Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code



6.11.    Functions.
6.12.    Composition.
6.13.    Compensation.
6.14.    Terms of membership.
6.15.    Procedures.
6.16.    Relationship with other agencies.
6.17.    Effective date.
6.18.    Rescission.


   The provisions of this Subchapter B issued under Executive Order No. 1999-2, dated March 29, 1999, 29 Pa.B. 2572; amended under Executive Order No. 2007-9, dated October 2, 2007, 38 Pa.B. 2146, unless otherwise noted. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (257852) to (257854).

§ 6.11. Functions.

 The Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs (Council) shall:

   (1)  Seek to build and foster inclusive, collaborative partnerships and networks of diverse individuals and organizations to improve the coordination and effectiveness of Federal, State and other programs, services and actions affecting rural areas in this Commonwealth. To this end, the Council shall serve as a liaison to Federal, State and local government agencies to ensure that programs affecting rural Pennsylvanians are effectively utilized and that benefits are available to all rural citizens.

   (2)  Foster expanded economic and social opportunities for this Commonwealth’s rural residents. In this regard, the Council and its partners shall identify opportunities for and impediments to expansion and develop strategies for taking advantage of opportunities and overcoming impediments. The Council shall develop, review and recommend policies to the Governor to promote expanded economic and social opportunities for rural Pennsylvania.

   (3)  Serve as a vehicle for collective advocacy on behalf of this Commonwealth’s rural communities and their residents.

   (4)  Promote intergovernmental cooperation.

   (5)  Promote community-based problem-solving strategies which include all ideas, resources and expertise without regard to traditional distinctions among units, agencies or levels of government. Further, these strategies anticipate inclusion in the problem-solving process, all individuals, organizations and agencies with contributions to make for the advancement of the common good.

   (6)  Advise the Governor, agencies, organizations and other entities on issues affecting rural communities and their residents.

   (7)  Serve as a resource for private and nonprofit organizations on rural issues, programs and available sources of technical and financial assistance.

§ 6.12. Composition.

 (a)  The Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs shall consist of a Board of Directors comprised of 30 members, with six each representing the private sector, the nonprofit sector, local government agencies, State government agencies and Federal government agencies. Members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members of the Board of Directors may continue to serve in their positions only so long as they remain a member of the group from which they were chosen.

 (b)  The Governor will designate three Co-Chairpersons representing State, Federal and local governments. The Co-Chairpersons serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

 (c)  The Governor will appoint an Executive Director who will serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

§ 6.13. Compensation.

 Members of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs receive no compensation for their services, except that the members may be reimbursed for actual travel and related expenses in accordance with Commonwealth policy. See Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).

§ 6.14. Terms of membership.

 (a)  Members will be appointed for a term of 2 years. Members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

 (b)  If a vacancy occurs on the Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs due to resignation, disability or death of a member, a successor may be appointed by the Governor to serve the duration of the unexpired term. A successor so appointed may thereafter be reappointed.

§ 6.15. Procedures.

 (a)  The Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs (Council) is authorized to establish committees and procedures for the effective implementation of its functions consistent with this subchapter.

 (b)  The Council shall submit reports and policy recommendations it deems necessary that would assist in the preservation or enhancement of the quality of life for rural citizens and communities.

 (c)  The Council may hold public hearings to evaluate the effectiveness of Commonwealth services and programs to rural citizens and communities of this Commonwealth.

§ 6.16. Relationship with other agencies.

 (a)  The Governor’s Advisory Council on Rural Affairs (Council) shall seek to develop good working relationships with Federal and local government agencies so that the Council’s mission to promote intergovernmental cooperation and coordination may be achieved to the greatest extent possible.

 (b)  Agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction shall fully cooperate with and provide assistance as requested by the Council to properly carry out its power and duties.

§ 6.17. Effective date.

 This subchapter shall take effect immediately and continue in effect unless revised or modified by the Governor.

§ 6.18. Rescission.

 Executive Order 1999-2 is rescinded.

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.