[47 Pa.B. 6215]
[Saturday, October 7, 2017]
[Continued from previous Web Page]
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PERMITS The Department has taken the following actions on applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P.S. §§ 721.1—721.17) for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this document to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Operations Permit # 2316502 issued to: Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, [(1460085)] Upper Darby Township, Delaware County on September 25, 2017 for the operation of a 350 gpm Discharge Booster at the Highland Park Tank Site facilities approved under construction permit # 2316502.
Operations Permit # 0917518 issued to: Borough of Quakertown, 35 North 3rd Street, Quakertown, PA 18951, [(1090082)] Borough of Quakertown, Bucks County on September 21, 2017 for the operation of PAX Water Mixer Reservoir Road Tank facilities approved under construction permit # 0917518.
Southcentral Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No. 2217508 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Pillow Borough Authority Municipality Mifflin Township County Dauphin Responsible Official Walter Tweitmann, Chairman
PO Box 206
Pillow, PA 17080Type of Facility Abandonment of the Well No. 4 reservoir and repiping of the well dicharge piping. Consulting Engineer N Peter Fleszar, P.E.
Glace Associates, Inc.
3705 Trindle Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011Permit to Construct Issued 9/20/2017 Permit No. 2217506, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Camp Hebron Municipality Halifax Township County Dauphin Responsible Official Dustin Musser, Executive Director
957 Camp Hebron Road
Halifax, PA 17032Type of Facility Installation of pH adjustment equipment utilizing soda ash as treatment under the Lead and Copper Rule. Consulting Engineer Stephen R. Morse, P.E.
Skelly & Loy, Inc.
449 Eisenhower Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17111Permit to Construct Issued 9/25/2017 Permit No. 0617511 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Western Berks Water Authority Municipality Centre Township County Berks Responsible Official Leonard E. Bilger II, Executive Director
91 Water Road
Sinking Spring, PA 19608Type of Facility Western Berks Water Authority has submitted an application for the replacement of two existing Stenner peristaltic chemical metering pumps at the Mohrsville Water District Treatment Facility. The new peristaltic pumps will both be Watson Marlow, Model 520U/R2, and will be programmed for flow pacing. Consulting Engineer Jeffery C. Jessel, P.E.
SSM Group, Inc.
1047 North Park Road
Reading, PA 19610-0307Permit to Construct Issued 9/20/2017 Permit No. 6717507 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant The York Water Company Municipality Hellam Township County York Responsible Official Mark S. Snyder, Engineering Manager
130 East Market Street
PO Box 15089
York, PA 17405-7089Type of Facility Installation of a permanent interconnect is proposed to enable the Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority (Authority) to purchase water as needed from the York Water Company (Company). The agreement between the Authority and the Company permits the Authority to purchase up to 8 million gallons per month, at a rate of no greater than 200 gallons per minute. In conjunction with this application, a transfer permit application has also been received requesting the transfer of permits approving operation of water system facilities at the Eastern York School District from the Authority to the Company. Consulting Engineer Mark S. Snyder, P.E.
The York Water Company
130 East Market Street
PO Box 15089
York, PA 17405-7089Permit to Construct Issued 9/25/2017 Permit No. 2117508 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Rodeway Inn/Jajul Corporaiton (Private) Municipality Southampton Township County Cumberland Responsible Official Satish Mehta, Owner
10 Hershey Road
Shippensburg, PA 17257Type of Facility The existing UV disinfection system will be removed and replaced with a sodium hypochlorite feed system. Contact piping will be installed to achieve sufficient contact time for 4-log treatment of the groundwater source. Consulting Engineer Randolph S. Bailey, P.E.
Wm. F. Hill & Assoc., Inc.
207 Baltimore Street
Getysburg, PA 17325Permit to Construct Issued 9/22/2017 Permit No. 2117509 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill Municipality Lower Allen Township County Cumberland Responsible Official Laurel Harry, Superintendent
2500 Lisburn Road
Camp Hill, PA 17001Type of Facility The filter media in the two existing Graver filter units will be replaced. The filter lining will be repainted as needed during the media replacement. Consulting Engineer Carol A. Piontkowski, P.E.
Department of Corrections, Bureau of Operations
1920 Technology Parkway
Camp Hill, PA 17001Permit to Construct Issued 9/20/2017 Permit No. 6717508 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Red Lion Area School District Municipality Winterstown Borough County York Responsible Official Craig S. Slack Jr, Director of Buildings & Grounds
696 Delta Road
Red Lion, PA 17356Type of Facility The existing nitrate treatment and soda ash injection equipment will be replaced. A new hypochlorite injection pump and three (3) 120-gallon contact tanks will be installed. Two (2) new 750-gallon finished water storage tanks will be installed. Consulting Engineer Charles A. Kehew II, P.E.
James R. Holley & Associates, Inc.
18 South George Street
York, PA 17401Permit to Construct Issued 9/25/2017 Permit No. 3817505, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Hornings Market of Myerstown Municipality Myerstown Borough County Lebanon Responsible Official Lester Z. Horning, Manager
905 South College Street
Myerstown, PA 17067Type of Facility Installation of sodium hypochlorite disinfectionand contact tanks for GWr 4-log inactivation of viruses treatment. Consulting Engineer Charles A. Kehew II, P.E.
James R. Holley & Associates, Inc.
18 South George Street
York, PA 17401Permit to Construct Issued 9/20/2017 Operation Permit No. 0515502 MA issued to: Centerville Area MA (PWS ID No. 4050027), Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County on 9/20/2017 for facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0515502 MA.
Operation Permit No. 0615510 MA issued to: Reading Area Water Authority (PWS ID No. 3060059), Bern Township, Berks County on 9/26/2017 for facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0615510 MA.
Operation Permit No. 2217509 MA issued to: Millersburg Area Authority (PWS ID No. 7220034), Millersburg Borough, Dauphin County on 9/25/2017 for facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 2217509 MA.
Northcentral Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448.
Permit No. 5717501-MA—Operation—Public Water Supply.
Applicant Red Rock Job Corps Center Township/Borough Colley Township County Sullivan County Responsible Official Mr. Gerry McGroarty
Center Director
Red Rock Job Corps Center
P.O. Box 218
Lopez, PA 18628Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Mr. Edmund G. Slocum,
P.E., P.L.S
Milnes Engineering, Inc.
12 Frear Hill Road
Tunkhannock, PA 18657Permit Issued September 22, 2017 Description of Action Authorizes replacement of the submersible pump in Well No. 5 that was oversized and failed (Goulds Model 8RALC 30 hp) with a more appropriately-sized submersible well pump (Goulds Model65L 15 15 hp). Pennsylvania American Water Company—Nittany (Public Water Supply), Centre County: On September 22, 2017, the Safe Drinking Water Program approved the Source Water Protection (SWP) plan Pennsylvania American Water Company—Nittany. The personnel involved with the development of this SWP are to be commended for taking these proactive steps to protect these water sources for their community. Development of the SWP plan was funded by the Department of Environmental Protection (Mark R. Stephens, P.G., (570) 327-3422).
Northwest Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Permit No. 3717502, Public Water Supply.
Applicant PA American Water Company Township or Borough Union Township County Lawrence Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer William Lage
PA American Water Co.
2746 Ellwood Road
New Castle, PA 16101Permit to Construct Issued September 26, 2017 Operation Permit issued to PA American Water Butler, PWSID No. 5100012, Oakland Township, Butler County. Permit Number 1017503 issued September 26, 2017 for the operation of the previously unpermitted pump station and storage tanks.
Actions taken on applications received under the act of June 24, 1939 (P.L. 842, No. 365) (35 P.S. §§ 631—641) relating to the acquisition of rights to divert waters of the Commonwealth.
Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448.
WA 57-412B, Water Allocations. Borough of Laporte, P.O. Box 125, Laporte, PA 18626, Laport Borough, Sullivan County. This Water Allocation Permit grants Laporte Municipal Water System the right to withdraw a maximum of 80,000 gallons per day (gpd), when available, from Cold Spring, located in the Borough of Laporte, Sullivan County.
Plan Approvals Granted Under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P.S. § 750.5)
Southwest Regional Office, Regional Clean Water Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, Telephone 412-442-4000.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County Mt Pleasant Township Mt Pleasant Township
Ms. Caprice Mills, Secretary
P.O. Box 158, 208 Poker Road
Mammoth, PA 15664Westmoreland Plan Description: The approved plan revision provides for the construction of a Small Flow Sewage Treatment Facility (S.F.S.T.F.) to serve an existing residential building located on the property presently owned by Stacey J. Barnhart. The property is located at 2398 State Route 982, Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666.
The treated effluent will be discharged into an unnamed tributary of Brush Run that discharges into Jacobs Creek which is classified as Cold Water Fisheries stream.
Any required NPDES Permits or WQM Permits must be obtained in the name of the applicant as appropriate.
The Department's review of the sewage facilities revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts results from this proposal. The installation of this SFSTF will address a malfunctioning septic system.
Plan Disapprovals Under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. 717-705-4707.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County West Hanover Township 7171 Allentown Blvd.
Harrisburg, PA 17112Dauphin Plan Description: The sewage planning exemption request submitted for the Rustrum-Fox Hill Subdivision, DEP Code No. A3-22937-412-2E, APS Id 950635, is disapproved. The purpose of this plan is to create three new single family residential building lots to use individual onlot sewage disposal systems. The project is located along Fox Hill Road, east of the junction with Compton Drive. A preliminary hydrogeologic study is required because the proposed subdivision is within 1/4 mile of a well documented to exceed 5 PPM nitrate-N and onlot sewage disposal is proposed. Reference: Chapter 71, Section 71.51(b)(1)(ii) and West Hanover Township's Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan (1992 submission). Therefore, the proposal must be submitted using the Component 2 sewage planning module forms.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County Fayette Township 181 Bunkertown Rd.
McAlisterville, PA 17049Juniata Plan Description: The sewage planning exception (Component 1) module submitted for the Donald Landis Subdivision, DEP Code No. A3-34903-224-1, APS Id 950653, is disapproved. The submission proposed a subdivision to create a parcel for an existing dwelling with an onlot sewage disposal system and a residual tract to be comprised of existing forest and farmland. The proposed subdivision is located along Mountain Road, east of the junction with Phillips Road. This plan is disapproved because a preliminary hydrogeologic study would be required because the proposed subdivision is within 1/4 mile of a well documented to exceed 5 PPM nitrate-N and onlot sewage disposal is proposed. Reference: Chapter 71 § 71.55(a)(2), Chapter 71 § 71.62(c)(2)(iii), and Fayette Township's Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan (2005 submission and 2010 review). Therefore, the proposal could be submitted using the Component 2 module forms. However, since no no new building lots or development is proposed, the subdivision may also be adequately documented by submitting a ''Request for Planning Waiver & Non-building Declaration'' form.
OCTOBER 18, 1988
Public Notice of Proposed Consent Order and Agreement
Port Richmond Gate HSCA Site, Philadelphia County The Department of Environmental Protection (Department), under the authority of the Pennsylvania Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA), 35 P.S. § 6020.1113, has entered a Consent Order and Agreement with Keith Charlton, regarding the Port Richmond Gate Development, a residential subdivision located along Edgemont, Venango and Thompson Streets in Philadelphia (Site). The Site was formerly used as a staging area for railroad cars and was subsequently used by Aldan Industries, a rubber manufacturer, which is no longer in business.
Sometime after October 2001, Mr. Charlton and Daniel Ryan incorporated ADK Development Corp., Inc., a company which developed the Site for residential use, without remediation. In 2007, the Department detected levels of arsenic and lead in soil on the Site. These contaminants were found in amounts above the Department's Residential Statewide Health Standards. The Department also detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil on the Site.
Hazardous substances within the meaning of Section 103 of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act, 35 P.S. § 6020.103, were released and threatened to be released on the Site. Pursuant to Section 501(a) of HSCA, 35 P.S. § 6020.501(a), the Department completed response actions at the Site to abate the release of hazardous substances found on the Site. The Department's response actions included the removal of contaminated soil which impacted homes in the Port Richmond Gate Development.
As an officer of ADK Corporation, Inc., Mr. Charlton participated in the construction of homes on the Site, without remediation and is responsible for a portion of the response costs incurred by the Department. In their Inability-to-Pay Consent Order and Agreement, Mr. Charlton and the Department agreed that he would reimburse the Department in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) and that he would receive contribution protection from claims related to the release of hazardous substances at the Site.
This notice is provided under Section 1113 of HSCA, 35 P.S. § 6020.1113, which states that, ''settlement shall become final upon the filing of the Department's response to significant written comments.'' The Consent Order and Agreement is available for public review and comment. The agreement can be examined from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Department's Southeast Regional Office, located at 2 East Main Street in Norristown, PA by contacting either Colin Wade (484) 250-5960 or Gina M. Thomas, Esquire at (484) 250-5930. Mr. Wade and Ms. Thomas may also be contacted electronically at cowade@pa.gov and githomas@pa.gov, respectively. A public comment period on the Consent Order and Agreement will extend for 60 days from today's date. Persons may submit written comments regarding the agreement within 60 days from today's date, by submitting them to Mr. Wade at the above address.
UNDER ACT 2, 1995
The following plans and reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P.S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).
Provisions of Sections 301—308 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) (35 P.S. §§ 6026.301—6026.308) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Submission of plans and reports, other than the final report, will also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These include the remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan for a site-specific standard remediation. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements.
For further information concerning plans or reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of receipt of plans or reports appears. If information concerning plans or reports is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Schramm Inc., 800 East Virginia Avenue, West Goshen Township, Chester County. Michael S. Welsh, P.E., Welsh Environmental, Inc., 131 Clearview Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335 on behalf of Eli Kahn, 920 South Bolmar Associates, LP, 55 Country Club Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335 submitted a Remedial Investigation Report concerning remediation of site groundwater and soil contaminated with petroleum. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Sears Auto Center # 1654, 1067 West Baltimore Avenue, Delaware County. David Side, Amec Foster Wheeler, Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., 751 Arbor Way, Suite 180, Blue Bell, PA 19422 on behalf of Patricia Feeley, Sears Holding Management Corporation, 3333 Beverly Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60179 submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with used motor oil. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Solid State Scientific, 160 Commerce Drive, Montgomery Township, Montgomery County. Paul Miller, Environmental Alliance, Inc., 5341 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE 19808 submitted a Cleanup Plan and Risk Assessment Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with other organics. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Fairway Commons Apartment, 4927 Wynnfield Avenue, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. John C. Lydzinski, RT Environmental Services, Inc., 215 West Church Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406-3207 on behalf of Matthew Canno, Iron Stone 4927 Wynnfield, LLC, 2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 submitted a Remedial Investigation/Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with No. 6 fuel oil. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Roberto Clemente Middle School, 3921-3961 North 5th Street, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. James Manuel, REPSG, Inc., 6901 Kingsessing Avenue, Suite 210, Philadelphia, PA 19142 on behalf of Walter Toliver, Esperanza, 4261 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 submitted a Remedial Investigation/Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with inorganics. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Whitfield Residence, 546 Jefferson Avenue, Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County. Carl Rinkevich, II, Reliance Environmental, Inc., 235 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17601 on behalf of Dorothy Whitfield, 546 Jefferson Avenue, Pottstown, PA 19464 submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
First Blue Bell Cleaners Service, 1734 Dekalb Pike, Whitpain Township Montgomery County. Kimberly (Walsh) Hunsberger, GHD Services Inc., 135 Raitan Center Parkway, Suite 5, Edison, NJ 08837, James Carey, GHD Services, Inc., 135 Raritan Center Parkway, Suite 5, Edison, NJ 08837 on behalf Robert Carson, Regency Blue Bell, L.P. c/o Levin Management Corporation, 975 US Highway 22 West, North Plainfield, NJ 07060 submitted a Cleanup Plan/Remedial Investigation Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with PCE and TCE. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Biordi Property, 1216-1224 West Baltimore Pike, Middletown Township, Delaware County, Zachary Weaver, Synergy Environmental, Inc., 155 Railroad Plaza, Royersford, PA 19468 on behalf of Laura Biordi, 538 South New Middletown Road, Media, PA 19063 submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site groundwater contaminated with TCE, MTBE and PCE. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the background standard.
J&J Development, 1116 Horsham Road, Horsham Township, Montgomery County. Phil Gray, Jr., Compliance Management International, 1350 Welsh Road, Suite 200, North Wales, PA 19454 on behalf of John Pillegi, Jr., J&J Development Company, II, 3470 Limekiln Pike, Chalfont, PA 18914 submitted a Remedial Investigation/Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with chlorinates solvents. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Quaker Car Wash, 71 South West End Boulevard, Borough of Quakertown, Bucks County. Brenda MacPhail-Kellogg, REPSG, Inc., 6901 Kingsessing Avenue, Second Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19142 on behalf of Joshua Lee, Noah Nank, 2337 Lemoine Avenue, Second Floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 submitted a Remedial Investigation/Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with VOCs and lead. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
2728 South Front Street Site, 2728 Front Street, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Michael A. Christie, Penn Environmental & Remediation Inc., 2755 Bergey Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 on behalf of Bill Rountree, Wright Partners, 20 South Olive Street, Suite 203, Media, PA 19063 submitted a Remedial Investi- gation/Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with metals. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the site-specific standard.
Northeast Region: Eric Supey, Environmental Cleanup & Brownfields Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.
Schuylkill Haven Water Treatment Plant, 16 Tumbling Run Road, North Manheim Township, Schuylkill County. Reliance Environmental, Inc., 235 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17602, on behalf of Borough of Schuylkill Haven, 333 Center Avenue, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Isopropylbenzene, MTBE, Naphthalene, Toluene, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-Trimethyl- benzene. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the nonresidential Site Specific Standard for soils & groundwater.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone 717.705.4705.
Fruitville Business Park, 1570 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602, Lancaster City, Lancaster County. Liberty Environmental, 50 N. 5th Street, 5th Floor, Reading, PA 19601, on behalf of 1570 Fruitville Pike, LP, 2450 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601, and Robert Lepore, c/o John Reed, Esquire, Barley Snyder, LLC, 126 East King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602-2893, submitted a Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with inorganics and SVOCs. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Site-Specific Standard.
Karl Knarr Estate, 2472 Wilson Street, Reading, PA 19605, Bern Township, Berks County. ECC Horizon, 520 Fellowship Road, Suite E-506, Mount Laurel, NJ, 08054, on behalf of Coventry Environmental, Inc., 141 South Main Street, Spring City, PA 19475, and June Lerch, the Estate of Karl Knarr, 940 Franklin Street, Wyomissing, PA 19610, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Residential Statewide Health Standard.
Former Emtrol Inc./York Technical Institute, 3050 Hempfield Road, Lancaster, PA 17601, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County. ARM Group, Inc., 1129 West Governor Road, P.O. Box 797, Hershey, PA 17033, on behalf of York Tech Associates, LP, 120 North Pointe Boulevard, Suite 301, Lancaster, PA 17601 submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Residential Statewide Health Standard.
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Former Centre Chemical Facility, Bellefonte Borough, Centre County. McKee Environmental, Inc., 218 Washington Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823, on behalf of Catherman's Service Garage, 1803 Buffalo Run Road, Bellefonte, PA 16823, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with inorganics. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Miller Center for Recreation and Wellness Property, East Buffalo Township, Union County. Pennsylvania LaBella Associates, P.C., on behalf of Miller Center for Recreation and Wellness, 120 Hardwood Drive, Lewis- burg, PA 17837, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with Arsenic. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Site-Specific Standard.
Frontier National Resources Tenman Facility, Sullivan Township, Tioga County. Frontier National Resources, Inc., 301 N. Spring Street, Suite 102, Bellefonte, PA 16823, has submitted a Final report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown- field Development Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Former Melody Tent/Civic Arena, Center Avenue, Fullerton Street, Crawford & Bedford Avenue Pittsburgh, Allegheny County. KU Resources, Inc., 22 South Linden Street, Duquesne, PA 15110 on behalf of Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, 200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, has submitted a Remedial Investigation Report, Risk Assessment Report and Cleanup Plan concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCS); Semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and metals. Public notice was printed in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on August 18, 2017.
UNDER ACT 2, 1995
The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P.S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).
Section 250.8 of 25 Pa. Code and administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.
For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Whitfield Residence, 546 Jefferson Avenue, Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County. Carl Rinkevich, II, Reliance Environmental, Inc., 235 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17602 on behalf of Dorothy Whitfield, 546 Jefferson Avenue, Pottstown, PA 19464 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on September 13, 2017.
Solid State Scientific, 160 Commerce Drive, Montgomery Township, Montgomery County. Paul C. Miller, Environmental Alliance Inc., 5341 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE 19808 on behalf of Anthony Cino, 160 Commerce Drive, LP, 301 Oxford Valley Road, Suite 702, Yardley, PA 19067-7713 submitted a Cleanup Plan concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with other organics. The Plan was approved by the Department on September 13, 2017.
FBF Inc., 1145 Industrial Boulevard, Upper Sout- hampton Township, Bucks County. Philip Getty, Boucher & James, Inc., 1456 Ferry Road, Building 500, Doylestown, PA 18901 on behalf of Joe Medvic, FBF, Inc., 1145 Industrial Boulevard, Southampton, PA 18966 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The Final Report did not demonstrate attainment of the site-specific standard and was disapproved by the Department on August 31, 2017.
Benedetti Residence, 1 Mallow Lane, Bristol Township, Bucks County. Charles Burger, Mountain Research, LLC, 825 25th Street, Altoona, PA 16601 on behalf of Stephanie Benedetti, 1 Mallow Lane, Levittown, PA 19054 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on September 1, 2017.
Philadelphia Naval Business Center, 1109, 1113, 1117, 1121 and 1123 Admiral Pear Way, 110 Flagship Drive, 4501 and 5001 League Island Boulevard, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. John Cattuso, Liberty Property/Synterra LP, Eight Penn Center, 1628 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 1100, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2805 and Prema Gupta, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, 4747 South Broad Street, Building 101, Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19112 submitted a Baseline Environmental Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with VOCs, SVOCs and metals. The Baseline Report demonstrated attainment of the Special Industrial Area and was approved by the Department on February 16, 2017.
Pine Road/Red Line Road, Pine Road/Red Lion Road, Lower Moreland Township, Montgomery County. Gary Emmanuel, O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc, 301 East Germantown Pike, 3rd Floor, East Norriton, PA 19401 behalf of Gregory T. Rogerson, JERC Partners, XIII, LP, 171 State Route 173, Suite 201, Asbury, NJ 08802 submitted a Risk Assessment Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with other organics. The Report was approved by the Department on September 11, 2017.
Colonial Heritage MHP Evergreen, 288 Evergreen Drive, New Britain Township, Bucks County. Alan R. Hirschfeld, L&A Environmental Specialties, Inc., 219 Laureen Road, Schwenksville, PA 19473 on behalf of James Perano, GSP Management, 2846 Main Street, Suite 12A, P.O. Box 677, Morgantown, PA 19543 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater and soil contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on June 14, 2017.
Cardone Industries Plant 4-4A Property, 234 West Cayuga Street, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. David S. Coyne, QEP, Liberty Environmental Inc., 200 Barr Harbor Drive, Suite 400, Conshohocken, PA 19428, Glenn DePlantino, Cardone Industries, Inc., 5501 Whitaker Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 on behalf of Allen Burns, Richard S. Burns Company, Inc., 4300 Rising Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 submitted a Remedial Investigation/Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with other organics. The Report was approved by the Department on April 28, 2017.
French Creek Elementary School, 3590 Coventry- ville Road, South Coventry Township, Chester County. Andrew Markoski, Patriot Environmental Management, LLC, 21 Unionville Road, P.O. Box 629, Douglasville, PA 19518 on behalf of James A. Turner, James A. Turner Inc., 3469 Old Bethlehem Pike, Souderton, PA 18964 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on September 14, 2017.
Darby Borough MGP Site, 237/263 Mill Street, Darby Borough, Delaware County. Bruce Middleman, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., 400 Drive, Suite 400, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 on behalf of Peter Farrand, PECO Energy, 2301 Market Street, S7-1, Philadelphia, PA 19103 submitted a Cleanup Plan/Risk Assessment and Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with VOC and PAH. The Report was approved by the Department on August 31, 2017.
318 Boro Road, 318 Boro Road, Upper Darby Township, Delaware County. Michael Napolitan, Taylor Geoscience, Inc., 38 Bishop Hollow Road, Suite 200, Newtown Square, PA 19073 submitted a Remedial Investigation Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with other organics. The Report was disapproved by the Department on August 17, 2017.
Mack Oil Berwyn, 46 Branch Avenue, Easttown Township, Chester County. Tim McCorry, Mack Services Company, Inc, 45 Branch Avenue, Berwyn, PA 19312 on behalf of Michael S. Welsh, PE, Welsh Environmental, Inc, 131 Clearview Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the site-specific standard and was approved by the Department on May 9, 2017.
PECO Submersible Transformer Oil Spill, 28 Phoenixville Pike, Malvern Borough, Chester County. Bruce Middleman, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., 400 Davis Drive, Suite 400, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 on behalf of George Horvat, Peco Energy Company, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with PCB's. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on August 23, 2017.
Philadelphia Naval Business Center aka the Navy Yard Building 664, 351 Rouse Boulevard, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. John Cattuso, Liberty Property/Synterra LP, Eight Penn Center, 1628 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 1100, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2805, Prema Gupta, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, 4747 South Broad Street, Building 101, Suite 120, Philadelphia, PA 19112 submitted a Baseline Environmental Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with PCBs. The Report was approved by the Department on February 15, 2017.
Northeast Building Products Corporation, 327 East Chew Avenue, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Christopher Orzechowski, Keating Environmental, Management, Inc., 1 Bacton Hill Road, North Building, Suite 107, Frazer, PA 19355 on behalf of Alan Levin, Northeast Building Products, 4280 Aramingo Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The Report was disapproved by the Department on September 7, 2017.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone 717.705.4705.
Columbia Gas of PA Service Center/Off-Property Area, 149 North Stratton Street, Borough of Gettysburg, Adams County. AECOM, 250 Apollo Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824, on behalf of NiSource Corporate Services, 4 Technology Drive, Suite 250, Westborough, MA 01581, and Southcentral Community Action Program, 153 North Stratton Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 submitted a Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning remediation of groundwater contaminated with benzene. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard, and was approved by the Department on September 14, 2017.
Apollo Transportation Specialists Diesel Spill, Rt. 30 Eastbound On-Ramp from Rt. 24, York, PA 17402, Springettsbury Township, York County. Taylor GeoServices, Inc., 38 Bishop Hollow Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073, on behalf of Apollo Transportation Specialist, Inc., 4301 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224, and PennDOT, Engineering-District 8, 2140 Herr Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard. and was approved by the Department on September 18, 2017.
Bullhead Trucking Diesel Fuel Release/Gardner Property, 78 East Berlin Road, York Springs, PA 17372, Tyrone Township, Adams County. Taylor GeoServices, Inc., 38 Bishop Hollow Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073, on behalf of Bullhead Trucking, LLC, 1513 Commerce Avenue, Carlisle, PA 17015, and Michael Gardner, 78 East Berlin Road, York Springs, PA 17372, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard, and was approved by the Department on September 15, 2017.
Norfolk Southern Railway/Juniata Locomotive Repair Shop, 200 North 4th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601, City of Altoona and Logan Township, Blair County. AECOM Technical Services, Inc., 681 Andersen Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, on behalf of Norfolk Southern Railway Company, 1200 Peachtree Street NE, P.O. Box 13, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard, and was approved by the Department on September 15, 2017.
Former Quaker Oats Facility, 485 Saint John's Church Road, Shiremanstown, PA 17011, Hampden Township, Cumberland County. HRG, Inc., 369 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111, on behalf of QB Limited Partnership, 5351 Jaycee Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17112, submitted a Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with VOCs, SVOCs and inorganics. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Nonresidential Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards, and was approved by the Department on September 19, 2017.
Rebecca Kichman Property, 1900 Lower Bailey Road, Newport, PA 17074, Miller Township, Perry County. Environmental Products & Services of Vermont, Inc., 1539 Bobali Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17104, on behalf of Rebecca Kichman, 1900 Lower Bailey Drive, Newport, PA 17074, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with No. 2 fuel oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard, and was approved by the Department on September 19, 2017.
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Snyder Fuels Release Site, Upper Augusta Township, Northumberland County. Pennsylvania Tectonics, Inc., 723 Main Street, Archbald, PA 18403, on behalf of Snyder Fuels, Inc., P.O. Box 191, Sunbury, PA 17801, has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with undyed diesel fuel and dyed No. 2 fuel oil. The report did not demonstrate attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was disapproved by the Department on September 13, 2017.
Former B.J. Burnley Company Site, Franklin Township, Snyder County. Molesevich Environmental, LLC, P.O. Box 654, Lewisburg, PA 17837, on behalf of GBT Realty Corporation, 9010 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, TN 37027, has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with unleaded/leaded gasoline. The report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on September 5, 2017.
Frontier National Resources Tenman Facility, Sullivan Township, Tioga County. Frontier National Resources, Inc., 301 N. Spring Street, Suite 102, Bellefonte, PA 16823, has submitted a Final report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with diesel fuel. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on September 19, 2017.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown- field Development Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Former Mulach Steel Property, South Fayette Township, Allegheny County. American Geosciences, Inc, 3925 Reed Boulevard, Suite 400, Murrysville, PA 15668-1848 on behalf of South Fayette Hotel Associates, LP, 375 Southpointe Boulevard, Suite 410, Canonsburg, PA 15317 has submitted a Cleanup Plan (CP) and Final Report (FR). Notice of the CP and FR submittal was published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on June 15, 2017. The Final Report and Cleanup Plan was approved by the Department on September 11, 2017.
Permit(s) issued Under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P.S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1003); the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P.S. §§ 4000.101—4000.1904); and Residual Waste Regulations for a General Permit to Operate Residual Waste Processing Facilities and the Beneficial Use of Residual Waste other than Coal Ash.
Southwest Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Determination of Applicability under General Permit No. WMGR082SW004: Laurel Sand & Stone, Inc., Jackson Township, Cambria County, for the Laurel Sand & Stone Processing Facility Site located at 1317 Chickaree Hill Road, Johnstown, PA 15909.
Determination of Applicability (DOA) to operate under Residual Waste General Permit No. WMGR082SW004 for the processing and beneficial use of steel slag, iron slag, and refractory bricks that were co-disposed with slag. The approved processing is limited to magnetic separation of metallics and mechanical sizing and separation. The DOA for the General Permit was approved by the Southwest Regional Office on September 22, 2017.
Permit(s) Issued Under the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.
Northeast Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.
Permit Application No. 101713. Pioneer Aggregates, Inc., 215 E. Saylor Avenue, Laflin, PA 18702. A municipal waste demonstration permit for the use of Re-CreteTM for mine reclamation. The demonstration project site is located at the existing Simpson Quarry in Fell Township, Susquehanna County. The permit was issued by the Regional Office on September 21, 2017.
Persons interested in reviewing the permit may contact Roger Bellas, Regional Waste Management Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional Office, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984.
General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P.S. §§ 4001—4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Contact: Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, 717-705-4862, Virendra Trivedi, New Source Review Chief, 717-705-4863, or William Weaver, Regional Air Quality Manager, 717-705-4702.
GP3-67-03146E: Kinsley Construction, Inc. (PO Box 2886, York, PA 17405) on September 20, 2017, for portable nonmetallic mineral processing equipment, under GP3, at the Sandbank Quarry located in Springettsbury Township, York County.
GP9-67-03146E: Kinsley Construction, Inc. (PO Box 2886, York, PA 17405) on September 20, 2017, for two diesel or No. 2 oil-fired internal combustion engines, under GP9, to power portable nonmetallic mineral processing equipment, at the Sandbank Quarry located in Springettsbury Township, York County.
GP1-06-03073C: Giorgio Foods, Inc. (1161 Park Road, Blandon, PA 19510) on September 19, 2017, for one new natural gas-fired boiler rated at 32.3 MMBtu/hr, and three existing boilers, under GP1, at the facility located in Maidencreek Township, Berks County.
GP13-22-05033: Hempt Bros. Inc. (205 Creek Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011-7418) on September 22, 2017, for a new batch asphalt plant, under GP13, at the Steelton Quarry located in Swatara Township, Dauphin County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Program Manager, 570-327-3648.
GP14-08-304: Southern Tier Cremation Services, LLC (17219 Berwick Turnpike, Gillett, PA 16925) on September 19, 2017 to authorize the operation of a natural gas-fired, Crematory Manufacturing & Service, model Millenium III human crematorium pursuant to the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Human or Animal Crematories (BAQ-GPA/GP-14) at their facility in Ridgebury Township, Bradford County.
GP9-19-204: AT&T Communications of Pennsylvania, LLC (PO Box 5095, Room 4W200M, San Ramon, CA 94583) on September 18, 2017, for the continued operation of a 4,060 bhp Cummins model QSK78-G12 diesel-fired engine which powers a 2,750 kW Cummins model DQLF electrical generator for emergency backup power pursuant to the General Plan Approval and/or General Operating Permit for Diesel or No. 2 fuel-fired Internal Combustion Engines (BAQ-GPA/GP-9) at the AT&T Catawissa facility located in Cleveland Township, Columbia County.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Contact: Alan Binder, P.E., Environmental Engineer Manager—Telephone: 412-442-4168.
GP3-04-00743A: Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemical Inc. (300 Frankford Road, New Monaca, PA 15061) on September 21, 2017, to allow the installation and operation of a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant consisting of two crushers with two integrated screens and associated conveyors located in Potter Township, Beaver County.
GP11-04-00743A: Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemical Inc. (300 Frankford Road, New Monaca, PA 15061) on September 21, 2017, to allow the installation and operation of six nonroad diesel-fired engines of various capacities in conjunction with a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant located in Potter Township, Beaver County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Contact: David Balog, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6328.
GP11-37-350D: Amerikohl Aggregates, Inc., Gardner Mine (1384 State Route 711, Stahlstown, PA 15687) on September 21, 2017, for the authority to construct a diesel engine (Source 107) and will replace GP11-37-350C (BAQ-GPS/GP11) located at their facility in Wayne Township, Lawrence County.
Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Contact: Janine Tulloch-Reid, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920.
23-0003AB: Monroe Energy, LLC (4101 Post Road, Trainer, PA 19061) On September 22, 2017 for a minor modification to this plan approval to memorialize Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) purchased and approved for use in the ultra-low sulfur gasoline and crude rate throughput increase project in Trainer Borough, Delaware County.
Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Contact: Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, 717-705-4862, Virendra Trivedi, New Source Review Chief, 717-705-4863, or William Weaver, Regional Air Quality Manager, 717-705-4702.
21-05026C: Carlisle SynTec Inc. (PO Box 7000, Carlisle, PA 17013) on September 20, 2017, for the construction of a de-vulcanization process to recycle sheet roofing material from the manufacturing process at the facility in Carlisle Borough, Cumberland County. The plan approval was extended.
01-05033B: Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc. (800 Peach Glen-Idaville Road, Peach Glen, PA 17307) on September 18, 2017, for construction of a combined heat and power (CHP) project to include an anaerobic digester, combustion flare, IC engine/generator set and catalytic oxidizer at the Peach Glen facility in Huntington Township, Adams County. The plan approval was extended.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648.
08-00052A: REV LNG SSL BC, LLC (1005 Empson Road, Ulysses, PA 16948) on September 15, 2017, to extend the plan approval expiration date to April 16, 2018 to allow completion of construction of several sources for the production of liquefied natural gas at the proposed Clark Facility in Herrick Township, Bradford County.
47-309-001A: United States Gypsum Company (60 PPL Road, Danville, PA 17821) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from August 30, 2017 to February 26, 2018, to allow continued operation of the synthetic gypsum truck and railcar unloading operations located at the US Gypsum/Washingtonville Plant facility in Derry Township, Montour County pending issuance of the initial Title V operating permit.
59-00008C: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77002) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from September 5, 2017 to March 4, 2018, to allow continued operation of the compressor turbine (Source P101B) pending issuance of an operating permit. The source is located at the TGP/Wellsboro Station 315 facility located in Charleston Township, Tioga County.
17-00070A: Baronick Funeral Home & Crematorium, Inc. (211 South Main Street, DuBois, PA 15801) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from September 18, 2017 to March 17, 2018, to allow continued operation of the Matthews crematory (Source 001) pending issuance of an operating permit. The source is located at their facility in DuBois City, Clearfield County.
08-00001A: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77002) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from September 29, 2017 to March 28, 2018, to allow continued operation of the emergency generator engine pending issuance of an operating permit for the source. The source is located at the TGP/Wyalusing Station 319 facility in Wyalusing Township, Bradford County.
47-309-001: United States Gypsum Company (60 PPL Road, Danville, PA 17821) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from October 23, 2017 to April 21, 2018, to allow continued operation of the gypsum manufacturing operations located at the US Gypsum/Washingtonville Plant facility in Derry Township, Montour County pending issuance of the initial Title V operating permit.
47-00014C: United States Gypsum Company (60 PPL Road, Danville, PA 17821) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from November 8, 2017 to May 7, 2018, to permit completion of the evaluation of compliance for the board kiln dryer. The source is located at the US Gypsum/Washingtonville Plant facility in Derry Township, Montour County.
47-00014B: United States Gypsum Company (60 PPL Road, Danville, PA 17821) extended the authorization an additional 180 days from November 15, 2017 to May 14, 2018, to permit completion of the evaluation of compliance for the board kiln dryer. The source is located at the US Gypsum/Washingtonville Plant facility in Derry Township, Montour County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Contact: David Balog, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6328.
43-363B: Pennex Aluminum Company (93 Werner Road, Greenville, PA 16125-9499) on September 19, 2017, effective September 30, 2017, will issue a plan approval extension for the reclassification of source 103 (# 1 Melting Furnace, 20 MMBtu/hr, Group 2) from a Group 2 furnace to a Group 1 furnace in accordance with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRRR. This facility is located in Sugar Grove Township, Mercer County.
Title V Operating Permits Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648.
18-00030: First Quality Tissue, LLC (904 Woods Avenue, Lock Haven, PA 17745-3348) on September 19, 2017, issued a revised Title V operating permit for their facility located in Castanea Township, Clinton County, to incorporate the terms and conditions of plan approval 18-00030A. The Title V operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Contact: Norman Frederick, P.E., Environmental Engineer Manager—Telephone: 570-826-2409.
40-00083: Multi-Plastics Extrusions, Inc. (600 Dietrich Avenue, Hazleton, PA 18201-7754) issued on 9/19/17, a State-Only (Natural Minor) Operating Permit for operation of their plastics material and resin manufacturing operation located in the City of Hazleton, Luzerne County. The sources at the facility include polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate extrusion lines, emergency generators, and styrene and ethylbenzene storage tanks. The sources are controlled by cyclones and a thermal oxidizer. The permit contains applicable requirements for emission limitations, work practice standards, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting standards used to verify facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations.
45-00026: Hanson Aggregates Pennsylvania LLC—Stroudsburg HMA Plant (7660 Imperial Way, Allentown, PA 18195-1040) issued on 9/19/17, a State-Only (Synthetic Minor) Operating Permit renewal for operation of an asphalt paving mixture and block manufacturing operation in Hamilton Township, Monroe County. The sources include a hot mix asphalt plant, one hot oil heaters, and a reclaimed asphalt paving facility. The emissions are controlled by a knockout box and baghouse. The operating permit includes emission limits, work practice standards, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within applicable air quality requirements.
64-00018: Lake Region Crematorium, LLC (143 Gravity Road, Lake Ariel, PA 18436) issued on 9/20/17, a State-Only (Natural Minor) Operating Permit for operation of a funeral services and crematories operation in Lake Township, Wayne County. The facility operates one incinerator. The operating permit includes emission limits, work practice standards, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within applicable air quality requirements.
40-00070: Berwick Offray LLC, Berwick Plant (2015 W Front Street, Berwick, PA 18603-4102). On September 20, 2017, the Department issued a renewal State-Only Synthetic Minor Permit for the manufacturing of commercial printing and gravure facility located in Berwick, Luzerne County. The main sources at this facility consists of extrusion lines and presses. The sources are considered a minor emission source of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), total suspended particulate (TSP) and VOC's. The operating permit contains applicable requirements for emission limitations, work practice standards, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting standards used to verify facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Contact: Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, 717-705-4862, Virendra Trivedi, New Source Review Chief, 717-705-4863, or William Weaver, Regional Air Quality Manager, 717-705-4702.
36-05149: Burle Business Park LP (1004 New Holland Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601-5606) on September 30, 2017, for the boilers and engines at the business park located in Lancaster City, Lancaster County. The State-only permit was renewed.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Contact: Tom Joseph, P.E., Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 412-442-4336.
56-00145: Berlin Brothers Valley School District (1025 Main Street, Berlin, PA 15530-1498) State Only Operating Permit renewal issuance date effective September 19, 2017, for their Elementary and Secondary Schools located in Berlin Borough, Somerset County.
Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Contact: Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, 717-705-4862, Virendra Trivedi, New Source Review Chief, 717-705-4863, or William Weaver, Regional Air Quality Manager, 717-705-4702.
36-05015: Dart Container Corp. of PA (60 E. Main Street, PO Box 546, Leola, PA 17540-0546) on September 13, 2017, for the expandable polystyrene foam container manufacturing facility located in Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster County. The Title V permit was administratively amended in order to incorporate the requirements of Plan Approval No. 36-05015F.
67-05098: Kinsley Construction, Inc. (PO Box 2886, York, PA 17405-2886) on September 20, 2017, for the mineral filler plant located in West Manchester Township, York County. The State-only permit was administratively amended in order to incorporate the requirements of Plan Approval No. 67-05098C.
De Minimis Emissions Increases Authorized under 25 Pa. Code § 127.449.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Contact: Alan Binder, P.E., Environmental Engineer Manager—Telephone: 412-442-4168.
TV-26-00495: Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC (800 Cabin Hill Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601).
Per 25 Pa. Code § 127.449(i), this Notice is for the following de minimis emission increase at the Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC, Gans Power Station, located in Springhill Township, Fayette County: Project to replace and commission the automatic voltage regulators on Units 8 and 9. Total NOx emissions from this project are not expected to exceed 0.03 ton.
The list of de minimis increases for this facility includes only this project.
Operating Permits Denied, Terminated, Suspended or Revoked under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.431 and 127.461.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Contact: David Balog, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6328.
10-00388: Thousand Hills LLC/Butler (2 Springs Drive, Cranberry Township, PA 16066-4078) on September 25, 2017, the permit was revoked for the facility located in Muddycreek Township, Butler County. This State Operating Permit was revoked because the facility no longer operates the crematory at this site.
42-00221: McKean County Joint Venture (71 Main Street, Bradford, PA 16701). The Department revoked the State Only Operating Permit for the Hedgehog Compressor Station in Bradford Township, McKean County, on September 25, 2017. Operations ceased and the compressor was removed from the site in 2016. No maintenance plan was submitted to the Department in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.215; therefore, a plan approval would be required to re-commence operations at the site.
Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P.S. §§ 1396.1—1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P.S. §§ 3301—3326); The Clean Streams Law; the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P.S. §§ 30.51—30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P.S. §§ 1406.1—1406.20a). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the NPDES permit application and, if noted, the request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Mining activity permits issued in response to applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Quality Pollution Act (35 P.S. §§ 4001—4014); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P.S. §§ 693.1—693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P.S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1002).
Coal Permits Issued
California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100.
63091301 and NPDES No. PA0236004 A-1. Tunnel Ridge, LLC, (2596 Battle Run Road, Triadelphia, WV 26059). To revise the permit for the Tunnel Ridge Mine in Donegal Township, Washington County and related NPDES Permit to construct an airshaft site and add NPDES Outfall 001. Surface Acres Proposed 9.38. Receiving Stream: UNT Middle Wheeling Creek, classified for the following use: WWF. The application was considered administratively complete on June 8, 2017. Application received April 25, 2017. Permit issued September 15, 2017.
17041301 and NPDES No. PA0235628 and GP12-17041301-R9. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201). To renew the permit for the Penfield Mine in Huston Township, Clearfield County. Approval is authorized under General Permit BAQ-GPA/GP12 and is required to meet all applicable limitations, terms, and conditions of authorization GP12-17041301-R9. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on July 2, 2015. Application received March 13, 2015. Permit issued September 15, 2017.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900.
Permit No. 32820134 and NPDES No. PA 0606154, MB Energy Inc., 175 McKnight Road, Blairsville, PA 15717, transfer of an existing bituminous surface mine from Arcadia Co., Inc., 175 McKnight Road, Blairsville, PA 15717, located in Grant, Banks, Canoe & Montgomery Townships, Indiana County, affecting 1,166 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to/and Little Mahoning Creek, unnamed tributary to Cush Creek classified for the following use: high quality—cold water fishes. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: June 8, 2017. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 56070102. Wilson Creek Energy, LLC, P.O. Box 260, Friedens, PA 15541, permit renewal for reclamation only of a bituminous surface mine in Lincoln Township, Somerset County affecting 24.8 acres. Receiving stream: Quemahoning Creek, classified for the following use: cold water fishes. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Greater Johnstown Water Authority. Application received: July 31, 2017. Permit issued: September 22, 2017.
Knox District Mining Office: P.O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, 814-797-1191.
10120101. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001) Renewal of an existing bituminous surface mine in Clearfield Township, Butler County, affecting 73.2 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed tributaries to Buffalo Creek and unnamed tributaries to Buffalo Run. This renewal is issued for reclamation only. Application received: August 21, 2017. Permit Issued: September 19, 2017.
61130101 and NPDES Permit No. PA0259462. Hillside Stone, LLC (228 Georgetown Road, Hadley, PA 16130) Transfer of an existing bituminous surface mine and associated NPDES permit from K & A Mining in Irwin Township, Venango County, affecting 52.0 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed tributary to Scrubgrass Creek. Application received: December 2, 2016. Permit Issued: September 19, 2017.
61110103 and NPDES Permit No. PA0259462. PA0259462. Hillside Stone, LLC (228 Georgetown Road, Hadley, PA 16130) Transfer of an existing bituminous surface mine and associated NPDES permit from K & A Mining in Irwin Township, Venango County, affecting 73.9 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed tributary to Scrubgrass Creek. Application received: December 2, 2016. Permit Issued: September 19, 2017.
New Stanton District Office: 131 Broadview Road, New Stanton, PA 15672, 724-925-5500.
03793072 and NPDES Permit No. PA061237. CONSOL Mining Company, LLC (CNX Center, 1000 Consol Energy Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317). Permit renewal issued for continued treatment to an existing bituminous surface mine, and revision permit issued for a modification to the monitoring plan located in Kiskiminetas and Young Townships, Armstrong and Indiana Counties, affecting 302.0 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Big Run and unnamed tributary to Long Run. Application received: April 6, 2015. Renewal permit issued: September 19, 2017.
26080104 and NPDES Permit No. PA0251453. Steve Patterson Excavating (170 Yasenosky Road, Smithfield, PA 15478). Permit renewal issued for continued mining to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Dunbar Township, Fayette County, affecting 88.2 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries ''A'' and ''B'' to Gist Run. Application received: October 29, 2015. Renewal permit issued: September 19, 2017.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118.
Permit No. 35970201R4. APHC II, Inc., (148 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503), renewal of an existing anthracite coal refuse reprocessing operation in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County affecting 26.8 acres, receiving stream: Lackawanna River. Application received: June 12, 2017. Renewal issued: September 21, 2017.
Permit No. PAM113001R. APHC II, Inc., (148 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503), renewal of General NPDES Stormwater Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. 35970201 in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, receiving stream: Lackawanna River. Application received: June 12, 2017. Renewed issued: September 21, 2017.
Permit No. 54851305C5. S & J Coal Mine, (15 Motter Drive, Pine Grove, PA 17963), correction of an existing anthracite underground mine operation in Cass Township, Schuylkill County to add 2.0 acres for a total of 19.0 subsurface acres and 1.7 surface acre, receiving stream: West Branch Schuylkill River. Application received: June 29, 2017. Correction issued: September 22, 2017.
Permit No. PAM112053C. S & J Coal Mine, (15 Motter Drive, Pine Grove, PA 17963), correction of General NPDES Stormwater Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Underground Mining Permit No. 54851305 in Cass Township, Schuylkill County, receiving stream: West Branch Schuylkill River. Application received: June 29, 2017. Correction issued: September 22, 2017.
Noncoal Permits Issued
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900.
PAM417014-GP104. Leonard W. Yenzi, P.O. Box 62, Anita, PA 15711. General NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Noncoal Permit No. 32080801, located in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County. Receiving stream: Unnamed Tributary to Two Lick Creek, classified for the following use: cold water fishes. There are no potable water supplies located within 10 miles downstream. Notice of Intent for Coverage received: August 24, 2017. Coverage Approved: September 15, 2017.
Permit No. 28110301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0263176, David H. Martin Excavating, Inc., 4961 Cumberland Highway, Chambersburg, PA 17201, renewal of NPDES permit, Antrim Township, Franklin County. Receiving stream: unnamed tributaries to East Branch of the Conococheague Creek classified for the following use: warm water fishes. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: July 26, 2017. Permit issued: September 21, 2017.
PAM417017-GP104. Scott's Hauling & Excavating, Inc., 1462 North Franklin Street, Chambersburg, PA 17202. General NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Noncoal Permit No. 28060801 located in St. Thomas Township, Franklin County. Receiving stream: Unnamed Tributary to Campbell Run, classified for the following uses: cold water fishes, migratory fishes. There are no potable water supplies located within 10 miles downstream. Notice of Intent for Coverage received: September 5, 2017. Coverage Approved: September 22, 2017.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118.
Permit No. 58152803. Thomas J. Bolles, (943 Gontarski Road, Hallstead, PA 18822), commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation in Liberty Township, Susquehanna County affecting 5.0 acres, receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Rhiney Creek to Snake Creek. Application received: July 23, 2015. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. PAM115017. Thomas J. Bolles, (943 Gontarski Road, Hallstead, PA 18822), General NPDES Stormwater Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. 58152803 in Liberty Township, Susquehanna County, receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Rhiney Creek to Snake Creek. Application received: July 23, 2015. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 58170806. C. Thomas Chilewski, Jr., (P.O. Box 88, Susquehanna, PA 18847), commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation in Jackson Township, Susquehanna County affecting 5.0 acres, receiving stream: Drinker Creek. Application received: April 13, 2017. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. PAM117013. C. Thomas Chilewski, Jr., (P.O. Box 88, Susquehanna, PA 18847), General NPDES Stormwater Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. 58170806 in Jackson Township, Susquehanna County, receiving stream: Drinker Creek. Application received: April 13, 2017. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 45172801. Lehigh Cement Company, LLC, (7660 Imperial Way, Allentown, PA 18195), commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation in Ross Township, Monroe County affecting 5.0 acres, receiving stream: Buckwha Creek. Application received: July 3, 2017. Permit issued: September 25, 2017.
Permit No. PAM117029. Lehigh Cement Company, LLC, (7660 Imperial Way, Allentown, PA 18195), General NPDES Stormwater Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. 45172801 in Ross Township, Monroe County, receiving stream: Buckwha Creek. Application received: July 3, 2017. Permit issued: September 25, 2017.
Permit No. 06920301C4 and NPDES Permit No. PA0595641. Martin Limestone Quarries, Inc., (1355 North Reading Avenue, Bechtelsville, PA 19505), renewal of an NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage from a quarry operation in Washington Township, Berks County, receiving stream: unnamed tributary to Swamp Creek. Application received: April 4, 2014. Renewal issued: September 25, 2017.
Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124. Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.
Blasting Permits Issued
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200.
08174107. M & J Explosives LLC (P.O. Box 1248, Carlisle, PA 17013-6248). Blasting for well pad in Overton Township, Bradford County with expiration date of September 2, 2018. Permit issued: September 19, 2017.
14174109. Douglas Explosives Inc. (2052 Philipsburg Bigler Hwy, Philipsburg, PA 16866-8116). Blasting for residential development in Spring Township, Centre County with an expiration date of September 1, 2018. Permit issued: September 19, 2017.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118.
Permit No. 19174102. Dykon Blasting Corp., (8120 West 81st Street, Tulsa, OK 74131), construction blasting for Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline Project Spread 4 in the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia County with an expiration date of May 1, 2018. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 23174105. M & J Explosives, LLC, (P.O. Box 1248, Carlisle, PA 17013), construction blasting for Lena Pe Development in Chester Heights Borough, Delaware County with an expiration date of September 15, 2018. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 38174118. Maine Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (P.O. Box 1140, Gardiner, ME 04345), construction blasting for London Croft in North Londonderry Township, Lebanon County with an expiration date of September 14, 2018. Permit issued: September 20, 2017.
Permit No. 15174104. Brubacher Excavating, Inc., (825 Reading Road, Bowmansville, PA 17507), construction blasting for Atwater Village in East Whiteland Township, Chester County with an expiration date of September 22, 2018. Permit issued: September 26, 2017.
Permit No. 36174137. Douglas Explosives, Inc., (2052 Philipsburg Bigler Highway, Philipsburg, PA 16866), construction blasting for Traditions of America Lititz Phase 5 in Warwick Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of September 1, 2018. Permit issued: September 26, 2017.
Permit No. 49174102. Dykon Blasting Corp., (8120 West 81st Street, Tulsa, OK 74131), construction blasting for Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline Project Spread 5 in Cleveland, Foster Townships and the City of Shamokin, Columbia, Northumberland and Schuylkill Counties with an expiration date of May 1, 2018. Permit issued: September 25, 2017.
FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT SECTION 401 The Department has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with sections 301—303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311—1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P.S. §§ 693.1—693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P.S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the FWPCA.
Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued:
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southeast Region: Waterway and Wetlands Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401, Telephone 484-250-5900.
E46-1150: Hatfield Township, 1950 School Road, Hatfield, PA 19440-1992, Hatfield Township, Montgomery County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To perform the following water obstruction and encroachment activities within the floodway/floodplain of the Unionville Tributary to West Branch Neshaminy Creek (WWF, MF), and the wetlands (PFO) associated with the Township's (Township) trail network. (Total wetland impact will be 0.0271 AC).
1. To maintain three existing culverts including their outfalls to the creek.
2. To remove the existing trail over the wetlands at two locations and replace both with 10-foot wide board walks of approximate size 145 and 45 linear feet.
3. To construct and maintain a 10-stepping stone pedestrian stream crossing. Stepping stones are concrete, 16-inches wide, 16-inches long, 1.5 feet apart, and about 0.4 feet above the normal water surface level.
The site is located at about 400 feet northwest of the intersection of Line Lexington Road and Valley Woods Road (USGS Telford, PA Quadrangle Latitude 40.280490; Longitude -75.270504).
The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
E51-277. City of Philadelphia and John Bartram Association, 54th Street and Lindbergh Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19030, Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To construct and maintain 100-foot-long by 24-foot-wide small vessel dock situated at west of the existing large vessel dock (refer Permit E51-195) along the Schuylkill River (WWF-MF) associated with the public boat access to Bartram's Garden. The project also includes the minor rehabilitation of the existing dock, including the access ramp.
The site is located at about 500 feet southeast of Wheeler Avenue and 53rd Street (Philadelphia, PA USGS Quadrangle Latitude: 39.933271; Longitude: -75.208391).
The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
E09-991. McDonald's USA, LLC, 801 Lakeview Drive, Suite 302, Blue Bell, PA 19422, Milford Township, Bucks County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To construct and maintain a commercial facility (Fast Food Restaurant—McDonalds) associated with a parking lot impacting 0.2 acre of wetland.
The site is located near the intersection of John Fries Highway, S.R. 663 & AM Drive (Milford Square, PA USGS Map; Latitude: 404358; Longitude -75.181).
The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
Southcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ed Muzic, Section Chief, 717.705.4802.
E22-634: Dauphin County Parks and Recreation, 100 Fort Hunter Road, Harrisburg PA 17110 in Susquehanna Township, City of Harrisburg and Paxtang Borough, Dauphin County, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a stream restoration project including enhancement structures, and bank stabilization along approximately 4,084 of stream reach to address storage capacity and potential infrastructure issues. The project involves 4 separate work sites, three of which occur in the stream channel and work within the floodway of an unnamed tributary to Spring Creek (CWF, MF) (LKA Parkway Creek) and a separate location that does not include in-stream work. The project permanently impacts 0.002 of an acre of wetland. Stream impacts include 816 and 152 linear feet of permanent and temporary impacts, respectively. The project is located in Susquehanna Township, the City of Harrisburg, and Paxtang Borough, Dauphin County (Latitude 40°16`23", Longitude -76°50`33", Latitude 40°16`5", Longitude -76°50`10", Latitude 40°15`58", Longitude -76°50`9", Latitude 40°16`20", Longitude -76°50`30"). Wetland impacts are de minimis and replacement is not required.
Southwest Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Dana Drake, Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 412-442-4000.
E02-1769, Cavalier Land Partners, L.P., 2585 Washington Road, Building 100, Suite 130, Pittsburgh, PA 15241, Pine Township, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District.
Has been given consent to:
1. Construct and maintain 58` of a 36" culvert in an unnamed tributary (UNT) to Breakneck Creek (WWF),
2. Construct and maintain 53` of a 48" culvert in the aforementioned UNT,
3. Construct and maintain 47` of s 36" culvert in the aforementioned tributary;
For the purpose of constructing a walking trail; and
4. Construct and maintain 24" sewer pipe which will impact approximately 50` of the aforementioned UNT,
5. Place and maintain fill in approximately 0.07 acre of PEM wetland;
For the purpose of constructing an access road and building lots, in association with the Laurel Grove residential development. This project will also permanently impact 0.48 acre of floodway. The project is located at the intersection of Babcock Boulevard and Bakerstown-Warrendale Road (Mars, PA USGS Topographic Quadrangle; Latitude: 40° 39` 42"; Longitude: -80° 0` 32"; USACE: Pittsburgh District; Sub-basin 20C), In Pine Township, Allegheny County.
Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335.
E16-08-003, Laurel Mountain Productions, LLC, 61 McMurray Rd., Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Allegheny River Water Withdrawal Pad, Clarion County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Parker, PA Quadrangle N: 41°, 3`, 40"; W: -79°, 39`, 29").
To construct and maintain an approximately 0.07-acre gravel pad and access road within the floodway of the Allegheny River (WWF) to provide a staging location for pumping units and access to the river. The applicant also proposes to construct a permanent 50 foot long prefabricated bridge and aerial waterline over a UNT to the Allegheny River(WWF) that has approximately 0.01 acre of permanent impact to the floodway.
For more detailed information regarding the Clarion County Chapter 105 permit application related to this proposed project, which is available in the DEP regional office, please contact Craig Lobins at 814-332-6855 to request a file review.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Cambria District: Contact Person: Patrick M. Webb, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931-4119.
EA1009-020. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project, in Venango Township, Butler County, Pittsburgh ACOE District.
The applicant will backfill four dangerous highwalls that total 7,100 linear feet in length and vary from 25—50 feet high. Three non-discharging trapped surface stormwater runoff areas will be drained and filled in with adjacent mine spoil material within the dangerous highwall areas. The three non-discharging trapped surface stormwater runoff areas total 0.83 acre. There are no associated wetlands on site due to mine spoil and steep to vertical topography.
(Eau Claire Quadrangle 41° 08` 32" N, 79° 51`2 8" W).
EA3209-003. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project, in Young Township, Indiana County, Pittsburgh ACOE District.
The applicant will backfill two dangerous highwalls that total 1,500 linear feet in length and vary from 30—60 feet high. One non-discharging trapped surface stormwater runoff area will be drained and filled in with adjacent mine spoil material within the dangerous highwall areas. The non-discharging trapped surface stormwater runoff area totals 0.95 acre. There are no associated wetlands on site due to mine spoil and steep to vertical topography.
(McIntyre Quadrangle 40° 36` 42" N, 79° 19` 55" W).
DAM SAFETY Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 2, 400 Market Street, P.O. Box 8460, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8460.
D45-039. Stillwater Lakes Civic Association, Inc. (5144 Hummingbird Drive, Pocono Summit, PA 18346). Permit issued to modify the Summit Lake No. 1 Dam across Red Run (HQ-CWF), 0.25 acre of open water, for the purpose of complying with the Commonwealth's regulations and to obtain a dam permit for the existing dam. (Pocono Pines, PA Quadrangle Latitude: 41.119° N; Longitude: 75.392° W) in Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County.
EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The following Erosion and Sediment Control permits have been issued.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Southwest Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Dana Drake, Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 412-442-4000.
ESCGP-2 No. Applicant Name & Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use ESG0012515003-1 MarkWest Liberty Midstream and Resources, LLC
4600 J. Barry Court
Suite 500
Canonsburg, PA 15317Washington County Smith Township UNTs to Little Raccoon Run (WWF) ESG0012517005-1 MarkWest Liberty Midstream and Resources, LLC
4600 J. Barry Court
Suite 500
Canonsburg, PA 15317Washington County Chartiers Township; Mount Pleasant Township; Smith Township; Robinson Township; Independence Township; Raccoon Township; Potter Township; Findlay Township Fishpot Run (WWF); UNTs to Raccoon Run (WWF); Raccoon Creek (WWF); Gums Run (WWF); UNTs to Service Creek (WWF); Service Creek (WWF); UNTs to Obney Run (WWF); Obney Run (WWF); Bigger Run (WWF); UNTs to Bigger Run (WWF); Chamberlain Run (WWF); UNTs to Chamberlain Run (WWF); Little Raccoon Run (WWF); UNTs to Little Raccoon Run (WWF); Cherry Run (WWF); UNTs to Cherry Run (WWF); Westland Run (WWF); UNTs to Westland Run (WWF); UNT to Potato Garden Run (WWF) Potato Garden Run (WWF) ESG0012515007-1 MarkWest Liberty Midstream and Resources, LLC
4600 J. Barry Court
Suite 500
Canonsburg, PA 15317Washington County Smith Township UNTs to Little Raccoon Run (WWF) ESG0012916002 Equitrans, LP
625 Liberty Avenue
Suite 1700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3114Westmoreland County Unity Township; Derry Township Fourmile Run (TSF); McGee Run (CWF); UNT to McGee Run (CWF); Saxman Run (WWF); UNT to Saxman Run (WWF); Miller Run (HQ-CWF); UNT to Miller Run (HQ-CWF); UNT to Loyalhanna Creek (WWF); Fourmile Run (TSF) Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Program Manager, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335.
ESCGP-2 # ESX11-073-0006—Kephart Unit 2019 Renewal
Applicant R.E. Gas Development, LLC
Contact Michael T. Endler
Address 600 Cranberry Woods Drive, Suite 250
City Cranberry Township State PA Zip Code 1606
6 County Lawrence Township(s) North Beaver
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT Hickory Run TSFESCGP-2 # ESX12-073-0011—Utica 1
Applicant Hilcorp Energy Company
Contact Ms. Stephanie McMurray
Address 1111 Travis Street
City Houston State TX Zip Code 77002
County Lawrence Township(s) North Beaver
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT Mahoning RiverESCGP-2 # ESG17-083-0002—Potato Creek 1H
Applicant PA General Energy Co., LLC
Contact Doug Kuntz
Address 120 Market Street
City Warren State PA Zip Code 16365
County McKean Township Norwich
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Colegrove Brook # 70508
Southwest Region: Oil and Gas Management Program Manager 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
E63-07-011: Huntley & Huntley Energy Exploration, LLC, 2660 Monroeville Boulevard Monroeville, PA 15146, Plum Borough, Allegheny County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
Huntley & Huntley Energy Exploration, LLC is constructing a 350-foot by 500-foot natural gas well pad and an associated 0.2 mile long access road off of Coxcomb Hill Road in Plum Borough, Allegheny County. The existing access road at the site will be improved and extended as part of the project.
The project is a Joint Permit Application due to permanently filling in a pond like resource to establish the desired grade for the well pad. The pond like resource was field verified to be .010 acre in size.
Improvements to the existing access road will also permanently impact two palustrine emergent wetlands. This activity is covered under a General Permit 07: Minor Road Crossing.
Resources Latitude/Longitude Area of Impact
Pond Resource Lat: N 40.531851,
Long: W 79.766773Permanent 444 ft2 Wetland 3B
Palustrine Emergent (PEM)Lat: N 40.530741,
Long: W 79.770183Permanent 147 ft2 Wetland 3C
Palustrine Emergent (PEM)Lat: N 40.530591,
Long: W 79.770109Permanent 1359 ft2
Notice of Proposed Revision to the State Implementation Plan for Oxides of Nitrogen and Volatile Organic Compounds, Renewal of the Title V Operating Permit, and Notice of Public Hearing for the Revised Air Quality Operating
Permit # 25-00025Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Contact: David Balog, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6328.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 129.96—129.100, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a preliminary determination to approve an alternate Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT II) plan and seeks approval of an amendment to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for GE Transportation for the facility in Lawrence Park Township, Erie County. And in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.521, the Department of Environmental Protection intends to re-issue a Title V Operating Permit for the facility. The facility is located at 2901 East Lake Road, Erie, PA 16531. The facility's representative to contact concerning this application is Mr. James Verderese, Environmental Manager. His phone number is 814-875-5973.
The proposed SIP revision does not adopt any new regulations. It incorporates the provisions and requirements contained in the amended RACT II approval for the facility, which are intended to satisfy the requirements for the 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) and the 2008 NAAQS for ozone.
The proposed amendments to the RACT II determination, if finally approved, will be incorporated into the revised operating permit (25-00025) for the facility. The relevant RACT II requirements will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a revision to Pennsylvania's SIP and will remain in effect until replaced pursuant to 40 CFR 51 and approval by the EPA. Requirements that are not part of the RACT II determination will be excluded from the SIP submittal; this includes the provisions of the Department's presumptive RACT II requirements in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 129.97, as they apply to existing sources at this facility.
The facility is a major stationary source as defined in Title I, Part D of the Clean Air Act Amendments due to its potential to emit NOx, VOCs, CO, and HAPs. The facility is therefore subject to the Title V Operating Permit requirements adopted in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
The facility's major emission sources include 4 natural gas fueled boilers (3 rated at 98.6 million Btu/hr each and 1 rated at 95 million Btu/hr), paint booths, varnish application systems, vacuum pressure impregnation systems, 10 engine test cells, machining and grinding operations, 5 diesel fueled emergency generators rated between 230 hp—755 hp, and 20 natural gas fueled emergency generators rated between 15 kW and 100 kW. The facility is subject to the following NSPS of 40 CFR Part 60: Subpart Dc for Small ICI Steam Generating Units, Subpart IIII for Stationary CI ICE, and Subpart JJJJ for Stationary SI ICE. The facility is also subject to the following NESHAPs of 40 CFR Part 63: Subpart MMMM for Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products, Subpart ZZZZ for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, and Subpart DDDDD for Major Source ICI Boilers and Process Heaters. And the facility is subject to the following Protection of Stratospheric Ozone regulations of 40 CFR Part 82: Subpart F for Recycling and Emissions Reduction and Subpart H for Halon Emissions Reduction.
The following is a summary of the proposed amendments to the RACT II determination for this facility that will be submitted to the EPA as a SIP revision:
Source RACT II Requirement Bldg 4E Test Cell # 1, Source 359: • Fuel consumption limited to 11,000,000 gallons per year. Engine Test Lab, Test
Cells B-G (Bldg 18E), Source 372:• NOx emissions limited to 214 tpy for each full engine test cell and 214 tpy for the single cylinder test cell.
• Fuel consumption limited to 1,100,000 gallons per year.Public hearing. If requested, a public hearing will be held at 10 a.m. on November 8, 2017, to accept oral comments on the proposed operating permit revision and the proposed SIP revision. The hearing will be held, if requested, at the DEP Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335. To request a hearing, to register to speak at a hearing, or to inquire if a hearing will be held, please contact Melanie Williams at 814-332-6615. The last day to pre-register to speak at a hearing, if one is held, will be November 1, 2017. If we do not receive any pre-registered speakers by this date, the hearing will be cancelled.
Updates made to any aspect of the hearing, including whether or not a hearing will be held, will be posted online at http://www.dep.pa.gov/About/Regional/NorthwestRegion/Community-Information/Pages/RACT-II.aspx.
Contact Melanie Williams, Environmental Community Relations Specialist at 814-332-6615 or monitor the Department's web site to determine if a hearing will be held.
Persons wishing to present testimony at the hearing should contact Melanie Williams at least one week in advance of the hearing to reserve a time to present testimony. Oral testimony will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes per individual and 2 written copies of the oral testimony are requested. Each organization is requested to designate one witness to present testimony on its behalf. Persons unable to attend the hearing, if it is held, may submit 3 copies of a written statement and exhibits within 10 days thereafter to Eric A. Gustafson, Environmental Program Manager, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335.
Persons wishing to file a written protest or provide comments or additional information, which they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of a permit, may submit the information to Eric A. Gustafson, Environmental Program Manager, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335. A 30-day comment period from October 7, 2017, will exist for the submission of comments, protests and information. Each submission must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit number 25-00025 and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the permit or the proposed RACT II Plan.
All pertinent documents are available for public review between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the DEP Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335. Appointments for scheduling a review may be made by calling the Department at 814-332-6078.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodations to do so should contact Virginia Cain, Environmental Community Relations Specialist, at 484-250-5808 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at 1-800-654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate your needs.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 17-1672. Filed for public inspection October 6, 2017, 9:00 a.m.]
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