Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1453




[ 4 PA. CODE CH. 7 ]


Housing Action Plan and Addressing Homelessness

[54 Pa.B. 6414]
[Saturday, October 12, 2024]

September 12, 2024

Whereas, access to affordable, resilient, and habitable housing is fundamental to the prosperity of all communities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including those in urban, suburban, and rural areas; and

Whereas, housing stock shortage and housing underproduction has resulted in lack of affordable housing and an increase in costs for Pennsylvanians that affects both renters and homeowners, with many spending more than 30% of their paychecks on housing; and

Whereas, the rising costs of home ownership and rental units disproportionately impacts low-income households; and

Whereas, the Administration is committed to further developing, rehabilitating, and preserving housing to ensure the continued vibrancy and vitality of all communities in the Commonwealth; and

Whereas, the Commonwealth recognizes the persistent and complex challenge of addressing housing affordability, accessibility, and resources for unhoused people or those who are at imminent risk of homelessness; and

Whereas, homelessness is a pressing issue affecting individuals and families across the Commonwealth, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reporting over 12,000 homeless persons in Pennsylvania in 2023; and

Whereas, the Ten-Year Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Pennsylvania identified access to housing as a key factor to increasing economic competitiveness, and a lack of affordable housing as a significant reason workers cite when choosing to seek economic opportunity outside of the Commonwealth; and

Whereas, the Aging Our Way, PA plan identifies the need for accessible, affordable, and adaptable housing as crucial for ensuring that older Pennsylvanians can age with dignity and independence, and the availability of such housing is essential to maintaining the health, well-being, and community engagement of the Commonwealth's aging population; and

Whereas, the Administration recognizes that solutions to these intersecting challenges will require a coordinated, multi-agency approach to effectively address housing shortages, homelessness, and the underlying causes, and should include collaboration between state, local, and federal agencies and private sector organizations; and

Whereas, Pennsylvania's past and ongoing investments in housing and homelessness will benefit from enhanced interagency coordination, which will result in a more unified and effective approach to addressing the Commonwealth's housing needs.

Now, Therefore, I, Josh Shapiro, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do hereby direct the creation of a Housing Action Plan for Pennsylvania and, further, order and direct as follows:


Fiscal Note: GOV-2024-03. No fiscal impact; recommends adoption.

Annex A






7.1003.Housing Action Plan for Pennsylvania.
7.1004.Relationship with other agencies.
7.1005.General provisions.
7.1006.Effective date.

§ 7.1001. Purpose.

 (a) This subchapter provides for the creation of a Housing Action Plan for Pennsylvania by DCED in collaboration with other agencies and entities. The plan shall contain goals, objectives and recommendations to the Governor on strategies to increase and preserve the housing supply across this Commonwealth.

 (b) In collaboration with the Governor's Policy and Planning Office, DHS is directed to bring together stakeholders from across State agencies, local and Federal governments, and community organizations to provide DHS with recommendations on policies and best practices to address homelessness and strengthen the coordination of services for the unhoused across this Commonwealth.

§ 7.1002. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

DCED—The Department of Community and Economic Development of the Commonwealth.

DHS—The Department of Human Services of the Commonwealth.

PHFA—The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.

Plan—The Housing Action Plan for Pennsylvania.

Secretary—The Secretary of the Governor's Policy Office.

Working group—The Housing Action Plan executive working group.

§ 7.1003. Housing Action Plan for Pennsylvania.

 The plan shall be a data-driven Statewide plan with recommendations to the Governor for increasing housing supply and supporting the preservation of existing housing. The following apply:

 (1) Plan goals. The plan shall do all of the following:

 (i) Assess and determine Commonwealth-wide and regional housing needs.

 (ii) Identify goals with measurable outcomes, available resources and other items DCED believes may be necessary for achieving the goals outlined in the plan.

 (iii) Identify, review and assess the effectiveness of housing programs and resources offered by Commonwealth agencies.

 (iv) Provide recommendations for:

 (A) State housing programs, investments and policymaking initiatives.

 (B) Leveraging best practices from the public and private sector to improve housing outcomes across this Commonwealth.

 (v) Recommend strategic planning initiatives that may be implemented over the next 5 years.

 (2) DCED responsibilities. DCED shall have the following powers and duties:

 (i) Prepare the plan and present a draft to the Governor for consideration no later than 1 year from the effective date of this subchapter.

 (ii) Identify agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction that may have information that will assist DCED in the creation of the plan.

 (iii) Collaborate with and seek assistance from the PHFA, the working group, the General Assembly and other Federal and State agencies in the development of the plan.

 (iv) Conduct outreach and collaborate with external stakeholders and leaders from the public and private sectors to ensure that innovative approaches and recommendations from a variety of perspectives are considered when addressing housing shortages and solutions.

 (v) Gather and analyze data, as necessary and permitted by law, for developing and preparing the plan, including all of the following:

 (A) Evaluate the affordable and market rate housing supply.

 (B) Identify the factors or causes of any housing shortages.

 (C) Identify existing services, programs and funding related to housing available to residents of this Commonwealth provided by other Commonwealth agencies, including those not under the Governor's jurisdiction.

 (D) To the extent that information is available and accessible, monitor expiring affordability restrictions on publicly financed housing.

 (E) Identify and address the different regional housing needs across this Commonwealth.

 (3) Working group.

 (i) Structure. The secretary, in coordination with DCED, shall establish the working group to assist DCED with the preparation of the plan, as deemed necessary by the Secretary.

 (A) The working group may consist of a multi-disciplinary team of representatives from various Commonwealth agencies and may include external stakeholders chosen by the secretary or the secretary's designee, and who serve at the pleasure of the secretary or secretary's designee.

 (B) The secretary or the secretary's designee may form committees or sub-committees from the working group, as necessary, to support the working group's goals.

 (ii) Purpose. The working group is responsible for assisting and providing recommendations to DCED related to all of the following:

 (A) Gathering and reviewing data necessary for the plan.

 (B) Developing recommendations about new programs or policies that could help increase housing supply, support rehabilitation of housing or otherwise address the housing needs of a region within this Commonwealth.

 (C) Advising on possible gaps in services, programs or initiatives that may exist with respect to housing.

 (D) Recommending where improved coordination and data-sharing, as permitted by law, of existing programs and funding can promote, improve or expand services to address the housing needs of the Commonwealth.

 (E) Proposing different tools to preserve existing housing supply, including the affordable housing supply created through various Federal and State programs.

 (F) Providing recommendations related to its findings to DCED for inclusion in the plan.

 (iii) Compensation. Members of the working group shall receive no compensation for their service.

§ 7.1004. Relationship with other agencies.

 Agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall cooperate with, assist and support DCED and the working group, as they work to fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in this subchapter.

§ 7.1005. General provisions.

 Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, office, board, commission or council, or the head thereof. This subchapter shall be implemented in a manner consistent with applicable law. This subchapter is not intended to and does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the Commonwealth, its departments, agencies or entities, its officers, employees or agencies, or any other person.

§ 7.1006. Effective date.

 This subchapter is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until amended or rescinded by the Governor.

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1453. Filed for public inspection October 11, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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