Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Proficiency Test Study Requirements
[42 Pa.B. 2331]
[Saturday, April 28, 2012]In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 252.501(a) (relating to proficiency test study requirements), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is providing the following list of fields of accreditation (FOA) and fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) for which proficiency test (PT) studies are available. To obtain or maintain a FOA, the Department requires that an environmental laboratory successfully participate in PT studies when available.
The following FoPT listing updates the previous listings published at 36 Pa.B. 8006 (December 30, 2006), 39 Pa.B. 1447 (March 21, 2009) and 39 Pa.B. 2636 (May 23, 2009). The new FoPT listings are effective immediately. Note that this listing of FoPTs includes additions to those previously printed on December 30, 2006, March 21, 2009, and May 23, 2009. Environmental laboratories seeking to maintain accreditation for an analyte that has been added to the tables by this notice must successfully complete a PT study for that analyte(s) by April 1, 2013. The new analytes are identified by an asterisk ''*'' after the analyte name.
Additionally, the Department has identified some analytes as multi-matrix analytes using the identifier ''DW/NPW'' in the ''Matrix'' column of the tables. Laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation for these analytes must successfully complete a PT in either the Drinking Water or Non-Potable Water matrix, as specified by the appropriate footnote for each analyte, to obtain or maintain accreditation in both matrices. Environmental laboratories seeking to maintain accreditation for an analyte that has been designated as ''DW/NPW'' by this notice must successfully complete a PT study for that analyte by June 30, 2012.
Environmental laboratories seeking initial accreditation or laboratories seeking to add FOAs to their current Scope of Accreditation must successfully complete a PT study before accreditation is granted. Accredited environmental laboratories must successfully complete at least one PT study for each FOA, where available, once every 12 months to maintain accreditation. Additional information regarding the proficiency test study requirements is in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 252, Subchapter E (relating to proficiency test study requirements).
Updates to the following additions will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as revisions are made. Questions concerning this notice, including the lists of proficiency testing currently available, should be directed to Aaren S. Alger, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories, (717) 346-8212,
Pennsylvania State (Chapter 252) Accreditation
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Drinking Water
Effective April 28, 2012
Matrix Analyte9 PTRL Units Microbiology DW Total Coliform1 P/A N/A DW Fecal Coliform1 P/A N/A DW E.coli1 P/A N/A DW Heterotrophic Plate Count (MF, PP)2 2 CFU (MPN)/mL DW Heterotrophic Plate Count (MPN)3 2 CFU (MPN)/mL DW E.coli (MF)2 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL DW E.coli (MPN)3 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL DW Fecal Coliform (MF)2 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL DW Fecal Coliform (MPN)3 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL DW Total Coliform (MF)2 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL DW Total Coliform (MPN)3 2 CFU (MPN)/100 mL Trace Metals DW Aluminum 104 µg/L DW Antimony 4.2 µg/L DW Arsenic 3.5 µg/L DW Barium 420 µg/L DW Beryllium 1.7 µg/L DW Boron 680 µg/L DW Cadmium 1.6 µg/L DW Chromium 8.5 µg/L DW Hexavalent Chromium (VI)* 4 µg/L DW Copper 45 µg/L DW Iron 80 µg/L DW Lead 3.5 µg/L DW Manganese 34 µg/L DW Mercury 0.35 µg/L DW Molybdenum 13 µg/L DW Nickel 8.5 µg/L DW Selenium 8 µg/L DW Silver 14 µg/L DW Thallium 1.4 µg/L DW Vanadium 42 µg/L DW Zinc 170 µg/L DW/NPW Cobalt8 22 µg/L DW/NPW Strontium8 22 µg/L DW/NPW Tin8 790 µg/L DW/NPW Titanium8 67 µg/L Nutrients DW Nitrate as N 2.7 mg/L DW Nitrate + Nitrite as N 2.6 mg/L DW Nitrite as N 0.34 mg/L DW Orthophosphate as P 0.43 mg/L DW/NPW Ammonia as N8 0.35 mg/L DW/NPW Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen8 1.1 mg/L DW/NPW Total Phosphorus8 0.34 mg/L Minerals DW Chloride 17 mg/L DW Fluoride 0.9 mg/L DW Sulfate 21 mg/L DW Potassium 8.5 mg/L DW Sodium 11 mg/L DW Calcium 26 mg/L DW Magnesium 1.7 mg/L DW Ca Hardness as CaCO3 64 mg/L DW Total Hardness as CaCO3 71 mg/L DW/NPW Sulfide8 0.1 mg/L DW/NPW Total Solids8 106 mg/L Inorganic Disinfection By-Products DW Bromate 4.9 µg/L DW Bromide 42 µg/L DW Chlorate 42 µg/L DW Chlorite 70 µg/L Misc Analytes DW Alkalinity as CaCO3/L 22 mg/L DW Asbestos 1 MF/L DW Corrosivity* N/A N/A DW Cyanide, Total 0.075 mg/L DW Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)* 1.1 mg/L DW Perchlorate* 3.2 ug/L DW pH N/A N/A DW Residual Free Chlorine 0.37 mg/L DW Silica as SiO2* 4.2 mg/L DW Specific Conductance 117 µmhos/cm DW Surfactants - MBAS* 0.02 mg/L DW Total Residual Chlorine 0.4 mg/L DW Total Filterable Residue 80 mg/L DW Total Organic Carbon 1 mg/L DW Turbidity 0.36 NTU DW UV 254 Absorbance* 0.038 cm-1 DW/NPW Acidity as CaCO3/L8 585 mg/L DW/NPW Non-Filterable Residue (TSS)8 14 mg/L DW/NPW Total Phenolics (4AAP)8 0.01 mg/L DW/NPW 5-day BOD8 4.5 mg/L DW/NPW Carbonaceous BOD8 3.7 mg/L DW/NPW COD8 17 mg/L DW/NPW n-Hexane Extractable Material (O&G)8,14 8.8 mg/L DW/NPW Non-Polar Extractable Material (TPH)8,15 7.6 mg/L Regulated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)7 DW Benzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Carbon Tetrachloride7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Chlorobenzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2-Dichlorobenzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,4-Dichlorobenzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2-Dichloroethane7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1-Dichloroethylene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride)7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2 Dichloropropane7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Ethylbenzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Styrene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Tetrachloroethylene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Toluene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1,1-Trichloroethane7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1,2-Trichloroethane7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Trichloroethylene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene7,13 1.2 µg/L DW Vinyl Chloride7 1.2 µg/L DW Total Xylenes7,13 1.2 µg/L Low Level Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)16 DW 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)16 0.06 µg/L DW Ethylene Dibromide (EDB)16 0.03 µg/L DW 1,2,3-Trichloropropane16 0.12 µg/L Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)4 DW Bromodichloromethane4 4 µg/L DW Bromoform4 4 µg/L DW Chlorodibromomethane4 4 µg/L DW Chloroform4 4 µg/L Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) DW Bromobenzene 1.2 µg/L DW Bromochloromethane 1.2 µg/L DW Bromomethane 3 µg/L DW n-Butylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW Sec-Butylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW Tert-Butylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW Chloroethane 3 µg/L DW Chloromethane 3 µg/L DW 2-Chlorotoluene 1.2 µg/L DW 4-Chlorotoluene 1.2 µg/L DW Dibromomethane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.2 µg/L DW Dichlorodifluoromethane 3 µg/L DW 1,1-Dichloroethane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,3-Dichloropropane 1.2 µg/L DW 2,2-Dichloropropane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1-Dichloropropene 1.2 µg/L DW Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.2 µg/L DW Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.2 µg/L DW Hexachlorobutadiene 3 µg/L DW Isopropylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW 4-Isopropyltoluene 1.2 µg/L DW Methyl-tert-butylether (MTBE) 3 µg/L DW Naphthalene* 1.2 µg/L DW n-Propylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 3 µg/L DW Trichlorofluoromethane 3 µg/L DW 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.2 µg/L DW 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.2 µg/L DW 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.2 µg/L Pesticides DW Alachlor 1.1 µg/L DW Aldrin 0.08 µg/L DW Atrazine 1.1 µg/L DW Butachlor 1.1 µg/L DW Chlordane (technical) 1.1 µg/L DW Dieldrin 0.28 µg/L DW Endrin 0.14 µg/L DW Heptachlor 0.11 µg/L DW Heptachlor Epoxide (beta) 0.11 µg/L DW Hexachlorobenzene 0.22 µg/L DW Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.49 µg/L DW Lindane 0.11 µg/L DW Methoxychlor 1.1 µg/L DW Metolachlor 1.1 µg/L DW Metribuzin 1 µg/L DW Propachlor 0.55 µg/L DW Simazine 1.1 µg/L DW Toxaphene (total) 1.1 µg/L DW Trifluralin 0.55 µg/L Carbamates & Vydate DW Aldicarb 11 µg/L DW Aldicarb Sulfone 11 µg/L DW Aldicarb Sulfoxide 11 µg/L DW Carbaryl 11 µg/L DW Carbofuran 8.3 µg/L DW 3-Hydroxycarbofuran 12 µg/L DW Methomyl 12 µg/L DW Oxamyl (Vydate) 11 µg/L Chlorinated Acid Herbicides DW Acifluorfen 5 µg/L DW 2,4-D 5 µg/L DW 2,4-DB 10 µg/L DW Dalapon 5 µg/L DW Dicamba 10 µg/L DW Dinoseb 3.1 µg/L DW Pentachlorophenol 0.5 µg/L DW Picloram 5 µg/L DW 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 5 µg/L DW 2,4,5-T 5 µg/L Other Herbicides DW Diquat 4 µg/L DW Endothall 40 µg/L DW Glyphosate 300 µg/L Haloacetic acids DW Bromochloroacetic Acid 3 µg/L DW Dibromoacetic Acid5 3 µg/L DW Dichloroacetic Acid5 3 µg/L DW Monobromoacetic Acid5 3 µg/L DW Monochloroacetic Acid5 6 µg/L DW Trichloroacetic Acid5 3 µg/L Adipate/Phthalate DW Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Adipate 2.5 µg/L DW Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate 2.4 µg/L PCBs in Water6 DW PCBs as Decachlorobiphenyl6 0.05 µg/L DW PCB Aroclor Identification6 N/A N/A PAH DW Benzo(a)pyrene 0.02 µg/L Dioxin DW 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-dibenzodioxin 11 pg/L Radiochemistry DW/NPW Gross Alpha12 3 pCi/L DW/NPW Gross Beta12 3 pCi/L DW/NPW Iodine-13112 2.1 pCi/L DW/NPW Radium-22612 0.86 pCi/L DW/NPW Radium-22812 0.88 pCi/L DW/NPW Natural Uranium12 1.2 pCi/L DW/NPW Uranium (mass)12 1.8 ug/L DW/NPW Strontium-8912 3.8 pCi/L DW/NPW Strontium-9012 1.4 pCi/L DW/NPW Tritium12 760 pCi/L Gamma Emitters DW/NPW Barium-13310,12 6.4 pCi/L DW/NPW Cesium-13410,11,12 6.6 pCi/L DW/NPW Cesium-13710,11,12 16 pCi/L DW/NPW Cobalt-6010,12 7.2 pCi/L DW/NPW Zinc-6510,12 25 pCi/L *) Identifies New Field of Proficiency Testing.
1) Laboratories analyzing qualitative sample sets for more than one method in a particular study shall obtain a unique ten-sample set for each method reported.
2) These limits are for quantitative methods using membrane filtration (MF) or pour-plate (PP) techniques.
3) These limits are for quantitative methods using most probable number (MPN) techniques.
4) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for DW TTHMs must meet PT requirements for all 4 TTHM FoPTs in the given study, by method.
5) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for DW HAA5 must meet PT requirements for 4 out of 5 HAA5 FoPTs in the given study, by method.
6) One sample in every study, containing one Aroclor, selected at random from among the Aroclors listed (1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254 or 1260) for the analysis of PCBs as decachlorobiphenyl. Laboratories must analyze and report results for all Arochlors in an individual PT study. Incorrect identification or quantitation of one Arochlor will result in failure for the group.
7) Unless a fixed limit is specified, the acceptance limits for regulated volatiles are + 20% at >= 10ug/L or < 40% at < 10ug/L.
8) Laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation for these analytes in the DW matrix must successfully perform a PT in the Non-Potable Water Matrix, also known as a WP study.
9) All FoPTs must meet the design, verification, homogeneity, stability, and acceptance limits described in 40 CFR Part 141, V3 of the TNI Standard, and the TNI FoPT Tables.
10) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Gamma (Photon) Emitters must meet PT requirements for all Gamma Emitter analytes in the FoPT in a given PT study, by technology/method (Barium-133, Cesium-134, Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Zinc-65).
11) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Radioactive Cesium must meet PT requirements for both Radioactive Cesium analytes in the FoPT in a given PT study, by technology/method (Cesium-134, Cesium-137).
12) Laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation for these analytes in the NPW matrix must successfully perform a PT in the Drinking Water Matrix, also known as a WS study.
13) These 20 VOCs constitute the USEPA's Group 1 VOCs. Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Group 1 VOCs must analyze and report results for all 20 Group 1 VOCs in a given study. Not Acceptable results for >= 5 compounds results in a Failure for all 20 compounds.
14) n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) per solvent extraction followed by gravimetric or infrared spectrometric analysis (Oil & Grease).
15) non-Polar Extractable Material per solvent extraction and Silica Gel Treated (SGT) followed by gravimetric or infrared spectrometric analysis (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons).
16) The Low Level Analytes are specifically intended for technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRL. Laboratories analyzing routine environmental samples using technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRLs must analyze the Low Level Analyte PT samples.
Pennsylvania State (Chapter 252) Accreditation
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Nonpotable Water
Effective April 28, 2012
Matrix Analyte7 PTRL Units Microbiology NPW Total Coliform, MF 2 CFU/100mL NPW Fecal Coliform, MF 2 CFU/100mL NPW E.coli, MF 2 CFU/100mL NPW Enterococci, MF 2 CFU/100mL NPW Total Coliform, MPN 2 MPN/100 mL NPW Fecal Coliform, MPN 2 MPN/100 mL NPW E.coli, MPN 2 MPN/100 mL NPW Enterococci, MPN 2 MPN/100 mL Trace Metals NPW Aluminum 130 µg/L NPW Antimony 55 µg/L NPW Arsenic 54 µg/L NPW Barium 86 µg/L NPW Beryllium 5.3 µg/L NPW Boron 660 µg/L NPW Cadmium 5.9 µg/L NPW Chromium, total 12 µg/L NPW Chromium VI 31 µg/L DW/NPW Cobalt8 22 µg/L NPW Copper 32 µg/L NPW Iron 170 µg/L NPW Lead 54 µg/L NPW Manganese 60 µg/L NPW Mercury 1.2 µg/L NPW Molybdenum 45 µg/L NPW Nickel 65 µg/L NPW Selenium 67 µg/L NPW Silver 21 µg/L DW/NPW Strontium8 22 µg/L NPW Thallium 21 µg/L DW/NPW Tin8 790 µg/L DW/NPW Titanium8 67 µg/L NPW Vanadium 47 µg/L NPW Zinc 83 µg/L Demands DW/NPW 5-day BOD8 4.5 mg/L DW/NPW Carbonaceous BOD8 3.7 mg/L DW/NPW COD8 17 mg/L NPW TOC 4.8 mg/L Minerals NPW Alkalinity, total (CaCO3) 6.8 mg/L NPW Bromide* 0.56 mg/L NPW Calcium 2.7 mg/L NPW Chloride 29 mg/L NPW Fluoride 0.13 mg/L NPW Calcium hardness as CaCO3 6.8 mg/L NPW Hardness, total (CaCO3) 8.4 mg/L NPW Magnesium 1.6 mg/L NPW Potassium 3 mg/L NPW Sodium 5.1 mg/L NPW Spec. Cond. (25°C) 170 µmhos/cm NPW Sulfate 2.8 mg/L DW/NPW Sulfide8 0.1 mg/L NPW Total Dissolved Solids at 180°C 98 mg/L DW/NPW Total Solids8 106 mg/L Nutrients DWNPW Ammonia as N8 0.35 mg/L NPW Nitrate as N 0.19 mg/L NPW Nitrate-nitrite as N 0.2 mg/L NPW Nitrite as N 0.28 mg/L NPW Orthophosphate as P 0.34 mg/L DW/NPW Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen8 1.1 mg/L DW/NPW Total Phosphorus8 0.34 mg/L Misc. Analytes DW/NPW Acidity, as CaCO38* 585 mg/L NPW Color* 1.7 PC units DW/NPW Non-Filterable Residue (TSS)8 14 mg/L NPW pH N/A N/A NPW Total Cyanide 0.01 mg/L DW/NPW Total Phenolics (4AAP)8 0.01 mg/L NPW Total Residual Chlorine 0.36 mg/L NPW Settleable solids* 2.9 mL/L NPW Silica as SiO2* 38 mg/L NPW Surfactants - MBAS 0.1 mg/L NPW Turbidity* 1.2 NTU NPW Volatile solids, Total* 41 mg/L Low Level Analytes 1 NPW Mercury1 9.7 ng/L NPW Total Residual Chlorine1 15 µg/L Volatile Aromatics NPW Benzene 4.6 µg/L NPW Chlorobenzene 7.1 µg/L NPW 1,2-Dichlorobenzene2 4.9 µg/L NPW 1,3-Dichlorobenzene2 5.2 µg/L NPW 1,4-Dichlorobenzene2 4.9 µg/L NPW Ethylbenzene 5.8 µg/L NPW Naphthalene2* 6.3 µg/L NPW Toluene 4.9 µg/L NPW 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene2* 4.3 µg/L NPW Xylenes, total 10 µg/L Volatile Ketones/Ethers NPW 2-Hexanone* 4.4 µg/L NPW 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 4.3 µg/L NPW Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)* 9 µg/L Volatile Halocarbons NPW Bromodichloromethane 5 µg/L NPW Bromoform 5.6 µg/L NPW Bromomethane 8 µg/L NPW Carbon tetrachloride 6 µg/L NPW Chloroethane 8 µg/L NPW Chloroform 8.1 µg/L NPW Chloromethane 8 µg/L NPW Dibromochloromethane 7.2 µg/L NPW 1,1-Dichloroethane* 6.4 µg/L NPW 1,2 Dichloroethane 6.8 µg/L NPW 1,1-Dichloroethene 6.1 µg/L NPW Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene* 7 µg/L NPW Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 3.6 µg/L NPW 1,2-Dichloropropane 5.9 µg/L NPW Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene* 5.1 µg/L NPW Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 3.9 µg/L NPW Methylene Chloride 5.8 µg/L NPW Styrene 13 µg/L NPW 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.9 µg/L NPW Tetrachloroethene 4.3 µg/L NPW 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6.5 µg/L NPW 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17 µg/L NPW Trichloroethene 6.2 µg/L NPW Trichlorofluoromethane 8 µg/L NPW Vinyl chloride 8 µg/L Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons NPW Gasoline range organics (GRO)* 55 µg/L Base/Neutrals NPW Acenaphthene 5.6 µg/L NPW Acenaphthylene 3 µg/L NPW Anthracene 4.9 µg/L NPW Benzidine 20 µg/L NPW Benzo(a)anthracene 3.9 µg/L NPW Benzyl butyl phthalate 5 µg/L NPW Benzo(b)fluoranthene 5.8 µg/L NPW Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5 µg/L NPW Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2.9 µg/L NPW Benzo(a)pyrene 6.4 µg/L NPW 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 8.1 µg/L NPW bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 3.6 µg/L NPW bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 4.8 µg/L NPW bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 9.6 µg/L NPW 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 9.9 µg/L NPW 2-Chloronaphthalene 5.4 µg/L NPW Chrysene 5.2 µg/L NPW Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 4.9 µg/L NPW Dibenzofuran 11 µg/L NPW 1,2-Dichlorobenzene2 3 µg/L NPW 1,3-Dichlorobenzene2 4.5 µg/L NPW 1,4-Dichlorobenzene2 3 µg/L NPW 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 10 µg/L NPW Diethyl phthalate 10 µg/L NPW Dimethyl phthalate 10 µg/L NPW Di-n-butyl phthalate 14 µg/L NPW 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.3 µg/L NPW 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 6.7 µg/L NPW Di-n-octyl phthalate 14 µg/L NPW bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 6.6 µg/L NPW Fluoranthene 14 µg/L NPW Fluorene 10 µg/L NPW Hexachlorobenzene 7.7 µg/L NPW Hexachlorobutadiene 5 µg/L NPW Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 10 µg/L NPW Hexachloroethane 5 µg/L NPW Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 4.3 µg/L NPW Isophorone 13 µg/L NPW 2-Methylnaphthalene 3.5 µg/L NPW Naphthalene2 10 µg/L NPW Nitrobenzene 7.2 µg/L NPW N-Nitrosodimethylamine 7.5 µg/L NPW N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 4.8 µg/L NPW N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 6.4 µg/L NPW Phenanthrene 15 µg/L NPW Pyrene 9.6 µg/L NPW 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene2 5 µg/L Acids NPW 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 10 µg/L NPW 2-Chlorophenol 10 µg/L NPW 2,4-Dichlorophenol 11 µg/L NPW 2,6-Dichlorophenol* 15 µg/L NPW 2,4-Dimethylphenol 10 µg/L NPW 2,4-Dinitrophenol 10 µg/L NPW 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol 14 µg/L NPW 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 9.5 µg/L NPW 4-Methylphenol (p-Cresol)3 5 µg/L NPW 2-Nitrophenol 16 µg/L NPW 4-Nitrophenol 10 µg/L NPW Phenol 10 µg/L NPW Pentachlorophenol 11 µg/L NPW 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 19 µg/L NPW 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 16 µg/L PCBs in Water4 NPW Aroclor 10164 1.4 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12214 0.13 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12324 0.61 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12424 1.4 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12484 0.6 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12544 0.64 µg/L NPW Aroclor 12604 0.62 µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides NPW Aldrin 0.17 µg/L NPW alpha-BHC 0.6 µg/L NPW beta-BHC 0.77 µg/L NPW delta-BHC 0.57 µg/L NPW gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.74 µg/L NPW alpha-Chlordane 0.43 µg/L NPW gamma-Chlordane 0.55 µg/L NPW Chlordane (total) 1.1 µg/L NPW 4,4'-DDD 0.97 µg/L NPW 4,4'-DDE 0.84 µg/L NPW 4,4'-DDT 0.38 µg/L NPW Dieldrin 0.43 µg/L NPW Endosulfan I 0.83 µg/L NPW Endosulfan II 1.4 µg/L NPW Endosulfan sulfate 0.69 µg/L NPW Endrin 0.85 µg/L NPW Endrin aldehyde 0.93 µg/L NPW Endrin ketone* 2 µg/L NPW Heptachlor 0.33 µg/L NPW Heptachlor Epoxide (beta) 0.42 µg/L NPW Methoxychlor 0.4 µg/L NPW Toxaphene 2 µg/L Herbicides NPW 2,4-D 0.2 µg/L NPW Dicamba 0.2 µg/L NPW 2,4,5-T 0.2 µg/L NPW 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 0.2 µg/L Low Level Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)1 NPW Acenaphthene1* 0.79 µg/L NPW Acenaphthylene1* 0.73 µg/L NPW Anthracene1* 0.14 µg/L NPW Benzo(a)anthracene1* 0.2 µg/L NPW Benzo(a)pyrene1* 0.21 µg/L NPW Benzo(b)fluoranthene1* 0.25 µg/L NPW Benzo(g,h,i)perylene1* 0.18 µg/L NPW Benzo(k)fluoranthene1* 0.22 µg/L NPW Chrysene1* 0.23 µg/L NPW Dibenz(a,h)anthracene1* 0.1 µg/L NPW Fluoranthene1* 0.25 µg/L NPW Fluorene1* 0.74 µg/L NPW Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene1* 0.2 µg/L NPW Naphthalene1* 0.56 µg/L NPW Phenanthrene1* 0.24 µg/L NPW Pyrene1* 0.28 µg/L Petroleum Hydrocarbons NPW Diesel range organics (DRO) * 80 µg/L DW/NPW n-Hexane Extractable Material (O&G)5,8 8.8 mg/L DW/NPW non-Polar Extractable Material (TPH)6,8 7.6 mg/L Radiochemistry DW/NPW Gross Alpha11 3 pCi/L DW/NPW Gross Beta11 3 pCi/L DW/NPW Iodine-13111 2.1 pCi/L DW/NPW Radium-22611 0.86 pCi/L DW/NPW Radium-22811 0.88 pCi/L DW/NPW Natural Uranium11 1.2 pCi/L DW/NPW Uranium (mass)11 2 ug/L DW/NPW Strontium-8911 3.8 pCi/L DW/NPW Strontium-9011 1.4 pCi/L DW/NPW Tritium11 760 pCi/L Gamma Emitters DW/NPW Barium-1339,11 6.4 pCi/L DW/NPW Cesium-1349,10,11 6.6 pCi/L DW/NPW Cesium-1379,10,11 16 pCi/L DW/NPW Cobalt-609,11 7.2 pCi/L DW/NPW Zinc-659,11 25 pCi/L *) Identifies new FoPT.
1) The Low Level Analytes are specifically intended for technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRL. Laboratories analyzing routine environmental samples using technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRLs must analyze the Low Level Analyte PT samples.
2) Analysis required per volatile analytical technologies and solvent extraction/semivolatile analytical technologies.
3) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Non-Potable Water 4-Methylphenol or the coeluting isomer pair of 3-Methylphenol and 4-Methylphenol must meet the PT requirements for this FoPT (4-Methylphenol).
4) Laboratories must analyze and report results for all Arochlors in an individual PT study. Incorrect identification or quantitation of one Arochlor will result in failure for the group.
5) n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) per solvent extraction followed by gravimetric or infrared spectrometric analysis (Oil & Grease).
6) non-Polar Extractable Material per solvent extraction and Silica Gel Treated (SGT) followed by gravimetric or infrared spectrometric analysis (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons).
7) All FoPTs must meet the design, verification, homogeneity, stability, and acceptance limits described in V3 of the TNI Standard and the TNI FoPT Tables.
8) Laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation for these analytes in the DW matrix must successfully perform a PT in the Non-Potable Water Matrix, also known as a WP study.
9) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Gamma (Photon) Emitters must meet PT requirements for all Gamma Emitter analytes in the FoPT in a given PT study, by technology/method (Barium-133, Cesium-134, Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Zinc-65).
10) Laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation for Radioactive Cesium must meet PT requirements for both Radioactive Cesium analytes in the FoPT in a given PT study, by technology/method (Cesium-134, Cesium-137).
11) Laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation for these analytes in the NPW matrix must successfully perform a PT in the Drinking Water Matrix, also known as a WS study.
Pennsylvania State (Chapter 252) Accreditation
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Solid and Chemical Materials
Effective April 28, 2012
Matrix Analyte6 PTRL Units Trace Metals SOLIDS Aluminum 100 mg/kg SOLIDS Antimony 8 mg/kg SOLIDS Arsenic 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Barium 10 mg/kg SOLIDS Beryllium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Boron* 48 mg/kg SOLIDS Cadmium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Calcium 150 mg/kg SOLIDS Chromium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Chromium VI 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Cobalt 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Copper 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Iron 100 mg/kg SOLIDS Lead 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Magnesium 120 mg/kg SOLIDS Manganese 10 mg/kg SOLIDS Mercury 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Molybdenum 3 mg/kg SOLIDS Nickel 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Potassium 140 mg/kg SOLIDS Selenium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Silver 2 mg/kg SOLIDS Sodium 15 mg/kg SOLIDS Strontium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Thallium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Tin 7.5 mg/kg SOLIDS Vanadium 4 mg/kg SOLIDS Zinc 10 mg/kg Minerals SOLIDS Bromide* 1 mg/kg SOLIDS Chloride* 20 mg/kg SOLIDS Fluoride* 2.5 mg/kg SOLIDS Nitrate as N* 2.5 mg/kg SOLIDS Sulfate* 2.5 mg/kg Nutrients SOLIDS Ammonia as N* 30 mg/kg SOLIDS Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen* 40 mg/kg SOLIDS Total Phosphorus* 30 mg/kg Misc Analytes SOLIDS Corrosivity (pH) N/A N/A SOLIDS Cyanide, total 2 mg/kg SOLVENT Ignitability (Flashpoint) N/A N/A Low Level Volatile Aromatics1 SOLIDS Benzene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Chlorobenzene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichlorobenzene1,2 8.9 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2 5.1 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,2 7 µg/kg SOLIDS Ethylbenzene1 9.4 µg/kg SOLIDS Naphthalene1,2 6 µg/kg SOLIDS Styrene1* 24 µg/kg SOLIDS Toluene1 11 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2 16 µg/kg SOLIDS Xylenes, total1 18 µg/kg Low Level Volatile Halocarbons1 SOLIDS Bromodichloromethane1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Bromoform1 9.3 µg/kg SOLIDS Carbon tetrachloride1 9.9 µg/kg SOLIDS Chloroform1 11 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibromochloromethane1 9.9 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)1* 4 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)1 * 24 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1-Dichloroethane1 11 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichloroethane1 12 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1-Dichloroethene1* 13 µg/kg SOLIDS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene1* 20 µg/kg SOLIDS trans-1,2-Dichloroethene1* 23 µg/kg SOLIDS Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride)1 9 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichloropropane1 12 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane1 12 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane1 8.9 µg/kg SOLIDS Tetrachloroethene1 8.3 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane1 9 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,2-Trichloroethane1 13 µg/kg SOLIDS Trichloroethene1 9.7 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2,3-Trichloropropane1 8.3 µg/kg Low Level Volatile Ketone/Ethers1 SOLIDS Acetone1 20 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone)1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Hexanone1* 20 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)1 32 µg/kg SOLIDS Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 7.8 µg/kg Medium Level Volatile Aromatics SOLIDS Benzene 656 µg/kg SOLIDS Chlorobenzene 648 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichlorobenzene2 618 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,3-Dichlorobenzene2 500 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,4-Dichlorobenzene2 596 µg/kg SOLIDS Ethylbenzene 697 µg/kg SOLIDS Naphthalene2 721 µg/kg SOLIDS Styrene* 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS Toluene 665 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene2 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS Xylenes, total 931 µg/kg Medium Level Volatile Halocarbons SOLIDS Bromodichloromethane 479 µg/kg SOLIDS Bromoform 415 µg/kg SOLIDS Carbon tetrachloride 480 µg/kg SOLIDS Chloroform 550 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibromochloromethane 642 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)* 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)* 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibromomethane 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1-Dichloroethane 676 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichloroethane 663 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1-Dichloroethene* 1000 µg/kg SOLIDS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene* 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS trans-1,2-Dichloroethene* 1200 µg/kg SOLIDS Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) 435 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichloropropane 1400 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 520 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 455 µg/kg SOLIDS Tetrachloroethene 543 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 530 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 732 µg/kg SOLIDS Trichloroethene 638 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 407 µg/kg Medium Level Volatile Ketone/Ethers SOLIDS Acetone 929 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) 808 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Hexanone* 2000 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 1630 µg/kg SOLIDS Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1400 µg/kg Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons SOLIDS Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) 10 mg/kg Base/Neutrals SOLIDS Acenaphthene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Acenaphthylene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Anthracene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(a)anthracene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(b)fluoranthene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(k)fluoranthene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(a)pyrene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Butylbenzylphthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether* 150 µg/kg SOLIDS bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 150 µg/kg SOLIDS bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Chloronaphthalene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Chrysene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibenzofuran 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2-Dichlorobenzene2 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,3-Dichlorobenzene2 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,4-Dichlorobenzene2 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Diethylphthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Dimethylphthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Di-n-butylphthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Di-n-octylphthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Fluoranthene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Fluorene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Hexachloroethane* 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Hexachlorobenzene 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Hexachlorobutadiene 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Isophorone* 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Methylnaphthalene* 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Naphthalene2 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Nitrobenzene 150 µg/kg SOLIDS N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Phenanthrene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS Pyrene 100 µg/kg SOLIDS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene2 150 µg/kg Acids SOLIDS 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Chlorophenol 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4-Dichlorophenol 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 300 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Methylphenol (p-Cresol)*4 300 µg/kg SOLIDS 2-Nitrophenol 300 µg/kg SOLIDS 4-Nitrophenol 300 µg/kg SOLIDS Phenol 150 µg/kg SOLIDS Pentachlorophenol 300 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 150 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 150 µg/kg PCBs3 SOLIDS Aroclor 10163 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12213 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12323 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12423 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12483 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12543 0.1 mg/kg SOLIDS Aroclor 12603 0.1 mg/kg PCBs in Oil3 OIL Aroclor 10163 1.7 mg/kg OIL Aroclor 12423 1.7 mg/kg OIL Aroclor 12543 1.6 mg/kg OIL Aroclor 12603 2.4 mg/kg Organochlorine Pesticides SOLIDS Aldrin 5 µg/kg SOLIDS alpha-BHC 5 µg/kg SOLIDS beta-BHC 5 µg/kg SOLIDS delta-BHC 5 µg/kg SOLIDS gamma-BHC(Lindane) 5 µg/kg SOLIDS alpha-Chlordane 5 µg/kg SOLIDS gamma-Chlordane 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Chlordane, Technical 20 µg/kg SOLIDS 4,4'-DDD 5 µg/kg SOLIDS 4,4'-DDE 5 µg/kg SOLIDS 4,4'-DDT 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Dieldrin 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endosulfan I 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endosulfan II 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endosulfan sulfate 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endrin 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endrin aldehyde 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Endrin ketone 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Heptachlor 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Heptachlor epoxide (beta) 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Methoxychlor 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Toxaphene 20 µg/kg Herbicides SOLIDS 2,4-D 10 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4-DB* 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Dicamba 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Dinoseb* 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Pentachlorophenol* 10 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4,5-T 10 µg/kg SOLIDS 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 10 µg/kg Petroleum Hydrocarbons SOLIDS Diesel Range Organics (DRO) 30 mg/kg SOLIDS n-Hexane Extractable Material (O&G)5 30 mg/kg Low Level Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)1 SOLIDS Acenaphthene1 15 µg/kg SOLIDS Acenaphthylene1 15 µg/kg SOLIDS Anthracene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(a)anthracene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(b)fluoranthene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(k)fluoranthene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(g,h,i)perylene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Benzo(a)pyrene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Chrysene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Dibenz(a,h)anthracene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Fluoranthene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Fluorene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene1 5 µg/kg SOLIDS Naphthalene1 15 µg/kg SOLIDS Phenanthrene1 10 µg/kg SOLIDS Pyrene1 5 µg/kg *) Identifies new FoPT.
1) The Low Level Analytes are specifically intended for technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRL. Laboratories analyzing routine environmental samples using technologies/methods that can achieve the listed PTRLs must analyze the Low Level Analyte PT samples.
2) Analysis required per volatile analytical technologies and solvent extraction/semivolatile analytical technologies.
3) Laboratories must analyze and report results for all Arochlors for a given matrix in an individual PT study. Incorrect identification or quantitation of one Arochlor will result in failure for the group.
4) Laboratories seeking to report data for Solid and Chemical Material analyte 4-Methylphenol or the coeluting isomer pair of 3-Methylphenol and 4-Methylphenol must report the data as 4-Methylphenol.
5) n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) per solvent extraction followed by gravimetric or infrared spectrometric analysis (Oil & Grease).
6) All FoPTs must meet the design, verification, homogeneity, stability, and acceptance limits described in V3 of the TNI Standard and the TNI FoPT Tables.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-767. Filed for public inspection April 27, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]
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