the proposal, and neither the approximate price(s) nor the approximate amount of this proposal, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a contractor or potential contractor, and they will not be disclosed on or before the proposal submission deadline specified in the cover letter to this RFP.
4. No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this contract, or to submit a proposal higher than this proposal, or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive proposal or other form of complementary proposal.
5. The proposal is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or other noncompetitive proposal.
6. To the best knowledge of the person signing the proposal for the contractor, the contractor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental agency and have not in the last four years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract, except as disclosed by the contractor in its proposal.
7. To the best of the knowledge of the person signing the proposal for the contractor and except as otherwise disclosed by the contractor in its proposal, the contractor has no outstanding, delinquent obligations to the Commonwealth including, but not limited to, any state tax liability not being contested on appeal or other obligation of the contractor that is owed to the Commonwealth.
8. The contractor is not currently under suspension or debarment by the Commonwealth, or any other state, or the federal government, and if the contractor cannot certify, then it shall submit along with the proposal a written explanation of why such certification cannot be made.
9. The contractor has not, under separate contract with the Issuing Office, made any recommendations to the Issuing Office concerning the need for the services described in the proposal or the specifications for the services described in the proposal.
10. Each contractor, by submitting its proposal, authorizes all Commonwealth agencies to release to the Commonwealth information related to liabilities to the Commonwealth including, but not limited to taxes, unemployment compensation, and workers' compensation liabilities.
X. RFP Protest Procedure.
1. Any offeror or prospective offeror, who is aggrieved in connection with the RFP or award of the contract solicitation or award of a contract, may file a protest as provided in the Procurement Code, Act 57 of 1998, 62 Pa.C.S.A. Section 1711.1.
Part II
Information Required from ContractorsOfferors must submit their proposals in the format, including heading descriptions, outlined below. To be considered, the proposal must respond to all requirements in this part of the RFP. Offerors should provide any other information thought to be relevant, but not applicable to the enumerated categories, as an appendix to the Proposal. All cost data relating to this proposal and all Small Diverse Business cost data should be kept separate from and not included in the Technical Submittal. Each Proposal shall consist of the following three separately sealed submittals:
A. Technical Submittal, which shall be a response to RFP Part II, Sections A through D;
B. Small Diverse Business participation submittal, in response to RFP Part II, Section E; and
C. Cost Submittal, in response to RFP Part II, Section F.
The Issuing Office reserves the right to request additional information which, in the Issuing Office's opinion, is necessary to assure that the Offeror's competence, number of qualified employees, business organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform according to the RFP.
The Issuing Office may make investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the Offeror to perform the Project, and the Offeror shall furnish to the Issuing Office all requested information and data. The Issuing Office reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Offeror fails to satisfy the Issuing Office that such Offeror is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the RFP and to complete the Project as specified.
A. Statement of the Problem. State in succinct terms the services which are required by this RFP.
B. Management Summary. Include a narrative description of the proposed effort and a list of the services to be provided.
C. Work Plan. Describe in narrative form the technical plan for accomplishing the work.
D. Prior Experience and Personnel. State how long you have been in business. Explain the level of experience you have in providing services similar to those requested in this RFP. Cite similar projects, identifying the type of customer (name optional), the city address, and a brief description of the contract and results. Provide three specific references for which you have completed similar work which the Issuing Office may contact. List the names of the actual people who will be working on the Issuing Office project along with a brief biographical sketch for each person, including their educational background. Explain the level of experience each person who will be working on the Issuing Office project has in providing services similar to those requested in this RFP. Identify the person(s) responsible for managing the project. Provide a brief description of your organization, its structure (organization chart where appropriate), and annual report as appropriate.
E. Small Diverse Business Participation Submittal.
A. To receive credit for being a Small Diverse Business or for subcontracting with a Small Diverse Business (including purchasing supplies and/or services through a purchase agreement), an Offeror must include proof of Small Diverse Business qualification in the Small Diverse Business participation submittal of the proposal, as indicated below:
A Small Diverse Business verified by BSBO as a Small Diverse Business must provide a photocopy of its DGS issued certificate entitled ''Notice of Small Business Self-Certification and Small Diverse Business Verification'' indicating its diverse status.
B. In addition to the above certificate, the Offeror must include in the Small Diverse Business participation submittal of the proposal the following information:
1. All Offerors must include a numerical percentage which represents the total percentage of the work (as a percentage of the total cost in the Cost Submittal) to be performed by the Offeror and not by subcontractors and suppliers.
2. All Offerors must include a numerical percentage which represents the total percentage of the total cost in the Cost Submittal that the Offeror commits to paying to Small Diverse Businesses (SDBs) as subcontractors. To support its total percentage SDB subcontractor commitment, Offeror must also include:
a) The percentage and dollar amount of each subcontract commitment to a Small Diverse Business;
b) The name of each Small Diverse Business. The Offeror will not receive credit for stating that after the contract is awarded it will find a Small Diverse Business.
c) The services or supplies each Small Diverse Business will provide, including the timeframe for providing the services or supplies.
d) The location where each Small Diverse Business will perform services.
e) The timeframe for each Small Diverse Business to provide or deliver the goods or services.
f) A subcontract or letter of intent signed by the Offeror and the Small Diverse Business (SDB) for each SDB identified in the SDB Submittal. The subcontract or letter of intent must identify the specific work, goods or services the SDB will perform, how the work, goods or services relates to the project, and the specific timeframe during the term of the contract and any option/renewal periods when the work, goods or services will be performed or provided. In addition, the subcontract or letter of intent must identify the fixed percentage commitment and associated estimated dollar value that each SDB will receive based on the total value of the initial term of the contract as provided in the Offeror's Cost Submittal. Attached is a letter of intent template (Appendix A) which may be used to satisfy these requirements.
g) The name, address and telephone number of the primary contact person for each Small Diverse Business.
3. The total percentages and each SDB subcontractor commitment will become contractual obligations once the contract is fully executed.
4. The name and telephone number of the Offeror's project (contact) person for the Small Diverse Business information.
C. The Offeror is required to submit two copies of its Small Diverse Business participation submittal. The submittal shall be clearly identified as Small Diverse Business information and sealed in its own envelope, separate from the remainder of the proposal.
D. A Small Diverse Business can be included as a subcontractor with as many prime contractors as it chooses in separate proposals.
E. An Offeror that qualifies as a Small Diverse Business and submits a proposal as a prime contractor is not prohibited from being included as a subcontractor in separate proposals submitted by other Offerors.
F. Cost and Price Analysis. The information requested in this section is required to support the reasonableness of the quoted price and is for internal CFA use only. This portion of the proposal must be bound and sealed separately from the remainder of the proposal. Further, this separate package must be marked ''Cost and Price Analysis.'' This portion of the proposal will not be opened until the review and rating of the other sections of the proposal is completed. Interested respondents failing to submit this section in a separate sealed package will be disqualified from further review.
To be considered, the fee for the advisory services for all items in Part IV of the RFP must be proposed as a lump-sum proposal for the deliverables (items 1-4) and on a single hourly basis for all professional personnel of the Contractor rendering services (items 5-6) for the CFA. This single hourly rate should also include all administrative overhead expenses, including but not limited to photography, printing, clerical cost, and faxes. The Contractor should list their lump-sum bid and single hourly rate for the year.
Lump-Sum Bid For Deliverables Year One Services $ ______ Hourly Rate $ _____ The contract price for the deliverables and the services cannot exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
Substantiated actual expenses incurred for transportation and lodging in connection with performance of the duties will be reimbursed by CFA in keeping with the Commonwealth's travel regulations. Substantiated travel expenses such as turnpike, bridge tolls, parking fees and telephone calls will be reimbursed at cost.
To support the reasonableness of the quoted hourly rate, please provide information on the following, based upon your best estimate of the type of personnel required to perform the services hereunder:
1. Direct Labor Costs. Itemize so as to show the following for each category of professional personnel who will charge time to CFA with a different cost to the contractor per hour: (a) Category, e.g., partner, project manager, analyst, senior auditor or research associate; (b) Cost to the contractor per hour for such category of professional employee; (c) Estimated portion of total billed hours to be billed to CFA by each category of employee; (d) Average cost to the contractor per hour for each category and for all direct labor costs.
2. Labor Overhead. Specific what is included and rate used.
3. Cost of Supplies and Materials. Itemize.
4. Other Direct Costs. Itemize.
5. General Overhead Costs. Specify what is included and hourly cost used.
6. Fee or Profit.
7. Total Hourly Cost to Contractor.
The cost and price analysis must be submitted in one (1) copies to the Issuing Office.
Part III
Criteria for SelectionA. All proposals received from contractors will be reviewed and evaluated by the CFA. Prior to the final selection, the CFA may conduct discussions with contractors for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers.
B. The following areas of consideration will be used in making the selection:
1. Understanding the Problem. This refers to the contractor's understanding of the CFA's needs that generated the RFP, of the CFA's objectives in asking for the services or undertaking the study, and of the nature and scope of the work involved.
2. Contractor Qualifications. This refers to the ability of the contractor to meet the terms of the RFP, especially the time constraints and the quality, relevancy, and recency of studies and projects completed by the contractor. This also includes the contractor's financial ability to undertake a project of this size.
3. Professional Personnel. This refers to the competency of professional personnel who would be assigned to the job by the contractor. Qualifications of professional personnel will be measured by experience and education, with particular reference to experience in providing financial advisory services.
4. Soundness of Approach. Emphasis here is on the techniques for collecting and analyzing data, sequence and relationships of major steps, and methods for managing the service. Of equal importance is whether the technical approach is completely responsive to all written specifications and requirements contained in the RFP and if it appears to meet CFA objectives.
5. Small Diverse Business Participation. Each proposal will be rated for its approach to enhancing the utilization of Small Diverse Businesses.
6. Cost. This area will be a significant but not deciding factor in the selection process.
Part IV
Work StatementThe Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) is soliciting proposals from firms interested in providing solar energy economic modeling consulting services to the CFA for the Solar Energy Program. The Solar Energy Program provides financial assistance in the form of grant and loan funds that will be used by eligible applicants to promote the generation and use of solar energy and the manufacture or assembly of solar equipment in the Commonwealth. Eligible applicants include businesses, economic development organizations and political subdivisions. The Program is administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) under the direction of the CFA. Independent solar energy economic modeling consulting services will be used to advise the CFA on the current solar energy market to determine the type and amount of financial assistance necessary to incentivize and maximize solar deployment in the Commonwealth. The CFA has over $30 million in funds ready to deploy under the Solar Energy Program. The Contractor will be expected to provide the following deliverables:
1. Provide the CFA Board with information on the current solar energy market, including purchase and installation prices, solar panel efficiency, life expectancy of installations, solar energy financing models, solar renewable energy credit (SREC) markets and other trends in the development of solar energy. The CFA Board is seeking information on the solar energy market in the Commonwealth, neighboring states in the PJM market and the national level.
2. Provide information on all forms of incentives currently available to solar energy projects, including federal and state grants, loans, tax credits and depreciation benefits.
3. Provide typical solar energy economic models, including but not limited to direct ownership, sale-leaseback, leasing arrangements and power purchase agreement (PPA) structures. Economic modeling should include typical purchase and installation costs, tax credit and depreciation benefits, energy pricing (should include energy pricing assumptions for each electric utility market in the Commonwealth), inflation and cost increase assumptions, solar energy renewable credit (SREC) pricing and forward SREC contract assumptions, operation and maintenance expenses, insurance and other administrative costs. The economic models should provide information on typical return on investments (ROI) for the overall project including, but not limited to, the simple payback for investors and the 10-year internal rate of return (IRR). For PPA structures, advise the board on how fair market value is determined at the end of the PPA term.
4. Review Solar Energy Program guidelines and evaluation criteria to provide recommendations for changes necessary to maximize the deployment of solar energy in the Commonwealth.
The Contractor will be expected to perform the following services:
5. Attend CFA Board meetings, staff review committee meetings, and briefings to provide information and answer questions on solar energy economic modeling.
6. Provide all other solar energy economic modeling analysis services as reasonably requested by the CFA.
Appendix A
Small Diverse Business
Letter of Intent[DATE]
[SDB Contact Name
SDB Company Name
City, State, Zip]Dear [SDB Contact Name]:
This letter serves as confirmation of the intent of [Offeror] to utilize [Small Diverse Business (SDB)] on RFP [RFP number and Title] issued by the [Commonwealth agency name].
If [Offeror] is the successful vendor, [SDB] shall provide [identify the specific work, goods or services the SDB will perform, and the specific timeframe during the term of the contract and any option/renewal periods when the work, goods or services will be performed or provided].
These services represent [identify fixed numerical percentage commitment] of the total cost in the [Offeror's] cost submittal for the initial term of the contract. Dependent on final negotiated contract pricing and actual contract usage or volume, it is expected that [SDB] willreceive an estimated [identify associated estimated dollar value that the fixed percentage commitment represents] during the initial contract term.
[SDB] represents that it meets the small diverse business requirements set forth in the RFP and all required documentation has been provided to [Offeror] for its SDB submission.
We look forward to the opportunity to serve the Commonwealth Financing Authority on this project. If you have any questions concerning our small diverse business commitment, please feel free to contact me at the number below.
Sincerely, Acknowledged, Offeror Name SDB Name Title Title Company Company Phone number Phone number
Appendix D
Proposal Cover Sheet
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Commonwealth Financing Authority
RFP# 2015-01Enclosed in three separately sealed submittals is the proposal of the Offeror identified below for the above-referenced RFP:
Offeror Information:
Offeror Name Offeror Mailing Address Offeror Website Offeror Contact Person Contact Person's Phone Number Contact Person's Facsimile Number Contact Person's E-Mail Address Offeror Federal ID Number Offeror SAP/SRM Vendor Number
Submittals Enclosed and Separately Sealed:
[ ] Technical Submittal (15 copies) [ ] Small Diverse Business Participation Submittal (2 copies) [ ] Cost Submittal (1 copies)
Signature Signature of an official
authorized to bind the
Offeror to the provisions
contained in the Offeror's
Printed NameTitle Failure to complete, sign and return this form with the Offeror's proposal may result in the rejection of the Offeror's proposal.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-1056. Filed for public inspection June 5, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]
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