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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1407



Petition to Establish Pilot Program of Referred Taxicab Trips; Request for Public Comment; Doc. No. P-24-08-01

[54 Pa.B. 6228]
[Saturday, September 28, 2024]

 On August 15, 2024, a petition was filed by Rasier-PA, LLC (Petition) with the Philadelphia Parking Authority's (Authority) Taxicab and Limousine Division (TLD). The Petition, along with letters of support, may be obtained on the Authority's web site at

 The Petition seeks authorization, by the implementation of a pilot program or other rulemaking, the ability to offer taxicab trips by means of the Uber App through referred rides from the medallion taxicab meter and dispatching system Curb Mobility, LLC (Curb). Curb will then notify licensed medallion taxicabs that are in service through its E-Hail dispatch system of the requested taxicab trip.

 Now, based upon the Petition, the TLD seeks written comment from the public at large and the industry concerning referred taxicab trips, including but not limited to:

 (1) To provide Uber App users within Philadelphia, the ability to request that their trips be completed by licensed taxicabs.

 (2) That the Uber App's generally utilized menu will have a ''Taxi'' option for riders to select.

 (3) That once the ''Taxi'' option is selected on the Uber App, the request goes to the medallion meter system Curb, which will then refer a taxicab trip to the Uber App user.

 (4) An upfront flex-fare, as authorized by Authority Order 22-001, will appear for the Uber App user to see before selecting the taxicab ride and all rates are in accordance with authorized taxicab fares.

 (5) Taxicab drivers will receive an upfront fare offer that will include, at minimum, the pickup location and the flat fare being offered.

 (6) A taxicab driver's ability to refuse the requested trips through Uber App.

 (7) The Uber App user's ability to see the taxicab driver information, including name and certificate number along with the medallion taxicab vehicle information.

 (8) If authorized, ''Taxi'' trips requested on the Uber App will be integrated into routine service with Uber-X and Uber-Share rides.

 (9) Other requests as outlined in the Petition.

 Interested parties are invited to submit written comments no later than November 26, 2024, to the attention of the Director's Office, Taxicab and Limousine Division, at or by mail to the Director's Office, Taxicab and Limousine Division, Philadelphia Parking Authority, 2415 South Swanson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148-4113.

 During this comment period, the TLD will also begin to conduct its own investigation concerning the aforementioned items.

 The TLD appreciates input concerning this matter.

Executive Director

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1407. Filed for public inspection September 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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