Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Projects Public Meeting on Federal FY 2003 Intended Use Plan
[32 Pa.B. 4555] The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) and the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) have prepared the Federal fiscal year 2003 drinking water program Intended Use Plan (IUP) which includes a list of drinking water projects to be considered for a design and engineering or construction loan from funds Pennsylvania expects to receive from fiscal year 2003 funds approved by Congress to capitalize the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program.
The projects to be considered for a loan from the DWSRF must meet the Federal requirements for funding in accordance with section 1452 of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (act). Accordingly, the projects included in the IUP are expected to meet the requirements applicable to use of the DWSRF loan funds. Projects listed in the FY 2003 IUP are on Pennsylvania's FY 2002/2003 Project Priority List and are expected to proceed with design and engineering or to construction in the near future.
The FY 2003 IUP has 16 drinking water projects listed with a total dollar value of approximately $27.3 million. The DWSRF will be capitalized with approximately $25.9 million of Federal FY 2003 funds from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and approximately $5.2 million of State funds. The Commonwealth intends to also use $4.2 million of recycled DWSRF funds. Additionally, PENNVEST and the Department reserve the right to transfer up to 1/3 of the DWSRF grant amount between the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the DWSRF. Some $8.0 million of available FY 2003 Federal funds will be set aside for program administration costs, technical assistance to small systems, operator training and certification and source water assessment and protection, as authorized under section 1452 of the act. The IUP also includes a narrative workplan further describing how these set-aside funds will be used.
A public meeting will be held, as described in the following paragraphs. After the public meeting and assessment of the comments received, the Final FY 2003 IUP will be completed, and potentially, it may include other projects from the Project Priority List. A project must appear on the PENNVEST approved IUP before it can receive a loan from the DWSRF. A project's readiness to proceed and the reasonable availability of alternative funds also have a bearing on project selection for the IUP. Consequently, the rank ordered list of projects on the Project Priority List does not dictate the order in which projects will be chosen for inclusion in the IUP.
Federal guidance on development of the IUP requires that it be subject to public review and comment before being submitted to the EPA.
The Department has scheduled a public meeting for 10 a.m., October 17, 2002, in the Auditorium of the Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA. The meeting is scheduled for the purpose of receiving comments from the public regarding the fiscal year 2003 IUP. Interested persons are invited to express their views on the narrative portion of the IUP, the set-aside workplan or the priority rating or ranking of projects on the IUP at the public meeting. Persons who wish to offer comments should contact the Administrative Services Section, Division of Municipal Financial Assistance, Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, 10th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8466, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8466, (717) 787-6744 or by e-mail by 4 p.m., October 16, 2002. Where written statements are prepared and will be submitted at the meeting, speakers will be asked to restrict the oral portion of the statement to a summary of the written comments. Speakers will be called to present their comments generally in the order of receipt of the notice of intent to appear at the meeting.
It is not necessary to appear at the public meeting to present comments on the narrative portion of the IUP, the set-aside workplan or the IUP list of projects. Interested persons may submit written comments to the Department at the address previously listed. The written comments will be considered equivalent to oral statements presented at the meeting. To be considered by the Department and PENNVEST, the written comments must be received by the Administrative Services Section on or before the date of the meeting.
Persons in need of accommodations as provided for in the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Anthony Maisano at the previously noted address and telephone number or through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
The FY 2003 DWSRF IUP list of projects follows this notice. A copy of the IUP list, as well as the FY 2002/2003 Project Priority List, and the narrative portion of the IUP and set-aside workplan are available for public review in the offices listed at the end of this notice and are accessible electronically through the Department's website mgt/wsm/WSM_TAO/Finan_Tech_Asst.htm.
DEP--Southeast Region
Water Supply Manager
Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233
(610) 832-6060DEP--Northeast Region
Water Supply Manager
2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
(570) 826-2511DEP--Southcentral Region:
Water Supply Manager
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4708DEP--Northcentral Region
Water Supply Manager
208 West 3rd Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 327-3675DEP--Southwest Region
Water Supply Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4217DEP--Northwest Region
Water Supply Manager
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6899DEP--Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management
Division of Municipal Financial Assistance
Administrative Services Section
10th Floor, RCSOB, 400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 787-6744PENNVEST
22 S. Third Street, 4th Floor, Keystone Building
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 787-8137PAUL K. MARCHETTI,
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment AuthorityDAVID E. HESS,
Department of Environmental Protection
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority
SEPTEMBER 14, 2002
APPLICANT NAME: PA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY (NESHAMINY) COUNTY: BUCKS PROJECT RATING: 31 STREET ADDRESS: 762 LANCASTER AVE. REGION: CONSHOCKEN PROJRANK: 1 CITY: BRYN MAWR, PA 19010 PWSID: 1460073 PROJECT COST: $4,562,625 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, WS PROBLEM: Inadequate finished water storage impedes the filtering operation; old pumps and switchgear are difficult to maintain and subject to failure. PROJECT: Construct a 2 million gallon clearwell for water storage, and renovate the high-lift pumping station by upgrading the building and replacing pumps, valves and switchgear. APPLICANT NAME: NEW ALBANY BOROUGH COUNTY: BRADFORD PROJECT RATING: 75 STREET ADDRESS: P O BOX 67 REGION: WILLIAMSPORT PROJRANK: 2 CITY: NEW ALBANY, PA 18823 PWSID: 2080010 PROJECT COST: $1,203,300 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: DS PROBLEM: Existing system is grossly undersized and subject to significant leakage. PROJECT: Construct a new distribution system consisting of approx. 18,100 LF of piping with appurtenances including valves and hydrants. APPLICANT NAME: PA SUBURBAN WC (TAFTON) COUNTY: PIKE PROJECT RATING: 70 STREET ADDRESS: PO BOX 149 REGION: WILKES-BARRE PROJRANK: 3 CITY: HAWLEY, PA 18428 PWSID: 2520061 PROJECT COST: $1,093,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: SRC,TREAT, TRANS, WS, DS PROBLEM: Water system with inadequate water quality and quantity as well as operational and financial problems. PROJECT: Construct a 55,000 gallon water storage tank, a booster pump station, well improvements, disinfection facilities, 73 water service lines and replace approximately 11,400 LF of undersized lines and appurtenances. APPLICANT NAME: KNOXVILLE BOROUGH COUNTY: TIOGA PROJECT RATING: 41 STREET ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 191 REGION: WILLIAMSPORT PROJRANK: 4 CITY: KNOXVILLE, PA 16928 PWSID: 2590036 PROJECT COST: $200,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: WS PROBLEM: Danger of finished water contamination due to damaged floating cover with standing water containing plant debris and algae. PROJECT: Construct an aluminum dome cover for a water storage reservoir to replace the existing, damaged floating cover. APPLICANT NAME: NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH MUNICIPAL COUNTY: LEHIGH PROJECT RATING: 55 STREET ADDRESS: 1717 MAIN STREET
PO BOX 156REGION: WILKES-BARRE PROJRANK: 5 CITY: NORTHAMPTON, PA 18067 PWSID: 3480057 PROJECT COST: $1,520,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS,DS PROBLEM: Insufficient water supply and water outages required hauling water during drought for a small non-viable water system. PROJECT: Acquisition of Wynnewood Water Company and construction of 18,500 LF of 12-inch and 8-inch supply main, 18 fire hydrants and 230 service lines and meters. APPLICANT NAME: AUBURN MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY COUNTY: SCHUYLKILL PROJECT RATING: 23 STREET ADDRESS: 3RD STREET REGION: WILKES-BARRE PROJRANK: 6 CITY: AUBURN, PA 17922 PWSID: 3540015 PROJECT COST: $255,565 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: WS PROBLEM: Existing tank is 34 years old has safety deficiencies, in danger of failure, and has inadequate volume for current demand and fire protection needs. PROJECT: Construct a 300,000 gallon water storage tank as a replacement for the existing tank. APPLICANT NAME: NEW ENTERPRISE WATER ASSOCIATION COUNTY: BEDFORD PROJECT RATING: 66 STREET ADDRESS: R.D. #1 BOX 326 REGION: HARRISBURG PROJRANK: 7 CITY: NEW ENTERPRISE, PA 16664 PWSID: 4050033 PROJECT COST: $1,200,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, WS, DS PROBLEM: Salemville system water is contaminated with surface water infiltration and Giardia; inadequate storage and pressure for consumer use and fire protection. PROJECT: Construct a 278,000 water storage tank, 17,170 LF of transmission main, booster pump stations, and an interconnection with Salemville Water Association's distribution system; service connection to new office complex. APPLICANT NAME: HIGHLAND SEWER AND WATER AUTHORITY COUNTY: CAMBRIA PROJECT RATING: 55 STREET ADDRESS: 2305 BEDFORD STREET REGION: PITTSBURGH PROJRANK: 8 CITY: JOHNSTOWN, PA 15904 PWSID: 4110017 PROJECT COST: $2,500,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: DS PROBLEM: Small non-viable systems cannot provide for repair and disinfection of old pipelines. Inadequate flow for fire protection provided from existing 4-inch lines. PROJECT: The Authority is taking over 8 small water systems and will construct improvements consisting of approx. 40,000 LF of 6-in. waterline to replace existing 4-inch lines, 220 service line upgrades, and 32 fire hydrants. APPLICANT NAME: PITTSBURGH WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY COUNTY: ALLEGHENY PROJECT RATING: 30 STREET ADDRESS: 441 SMITHFIELD ST. REGION: PITTSBURGH PROJRANK: 9 CITY: PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 PWSID: 5020038 PROJECT COST: $4,821,500 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, DS PROBLEM: Undersized, deteriorated distribution lines in the Westwood and Squirrel Hill South areas; inadequate water pressure and volume for fire protection. PROJECT: Construct 16,270 LF of 12-in. and 2,010 LF of 8-inch waterline, 44 fire hydrants, 75 valves, and appurtenances in the Westwood and Squirrel Hill service areas. APPLICANT NAME: RESERVE TOWNSHIP COUNTY: ALLEGHENY PROJECT RATING: 40 STREET ADDRESS: 33 LONSDALE STREET REGION: PITTSBURGH PROJRANK: 10 CITY: PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 PWSID: 5020047 PROJECT COST: $423,593 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: DS PROBLEM: Poor water quality and low water pressure in the deteriorated, existing 70 year old waterline. PROJECT: Construct 7,000 LF of 10-inch replacement water main along Spring Garden Road, 840 LF of service lines, 84 service connections, and 2 fire hydrants. APPLICANT NAME: KENNEDY MOBILE HOME PARK COUNTY: BUTLER PROJECT RATING: 56 STREET ADDRESS: RFD 2 c/o MRS THOMAS RODGERS REGION: MEADVILLE PROJRANK: 11 CITY: HARRISVILLE, PA 16038 PWSID: 5100044 PROJECT COST: $43,812 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, DS PROBLEM: Unpermitted public water supply with no disinfection and documented bacterial vilolation. PROJECT: Construct a public water supply and associated treatment facilities for a mobile home park. APPLICANT NAME: JOHNSONBURG MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY COUNTY: ELK PROJECT RATING: 41 STREET ADDRESS: 532 MARKET STREET REGION: MEADVILLE PROJRANK: 12 CITY: JOHNSONBURG, PA 15845 PWSID: 6240007 PROJECT COST: $647,870 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TREAT PROBLEM: Existing backwash settling pond discharges high levels of aluminum into Silver Creek, a designated high quality stream under Chapter 93. PROJECT: Construct a backwash recovery system consisting of a backwash tank and pump station to deliver settled backwash water to the mix tank at the front end of the filter system. APPLICANT NAME: PA AMERICAN WATER CO. (BUTLER) COUNTY: BEAVER/
BUTLERPROJECT RATING: 51 STREET ADDRESS: 2736 ELLWOOD ROAD REGION: MEADVILLE PROJRANK: 13 CITY: NEW CASTLE, PA 16101 PWSID: 6370011 PROJECT COST: $5,995,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, DS PROBLEM: Insufficient water supply in the Butler system; water supply and quality problems in private wells for new residential customers to be connected. PROJECT: Construct an interconnection of the Elwood and Butler water systems consisting 68,500 LF of waterline, two booster stations, water tank relocation, treatment facilities, and 105 residential service connections along the new pipeline. APPLICANT NAME: ELIZABETHVILLE AREA AUTHORITY COUNTY: DAUPHIN PROJECT RATING: 28 STREET ADDRESS: R.D.#1, BOX 20 REGION: HARRISBURG PROJRANK: 14 CITY: ELIZABETHVILLE, PA 17023 PWSID: 7220003 PROJECT COST: $600,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: DS PROBLEM: Decline in well production, partially due to water loss from the deteriorated distribution system, and associated substandard fire protection capability. PROJECT: Construct and replace 3,636 LF of water main, 8 hydrants, valves and services along Market Street. APPLICANT NAME: CAMBRIA SOMERSET AUTHORITY COUNTY: CAMBRIA/
SOMERSETPROJECT RATING: 38 STREET ADDRESS: 244 WALNUT STREET REGION: PITTSBURGH PROJRANK: 15 CITY: JOHNSTOWN, PA 15901 PWSID: 4119996 PROJECT COST: $1,767,285 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS PROBLEM: Loss of service as a result of failures in the Quemahoning raw water supply pipeline. PROJECT: Construct a new liner in an existing 66-inch pipeline. APPLICANT NAME: UPPER POTTSGROVE TOWNSHIP COUNTY: MONTGOMERY PROJECT RATING: 50 STREET ADDRESS: 1420 HEATHER PLACE REGION: CONSHOCKEN PROJRANK: 16 CITY: POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 PWSID: 1460092 PROJECT COST: $450,000 PPL YR: 2002-03 PROJECT TYPE: TRANS, DS PROBLEM: Frequent failures of existing wells and poor water quality. PROJECT: Construct 8,370 LF of water main to provide service to 127 residential units in the Regal Oaks subdivision. NUMBER OF PROJECTS ON IUP FOR FY 2003: 16 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROJECTS: $27,283,550.00 LEGEND FOR PROJECT TYPE: SRC = SOURCE TRANS = TRANSMISSION
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1620. Filed for public inspection September 13, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]
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