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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1531



General Quarantine Order; 2025 Exhibition of Market Birds, Non-Poultry, Hatchlings, Feathers, and Eggs

[54 Pa.B. 6717]
[Saturday, October 26, 2024]


 A. Avian influenza is designated a ''dangerous transmissible disease'' of animals under the provisions of the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 2301—2389), at 3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2321(a).

 B. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (Department) has broad authority under the Domestic Animal Law to regulate the keeping and handling of domestic animals in order to exclude, contain or eliminate dangerous transmissible diseases.

 C. Avian Influenza has caused significant loss in the past to the Pennsylvania poultry industry and the current virulent forms of the disease have caused widespread loss to the poultry industry in states in which it has been detected and confirmed.

 D. Certain influenza A viruses, including H5 and H7 viruses, can cause severe disease in poultry and other avian species and have also been identified as a cause of clinical disease in other animals, including dairy cattle, alpacas, juvenile goats, and others.

 E. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is of particular concern to the entire Pennsylvania poultry industry as it may cause widespread loss of poultry, severely limit the market for Pennsylvania product and cause severe economic damage to the poultry industry in Pennsylvania.

 F. In February 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced an outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in a commercial poultry facility in the United States. Since then, additional outbreaks have been identified in commercial and backyard flocks in multiple states, including Pennsylvania.

 G. In March 2024, an H5 influenza A virus was identified as a cause of a multistate outbreak of disease in dairy cattle. The ability of the H5 influenza A virus to be transmitted between poultry and cattle poses a threat to both the poultry and the cattle industries in Pennsylvania by threatening the safety or quality of the food supply and the economic wellbeing of the domestic animal and allied industries. In addition, H5 and H7 influenza A viruses in poultry and ruminants may pose a risk to public health due to their zoonotic potential.

 H. The Department, under the provisions set forth in section 2329 (related to quarantine) of the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329) has the authority to establish three different types of quarantine orders—Interstate and International (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329(c)), General (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329(d)) and Special (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329(e)).

 I. As set forth in section 2329(a) (relating to power to establish and enforce), the Department may establish a Quarantine Order, ''Whenever a dangerous transmissible disease. . .exists anywhere within or outside of this Commonwealth, or whenever it is deemed advisable to test or treat any domestic animal upon the reasonable suspicion that it has contracted or been exposed to a dangerous transmissible disease. . .or whenever the testing or treatment of a domestic animal indicates that the domestic animal has been exposed to a dangerous transmissible disease. . .so as to render future accurate testing for recent exposure of that domestic animal to that dangerous transmissible disease. . .impractical or impossible, the department shall have the power to establish and enforce quarantines of any such infected, exposed, contaminated, suspected or susceptible domestic animal. In addition to the aforedescribed domestic animals, a quarantine may apply to any goods, products, facilities, containers, vehicles or materials that may carry dangerous transmissible disease. . .and may be applied on or in or against any premises, area or locality as defined in this chapter.'' (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329(a)).

 J. The transportation of birds and avian products, and materials contacting birds, avian products, containers, conveyances and goods, in addition to the congregation of birds and avian products at Venues and Fairs within the Commonwealth has the potential to transfer and spread Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.

 K. Under the authority established in the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 2301—2389) and specifically the authority to establish general quarantine orders as set forth in section 2329 of the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 2329(a) and 2329(d)), the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (Department) hereby establishes a General Quarantine Order related to birds and avian products, at Venues and Fairs within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

 L. This General Quarantine Order is established to allow exhibition of birds and avian products which present a low risk of infection with avian influenza to backyard and commercial poultry and non-poultry flocks and dairy herds in Pennsylvania.


 1. The Department hereby enters a General Quarantine Order, incorporating the foregoing recitals as if fully set forth hereunder and establishing a temporary prohibition against the display, exhibit or presence of birds and avian products at any Venue or Fair within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania unless the market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers, meet the standards established by section 8 (relating to general and initial standards) and section 9 (relating to specific standards) of this General Quarantine Order.

 2. This General Quarantine Order is entered under authority of the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2329) and § 1702 of the Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § 442), and establishes the following quarantine restrictions with respect to the presence or exhibition of birds and avian products at Venues and Fairs within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

 3. This General Quarantine Order repeals and rescinds the General Quarantine Order; Exhibition of Ornamental Feathers, Unfertilized Eggs, Market Poultry, and Feathers used for Arts and Crafts (54 Pa.B. 1682) (Saturday, March 30, 2024).

 4. Quarantine Area. The area covered by this General Quarantine Order is the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

 5. Definitions. The following terms when used in this General Quarantine Order have the following meanings:

Accredited Veterinarian. A licensed veterinarian jointly accredited by USDA APHIS and the Department in the state the veterinarian is licensed to perform official duties on behalf of USDA APHIS or the Department in the state the veterinarian is licensed to practice veterinary medicine. See accreditation standards established by 9 CFR Parts 160 and 161 (relating to definition of terms; and requirements and standards for accredited veterinarians and suspension or revocation of such accreditation).

Avian Products. The term shall mean products of or made from domesticated fowl including chickens, turkeys, ostriches, emus, rheas, cassowaries, waterfowl, and game birds, (except doves and pigeons), including eggs, parts, and feathers.

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). A legible official document, made on a form issued by the chief livestock health official of the state of origin or the United States Department of Agriculture, prepared by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin certifying the health of the animal described therein, and validated by the chief livestock health official of the state of origin. A CVI shall be valid for 30 days following the date of inspection of the animal identified on the document. An accredited veterinarian completing a CVI shall forward a copy of the CVI to the PA Department of Agriculture within seven calendar days from the date of issue.

Direct Movement to Slaughter. Transported to a facility for slaughter, without stops or unloading except for feeding and watering, during which the animals are not commingled with any other animals unless all are destined for slaughter.

Exhibition. A show or display of animals.

Hatchling. Newly hatched poultry and non-poultry (chicks, poults, ducklings, goslings, keets, etc.).

HPAI. The term ''HPAI'' stands for and shall mean any strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.

Market Birds. Birds destined for slaughter and moved directly from the exhibition facility to a Department or USDA licensed slaughter establishment.

Non-Poultry. Birds that are kept in a single household, the products of which are used within the same household exclusively, are not considered poultry, provided that they have no direct or indirect contact with poultry or poultry facilities. Birds that are kept in captivity for other reasons, including those that are kept for shows, racing, exhibitions, zoological collections, and competitions, and for breeding or selling for these purposes, as well as pet birds, are not considered poultry, provided that they have no direct or indirect contact with poultry or poultry facilities.

Poultry. All birds reared or kept in captivity for the production of any commercial animal products or for breeding for this purpose, fighting cocks used for any purpose, and all birds used for restocking supplies of game or for breeding for this purpose, until they are released from captivity.

Venue or Fair. Any Fair, show, exhibition, or other such venue within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which is sponsored by or receives funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture or receives funding pursuant to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair Act (act of July 8, 1986, P.L. 437, No. 92) (3 P.S. §§ 1501—1510).

 6. Purpose. This General Quarantine Order allows for a proactive and deterrent approach to prevent the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza related to the exhibition of birds or avian products at Pennsylvania Venues or Fairs while allowing limited exhibition of certain birds and avian products.

 7. Prohibition. Notwithstanding the provisions of the General Quarantine Order; Cancellation of Exhibition of Poultry and Their Hatching Eggs Due to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (52 Pa.B. 2223) (Saturday, April 16, 2022) this General Quarantine Order provides special standards under which the complete prohibitions established under 52 Pa.B. 2223 may be overcome. During the time period this General Quarantine Order is in effect, no poultry, market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, or avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers, shall be transported to, brought onto the premises of or displayed or exhibited or present at any Venue or Fair within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that is sponsored by or receives funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture or receives funding pursuant to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair Act (act of July 8, 1986, P.L. 437, No. 92) (3 P.S. §§ 1501—1510) unless the poultry, market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers, meet the standards established by section 8 (relating to general and initial standard) and section 9 (relating to specific standards) of this General Quarantine Order.

 8. General and Initial Standards. Market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers, as defined in this General Quarantine Order and as regulated under this section 8 and section 9 below may only be shipped into or within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and brought onto the premises of, or displayed or exhibited or present at any Venue or Fair, if the Department has determined that:

 (a) The location of the Venue or Fair is not within an active HPAI control area (control zone) as described in the General Quarantine Order; Virus Control for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Poultry, Poultry Litter, Conveyances, Feed, Refuse, Containers and Material Standards (52 Pa.B. 2597) (Saturday, April 30, 2022).

 (b) The location of the flock of origin is not within an active HPAI control area (control zone) as described in the General Quarantine Order; Virus Control for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Poultry, Poultry Litter, Conveyances, Feed, Refuse, Containers and Material Standards (52 Pa.B. 2597) (Saturday, April 30, 2022). Ornamental feathers which meet the requirements set forth in section 9(e) (relating to exhibition of ornamental feathers) of this General Quarantine Order are exempt from the requirements of this section.

 (c) The flock of origin has not been located on a premises on which avian influenza has been identified, through National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory testing, in poultry, non-poultry, or dairy cattle.

 (d) Where the flock of origin was located on a premises on which avian influenza was identified, as set forth in subsection (c) above, no birds shall be moved from that premises or into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, until that premises has been declared free of disease by the State Veterinarian or equivalent, followed by flock testing for avian influenza to meet the exhibition requirements set forth in this General Quarantine Order.

 (e) The flock of origin is located on a premises for which a state or federal premises identification number exists.

 (f) Only after a determination from the Department that the general and initial standards established in section 8 have been fulfilled may market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers be shipped into or within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and brought onto the premises of, or displayed or exhibited or present at any Venue or Fair.

 9. Specific Standards. Market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers meeting the standards established in section 8 of this General Quarantine, shall meet and adhere to the following standards which shall be imposed and enforced by the Department and the Venue or Fair and followed by all exhibitors.

 (a) Exhibition of Market Birds. Market birds may be exhibited only if the following criteria are met.

 (1) Identification of Market Birds. All market birds entering an exhibition shall bear an official Department issued leg band, except for ratites, which shall be identified with a neck band or an electronic implant device (the exhibitor shall supply a reader).

 (2) Movement of Market Birds. The following requirements shall apply to all market birds after being exhibited at a Department sponsored or funded exhibition.

 (i) Market birds shall move directly to a Department or USDA licensed slaughter facility immediately following the judging at the animal exhibition.

 (ii) Market birds shall not be diverted to premises other than a licensed slaughter facility.

 (iii) Market birds shall not be returned to the premises of origin, to any other premises or establishment, held for any additional period of time at the Venue or Fair, or held over at any other premises or establishment.

 (iv) It shall be the responsibility of the Venue or Fair management to ensure market birds are moved directly to a slaughter facility.

 (3) Time Allowed at Venue or Fair for Market Birds. Arrival, exhibition, and departure of market birds moving to slaughter shall occur within a 72-hour window. The 72 hours begins when the first market birds arrive on the Venue or Fair grounds, whether unloaded or not, and ends when the last market birds physically leave the Venue or Fair in a vehicle or conveyance.

 (4) Health Certification. All market birds for exhibition or display shall be accompanied by an Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement which will be provided by the Department. If a CVI is provided for entry, endorsement of biosecurity on the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' shall also be provided.

 (5) Testing. All market birds for exhibition shall meet the testing requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification).

 (6) Venue or Fair management shall maintain records as set forth in section 9(k) (relating to records). Additionally, Venue or Fair management shall maintain records of movement and the destination of market birds to a Department or USDA FSIS licensed slaughter facility for one year and shall make those records available to the Department upon request.

 (b) Exhibition of Non-poultry. Non-poultry shall be exhibited only if the following criteria are met.

 (1) Identification of Non-poultry. All non-poultry entering an exhibition shall bear an official Department- issued leg band, except for ratites, which shall be identified with a neck band or an electronic implant device (the exhibitor shall supply a reader).

 (2) Health Certification. All non-poultry for exhibition or display shall be accompanied by an Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement which will be provided by the Department. If a CVI is provided for entry, endorsement of biosecurity on the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' shall also be provided.

 (3) Testing. All non-poultry for exhibition shall meet the testing requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification) and section 9(j) (relating to pullorum-typhoid testing and verification).

 (4) Venue or Fair management shall maintain records as set forth in section 9(k) (relating to records).

 (c) Display of Hatchlings. Hatchings shall be displayed only if the following criteria are met.

 (1) Hatchlings must be for an educational display.

 (2) Hatchlings for an educational display at the Venue or Fair shall be from a single source and may be from either a poultry or non-poultry source.

 (3) Health Certification. All hatchlings for an educational display shall be accompanied by an Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement which will be provided by the Department. If a CVI is provided for entry, endorsement of biosecurity on the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' shall also be provided.

 (4) Testing. All hatchlings for an educational display shall meet the testing requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification) and section 9(j) (relating to pullorum-typhoid testing and verification).

 (5) Following display, Venue or Fair management and the owner or person displaying the hatchlings shall ensure hatchlings are moved only to a premises which does not contain poultry. After these birds reach 21 days of age, they may be moved directly to slaughter or to a premises with poultry after the flock meets the testing requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification).

 (6) Venue or Fair management shall maintain records as set forth in section 9(k) (relating to records). Additionally, Venue or Fair management shall maintain records of movement and the destination of hatchlings after display for one year and shall make those records available to the Department upon request.

 (d) Exhibition of Unfertilized and Fertilized Eggs Sourced from Poultry and Non-poultry Flocks. Unfertilized and fertilized eggs sourced from poultry and non-poultry flocks shall be exhibited only if the following criteria are met.

 (1) All unfertilized and fertilized eggs sourced from poultry and non-poultry flocks shall be washed and sanitized in a 100—200 ppm chlorine solution, or other disinfectant approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use on poultry eggs, which is effective in destroying influenza virus. The eggs shall then be dried before being placed in a carton or other container as required under section 9(d)(2) as follows.

 (2) Unfertilized and fertilized eggs sourced from poultry and non-poultry flocks shall be packaged in a new single-use cardboard or foam carton, or in a plastic carton which has been cleaned, disinfected, and dried prior to shipment to the Venue or Fair.

 (3) Once the eggs have been washed and sanitized as required at section 9(d)(1) above, the eggs shall not come into contact with any other unwashed and unsanitized avian eggs, other avian products, poultry, or non-poultry.

 (4) Unfertilized and fertilized eggs sourced from poultry and non-poultry flocks for exhibition shall be accompanied by an ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' which will be provided by the Department. If a CVI is provided for entry, endorsement of biosecurity on the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' shall also be provided.

 (5) Unfertilized and fertilized eggs shall originate from a poultry or non-poultry flock which has had a negative or not detected avian influenza test meeting the requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification) of this General Quarantine Order within the 14 days prior to entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds.

 (6) Fertilized eggs shall originate from a poultry or non-poultry flock which meets the salmonella pullorum-typhoid test requirements set forth in section 9(j) (relating to pullorum-typhoid testing and verification) of this General Quarantine Order.

 (7) Venue or Fair management shall maintain records as set forth in section 9(k) (relating to records).

 (e) Exhibition of Ornamental Feathers. Ornamental feathers shall be exhibited only if the following criteria are met.

 (1) Ornamental feathers shall be sourced from poultry or non-poultry flocks located in the United States.

 (2) Ornamental feathers shall be accompanied by an Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement which will be provided by the Department. If a CVI is provided for entry, endorsement of biosecurity on the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' shall also be provided.

 (3) Ornamental feathers that will be displayed, exhibited, entered into a competition, or that are or will be used to produce jewelry or other items that will be exhibited, or sold, or both, shall be free of visible manure, litter, or other debris.

 (4) Transport containers shall have been cleaned and disinfected prior to being used to transport ornamental feathers to the Venue or Fair.

 (5) Ornamental feathers which will be displayed, exhibited, entered into a competition, or that are or will be used to produce jewelry or other items that will be exhibited, or sold, or both, shall originate from a poultry or non-poultry flock that is not known to be infected with avian influenza. This requirement shall be met by using one of the following methods as described in (5)(i) or (5)(ii):

 (i) The ornamental feathers shall originate from a poultry or non-poultry flock which has had a negative or not detected Avian Influenza test meeting the requirements set forth in section 9(i) (relating to avian influenza testing and verification) of this General Quarantine Order within the 14 days prior to entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds to be displayed, exhibited, entered into a competition, sold, or made into jewelry for exhibit or sale at a Venue or Fair, or

 (ii) The ornamental feathers shall be clean, and held in a clean area separate from birds and other avian products for at least 120 days, at a minimum of 68 degrees Fahrenheit before entry onto the grounds of the Venue or Fair.

 (iii) Records of the avian influenza testing required by subsection (5)(i); or where the ornamental feathers are cleaned and held in a clean area as allowed under subsection (5)(ii), that include the date the ornamental feathers were moved to a holding area, along with the holding temperature, shall be kept by the person seeking to display, exhibit, sell, or enter the ornamental feathers into a competition, or to make jewelry from the ornamental feathers for display, exhibition, competition, or sale. Those records shall be included with the ''Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement'' for entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds.

 (6) Venue or Fair management shall maintain records as set forth in section 9(k) (relating to records).

 (f) Transportation of Market Birds, Non-Poultry, Hatchlings, and Avian Products. Transportation of market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, and avian products, including unfertilized and fertilized eggs and ornamental feathers (as defined in this General Quarantine Order) to the Venue or Fair and to the Department or United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) licensed slaughter plant, farm, or other destination, as allowed and required under this General Quarantine Order, shall be done in a bio-secure manner. All vehicles, conveyances, crates, equipment, or other materials used in transport shall be visibly clean and shall be cleaned and disinfected as necessary to maintain them in a sanitary manner and assure compliance with regulatory standards at 7 Pa. Code § 15.46 (related to shipping containers) and the standards established in the Department's ''Interstate and General Quarantine Order; Virus Control for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Vehicle, Container and Material Standards'' (45 Pa.B. 4930, Saturday, August 22, 2015) or subsequent order.

 (g) Health Monitoring. All market birds, non-poultry, and hatchlings on the Venue or Fair grounds shall be monitored for signs dangerous transmissible diseases and any signs of dangerous transmissible diseases shall be reported to the Department immediately (717-772-2852).

 (h) Public Access Restrictions. All market birds, non-poultry, and hatchlings on the Venue or Fair grounds shall be displayed behind barriers such as ropes to prevent public access, with signage to prevent the public from crossing the barrier.

 (i) Avian Influenza Testing and Verification.

 (1) All samples for avian influenza testing shall be collected by a certified poultry technician, a category II accredited veterinarian, or a state or federal official and shall be tested in a National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory.

 (2) Market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, unfertilized and fertilized eggs, and ornamental feathers meeting the avian influenza testing requirements set forth in this section shall originate from a flock in which a random, representative sample of a minimum of 30 birds, three (3) weeks of age or older, were tested for avian influenza within the 14 days prior to the date of entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds.

 (3) If there are fewer than 30 birds in the flock, all birds of age in that flock shall be tested.

 (4) Untested birds or birds with a non-negative test result for avian influenza shall not be comingled with or added to the tested flock after negative or not detected samples have been collected and may not be comingled with or added to the birds that are shipped to the Venue or Fair.

 (5) For waterfowl, cloacal swab samples shall be collected for virus detection testing. Swabs from geese and ducks shall not be combined in the same tube for testing.

 (6) For chickens, turkeys, game birds, and ratites, blood samples for Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) testing or tracheal or oropharyngeal swab samples for virus detection testing are acceptable samples. Samples from more than one species shall not be combined in the same tube for testing.

 (7) Market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, avian products including unfertilized and fertilized eggs, and ornamental feathers shall be accompanied by a copy of the most recent test report in addition to the health certification documentation required in this General Quarantine Order. Test results shall be negative or not detected.

 (j) Pullorum-Typhoid Testing and Verification.

 (1) All samples for pullorum-typhoid testing shall be collected by a certified poultry technician, a category II accredited veterinarian, or a state or federal official.

 (2) Non-poultry, hatchlings, and fertilized eggs shall meet the salmonella pullorum-typhoid testing requirements set forth under one of the following options. Waterfowl and fertilized waterfowl eggs are exempt from the pullorum-typhoid requirements.

 (i) Originate from a flock in good standing on the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Pullorum-typhoid Clean Program, with no break in the chain of ownership by NPIP participants. The NPIP number of the flock shall be noted on the laboratory test report, or official NPIP 9-2 form if the rapid whole blood plate test was performed, or

 (ii) Originate from a flock in good standing on the Pennsylvania Pullorum Equivalent Program and be accompanied by proof of participation from the Department, or

 (iii) Individual birds for exhibition (maximum of 300 from the flock) were tested negative for salmonella pullorum-typhoid within the 90 days prior to entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds.

 (iv) Individual birds for exhibition not meeting the age restrictions, set forth in subsection (4) of this section at the time of exhibition shall originate from a flock which meets the testing requirements set forth in subsections (1), (2)(i) and (2)(ii) of this section; or shall originate from a flock in which 300 birds of age (or the entire flock if less than 300 birds in the flock) were tested negative for salmonella pullorum-typhoid within 90 days of the date of entry onto the Venue or Fair grounds.

 (3) Non-poultry, hatchlings, and fertilized eggs shall be accompanied by a copy of the most recent test report. If the rapid whole blood plate test was performed for birds not participating in NPIP, a copy of the state equivalent testing form Flock Testing Report for Rapid Whole Blood Agglutination Plate Test ( html#q=E-FORM%20PDA%20Rapid%20Pullorum%20plate%20test%20form%202011.pdf) shall accompany the birds. Test results shall be negative.

 (4) The following age restrictions apply for salmonella pullorum-typhoid testing:

 (i) Chickens shall be tested at 4 months of age or older.

 (ii) Turkeys shall be tested at 12 weeks of age or older.

 (iii) Game birds shall be tested at 4 months of age or older, or upon sexual maturity, whichever comes first.

 (iv) Ratites shall be tested at 12 months of age or older.

 (5) National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) protocols for sample collection and testing shall be followed. All samples, excluding those tested with the rapid plate test for salmonella pullorum-typhoid, shall be tested at a NAHLN laboratory.

 (k) Records. Sample collectors and testers shall maintain records of animal identification, testing records, and any other records required by the Domestic Animal Law and any Order issued by the Department for a minimum of two years and shall make such records available to the Department upon request. Venue or show managers shall maintain records for one year, to include name and address of the exhibitor and health certification of the animals or source flocks and shall make such records available to the Department upon request. This records requirement applies to all market birds, non-poultry, hatchlings, avian products including unfertilized and fertilized eggs, ornamental feathers, and any other educational display of poultry, non-poultry, or product thereof.

 (l) Exhibition of Feathers Used for Arts and Crafts. The following standards and requirements apply to the exhibition of feathers used for arts and crafts at a Venue or Fair under this General Quarantine Order.

 (1) Feathers, shafts, and down from poultry and non-poultry source flocks shall be sourced and packaged in the United States or meet USDA import requirements.

 (2) Feathers, shafts, and down from poultry and non-poultry source flocks shall be washed or steam-treated and dried before packaging.

 (3) Records or packaging evidencing the feathers, shaft and down from poultry and non-poultry source flocks shall meet the criteria established in sections 9(l)(1) and 9(l)(2) above shall be made available to the Department and the Venue or Fair organizers upon request.

 10. Violations/Penalties. Any person violating the requirements of this General Quarantine Order shall be subject to enforcement and penalties as are allowed under the provisions of the Domestic Animal Law (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.), which include revocation of license, criminal prosecution, civil penalties of up to $10,000 per violation, injunctive relief or any combination of those penalties.

 11. No Restriction on Further Action by Department. This General Quarantine Order shall not be construed as limiting Department's authority to establish additional quarantine or testing requirements or take any actions otherwise permitted under applicable statute or regulation.

 12. Contact information. Questions regarding this General Quarantine Order shall be directed to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 or by telephone at 717-772-2852, or email at

 13. Effective Date. This General Quarantine Order shall be immediately effective upon signature and shall remain in effect unless rescinded or modified by subsequent order.


[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1531. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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