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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1809




Environmental Assessment Approvals for PENNVEST Funding Consideration

[54 Pa.B. 8233]
[Saturday, December 14, 2024]

Scope: Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund projects for consideration at the January 22, 2025, meeting of the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) Board.

Description: PENNVEST, which administers the Commonwealth's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), is intended to be the funding source for the following projects. The Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) review of these projects, and the information received in the Environmental Report for these projects, has not identified any significant, adverse environmental impact resulting from any of the proposed projects. The Department hereby approves the Environmental Assessment for each project. If no significant comments are received during this comment period, the Environmental Assessment will be considered approved and funding for the project will be considered by PENNVEST.

 To be considered, the Department must receive comments on these approvals on or by Monday, January 20, 2025. Commentators are encouraged to submit comments using the Department's online eComment tool at Written comments can also be submitted by e-mail to or by mail to the Policy Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063. Comments, including comments submitted by e-mail, must include the commentator's name and address. Use ''PENNVEST SRF-Environmental Assessment'' as the subject line in written communication.

 Comments received during the comment period, along with the Department's comment and response document, will be available on the Department's web site at www.dep.

 Upon approval, the full list of approved projects and their funding offer can be found in a press release on PENNVEST's web site at

 For more information about the approval of the following Environmental Assessments or the CWSRF and DWSRF Programs, contact Dharmendra Kumar, Bureau of Clean Water, Department of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 8774, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8774, (717) 772-3377, dkumar@, or visit the Department's web site at gov/Business/Water/CleanWater/InfrastructureFinance/Pages/default.aspx.


CWSRF Projects Being Considered:

Applicant:The Lake Winola Municipal Authority
Applicant Address:775 Lower Mill City Road
Dalton, PA 18414

Project Description: The Lake Winola Municipal Authority (LWMA) operates a lagoon wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) constructed in 1988. The LWMA proposes a construction project at the WWTP that consists of rehabilitating the two existing lagoons. Rehabilitation work includes: installing new lagoon liners; removing, cleaning and reassembling the aeration system in the lagoons; and repairing or replacing, or both, the lagoon's underdrain and leak detection system. The project also includes installing an ammonia treatment system; replacing the existing chlorine disinfection system with an ultraviolet disinfection system; installing a new electrical system; and installing a metals treatment system, a new emergency generator, a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) for the plant, and a new effluent pump station and meter.

Problem Description: The Lake Winola WWTP is beyond its useful life with major deteriorations in the liners covering the inside surface of the lagoon. The Department issued a new draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with new limits that require additional equipment to be added to the wastewater treatment process. Problems to be solved include ammonia nitrogen, residual chlorine and fecal coliform exceedances beginning in 2017 to present. This project will bring the plant into compliance and remedy the exceedances listed in the April 13, 2023, Consent Order and Agreement between the LWMA and the Department. Additionally, the renewed NPDES permit will require compliance with more stringent effluent limits, particularly ammonia and copper, which the current WWTP cannot achieve without improvements.


Applicant: Mid Mon Valley Water Pollution Control Authority
Applicant Address:1 Anderson Street
Coal Center, PA 15412

Project Description: The scope of this project is to upgrade three pump stations (PS) operated by the Mid Mon Valley Water Pollution Control Authority (MMVWPCA). The three PSs to be upgraded are PS numbers 2—4. Each existing PS is comprised of a wet well, below grade dry pit and an above-grade control and generator building constructed above the wet well and dry pit. The upgrade at PS numbers 2 and 4 includes utilizing the existing wet well, removing the equipment at the dry pit station and filling the pit with stone, and demolishing the existing control building. New construction includes a concrete structure on piles above the existing wet well, a valve room, a control room and a generator installation. PS numbers 2 and 4 will be upgraded with two new 360 gallons-per-minute (gpm) variable speed submersible pumps and two new 800 gpm variable speed submersible pumps respectively, including meters and valves. The upgrade at PS number 3 includes demolishing the existing wet well and below-grade dry pit station as necessary for new construction. New construction includes a wet well, a valve room, a control room and a generator installation. PS number 3 will be furnished with two new 525 gpm variable speed submersible pumps, meter and valves.

Problem Description: MMVWPCA currently operates under a Corrective Action Plan with the Department to reduce inflow and infiltration into MMVWPCA's sanitary sewer system and to eliminate sanitary sewer overflows to the waters of this Commonwealth. MMVWPCA's sewer system was constructed in 1970 and has many components that are nearing the end of their useful life. Many of the mechanical components, including PS numbers 2—4, are experiencing repeated breakdowns leading to PS flooding and sanitary sewer overflows. Temporary repairs have been made over recent years until funding becomes available to rehabilitate or replace the components.


Applicant:Donegal Township Board of Supervisors
Applicant Address: 137 Hoffers Lane
Jones Mills, PA 15646

Project Description: In compliance with a Department Consent Order and Agreement, the Donegal Township Board of Supervisors is proposing to improve sanitary sewer collection and treatment in the Donegal Township area. This project will replace the failing Campland wastewater treatment facility and will collect and treat wastewater from several other independent NPDES permit holders in the service area. The project includes: constructing approximately 6,200 linear feet (LF) of sanitary sewer collection pipes and 37 4-foot diameter manholes; upsizing the water supply with 3,200 LF of 6-inch water line; creating a 1,900 LF gravel access road; and installing associated appurtenances. The project also includes constructing a new 0.11-million-gallon-per-day (mgd) wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment facility will include headworks with influent solids grinder, fine screening, influent sampling, metering, chemical addition, two sequencing batch reactor tanks, approximately 63,000 gallons each, one in-line post-treatment equalization tank, approximately 36,800 gallons, one ultraviolet disinfection system, one aerobic sludge digestor, approximately 63,000 gallons, one sludge belt filter press, laboratory facilities and control facilities, generators, parking lot and other ancillary equipment.

Problem Description: The Department required, by Consent Order and Agreement, that Donegal Township construct a sanitary sewer collection and treatment system to serve the area extending from the Pennsylvania Turnpike Donegal Interchange to Laurel Highlands Campland located along Route 31 in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County. The existing sewage plant that serves Laurel Highlands Campland, which is a campground and manufactured housing community, consistently violates NPDES discharge limits. These violations prompted the Department to issue the Consent Order.


Applicant: Jamestown Municipal Authority
Applicant Address: 406 Jackson Street
Jamestown, PA 16134

Project Description: Jamestown Municipal Authority proposes to line approximately 14,500 LF of existing 8-inch diameter gravity sanitary sewer with cured-in-place pipe. Existing laterals are to be reinstated. Point repairs may be required on the lines due to minor deficiencies in the pipes and joints.

Problem Description: The Jamestown sanitary sewer collection system, originally constructed in 1960, was constructed of primarily 8-inch diameter asbestos cement pipe with some minor segments made of 8-inch diameter vitrified clay pipe. The central portion of the sanitary sewer system in the Jamestown Borough was replaced with new 8-inch diameter SDR35 polyvinyl chloride gravity sanitary sewer pipe during a 1993 sewer improvements project. The outer perimeter of the Borough's sanitary sewer collection system is of original construction and is at the end of its useful life. Asbestos cement pipes tend to become brittle as they age and have a typical operational life of 50 years. The segments of the system proposed to be lined have been in service for nearly 60 years.


Applicant:Meadville Area Sewer Authority
Applicant Address: 984 Water Street
Meadville, PA 16335

Project Description: The Meadville Area Sewer Authority (MASA) is proposing to upgrade their collection system and construct a new maintenance facility. The project includes the following: (1) Race Street PS and force main replacement—this involves full replacement of the PS and replacing approximately 1,900 LF of force main; (2) Race Street gravity sewer replacement—this involves replacing approximately 800 LF of gravity sewer; (3) Gill Village force main replacement—this involves replacing approximately 2,000 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer force main with a new 8-inch fusible high-density polyethylene force main; (4) North Street gravity sewer replacement—this involves replacing approximately 2,800 LF of gravity sewer; and (5) MASA maintenance garage—this involves constructing an approximately 3,300-square feet building and demolishing the existing maintenance building at 1334 Park Avenue.

Problem Description: The Race Street PS has surpassed its useful life and has been under a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) from the Department since 2008. The CAP was due to capacity issues causing overflow at some manholes. Despite mitigation efforts, the PS continues to age and wear down. Additionally, it does not have enough room for capacity expansion. The Race Street gravity sewer has fractures and may be at risk of collapsing. Recent closed-circuit television inspections of this sewer showed multiple defects including sags, large offset joints and fractures that impede the normal path of flow and create maintenance issues. MASA regularly jets the sewer to ensure flow and to prevent flow back up. The Gill Village 8-inch diameter force main has experienced breakage in the past. The North Street gravity sewer has cracks and is currently undersized for existing needs, resulting in a bottleneck in the collection system. The existing building used for maintenance was previously owned by a roofing company and is not adequate for maintenance activities. Some maintenance work including welding is currently being performed within the WWTP.


DWSRF Projects Being Considered:

Applicant: Hazleton City Authority
County: Luzerne
Applicant Address: 400 East Arthur Gardner Parkway
Hazleton, PA 18201

Project Description: Hazleton City Authority—Dreck Creek PS Upgrade Project. The project consists of upgrading and expanding the existing Dreck Creek PS from 4.75 mgd capacity to 10.47 mgd peak flow capacity. This expansion will include the upgrade and expansion of the existing PS building, upgrade of the electrical service, upgrade of the emergency generator, multiple new pumps installation, new variable speed controller installation, new header piping, new valves and new meters. Temporary station bypass pumping will be installed to facilitate renovations. This project will tie into the Dreck Creek Pipeline Project.

Problem Description: The project will account for recent increases in system demand and compliance with a recent New Source Feasibility study to plan current and projected future demands.


Applicant: Hazleton City Authority
County: Luzerne
Applicant Address: 400 East Arthur Gardner Parkway
Hazleton, PA 18201

Project Description: Hazleton City Authority—Dreck Creek Pipeline Project. The project includes inspecting approximately 21,000 LF of existing main, including valves, to verify its operational condition is satisfactory. If any deficiencies are encountered, they will be repaired or replaced. A new parallel transmission main will also be installed alongside the existing pipe. This work includes approximately 14,900 LF of slip lining the existing 16-inch pipe, 5,130 LF of new 20-inch ductile iron pipe and 60 LF of pipe installation within a Department of Transportation right-of-way.

Problem Description: This project, directly related to the Dreck Creek PS Project, ties in the new PS to the raw water transmission main. This project will account for recent increases in system demand and compliance with a recent New Source Feasibility study to plan for current and projected future demands.


Applicant: Hazleton City Authority
County: Luzerne
Applicant Address: 400 East Arthur Gardner Parkway
Hazleton, PA 18201

Project Description: The project consists of replacing an old pressure regulating station with a new building with valves above grade. Approximately 6,500 linear feet of new 8-inch ductile iron pipe will replace the existing old cast iron mains. Existing customer service lines will receive new 3/4-inch copper service lines with new curb stops.

Problem Description: The Buck Mountain Waterline Replacement Project is being undertaken due to the large number of pipe failures, leaks and repairs. This project will replace an older deteriorating water transmission line constructed of cast iron and susceptible to failure due to age, operating pressure and surges.


Applicant: Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority
County: Lycoming
Applicant Address:P.O. Box 5046
Jersey Shore, PA 17740

Project Description: The project includes installing a membrane system with three pressure cartridges that will replace the existing dual media filters. A sodium hypochlorite feed system will replace the existing gaseous chlorine system. New raw water lines outside the existing pretreatment building will be installed as well as a new raw water meter vault. A pretreatment building will be constructed to house the three new chemical feed stations and a SCADA system with control panel will be installed.

Problem Description: Larry's Creek Water Filtration Plant is over 100 years old and most of the equipment has reached the end of its useful life and needs replacement. The facility equipment is failing and in need of continuous maintenance. Specific equipment no longer meets Department regulations and is no longer reliable.


Applicant: City of Philadelphia
County: Philadelphia
Applicant Address: 1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Project Description: A new East Park Booster PS will be constructed to replace the aging station and to provide upgrades to existing operations. The proposed project includes constructing a new building in the vicinity of the existing booster PS. The new station will improve emergency resiliency by providing four pumps with 24 mgd capacity each, which provides an additional pump to allow for maintenance and repairs along with onsite emergency backup.

Problem Description: The existing East Park Booster PS, built in 1937 near the intersection of Girard Avenue and 33rd Street, is a critical station in the Philadelphia Water Department's distribution system feeding the sole water transmission main that moves water from the east to the west side of the Schuylkill River. The station's two main functions are to provide approximately 7 mgd of water into the Belmont gravity district during typical operation, and to act as the only emergency backup to the Belmont Water Treatment Plant during events, such as treatment plant upsets and large transmission main breaks. The existing station has three (3) pumps with a rated capacity of 25 mgd.


Applicant: Richland Borough
County: Lebanon
Applicant Address: P.O. Box 676, 5 Pine Street
Richland, PA 17087

Project Description: The project consists of installing a 500,000-gallon capacity elevated water storage tank, a tank mixing system, piping and control valves, insertion valves and tapped tees to connect with the existing system. The project also includes installing electrical utility service connection equipment, power and control wiring, an emergency generator, lighting and system status/alarm/control communication devices.

Problem Description: The Richland Borough's existing water storage reservoirs are an in-ground concrete reservoir with a capacity of 200,000 gallons and a 98-feet tall standpipe with a capacity of 364,000 gallons. The standpipe has reached the end of its useful life and needs replaced. The Richland Borough is also aware of planned future development in the water service area and needs to increase its storage capacity.


Applicant: Schuylkill County Municipal Authority
County: Schuylkill
Applicant Address: 221 South Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901

Project Description: The project consists of constructing a new treatment facility including iron and manganese removal, chemical supplication and disinfection. The system will produce 144,000 gallons per day of drinking water. A new 100 gpm submersible well pump and two 100 gpm high service booster pumps will be installed as well as 830 LF of 8-inch diameter ductile iron transmission main from the treatment plant to the distribution system. Additionally, 120 service lines will be equipped with new meters and any private service lines found to be lead will be replaced and all public service lines will be replaced.

Problem Description: Catastrophic failure hit the Morea Citizens Water Company (MCWC) on December 25, 2022, with a system tank completely failing. With failure of the tank, there was no water storage for operational, emergency or fire purposes. An emergency interconnection was made to Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) and the use of Well No. 2 was discontinued. SCMA has taken over the MCWC system and plans to complete the needed upgrades for source reliability in the event of emergencies or fire service needs.

Acting Secretary
Department of Environmental Protection

Executive Director
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1809. Filed for public inspection December 13, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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