Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3010 (May 25, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code




14a.101.    Storage.
14a.102.    Pumps.
14a.103.    Pump enclosures.
14a.104.    Buildings.
14a.104a.    Vapor processing systems.
14a.105.    Loading and unloading.
14a.106.    Electrical equipment.
14a.107.    Sources of ignition.
14a.108.    Fire control.


14a.111.    Storage and handling.
14a.112.    Location of dispensing systems.
14a.113.    Dispensing devices.
14a.113a.    Vapor recovery system.
14a.114.    Remote or submergible pumping systems.
14a.115.    Attended self-service stations.
14a.116.    Delivery nozzles.
14a.117.    Supervision of dispensing.
14a.118.    Marine service stations.
14a.118a.    Aircraft service stations.
14a.119.    Drainage and waste disposal.
14a.120.    Electrical equipment.
14a.121.    Safety rules.
14a.122.    Fire extinguishers.


14a.131.    Scope and application.
14a.132.    [Reserved].


14a.141.    Scope and application.
14a.142.    [Reserved].
14a.143.    [Reserved].
14a.144.    [Reserved].
14a.145.    [Reserved].
14a.146.    [Reserved].
14a.147.    [Reserved].
14a.148.    [Reserved].


14a.151.    Scope and application.
14a.152.    [Reserved].
14a.153.    [Reserved].
14a.154.    [Reserved].
14a.155.    [Reserved].
14a.156.    [Reserved].


14a.161.    General provisions.
14a.162.    Oil burners.
14a.163.    Fire control.


§ 14a.101. Storage.

 (a)  Class I liquids shall be stored in closed containers or in storage tanks aboveground outside of buildings, or underground.

 (b)  Class II or class III liquids shall be stored in containers or in tanks within buildings, aboveground outside of buildings, or underground.

 (c)  Outside container storage shall be in accordance with §  14a.46 (relating to storage outside of buildings).

 (d)  The use of an underground tank for bulk plant storage purposes in lieu of the purpose for which it was originally installed and approved, such as service station tanks, is prohibited. Exceptions will be made where the requirements of this subpart are met, that is, loading rack distance requirements to property lines and buildings, pump and daily gauging requirements, and the like, and a written approval has been issued based on proper application and drawings submitted for the use of the tank and related pumping equipment as a bulk plant.


   The provisions of this §  13.101 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.101, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259940).

§ 14a.102. Pumps.

 Pumps shall be of a fixed type substantially anchored or attached to a noncombustible base. Pumps shall be designed and equipped for use with flammable or combustible liquids and constructed so that no part of the system will be subjected to pressures above its allowable working pressure. Pumps, except those of submergible design, installed outside of buildings, shall be located not less than 10 feet from lines of adjoining property and not less than 5 feet from any building opening. Pumps shall be protected against physical damage. Exception: Pumps, which are an integral part of a tank vehicle which is operated and maintained in accordance with 67 Pa. Code Chapter 403 (relating to hazardous substances), may be used for handling crude oil in crude-producing areas where electrical power is impracticable and under emergency conditions such as leaking tanks, or for tank maintenance purposes. These pumps shall be provided with automatic means to prevent pressure in excess of the design working pressure of the accessories, piping and hose.


   The provisions of this §  13.102 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.102, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259940) to (259941).

§ 14a.103. Pump enclosures.

 Construction of protective enclosures for pumping equipment shall be of noncombustible materials throughout and, adequate ventilation shall be provided for such enclosures to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. Design of ventilation systems shall take into account the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Ventilation may be provided by adequate openings in outside walls at floor level, unobstructed except by louvers or coarse screens. When natural ventilation is impracticable, mechanical ventilation shall be provided. Mechanical systems for removing flammable vapors shall be designed, installed, and operated in accordance with approved standards.


   The provisions of this §  13.103 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.103, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259941).

§ 14a.104. Buildings.

 Construction, exits, heating, ventilation and fire control of buildings housing pumping equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Fire and Panic Act, except in cities of the Second Class A. In cities of the Second Class A, construction, exits, heating, ventilation and fire control shall be in a manner approved by the fire marshal.


   The provisions of this §  13.104 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.104, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259941).

§ 14a.104a. Vapor processing systems.

 (a)  Vapor processing system components consisting of hose nozzle valves, blowers or vacuum pumps, flame arresters or systems for prevention of flame propagation, controls, and vapors processing equipment shall be individually approved for use in a specified manner.

 (b)  Dispensing devices used with a vapor processing system shall be approved. Existing listed or labeled dispensing devices may be modified for use with vapor processing systems provided they are ‘‘Listed by Report’’ as specified in §  14a.113a(b) (relating to vapor recovery system).

 (c)  Means shall be provided in the vapor return path from each dispensing outlet to prevent the discharge of vapors when the hose nozzle valve is in its normal nondispensing position.

 (d)  Vapor processing systems employing blower-assist shall not be used unless the system is designed to prevent flame propagation through system piping, processing equipment, and tanks.

 (e)  If a component is likely to contain a flammable vapor-air mixture under operating conditions, and can fail in a manner to ignite the mixture, it shall be designed to withstand an internal explosion without failure to the outside.

 (f)  Vapor processing equipment shall be located outside of buildings at least ten feet from adjacent property lines which can be built upon, except as provided for in subsection (g). Vapor processing equipment shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from dispensing devices. Processing equipment shall be protected against physical damage by the provision of guard rails, curbs, or fencing.

 (g)  Where the required distance to adjacent property lines which can be built upon as specified in subsection (f) cannot be obtained, means shall be provided to protect vapor processing equipment against fire exposure. Such means may include protective enclosures which extend at least 18 inches above the equipment, constructed of fire resistant or noncombustible materials, installation in below-grade spaces, or protection with an approved water spray system. If protective enclosures or below-grade spaces are used, positive means shall be provided to ventilate the volume within the enclosure to prevent pocketing of flammable vapors. In no case shall vapor processing equipment so protected be located within 5 feet of adjacent property lines which can be built upon.

 (h)  Electrical equipment shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code.

 (i)  Vents on vapor processing systems shall be not less than 12 feet above adjacent ground level, with outlets so directed and located that flammable vapors will not accumulate or travel to an unsafe location or enter buildings.

 (j)  Combustion or open flame type devices shall not be installed in a classified area. See the National Electrical Code.


   The provisions of this §  13.104a adopted July 17, 1981, effective July 18, 1981, 11 Pa.B. 2571; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.104a, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259942).

§ 14a.105. Loading and unloading.

 (a)  Truck loading racks. Truck loading racks shall conform to the following:

   (1)  Location. Truck loading racks shall be separated from aboveground tanks, warehouses, other plant buildings, and nearest line of adjoining property that may be built upon by a clear distance of not less than 25 feet for class I liquids and 15 feet for class II and class III liquids measured from the nearest position of any fill riser. Shelter for pumps or loading personnel may be part of the loading rack. Loading racks shall be designed and equipped for the specific purpose of handling flammable or combustible liquids so that no part of the loading rack system will be subjected to pressures or circumstances beyond its designed use or capabilities.

   (2)  Static protection. Racks dispensing class I liquids into open domes of tank vehicles, and racks dispensing class II or class III liquids into open domes of tank vehicles which may contain flammable vapors from previous cargoes of class I liquids shall be equipped with protection against static sparks during tank vehicle filling. Protection shall consist of a metallic bond-wire permanently electrically connected to the fill-stem or some part of the fill-stem piping. The free end of such wire shall be provided with a clamp or similar device for convenient attachment to some metallic part of the cargo tank of the tank vehicle. The bond-wire connection shall be made prior to opening the dome covers. It shall be maintained in place during entire filling operation and the dome covers shall be securely closed before the bond-wire is disconnected from the cargo tank.

 (b)  Tank car racks. Class I liquids shall not be discharged from nor loaded into tank cars unless protection against stray currents has been provided and is used. Protection shall be designed and installed in accordance with Static Electricity, NFPA No. 77. The fire marshal may require tank cars to be unloaded through the dome or top outlet if escaping liquid would gain access to waterways, sewage systems, or endanger surrounding property.

 (c)  Container filling facilities. Class I liquids shall not be run into containers unless the nozzle and container are electrically interconnected. There shall be compliance with the provisions of this subsection if the metallic floorplate on which the container stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem, or where the fill stem is bonded to the container during filling operations by means of a bond-wire.

 (d)  Drainage and waste disposal. Provisions shall be made to prevent flammable or combustible liquids, which may be spilled at loading or unloading points, from entering sewers and drainage systems or natural waterways. Connections to such sewers, drains, or waterways by which flammable or combustible liquids might enter shall be provided with separator boxes or other approved means whereby such entry is precluded. Crankcase drainings and flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or containers equipped with pressure and vacuum relief with flame arresters outside of any building until removed from the premises.

 (e)  Equipment such as piping, pumps, meters and hoses which does not drain completely and is used for the transfer of class I liquids between storage tanks and the fill-stem of the loading rack shall not be utilized for transfer of class II or class III liquids unless completely purged of any residue of class I liquid.

 (f)  Dispersing flammable or combustible liquids from a tank vehicle or tank car into containers for private use, or into tanks of motor vehicles, is prohibited except for those tanks or containers constructed, located and used in accordance with §  14a.1(h) (relating to relative location to property), special mobile equipment, and supply tanks for oil burning appliances or equipment.


   The provisions of this §  13.105 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.105, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259943) to (259944).

§ 14a.106. Electrical equipment.

 All electrical equipment and wiring shall be of a type specified by, and shall be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70—1981).


   The provisions of this §  13.106 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.106, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259944).

§ 14a.107. Sources of ignition.

 (a)  Class I liquids shall not be handled, drawn, nor dispensed where flammable vapors may reach a source of ignition. Smoking shall be prohibited except in designated localities. ‘‘No Smoking’’ signs shall be conspicuously posted where hazard from flammable vapors is normally present.

 (b)  Use of class I liquids as degreasing or cleaning agents shall be prohibited.


   The provisions of this §  13.107 transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.107, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259944).

§ 14a.108. Fire control.

 (a)  At least two properly maintained 20BC fire extinguishers shall be located within 75 feet of the loading rack. Additional fire protection equipment may be required by the fire marshal if a tank of more than 50,000 gallons individual capacity contains class I liquid.

 (b)  At remote crude storage and pumping areas a properly maintained 20BC fire extinguisher shall be available during those periods of time that the tanks or related equipment are being attended or utilized.


   The provisions of this §  3.108 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.108, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259944) to (259945).


§ 14a.111. Storage and handling.

 (a)  General provisions. Storage and handling of liquids in service stations shall conform to the following:

   (1)  Apparatus dispensing class I liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles of the public shall not be located at a bulk plant unless separated by a fence or similar barrier from the area in which bulk operations are conducted.

   (2)  Class I liquids, for use other than motor fuels—except prepackaged items—shall be stored outside in closed containers not exceeding 60 gallons aggregate capacity or in tanks located underground. Class I liquids which are used as motor fuels shall be stored in tanks located underground, except as provided for in §  14a.1(5)(h) (relating to relative location to property).

   (3)  Class II and class III liquids, for use other than motor fuels, may be stored outside in closed containers not exceeding 120 gallons aggregate capacity; in a single outside permanently installed aboveground storage tank not exceeding 300 gallons capacity which meets the installation requirements of § §  14a.1—14a.11 (relating to outside and aboveground storage), or in tanks located underground.

   (4)  Aboveground tanks located in an adjoining bulk plant may be connected by piping to service station underground tanks if, in addition to valves at aboveground tanks, valves are also installed within control of service station personnel and the vent pipes of the underground tanks are raised to a point higher than the tops of the aboveground tanks.

 (b)  Inside buildings. Under no circumstances shall the fuel tank of a motor vehicle be drained inside of a service station building, except when the procedure utilizes approved equipment designed specifically for draining motor vehicle fuel tanks.

 (c)  Labeling. Sale or purchase of flammable or combustible liquids shall not be made in containers unless the containers are clearly marked with the name of the product contained therein.

 (d)  Dispensing to containers.

   (1)  Dispensing, or permitting the dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids into portable containers is not permitted unless the container is of sound metal construction, or is of approved nonmetallic construction, has a tight closure with screwed or spring cover, and is fitted with a spout or so designed that the contents may be poured without spilling. Portable containers constructed of nonmetallic materials shall conspicuously display an embossment, by the manufacturer, of the logogram of a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Under no circumstances shall delivery of gasoline be made into glass containers.

   (2)  Dispensing, or permitting the dispensing of class I liquids into containers, drums or tanks which are to be transported in or on a motor vehicle, shall be limited to an aggregate maximum of 15 gallons at any one time, unless the transporting motor vehicle complies with and is operated in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Hazardous Substance Division.


   The provisions of this §  13.111 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.111, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259945) to (259946).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.115 (relating to attended self-service stations).

§ 14a.112. Location of dispensing systems.

 The location of dispensing systems shall conform to the following:

   (1)  Dispensing devices at automotive service stations shall be so located that all parts of the vehicle being served shall be on the premises of the service station and in areas where private thoroughfares exist, the vehicle shall be parked entirely off such thoroughfares, with the exception that existing service stations for which prior approval has been issued, not meeting this requirement, may continue in service without an increase in number or capacity of tanks, if properly maintained. Existing dispensing devices may be replaced; however, no additional devices may be installed. No dispensing device shall be placed within the legal right-of-way limits of any state highway or any highway under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation.

   (2)  Inside location of approved dispensing devices may be acceptable where an outside location is impracticable. Such installation shall be made in an approved manner.

   (3)  Dispensing devices installed abovegrade, outside of buildings, shall be located not less than 10 feet from lines of adjoining property and not less than 5 feet from any building openings.

   (4)  Dispensing devices shall not be located within 200 feet of an underground mine opening.

   (5)  Dispensing devices shall not be placed within 20 feet of a liquified petroleum container or any activity involving fixed sources of ignition.

   (6)  Dispensing devices designed or modified for private use may be located on the service station property without restriction as to location provided such location is not otherwise prohibited by this section.


   The provisions of this §  13.112 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.112, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259946) to (259947).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.114 (relating to remote or submergible pumping systems).

Notes of Decisions


   A pump lessor who is involved in the maintenance, installation, or placement of pumps is not free from a duty of care with respect to the location of its chattels, and may be liable to injured patrons if the location of its pumps exposes patrons to an unreasonable risk of harm from passing motorists or other outside sources. Migyanko v. Thistlethwaite, 419 A.2d 12 (Pa. Super. 1980).

§ 14a.113. Dispensing devices.

 (a)  Flammable or combustible liquids shall be transferred from tanks by means of fixed pumps substantially attached to a noncombustible base and so designed and equipped as to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge. Integral pumps attached to the tanks shall be considered as meeting this requirement. Supplemental means shall be provided outside of the dispensing device whereby the source of power may be readily disconnected in the event of fire or other accident. Dispensing devices shall be of approved type. The conversion or retrofit of a standard dispensing device for use as a special type dispenser must be done in an approved manner. Dispensing devices may be rebuilt provided replacement components are equal to the original components and are of approved type. Consoles, accuators, monitors, card readers, etc. regardless of location must be approved for use with the accompanying dispensing device. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by pressure or gravity from drums, barrels, and similar containers. Gear pumps or similar positive displacement devices taking suction through the top of the container shall be used. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by a device that operates through pressure within a storage tank.

 (b)  Dispensing devices, except those attached to containers, shall be mounted on a concrete island or otherwise protected against collision damage by suitable means.

 (c)  Satellite dispensing devices used in conjunction with master dispensing devices, such as, but not limited to, systems utilized for truck tractor refueling shall be of approved type.

 (d)  The use of a multi-product or multi-hose dispensing device for flammable or combustible liquids which are to be used as heating fuel is prohibited unless the entire device is used exclusively for dispensing of identical grades of heating fuel.


   The provisions of this §  13.113 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.113, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259947) to (259948).

§ 14a.113a. Vapor recovery system.

 (a)  Dispensing devices incorporating provisions for vapor recovery shall be approved.

 (b)  Existing approved dispensing devices may be modified for vapor recovery provided that the modifications made are ‘‘Listed by Report’’ by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. The ‘‘Listing by Report’’ shall contain a description of the component parts used in the modifications and the recommended method of installation on specific dispensers and it shall be made available on request to the authority having jurisdiction.

 (c)  Hose nozzle valves used on vapor recovery systems shall be approved.

 (d)  Means shall be provided in the vapor return path from each dispensing outlet to prevent the discharge of vapors when the hose nozzle valve is in its normal nondispensing position.


   The provisions of this §  13.113a adopted July 17, 1981, effective July 18, 1981, 11 Pa.B. 2571; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.113a, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259948).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.104a (relating to vapor processing systems).

§ 14a.114. Remote or submergible pumping systems.

 (a)  Application. This section applies to systems for dispensing flammable or combustible liquids when such liquids are transferred from underground storage to individual or multiple dispensing devices by pumps located elsewhere than at the dispensing devices.

 (b)  Pumps. Pumps shall be designed or equipped so that no part of the system may be subjected to pressures above its allowable working pressure. Pumps installed above grade and outside of buildings shall be located not less than 10 feet from lines of adjoining property which may be built upon, and not less than 5 feet from any building opening. If an outside pump location is impracticable, pumps may be installed inside of buildings, as set forth in §  14a.112(2) (relating to location of dispensing systems) or in pits as set forth in subsection (c). Pumps shall be substantially anchored and protected against physical damage by vehicles.

 (c)  Pits. Pits for subsurface pumps or piping manifolds of submergible pumps shall be able to withstand the external forces to which they may be subjected without damage to the pump, tank, or piping. The pit shall be no larger than necessary for inspection and maintenance and shall be provided with a tight fitting cover.

 (d)  Controls. Controls of remote pumping systems shall conform to the following:

   (1)  A control shall be provided that permits the pump to operate only if a dispensing nozzle is removed from its bracket on the dispensing device and the switch on this dispensing device is manually actuated. This control shall also stop the pump when all nozzles have been returned to their brackets.

   (2)  A clearly identified switch, readily accessible in case of fire or physical damage at any dispensing device, shall be provided to shut off the power to the pump motors.

 (e)  Emergency valves. An approved emergency shut-off valve shall be installed at the base of each dispensing device which shuts off the flow of flammable or combustible liquids if the dispenser is damaged by impact or if a fire occurs in the immediate area.

 (f)  Testing. After completion of the installation, including paving, that portion of the pressure piping system between the pump discharge and the connection for the dispensing facility shall be tested for at least 30 minutes at a pressure 50% above the maximum operating pressure. Such tests shall be repeated at 5 year intervals.


   The provisions of this §  13.114 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.114, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259948) and (347333).

§ 14a.115. Attended self-service stations.

 (a)  Dispensing devices. Only approved special dispensing devices which are designed for self-service use or have been modified in an approved manner for self-service use and are remotely controlled by equipment specifically approved for use with such special dispensing devices are permitted at self-service stations. The use of control or dispensing equipment comprised of an assemblage of components which, as a complete unit, has not been approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for the use intended is prohibited.

 (b)  Supervision of dispensing. There shall be at least one attendant or supervisor on duty while the station is open to the public. The primary function of the attendant or supervisor shall be to supervise, observe and control the dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids. At all times during the dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids, the attendant shall remain at the principal control location, that is, within arms length of the remote control facilities. The dispensing operations shall at all times be in clear view of the attendant, and placing or permitting any obstacle between the dispensing operation and the attendant so as to obstruct the view of the attendant is prohibited. The attendant shall prevent the dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids into portable containers that do not comply with §  14a.111 (relating to storage and handling). The attendant shall control sources of ignition and immediately handle accidental spills and use fire extinguishers if needed. The attendant or supervisor on duty shall be capable of performing the functions and assuming the responsibilities covered in this section.

 (c)  Emergency controls. Emergency controls, including the main power shutoff switch or switches, are required and shall be independent of the approved special dispensing devices and control equipment. Such controls and switches shall be installed at an accessible location not more than 15 feet from the principal control location of the attendant and not more than 100 feet from the furthest self-service dispensing device. Use of the emergency controls, including the main power shutoff switch or switches, to control the dispensing devices in other than an emergency situation is prohibited.

 (d)  Operating instructions. Operating instructions shall be conspicuously posted on either the dispensing device island or each dispensing device.

 (e)  Emergency procedures and instructions. A list of emergency procedures and instructions shall be conspicuously posted in the immediate vicinity of the attendant’s principal control location.

 (f)  Vehicle parking. Designated parking spaces are prohibited within a direct line of sight between the attendant’s principal control location and the dispensing devices.

 (g)  [Reserved].

 (h)  Communications system. A two-way voice communications system is required at each dispensing device island. Such communications system shall provide a person dispensing flammable or combustible liquids with ‘‘hands-off’’ direct voice communications with the attendant. The system must operate over a constantly operational open channel or circuit of adequate volume and clarity and also provide ‘‘talk’’ and ‘‘listen’’ capabilities for both the attendant and person dispensing the flammable or combustible liquid.

 (i)  Warning sign. The following warning in at least 1 inch lettering shall be conspicuously posted on each dispensing device island: ‘‘WARNING—IT IS UNLAWFUL TO DISPENSE FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID INTO ANY PORTABLE CONTAINER UNLESS THE CONTAINER IS CONSTRUCTED OF METAL OR IS APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHAL.’’


   The provisions of this §  13.115 amended through June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.115, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (347333) to (347335).

Cross References

   This section cited in 25 Pa. Code §  245.436 (relating to operator training); and 34 Pa. Code §  14a.117 (relating to supervision of dispensing).

Notes of Decisions

   Emergency Control

   The provisions of 34 Pa. Code §  14a.115(c) do not require that an attendant at a self-service station be located more than 15 feet from the point of dispensing. Open Pantry Food Marts v. Commonwealth ex rel. Township of Hempfield, 391 A.2d 20 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1978).

   Validity of Ordinance

   A township ordinance which totally prohibits self-service stations in areas where other stations are permitted clearly creates a conflict between this regulation and the ordinance and is invalid. Sears, Roebuck and Co. v. Bensalem Township Board of Supervisors, 10 Pa. D. & C.3d 52 (1979).

§ 14a.116. Delivery nozzles.

 (a)  Hose nozzle valves of the automatic-closing type for dispensing flammable or combustible liquids into a fuel tank or into an approved container shall be provided and be of an approved type which is manually held open during the dispensing operation except as provided in subsections (b), (c) and (d).

 (b)  An approved automatic-closing type nozzle with a hold-open latch is permitted on any service station dispensing device accessible to the public if all flammable or combustible liquids are dispensed by the service station attendant.

 (c)  When combustible liquids—such as diesel fuel—are dispensed at an attended self-service station or from a private dispensing device, such as a key or card controlled device, located at the public service area, the nozzle shall be an approved automatic-closing type with or without a hold-open latch. The use of a hold-open latch in connection with the dispensing of flammable liquids (such as gasoline) at an attended self-service station or from a private dispensing device located at the public service area is prohibited.

 (d)  Dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids from a dispensing device used exclusively for private dispensing purposes at a location other than at the public service area shall be through an approved automatic-closing type nozzle with or without a hold-open latch.


   The provisions of this §  13.116 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.116, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347335).

§ 14a.117. Supervision of dispensing.

 (a)  Service stations accessible to the public shall have an attendant or supervisor on duty whenever the station is open for business. Dispensing operations shall be performed only by the attendants or supervisors except at stations approved for operation in accordance with §  14a.115 (relating to attended self-service stations).

 (b)  Dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids at locations where the dispensing device is not open to the public does not require an attendant or supervisor. Such locations may include card or key dispensing devices.


   The provisions of this §  13.117 amended through June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.117, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347335).

Cross References

   This section cited in 25 Pa. Code §  245.436 (relating to operator training).

§ 14a.118. Marine service stations.

 (a)  Pumps, other than those which are integral with approved dispensing devices, and all tanks supplying class I liquids at marine service stations shall be located on shore, or on a pier of solid-fill type. Approved dispensing devices with or without integral pumps may be located on shore, piers of solid-fill type, open piers, wharves, or floating docks.

 (b)  Tanks and pumps supplying class II or class III liquids at marine service stations may be located on shore, on a pier of solid-fill type or on open piers, wharves, or floating docks. Tanks which are located other than on shore or on piers of the solid-fill type shall be limited to 660 gallons aggregate capacity. Pumps not a part of the dispensing device shall be located adjacent to the tanks.

 (c)  Class I liquids shall not be dispensed into the fuel tanks of marine craft except by means of a hose equipped with a self-closing nozzle, and with a valve which shall be held open by manual control while making a delivery.

 (d)  Class II or class III liquids may be dispensed into the fuel tanks of a marine craft from tank trucks by gravity or power operated pumps through a hose equipped with a self-closing nozzle.

 (e)  Pipe lines attached to piers, wharves, or floating docks shall be protected against physical damage. A readily accessible valve to shut off the supply from shore shall be provided in each pipe line at or near the approach to the pier, wharf, or floating dock.

 (f)  Pipe lines to floating docks shall be designed and installed so as to make appropriate provision for changes in water level or tide. Connections from the fixed portion of the installation to the floating unit shall provide necessary product control, flexibility, and protection from physical damage.


   The provisions of this §  13.118 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.118, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347336).

§ 14a.118a. Aircraft service stations.

 The installation and design of aviation fuel storage tanks, pumps, piping and associated equipment (including fire extinguishing equipment) used to service aircraft from fixed equipment shall meet approved standards.


   The provisions of this §  13.118a adopted June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.118a, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347336).

§ 14a.119. Drainage and waste disposal.

 Provisions shall be made in the area where class I liquids may be spilled to prevent liquids from flowing into the interior of any buildings. Such provisions may be by grading, raising doorsills, or other effective means. Crankcase drainings and flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, streams or on adjoining property, but shall be stored in containers equipped with pressure and vacuum relief with flame arresters or aboveground tanks outside of any building, or in underground tanks, until removed from the premises. Containers shall not exceed an aggregate capacity of 60 gallons. Aboveground tanks shall not exceed an aggregate capacity of 300 gallons.


   The provisions of this §  13.119 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.119, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (347336) and (259953).

§ 14a.120. Electrical equipment.

 (a)  All electrical equipment shall conform to and be installed in accordance with applicable provisions of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1981), except that dispensing equipment handling class II liquids shall be installed in the same manner as dispensing equipment handling class I liquids.

 (b)  [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.120 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.120, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259953).

§ 14a.121. Safety rules.

 (a)  There shall be no smoking on the driveway of service stations in the areas used for fueling motor vehicles, dispensing flammable antifreeze, or the receipt of products by tank truck, nor in those portions of the building used for servicing automobiles, tractors, or internal combustion engines. Conspicuous signs prohibiting smoking shall be posted within the sight of the customer being served. The motors of all vehicles being fueled shall be shut off during the fueling operation.

 (b)  Use of class I liquids at service stations and garages as degreasing or cleaning agents shall be prohibited.


   The provisions of this §  13.121 transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.121, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259953).

§ 14a.122. Fire extinguishers.

 There shall be at least one readily accessible and properly maintained 10BC fire extinguisher at each service station. The fire marshal may require additional approved fire extinguishers if warranted.


   The provisions of this §  13.122 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.122, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259953).


§ 14a.131. Scope and application.

 A centralized oil distribution system shall be installed, maintained and operated in a manner approved by the fire marshal.


   The provisions of this §  13.131 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.131, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259954).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.161 (relating to general provisions).

§ 14a.132. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.132 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.132, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259954).


§ 14a.141. Scope and application.

 (a)  [Reserved].

 (b)  Outside storage, handling, and use of flammable or combustible liquids shall conform to the applicable provisions set forth in § §  14a.1—14a.11, 14a.21—14a.26, and 14a.41—14a.46 (relating to outside and aboveground storage; underground storage; and closed containers).

 (c)  Fire Control—outside storage. Fire control equipment such as, but not limited to, portable fire extinguishers and control equipment, water in sufficient volume and pressure to accommodate water hose streams and foam producing equipment, and the like, and special equipment utilizing foam, inert gas or dry chemicals shall be provided in a manner approved by the fire marshal.


   The provisions of this §  13.141 amended through October 5, 1984, effective October 6, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 3624; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.141, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259954).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.32 (relating to class I liquids).

§ 14a.142. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.142 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.142, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259954).

§ 14a.143. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.143 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.143, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).

§ 14a.144. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.144 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131 transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.144, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).

§ 14a.145. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.145 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.145, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).

§ 14a.146. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.146 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.146, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).

§ 14a.147. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.147 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.147, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).

§ 14a.148. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.148 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.148, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259955).


§ 14a.151. Scope and application.

 (a)  Outside storage. Outside storage, handling, and use of flammable or combustible liquids shall conform to § §  14a.1—14a.11, 14a.21—14a.26, and 14a.41—14a.46 (relating to outside and aboveground storage; underground storage; and closed containers).

 (b)  Fire control—outside storage. Fire control equipment such as, but not limited to, portable fire extinguishers and control equipment, water in sufficient volume and pressure to accommodate water hose streams and foam producing equipment, and the like and special equipment utilizing foam, inert gas or dry chemicals shall be provided in the manner approved by the fire marshal.


   The provisions of this §  13.151 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.151, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259955) to (259956).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14a.32 (relating to class I liquids).

§ 14a.152. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.152 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.152, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259956).

§ 14a.153. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.153 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.153, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259956).

§ 14a.154. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.154 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.154, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259956).

§ 14a.155. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.155 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.155, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259956).

§ 14a.156. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  13.156 reserved June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.156, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259956).


§ 14a.161. General provisions.

 (a)  Storage. Flammable or combustible liquids supplying heating or power devices by means of piping shall be stored in accordance with § §  14a.1—14a.11, 14a.21—14a.26, 14a.31—14a.38, 14a.51—14a.58 and 14a.131 (relating to outside and aboveground storage; underground storage; inside building storage; piping, valves, and fittings; and centralized oil distribution systems).

 (b)  Approval. Approval shall not be required for domestic fuel oil heating systems where the capacity of any individual supply tank does not exceed 3,000 gallons.

 (c)  Materials. Materials for piping (including vents and fills), valves and fittings used with supply tanks, shall conform with §  14a.53 (relating to materials). The aboveground use of any material, such as plastic, that softens on fire exposure is prohibited.

 (d)  Where the installation of a supply tank is made in such a manner that the supply piping drops below the top of the tank, adequate provisions to prevent siphoning shall be provided.


   The provisions of this §  13.161 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.161, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (259956) to (259957).

Cross References

   This section cited in 34 Pa. Code §  14.3 (relating to scope of approval required); and 34 Pa. Code §  14a.44 (relating to manner and limitations of storage).

§ 14a.162. Oil burners.

 Heating and other devices using oil burners, including all accessories thereto, shall be installed, maintained, and operated in accordance with approved standards.


   The provisions of this §  13.162 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.162, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259957).

§ 14a.163. Fire control.

 Approved fire-extinguishers may be required by the fire marshal.


   The provisions of this §  13.163 amended June 22, 1984, effective June 18, 1984, 14 Pa.B. 2131; transferred from 37 Pa. Code and renumbered as 34 Pa. Code §  14a.163, February 28, 2014, effective March 1, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 1233. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (259957).

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