Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1558



Electric Generation Supplier License Cancellation of Companies with an Expired Financial Security, Insufficient Financial Security Amount or Language

[54 Pa.B. 6840]
[Saturday, October 26, 2024]

Public Meeting held
October 10, 2024

Commissioners Present: Stephen M. DeFrank, Chairperson; Kimberly Barrow, Vice Chairperson; Ralph V. Yanora; Kathryn L. Zerfuss; John F. Coleman, Jr.

Electric Generation Supplier License Cancellation of Companies with an Expired Financial Security, Insufficient Financial Security Amount or Language; M-2024-3045251

Tentative Order

By the Commission:

 The Commission's regulations at 52 Pa. Code § 54.40(a) state that an Electric Generation Supplier (EGS) license will not be issued or remain in force until the licensee furnishes a bond or other security approved by the Commission. In addition, 52 Pa. Code § 54.40(d) states that the maintenance of an EGS license is contingent on the licensee providing proof to the Commission that a bond or other approved security in the amount directed by the Commission has been obtained.

 Each EGS must file an original bond, letter of credit, continuation certificate, amendment, or other approved financial instrument with Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17120, prior to the EGS's current security expiration date. Each financial instrument must be an original document that displays a ''wet'' signature or digital signature, preferably in blue ink, and displays a ''raised seal'' or original notary stamp. The name of the principal on the original financial instrument must match exactly with the name that appears on the EGS's license issued by the Commission.

 Failure to file before the financial security's expiration date may cause Commission staff to initiate a formal proceeding that may lead to the following: cancellation of each company's electric supplier license, removal of each company's information from the Commission's website, and notification to all electric distribution companies, in which each company is licensed to do business, of the cancellation of the license.

 As of October 1, 2024, each EGS listed in the Supplier Table below has not provided proof to the Commission that it has a bond or other approved security in the amount or language directed by the Commission, to replace a bond which is expired, or which is non-compliant with Commission regulations.

Supplier Table—List of Electric Generation Suppliers

Docket NumberCompany NameFinancial Security
Expiration Date
Amount or
A-2016-2577373BLUE SKY POWER, LLC10/1/2024Yes
A-2023-3043857CLEARPATH ENERGY, LLC9/28/2024Yes

 As part of its EGS license validation procedures, the Commission's Bureau of Technical Utility Services sent a 90-day Security Renewal Notice email to each entity in the Supplier Table above stating that original documentation of a bond, or other approved security in the amount or language directed by the Commission, must be filed within 30-days prior to each entity's security expiration date. None of the companies listed in the Supplier Table provided the required documentation.

 Based on the above facts, we tentatively conclude that the EGSs listed in the Supplier Table are not in compliance with 52 Pa. Code § 54.40(a) and (d) and therefore it is appropriate to initiate the cancellation process for the EGS license of each company listed in the Supplier Table, without the necessity of a formal complaint, as being in the public interest;


It Is Ordered That:

 1. Cancellation of the Electric Generation Supplier License of each company listed in the Supplier Table is hereby tentatively approved as being in the public interest.

 2. The Secretary (i) serve a copy of this Tentative Order upon the Office of Consumer Advocate, the Office of Small Business Advocate, the Bureau of Investigation & Enforcement, all electric generation distribution companies, and all of the Electric Generation Suppliers listed in the Supplier Table; (ii) publish a copy of this Tentative Order in the Pennsylvania Bulletin with a 30-day comment period; and (iii) file a copy of this Tentative Order at each Electric Generation Supplier's assigned docket number.

 3. To the extent any of the Electric Generation Suppliers listed in the Supplier Table challenge the cancellation of their license, they must file comments within thirty (30) days after publication of this Tentative Order in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Written comments referencing Docket No. M-2024-3045251 must be eFiled to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission through the Commission's eFiling System. You may set up a free eFiling account with the Commission at if you do not have one. Filing instructions may be found on the Commission's website at Comments containing confidential information should be emailed to Commission Secretary Rosemary Chiavetta at rather than eFiled.

 4. Alternatively, Electric Generation Suppliers listed in the Supplier Table may provide the Commission an approved security up to and within thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The Electric Generation Supplier must file an original bond, letter of credit, continuation certificate, amendment, or other ap-proved financial instrument displaying a ''wet'' signature or digital signature, preferably in blue ink, and displaying a ''raised seal'' or original notary stamp with Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17120.

 5. Absent the timely (i) filing of comments challenging the cancellation of the Electric Generation Supplier's license, or (ii) the filing of an approved security within 30-days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, the Bureau of Technical Utility Services, shall prepare a Final Order for entry by the Secretary revoking the license of each Electric Generation Supplier that fails to respond.

 6. Upon entry of the Final Order, Electric Generation Suppliers that remain listed as not in compliance with 52 Pa. Code § 54.40(a) and (d) will be stricken from all active utility lists maintained by the Commission's Bureau of Technical Utility Services and the Assessment Section of the Bureau of Administration, removed from the Commission's website, and notifications be sent to all electric distribution companies in which the Electric Generation Suppliers are licensed to do business.

 7. Upon entry of the Final Order, Electric Generation Suppliers that fail to respond will be prohibited from providing electric generation supply services to retail electric customers. That upon entry of the Final Order described in Ordering Paragraph No. 5, each electric distribution company in which the Electric Generation Suppliers are licensed to do business, shall return the customers of the Electric Generation Suppliers to default service.


ORDER ADOPTED: October 10, 2024

ORDER ENTERED: October 10, 2024

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1558. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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