Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules.

PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 96-1269f

[26 Pa.B. 3692]

[Continued from previous Web Page]

Bureau of Field Operations

Emergency Operations Plan DEP Code:  400-5900-101

Procedures for Emergency Contracting to Extinguish Mine Fire DEP Code:  400-5900-111

Gasoline Fume Emergency Criteria DEP Code:  400-5900-112

Chlorine Safety Procedures DEP Code:  400-5900-113

Hazardous Material and Hazardous Atmosphere Safety Policy DEP Code:  400-5900-114

Contact:  Kris Lutz 717-787-5028

Bureau of Oil and Gas Management

Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual DEP Code:  550-2000-001

Contact:  Frank Bialas 717-772-2199

Bureau of Mining and Reclamation

Scheduling Inspections DEP Code:  560-0600-201

Appropriate Enforcement Action, Joint OSM Inspections DEP Code:  560-0600-203

General Information, Municipal Mining DEP Code:  561-2000-711

Name Changes DEP Code:  561-2000-713

Numbering System DEP Code:  561-2100-250

Permit Inventory DEP Code:  561-2100-701

Address Records, Coal DEP Code:  561-2100-702

Status Codes, LUMIS DEP Code:  561-2100-703

Mapping DEP Code:  561-2100-750

Discretionary Criteria, Unsuitable for Mining DEP Code:  561-2114-101

Eligibility for Small Operator Assistance Program DEP Code:  561-2305-101

SOAP Review Procedures DEP Code:  561-2305-102

SOAP Application Processing, Preassignment DEP Code:  561-2305-201

SOAP Application Processing, Work Orders DEP Code:  561-2305-202

SOAP Application Processing, Report Review DEP Code:  561-2305-203

SOAP Application Processing, Applicant Notification DEP Code:  561-2305-204

SOAP Grant Requests DEP Code:  561-2305-301

SOAP Grant Closeouts DEP Code:  561-2305-302

Tracking, SOAP Accounting DEP Code:  561-2305-505

Tracking, Complaints DEP Code:  561-3900-704

Grant and Loan Applications DEP Code:  561-5500-101

Licensing, Name Changes DEP Code:  562-2000-703

Licensing, Municipal Mining DEP Code:  562-2100-704

Sealing Mine Openings, Bituminous DEP Code:  562-2112-316

Sealing Mine Openings, Anthracite DEP Code:  562-2112-317

Blasting, Preblast Surveys DEP Code:  562-2112-502

Blasting, Vibration Limits DEP Code:  562-2112-503

Blasting, Licensing DEP Code:  562-2402-501

Licensing, Water Supply Replacement DEP Code:  562-2500-702

Verification, Licenses DEP Code:  562-2500-801

Inspections DEP Code:  562-3000-102

Inspections, Bond Forfeiture DEP Code:  562-3000-104

Field Evaluations DEP Code:  562-3000-105

Inspections:  Applicant Violator System DEP Code:  562-3000-110

Compliance, Applicant Violator System DEP Code:  562-3000-802

Sample Identification Number DEP Code:  562-3200-201

Sample Identification DEP Code:  562-3200-202

Samples Criteria DEP Code:  562-3200-203

Handling Samples DEP Code:  562-3200-204

Planting Season DEP Code:  562-3200-205

Effluent Standards DEP Code:  562-3200-206

Administration, Annual Reports DEP Code:  562-3300-804

Equipment DEP Code:  562-3400-106

Aerial Surveillance DEP Code:  562-3600-103

Citizen's Requests DEP Code:  562-3900-401

Citizen's Request, Investigation DEP Code:  562-3900-402

Citizen's Request, Appeals DEP Code:  562-3900-403

Violations Patterns DEP Code:  562-4000-302

Time Extension DEP Code:  562-4000-304

Administration, LUMIS Enforcement DEP Code:  562-4000-803

Compliance/Enforcement Procedures DEP Code:  562-4100-301

Compliance Orders DEP Code:  562-4100-303

Enforcement, Alternative DEP Code:  562-4100-307

Bond Forfeiture DEP Code:  562-4170-308

Debt Collection DEP Code:  562-4170-318

Civil Penalty Assessments DEP Code:  562-4180-306

Civil Penalty, Reclamation in Lieu of Cash DEP Code:  562-4180-309

Bond Replacement DEP Code:  562-4180-310

Penalties, Civil Collection DEP Code:  562-4180-311

Exploration, Coal DEP Code:  563-2000-102

General Noncoal, Petition Process DEP Code:  563-2000-103

Exploration, Anthracite Mines DEP Code:  563-2000-105

Permit Review, PHMC DEP Code:  563-2000-201

Permit Review, Admin/Technical DEP Code:  563-2000-203

Contact:  Dottie Shellehame 717-787-5103

Homeowner Notification of Right to Pre-Blast Survey (Industrial Minerals) DEP Code:  563-2000-204

Contact:  Mike Getto 787-7846

Application Review, Exceptions to Sect 86.102 DEP Code:  563-2000-207

Application Review, Right of Entry DEP Code:  563-2000-208

Review Process, Bituminous Coal Blast Plan DEP Code:  563-2000-223

Technical Review, High Quality Watersheds DEP Code:  563-2000-601

Technical Review, Sewage Sludge Utilization DEP Code:  563-2000-602

Technical Review, Coal Mining DEP Code:  563-2000-609

Technical Review, Perennial Streams DEP Code:  563-2000-655

Renewal, Permits DEP Code:  563-2100-216

Noncoal SMCRA DEP Code:  563-2111-101

Noncoal SMCRA, Construction Projects DEP Code:  563-2111-102

Noncoal Operations DEP Code:  563-2111-111

Application Review, Boundary Corrections DEP Code:  563-2112-203

Application Review, Mining Permit DEP Code:  563-2112-205

Coal Ash Placement at Coal Mining Activities DEP Code:  563-2112-206

Application Review, Coal Mining Activity Completeness DEP Code:  563-2112-211

Application Review, Land Use Changes DEP Code:  563-2112-212

Application Review, Coal Mining Activity Preapplication DEP Code:  563-2112-214

Application Review, Accepted Coal Mining Activity DEP Code:  563-2112-215

Application Review, Alkaline Addition to Surface Mines DEP Code:  563-2112-217

Application Review, Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment DEP Code:  563-2112-219

Application Review, Coal Extraction DEP Code:  563-2112-222

Technical Review, Innovative Mining Techniques DEP Code:  563-2112-603

Technical Review, Auger Mining DEP Code:  563-2112-604

Technical Review, Water Supply Replacement DEP Code:  563-2112-605

Technical Review, Vibration Limitations DEP Code:  563-2112-606

Technical Review, Anthracite Coal Rejects DEP Code:  563-2112-607

Technical Review, Constructed Wetlands DEP Code:  563-2112-608

Determining Eligibility of Pre-Existing Pollutional Discharges DEP Code:  563-2112-610

Determination of Effluent Standards for Pre-existing Pollutional Discharges DEP Code:  563-2112-611

Monitoring and Compliance for Subchapter F/G permits DEP Code:  563-2112-612

Technical Review, Underground Coal Mining DEP Code:  563-2112-652

Technical Review, Ventilation Boreholes DEP Code:  563-2112-653

Technical Review, Mine Stability DEP Code:  563-2112-654

Technical Review, Liners DEP Code:  563-2112-656

Technical Review, Public Water Protection Zones DEP Code:  563-2112-657

Bonding, Noncoal In-Lieuity DEP Code:  563-2500-401

Bonding, Special Conditions DEP Code:  563-2504-401

Bonding, Processing DEP Code:  563-2504-402

Bonding, Anthracite Deep Mine Emergency Program DEP Code:  563-2504-405

Bonding, Direct Submittal DEP Code:  563-2504-407

Bonding, Methods DEP Code:  563-2504-408

Bonding, Phased Deposit DEP Code:  563-2504-409

Bonding, Releases DEP Code:  563-2504-411

Bonding, Surface Mine with Post Mining Discharges DEP Code:  563-2504-412

Bonding, Adjustments for Post Mining Discharges DEP Code:  563-2504-450

Bonding, Interim Bond Rates DEP Code:  563-2504-451

Inspection at Citizen's Request DEP Code:  563-3900-404

Application Review, Primacy Repermitting DEP Code:  563-4000-201

Civil Penalty, Noncoal DEP Code:  563-4180-306

Contact:  Dottie Shellehame 717-787-5103

Bureau of Deep Mine Safety

Equipment/Mine Plan Approval DEP Code:  580-2200-001

Procedures for Processing Requests to Adopt New Items or Methods DEP Code:  580-2200-004

Miner Certification DEP Code:  580-2300-001

Mine Safety Inspections DEP Code:  580-3000-001

Mine Safety Electrical Inspections DEP Code:  580-3000-002

Accident Investigations DEP Code:  580-3000-003

Mine Subsidence Safety Inspections DEP Code:  580-3000-004

Clarification of Pertinence of DEP Statutes re Coal Processing Facilities DEP Code:  580-3000-005

Emergency Response DEP Code:  580-5900-001

Contact:  Glenn Ziegler 717-787-1376


Bureau of Policy and Communications

Policies/Procedures for Implementing History Code DEP Code:  012-0700-001

Contact:  Nina Huizinga 717-783-8727

Policy for Development, Approval and Distribution of Regulations DEP Code:  012-0820-001

Contact:  Barbara Sexton 717-783-8727

Policy for Development, Approval and Distribution of Technical Guidance DEP Code:  012-0900-001

Contact:  Nina Huizinga 717-783-8727

Bureau of Land, Recycling and Waste Management

Policy/Procedure for Institutional Ctrls Pursuant to Subsec 512(a) of HSCA DEP Code:  253-4100-646

Policy/Procedure for Periodic Post-Remediation Review under HSCA DEP Code:  253-4500-645

Policy/Procedures for Municipal Waste Facilities - Equivalency Approvals DEP Code:  254-2100-727

Policy/Procedures for Infectious Waste Definition DEP Code:  254-2167-726

Contact:  Josephine Valenci 717-787-9870

Bureau of Radiation Protection

Policy and Procedures Summary, Radiation Control Division DEP Code:  291-0400-001

Policy and Procedures, Nuclear Safety Division, Nuclear Safety Section DEP Code:  293-0400-001

Low Level Radioactive Waste Section Policies and Procedures DEP Code:  293-0400-002

Radon Division's Policies and Procedures DEP Code:  294-0400-001

Radon Certification Policy DEP Code:  294-2309-001

Contact:  Ed Burtsavage 717-787-3720

Bureau of Field Ops

Deputy Chief Counsel/Field Operations Compliance Policy/Procedures DEP Code:  400-4000-001

Contact:  Kris Lutz 717-787-5028

Bureau of Oil and Gas Management

Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Policy DEP Code:  550-4000-001

Technical Services Manual DEP Code:  550-2100-003

Contact:  Frank Bialas 717-772-2199

Bureau of Mining and Reclamation

Coordination with the PHMC DEP Code:  560-0700-301

Fish and Boat Commission Coordination DEP Code:  560-0700-302

Game Commission Coordination DEP Code:  560-0700-303

Surface Mine Review, Water Quality DEP Code:  560-0700-304

PHMC Noncoal Coordination DEP Code:  560-0700-305

Contact:  Dottie Shellehame 717-787-5103


Bureau of Water Supply and Community Health

Summary of Key Requirements, Comm Water Systems DEP Code:  383-0810-101

Summary of Key Requirements for Total Coliform Rule DEP Code:  383-0810-102

Summary of Key Requirements for Phase 2 & Phase 5 Wellhead Protection Rule DEP Code:  383-0810-105

Surface Water Filtration Rule DEP Code:  383-0810-106

Summary of Key Requirements for Lead and Copper Rule DEP Code:  383-0810-107

Summary of Key Requirements for Transient Noncommunity Water Systems DEP Code:  383-0810-201

Summary of Key Requirements for Bottled Water Systems DEP Code:  383-0810-203

Summary of Key Requirements for Transient Noncommunity Water Systems DEP Code:  383-0810-210

Working Guide to the Lead and Copper Rule DEP Code:  383-0300-107

Summary of Key Requirements, Nontrans/NonComm Water Systems DEP Code:  383-0810-301

Summary of Key Requirements for Vended/Bulk Water Hauling DEP Code:  383-0810-303

Public Water Supply Manual, Pt 1 DEP Code:  383-0810-111

Public Water Supply Manual, Part 2 DEP Code:  383-2125-108

Public Water Supply Manual Part 3 DEP Code:  383-2126-303

Public Water Supply Manual Part 4 DEP Code:  383-2128-108

Public Water Supply Manual, Pt 7 DEP Code:  383-3100-111

Public Water Supply Manual Part 5 Sect. 1 & 2 DEP Code:  383-3110-111

Public Water Supply Manual, Pt 5 DEP Code:  383-3110-211

Public Water Supply Manual, Pt 6 DEP Code:  383-5900-111

Contact:  Donna Pollinger 717-787-5017

Bureau of Land and Water Conservation

Coastal Programs Project Application Guidelines DEP Code:  394-5500-015

Coastal Program Information Booklet DEP Code:  394-5500-016

Contact:  Pat Marrocco 717-787-5267


Bureau of Policy and Communications

Guidance Document Inventory DEP Code:  012-0900-004

Contact:  Nina Huizinga 717-783-8727

Bureau of Dams/Waterways/Wetlands

Certification for Corps Nationwide Permits DEP Code:  320-2316-001

Contact:  Mike Stover 717-787-6826



Bureau of Contract Administration and Business Development

Contract Compliance--Prequalification of Vendors and Nonconstruction Contractors, 4 Pa. Code § 68.1

Contract Compliance--Construction Contracts, 4 Pa. Code § 68.101

Internal Guidelines for MBE/WBE Certification, 4 Pa. Code § 68.201

Contact:  Donetta M. D'Innocenzo (783-3119)


Bureau of Construction

Administrative Procedures

Contact:  David McCarty (787-6330)

Bureau of Contract Administration and Business Development

Commonwealth Contract Compliance Program Guidelines

Contract Compliance Review for Contractors (Construction and Non-Construction)

Contract Compliance Orientation and Training Manual

Contact:  Donetta M. D'Innocenzo (783-3119)

Bureau of Engineering and Architecture

Bureau of Engineering and Architecture Procedure Manual

Contact:  Bob Glenn (787-3709)

Bureau of Police and Safety

Capitol Police Duty Manual

Contact:  Eugene Marzullo (787-9013)

Bureau of Publications and Paperwork Management

Forms Management

Standard (STD) Forms Management

Contact:  Donald E. Gibas (787-3707)

Bureau of Purchases

Field Purchasing Manual

Contact:  Kelly B. Hazzard (787-4718)

Bureau of Supplies and Surplus Operations

Commodity Distribution Center Catalog

Contact:  Ronald Wolf (787-5940)

Bureau of Vehicle Management

Automotive Service Facilities

Commonwealth Automotive Credit Card Code List

Contact:  James Martin (787-3162)

Professional Selections and Project Control Office

Instructions to Bidders

Contact:  Ann Fischer (787-4479)


Departmental Procedures (By Category)

Brenda Bowman (783-1163)

Administrative Management

Office Copying Machines

Requesting Publication of Advertisement


Signature Authorization

Providing Public Notices of Agency Meetings

Requesting Computer Services

Request/Authorization of User Access

Requesting Personal Computers

Dept. of General Services Management Bulletin

Service of Legal Documents upon Department Employees

Publications Management

Processing Subscriptions and Sales of Pennsylvania Code

Book Store Operations

Processing Department Publications

Records Management

Establishing a Records Management Program

Transfer of Records to the State Records Center

Destruction of Records

Forms Management

Establishing a Forms Control File

Creating, Revising or Deleting a Form

Organization and Functions

Organization and Functions

Executive Offices

Bureau of Risk and Insurance Management

Deputy Secretary for Procurement

Bureau of Vehicle Management

Bureau of Telecommunications and Information Technology Services

Bureau of Purchases

Bureau of Supplies and Surplus Operations

Deputy Secretary for Central Services

Bureau of Police and Safety

Bureau of Buildings and Grounds

Bureau of Space and Facilities Management

Bureau of Real Estate

Deputy Secretary for Administration

Contract Administration and Business Development

Fiscal Management Unit

Bureau of Management Services

Bureau of Publications and Paperwork Management

Bureau of Personnel

Commonwealth Media Services

Deputy Secretary for Public Works

Bureau of Engineering and Architecture

Bureau of Technical Support

Bureau of Construction

State Art Commission

[Continued on next Web Page]

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