Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1298



Draft Pennsylvania Great Lakes Water Management Program Report; Available for Public Comment

[54 Pa.B. 5915]
[Saturday, September 14, 2024]

 This notice is published under section 2, Article 6 of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (compact) (32 P.S. § 817.22, Article 6), relating to public participation being conducted by the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Council (compact Council) and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Sustainable Water Resources Regional Body (regional body) regarding the Commonwealth's submittal of information on the Pennsylvania Great Lakes Water Management Program (Program) and opportunity for comment.

 Under the compact, sections 3.4, 4.1—4.11 and 4.13, and Articles 200, 201, 206—208, 300, 301 and 304 of the companion Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Sustainable Water Resources Agreement (agreement), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) submitted draft questionnaire responses to the compact Council and regional body for use in the ''every five-year report'' that demonstrates compliance with compact and agreement provisions.

 The draft 2024 Program Report is available on the Department's eComment web site at

 Interested persons may submit written comments on this draft 2024 Program through Monday, October 14, 2024. Commentators are encouraged to submit comments using the Department's online eComment tool at Written comments can be submitted by e-mail to or by mail to the Department of Environmental Protection, Policy Office, 400 Market Street, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063. Comments, including comments submitted by electronic mail, must include the originator's name and address. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted.

 Persons in need of accommodations as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Timothy Bruno at (717) 798-6001 or through the Pennsylvania Hamilton Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TTD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.

Acting Secretary

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1298. Filed for public inspection September 13, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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