Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code


Subch. Sec.

B.    CREDIT COURSES … 335.11
E.    DOCUMENTATION … 335.41


   The provisions of this Chapter 335 issued under section 1913-A(b)(1.2) of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P.S. §  19-1913-A(b)(1.2)), unless otherwise noted.


   The provisions of this Chapter 335 adopted June 20, 1997, effective June 21, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 2926, unless otherwise noted.



335.1.    Definitions.
335.2.    Standards for reimbursement courses—credit andnoncredit—at community college.

Cross References

   This subchapter cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.31 (relating to new credit and noncredit courses); 22 Pa. Code §  335.32 (relating to existing credit courses); and 22 Pa. Code §  335.33 (relating to existing noncredit courses).

§ 335.1. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

   Act—The Public School Code of 1949 (24 P.S. § §  1-101—27-2702).

   Formal college award—A collegiate degree, collegiate certificate or collegiate diploma.

   Reimbursement—Commonwealth reimbursement of a portion of a community college’s operating costs for equivalent full-time students as defined in section 1913-A of the act (24 P.S. §  19-1913-A).

   Remedial or developmental course—A course designed for students who are deficient in the general competencies necessary for a regular postsecondary curriculum and educational setting.

   Stipend reimbursement—Commonwealth reimbursement on account of a community college’s operating costs for equivalent full-time students enrolled in designated categories of 2-year or less than 2-year occupational or technical programs as defined in section 1913-A(b)(1.4)(iii) of the act.

§ 335.2. Standards for reimbursable courses—credit and noncredit—at community colleges.

 To be eligible for reimbursement by the Commonwealth, each credit and each noncredit course that is offered by a community college shall meet the following criteria:

   (1)  The course has stated learning goals and consists of a planned sequence of topics or learning activities designed to help students achieve the stated learning goals.

   (2)  The course is summarized in an outline which includes at least the following elements:

     (i)   The course title and description.

     (ii)   The learning goals.

     (iii)   A planned sequence of topics or learning activities designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.

     (iv)   A list of reference, resource or learning materials to be used by the students.

   (3)  The course is consistent with the college’s mission, and is or was developed, approved and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines and procedures established by the college for the approval of new courses or programs.

   (4)  An accurate description of the course is published in the college’s catalog or other official publication pertaining to the academic semesters, terms or years in which the course is offered. This criterion does not apply to noncredit courses which are custom designed to meet the needs of a particular employer or agency and, therefore, which are not available to the general public.

Cross References

   This section cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.12 (relating to standards for reimbursable credit courses at community colleges); 22 Pa. Code §  335.13 (relating to remedial and developmental courses); 22 Pa. Code §  335.22 (relating to standards for reimbursable noncredit courses at community colleges); and 22 Pa. Code §  335.42 (relating to course outlines).



335.11.    Credit courses.
335.12.    Standards for reimbursable credit courses at community colleges.
335.13.    Remedial and developmental courses.

Cross References

   This subchapter cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.31 (relating to new credit and noncredit courses); and 22 Pa. Code §  335.32 (relating to existing credit courses).

§ 335.11. Credit courses.

 Credit courses are planned, postsecondary activities designed to enable students to achieve stated learning goals.

§ 335.12. Standards for reimbursable credit courses at communitycolleges.

 To be eligible for reimbursement by the Commonwealth, each credit course offered by a community college shall meet the criteria in §  335.2 (relating to standards for reimbursable courses—credit and noncredit—at community colleges) and the following criteria:

   (1)  The course is assigned units of credit based on Nationally or regionally accepted practices or guidelines which are consistent with Chapter 35 (relating to community colleges).

   (2)  The course is delivered, or directly supervised, by an instructor whose qualifications meet the college’s requirements for instructors of credit courses.

   (3)  The course’s stated learning outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives, if the course is a requirement of a degree, certificate or diploma program. The college reevaluates the necessity for the course’s learning goals when conducting the academic audit required by §  35.21(b) (relating to curricula).

   (4)  The course is comparable to similar courses which are generally accepted for transfer of credit to accredited 4-year colleges and universities, if designed for transfer.

   (5)  The course is articulated with other courses so that it is an elective or a requirement of at least one of the college’s programs of study which lead to a formal college award.

   (6)  The course is an elective or a requirement of a program which does not require the student to have more than 30 credit hours of postsecondary study prior to enrolling in the program unless the program is an upper-division program that was approved in accordance with §  42.21 (relating to approval).

   (7)  The course is evaluated at least once every 5 years in accordance with §  35.21(b) using a method determined by the college.

Cross References

   This section cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.13 (relating to remedial and developmental courses).

§ 335.13. Remedial and developmental courses.

 (a)  Remedial and developmental courses are eligible for reimbursement as credit courses, if they meet the criteria in § §  335.2 and 335.12(1)—(4) (relating to standards for reimbursable courses—credit and noncredit—at community colleges; and standards for reimbursable credit courses at community colleges). Each college decides for itself whether the courses are approved for credit toward a formal college award.

 (b)  Remedial and developmental courses are not eligible for stipend reimbursement by the Commonwealth.



335.21.    Noncredit courses.
335.22.    Standards for reimbursable noncredit courses at community colleges.
335.23.    Courses or programs in avocational and recreational pursuits.

Cross Refrences

   This subchapter cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.31 (relating to new credit and noncredit courses); and 22 Pa. Code §  335.33 (relating to existing noncredit courses).

§ 335.21. Noncredit courses.

 Noncredit courses are planned educational activities designed to enable students to achieve stated learning goals. They differ from credit courses by offering less depth or breadth in subject matter; or by being custom designed to meet the workforce training needs of local employers and other community organizations; or by being designed to provide advanced training for professionals or training or retraining for occupational workers; or by not being postsecondary in nature. They also differ from credit courses by not being part of a program of study which leads to a formal college award.

§ 335.22. Standards for reimbursable noncredit courses at communitycolleges.

 To be eligible for reimbursement by the Commonwealth, each noncredit course shall meet the criteria in §  335.2 (relating to standards for reimbursable courses—credit and noncredit—at community colleges) and the following criteria:

   (1)  A noncredit course whose topic is the same as, or similar to, that of one of the college’s credit courses will differ from the credit course in terms of learning goals or will offer less depth or breadth of subject matter.

   (2)  The course outline includes the number of hours of instruction—lecture and laboratory—which comprise the course.

   (3)  The course is delivered or directly supervised by an instructor who leads the learning process and assists the students in their learning. The college is responsible for selecting, supervising, and, whenever appropriate, dismissing the instructor.

   (4)  The course is designed exclusively for education or training in one of the following areas of study:

     (i)   Public safety. Training in firefighting, the handling of hazardous materials, emergency medical services, police work, or, with the approval of the Department of Education, training mandated by a National or State agency to ensure the public safety.

     (ii)   Adult basic education or adult literacy. Training in basic academic skills and life skills.

     (iii)   Occupational skills. Training or retraining in vocational skills and in continuing education for professions such as nursing, accounting and engineering.

     (iv)   Academics. Studies in the arts, sciences, humanities and mathematics.

   (5)  The quality of the course’s content and its learning process is evaluated at least once every 5 years using a method determined by the college.

   (6)  The course is not a course in recreational or avocational pursuits.

§ 335.23. Courses or programs in avocational and recreational pursuits.

 (a)  Courses or programs in avocational pursuits are designed to provide enrollees with skills or knowledge to be used in an activity which is subordinate to their current or their planned future customary employment.

 (b)  Courses or programs in recreational pursuits are designed to provide enrollees with diversion or distraction from workaday routines.

 (c)  Course topics in avocational and recreational pursuits include:

     (i)   Leisure activities.

     (ii)   Hobbies.

     (iii)   Crafts.

     (iv)   Sports.

     (v)   Personal, physical or mental development, fulfillment or fitness.

     (vi)   Management of personal matters.

     (vii)   Cultural events.

     (viii)   Travelogues and tours.

 (d)  Courses in avocational and recreational pursuits are not reimbursable in accordance with section 1913-A(b)(1.2) of the act (24 P. S. §  19-1913-A(b)(1.2)).

 (e)  Courses in avocational and recreational pursuits will not be deemed reimbursable by virtue of the possible vocational interests of some or all of the students enrolled therein.



335.31.    New credit and noncredit courses.
335.32.    Existing credit courses.
335.33.    Existing noncredit courses.

§ 335.31. New credit and noncredit courses.

 Beginning July 1, 1997, to be eligible for reimbursement by the Commonwealth, each new credit course for Fiscal Year 1997-98 and for each fiscal year thereafter, shall meet the standards in Subchapters A and B (relating to general provisions; and credit courses), and each new noncredit course shall meet the standards in Subchapter A and Subchapter C (relating to noncredit courses).

§ 335.32. Existing credit courses.

 (a)  Until the beginning of Fiscal Year 1999-2000, credit courses approved by the college prior to July 1, 1997, will be eligible for reimbursement, if they comply with Chapter 35 (relating to community colleges). Beginning with Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and for each fiscal year thereafter, each credit course claimed for Commonwealth reimbursement shall meet the standards in Subchapters A and B (relating to general provisions; and credit courses).

 (b)  To verify that existing courses are eligible for reimbursement in Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-99, the college shall prepare a list of all its credit courses approved by the college prior to July 1, 1997. The list shall be prepared and submitted to the Deputy Secretary for Postsecondary and Higher Education by October 1, 1997. The list shall also be retained by the college until its State audits for those years are finalized. The list will be used by the State’s auditors to verify each course’s eligibility for reimbursement.

§ 335.33. Existing noncredit courses.

 (a)  Until the beginning of Fiscal Year 1999-2000, noncredit courses, excluding avocational and recreational courses, approved by the college prior to July 1, 1997, will be eligible for reimbursement, if they comply with Chapter 35 (relating to community colleges). Beginning with Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and for each fiscal year thereafter, each noncredit course claimed for Commonwealth reimbursement shall meet the standards in Subchapters A and C (relating to general provisions; and noncredit courses).

 (b)  To verify that existing courses are eligible for reimbursement in Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-99, the college shall prepare a list of its noncredit courses approved by the college prior to July 1, 1997. The list shall be prepared and submitted to the Deputy Secretary for Postsecondary and Higher Education by October 1, 1997. The list shall also be retained by the college until its State audits for those years are finalized. The list will be used by the State’s auditors to verify each course’s eligibility for reimbursement.



335.41.    Verification of eligibility for reimbursement.
335.42.    Course outlines.
335.43.    Program approval policy and records.
335.44.    Course evaluation and program audit.
335.45.    College catalog.
335.46.    Faculty qualifications.
335.47.    Source of documentation.

§ 335.41. Verification of eligibility for reimbursement.

 Each community college shall maintain and make available for review by the Department of Education or the Department’s auditors the documentation provided for in this part to support claims for reimbursement of courses.

Cross References

   This section cited in 22 Pa. Code §  335.47 (relatiing to service of documentation).

§ 335.42. Course outlines.

 (a)  Each community college shall prepare and maintain an outline for each course. Outlines shall:

   (1)  Bear the date on which the course was approved by the college.

   (2)  Bear an authorizing signature to indicate that the course was approved by the college and is in compliance with §  335.2(2) (relating to standards for reimbursable courses—credit and noncredit—at community colleges). The signature on the outline shall be that of the incumbent in the position specified in the college’s policy on program approval as responsible for approving course outlines.

 (b)  Each community college shall establish an onsite depository for course outlines where they will be available for review.

§ 335.43. Program approval policy and records.

 (a)  Each community college shall establish and implement a written policy on program approval. The policy shall, at a minimum:

   (1)  Include provisions for ensuring that proposed programs, and the courses which comprise them, are consistent with the college’s mission.

   (2)  Provide guidance on assigning units of credit to courses to ensure that the assignment complies with Chapter 35 (relating to community colleges) and reflects Nationally or regionally accepted practices.

   (3)  Specify the position of the person responsible for approving programs.

   (4)  Specify the position of the person responsible for approving course outlines.

 (b)  Each community college shall also maintain, in accordance with §  35.66 (relating to retention of records), a record of each approved program bearing the signature of the incumbent in the position specified in the college’s policy on program approval as responsible for approving programs.

§ 335.44. Course evaluation and program audit.

 (a)  Each community college shall conduct course evaluations, which for credit courses shall be part of the academic audit specified in §  35.21(b) (relating to curricula). The college shall develop a written program audit and course evaluation policy that specifies the position of the person responsible for program audits. The policy shall also include provisions which require a review of the program’s courses to ensure that:

   (1)  Course materials and content reflect current knowledge in the program’s field of study.

   (2)  Course content is appropriate for both the objectives of the course and the goals of the program.

   (3)  The catalog description of the course is accurate.

   (4)  Each required course’s stated learning goals are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.

   (5)  The content of each course designed for transfer is similar to courses which are generally accepted for transfer of credit to accredited 4-year colleges and universities.

 (b)  Each community college shall establish an onsite depository of reports on the results of each program audit and course evaluation. The reports shall, at a minimum, demonstrate that the program audit addressed each of the provisions in subsection (a) and shall be signed by the incumbent in the position responsible for program audits to indicate that the program audit was performed and accepted by the college’s administration. Each college shall maintain the results of each program audit and course evaluation in accordance with §  35.66 (relating to retention of records).

§ 335.45. College catalog.

 (a)  Each community college shall publish and maintain a catalog or other official publication of its credit and noncredit courses. The catalog or other publication shall contain accurate descriptions of courses and shall specify their prerequisites, if any. Two catalogs or other publications may be used: one for credit courses and another for noncredit courses. The latter may be an informal publication such as a tabloid or brochure.

 (b)  Noncredit courses which are custom designed to meet the needs of a particular employer or agency and which are not available to the general public may be omitted from the college’s catalog. However, an accurate description of these courses shall be developed and maintained by the college.

 (c)  Catalogs and other official publications of the college’s credit and noncredit programs shall be maintained as official records in accordance with §  35.66 (relating to retention of records).

§ 335.46. Faculty qualifications.

 (a)  Each community college shall establish and maintain a written policy on the qualifications required for faculty who teach credit courses.

 (b)  Each college shall also maintain a list of the instructors for its credit and noncredit courses. The list shall be maintained in accordance with §  35.66 (relating to retention of records), and shall include:

   (1)  The name of each instructor.

   (2)  The course taught by the instructor.

   (3)  The academic year and semester or term in which the instructor taught the course.

§ 335.47. Source of documentation.

 With the approval of the Department of Education, the college may provide and make available for review the documentation required under §  335.41 (relating to verification of eligibility for reimbursement) by means of media other than paper records.

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