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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1415



[34 PA. CODE CH. 501]

Examinations, Fees and Provisional Registration Process for Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators

[54 Pa.B. 6258]
[Saturday, October 5, 2024]

 Under section 3(4) of the Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator State Registration Act (act) (63 P.S. § 1725.3(4)), the Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Office) within the Department of Labor and Industry (Department) is submitting this proposed rulemaking for the registration of sign language interpreters and transliterators.

 The Department proposes amendments to Chapter 501 (relating to registration of sign language interpreters and transliterators) to read as set forth in Annex A.

Statutory Authority

 The Office is empowered to promulgate regulations that are necessary to carry out the act's provisions in section 3(4). Sections 5(a)(1)(iii) and (d), 8(a)(6) and 9(c)(1) of the act (63 P.S. §§ 1725.5(a)(1)(iii) and (d), 1725.8(a)(6) and 1725.9(c)(1)) also provide specific authority to approve a registration examination and to promulgate rulemakings addressing fees, disciplinary violations and registration reactivation.


 The act requires the Office to register sign language interpreters and transliterators who meet the act's testing requirements. Registration renewal is required every 2 years. The act also allows the Office to charge fees, initiate discipline, impose administrative fines for violations, suspend, deny or revoke registrations and hold hearings concerning alleged violations. The Department may seek an injunction or pursue criminal action against unregistered persons engaged in sign language interpretation or transliterator services or representing themselves as being registered under the act.

 The regulations in Chapter 501 currently provide specific names of examinations that test skill and proficiency. Through this proposed rulemaking, the Department seeks to delete the specific names of these examinations because they are no longer being offered. This proposed rulemaking will allow the Office to publish annually the names of the available examinations. In addition, the act of November 23, 2010 (P.L. 1355, No. 124) (Act 124 of 2010) amended the act to allow for provisional registration and, accordingly, the Department seeks to amend Chapter 501 to provide for provisional registration.

 The Department engaged in a 30-day public and stakeholder outreach period during the drafting process. On August 9, 2022, the Department sought comment from small businesses; sign language interpreters; certifying organizations; private, public and non-profit organizations; citizens with disabilities and the general public by sending an e-mail to a list of all known stakeholders and posting a notice of the proposed changes to the regulations and an accessible video online on the Department's web site. The Department requested feedback from stakeholders on desired changes to the regulations. The public comment period was open until September 9, 2022, and the Department received feedback from various stakeholders as a result of this request.


 This proposed rulemaking amends Chapter 501 to delete the identified examinations that test knowledge and proficiency, which are no longer offered. The amended language will expand the number of examinations available for sign language interpreters and transliterators by requiring the Office to publish an annual list of approved examinations. Additionally, this proposed rulemaking adds § 501.4.1 (relating to provisional registration) to provide for a provisional registration and amends § 501.2 (relating to fees) to set initial and annual renewal fees for the provisional registration.

Summary of Proposed Rulemaking

Part XV

 The heading for Part XV is proposed to be amended to correct a minor error. The heading currently states ''Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing''; however, the proper name for the Office is the ''Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.''

§ 501.1. Definitions

 Section 501.1 (relating to definitions) is proposed to be amended to delete: (1) the names of examinations previously offered by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID) and the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), because RID and NAD no longer offer examinations, and (2) the names of the certifications associated with those specific examinations. The Office will now publish an annual list of approved examinations. Because neither the Office nor the Department controls how long specific interpreting and transliterating examinations are provided, this change is necessary to keep the list of examinations current. This section is also proposed to be amended to provide definitions for ''interpreter education program,'' ''legal setting,'' ''medical setting'' and ''mental health setting'' as those terms are used in §§ 501.4.1 and 501.5 (relating to exemptions).

§ 501.2. Fees

 Section 501.2 is proposed to be amended to add an annual provisional registration fee of $50 that is renewable for the same amount. Section 5.1(d) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5.1(d)) establishes the provisional registration fee of $50. The Office currently charges registration and renewal fees for interpreters and transliterators and has not observed that these fees are a barrier to individuals seeking to register.

§ 501.3. Examination

 Section 501.3 (relating to examination) is proposed to be amended to provide for an annual list of examinations that are approved by the Office to test knowledge and proficiency in interpreting and transliterating. This section also includes a requirement that the examinations approved by the Office shall include, but not be limited to, a test to determine ethical decision-making. This will provide the Office with greater flexibility in approving examinations so that there are approved examinations for individuals wishing to register as sign language interpreters and transliterators. It will also allow for an expanded number of examinations available for sign language interpreters and transliterators.

§ 501.4. Registration

 Because the Office will publish an annual list of approved examinations, § 501.4 (relating to registration) is proposed to be amended to delete the requirement to receive proof of certification from only RID and NAD, though other registration and application criteria will remain the same, with future certifying organizations recognized by the Office. This section is also proposed to be amended to delete the specific web address for the Office's web site, since the specific web address has changed and may change again in the future. This section also clarifies that, if the Office denies an application for registration, the applicant may file a request for reconsideration with the Office in accordance with the procedures contained in § 501.9 (relating to request for reconsideration of registration denial). Finally, this section is proposed to be amended to capitalize ''Office'' to be consistent with this defined term.

§ 501.4.1. Provisional registration

 Act 124 of 2010 amended the act to allow for provisional registration. In this Commonwealth, an interpreter must pass an examination, approved by the Office, that tests knowledge and interpreting or transliterating skills. The examinations are given in two parts. The first part of the examination tests the interpreter's knowledge, which includes ethical decision-making. The second part of the examination is the skills examination. A provisionally registered interpreter has passed only the knowledge portion of the examination, whereas a State-registered interpreter has passed both the knowledge examination and the skills examination. Due to Act 124 of 2010's amendment to the act which allows for provisional registration, § 501.4.1 is proposed to be added to provide the definition, procedure and requirements of an annual provisional registration and a required fee of $50 that is renewable for the same amount. This amount was set by section 4 of Act 124 of 2010 which added section 5.1 of the act and the Department is not using its authority to change this amount at this time. Section 501.4.1 references that an application for a provisional registration may be obtained from the Office's web site or the Department's web site. Currently, a person seeking an application needs to contact the Office, but the Office is working on changes to its web site to (1) make this application available on the web site and (2) allow an applicant to complete the application through the web site. This section also provides procedural steps if provisional registration is denied, including the applicant's right to file a request for reconsideration with the Office, in accordance with the procedures contained in § 501.9.

§ 501.5. Exemptions

 Section 501.5 is proposed to be amended to update the language of the exemption for ''interpreting or transliterating as part of a supervised internship or practicum at an accredited college or university'' to be consistent with the language for the corresponding exemption found in section 4(b)(3) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.4(b)(3)). This section is also proposed to be amended to delete the specific web address for the Office's web site and to correct a typographical error.

§ 501.7. Violations

 Due to Act 124 of 2010's amendment of the act to allow for provisional registration, § 501.7 (relating to violations) is proposed to be amended to include a provisional registration as a circumstance where a violation can occur. This section is also proposed to be amended to capitalize ''Office'' to be consistent with this defined term.

§ 501.9. Request for reconsideration of registration denial

 Due to Act 124 of 2010's amendment of the act to allow for provisional registration, § 501.9 is proposed to be amended to allow the Office to deny an application for provisional registration and to allow an applicant to seek reconsideration of a denial for a provisional registration.

§ 501.12. Change of address/name/information

 Due to Act 124 of 2010's amendment of the act to allow for provisional registration, § 501.12 (relating to change of address/name/information) is proposed to be amended to require provisional registrants to notify the Office in writing within 10 days if the provisional registrant's name or mailing address changes, or if disciplinary action has been taken against the provisional registrant's ''registration, certification or license to provide interpreting or transliterating services by another state or government agency.''

Affected Persons

 The types and numbers of persons, businesses, small businesses and organizations affected by this proposed rulemaking include 1.5 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing, interpreters and interpreter education programs.

Fiscal Impact

 There is no cost to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The costs for registration and for approved examinations are to be paid by the candidates who apply and do not account for any candidate or interpreter travel and pretest course fees but are associated with registration and testing. Currently, the cost for registration and testing ranges from $140 to $450, depending on the specific course and testing administrator.

 There are no fiscal savings or costs associated with implementation and compliance for the regulated community, local government and State government for the current year and 5 subsequent years.

Reporting, Recordkeeping and Paperwork Requirements

 To implement this proposed rulemaking, the Department has prepared four updated forms, including: (1) the Interpreter Registration Application; (2) the Provisional Registration Application; (3) the Provisional Registration Renewal Application; and (4) the Provisional and State Registration Invoice. Updates to these forms were required to delete the names of specific examinations in accordance with the changes in this proposed rulemaking. These four updated forms are included in the proposed rulemaking package available on the Independent Regulatory Review Commission's (IRRC) web site at The Department does not anticipate any other changes to the reporting, recordkeeping and paperwork requirements as a result of this proposed rulemaking.

Sunset Date

 A sunset date is not appropriate for this proposed rulemaking. The Office will periodically monitor this proposed rulemaking and submit amendments as needed.

Effective Date

 This proposed rulemaking will be effective 60 days after publication of the final-form rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

Contact Person

 Interested persons are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regarding this proposed rulemaking to Melissa A. Hawkins, Director, Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 7th Floor, 651 Boas Street, Harrisburg, PA 17121, within 30 days of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

 Individuals who wish to provide a comment, suggestion or objection in an alternative format, contact the Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for assistance.

Regulatory Review

 Under section 5(a) of the Regulatory Review Act (71 P.S. § 745.5(a)), on September 18, 2024, the Department submitted a copy of this proposed rulemaking and a copy of a Regulatory Analysis Form to IRRC and to the chairpersons of the Labor and Industry Committee of the Senate and to the chairpersons of the Labor and Industry Committee of the House of Representatives. A copy of this material is available to the public upon request.

 Under section 5(g) of the Regulatory Review Act, IRRC may convey any comments, recommendations or objections to the proposed rulemaking within 30 days of the close of the public comment period. The comments, recommendations or objections must specify the regulatory review criteria in section 5.2 of the Regulatory Review Act (71 PS. § 745.5b) which have not been met. The Regulatory Review Act specifies detailed procedures for review, prior to final publication of the rulemaking by the Department, the General Assembly and the Governor.


Fiscal Note: 12-119. No fiscal impact; recommends adoption. The department anticipates that the Commonwealth will receive approximately an additional $5,000 from fees for provisional registrations.

Annex A




§ 501.1. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this part, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Act—The Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator State Registration Act (63 P.S. §§ 1725.1—1725.12).

[CDI—Certified Deaf Interpreter—A certification issued by RID.

CI—Certificate of Interpretation issued by RID.

CSC—Comprehensive Skills Certificate issued by RID.

CT—Certificate of Transliteration issued by RID.]

Department—The Department of Labor and Industry of the Commonwealth.

Interpreter Education Program—A postsecondary program that leads to professional licensure or certification as a qualified sign language interpreter and meets statutory requirements for State registration of individuals providing sign language interpreting and transliterating services to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Legal setting—A court proceeding, including a criminal prosecution, civil suit, attorney-client conference, case settlement negotiation, investigation by law enforcement, deposition, witness interview, real estate settlement or related proceeding in any court; and any judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding before an administrative, legislative or regulatory board, agency or tribunal.

[MCSC—Master Comprehensive Skills Certificate issued by RID.]

Medical setting—A location where health care occurs, including an acute care hospital, urgent care center, outpatient clinic, dental office, birthing center, emergency medical care facility, short-term care facility, long-term care facility, nursing home and medical provider office and the site of home health care services or an emergency medical situation that involves imminent danger to a person's health, whether occurring within or outside of a health care facility.

Mental health setting—A location where the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders is the primary task of a mental health professional, including a clinic, hospital, social service agency, private professional service provider, residential facility, mental health center or other entity in which a mental health professional provides diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.

NAD—National Association of the Deaf, an advocacy group for deaf and hard of hearing individuals which previously offered certification in sign language interpreting and transliterating.

[NAD National Interpreter Certification Test—The former performance examinations conducted by the NAD for Level IV (Master) or V (Advanced) certification as a sign language interpreter or transliterator.

NIC—The National Interpreter Certification test which is the knowledge and proficiency examination conducted for RID's National Interpreter Certification as a sign language interpreter or transliterator.]

Office—The Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing within the Department [, 1521 North 6th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102].

[OIC:C—Oral Interpreting Certificate: Comprehensive issued by RID.

OTC—Oral Transliteration Certificate issued by RID.]

RID—Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. A National membership organization of professionals and its state [affliates] affiliates that provides certification for sign language interpreters and transliterators.

[RID Generalist examinations—The knowledge and proficiency examinations which are conducted by RID for CI/CT, CDI and OTC certifications in sign language interpretering or transliterating and which were formerly conducted by RID for CSC, MCSC and OIC:C certifications in sign language interpretering and transliterating.]

Secretary—The Secretary of the Department or the Secretary's designee.

Year—A calendar year.

§ 501.2. Fees.

 The Office will charge the following nonrefundable fees:

(1) Registration$100[.]
(2) Biennial renewal of existing registration$100[.]
(3) Surcharge for late renewal of biennial registration[.]$50[.]
(4) Reactivation following suspension[.]$100[.]
(5) Registration identification card replacement[.]$10[.]
(6) Provisional registration$50
(7) Annual renewal of provisional registration$50

§ 501.3. Examination.

 (a)  [The following examinations are approved as the examination which tests knowledge and proficiency under section 5(a)(1)(iii) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5(a)(1)(iii)):

(1) NAD National Interpreter Certification.

(2) RID Generalist Examinations.

(3) NIC.]

The Office will annually publish a list of examinations that are approved by the Office to test knowledge and proficiency in interpreting and transliterating. The following apply:

(1) The Department will publish the list on its web site and in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

(2) The examinations approved by the Office shall include a test to determine ethical decision-making.

 (b) An applicant for any of the approved examinations shall obtain applications directly from and pay the required examination fee directly to the examination provider.

§ 501.4. Registration.

 (a) An applicant for registration shall submit the following to the Office:

 (1) Proof of receiving a passing score on any of the approved examinations. [This may include proof of current certification by NAD or RID.]

 (2) A completed registration application. Applications may be obtained from the [office] Office or the Department's web site [].

 (3) The required registration fee under § 501.2 (relating to fees). Checks shall be made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

 (b) The Office will issue a paper or electronic registration to an applicant within 60 days of the date of receipt of the application if the applicant complies with subsection (a) and meets the following criteria:

 (1) Is 18 years of age or older.

 (2) Has passed the examination required by subsection (a).

 (3) Has paid applicable fees.

 (4) Possesses the general fitness, competence and reliability sufficient to satisfy the [office] Office that the applicant is worthy of State registration.

 (c) The Office may deny an application for registration if the applicant:

 (1) Does not comply with this section.

 (2) Fails to meet the requirements of section 5(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5(a)).

 (3) Committed a violation enumerated in section 8(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.8(a)) and § 501.7 (relating to violations).

 (d) [The Office will comply with the procedures contained in § 501.9 (relating to request for reconsideration of registration denial) if an application for registration is denied.] If the Office denies an application for registration, the applicant may file a request for reconsideration with the Office in accordance with the procedures contained in § 501.9 (relating to request for reconsideration of registration denial).

 (Editor's Note: Section 501.4.1 is proposed to be added and is printed in regular type to enhance readability.)

§ 501.4.1. Provisional registration.

 (a) An applicant for provisional registration shall submit all of the following to the Office:

 (1) A completed provisional registration application. Applications may be obtained from the Office or the Department's web site.

 (2) The required provisional registration fee under § 501.2 (relating to fees). Checks shall be made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

 (3) Proof of graduation from an interpreter education program with an associate degree or higher from an accredited institution of higher education within 5 years prior to the date of application for provisional registration.

 (4) Proof that the applicant has passed a written examination approved by the Office.

 (b) The Office will issue a paper or electronic provisional registration valid for 1 year to an applicant within 60 days of the date of receipt of the application if the applicant complies with subsection (a) and meets all of the following criteria:

 (1) Is 18 years of age or older.

 (2) Has graduated from an interpreter education program with an associate degree or higher.

 (3) Has paid applicable fees.

 (4) Possesses the general fitness, competence and reliability sufficient to satisfy the Office that the applicant is worthy of State provisional registration.

 (c) An individual who holds provisional registration may not provide interpreter or transliterator services in the following settings:

 (1) A legal setting.

 (2) A mental health setting, unless accompanied by a qualified sign language interpreter or qualified transliterator.

 (3) A physician's office, unless the patient is informed that:

 (i) The individual engaged in interpreting or transliterating has obtained a provisional registration and is not State-registered under the act.

 (ii) The patient has the right to be provided upon request a qualified sign language interpreter or qualified transliterator.

 (4) A critical care or emergency setting.

 (d) The Office may deny an application for provisional registration if the applicant meets any of the following:

 (1) Does not comply with this section.

 (2) Fails to meet the requirements of section 5.1(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5.1(a)).

 (3) Committed a violation enumerated in section 8(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.8(a)) and § 501.7 (relating to violations).

 (e) If the Office denies an application for provisional registration, the applicant may file a request for reconsideration with the Office in accordance with the procedures contained in § 501.9 (relating to request for reconsideration of registration denial).

 (f) Renewal. An individual may annually renew a provisional registration by submitting all of the following to the Office:

 (1) The information required by subsection (a).

 (2) Proof of completion of at least 20 hours of professional development approved by the Office.

 (3) The applicable fee.

 (g) The Office may approve only two consecutive renewals under subsection (f).

§ 501.5. Exemptions.

*  *  *  *  *

 (b) An individual engaged in sign language interpreting or transliterating during an emergency when a delay in obtaining a State-registered interpreter or transliterator might lead to injury or loss to the individual requiring the services is exempt.

 (c) An individual engaged in interpreting or transliterating as part of a supervised internship or practicum at an accredited college or university[, RID or NAD if it is not in a legal, medical or mental health setting is exempt.] is exempt if the engagement is not in any of the following:

(1) A legal setting.

(2) A medical setting or mental health setting, unless accompanied by a qualified sign language interpreter or qualified transliterator.

 (d) An individual who does not reside in this Commonwealth is exempt from registration under section 4(b)(4) of the act in accordance with the following:

 (1) The individual possesses current certification from NAD or RID.

 (2) The individual provides interpreting or transliterating services in this Commonwealth for no longer than 14 days each year.

 (3) The individual provides the following to the Office within 5 business days of providing the interpreting or transliterating service:

 (i) Written notice of the date and duration of each sign language or transliterating service that the individual provides or intends to provide within this Commonwealth. Forms may be obtained from the Office or the Department's web site [].

 (ii) Proof of current certification.

 (4) The Office will provide notice to a sign language interpreter or transliterator that he has provided 14 days of services during the year and that the individual is prohibited from providing any further interpreting or transliterating services within this Commonwealth during the year unless the individual registers with the Office in accordance with section 5 of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5).

 (e) An individual engaged in interpreting or transliterating at the request of a client who is deaf or hard of hearing is exempt from registration under section 4(b)(5) of the act in accordance with the following:

 (1) The interpreter or transliterator notifies the client that the individual is not registered with the Office.

 (2) The client signs a written confirmation acknowledging that the individual is not registered and acknowledging that the client desires the individual's services. Forms may be obtained from the Office or the Department's web site [at].

 (3) The individual providing services shall provide a copy of the confirmation to the client and maintain a copy of the client's signed statement for 2 years.

 (f) An individual who engages in interpreting or transliterating strictly as a volunteer is exempt.

 (g) An individual is exempt from registration under section 4(b)(7) of the act for a school-related activity if the individual complies with the State Board of Education regulations establishing criteria for persons providing sign language and interpreting services for a school-related activity. See 22 Pa. Code §§ 14.105 and 711.5 (relating to personnel).

 (h) If a sign language interpreter or transliterator is required for effective communication at a physician's office, an individual is exempt from registration under section 4(b)(8) of the act if the individual provides sign language interpreting or transliterating services to a patient who is deaf or hard of hearing in accordance with the following:

 (1) The patient signs a written confirmation acknowledging that the individual providing the interpreting or transliterating services is not registered, that the patient has the right to request or provide an interpreter or transliterator who is registered with the Office and the patient desires the services of the unregistered individual. This confirmation must be completed during every office visit. Forms may be obtained from the Office or the Department's web site [at].

*  *  *  *  *

 (5) A copy of the signed statement shall be provided to the patient.

 (i) An individual engaged in interpreting or transliterating in a judicial or in an administrative proceeding is exempt from [registeration] registration if the individual is providing services under 42 Pa.C.S. Chapter 44 Subchapter C (relating to court interpreters for persons who are deaf) or 2 Pa.C.S. Chapter 5 Subchapter D (relating to administrative proceeding interpreters for persons who are deaf).

§ 501.7. Violations.

 The Department may impose disciplinary or corrective measures under section 9(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.9(a)) or levy administrative fines of up to $500 under section 8(b) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.8(b)) on a registrant or provisional registrant for doing one or more of the following:

 (1) Obtaining a State registration, provisional registration or renewal of a registration through fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.

 (2) Being convicted of a felony or a crime in this Commonwealth or other jurisdiction relating to the provision of interpreter or transliterator services.

 (3) Being the subject of a disciplinary or other administrative action taken against this registration, provisional registration, certificate or license to provide interpreting or transliterating services in another state by a government agency.

 (4) Committing fraud, gross negligence or misconduct relating to the provision of interpreting or transliterating services as determined by the [office] Office.

 (5) Engaging in any other misconduct relating to the provision of interpreting or transliterating services as determined by the [office] Office.

 (6) Violating the provisions of the act or this chapter.

§ 501.9. Request for reconsideration of registration denial.

 (a) The Office may deny an application for registration or provisional registration if an applicant does not meet the registration requirements of [section] sections 5(a) or 5.1(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.5(a) or § 1725.5.1(a)) or for the grounds contained in section 8(a) of the act (63 P.S. § 1725.8(a)). The Office will provide the applicant with written notification of the denial which states the statutory and regulatory reasons for the denial and sets forth the procedure for requesting reconsideration.

 (b) An applicant for registration or provisional registration whose application was denied by the Office may file a request for reconsideration with the Office within 30 days of the date of the notice of denial.

 (c) The request for reconsideration must be in writing and include the following:

 (1) The applicant's name and address.

 (2) The facts supporting the applicant's request for reconsideration.

 (3) Supporting documentation demonstrating that the applicant meets the requirements for registration or provisional registration under section 5(a)(2) or 5.1(a) of the act.

 (d) The Office will review the request for reconsideration and issue a written determination containing its decision. If reconsideration is denied, the Office will provide a summary of the reasons in the determination.

 (e) If the request is granted, the Office will issue a registration or provisional registration to the applicant if the applicant pays the renewal fee and completes the application under section 5(a)(1) or 5.1(a) of the act.

 (f) An applicant may seek a hearing and appeal the denial of registration or provisional registration under sections 10 and 11 of the act (63 P.S. §§ 1725.10 and 1725.11). The Office and Department will conduct hearings and resolve appeals under § 501.8 (relating to hearings/appeals).

§ 501.12. Change of address/name/information.

 A registrant or provisional registrant shall notify the Office in writing of the following within 10 days:

 (1) Any change of name or mailing address

 (2) Disciplinary action taken against the registrant's or provisional registrant's registration, certification or license to provide interpreting or transliterating services by another state or government agency.

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1415. Filed for public inspection October 4, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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