Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3010 (May 25, 2024).

7 Pa. Code § 1.86. Identification of ‘‘Pa. Condemned’’—general.

§ 1.86. Identification of ‘‘Pa. Condemned’’—general.

 The following livestock shall be identified as ‘‘Pa. Condemned’’ and disposed of in accordance with §  1.96 (relating to disposition of condemned livestock):

   (1)  Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of an official establishment.

   (2)  Livestock plainly showing on antemortem inspection any disease or condition that, under Subchapter D (relating to disposal of diseased or otherwise adulterated carcasses), would cause condemnation of their carcasses on postmortem inspection.

   (3)  —

     (i)   Any swine having a temperature of 106°F or higher and any cattle, sheep or goats having a temperature of 105°F or higher.

     (ii)   In case of doubt as to the cause of the high temperature, or when for other reasons a program employe deems such action warranted, any such livestock may be held for a reasonable time under the supervision of a program employe for further observation and taking of temperature before final disposition of such livestock is determined. Any livestock so held shall be reinspected on the day it is slaughtered. If, upon such reinspection, or when not held for further observation and taking of temperature, then on the original inspection, the animal has a temperature of 106°F or higher in the case of swine, or 105°F or higher in the case of other livestock, it shall be condemned and disposed of.

   (4)  Any livestock found in a comatose or semicomatose condition or affected with any condition not otherwise covered in this subchapter, which would preclude release of the animal for slaughter for human food, except that such animal may be set apart and held for further observation or treatment under supervision of a program employe or other official designated by the veterinary supervisor and for final disposition in accordance with this subchapter.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  1.83 (relating to identification of ‘‘Pa. Suspects’’—general); and 7 Pa. Code §  1.201 (relating to establishments having tanking facilities).

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.