Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code



6.221.    Purpose.
6.222.    Responsibilities.
6.223.    Composition and appointments.
6.224.    Terms of membership.
6.225.    Compensation.
6.226.    Reports.
6.227.    Executive agencies.
6.228.    Effective date.
6.229.    Termination date.


   The provisions of this Subchapter O adopted by Executive Order No. 2005-5, dated August 10, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 5635; amended by Executive Order No. 2005-05 as amended, dated November 2, 2005, 36 Pa.B. 381, unless otherwise noted. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (314346) and (315157) to (315158).

§ 6.221. Purpose.

 The Training America’s Teachers Commission shall:

   (1)  Conduct qualitative and quantitative research, which includes this Commonwealth, National and international studies.

   (2)  Identify and benchmark signature teacher preparation programs both in this Commonwealth and elsewhere.

   (3)  Gather input from stakeholders across this Commonwealth by providing avenues for discourse that include teachers, parents, business leaders, and key legislative representatives and staff.

   (4)  Produce a final report containing recommendations.

§ 6.222. Responsibilities.

 The Training America’s Teachers Commission shall examine and make specific recommendations:

   (1)  For enhancing the effectiveness of teacher preparation programs in this Commonwealth.

   (2)  To link PreK-12 education with the preparation of teachers in this Commonwealth.

   (3)  That will further position this Commonwealth’s teaching preparation programs as an economic and educational magnet that not only meets the unique demands of this Commonwealth’s schools, but also provides other states with quality teaching candidates.

§ 6.223. Composition and appointments.

 (a)  The Training America’s Teachers Commission (Commission) will be chaired by a prominent Pennsylvanian, and its members will consist of a wide spectrum of stakeholders that include the following:

   (1)  The Secretary of Education.

   (2)  The Deputy Secretary of the Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education.

   (3)  The Deputy Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.

   (4)  The Secretary of Policy and Planning.

   (5)  Two members of the Senate or staff designees, one appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate and one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate.

   (6)  Two members of the House of Representatives or staff designees, one appointed by the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, and one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.

   (7)  Representatives from each of the following stakeholder groups:

     (i)   Public PreK-12 education, including administrators, teachers and parents.

     (ii)   College and university teacher preparation programs.

     (iii)   College and university administration.

     (iv)   Civic and business leaders.

     (v)   At least one student enrolled in a teacher preparation program.

     (vi)   The State Board of Education.

 (b)  A Commission Steering Committee, appointed by the Secretary of Education and composed of select members of the Commission, will direct the work of the Commission with the assistance of a consultant who will help manage the process, facilitate key session, conduct necessary research and produce a final report.

 (c)  The Department of Education will provide administrative support of the Commission.

 (d)  A Commission member may designate an alternate to attend Commission meetings, if required.

§ 6.224. Terms of membership.

 (a)  Members of the Training America’s Teachers Commission (Commission) serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

 (b)  If a vacancy occurs on the Commission due to resignation, disability or death of a member, the Governor, or other appointing authority, as applicable, should appoint a successor as expeditiously as possible.

§ 6.225. Compensation.

 Members of the Training America’s Teachers Commission receive no compensation for their services, except that the members may be reimbursed for actual travel and related expenses in accordance with Commonwealth travel and subsistence policies. (See Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).)

§ 6.226. Reports.

 The Training America’s Teachers Commission (Commission) shall present an initial report to the Governor by December 31, 2005. The Commission shall produce a final report containing recommendations on the teaching preparation programs in this Commonwealth by March 31, 2006.

§ 6.227. Executive agencies.

 Agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction shall provide assistance to the Training America’s Teachers Commission as requested by the chairperson.

§ 6.228. Effective date.

 This subchapter takes effect immediately.

§ 6.229. Termination date.

 This subchapter shall continue in force until August 10, 2006.

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.