Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1458




Amendment of Local Rule 1301.2; No. AD-816-2024

[54 Pa.B. 6421]
[Saturday, October 12, 2024]

Administrative Order of Court

And Now, this 27th day of September, 2024, the Court hereby amends Local Rule of Civil Procedure 1301.2 in accordance with the following, effective thirty (30) days after the publication of same in The Pennsylvania Bulletin.

 Erin J. Karmen, Esquire, Judicial Law Clerk, is Ordered and Directed to do the following:

 1. File one (1) copy of this Order and the following Amended Local Rule 1301.2 with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania (AOPC) via email to

 2. File one (1) copy of this Order and the following Amended Local Rule 1301.2 with the Legislative Bureau for publication in The Pennsylvania Bulletin.

 3. Publish a copy of this Order and the following Amended Local Rule 1301.2 on the Clinton County Court website.

By the Court

President Judge

Rule 1301.2. Arbitrators.

 (A) All active members of the Clinton County Bar Association unless a member has requested to be removed shall constitute the Board of Arbitrators and all members shall act as arbitrators. No two (2) members from the same firm or office, or related by blood or marriage, shall serve on the same board, unless this requirement is waived in writing by all parties in interest or their counsel.

 (B) The Prothonotary shall maintain, in alphabetical order, a list of all members of the Clinton County Bar who have not requested in writing to be removed from the list of the Board of Arbitrators. Upon the filing of a praecipe for arbitration or pursuant to an Order of Court, the Prothonotary shall submit a list of five (5) names to the plaintiff or the attorney for plaintiff. In the event there are additional parties to the proceeding, the Prothonotary shall add an additional name for each additional party. This list shall be in the order in which the names are on the list of the Prothonotary, passing those members who are disqualified to the next qualified member. The plaintiff may strike one (1) member from the list and shall return the list to the Prothonotary within thirty (30) days of the Prothonotary forwarding the list the plaintiff. The Prothonotary shall then forward the list to the defendant. The defendant may likewise strike one (1) member from the list and shall return the list to Prothonotary within thirty (30) days of the Prothonotary forwarding the list to the defendant. In the event of an additional party or parties, the Prothonotary shall forward the list to the additional party or parties after the defendant has returned the list to the Prothonotary or waived the right to strike. Each additional party shall return the list to the Prothonotary within thirty (30) days of the Prothonotary forwarding the list to the additional party.

 (C) In the event a party does not exercise the right to strike within thirty (30) days of the list being served upon that party's attorney or if proceeding pro se, the party, then the party shall have been deemed to have waived the right to strike and the Prothonotary shall forward the list to the next party having the right to strike a member from the list with the Prothonotary noting on the list that the said party has waived the right to strike pursuant to this local rule due to failure to return the list to the Prothonotary exercising that party's right to strike.

 (D) The first three (3) remaining members shall constitute the Board and the first shall be the chairperson. Any stricken member, as well as any disqualified member, shall, in alphabetical order, be at the head of the list for the next and/or subsequent cases.

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1458. Filed for public inspection October 11, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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