Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1521




Crime Victim's Compensation Fund, Victim Witness Services; 24 AD 2024; 1 MV 2024

[54 Pa.B. 6704]
[Saturday, October 26, 2024]


And Now, this 11th day of April, 2024, pursuant to 18 P.S. § 11.1101,

It Is Hereby Ordered as follows:

 1. The total assessment of the Crime Victim's Compensation Fund, the Victim Witness Services Fund, and the Local Victim Services Fund (as recently amended in Act 77 of 2022) shall be increased to $90.00 unless otherwise ordered by this Court. This assessment shall be effective for all crimes occurring after April 7, 2023 and only to cases in which sentencing occurs after the effective date of this Order per paragraph 4., as follows. This assessment shall be applicable to criminal cases in which the defendant pleads guilty, nolo contendere, who is otherwise convicted of a crime, or who is placed in any type of diversionary program, including, but not limited to, Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition and Felony Diversion.

 2. This cost shall be imposed at both the Magisterial District courts and the Court of Common Pleas of this Judicial District notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary.

 3. Pursuant to 18 P.S. § 11.1101(b), disposition of the assessment shall be as follows:

 a. $44.00 of the costs imposed shall be paid into the Crime Victim's Compensation Fund;

 b. $25.00 of the costs imposed shall be paid to the Victim Witness Services Fund through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency;

 c. $21.00 of the costs imposed shall be paid to the Local Victims Services Fund. These monies shall be deposited into a separate account to be utilized by the Office of District Attorney of Columbia County solely in the manner required by 18 P.S. § 11.1101;

 d. These changes replace the former Section 11.1101(b)(1) and (2) assessments, which subsections were deleted by Act 77 of 2022, P.L. 775, § 12.

 4. This Order shall be effective within thirty (30) days after publication thereof in The Pennsylvania Bulletin, and shall govern all criminal matters.

 5. The District Court Administrator, in accordance with Pa.R.Crim.P. 105, shall:

 a. File one (1) copy of this Order with the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts via email to;

 b. File with the Legislative Bureau for publication in The Pennsylvania Bulletin.

 c. Publish one (1) copy of this Order on the Columbia-Montour 26th Judicial District County Court website.

By the Court

President Judge

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1521. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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