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PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 24-1860



Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC Program); Competitive Prices and Peer Group Criteria

[54 Pa.B. 8555]
[Saturday, December 28, 2024]

Peer Group Criteria

 The WIC Management Information System automatically assigns stores to one of five peer groups depending on store size, number of registers and where the store is located as follows:

Square footage 0—999 sq/ft 1,000—4,999 sq/ft 5,000—9,999 sq/ft 10,000—19,999 sq/ft 20,000—99,999 sq/ft
Peer group54321
Number of cash registers0-12—45—910—1920+
WeightingPopulation RangesDensity
Square footage30%0—69,999Remote Rural0—50
Geography40%125,000—249,999Slightly Urban100—199
500,000—999,999Metro Market Edge500—1,000
1,000,000+Metro Market Center1,000+

Competitive Prices for Peer Group 1 Stores

 Under 28 Pa. Code §§ 1103.4(5) and 1105.3(a)(1) (relating to selection criteria for authorization and reauthorization; and terms and conditions of participation) and 7 CFR 246.12 (relating to food delivery methods), the WIC Program hereby publishes notice of the Competitive Prices for Peer Group 1 Stores.

Competitive Prices

 To remain WIC Authorized, each store must maintain the minimum inventory of the following WIC food items at, or below, the Competitive Prices listed for the store's peer group. Effective January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, the Competitive Prices for WIC Authorization for Peer Group 1 Stores are as follows:

Description Peer
Bread—16 oz.1$4.54
Brown Rice—16 oz.1$1.60
Canned Beans (15.5—16 oz. can)1$1.61
Cereal (per oz.)1$0.40
Cheese—16 oz.1$7.06
Cheese—Kosher—16 oz.1$16.31
Dried Beans/peas (1 pound)1$2.58
Fresh shell eggs (dozen)1$4.97
Infant Cereal (8 oz. container)1$3.74
Infant Fruits (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)1$1.37
Infant Meats (2 oz. container)1$1.64
Infant Vegetables (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)1$1.46
Juice 11.5/12 oz.1$3.58
Juice 48 oz.1$4.45
Juice 64 oz.1$4.84
Light Tuna 5 oz.1$1.62
Milk—Kosher—Low Fat 1/2 gallon1$5.40
Milk—Low Fat 1/2 gallon1$2.81
Milk—Whole—Kosher 1/2 gallon1$5.76
Milk—Whole 1/2 gallon1$3.12
Oats—16 oz.1$2.57
Peanut Butter (16—18 oz.)1$4.00
Salmon 6 oz.1$3.82
Sardines 3.75 oz.1$1.62
Similac Adv Conc 13 oz.1$7.64
Similac Adv Pwd 12.4 oz.1$24.83
Similac Isomil Pwd 12.4 oz.1$25.58
Tortilla—16 oz.1$4.07
Whole Wheat Pasta—16 oz.1$2.14

Competitive Prices for Peer Group 2 Stores

 Under 28 Pa. Code §§ 1103.4(5) and 1105.3(a)(1) and 7 CFR 246.12, the WIC Program hereby publishes notice of the Competitive Prices for Peer Group 2 Stores.

Competitive Prices

 To remain WIC Authorized, each store must maintain the minimum inventory of the following WIC food items at, or below, the Competitive Prices listed for the store's peer group. Effective January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, the Competitive Prices for WIC Authorization for Peer Group 2 Stores are as follows:

Description Peer
Bread—16 oz.2$4.94
Brown Rice—16 oz.2$1.92
Canned Beans (15.5—16 oz. can)2$1.69
Cereal (per oz.)2$0.46
Cheese—16 oz.2$7.66
Cheese—Kosher—16 oz.2$16.80
Dried Beans/peas (1 pound)2$2.72
Fresh shell eggs (dozen)2$5.18
Infant Cereal (8 oz. container)2$4.32
Infant Fruits (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)2$1.48
Infant Meats (2 oz. container)2$1.75
Infant Vegetables (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)2$1.49
Juice 11.5/12 oz.2$3.83
Juice 48 oz.2$5.32
Juice 64 oz.2$5.28
Light Tuna 5 oz.2$1.74
Milk—Kosher—Low Fat 1/2 gallon2$5.64
Milk—Low Fat 1/2 gallon2$2.94
Milk—Whole—Kosher 1/2 gallon2$6.00
Milk—Whole 1/2 gallon2$3.17
Oats—16 oz.2$2.81
Peanut Butter (16—18 oz.)2$4.06
Salmon 6 oz.2$4.03
Sardines 3.75 oz.2$1.85
Similac Adv Conc 13 oz.2$8.74
Similac Adv Pwd 12.4 oz.2$26.92
Similac Isomil Pwd 12.4 oz.2$26.96
Tortilla—16 oz.2$4.32
Whole Wheat Pasta—16 oz.2$2.32

Competitive Prices for Peer Group 3 Stores

 Under 28 Pa. Code §§ 1103.4(5) and 1105.3(a)(1) and 7 CFR 246.12, the WIC Program hereby publishes notice of the Competitive Prices for Peer Group 3 Stores.

Competitive Prices

 To remain WIC Authorized, each store must maintain the minimum inventory of the following WIC food items at, or below, the Competitive Prices listed for the store's peer group. Effective January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, the Competitive Prices for WIC Authorization for Peer Group 3 Stores are as follows:

Description Peer
Bread—16 oz.3$5.03
Brown Rice—16 oz.3$2.59
Canned Beans (15.5—16 oz. can)3$1.80
Cereal (per oz.)3$0.48
Cheese—16 oz.3$7.73
Cheese—Kosher—16 oz.3$18.00
Dried Beans/peas (1 pound)3$2.92
Fresh shell eggs (dozen)3$5.36
Infant Cereal (8 oz. container)3$4.70
Infant Fruits (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)3$1.67
Infant Meats (2 oz. container)3$1.99
Infant Vegetables (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)3$1.68
Juice 11.5/12 oz.3$4.15
Juice 48 oz.3$5.70
Juice 64 oz.3$5.53
Light Tuna 5 oz.3$1.86
Milk—Kosher—Low Fat 1/2 gallon3$5.93
Milk—Low Fat 1/2 gallon3$3.19
Milk—Whole—Kosher 1/2 gallon3$6.24
Milk—Whole 1/2 gallon3$3.23
Oats—16 oz.3$3.07
Peanut Butter (16—18 oz.)3$4.14
Salmon 6 oz.3$4.46
Sardines 3.75 oz.3$1.90
Similac Adv Conc 13 oz.3$9.88
Similac Adv Pwd 12.4 oz.3$28.63
Similac Isomil Pwd 12.4 oz.3$28.96
Tortilla—16 oz.3$4.44
Whole Wheat Pasta—16 oz.3$2.56

Competitive Prices for Peer Group 4 Stores

 Under 28 Pa. Code §§ 1103.4(5) and 1105.3(a)(1) and 7 CFR 246.12, the WIC Program hereby publishes notice of the Competitive Prices for Peer Group 4 Stores.

Competitive Prices

 To remain WIC Authorized, each store must maintain the minimum inventory of the following WIC food items at, or below, the Competitive Prices listed for the store's peer group. Effective January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, the Competitive Prices for WIC Authorization for Peer Group 4 Stores are as follows:

Description Peer
Bread—16 oz.4$6.23
Brown Rice—16 oz.4$2.84
Canned Beans (15.5—16 oz. can)4$2.14
Cereal (per oz.)4$0.64
Cheese—16 oz.4$10.06
Cheese—Kosher—16 oz.4$20.16
Dried Beans/peas (1 pound)4$3.20
Fresh shell eggs (dozen)4$5.81
Infant Cereal (8 oz. container)4$5.86
Infant Fruits (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)4$1.81
Infant Meats (2 oz. container)4$2.04
Infant Vegetables (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)4$1.80
Juice 11.5/12 oz.4$4.94
Juice 48 oz.4$6.53
Juice 64 oz.4$7.60
Light Tuna 5 oz.4$2.28
Milk—Kosher—Low Fat 1/2 gallon4$6.23
Milk—Low Fat 1/2 gallon4$4.03
Milk—Whole—Kosher 1/2 gallon4$6.76
Milk—Whole 1/2 gallon4$4.08
Oats—16 oz.4$3.41
Peanut Butter (16—18 oz.)4$5.72
Salmon 6 oz.4$5.18
Sardines 3.75 oz.4$2.57
Similac Adv Conc 13 oz.4$13.86
Similac Adv Pwd 12.4 oz.4$37.52
Similac Isomil Pwd 12.4 oz.4$38.33
Tortilla—16 oz.4$4.67
Whole Wheat Pasta—16 oz.4$2.93

Competitive Prices for Peer Group 5 Stores

 Under 28 Pa. Code §§ 1103.4(5) and 1105.3(a)(1) and 7 CFR 246.12, the WIC Program hereby publishes notice of the Competitive Prices for Peer Group 5 Stores.

Competitive Prices

 To remain WIC Authorized, each store must maintain the minimum inventory of the following WIC food items at, or below, the Competitive Prices listed for the store's peer group. Effective January 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, the Competitive Prices for WIC Authorization for Peer Group 5 Stores are as follows:

Description Peer
Bread—16 oz.5$6.67
Brown Rice—16 oz.5$3.47
Canned Beans (15.5—16 oz. can)5$2.76
Cereal (per oz.)5$0.71
Cheese—16 oz.5$13.07
Cheese—Kosher—16 oz.5$20.40
Dried Beans/peas (1 pound)5$3.71
Fresh shell eggs (dozen)5$6.41
Infant Cereal (8 oz. container)5$6.34
Infant Fruits (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)5$1.90
Infant Meats (2 oz. container)5$2.17
Infant Vegetables (4 oz. or 2—2 oz. pack)5$1.96
Juice 11.5/12 oz.5$5.22
Juice 48 oz.5$7.22
Juice 64 oz.5$8.86
Light Tuna 5 oz.5$3.12
Milk—Kosher—Low Fat 1/2 gallon5$6.60
Milk—Low Fat 1/2 gallon5$5.14
Milk—Whole—Kosher 1/2 gallon5$7.20
Milk—Whole 1/2 gallon5$5.00
Oats—16 oz.5$3.77
Peanut Butter (16—18 oz.)5$6.43
Salmon 6 oz.5$5.40
Sardines 3.75 oz.5$3.65
Similac Adv Conc 13 oz.5$14.40
Similac Adv Pwd 12.4 oz.5$45.92
Similac Isomil Pwd 12.4 oz.5$48.77
Tortilla—16 oz.5$5.68
Whole Wheat Pasta—16 oz.5$3.43

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nondiscrimination Statement:

 In accordance with Federal civil rights law and the USDA civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

 Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (for example, Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language) should contact the responsible State or local agency that administers the program or the USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact the USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

 To file a program discrimination complaint, a complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992 or by writing a letter addressed to the USDA. The letter must contain the complainant's name, address, telephone number and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442,

 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

 The Pennsylvania WIC program is funded by the USDA. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider.

 Persons with a disability who require an alternative format of this listing (for example, large print, audiotape, Braille) should contact the Department of Health, Bureau of WIC, 625 Forster Street, 7th Floor West, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 783-1289, or for speech and/or hearing-impaired persons, call the Pennsylvania Hamilton Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD users) or (800) 654-5988 (voice users).


[Pa.B. Doc. No. 24-1860. Filed for public inspection December 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m.]

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