Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 7100 (October 26, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code



185.161.    Pari-mutuel wagering.
185.162.    Definition of ‘‘race.’’
185.163.    Sale of pari-mutuel tickets.
185.164.    Payments.
185.165.    Daily Double.
185.166.    Refunds.
185.167.    Information required by Commission and Department of Revenue.
185.168.    Record of unpaid tickets.
185.169.    Record of actual payoff.
185.170.    Report of handle and attendance.
185.171.    The Twin Double.
185.172.    Perfecta (Exacta).
185.173.    Trifecta.
185.174.    Six race sweepstake.
185.175.    Test of equipment.
185.176.    Personnel.
185.177.    Forms.
185.178.    Odds board.
185.179.    Big Perfecta (Exacta).

§ 185.161. Pari-mutuel wagering.

 (a)  Associations shall use vending machines for the sale of pari-mutuel tickets, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. All associations shall be required to utilize total electronic calculators approved by the Commission.

   (1)  No electronic calculator may be deemed one of approved design unless it is capable of registering by automatic electronic or mechanical means on central aggregators all wagers made on each horse, entry, or the field, in each of the straight, place and show pools, and displaying the totals so registered in such a way as to permit ready tabulation thereof by the representative of the Commission.

 (b)  The controls necessary to operate the odds board in the infield, relative to the way the horses finish (if the finish is being contested, if there is a photo, dead-heat, time of race), are to be located in the judge’s stand and controlled only by the presiding judge, or one associate judge designated to do so.

§ 185.162.  Definition of ‘‘race.’’

 As used in this chapter, the term ‘‘race’’ shall be considered to apply as if the term ‘‘heat’’ or ‘‘dash’’ had been used, and for the purpose of pari-mutuel wagering, every heat shall be a separate and distinct race, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.163. Sale of pari-mutuel tickets.

 (a)  Only one method of selling pari-mutuel tickets shall be used for the sale of tickets on individual heats or races during any racing day.

 (b)  No pari-mutuel tickets shall be sold except through regular ticket windows properly designated by signs showing type of tickets sold at that particular window.

 (c)  No pari-mutuel tickets shall be sold on any heat or dash prior to 30 minutes before scheduled post time of that heat or dash except with the approval of the Commission. The sale of Daily Double tickets may begin one hour and 15 minutes before the post time of the first race of the Daily Double and shall be closed no later than five minutes before post time except with the approval of the Commission.

 (d)  Bookmaking or wagering other than pari-mutuel wagering is strictly prohibited.

 (e)  No minor shall be allowed to wager.

 (f)  All wagering shall stop as soon as the word ‘‘go’’ shall be given either by record or by voice of the starter. Vending machines shall be electrically locked by the Presiding Judge from the Judges’ Stand.

 (g)  When the sale of pari-mutuel tickets has closed, it shall remain closed until after the race or heat has finished.

 (h)  No pari-mutuel ticket shall be sold for less than $2.00. No pari-mutuel ticket combining Win and Place, Win and Show or Place and Show, shall be sold for less than $4.00. No pari-mutuel ticket combining Win, Place and Show shall be sold for less than $6.00.

 (i)  The method of selling pari-mutuel tickets shall be approved by the Commission.

 (j)  The manager of the pari-mutuel department shall be properly and timely advised by the presiding judge prior to the beginning of wagering on each race, of the horses that will compete in the race and any driver changes from those listed in the official program.

 (k)  If less than six interests qualify horses to start in a race, the manager of the pari-mutuel department, with the consent of the representative of the Commission, shall be permitted to prohibit Show wagering on that race.

 (l)  If less than five interests qualify horses to start in a race, the said manager, with the consent of the representative of the Commission, shall be permitted to prohibit both place and show wagering on that race.

 (m)  If less than three interests qualify horses to start in a race, the said manager, with the consent of the representative of the Commission shall be permitted to prohibit wagering on the race.

 (n)  The said manager, with the consent of the representative of the Commission, may prohibit wagering on any particular horse or entry in any race. Such consent shall be sought by the manager of the pari-mutuel department from the representative of the Commission after the entries are closed on the day previous to that during which the races in which exclusions are desired are to be conducted. Such exclusions, if consented to by the representative of the Commission, shall be clearly indicated on the program or score card and horses excluded shall be numbered so as to in no way infer that they are coupled in the field. Horses once excluded from the wagering shall remain excluded during the day or race in which they are scheduled to start.

 (o)  When two or more horses which are owned in whole or in part, or trained by the same person or trained in the same stable or by the same mangement, start in a race, they shall be coupled as an entry and a wager on one shall be a wager on all of them except as otherwise provided in §  183.198 (relating to coupled entries).

 (p)  When more horses representing separate interests are started in a race than the number of post positions on the infield tote board, all horses in excess of a number of interests one less than the total number of post positions on the infield tote board shall be grouped in the wagering as the field.

 (q)  A refund at cost value shall be made to all holders of a purchased ticket bearing the number of a horse in any race which has been scratched or withdrawn before said horse has become a starter in the race under the provisions of this part.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.164.  Payments.

 (a)  Payments due on all wagers shall be made in conformity with the well established practice of the pari-mutuel system. The practice is to work in dollars and not in the number of tickets. Money wagered on winning tickets is returned in full plus the profits. In all cases of a winning mutuel pool, each association must redistribute not less than $2.20 on each $2.00 wager, except that in a race in which there is a minus pool, the association must distribute $2.10 on each $2.00 wager.

 (b)  Payments on all winning pari-mutuel tickets and tickets refundable according to rules shall be made only on presentation and surrender of the appropriate ticket. Mutilated tickets and those whose validity are questioned shall be submitted to the Department of Revenue for inspection and approval before payment.

 (c)  At the end of each race, the judges shall advise the manager of the pari-mutuel department and the representative of the Commission in writing of the official placement of the horses. When no mechanical or electrical indication of the official finish of the race is used between the judges and the mutuel department, no payoff shall be made until receipt of such written notice.

 (d)  If a horse wins and there is no money wagered on him to win, the win pool shall be apportioned among the holders of the place tickets on that horse, if any, otherwise holders of the show tickets.

 (e)  If no money has been wagered to place on a horse which is placed first or second in a race, the place pool for that race shall be apportioned among the holders of the place tickets on the other horse which was placed first or second.

 (f)  If no money has been wagered to show on a horse which has placed first, second or third in a race, the show pool in that race shall be apportioned among the holders of show tickets on the other horses which are are placed first, second or third in that race.

 (g)  In the event that only two horses finish in any one race the show pool shall be figured the same as the place pool and the moneys apportioned to the holders of show tickets on the two finishing horses. In the event only one horse finishes in any one race all three pools shall be figured separately as straight pools and all the monies shall be awarded to the ticket holders of the finishing horse. In the event no horse finishes the race, then the entire pool shall be refunded to all ticket holders.

 (h)  If two horses finish in a dead heat for first place, the money in the win mutuel pool is divided between the two dead-heaters according to their proportionate shares in the pool.

 (i)  If two horses finish in a dead heat for second place, the division is made as follows: there shall be allotted to the pool of the winner of the race 1/2 of the place pool and the two dead-heaters 1/2 each of the remaining half of the place pool.

 (j)  If two horses coupled in the betting as an ‘‘entry’’ or ‘‘the field’’ finish first and second, first and third or second and third, the division of the net show pool shall be as follows: 2/3 of the net show pool shall be allotted to the pool of the entry and the balance 1/3 to the other horse.

 (k)  In the event that one horse of the entry or the field finishes first or second and the other part of the entry or field finishes in a dead heat for third with another horse, the division of the net show pool shall be as follows: 1/2 of the net show pool shall be allotted to the pool of the entry, 1/3 to the horse finishing first or second, and 1/6 to the horse finishing in the dead heat with the entry for third.

 (l)  If the entry or field horses should finish first, second and third, the entire money in each pool goes to the entry or field tickets, no other tickets participating.

 (m)  If an error is made in posting pay off figures on the public board and no payments have been made, it shall be corrected promptly and a statement explaining the facts made over the public address system. In the event of an error in calculations of pay off prices which results in an under payment to the public and payments have been made to the public, the amount of the under payment shall transfer to the corresponding pool of the following race.

 (n)  All winning pari-mutuel tickets must be presented for payment before the first of April of the year following the year of their purchase and failure to present any such ticket within the prescribed period of time shall constitute a waiver of the right to participate in the award or dividend. After the first of April of the year following the year of their purchase, all associations shall forward to the State Treasurer all funds so held for such uncashed tickets. The Commission shall be notified by the association of the amounts so forwarded.

 (o)  No mutilated pari-mutuel ticket that is not easily identifiable as being a valid ticket shall be accepted for payment.

 (p)  No claims for lost pari-mutuel tickets shall be considered.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.165. Daily Double.

 (a)  No Daily Double shall be conducted without permission of the Commission and only one such Daily Double shall be permitted during a single racing program. There shall be no exchange of Daily Double tickets after the purchase thereof, all tickets on the Daily Double will be calculated in an entirely separate pool.

 (b)  In order to win a Daily Double, it is necessary for the purchaser of a Daily Double ticket to select the winners of each of the two races specified for the double. If either of his selections fails to win, his contract is void, except as hereafter provided.

 (c)  All tickets will be to win (Straight) only. There shall be no ‘‘coupled entries’’ in the daily double. Horses designated and listed as the ‘‘Field,’’ race as one horse in the daily double. If two or more horses in a race are listed as ‘‘Field’’ on the same totalisator ticket, there shall be no refunds, unless all the horses so listed are excused before off time.

 (d)  Selections are to be made of one horse for each of two races in the Daily Double by ‘‘Tote’’ program numbers.

 (e)  If no ticket is sold combining the two winners of the Daily Double, the pool shall then be apportioned equally between those having tickets including the winner in the first race of the Daily Double and those having tickets including the winner in the second race of the Daily Double in the same manner in which a place pool is calculated and distributed.

 (f)  If no ticket is sold on the winner of the first race of the Daily Double on any combination, the entire pool is apportioned to the holders of tickets on the winner of the second race of the Daily Double. Likewise, if no ticket is sold on the winner of the second race of the Daily Double on any combination, the entire pool is apportioned to the holders of tickets on the winner of the first race of the Daily Double.

 (g)  If a dead heat to win should result in either the first or second race of the Daily Double, the total pool is calculated as a Place Pool. In case of a dead heat for the winner of the first race of the Daily Double, the posting of payoff prices will be made after winner of second race of the Daily Double is official.

 (h)  Should no ticket be sold containing the numbers of either winner on any combination, the pool shall be allotted to those having tickets on horses finishing next to the winners.

 (i)  In the event any horse or horses in the first half of the Daily Double should be excused by the racing officials after the horses shall have left the paddock for the post, or after the betting on the Daily Double has been closed, or should any horse or horses in the first half of the Daily Double be prevented from racing because of failure of the arm or arms of the starting gate to open, the money wagered on any horse or horses so excused or prevented from racing shall be deducted from the Daily Double Pool and refunded to the purchaser or purchasers of tickets on the horse or horses so excused or prevented from racing.

   (1)  Should any horse or horses be scratched, excused by the racing officials, or prevented from racing because of the failure of the arm or arms of the starting gate to open in the last half of the Daily Double, all tickets combining such horse or horses with the winner of the first race of the Daily Double shall become consolation tickets and shall be paid a price per dollar bet determined as follows: the net Daily Double Pool (the gross Daily Double Pool less tax) shall be divided by the total purchase price of all Daily Double tickets designating the winner of the first half of the Daily Double and the quotient attained shall constitute the price to be paid. The total amount payable on consolation tickets shall be deducted from the net Daily Double Pool.

 (j)  The possible payoff prices shall be posted or announced to the public before the start of the last race of the Daily Double, and as soon as possible after the horses in the race of the last half of the Daily Double have entered upon the track on the way to the post.

 (k)  In case the second half of the Daily Double is not raced due to rain, or for any other cause, the entire pool shall be apportioned and paid, less commission, to the holders of tickets on the winner of the first race of the Daily Double.

 (l)  If a Daily Double is scheduled to be held, subsections (a)—(k) shall be printed on the day’s racing program and notice printed on said program as follows: ‘‘Retain your tickets until the result of the Daily Double has been posted.’’

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.166.  Refunds.

 (a)  Any ruling of the judges or of the Commission with regard to the award of purse money made after the sign ‘‘official’’ has been purposely displayed shall have no bearing on the mutuel payoff.

 (b)  In all cases when a horse has been excused by the judges after wagering has started but before the horses shall have actually started, all money wagered on the horse so excused shall be deducted from the pool and refunded.

 (c)  If two or more horses in a race are coupled on the same mutuel ticket, there shall be no refunds unless all of the horses so coupled are excused before the actual start.

 (d)  In the case of a race being declared off or postponed to another day by the judges after the wagering has begun, all money wagered in that race shall be refunded.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.167. Information required by Commission and Department of Revenue.

 The officers and employes of the association shall promptly give the Department of Revenue and the Commission such information as they may request from time to time and shall freely and fully cooperate with them in every way.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.168.  Record of unpaid tickets.

 An itemized record of all unpaid winning mutuel tickets shall be prepared and a complete record thereof including total forwarded to the Commission and the Department of Revenue within 5 days after the last day of any racing meeting.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.169. Record of actual payoff.

 Complete and detailed records of each race containing the actual payoff on each horse shall be filed with the Commission at the end of each day.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.170.  Report of handle and attendance.

 The association shall supply daily to the Commission, a report of the following: handle of each race, Daily Double handle, total daily handle and attendance.

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  185.171 (relating to the twin double).

§ 185.171.  The Twin Double.

 (a)  Use of the Twin Double. The Twin Double form of wagering, when used by an association, shall be used in accordance with this subchapter. The Twin Double form of wagering shall not be used unless an association first requests the Commission for approval and the Commission grants such approval. The approval of the Commission may be provisional.

 (b)  Practice defined. The Twin Double is a form of pari-mutuel wagering. Each bettor selects the four winners of four designated Twin Double races in two steps. First, a ticket, ‘‘initial ticket,’’ is purchased designating the selected winners of the first and second races of the Twin Double races. Second, if both selections do win, that ticket, ‘‘successful initial ticket,’’ is exchanged for a second ticket, ‘‘exchange ticket,’’ at no further cost designating the selected winners of the third and fourth races of the Twin Double races. The net Twin Double pool is divided among holders of exchange tickets combining the winners of both the third and fourth races of the Twin Double races as in a straight pool. The Twin Double pool shall be held entirely separate from all other pools and is no way part of the Daily Double. Inasmuch as the purpose of the Twin Double pool is to select the winners of all four races of the Twin Double, a bettor who selects a horse which starts but does not win is no longer eligible, subject only to the contingency that no other bettor in the pool had selected the winner of that race.

 (c)  Sale of initial tickets. Initial tickets shall be sold in not less than $2.00 denominations and only from Daily Double vending machines not commencing until after completion of the first race of the regular program and terminating at the start of the first Twin Double race when the machines shall be locked.

 (d)  Sale of exchange tickets—exchange period. Exchange tickets shall be issued only from Daily Double vending machines and only in exchange for successful initial tickets, and such shall be presumed. Exchange tickets shall be for a $2.00 denomination only and if issued in exchange for higher denomination successful initial tickets, they shall be issued only in sufficient quantity to equal such higher denomination in whatever designated combinations specified by the holder presenting such higher denomination successful initial ticket. Issuance of exchange tickets shall commence after the results of the second race of the Twin Double races are official and must be terminated at the start of the third race of the Twin Double races when the machines shall be locked. Such period of time is here and after referred to as the exchange period.

 (e)  Posting probable pay-off prices. The probable pay-off prices of possible winning combinations shall be posted after the third race of the Twin Double races.

 (f)  Design of tickets. The design of initial tickets and exchange tickets shall be clearly and immediately distinguishable from each other and from the Daily Double and other pari-mutuel tickets.

 (g)  Failure to exchange—forfeiture. Failure of a holder to exchange a sucessful initial ticket for a exchange ticket within the prescribed exchange period shall cause a forfeiture of all rights of such holder to any distribution or refund except in the event the third race of the Twin Double races is cancelled or declared ‘‘no race’’ or there is a failure to select the winner of the third race of the Twin Double races.

 (h)  Scratches. After a horse is scratched no further tickets may be issued designating such horse and:

   (1)  If a horse is scratched from the first or second race of the Twin Double races before the running of the first race of the Twin Double races, all initial tickets selecting the horse scratched shall be refunded and the money deducted from the gross pool.

   (2)  Should any horse be scratched or be declared a non-starter in the second race of the Twin Double races after the first race of the Twin Double races has been run, all tickets combining the scratched horse with the winner of the first race of the Twin Double races shall become consolation tickets and shall be paid a price per dollar denomination determined as follows: the net Twin Double pool (the gross Twin Double Pool less tax) shall be divided by the total purchase price of all initial tickets designating the winner of the first race of the Twin Double races and the quotient obtained shall constitute the price to be paid. Further participation of such consolation tickets in the Twin Double pool shall terminate. The total amount payable on consolation tickets shall be deducted from the net Twin Double pool.

   (3)  If any horse be scratched or be declared a non-starter in the third race of the Twin Double races, all exchange tickets combining the scratched horse shall become consolation tickets and shall be paid a price per dollar denomination determined as follows: the net Twin Double pool (the gross Twin Double pool less tax and prior consolation awards) shall be divided by the total purchase price represented by all exchange tickets and the quotient obtained shall be the price to be paid. Further participation of such consolation tickets in the Twin Double pool shall terminate. The total amount payable on consolation tickets shall be deducted from the net Twin Double pool. When a horse is scratched from the third race of the Twin Double races, such race shall not be started within three minutes of the announcement of such scratch.

   (4)  Should any horse be scratched or be declared a non-starter in the fourth race of the Twin Double races, all exchange tickets combining the scratched horse with the winner of the third race of the Twin Double races shall become consolation tickets and shall be paid a price per dollar denomination determined as follows: the net Twin Double pool (the gross Twin Double pool less tax and previous consolation awards) shall be divided by the total purchase price represented by all exchange tickets designating the winner of the third race of the Twin Double races and the quotient obtained shall constitute the price to be paid. Further participation of such consolation tickets in the Twin Double pool shall terminate. The total amount payable on consolation tickets shall be deducted from the net Twin Double pool. When a horse is scratched from the fourth race of the Twin Double races before the start of the third race of the Twin Double races, the third race of the Twin Double races shall not be started within three minutes of the announcement of such scratch.

 (i)  Failure to select a winner and race cancellations. Failure to select a winner and race cancellations shall include the following:

   (1)  If no initial ticket is sold designating the winner of the first race of the Twin Double races, or the first race of the Twin Double races is cancelled or declared ‘‘no race,’’ the Twin Double shall be declared off and the gross pool refunded.

   (2)  If no initial ticket is sold combining the winners of the first and second races of the Twin Double races, or the second race of the Twin Double races is cancelled or declared ‘‘no race,’’ the net pool shall be distributed to holders of initial tickets designating the winner of the first race of the Twin Double races as in a straight pool and the Twin Double shall terminate.

   (3)  If no exchange ticket is issued designating the winner of the third race of the Twin Double races or if the third race of the Twin Double races is cancelled or declared ‘‘no race,’’ all exchange tickets and successful initial tickets outstanding shall be paid a price per dollar denomination determined as follows: the net Twin Double pool (the gross pool less tax and previous consolation awards) shall be divided by the total purchase price represented by all successful initial tickets originally issued and the quotient obtained shall constitute the price to be paid. The Twin Double shall thereupon terminate.

   (4)  If no exchange ticket is issued combining the winners of the third and fourth races of the Twin Double races, or the fourth race of the Twin Double races is cancelled or declared ‘‘no race,’’ the net pool shall be distributed to holders of exchange tickets designating the winner of the third race of the Twin Double races.

 (j)  Dead heats. Dead heats shall conform with the following:

   (1)  In the event of a dead heat in either or both of the first and second races of the Twin Double races, all initial tickets combining a winner in both such races shall be eligible for exchange.

   (2)  In the event of a dead heat in the third race of the Twin Double races and no exchange ticket combines the winner of the fourth race of the Twin Double races with a winner of the third race of the Twin Double races, the net pool shall be distributed to holders of exchange tickets designating a winner of the third race of the Twin Double races as in a straight pool dead heat.

   (3)  In the event of a dead heat in either or both of the third or fourth races of the Twin Double races, holders of exchange tickets combining winners in both such races shall be entitled to a distribution calculated as in a straight pool dead heat.

 (k)  Coupled entries and fields. There shall be no coupled entries in the Twin Double. Fields are permitted in Twin Double races. A scratch of less than all horses in a field, however, shall not effect the status of a ticket selecting such field. Horses in a field shall be considered as one horse for Twin Double distributions, and calculations on dead heats shall include only one of such horses in each field in the distributions.

 (1)  Use of vending machines. Sale of Twin Double tickets other than through pari-mutuel vending machines is prohibited. The association shall provide an adequate number of vending machines for this purpose. Such machines shall be utilized solely for the sale of Twin Double tickets or Daily Double tickets. The ticket sellers for such machines shall be used exclusively for the sale of either Daily Double tickets or Twin Double tickets only.

 (m)  Display and publication of rule. This rule shall be prominently displayed throughout the betting area of each association conducting the Twin Double and printed copies of this rule shall be distributed to patrons upon request to the association. In addition, § §  185.162—185.170 (relating to definition of ‘‘race,’’ sale of pari-mutuel tickets, payments, daily double, refunds, information required by Commission and Department of Revenue, record of unpaid tickets, record of actual payoff, and report of handle and attendance) and this section shall be printed on the day’s racing program and notice printed on said program as follows: ‘‘Retain your initial ticket until the result of the second race of the Twin Double races has been posted. Retain your exchange ticket until the result of the fourth race of the Twin Double races has been posted.’’

§ 185.172. Perfecta (Exacta).

 (a)  No Perfecta (Exacta) wagering shall be conducted without permission of the Commission and only two Perfectas (Exactas) shall be permitted during a single racing program. The races in which Perfecta (Exacta) type pari-mutuel wagering will be permitted shall only be those designated by the Commission and separate pools shall be established therefor.

 (b)  To win a Perfecta (Exacta), it is necessary for the purchaser of a Perfecta (Exacta) ticket to select in order the horse declared the winner and the horse declared to have placed in the race in which Perfecta (Exacta) type wagering is permitted. If either of the selections made by the purchaser fails to be declared to have finished in the position designated by the purchaser when purchasing the Perfecta (Exacta) ticket, then the contract is void except as here and after provided.

 (c)  Should there be a dead heat for win in a Perfecta (Exacta) race, holders of tickets combining those two horses in either order will share in the Perfecta (Exacta) payoff. Should there be a dead heat for place, holders of tickets combining the horse declared the winner with either of the horses declared to have finished in the dead heat for place shall share in the Perfecta (Exacta) payoff. In both of the instances mentioned in subsections (a) and (b), the net pool shall be distributed and calculated in the same manner as a Place Pool.

 (d)  If no ticket is sold combining in order the horse declared the winner and the horse declared to have placed, the Perfecta (Exacta) Pool shall be apportioned between those having tickets selecting to win the horse declared the winner and those having tickets selecting to place the horse declared to have placed and the net pool shall be distributed and calculated in the same manner as a Place Pool.

 (e)  In the event any horse or horses in the Perfecta (Exacta) should be excused by the racing officials after the horses shall have left the paddock for the post, or after the betting on the Perfecta (Exacta) has been closed, or should any horse or horses in the Perfecta (Exacta) be prevented from racing because of failure of the arm or arms of the starting gate to open, the money wagered on any horse or horses so excused or prevented from racing shall be deducted from the Perfecta (Exacta) Pool and refunded to the purchaser or purchasers of tickets on the horse or horses so excused or prevented from racing.

 (f)  In the event only one horse finishes the race and is declared the winner, the net pool shall be distributed to holders of Perfecta (Exacta) tickets designating to win the horse declared the winner.

 (g)  There shall be no coupled entries or fields in a Perfecta (Exacta) race.

§ 185.173. Trifecta.

 (a)  No Trifecta wagering shall be conducted without permission of the Commission. The only races in which Trifecta type pari-mutuel wagering shall be permitted are those races designated by the Commission and a separate pool shall be established therefor.

 (b)  The Trifecta is a form of pari-mutuel wagering in a single race in which the bettor selects a ticket combining in exact order of finish, as officially posted, the first, second and third winners.

 (c)  The Trifecta is not a parlay and, except as here and after set forth in this section, has no connection with or relation to the Win, Place and Show betting and will be calculated from an entirely separate pool.

 (d)  Trifecta tickets shall not be sold in less than $1.00 denominations.

 (e)  If no ticket is sold on the winning combination of a Trifecta Pool, the net pool shall be distributed to the holders of tickets selecting either the Win and Place finishers, the Win and Show finishers or the Place and Show finishers in the exact order as officially posted.

 (f)  If no ticket is sold that would require distribution of the Trifecta Pool to a winner as above defined, all tickets containing the winner or Place or Show finishers will be aggregated and divided into the net pool and be paid the same payoff price.

 (g)  If there is a dead heat for first place, the winning combination shall include the first two horses as finishing in either position, and the horse finishing third. If there is a dead heat to Place, the winning combination shall be the horse finishing first and the two horses finishing in a dead heat for Place, as finishing in either position. If there is a dead heat for Show, the winning combination shall be the horse finishing first, the horse finishing second, and the two horses finishing in a dead heat for Show, as finishing in either position. In all of the instances mentioned in subsections (a)—(f), the net pool shall be calculated and distributed in the same manner as a Place Pool.

 (h)  If less than three horses finish, a payoff shall be made on tickets selecting the actual finishing horses in order, ignoring the balance of the selection.

 (i)  If a horse is scratched or declared a nonstarter, no further Trifecta shall be issued designating that horse. All tickets previously issued designating that horse shall be refunded and the total amount of such refund deducted from the gross pool.

 (j)  Coupled entries and fields are prohibited in Trifecta races.


   The provisions of this §  185.173 adopted August 29, 1980, effective August 30, 1980, 10 Pa.B. 3519.

§ 185.174. Six race sweepstake.

 (a)  A six race sweepstake pari-mutuel pool which may be known as ‘‘Pic-Six,’’ ‘‘The Meadows Pic-Six’’ and the like, is not a parlay and has no connection with or relation to any other pari-mutuel pool, including any Win, Place and Show pool shown on the totalisator board, and the rules governing the distribution of such other pools.

 (b)  A valid six race sweepstake type of ticket referred to by whatever name adopted shall constitute acceptance by the holder of such six race sweepstake rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission.

 (c)  The six race sweepstake ticket may be given a distinctive name to be selected by the racing association conducting such races, subject to the approval of the Commission.

 (d)  A six race sweepstake pari-mutuel pool consists of amounts paid for a selection for Win only in each of six races designated by the racing association with the approval of the Commission. Each person who purchases such a ticket shall designate the winning horse in each of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake. No ticket shall be sold in a denomination of less than $2.00.

 (e)  Those horses constituting an entry of coupled horses, or those horses coupled to constitute the field, in such a race shall race as a single wagering interest for the purpose of the pari-mutuel pool calculations and payouts to the public. However, if any part of either an entry or the field, racing as a single wagering interest, is a starter in a race, the entry or the field selection shall remain as the designated selection to win in that race for the calculation and the pari-mutuel ticket shall not be withdrawn from the pool.

 (f)  Pari-mutuel results shall be calculated as follows:

   (1)  Seventy-five percent of the net amount in the pari-mutuel pool subject to distribution among winning ticket holders shall be distributed among holders of tickets which correctly designate the six official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake.

   (2)  Twenty-five percent of the net amount in the pari-mutuel pool subject to distribution among winning ticket holders shall be distributed among holders of pari-mutuel tickets which correctly designate the five official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake.

   (3)  In the event there is no pari-mutuel ticket held designating the six official winners, 100% of the net pool shall be distributed among ticket holders designating five official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake.

   (4)  In the event there is no pari-mutuel ticket held designating the five official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake, there shall be no apportionment of the net pool and 100% of the net pool shall be distributed among ticket holders designating the six official winners of the six race sweepstake.

   (5)  In the event there is no pari-mutuel ticket held designating either the six or the five official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake, 100% of the net pool shall be distributed among holders of tickets which correctly designate the greatest number of official winners of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake, for example, holders of tickets with four official winners, and, if none, then holders of tickets with three official winners, and the like.

 (g)  The gross pool of the six race sweepstake and all tickets sold therewith shall be transferred and merged with the six race sweepstake pool and sales for the next racing day in the following instances:

   (1)  In the event there is no pari-mutuel ticket held which entitles any ticket holder to a distribution pursuant to subsection (f).

   (2)  In the event it is not possible for any reason to complete that portion of the program that embraces the designated six races.

 (h)  The following conditions shall be met if there are scratched horses in the six race sweepstake:

   (1)  In the event there is a scratched horse in any of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake the total value of all tickets containing this scratch shall be deducted from the gross pool to form a consolation pool. The net value of the consolation pools shall then be distributed as a consolation award to the holders of tickets which designate the most winning selections among the remainder of the selections made for the races comprising the six race sweepstake.

   (2)  In the event there are two scratched horses in any of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake the total value of all tickets containing both scratches shall be deducted from the gross pool to form an additional consolation pool. The net value of this consolation pool shall then be distributed as a consolation award to the holders of tickets which designate the most winning selections among the remainder of the selections made for the races comprising the six race sweepstake.

   (3)  In the event that tickets eligible for inclusion in the consolation pool are winners pursuant to subsection (f), the total value of such tickets shall not be deducted from the gross pool and the holders thereof shall be entitled to a share pursuant to subsection (f).

 (i)  In the event of a dead heat for Win between two or more horses in any sweepstake race, all such horses in the dead heat for Win shall be considered as the winning horse in the race for the purpose of distributing the six race sweepstake pool.

 (j)  In the event one or more of the races comprising the six race sweepstake is cancelled for any reason, the distribution of the net amount of the six race sweepstake pool shall be among the holders of tickets which correctly designate the most winners in all of the remaining races comprising the six race sweepstake on such day; except that in the event the Judges cancel or declare no contest three or more of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake, the gross pool in such event shall be transferred and merged with the six race sweepstake pool of the next scheduled racing date.

 (k)  No person shall disclose the number of tickets sold in the six race sweepstake pool or the number or amount of tickets selecting winners of the six race sweepstake prior to the time the Judges have determined the last race of the six race sweepstake to be official.

 (l)  The sale of tickets for this type of wagering may begin at 11 a.m. of the day of the scheduled races and shall close no later than post-time of the first race of six race sweepstake. No tickets shall be sold on Sunday before 1 p.m.

 (m)  No pari-mutuel ticket for the six race sweepstake pool shall be sold, exchanged, or cancelled after the close of wagering in the first of the six races comprising the six race sweepstake.

 (n)  No racing association may conduct this type of pari-mutuel wagering on the last day of the association’s then current meeting except there may be a transferred pool from the next prior day under the provisions of subsection (g)(1) and (2) and subsection (j).


   The provisions of this §  185.174 adopted August 29, 1980, effective August 30, 1980, 10 Pa.B. 3519.

§ 185.175. Test of equipment.

 All associations shall have a test, by actual operation, of the pari-mutuel equipment before the opening of each meeting, which shall be approved by a representative of this Commission and of the Department of Revenue.

§ 185.176. Personnel.

 (a)  A list of the personnel of the pari-mutuel department shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval. Such list shall indicate the residence of each employe and also state whether he has been a citizen of the United States and a resident of this Commonwealth for the 2 years immediately prior to the commencement of his employment.

 (b)  A copy of the pari-mutuel department payroll shall be submitted each week to the Commission and such payroll shall be accompanied by a statement sworn to by the manager of the pari-mutuel department or an official of the association stating that at least 85% of such employes each day have been citizens of the United States and residents of the Commonwealth for at least 2 years immediately prior to the commencement of their employment.

§ 185.177. Forms.

 All associations shall submit to the Commission within 24 hours after a scheduled day’s racing, a complete set of such pari-mutuel forms and data as have been used in the calculations and totals of pari-mutuel wagering.

§ 185.178. Odds board.

 Every association shall provide a sign or board, approved by the Commission upon which shall be displayed, the approximate straight odds on each horse in any race, the value of a $2 winning mutuel ticket, Straight, Place or Show on the first three horses in the race; the elapsed time of the race; the value of a two dollar winning Daily Double ticket; the total amount wagered on each horse and each pool and any other information that the Commission may deem necessary.

§ 185.179.  Big Perfecta (Exacta).

 (a)  No Big Perfecta (Exacta) wagering shall be conducted without permission of the Commission. The races in which Big Perfecta (Exacta) type pari-mutuel wagering will be permitted shall only be those designated by the Commission and separate pools shall be established therefor.

 (b)  The Big Perfecta (Exacta) is a form of pari-mutuel wagering in which the bettor selects the two horses that will finish first and second in each of two consecutive races in the exact order as officially posted.

 (c)  Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets shall be sold only at Big Perfecta (Exacta) windows by the licensee and only from automatic double issue machines.

 (d)  Each bettor purchasing Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets shall designate his two selections as the first two horses to finish in that order in the first race of the two consecutive races.

 (e)  After the official declaration of the first two horses to finish in the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta), each bettor holding a ticket combining the first two horses in the exact order of finish must, prior to the running of the second Big Perfecta (Exacta) race, exchange such winning ticket for a Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange ticket at the Big Perfecta (Exacta) windows and at such time shall select the two horses to finish in the second race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) in the exact order as officially posted. No further money shall be required of the holder of the ticket in order to make the exchange.

 (f)  No Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange ticket upon the second race shall be issued except upon the surrender of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) ticket from the first race as described in these rules. The Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool obtained from the sales of Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets upon the first race shall be held, subject to these rules, and divided among the winning tickets of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange tickets, subject to these rules to the contrary. Big Perfecta (Exacta) windows shall be open for the purpose of making the exchange as described only after the first race has been declared official and such windows shall close at official post time at the start of the second race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) races.

 (g)  If a winning Big Perfecta (Exacta) ticket from the first race is not presented for exchange within the time provided, the bettor forfeits all rights to any distribution or refund except in the event the second half of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) is cancelled or declared ‘‘No Race’’ or if no exchange ticket includes either the first or second horse of the second half of the Big Perfecta (Exacta).

 (h)  If a horse is scratched in the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) races, all Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets on the scratched horse will be refunded.

 (i)  If a horse is scratched in the second race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta), all exchange tickets combining the scratched horse shall become consolation tickets and shall be paid a price per dollar denomination calculated as follows: the net Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool (gross pool less commission) shall be divided by the total purchase price of all tickets combining the winners of the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta). The quotient thus obtained shall be the price to be paid to holders of exchange tickets combining the scratched horse in the second race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta). The entire consolation pool (number of eligible tickets times the consolation price) plus the breakage shall be deducted from the net Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool.

 (j)  If no Big Perfecta (Exacta) ticket is sold as a winning combination in the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta), the Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool shall be divided among those having tickets including the horse finishing first or second and such distributions shall be calculated and made as a Place Pool. In such an instance the Big Perfecta (Exacta) race shall end and the pool be closed for the day.

 (k)  If no Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange ticket is sold on the winning combination, the net pool shall then be apportioned equally between those having tickets including the horse finishing first and those having tickets including the horse finishing second in the same manner in which a place pool is calculated and distributed.

 (l)  If a Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange ticket combines only one of the two winners and no Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange ticket combines the other winner, the entire pool shall be distributed as a straight pool to the holders of those tickets.

 (m)  If no exchange ticket includes either the first or second horse of the second half of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) the entire net pool shall be distributed as a straight pool to all holders of exchange tickets and winning combinations of the first half that have not been exchanged.

 (n)  In the event of a dead heat for place in the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) races, all Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets combining the first horse and either of the place horse shall be eligible for exchange for Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange tickets.

 (o)  In the event of a dead heat for place in the second race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) races, the Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool shall be divided, calculated and distributed as a Place Pool to the holders of Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange tickets combining the first horses and either of the place horses. In the event of the dead heat to place and there are no tickets sold on one combination, then the other combination having the winning horses, shall be declared the winner. If no exchange tickets combine the winning horse with either of the place horses in the dead heat, the Big Perfecta (Exacta) pool shall be calculated and distributed as a Place Pool to holders of tickets representing any interest in the net pool.

 (p)  If for any reason the second of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) races is cancelled or declared ‘‘No Race,’’ the pool shall be calculated as a straight pool and shall be distributed among the holders of the tickets combining the first two horses of the first race of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) otherwise eligible for Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange tickets and also distributed to holders of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) exchange tickets.

 (q)  If there is a dead heat for the winning horse in either of the two consecutive races for the Big Perfecta (Exacta), holders of tickets combining those horses in either order will be entitled to participate in the Big Perfecta (Exacta), as prescribed in this section.

 (r)  Sale of the Big Perfecta (Exacta) tickets other than through pari-mutuel machines or from one individual to another shall be deemed illegal and prohibited.

 (s)  There will be no coupled entries or fields in the races on which there is Big Perfecta (Exacta) wagering.

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