Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 7100 (October 26, 2024).

55 Pa. Code § 101.2. Definitions.

§ 101.2. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this part, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

   AAA—Area Agency for the Aging.

   AC—Application Control.

   ACE—Active Corps of Executives.

   AD—Assistance Disbursement.

   AFDC—The Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program, replaced by the TANF Program effective March 3, 1997.

   AII—Aged Individual.

   ARA—Area Redevelopment Administration (AR)—Occupational Training.

   ASC—Aged Spouse.

   BDP—Bureau of Data Processing.

   BES—Bureau of Employment Security.

   BII—Blind Individual.

   BP—Blind Pension.

   BP-B—State Blind Pension.

   BSC—Blind Spouse.

   BVR—Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.

   CAO—County Assistance Office.

   CBA—County Board of Assistance.

   CETA—Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.

   CF—Aid to Families with Dependent Children—Foster Care.

   CHAMPUS—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the UniformedServices.

   CID—County Institution District.

   CRS—Catholic Relief Services.

   CS—Claim Settlement.

   CSB—Claim Settlement Bureau.

   CU—Unemployed Father.

   CWS—Child Welfare Service.

   CWT—Community Work and Training Act.

   DC—Domiciliary Care.

   DCF—Disabled Child with Father.

   DCM—Disabled Child with Mother.

   DCP—Disabled Child with Parents.

   DDS—Direct Delivery System.

   DHS—Department of Human Services.

   DII—Disabled Individual.

   DRO—Domestic Relations Office.

   DSC—Disabled Spouse.

   Department—Department of Human Services.

   EA—Emergency Assistance.

   ETP—Employment and Training Program.

   FCI—Food, Clothing, and Incidentals Program.

   FNS—Food Nutrition Service.

   FSBP—Federal State Blind Pension.

   GA—General Assistance.

   GC—General Control.

   GED—General Educational Development.

   HEW—Federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

   HMO—Health Maintenance Organization.



   IM—Income Maintenance.

   IMU—Income Maintenance Unit.

   INS—Immigration and Naturalization Service.

   IRS—Internal Revenue Service.

   JS—Job Service.

   LIAB—Life Insurance Adjustment Bureau.

   LRR—Legally Responsible Relative.

   MA—Medical Assistance.

   MH/MR—Mental Health/Mental Retardation.

   MIL—Minimum Income Level.

   MNO—Medically Needy Only.

   NCE—Noncontinuous Eligibility.

   NCWC—National Catholic Welfare Conference.

   NHC—Nursing Home Care.

   NMP—Nonmoney Payment.

   OAA—Old Age Assistance.

   OASDI—Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance.

   OES—Office of Employment Security.

   OFS—Office of Family Services.

   OJT—On the Job Training.

   OTI—Out-of-Town Inquiries.

   PA—Public Assistance.

   PC—Aid to Families with Dependent Children—Nonmoney Payment.

   PD—General Assistance—Nonmoney Payment.

   PE—Presumptive Eligibility.

   PJ—Aid to Disabled—Nonmoney Payment.

   PK—Nonmoney Payment—Transitionally Needy.

   PM—Aid to Blind—Nonmoney Payment.

   PSE—Public Service Employment.

   PSES—Pennsylvania State Employment Services.

   QC—Quality Control.

   RR—Railroad Retirement.

   RSDI—Retirement, Survivor’s and Disability Insurance.

   RWP—Relief Works Project.

   SAU—Separate Administrative Unit.

   SBP—State Blind Pension.

   SCORE—Service Corps of Retired Executives.

   SDX—State Data Exchange System.

   SR—Specified Relative.

   SSA—Social Services Administration.

   SSI—Supplemental Security Income.

   SSN—Social Security Number.

   SUB—Supplemental Unemployment Benefits.

   Secretary—Secretary of Human Services.

   TA—Old Age—Medically Needy Only.

   TANF—The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program.

   TB—Aid to Blind—Medically Needy Only.

   TC—Aid to Dependent Children—Medically Needy Only.

   TD—General Assistance—Medically Needy Only.

   TJ—Aid to Disabled—Medically Needy Only.

   TK—Medically Needy Only—Transitionally Needy.

   UC—Unemployment Compensation.

   UHIAS—United Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

   UMWA—United Mine Workers of America.

   VISTA—Volunteers in Service throughout America.

   VR—Vocational Rehabilitation.

   WIN—Work Incentive Program.


   The provisions of this §  101.4 amended under 201(2) and 403(b) of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § §  201(2) and 403(b)).


   The provisions of this §  101.2 amended October 2, 1992, effective upon publication and apply retroactively to October 1, 1989, 22 Pa.B. 4875; amended July 28, 2000, effective July 29, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 3779. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (247233) to (247235).

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.