Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1506




[54 Pa.B. 6677]
[Saturday, October 19, 2024]

 Under section 2002 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § 512) establishing the Department of Transportation, the Director of the Bureau of Design and Delivery, as delegated by the Secretary of Transportation, makes the following written finding:

 An Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental impacts caused by the US 30 Corridor Improvements—Western Section Project. A finding of No Significant Impact was issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on September 10, 2024.

 The selected alternative includes reconstruction of the Route 30 corridor, as well as improvements to PA 48 and Route 30 utilizing an innovative Restricted Crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersection treatment which would restrict through-turning and left-turning motorists approaching Route 30 to right-turns only. Motorists would then complete a U-turn movement at a designated median opening before reconnecting with their intended route. The work throughout this corridor is expected to consist of safety improvements ranging from upgraded signing, pavement marking and delineation to roadway realignment, roadway widening and the addition of auxiliary lanes at the intersections. A median barrier would be put in place as an improved safety measure for the corridor. The median barrier would be installed between the westbound and eastbound lanes to minimize left turns within the project limits. Left turns would only be possible at the signalized intersections. Jughandles are proposed approximately every 0.7 mile to accommodate travelers and businesses by allowing traffic opportunities to turn around. The proposed median and jughandle intersection treatments would substantially reduce conflict points and potential conflicting maneuvers along this segment of Route 30, thereby improving overall traffic safety.

 Regarding pedestrians, based on the preliminary signal plans, pedestrian accommodations are part of the design to be installed at signalized intersections along Route 30 at State Route (SR) 48, Route 30 at Ardara Road/Idaho Lane, Route 30 at Old Jacks Run Road/Peterson Road and Route 30 at Carpenter Lane/Leger Road, with sidewalks potentially being added in the future. Pedestrian accommodations at each intersection are shown on preliminary signal plans to include crosswalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals and pedestrian push-buttons. Pedestrian accommodations are not recommended at the proposed east and west turnaround signals (RCUT intersections) for Route 30 at SR 48 intersection due to continuous mainline through-movements at each signal. Pedestrian traffic at these turnaround signals shall be directed to the main Route 30 at SR 48 intersection that would be signalized to accommodate pedestrians crossing Route 30.

 The EA and EA comment responses have been evaluated by the FHWA and were determined to discuss adequately and accurately the need, environmental issues and impacts of the proposed project and mitigation measures that will be taken to minimize harm as stipulated in the EA. Based on the EA, the FHWA has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact for the project. The Bureau of Design and Delivery has concluded that all State Environmental Evaluation Requirements, as published in section 2002 of The Administrative Code of 1929, have been satisfied.

 Mitigation measures will be taken to minimize harm as stipulated in the EA. No significant environmental impact is likely to result from the proposed action.

Bureau of Design and Delivery

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1506. Filed for public inspection October 18, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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